


Visual Basic

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  321.             Picture         =   "系统_主操作桌面.frx":82FA
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  333. End
  334. Attribute VB_Name = "Xt_Control"
  335. Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
  336. Attribute VB_Creatable = False
  337. Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
  338. Attribute VB_Exposed = False
  339. '***********************************************
  340. '*    模 块 名 称 :系统主操作桌面
  341. '*    功 能 描 述 :
  342. '*    程序员姓名  :徐强
  343. '*    最后修改人  :徐强
  344. '*    最后修改时间:2001/06/21
  345. '***********************************************
  346. Const NAME_COLUMN = 0
  347. Const TYPE_COLUMN = 1
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  350. Private Declare Function OSWinHelp% Lib "user32" Alias "WinHelpA" (ByVal hwnd&, ByVal HelpFile$, ByVal wCommand%, dwData As Any)
  352. Dim mbMoving As Boolean
  353. Const sglSplitLimit = 1000
  354. Dim nodX As Node
  355. Dim mitem As ListItem
  356. Dim Ztxxrec As New ADODB.Recordset           '帐套信息动态集
  357. Dim Xtgnbrec As New ADODB.Recordset          '系统功能表
  358. Dim Xtqxxzrec As New ADODB.Recordset         '系统权限限制动态集
  359. Dim Tsxx As String                           '系统提示信息
  360. Dim gnsyte As String                         '系统功能项索引
  361. Dim Xtrlrec As New ADODB.Recordset           '系统日历动态集
  362. Dim Ctsfscdr As Boolean                      '窗体是否首次读入
  363. Dim sjgnbmStr As String                      '上级编码
  364. Private Sub lvListView_DblClick()            '点击ListView执行相应功能
  365.     If lvListView.ListItems.Count > 0 Then
  366.         Set Xtgnbrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("SELECT * FROM xt_xtgnb where gnbm='" + Mid(Trim(lvListView.SelectedItem.Key), 2, Len(Trim(lvListView.SelectedItem.Key)) - 1) + "'")
  367.         If Not Xtgnbrec.EOF Then
  368.             If Xtgnbrec.Fields("mjbz") = True Then
  369.                 gnsyte = Trim(Xtgnbrec.Fields("gnsy"))
  370.                 Call Zxxymk(gnsyte)
  371.             Else
  372.                 '---------------
  373.                 Dim Ssql As String
  374.                 sjgnbmStr = ""
  375.                 lvListView.ColumnHeaders.Clear
  376.                 lvListView.ListItems.Clear
  377.                 Ssql = "SELECT * FROM xt_xtgnb where sjgnbm='" + Xtgnbrec.Fields("gnbm") + "' and MenuList=1 order by gnbm"
  378.                 Set Xtgnbrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute(Ssql)
  379.                 lvListView.ColumnHeaders.Add 1, "rcsw", tvTreeView.SelectedItem.Text, 3000, , "stb"
  380.                 Do While Not Xtgnbrec.EOF
  381.                     Set mitem = lvListView.ListItems.Add()
  382.                     mitem.Text = Trim(Xtgnbrec!gnmc)
  383.                     If Xtgnbrec.Fields("mjbz") Then
  384.                         mitem.SmallIcon = "gnqx"
  385.                         mitem.Icon = "y"
  386.                     Else
  387.                         mitem.Icon = "i"
  388.                         mitem.SmallIcon = "stb"
  389.                     End If
  390.                     mitem.Key = "T" & Trim(Xtgnbrec!gnbm)
  391.                     Xtgnbrec.MoveNext
  392.                 Loop
  393.                 '---------------
  394.             End If
  395.         End If
  396.     End If
  397. End Sub
  398. Private Sub lvListView_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
