


Visual Basic

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  388.                Picture         =   "现金流量表.frx":39ACE
  389.                Key             =   "dz"
  390.             EndProperty
  391.             BeginProperty ListImage27 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} 
  392.                Picture         =   "现金流量表.frx":39E68
  393.                Key             =   "ph"
  394.             EndProperty
  395.             BeginProperty ListImage28 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} 
  396.                Picture         =   "现金流量表.frx":3A202
  397.                Key             =   "fz"
  398.             EndProperty
  399.             BeginProperty ListImage29 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} 
  400.                Picture         =   "现金流量表.frx":3A59C
  401.                Key             =   "dw"
  402.             EndProperty
  403.             BeginProperty ListImage30 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} 
  404.                Picture         =   "现金流量表.frx":3A936
  405.                Key             =   "hf"
  406.             EndProperty
  407.             BeginProperty ListImage31 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} 
  408.                Picture         =   "现金流量表.frx":3ACD0
  409.                Key             =   "pz"
  410.             EndProperty
  411.             BeginProperty ListImage32 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} 
  412.                Picture         =   "现金流量表.frx":3B06A
  413.                Key             =   "check"
  414.             EndProperty
  415.          EndProperty
  416.       End
  417.    End
  418. End
  419. Attribute VB_Name = "XJ_XJLLB"
  420. Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
  421. Attribute VB_Creatable = False
  422. Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
  423. Attribute VB_Exposed = False
  424. Dim Dyymctbl As New DY_Dyymsz            '打印页面窗体变量
  425. Private Sub Combo1_Click()
  426.     Call Sub_xjllsc
  427. End Sub
  428. Private Sub Form_Load()      '计算现金流量表
  429.     Dim RecAdoYear As New ADODB.Recordset  '定义数据库
  430.     If RecAdoYear.State = 1 Then RecAdoYear.Close
  431.     RecAdoYear.Open "select period,year  from cwzz_cashflowdata group by period ,year", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
  432.     Do While Not RecAdoYear.EOF()
  433.         Combo1.AddItem Trim(RecAdoYear.Fields!Year) + "-" + Trim(RecAdoYear.Fields!Period)
  434.         RecAdoYear.MoveNext
  435.     Loop
  436.     Combo1.Text = Format(XT_login.CzrqText.Text, "yyyy-mm")
  437.     '调入打印页面设置窗体
  439.     XtReportCode = "c_xjllb"
  440.     Load Dyymctbl
  441.     ReportTitle = "现金流量表"
  443.     '调整标题栏及网格、格式工具条位置
  444.     Pic_Title.Left = 40
  445.     Pic_Title.Top = SzToolbar.Top + SzToolbar.Height - 10
  446.     CxbbGrid.Left = Pic_Title.Left
  447.     CxbbGrid.Top = Pic_Title.Top + Pic_Title.Height + 20
  448.     CxbbGrid.ColHidden(0) = True
  449.     Call Sub_xjllsc
  450. End Sub
  451. Private Sub SzToolbar_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button)
  452.     Select Case Button.Key
  453.     Case "ymsz"                                           '页面设置
  454.         Dyymctbl.Show 1
  455.     Case "yl"                                          '预 览
  456.         Call bbyl(True)
  457.     Case "dy"                                          '打 印
  458.         Call bbyl(False)
  459.     Case "fh"                                             '退  出
  460.         Unload Me
  461.     End Select
  462. End Sub
  463. Private Sub bbyl(bbylte As Boolean)                    '报表打印预览
  464.     Dim Bbzbt$, Bbxbt() As String, bbxbtzzxs() As Integer, Bbxbtgs As Integer
  465.     Dim Bbbwh() As String, Bbbwhzzxs() As Integer, Bbbwhgs As Integer
  466.     Bbxbtgs = 1                                          '报 表 小 标 题 行 数
  467.     Bbbwhgs = 0                                          '报 表 表 尾 行 数
  468.     ReDim Bbxbt(1 To Bbxbtgs)
  469.     ReDim bbxbtzzxs(1 To Bbxbtgs)
  470.     If Bbbwhgs <> 0 Then
  471.         ReDim Bbbwh(1 To Bbbwhgs)
  472.         ReDim Bbbwhzzxs(1 To Bbbwhgs)
  473.     End If
  474.     Bbzbt = "现金流量表" 'ReportTitle
  475.     Bbxbt(1) = "编制单位:沧化集团" + Space(23) + "会计期间:" + Combo1.Text
  476.     bbxbtzzxs(1) = 0                                    '报表行组织形式(0-居左 1-居中 2-居右)
  477.     Call Scyxsjb(CxbbGrid)                               '生成报表数据
