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资源名称:bc40.rar [点击查看]
- Welcome to Borland C++ 4.0
- --------------------------
- This README file contains important information about Borland C++.
- For the latest information about Borland C++ and its accompanying
- programs and manuals, read this entire file.
- -----------------
- -----------------
- 1. How to Get Help
- 2. Installation
- 3. Features
- -Compiler
- -Linker
- -IDE
- -Turbo Debugger
- -Resource Workshop
- -ObjectWindows Library (OWL)
- -VBX Support
- -Documentation
- 4. Important Information
- -General
- -New Tools
- -Running from a Windows 3.1 DOS Prompt
- -C/C++ Language Changes
- -Developing for NT
- -Libraries and Startup Code
- -New Compiler and Linker Switches
- -Converting Your Borland C++ 3.1 Windows Code to Borland C++ 4.0
- -Class Libraries
- -Casting Macros
- -IDE/Integrated Debugging
- -Floating Point Formats
- -Turbo Debugger for Windows
- -Using Tools with NTFS
- ------------------
- ------------------
- If you have any problems, please read this file, the
- HELPME!.DOC and other files in your DOC subdirectory, and
- check the on-line help and the Borland C++ manuals first.
- If you still have a question and need assistance, help is
- available from the following sources:
- 1. For instant on-line access to the Borland forums with
- their libraries of technical information and answers
- to common questions, type
- GO BCPPDOS - for questions pertaining to DOS
- or
- GO BCPPWIN - for questions pertaining to Windows
- If you are not a member of CompuServe, see the enclosed
- special offer, and write for full details on how to receive
- a free IntroPak containing a $15 credit toward your first
- month's on-line charges.
- 2. Borland offers a wide variety of Technical Support plans
- providing a range of assistance from installation and general
- usage of Borland C++ to language syntax, programming, and
- debugging help. For information about these support programs,
- call 1-800-523-7070.
- 3. Borland's TECHFAX service. Call (800) 822-4269 for a FAX
- catalog of technical document entries.
- 4. Borland DLBBS. Dial (408) 431-5096 (up to 9600 baud, 8-N-1)
- for a host of free technical documents and example programs.
- 5. For immediate assistance with everything from configuring Borland C++
- to programming or debugging, call our C++ Programmer's
- Advisor Lines ($2/minute, first minute free):
- * Windows / Win32: 1-900-555-1002 or 1-800-782-5558 (MC/Visa)
- * DOS : 1-900-555-1004 or 1-800-368-3366 (MC/Visa)
- ---------------
- ---------------
- Important!
- ----------
- Do not install Borland C++ 4.0 files over previously installed Borland
- C++ directories. The files in this distribution will not work
- with previously shipped tools and libraries. This is particularly
- true for configuration files from previous shipping
- releases, like TDCONFIG.TDW and BCCONFIG.BCW.
- Also, be especially careful when using object files and libraries
- from Borland C++ 3.1 with binaries created with this release. There are
- several potential problems when linking with old objects or libraries.
- Exceptions won't work correctly (destructors won't get called) when a
- pre-BC4 stack frame is unwound due to an exception. Also, if a constructor
- or destructor compiled with a pre-BC4 compiler is involved in exception
- unwinding, trouble may occur. Another potential problem is when an RTTI class
- is shared with pre-BC4 code; some cases of that will be caught by the linker,
- but others may fail mysteriously. Try using the -K2 switch to get pre-BC4 code
- to link. Note: these problems are C++ specific. C objects between versions
- should be more readily compatible.
- Installing Borland C++ 4.0 on your hard disk:
- --------------------------------------
- Installing from floppy disks:
- 1. Select File|Run from Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups 3.1x,
- or Windows NT.
- 2. Enter A:INSTALL (or B:INSTALL) on the input line.
- 3. Under "Installation Options", you have the option of not
- installing Win32s, which should be turned off if you are
- installing under Windows NT.
- (NOTE that BCW does not run under NT, so if you are only using
- NT, you may wish to not install it.)
- 4. Fill in directories as appropriate, and INSTALL will create
- appropriate Windows groups, install Win32s, and install the
- new Borland C++ 4.0 software according to the directories you select.
- Installing from the CDROM:
- 1. Go to the CDROM, and change directories to INSTALL.
- 2. Select File|Run from Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups 3.1x,
- or Windows NT.
- 3. Enter X:INSTALL on the input line (where X: is your CDROM drive).
- 4. Under "Installation Options", you have the option of not
- installing Win32s, which should be turned off if you are
- installing under Windows NT.
- 5. Fill in directories as appropriate, and INSTALL will create
- appropriate Windows groups, install Win32s, and install the
- new Borland C++ 4.0 software according to the directories you select.
- To use the built-in transfer tools and Help, make sure their location is
- in your path (the BIN directory for Borland C++ 4.0).
- After installing, make sure your path is set correctly, and restart
- Windows before using Borland C++ 4.0.
- NOTE: If you want to install the Win32s debug kernel, use the
- SWITCH.BAT file provided with the Microsoft Win32s tools, found on the
- NT SDK CD-ROM distribution. This will ensure that the proper files
- are copied to the appropriate places. Not copying the files correctly
- will result in obscure load errors.