  399.     If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Then
  400.         Call lvListView_DblClick
  401.     End If
  402. End Sub
  403. Private Sub tvTreeView_NodeClick(ByVal Node As MSComctlLib.Node)
  404.     Dim Ssql As String
  405.     If Node.Tag <> "" Then
  406.         If Node.Tag = False Then
  407.             Ssql = "SELECT * FROM xt_xtgnb where sjgnbm='" + Mid(Trim(tvTreeView.SelectedItem.Key), 2, Len(Trim(tvTreeView.SelectedItem.Key)) - 1) + "' and MenuList=1 order by gnbm"
  408.             If sjgnbmStr = Mid(Trim(tvTreeView.SelectedItem.Key), 2, Len(Trim(tvTreeView.SelectedItem.Key)) - 1) Then
  409.                 Exit Sub
  410.             Else
  411.                 sjgnbmStr = Mid(Trim(tvTreeView.SelectedItem.Key), 2, Len(Trim(tvTreeView.SelectedItem.Key)) - 1)
  412.             End If
  413.         Else
  414.             Ssql = "SELECT * FROM xt_xtgnb a," _
  415.                     & "(SELECT sjgnbm FROM xt_xtgnb where gnbm='" + Mid(Trim(tvTreeView.SelectedItem.Key), 2, Len(Trim(tvTreeView.SelectedItem.Key)) - 1) + "')b" & " where a.sjgnbm=b.sjgnbm and MenuList=1 order by gnbm"
  416.         End If
  418.         Set Xtgnbrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute(Ssql)
  419.         If Node.Tag = True Then
  420.             If sjgnbmStr = Trim(Xtgnbrec!sjgnbm) Then
  421.                 Exit Sub
  422.             Else
  423.                 sjgnbmStr = Trim(Xtgnbrec!sjgnbm)
  424.             End If
  425.         End If
  426.         lvListView.ColumnHeaders.Clear
  427.         lvListView.ListItems.Clear
  428.         lvListView.ColumnHeaders.Add 1, "rcsw", "明细", 3000, , "stb"
  429.         Do While Not Xtgnbrec.EOF
  430.             Set mitem = lvListView.ListItems.Add()
  431.             mitem.Text = Trim(Xtgnbrec!gnmc)
  432.             If Xtgnbrec.Fields("mjbz") Then
  433.                 mitem.SmallIcon = "gnqx"
  434.                 mitem.Icon = "y"
  435.             Else
  436.                 mitem.Icon = "i"
  437.                 mitem.SmallIcon = "stb"
  438.             End If
  439.             mitem.Key = "T" & Trim(Xtgnbrec!gnbm)
  440.             Xtgnbrec.MoveNext
  441.         Loop
  442.     End If
  443. End Sub
  444. Public Sub Cshgns()                                                    '初始化系统功能树
  446.     Set Xtgnbrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("SELECT * FROM xt_xtgnb where gnbm like '16%' and MenuList=1 order by gnbm")
  447.     tvTreeView.Nodes.Add , 4, "T", "百利/ERP5.0", "xttb"
  448.     With Xtgnbrec
  449.         Do While Not .EOF
  450.             If .Fields("mjbz") Then
  451.                 Set nodX = tvTreeView.Nodes.Add("T" + Trim(.Fields("sjgnbm")), 4, "T" + Trim(.Fields("gnbm")), Trim(.Fields("gnmc")), "gnqx")
  452.             Else
  453.                 If Trim(.Fields("sjgnbm")) = "" Then
  454.                     Set nodX = tvTreeView.Nodes.Add("T" + Trim(.Fields("sjgnbm")), 4, "T" + Trim(.Fields("gnbm")), Trim(.Fields("gnmc")), "kpgl")
  455.                 Else
  456.                     Set nodX = tvTreeView.Nodes.Add("T" + Trim(.Fields("sjgnbm")), 4, "T" + Trim(.Fields("gnbm")), Trim(.Fields("gnmc")), "stb")
  457.                 End If
  458.             End If
  459.             nodX.Tag = Xtgnbrec!mjbz
  460.             If Len(Trim(.Fields("sjgnbm"))) <= 2 Then
  461.                 nodX.EnsureVisible
  462.             End If
  463.             .MoveNext