  478.     Call Scdybb(Dyymctbl, Bbzbt, Bbxbt(), bbxbtzzxs(), Bbxbtgs, Bbbwh(), Bbbwhzzxs(), Bbbwhgs, bbylte)
  479.     If Not bbylte Then
  480.         Unload DY_Tybbyldy
  481.     End If
  482. End Sub
  483. Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)                                  '窗体卸载
  484.     '卸载打印页面设置窗体
  485.     Unload Dyymctbl
  486. End Sub
  487. Sub Sub_xjllsc()                                               '现金流量表生成
  489.     Dim First As Double, Second As Double, SumValue As Double, SumValueYear As Double, OperateFirst As String, OperateSecond As String
  490.     Dim Jsqte As Integer, FirstFlag As Boolean, OperateFlag As Boolean   '定义变量
  491.     Dim RecTemp As New ADODB.Recordset, RecAdo As New ADODB.Recordset, recData As New ADODB.Recordset, RecAdoYear As New ADODB.Recordset '定义数据库
  492.     Dim i As Integer   '定义网各行
  493.     On Error Resume Next
  494.     CxbbGrid.Clear
  495.     SumValue = 0
  496.     FirstFlag = False
  497.     OperateFlag = False
  498.     If RecTemp.State = 1 Then RecTemp.Close
  499.     RecTemp.Open "select * from cwzz_cashflowitem order by logicid", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic  '取出现金流量项目
  500.     CxbbGrid.Rows = 1
  501.     CxbbGrid.Cols = 5
  502.     CxbbGrid.FormatString = "编  码|项  目|行  次|本月数|本年累计"
  503.     CxbbGrid.FixedAlignment(1) = flexAlignCenterCenter
  504.     CxbbGrid.FixedAlignment(2) = flexAlignCenterCenter
  505.     CxbbGrid.FixedAlignment(3) = flexAlignCenterCenter
  506.     CxbbGrid.FixedAlignment(4) = flexAlignCenterCenter
  507.     i = 1
  508.     Do While Not RecTemp.EOF()    '循环查找数据
  509.         If i >= CxbbGrid.Rows - 1 Then
  510.             CxbbGrid.AddItem ""
  511.             CxbbGrid.ColWidth(1) = 5000
  512.             CxbbGrid.ColWidth(2) = 600
  513.             CxbbGrid.ColWidth(3) = 2500
  514.             CxbbGrid.ColWidth(4) = 2500
  515.             CxbbGrid.ColAlignment(2) = flexAlignCenterCenter
  516.         End If
  517.         CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(i, 0) = RecTemp.Fields!CASHFLOWCODE
  518.         CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(i, 1) = RecTemp.Fields!CASHFLOWNAME
  519.         If RecTemp.Fields!RowNo = 0 Then
  520.             CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(i, 2) = ""
  521.         Else
  522.             CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(i, 2) = RecTemp.Fields!RowNo
  523.         End If
  524.         If Trim(RecTemp.Fields!DataSource) = "" Then   '如果为空
  525.             If RecAdo.State = 1 Then RecAdo.Close
  526.             RecAdo.Open "select sum(fpje) as fpje from cwzz_cashflowdata where cashflowid='" & Trim(RecTemp.Fields!CASHFLOWCODE) & "'and year='" & Format(Combo1.Text, "yyyy") & "' and period='" & Format(Combo1.Text, "mm") & "'", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
  527.             If RecAdo.EOF = False Then
  528.                 If IsNull(RecAdo.Fields!fpje) = False Then
  529.                     CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(i, 3) = Format(RecAdo.Fields!fpje, "#,###.00")
  530.                 Else
  531.                     CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(i, 3) = ""
  532.                 End If
  533.             End If
  534.             If RecAdoYear.State = 1 Then RecAdoYear.Close
  535.             RecAdoYear.Open "select sum(fpje) as fpje from cwzz_cashflowdata where cashflowid='" & Trim(RecTemp.Fields!CASHFLOWCODE) & "'and year='" & Format(Combo1.Text, "yyyy") & "' and period<='" & Format(Combo1.Text, "mm") & "'", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
  536.             If RecAdoYear.EOF = False Then
  537.                 If IsNull(RecAdoYear.Fields!fpje) = False Then
  538.                     CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(i, 4) = Format(RecAdoYear.Fields!fpje, "#,###.00")
  539.                 Else
  540.                     CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(i, 4) = ""
  541.                 End If
  542.             End If
  543.         Else                                                         '从网格中直接取数
  544.             SumValue = 0
  545.             FirstFlag = False
  546.             OperateFlag = False
  547.             For Jsqte = 1 To Len(Trim(RecTemp.Fields!DataSource))
  548.                 If Mid(Trim(RecTemp.Fields!DataSource), Jsqte, 1) >= "0" And Mid(Trim(RecTemp.Fields!DataSource), Jsqte, 1) <= "9" Then