- Configuring Borland Pascal and Borland C++
- ------------------------------------------
- The install program for Borland C++ 4.0 will configure your system to
- allow the use of Borland C++ 4.0 and Borland Pascal 7.0 on the same
- machine. As long as you have installed Borland Pascal prior to
- (rather than after) installing Borland C++ there are very few
- guidelines you must follow:
- - The two Windows hosted IDEs may not be run simultaneously.
- - Each must use their respective copies of tools and utilities that
- depend on debug information, most notably Turbo Debugger for Windows
- (TDW). You may find it useful to rename the Borland Pascal version
- of TDW.EXE to something like BPTDW.EXE to avoid confusing filenames
- in your path.
- - Both versions of TDW may not be run simultaneously.
- - Make sure that old copies of TDW.INI are removed from your system.
- (Running the utility TDWINI.EXE will make sure that this takes
- place.)
- That's all there is to it! To reduce disk space requirements, you
- may wish to remove duplicate versions of utilities that do not
- require debug information, such as WinSight and Resource Workshop.
- In these cases, you will want to use the versions that came with
- Borland C++ 4.0 so that you will have the latest features.
- If you wish to use TDWGUI.DLL with TDW version 3.1 you need to
- manually add UseTimer=Yes to the VideoOptions section of TDW.INI.
- Note that this option should not be set when using TDW version 4.0.
- This means that you would need to hand change your TDW.INI file each
- time you switched between versions of TDW. For this reason, we
- recommend the non-windowed video DLLs (such as SVGA.DLL) for
- customers who debug both BP and BC applications.
- If you are installing Borland Pascal 7.0 AFTER Borland C++ 4.0 has
- been installed, you will have to manually change the system settings
- that allow these products to coexist:
- In your system.ini file, check your [386Enh] section for multiple
- entries for the device TDDEBUG.386. Remove duplicate entries of
- TDDEBUG.386 so that only the version from Borland C++ is loaded. On
- disk, you may also want to rename or remove the BP7 versions of
- TDDEBUG.386 and TDWIN.DLL to avoid their accidental loading. You
- must restart Windows after making changes to system.ini.
- Win32s and minimum swap file size
- ---------------------------------
- Borland recommends that you have a minimum of 12 MB of memory available to
- run Win32s applications. For example, if your machine has 8 MB of memory
- available to Windows, you should configure your "Virtual Memory" (swapfile)
- to at least 4 MB. This will reduce the risk of out-of-memory errors
- occuring in Win32s.
- NT console applications and Win32s
- ----------------------------------
- There is no Win32s console, so attempting to run a Win32 console
- application without NT loaded will result in an error.
- Changes to SYSTEM.INI file
- --------------------------
- The install program makes these changes to the SYSTEM.INI file:
- 1) Adds "device=c:bc4binwindpmi.386" to support our 32-bit tools.
- 2) Adds "device=c:bc4bintddebug.386" to support our debugger.
- Configuring the Windows NT command prompt
- -----------------------------------------
- To run 16-bit protected-mode programs (bcc, tlink) under an NT command prompt
- you need to add the following line to CONFIG.NT:
- ntcmdprompt
- Under the default NT command-line prompt, DOS COMMAND.COM is run after
- returning from a TSR (such as RTM.EXE which bcc and tlink load). Adding the
- above line will cause the original NT CMD.EXE to be run.
- Outdated versions of Win32s
- ---------------------------
- If you are running an outdated version of Win32s, the INSTALL program will
- instruct you to remove it before installation. To remove an old
- version of Win32s perform the following steps:
- 1. Change directory to the WINDOWS directory on your hard drive. This
- is most likely C:WINDOWS.
- 2. Edit the SYSTEM.INI file and remove the line in the [386Enh]
- section that reads:
- (The actual path in the above line may be different to reflect your
- configuration.)
- 3. Change directory to the SYSTEM subdirectory.
- 4. Remove the following files:
- WIN32S16.DLL
- 5. Change directory to the WIN32S subdirectory.
- 6. Remove all files here.
- 7. Change directory back to SYSTEM and remove the WIN32S subdirectory.
- You will now be ready to run the INSTALL program. Be sure to select
- <Install Win32s> in the INSTALL program so that the newer version of Win32s
- will be installed on your system.
- -----------
- -----------
- Compiler:
- ---------
- - Support for writing 16 and 32-bit Windows applications that target
- Windows 3.1, Win32s and Windows NT, and 16-bit DOS applications.
- - Pentium support.
- - Support for ANSI C++ exception handling, structured exception handling
- under C, and mixed C/C++ exception handling. All exception handling
- constructs are available for both 16- and 32-bit.
- - Additional optimizations and faster compile time.
- - Support for ANSI C++ operator new[] and operator delete[].
- - Runtime Library support for the ANSI C++ string class.
- - Support for ANSI C++ runtime type identification (RTTI).