  464.         Loop
  465.     End With
  466. End Sub
  467. '系统功能树操作
  468. Private Sub tvTreeView_BeforeLabelEdit(Cancel As Integer)                     '屏蔽编辑
  469.   Cancel = 1
  470. End Sub
  471. Private Sub tvTreeView_Collapse(ByVal Node As MSComctlLib.Node)               '功能树收缩
  473.     If Node.Index <> 1 And Node.Key <> "T16" Then
  474.         Node.Image = "stb"
  475.     End If
  477. End Sub
  478. Private Sub tvTreeView_Expand(ByVal Node As MSComctlLib.Node)                 '功能树展开
  480.     If Node.Index <> 1 And Node.Key <> "T16" Then
  481.         Node.Image = "szk"
  482.     End If
  483. End Sub
  484. Private Sub tvTreeView_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)                          '用户按回车键执行相应功能
  486.     If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Then
  487.         Call tvTreeView_DblClick
  488.     End If
  489. End Sub
  490. Private Sub tvTreeView_DblClick()                                             '选择功能
  492.     If tvTreeView.SelectedItem.Children = 0 Then
  493.         Set Xtgnbrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("SELECT * FROM xt_xtgnb where gnbm='" + Mid(Trim(tvTreeView.SelectedItem.Key), 2, Len(Trim(tvTreeView.SelectedItem.Key)) - 1) + "'")
  494.         If Not Xtgnbrec.EOF Then
  495.             gnsyte = Trim(Xtgnbrec.Fields("gnsy"))
  496.             Call Zxxymk(gnsyte)
  497.         End If
  498.     End If
  499. End Sub
  500. Public Sub Zxxymk(gnsy As String)                                            '根据用户选择执行相应程序
  502.     Dim RecTemp As New ADODB.Recordset     '临时使用动态集
  503.     Dim Sqlstr As String                   '临时查询字符串
  505.     If Len(Trim(gnsy)) = 0 Then
  506.         Exit Sub
  507.     End If
  509.     On Error GoTo Cwcl:
  510.     Select Case gnsy
  511.         '文件
  512.         Case "Tr_register"                       '用户重新注册
  513.             XT_login.Show 1
  514.         Case "c_quit"
  515.             Unload XT_Main
  517.             '模式程序
  519.             '1.录入类型
  520.         Case "Tr_Type"                          '车辆类型(编码式)
  521.             Tr_Type.HelpContextID = 1602001
  522.             Tr_Type.Show 1
  523.         Case "Tr_Situation"                     '车辆状况(编码式)
  524.             Tr_Situation.HelpContextID = 1602002
  525.             Tr_Situation.Show 1
  526.         Case "Tr_UseNature"                     '车辆使用性质(编码式)
  527.             Tr_UseNature.HelpContextID = 1602003
  528.             Tr_UseNature.Show 1
  529.         Case "Tr_OwnerShip"                     '车辆所有权(编码式)
  530.             Tr_OwnerShip.HelpContextID = 1602004
  531.             Tr_OwnerShip.Show 1
  532.         Case "Tr_NowGrade"                      '车辆等级(编码式)
  533.             Tr_NowGrade.HelpContextID = 1602005
  534.             Tr_NowGrade.Show 1
  535.         Case "Tr_Park"                          '车辆停车线(编码式)
  536.             Tr_Park.HelpContextID = 1602006
  537.             Tr_Park.Show 1
  538.         Case "Tr_VehicleFile"                   '车辆档案(编码式)
  539.             Tr_VehicleFile.HelpContextID = 1602007
  540.             Call XtWaitMess("Tr_VehicleFile")
  541.         Case "Tr_TrainUnit"                     '接收单位
  542.             Tr_TrainUnit.HelpContextID = 1602008
  543.             Tr_TrainUnit.Show 1
  544.         Case "Tr_Source"                        '货源单位
  545.             Tr_Supply.HelpContextID = 1602009
  546.             Tr_Supply.Show 1