  549.                     If Not FirstFlag Then
  550.                         First = First & Mid(Trim(RecTemp.Fields!DataSource), Jsqte, 1)
  551.                     Else
  552.                         Second = Second & Mid(Trim(RecTemp.Fields!DataSource), Jsqte, 1)
  553.                     End If
  554.                 Else
  555.                     If Not OperateFlag Then
  556.                         OperateFirst = Mid(Trim(RecTemp.Fields!DataSource), Jsqte, 1)
  557.                     Else
  558.                         OperateSecond = Mid(RecTemp.Fields!DataSource, Jsqte, 1)
  560.                     End If
  561.                     If FirstFlag = False Then FirstFlag = True
  562.                     If OperateFlag Then
  563.                         Dim FirstFpje, SecondFpje, FirstFpjeYear, SecondFpjeYear
  564.                         Select Case OperateFirst
  565.                         Case "+"
  567.                             If FirstFlag Then
  568.                                 If RecAdo.State = 1 Then RecAdo.Close
  569.                                 RecAdo.Open "select * from cwzz_cashflowitem where rowno='" & First & "'", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
  570.                                 If RecAdo.EOF = False Then
  571.                                     If Trim(RecAdo.Fields!CASHFLOWCODE) <> "" Then
  572.                                         First = RecAdo.Fields!CASHFLOWCODE
  573.                                     End If
  574.                                 End If
  576.                                 If recData.State = 1 Then recData.Close
  577.                                 recData.Open "select sum(fpje) as fpje from cwzz_cashflowdata where cashflowid='" & First & "'and year='" & Format(Combo1.Text, "yyyy") & "' and period='" & Format(Combo1.Text, "mm") & "'", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
  578.                                 If recData.EOF = False Then
  579.                                     If IsNull(recData.Fields!fpje) = False Then
  580.                                         FirstFpje = recData.Fields!fpje
  581.                                     End If
  582.                                 End If
  583.                                 If RecAdoYear.State = 1 Then RecAdoYear.Close
  584.                                 RecAdoYear.Open "select sum(fpje) as fpje from cwzz_cashflowdata where cashflowid='" & First & "'and year='" & Format(Combo1.Text, "yyyy") & "' and period<='" & Format(Combo1.Text, "mm") & "'", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
  585.                                 If RecAdoYear.EOF = False Then
  586.                                     If IsNull(RecAdoYear.Fields!fpje) = False Then
  587.                                         FirstFpjeYear = RecAdoYear.Fields!fpje
  588.                                     End If
  589.                                 End If
  590.                                 If RecAdo.State = 1 Then RecAdo.Close
  591.                                 RecAdo.Open "select * from cwzz_cashflowitem where rowno='" & Second & "'", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
  592.                                 Second = RecAdo.Fields!CASHFLOWCODE
  593.                                 If recData.State = 1 Then recData.Close
  594.                                 recData.Open "select sum(fpje) as fpje from cwzz_cashflowdata where cashflowid='" & Second & "'and year='" & Format(Combo1.Text, "yyyy") & "' and period='" & Format(Combo1.Text, "mm") & "'", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
  595.                                 If recData.EOF = False Then
  596.                                     If IsNull(recData.Fields!fpje) = False Then
  597.                                         SecondFpje = recData.Fields!fpje
  598.                                     Else
  599.                                         SecondFpje = 0
  600.                                     End If
  601.                                 End If
  602.                                 If RecAdoYear.State = 1 Then RecAdoYear.Close
  603.                                 RecAdoYear.Open "select sum(fpje) as fpje from cwzz_cashflowdata where cashflowid='" & Second & "'and year='" & Format(Combo1.Text, "yyyy") & "' and period<='" & Format(Combo1.Text, "mm") & "'", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
  604.                                 If RecAdoYear.EOF = False Then