- - Support for ANSI C++ new style casts dynamic_cast, static_cast, const_cast,
- and reinterpret_cast.
- - Support for three character types as provided in ANSI C++.
- Linker (16-bit and 32-bit):
- ---------------------------
- - Now handles binding of resources; no need for a separate RC or
- RLINK step.
- - Linker debug capacity expanded.
- ---
- - 16-bit DOS and Windows plus 32-bit Windows targeting from a single IDE.
- - Integrated GUI debugging for 16-bit Windows applications.
- - Includes both 16- and 32-bit tools (compiler, linker, resource
- compiler, resource binder, and library manager)
- - A new project manager that supports multiple targets, drag-and-drop,
- and Style Sheets for associating options.
- - AppExpert, which simplifies the process of creating
- ObjectWindows applications through code generation.
- - ClassExpert, which simplifies adding and managing classes in
- your AppExpert application.
- - Transfers, Settings Notebook, SpeedMenus, and a configurable SpeedBar.
- - Expanded editor support, including column blocking and window
- splitting. TEMC now called KEYMAPR.
- Turbo Debugger:
- ---------------
- - Turbo Debugger (TD32) for Win32s and Windows NT.
- - Support for OS exception handling.
- - Support C/C++ exception handling.
- - Windows NT thread support.
- - Video DLL to run TDW in a window.
- - Remote debugging with TDW.
- - Session state saving.
- - Process attach for Windows NT.
- - Turbo Debugger Video Configuration Utility (TDWINI.EXE).
- - Built in large model for greater capacity.
- Resource Workshop:
- ------------------
- - Support for Win32s, Win32.
- - Resource preview
- - DialogExpert
- - Auto ID numbering
- - Auto mapping of accelerators and help hints to menu items
- - Support for VBX controls
- - SpeedMenus
- - Dialog editor property inspector
- - Integrated with ClassExpert and IDE project manager
- ObjectWindows Library (OWL)
- ---------------------------
- - Complete coverage of Windows API, including GDI
- - Single source for Win 3.1, Win 32s, and NT
- - Built in exception handling using standard C++ exceptions for robust error
- handling
- - Built-in type safety using standard C++ templates
- - Toolbars, status lines, and print preview
- - Flexible Document/View architecture
- - Supports VBX 1.0 controls in a dialog or window
- - Layout Windows
- - Mix-in architecture
- - Support for 3d controls
- - Support for BWCC controls
- - Gadgets and Widgets
- - Multi threading support
- - Printing and print previewing support
- VBX Support
- -----------
- Borland's visual tools, such as Resource Workshop, provide support of VBX 1.0
- controls via a DLL called BIVBX10.DLL. You can freely distrubute this DLL
- with programs you create that use VBX controls.
- BIVBX10.DLL has been tested with a large number of VBX controls written to the
- Microsoft Visual Basic 1.0 CDK specification. If you have a problem with a
- specific control, make sure that it does not require VB 2.0 or VB 3.0 CDK
- functionality. VBX 2.0 and 3.0 controls will usually display a message saying
- that they require VB 2.0 or 3.0 support. In some cases, though, the control may
- appear to work but exhibit instability. Please contact the control vendor and
- explain the problem. They may have an updated control or may be able to contact
- Borland to find a solution.
- Documentation:
- --------------
- This distribution includes printed and online documentation
- to help you understand and use the new features of Borland C++ 4.0, as well
- as online Help.
- For C++ Language and Programming information:
- See the Library Reference, the
- Programmer's Guide, and the DOS Reference.
- See also the online Help.
- For information on using MAKE, TLINK, and resource tools:
- See the User's Guide.
- See also the online Help.
- For information on keyboard mapping and KEYMAPR (used to be called TEMC):
- See the online Help.
- For information on using the IDE, AppExpert & ClassExpert, the Integrated
- Debugger, and compiling options:
- See the User's Guide.
- See also the online Help.
- For information on using the new Project Manager:
- See the online Help.
- For information on converting your ObjectWindows 1.0 code to
- ObjectWindows 2.0:
- See the ObjectWindows Programmer's Guide.
- See also the online text file owldoc.wri.
- For information on programming in ObjectWindows 2.0:
- See the ObjectWindows Reference Guide, and the
- ObjectWindows Programmer's Guide.
- See also the online text file, owldoc.wri.
- For help using Turbo Debugger:
- See the online text files helpme!.tdw and hints.tdw.
- See also the online Help.
- To use the online Help, make sure the Borland C++ 4.0 BIN directory is
- on your path.
- ------------------------
- ------------------------
- -------
- Note that if you have only 8 MB of RAM, you might experience some out-of-memory
- problems building and using 32-bit applications. Please see the section below
- titled, "Out of memory and MAKESWAP".
- Object File Format
- ------------------
- This product is designed to use and generate only object files which adhere
- to the Intel OMF (Object Module Format) specification. This means that TLINK32
- and TLIB only accept files of this format, and all provided libraries use
- this format. There is no support in the linker or librarian for COFF object
- modules produced by Microsoft C tools.
