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资源名称:bc40.rar [点击查看]
- @echo off
- @rem Save off env's, if already used
- if not "%bc4patch%" == "" set oldbc4patch=%bc4patch%
- set bc4patch=
- @rem Argument checking
- if "%0" == "INSTALL" goto Chkusage
- if "%0" == "install" goto Chkusage
- goto RunFromFloppy
- :Chkusage
- if "%1" == "" goto Usage
- if "%2" == "" goto Usage
- if "%2" == "/B" goto Usage
- if "%2" == "/b" goto Usage
- if not "%3" == "" goto backup
- :chkexist
- if exist %1patch.exe goto Warning
- @rem Copy patch files
- :Copyrtp
- @echo.
- @echo Copying patch files into %1...
- copy patch.exe %1
- copy patch.exe %2
- copy cddr.com %1
- copy bc4p01.rtp %1
- copy bc4p02.rtp %1
- copy bc4p03.rtp %1
- copy ta4p01.rtp %1
- copy bc4p04.rtp %2
- @rem Running patch
- cddr %1
- @echo.
- @echo Running patch . . .
- patch bc4p01.rtp %bc4patch%
- @echo Running patch . . .
- patch bc4p02.rtp %bc4patch%
- @echo Running patch . . .
- patch bc4p03.rtp %bc4patch%
- @echo Running patch . . .
- patch ta4p01.rtp %bc4patch%
- @echo Cleaning up . . .
- del patch.exe
- del bc4p01.rtp
- del bc4p02.rtp
- del bc4p03.rtp
- del ta4p01.rtp
- cddr %2
- del %1cddr.com
- @echo Running patch . . .
- patch bc4p04.rtp %bc4patch%
- @echo Cleaning up . . .
- del patch.exe
- del bc4p04.rtp
- @echo.
- @echo Patch completed.
- @echo.
- goto End
- :backup
- if "%3" == "/b" set bc4patch=-backup
- if "%3" == "/B" set bc4patch=-backup
- if "%bc4patch%"=="" goto Usage
- goto chkexist
- :Warning
- @echo %1patch.exe already exists. If you do not wish to
- @echo overwrite it, then press Ctrl-Break to exit.
- pause
- goto Copyrtp
- :RunFromFloppy
- @echo.
- @echo You must run install.bat from the floppy disk drive. For example,
- @echo.
- @echo a:
- @echo install c:bc4 c:windows
- @echo.
- goto Usage
- :Usage
- @echo.
- @echo Borland C++ 4.0 Patch Install
- @echo.
- @echo install base_dir windows_dir [/b]
- @echo.
- @echo where the base_dir is the base directory where BC4 is
- @echo installed, windows_dir is the directory where Windows
- @echo is installed and (the optional) /b specifies to backup the
- @echo original file versions. For example,
- @echo.
- @echo install c:bc4 c:windows /b
- @echo.
- goto End
- :End
- set bc4patch=
- if not "%oldbc4patch%" == "" set bc4patch=%oldbc4patch%