  605.                                     If IsNull(RecAdoYear.Fields!fpje) = False Then
  606.                                         SecondFpjeYear = RecAdoYear.Fields!fpje
  607.                                     Else
  608.                                         SecondFpjeYear = 0
  609.                                     End If
  610.                                 End If
  611.                                 SumValue = SumValue + Val(FirstFpje) + Val(SecondFpje)
  612.                                 SumValueYear = SumValueYear + Val(FirstFpjeYear) + Val(SecondFpjeYear)
  613.                                 First = 0
  614.                                 Second = 0
  615.                                 FirstFpje = 0
  616.                                 SecondFpje = 0
  617.                                 FirstFpjeYear = 0
  618.                                 SecondFpjeYear = 0
  619.                             End If
  620.                             If FirstFlag = False Then FirstFlag = True
  621.                         Case "-"
  623.                             If FirstFlag Then
  624.                                 If RecAdo.State = 1 Then RecAdo.Close
  625.                                 RecAdo.Open "select * from cwzz_cashflowitem where rowno='" & First & "'", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
  626.                                 If RecAdo.EOF = False Then
  627.                                     If Trim(RecAdo.Fields!CASHFLOWCODE) <> "" Then
  628.                                         First = RecAdo.Fields!CASHFLOWCODE
  629.                                     End If
  630.                                 End If
  632.                                 If recData.State = 1 Then recData.Close
  633.                                 recData.Open "select sum(fpje) as fpje from cwzz_cashflowdata where cashflowid='" & First & "'", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
  634.                                 If recData.EOF = False Then
  635.                                     If IsNull(recData.Fields!fpje) = False Then
  636.                                         FirstFpje = recData.Fields!fpje
  637.                                     End If
  638.                                 End If
  639.                                 If RecAdoYear.State = 1 Then RecAdoYear.Close
  640.                                 RecAdoYear.Open "select sum(fpje) as fpje from cwzz_cashflowdata where cashflowid='" & First & "'and year='" & Format(Combo1.Text, "yyyy") & "' and period<='" & Format(Combo1.Text, "mm") & "'", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
  641.                                 If RecAdoYear.EOF = False Then
  642.                                     If IsNull(RecAdoYear.Fields!fpje) = False Then
  643.                                         FirstFpjeYear = RecAdoYear.Fields!fpje
  644.                                     End If
  645.                                 End If
  646.                                 If RecAdo.State = 1 Then RecAdo.Close
  647.                                 RecAdo.Open "select * from cwzz_cashflowitem where rowno='" & Second & "'", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
  648.                                 Second = RecAdo.Fields!CASHFLOWCODE
  649.                                 If recData.State = 1 Then recData.Close
  650.                                 recData.Open "select sum(fpje) as fpje from cwzz_cashflowdata where cashflowid='" & Second & "'and year='" & Format(Combo1.Text, "yyyy") & "' and period='" & Format(Combo1.Text, "mm") & "'", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
  651.                                 If recData.EOF = False Then
  652.                                     If IsNull(recData.Fields!fpje) = False Then
  653.                                         SecondFpje = recData.Fields!fpje
  654.                                     Else
  655.                                         SecondFpje = 0
  656.                                     End If
  657.                                 End If
  658.                                 If RecAdoYear.State = 1 Then RecAdoYear.Close
  659.                                 RecAdoYear.Open "select sum(fpje) as fpje from cwzz_cashflowdata where cashflowid='" & Second & "'and year='" & Format(Combo1.Text, "yyyy") & "' and period<='" & Format(Combo1.Text, "mm") & "'", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