- ----
- MAKE will not put a space between two sets of file list macros as in BC++ 3.1
- and before. The example makefile below illustrates this; simply execute MAKE
- in the directory containing the makefile. The output is:
- ALLOBJS1 = one onetwo two
- ALLOBJS2 = one one two two
- makefile:
- OBJS1 =
- one
- one
- OBJS2 =
- two
- two
- ALLOBJS2 = $(OBJS1) $(OBJS2)
- ..:
- @@echo ALLOBJS1 = $(ALLOBJS1)
- @@echo ALLOBJS2 = $(ALLOBJS2)
- Out of Memory and MAKESWAP
- --------------------------
- If you get "Out of Memory" errors from DOS when running the
- command-line tools, create a swap file with the MAKESWAP utility.
- (Note that this applies to DOS only, not to DOS boxes opened under
- Windows.) MAKESWAP takes the size of the file to create in KBytes,
- for example:
- MAKESWAP 12000
- will create a 12MB swap file in the current directory called EDPMI.SWP
- for use by Borland command line tools. To enable the swap file, use
- the DPMI32 environment variable by issuing the following command at
- the DOS prompt:
- set DPMI32=SWAPFILE <location of swap file>EDPMI.SWP
- Note that you must clear this environment variable by issuing the
- command
- set DPMI32=
- before running Paradox or other 16-bit DPMI-hosted executables,
- such as Borland C++ 3.1 command-line tools.
- Threads
- -------
- When creating secondary threads, the _beginthread or _beginthreadNT and
- _endthread() RTL functions must be used to ensure the proper RTL
- initialization and cleanup. Using NT's CreateThread and ExitThread functions
- will result in undefined behavior if an implicit or explicit call is made to
- the RTL. Note that using exception handling and/or RTTI can lead to implicit
- RTL calls.
- DDVT functions and RTTI
- -----------------------
- When compiling code that contains DDVT functions, do not use run-time type
- information. If you attempt this, you will receive an error message. In order
- to compile without using run-time type information, compile all code that
- uses DDVTs (for instance OWL 1.0x libraries and applications) with the
- -RT- switch (Options|Project|C++ Options|Exception handlingRTTI in the IDE).
- Inline assembly and interrupts
- ------------------------------
- If your inline assembly code includes an interrupt call, the compiler does not
- preserve any registers altered by the call. You must write code to save and
- restore registers when using interrupt calls within inline assembly code.
- Obsolete Win32 functions
- ------------------------
- To discover when a function (such as DOS3Call) is obsolete under Win32, click
- on the hypertext link for "Win32 version" in Online Help. This leads to a new
- screen explaining that you can't use this function in Win32. When a
- function works differently in the two versions, a link appears on the
- first screen enabling the user to jump directly to help for the Win32
- version of the function.
- BC4 path name
- ------------------
- Any occurrence of BORLANDC in the BC++ 4.0 path should be replaced with BC4.
- Creating 16-bit import libraries from .DEF files
- ------------------------------------------------
- Use the /o implib switch when creating 16-bit import libraries from .DEF files
- to prevent implib from generating extensions for import entry module names.
- Debugging DDE applications
- --------------------------
- DDE applications must be debugged in hard mode.
- ----------
- New Tools
- ----------
- The 16-bit linker has been modified in this version to allow for more than 64K
- symbols in the executable's symbol table. The following tools have changed to
- conform to the resulting new debug information format:
- Turbo Debugger (standalone)
- IDE Debugger
- IDE Browser
- These tools have versioning information, so that if you attempt to use any of
- them with executables created in prior versions, an error message will result.
- You will then need to relink your executables.
- If you don't see correct dump information when using TDUMP version 4.1 on your
- executables, check the header at the top of the output. If it does not indicate
- version 4.0 debug information, the associated .EXE file must be recompiled with
- version 4.0 tools.
- -------------------------------------
- Running from a Windows 3.1 DOS Prompt
- -------------------------------------
- If you run BCC or TLINK from a Windows DOS box and you get
- out of memory errors, increase the XMS memory (in the 'Maximum'
- setting) allocated for the DOS box by editing the appropriate .PIF
- file (usually DOSPRMPT.PIF). BCC.EXE needs about 4MB to compile
- medium-sized .CPP files, and might need more memory for large .CPP
- files with debugging information.
- NOTE: You must set the 'Maximum:' setting to the amount needed, not
- the 'Required:' setting. Using the 'Required:' setting only
- sets aside memory for XMS, NOT for DPMI services and hence
- any amount set in the 'Required:' setting box is unavailable.
- -------------------
- Developing under NT
- -------------------
- To do development on NT, use the command-line tools, Resource
- Workshop, and TD32. Using the IDE under NT is not currently
- supported.
- ----------------------
- C/C++ Language Changes
- ----------------------
- Many changes were made to the compiler in compliance with the
- latest changes proposed by the ANSI C++ committee. These include
- three distinct char types, enhancements to templates, support for
- virtual functions differing in return types, and other improvements
- listed here. See the Library Reference and the Programmer's Guide
- for complete details on these changes and how they affect your
- code.