  547.         Case "Tr_DispatchOut"                   '调卸单(编码式)
  548.             Tr_DispatchOut.HelpContextID = 1603008001
  549.             Tr_DispatchOut.Show 1
  550.         Case "Tr_DispatchWash"                  '调洗单(编码式)
  551.             Tr_DispatchWash.HelpContextID = 1603008003
  552.             Tr_DispatchWash.Show 1
  553.         Case "Tr_Stop"                          '暂放单(编码式)
  554.             Tr_Stop.HelpContextID = 1603008004
  555.             Tr_Stop.Show 1
  556.         Case "Tr_Check"                         '查车单(编码式)
  557.             Tr_Check.HelpContextID = 1603008002
  558.             Tr_Check.Show 1
  559.         Case "Tr_Weigh"                         '检斤单(编码式)
  560.             Tr_Weigh.HelpContextID = 1603008005
  561.             Tr_Weigh.Show 1
  562.         Case "Tr_Move"                          '调车单(编码式)
  563.             Tr_Move.HelpContextID = 1603010
  564.             Tr_Move.Show 1
  565.         Case "Tr_Arrive"                         '车辆到达单(编码式)
  566.             Tr_Arrive.HelpContextID = 1603007
  567.             Tr_Arrive.Show 1
  568.         Case "Tr_NowAccountList"                '现车状况编码式)
  569.             Tr_NowAccountList.HelpContextID = 1603009
  570.             Tr_NowAccountList.Show
  571.             Tr_NowAccountCxtj.Show 1
  572.         Case "Tr_ParkList"                      '车辆在线状况(编码式)
  573.             Tr_ParkList.HelpContextID = 1603011
  574.             Tr_ParkList.Show
  575.             Tr_ParkCxtj.Show 1
  576.         Case "Tr_Apply"                         '货物运单
  577.             '判断用户是否有此功能执行权限,如有则写上机日志(进入)
  578.             If Not Security_Log("Tr_Apply_edit", Xtczybm, 1) Then
  579.                 Exit Sub
  580.             End If
  581.             Xtcdcs = "1"
  582.             Tr_Apply.HelpContextID = 1603001
  583.             Tr_Apply.Show 1
  584.         Case "Tr_ApplyList"                     '货物运单列表
  585.             Tr_ApplyList.HelpContextID = 1603002
  586.             Tr_ApplyList.Show
  587.             Tr_ApplyListcxtj.Show 1
  588.         Case "Tr_Hold"                          '调装
  589.             '判断用户是否有此功能执行权限,如有则写上机日志(进入)
  590.             If Not Security_Log("Tr_Hold_edit", Xtczybm, 1) Then
  591.                 Exit Sub
  592.             End If
  593.             Xtcdcs = "1"
  594.             Tr_Hold.HelpContextID = 1603003
  595.             Tr_Hold.Show 1
  596.         Case "Tr_HoldList"                      '调装列表
  597.             Xtcdcs = "1"
  598.             Tr_HoldList.HelpContextID = 1603004
  599.             Tr_HoldList.Show
  600.             Tr_HoldListcxtj.Show 1
  601.         Case "Tr_Invoice"                       '货票
  602.             '判断用户是否有此功能执行权限,如有则写上机日志(进入)
  603.             If Not Security_Log("Tr_Invoice_edit", Xtczybm, 1) Then
  604.                 Exit Sub
  605.             End If
  606.             Xtcdcs = "1"
  607.             Tr_Invoice.HelpContextID = 1603005
  608.             Tr_Invoice.Show 1
  609.         Case "Tr_InvoiceList"                   '货票列表
  610.             Xtcdcs = "1"
  611.             Tr_InvoiceList.HelpContextID = 1603006
  612.             Tr_InvoiceList.Show
  613.             Tr_InvoiceListcxtj.Show 1
  614.         Case "Tr_Mend"                          '维修
  615.             '判断用户是否有此功能执行权限,如有则写上机日志(进入)
  616.             If Not Security_Log("Tr_Mend_edit", Xtczybm, 1) Then
  617.                 Exit Sub