  660.                                 If RecAdoYear.EOF = False Then
  661.                                     If IsNull(RecAdoYear.Fields!fpje) = False Then
  662.                                         SecondFpjeYear = RecAdoYear.Fields!fpje
  663.                                     Else
  664.                                         SecondFpjeYear = 0
  665.                                     End If
  666.                                 End If
  667.                                 SumValue = SumValue + Val(FirstFpje) - Val(SecondFpje)
  668.                                 SumValueYear = SumValueYear + Val(FirstFpjeYear) - Val(SecondFpjeYear)
  669.                                 First = 0
  670.                                 Second = 0
  671.                                 FirstFpje = 0
  672.                                 SecondFpje = 0
  673.                                 FirstFpjeYear = 0
  674.                                 SecondFpjeYear = 0
  675.                             End If
  676.                             If FirstFlag = False Then FirstFlag = True
  677.                         End Select
  678.                     End If
  679.                     If OperateFlag Then OperateFirst = OperateSecond
  680.                     If OperateFlag = False Then OperateFlag = True
  681.                 End If
  682.             Next Jsqte
  683.             If RecAdo.State = 1 Then RecAdo.Close                       '最后一行数据处理
  684.             If Second <> 0 Then
  685.                 RecAdo.Open "select * from cwzz_cashflowitem where rowno='" & Second & "'", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
  686.             Else
  687.                 If First <> "" Then
  688.                     RecAdo.Open "select * from cwzz_cashflowitem where rowno='" & First & "'", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
  689.                 End If
  690.             End If
  691.             If RecAdo.EOF = False Then
  692.                 Second = RecAdo.Fields!CASHFLOWCODE
  693.             End If
  694.             If recData.State = 1 Then recData.Close
  695.             recData.Open "select sum(fpje) as fpje from cwzz_cashflowdata where cashflowid='" & Second & "'and year='" & Format(Combo1.Text, "yyyy") & "' and period='" & Format(Combo1.Text, "mm") & "'", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
  696.             If recData.EOF = False Then
  697.                 If IsNull(recData.Fields!fpje) = False Then
  698.                     SecondFpje = recData.Fields!fpje
  699.                 Else
  700.                     SecondFpje = 0
  701.                 End If
  702.             End If
  703.             If RecAdoYear.State = 1 Then RecAdoYear.Close
  704.             RecAdoYear.Open "select sum(fpje) as fpje from cwzz_cashflowdata where cashflowid='" & Second & "'and year='" & Format(Combo1.Text, "yyyy") & "' and period<='" & Format(Combo1.Text, "mm") & "'", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
  705.             If RecAdoYear.EOF = False Then
  706.                 If IsNull(RecAdoYear.Fields!fpje) = False Then
  707.                     SecondFpjeYear = RecAdoYear.Fields!fpje
  708.                 Else
  709.                     SecondFpjeYear = 0
  710.                 End If
  711.             End If
  712.             '完整数据
  713.             If OperateFirst = "+" Then SumValue = SumValue + Val(FirstFpje) + Val(SecondFpje): SumValueYear = SumValueYear + Val(FirstFpjeYear) + Val(SecondFpjeYear)
  714.             If OperateFirst = "-" Then SumValue = SumValue + Val(FirstFpje) - Val(SecondFpje): SumValueYear = SumValueYear + Val(FirstFpjeYear) - Val(SecondFpjeYear)
  715.             If SumValue = 0 Then
  716.                 CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(i, 3) = ""
  717.             Else
  718.                 CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(i, 3) = Format(SumValue, "#,###.00")
  719.             End If
  720.             If SumValueYear = 0 Then
  721.                 CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(i, 4) = ""
  722.             Else
  723.                 CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(i, 4) = Format(SumValueYear, "#,###.00")
  724.             End If
  725.         End If
  726.         SumValue = 0
  727.         SumValueYear = 0
  728.         First = 0
  729.         Second = 0
  730.         i = i + 1
  731.         RecTemp.MoveNext
  732.     Loop
  733. End Sub