- wchar_t is a fundamental data type in C++ programs. In C programs it continues
- to be a typedef defined in stddef.h. See online Help.
- Enum operator overloading is also supported in this compiler.
- The runtime library now supports the ANSI C++ string class.
- If you already have a string class, it must be renamed for Borland C++ 4.0.
- In addition, operator new and operator new[] now throw an
- exception (xalloc), as specified by the ANSI C++ committee.
- To get the old behavior, you can issue set_new_handler(0). (Note,
- however, that set_new_handler(0) does not work with ObjectWindows
- or string classes.) See Chapter 3 of the Programmer's Guide.
- Note that arrays are now being allocated through operator new[]()
- and deleted by operator delete[](). An example is provided in
- Chapter 3 of the Programmer's Guide.
- Borland C++ 4.0 implements ANSI C++ runtime type identification (RTTI). See
- the Library Reference, "C++ runtime support", for a description of
- class Type_info. RTTI and operator typeid() are fully described in
- Chapter 3 of the Programmer's Guide.
- Borland C++ 4.0 provides a full implementation of exception handling
- under C++ and C. C exceptions can be handled in C or C++ code;
- C++ exceptions can be handled only in C++ code. The C++ exceptions are
- described in the Library Reference, "C++ run-time support." See Chapter 4
- of the Programmer's Guide for a full description of how to use exception
- handling.
- Borland C++ 4.0 also implements the accepted ANSI C++ new style casts. See the
- Chapter 3 of the Programmer's Guide for information and examples.
- --------------------------
- Libraries and Startup Code
- --------------------------
- The contents of the LIB directory are described in the online Help.
- See the DOS Reference for a description of DOS-only libraries and
- start-up code.
- There are two new functions that provide access to 32-bit operating system
- file handles. See online Help for a description of _open_osfhandle and
- _get_osfhandle.
- Member function Type_info::fname() is not available.
- Several global variables and library functions have been renamed. See the
- Library Reference, Chapter 1.
- ----------------------------------
- Compiler and Linker Switch Changes
- ----------------------------------
- See the User's Guide for information on new compiler and linker switches.
- You may get this 32-bit Linker warning:
- Warning: External symbol <XX> was not qualified with __import in
- module <YY>
- If the symbol <XX> is a function, you can ignore this warning. If
- the symbol <XX> is data, then you must qualify the symbol with __import.
- BCC32 provides support for the Pentium processor. This support is enabled
- by the -5 compiler switch.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Converting Your Borland C++ Version 3.1 Windows Code to Borland C++ 4.0
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- To get your BC++ 3.1 code to compile and run successfully under Borland C++ 4.0,
- you can modify your code to reflect three character types where compiler
- errors occur when using the Borland C++ 4.0 RTL includes. Otherwise, you can
- use the -K2 compiler option with the RTL includes from BC++ 3.1. This option
- provides for only two character types. (Note that -K2, a backward
- compatibility switch, is supported only in the 16-bit compiler.)
- Also, use operator new[]() and delete[]() syntax for class arrays.
- Note that certain 32-bit to 8-bit conversions allowed by ANSI are flagged
- by BCC32 with "Conversion may lose significant digits in function XXXXX".
- You can safely ignore this message if you are doing certain types of 32-bit
- to 8-bit casts (for instance, int to char) and you're not worried about
- losing significant digits in those cases.
- ------------------------------
- Changes to the Class Libraries
- ------------------------------
- Only the version of the class library implemented with C++ templates
- is distributed and directly supported in Borland C++ 4.0.
- The class library "object-based" include files are provided in the
- BC4INCLUDECLASSLIBOBSOLETE subdirectory. The object-based
- libraries themselves are not supplied, but can be built using the
- instructions found in the BC4SOURCECLASSLIB makefile (see the
- comments located there).
- TSArray and TSArrayIterator classes have been added to the class libraries.
- They are aliases for TSArrayAsVector and TSArrayAsVectorIterator.
- The Flush and Delete member functions for direct containers (except
- dictionaries) no longer take a delete parameter (this parameter had been
- ignored since direct containers have their own copy of the contained element).
- For example:
- TMArrayAsVector<double> arr(10);
- arr.Flush(); // legal
- arr.Flush(1); // illegal - causes syntax error
- arr.Detach(index); // legal
- arr.Detach(index,1); // illegal - causes syntax error
- TMIArrayAsVector<double> arr1(10);
- arr1.Flush(); // legal
- arr1.Flush(1); // legal.
- arr1.Detach(index); // legal
- arr1.Detach(index,1); // legal
- Bag and set container member function FindMember is now called Find.
- It takes the same parameters.
- Association containers now have a member function called DeleteElements:
- void DeleteElements()
- The dictionary containing the associations determines whether pointed-to
- objects should be deleted, and, if so, calls DeleteElements for each of
- the associations it holds. The Detach and Flush member functions for the
- TMDictionaryAsHashTable template (and all templates derived from it)
- have been changed to the following:
- int Detach( const T &t, DeleteType dt = DefDelete )
- void Flush( DeleteType dt = DefDelete )
- These changes to the direct versions of the dictionary templates makes them
- similar to an indirect container in how they handle object ownership. Here is
- an example:
- TDIAssociation<int,int> assoc( 3, new int(4) ); //create an association
- TDictionaryAsHashTable<int,int> dict; //creates a dictionary
- dict.Add( assoc ); //copies assoc into the dictionary
- dict.OwnsElements(); //tell dict that it should delete pointed-to objects
- dict.Flush(); //deletes the int created by new in the first line.
- All list and double-list containers now have the DetachAtHead member function.
- This function removes items from the head of a list without searching for a
- match. The syntax is
- int DetachAtHead() // for direct lists
- int DetachAtHead( int del = 0 ) //for indirect lists
- Example:
- TMListImp<MyObject>list; //create list to hold MyObjects
- list.Add(MyObject()); //construct a MyObject, add to list
- list.Add(MyObject()); //add second MyObject
- list.DetachAtHead(); //remove MyObject at head of list
- Changes to class diagnostics
- ----------------------------
- Previously, in order to create a diagnostic group you had to declare it
- and define it in the same file:
- DIAG_DEFINE_GROUP( Sample, 1, 0 );
- We also provided a macro that did both of these together:
- DIAG_CREATE_GROUP( Sample, 1, 0 );
- A change in the diagnostic software makes it illegal to have both
- DECLARE and DEFINE in the same file. So code that creates a diagnostic
- group now does it in one step:
- DIAG_DEFINE_GROUP( Sample, 1, 0 );
- DIAG_CREATE_GROUP has been removed. DIAG_DECLARE_GROUP still creates an
- extern declaration for a diagnostic group (see file CHECKS.H and CHECKS.CPP).
- Code that uses both DIAG_DECLARE_GROUP and DIAG_DEFINE_GROUP in the same
- file must be changed to remove DIAG_DECLARE_GROUP.
- Old code:
- DIAG_DEFINE_GROUP( Sample, 1, 0 );
- New code:
- DIAG_DEFINE_GROUP( Sample, 1, 0 );
- Any use of DIAG_CREATE_GROUP must be changed to DIAG_DEFINE_GROUP.
- Old code:
- DIAG_CREATE_GROUP( Sample, 1, 0);
- New code:
- DIAG_DEFINE_GROUP( Sample, 1, 0 );
- Also if a header file uses DIAG_DECLARE_GROUP (so that the group declaration is
- automatically available to files that #include the header), the source file
- that contains the DIAG_DEFINE_GROUP invocation for that group will generate
- a redefinition error (this isn't done anywhere in OWL or class lib). The
- solution here to conditionalize the header file so that the declaration goes
- away when the source file with the DIAG_DEFINE_GROUP invocation is built:
- foo.h
- -------
- #if !defined( BUILD_FOO_GROUP )
- #endif
- foo.cpp
- -----------
- #include "foo.h"
- Changes to Object Streaming
- ---------------------------
- The implementation of Object Streaming formerly used in ObjectWindows and
- Turbo Vision has been moved into the class library. There have been several
- changes made to the streaming mechanism, but they should be transparent to
- existing class library code. See the Programmer's Guide for details on
- streaming.
- The header file OBJSTRM.H defines several macros that will make creating
- streamable objects easier. See that header file for further documentation.
- There are two types of streamable objects:
- - Resident objects which may be streamed out but which are not reconstructed
- when streamed back in
- - Dynamic objects which are reconstructed when streamed in.
- Resident objects include static objects and objects present when an
- application starts, such as its main window. These objects must be streamed
- out via a reference rather than via a pointer.
- Dynamic objects, on the other hand, must be streamed out via pointers,
- causing them to be reconstructed when streamed back in.
- Resident objects must be streamed out before any objects which stream out
- pointers to the resident objects, else duplicate objects will be constructed
- when streaming in.
- When streaming objects in, Streamer::Read must insure that all data fields
- are initialized, because the streaming constructor doesn't initialize any of
- the data fields. Any data members not streamed in must be set to meaningful
- values. Care must be taken to initialize the members before streaming in base
- class data or pointers to objects which have pointers back to the current
- object. Virtual functions are enabled in Streamer::Read.
- Changes to the string class
- ---------------------------
- The following sections correct string class member function definitions.
- size_t find_first_of( const string _FAR &s ) const
- Locates the first occurrence in the target string of any character contained
- in string s. If the search is successful find_first_of returns the character
- location. If the search fails it returns NPOS.
- size_t find_first_of( const string _FAR &s, size_t pos ) const
- Locates the first occurrence in the target string of any character contained
- in string s after position pos. If the search is successful, it returns the
- character position within the target string. If the search fails or if
- pos > length(), it returns NPOS.
- size_t find_first_not_of( const string _FAR &s) const
- Locates the first occurrence in the target string of any character not
- contained in string s. If the search is successful, find_first_not_of returns
- the character position within the target string. If the search fails it
- returns NPOS.
- size_t find_first_not_of( const string _FAR &s, size_t pos ) const
- Locates the first occurrence in the target string of any character not
- contained in string s after position pos. If the search is successful
- find_first_not_of returns the character position within the target string.
- If the search fails or if pos > length(), find_first_not_of returns NPOS.
- size_t find_last_of( const string _FAR &s ) const
- Locates the last occurrence in the target string of any character contained in
- string s. If the search is successful find_last_of returns the character
- position within the target string. If the search fails it returns 0.
- size_t find_last_of( const string _FAR &s, size_t pos ) const
- Locates the last occurrence in the target string of any character contained in
- string s after position pos. If the search is successful find_last_of returns
- the character position within the target string. If the search fails or if
- pos > length(), find_last_of returns NPOS.
- size_t find_last_not_of( const string _FAR &s ) const
- Locates the last occurrence in the target string of any character not
- contained in string s. If the search is successful find_last_not_of returns
- the character position within the target string. If the search fails it
- returns NPOS.
- size_t find_last_not_of( const string _FAR &s, size_t pos ) const
- Locates the last occurrence in the target string of any character not
- contained in string s after position pos. If the search is successful
- find_last_not_of returns the character position within the target string. If
- the search fails or if pos > length(), find_last_not_of returns NPOS.
- The assign member funtion
- assign( const string&, size_t = NPOS );
- was changed to
- assign( const string&, size_t = 0, size_t = NPOS );
- The size_t parameter in the old version was the number of characters
- to copy. In the new version that is the second size_t parameter; the
- first one is the position in the passed string to start copying.
- For example:
- string s1 = "abcdef";
- string s2;
- s2.assign( s1, 2, 3 );
- After executing this code, s2 should contain "cde".
- The same change was made in several other functions. The following lists the
- new form:
- string( const string _FAR &, size_t, size_t );
- string( const char _FAR *, size_t, size_t );
- string( const char __far *, size_t, size_t );
- assign( const string _FAR &, size_t, size_t );
- append( const string _FAR &, size_t, size_t );
- append( const char _FAR *, size_t, size_t );
- prepend( const string _FAR&, size_t, size_t );
- prepend( const char _FAR*, size_t, size_t );
- compare( const string _FAR&, size_t, size_t );
- insert( size_t, const string _FAR&, size_t, size_t );
- replace( size_t, size_t, const string _FAR&, size_t, size_t );
- --------------
- Casting Macros
- --------------
- The following casting macros have been provided, and are defined in
- TYPESAFE_DOWNCAST(object,toClass)
- Converts the pointer referred to by 'object' into a pointer to an object of
- type 'toClass'. Note that the macro parameters to TYPESAFE_DOWNCAST are in the
- opposite order from the rest of the macros here. When using a compiler that
- supports new style casts and runtime type information this is done with
- dynamic_cast<> and will return 0 if the cast cannot be done. When using a
- compiler that does not support new-style casts and runtime type information
- this is done with fake runtime type information generated by the
- STATIC_CAST(targetType,object)
- Converts the data object referred to by 'object' into the type referred to
- by 'targetType'. When using a compiler that supports new style casts, this is
- done with static_cast<> and will fail if the cast cannot be done without
- runtime type information. When using a compiler that does not support new-style
- casts, this is done with an old-style dangerous cast.
- CONST_CAST(targetType,object)
- Converts the data object referred to by 'object' into the type referred to
- by 'targetType'. When using a compiler that supports new style casts, this
- is done with const_cast<> and will fail if the cast changes the type of the
- object in any way other than adding or removing const and volatile qualifiers.
- When using a compiler that does not support new-style casts, this is done with
- an old-style dangerous cast.
- REINTERPRET_CAST(targetType,object)
- Converts the data object referred to by 'object' into the type referred to
- by 'targetType'. When using a compiler that supports new style casts, this
- is done with reinterpret_cast<>. When using a compiler that does not support
- new-style casts, this is done with an old-style dangerous cast.
- ------------------------
- IDE/Integrated Debugging
- ------------------------
- Using the IDE under NT is not currently supported.
- The default extension for Borland C++ 4.0 project files is IDE.
- Using the Microsoft DBWIN utility interferes with the Event log's
- ability to display those same messages. If you wish to see those messages in
- the Event log, either quit DBWIN or select Options|No Output in DBWIN.
- Project style sheets are inherited from the default project when you select
- Project|New. You can set inheritance using the following option in the BCW.INI
- file:
- [projects]
- inherit=0
- where 0 inherits from the default project, 1 from the previous project,
- and 2 from the shipping defaults (which are unchangeable).
- The following listing explains some of the more useful BCW.INI settings:
- [ToolDir] ; BCW's default paths
- BcInclude=bc4include ;Default Include path, MPD Directories
- BcLib=bc4lib ;Default Lib path, MPD Directories
- [Project]
- saveastext=1 ;PDL file with Style Sheets and Modified tools
- readastext=1 ;Read Style Sheets and Tools
- [IDE]
- HelpDir=C:BC4BIN ;where to find the help files
- DefaultDesktopDir=C:BC4BIN ;where to find bcconfig.bcw,
- ;bcwdef.bcw/dsw,*.tok,*.ckb
- If you step over or into a throw() call, the application will run until it
- reaches a breakpoint or program termination, instead of stopping at the
- appropriate catch() function. If you wish to debug catch() functions, you
- must set breakpoints within them.
- Run to Cursor (F4) will do nothing if the source line you wish to run to is
- the same source line that the execution point is on. Thus, using F4 to iterate
- through any loop structure will not work. Instead, set a breakpoint on a line
- in the loop and use Ctrl-F9 (Debug|Run) to iterate through the loop. Once
- finished with the loop, the breakpoint can be removed.
- The following combination of events will cause unusual behavior:
- - Placing breakpoints in Windows procedures or OWL event handler which will
- - Shifting focus from this application while debugging, directly to the IDE.
- When focus is changed from the application being debugged to the IDE, Windows
- initiates an intertask SendMessage from the IDE to the application. But the
- breakpoint prevents SendMessage from completing, putting Windows into an
- unstable state. Many GUI debuggers silently ignore a breakpoint in this
- situation. The Borland Integrated Debugger displays a message box warning of
- this situation giving you the choice of ignoring the breakpoint and continuing
- the application, or aborting the application so you can make further changes to
- the code or placement of breakpoints before running again. The best way to
- avoid this situation is to not click on the IDE when you have a breakpoint in
- the Window procecure or OWL event handler that could stop due to an intertask
- SendMessage from the IDE. Instead click on some other application like the
- Program Manager. This will still result in the WM_KILLFOCUS and related
- messages and the intertask SendMessage, but the initiating task will not be the
- IDE and thus completely avoids the Windows instability.
- One further note: the first click of the mouse on the IDE immediately initiates
- the MessageBox and the click in the OK box is the next mouse event captured, so
- interesting visual effects may occur depending on where that first mouse click
- occurred. For example, if the first click was in the title bar of the IDE, the
- second click (in the MessageBox OK) will result in a move of the IDE Window
- from its original location to the location of the OK mouse click. If this
- happens, move the IDE back to where you want it.
- ----------------------
- Floating Point Formats
- ----------------------
- Floating point formats are a collection of formatting information used to
- manipulate floating point numbers in certain runtime library functions such as
- scanf() and atof().
- This section discusses why you might get the error
- you how to resolve it.
- There are no current plans to fix this because it is not a bug. The intent
- is to avoid linking the floating point formats (about 1K of overhead) when
- they are not required. The tradeoff of this feature is that the programmer
- must explicitly request that the floating point formats be linked in for some
- programs that manipulate floats in a limited and specific fashion.
- Because you can get the error in a number of different ways, check the
- following list of potential causes to find out how to resolve the error.
- These are listed in order of most common to least common causes.
- 1. CAUSE: Floating point set to <None>. You have your
- floating point option set to None when it should be set to
- either Fast or Normal.
- FIX: Set Floating Point to Fast or Normal.
- 2. CAUSE: Either the compiler is overoptimizing, or the
- floating point formats really do need to be linked in because
- your program manipulates floats in a limited and specific
- fashion. Under certain obscure conditions, the compiler will
- ignore floating point usage in scanf(). (e.g., trying to
- read into a float variable that is part of an array contained
- in a structure.)
- FIX: Add the following to one source module:
- extern _floatconvert;
- #pragma extref _floatconvert
- 3. CAUSE: Forgetting to put the address operator & on the scanf
- variable expression. For example,
- float foo;
- scanf("%f", foo);
- FIX: Change the code so that the & operator is used where it
- is needed. For example, the above code should be
- float foo;
- scanf("%f", &foo);
- --------------------------
- Turbo Debugger for Windows
- --------------------------
- You can use TD32 to debug under Win32s. However, to do so, you must
- ensure you use SVGA.DLL or equivalent support in the VideoDLL entry
- in the [TurboDebugger] section of TDW.INI.
- TD32 can support dual monitor debugging under Win32s. Ensure that
- a monochrome adapter is installed in your machine and set the
- Mono=yes flag in the [VideoOptions] section of TDW.INI:
- [VideoOptions]
- MONO=yes
- See the online text file called td_help!.txt for more information on
- using TD32 and TDW.
- ---------------------
- Using Tools with NTFS
- ---------------------
- When using Borland C++ 4.0 tools under NTFS, there are issues to be aware
- of related to extension assumptions. If Borland C++ 4.0 tools see an
- extension, they assume no default. Therefore, with "bcc32 test.1.cpp",
- BCC32 spawns TLINK32 with "-ap c0x32.obj test.1, test.1, import32 cw32".
- As TLINK32 sees an extension on test.1, it makes NO assumptions about
- a .obj or .exe extension. It attempts to look for test.1 (instead of
- test.1.obj) and to create test. (instead of test.1.exe).
- Embedded blanks in filenames are not currently supported. For instance, under
- the Windows NT NTFS file system it is legal to have a file named
- "This is an interesting file name.cpp". The response file processing in our
- 32-bit tools cannot handle this type of file.
- 16-bit tools running on NT cannot use NTFS filenames.