  618.             End If
  619.             Xtcdcs = "1"
  620.             Tr_Mend.HelpContextID = 1603012
  621.             Tr_Mend.Show 1
  622.         Case "Tr_MendList"                      '维修列表
  623.             Xtcdcs = "1"
  624.             Tr_MendList.HelpContextID = 1603013
  625.             Tr_MendList.Show
  626.             Tr_MendListcxtj.Show 1
  627.         Case "Tr_Roadlading"                    '汽运提货单
  628.             '判断用户是否有此功能执行权限,如有则写上机日志(进入)
  629.             If Not Security_Log("Tr_Roadlading_edit", Xtczybm, 1) Then
  630.                 Exit Sub
  631.             End If
  632.             Xtcdcs = "1"
  633.             Tr_RoadLading.HelpContextID = 1604001
  634.             Tr_RoadLading.Show 1
  635.         Case "Tr_RoadLadingList"                '汽运提货单列表
  636.             Tr_Roadlad_list.HelpContextID = 1604002
  637.             Tr_Roadlad_list.Show
  638.             Tr_roadladcxtj.Show 1
  639.         Case "Tr_RoadOuting"                    '汽运卸货单
  640.             '判断用户是否有此功能执行权限,如有则写上机日志(进入)
  641.             If Not Security_Log("Tr_RoadOuting_edit", Xtczybm, 1) Then
  642.                 Exit Sub
  643.             End If
  644.             Xtcdcs = "1"
  645.             Tr_RoadOuting.HelpContextID = 1604001
  646.             Tr_RoadOuting.Show 1
  647.         Case "Tr_RoadOutingList"                 '汽运卸货单列表
  648.             Tr_Roadout_list.HelpContextID = 1604002
  649.             Tr_Roadout_list.Show
  650.             Tr_RoadOutcxtj.Show 1
  651.         Case "Tr_RoadDeliver"                    '汽运送货单
  652.             '判断用户是否有此功能执行权限,如有则写上机日志(进入)
  653.             If Not Security_Log("Tr_RoadDeliver_edit", Xtczybm, 1) Then
  654.                 Exit Sub
  655.             End If
  656.             Xtcdcs = "1"
  657.             Tr_RoadDeliver.HelpContextID = 1604003
  658.             Tr_RoadDeliver.Show 1
  659.         Case "Tr_RoadDeliverList"                '汽运送货单列表
  660.             Tr_RoadDeliverList.HelpContextID = 1604004
  661.             Tr_RoadDeliverList.Show
  662.             Tr_roadDelivercxtj.Show 1
  663.         Case "Tr_ShipDeliver"                    '水运送货单
  664.             '判断用户是否有此功能执行权限,如有则写上机日志(进入)
  665.             If Not Security_Log("Tr_ShipDeliver_edit", Xtczybm, 1) Then
  666.                 Exit Sub
  667.             End If
  668.             Xtcdcs = "1"
  669.             Tr_ShipDeliver.HelpContextID = 1604005
  670.             Tr_ShipDeliver.Show 1
  671.         Case "Tr_ShipDeliverList"                '水运送货单列表
  672.             Tr_ShipDeliverList.HelpContextID = 1604006
  673.             Tr_ShipDeliverList.Show
  674.             Tr_ShipDelivercxtj.Show 1
  676.         Case "Tr_TrainAccount"                   '铁运台帐
  677.             Tr_TrainAccount.HelpContextID = 1605001
  678.             Tr_TrainAccount.Show
  679.             Tr_TrainAccountcxtj.Show 1
  680.         Case "Tr_UseReport"                      '铁路运用统计表
  681.             Tr_UseReport.HelpContextID = 1605002
  682.             Tr_UseReport.Show
  683.             Tr_UseReportcxtj.Show 1
  684.         Case "Tr_WorkReport"                     '铁运运输工作统计表
  685.             Tr_WorkReport.HelpContextID = 1605003
  686.             Tr_WorkReport.Show
  687.             Tr_WorkReportcxtj.Show 1
  688.         Case "Tr_DateReport"                     '铁运日统计表
  689.             Tr_DateReport.HelpContextID = 1605004
  690.             Tr_DateReport.Show
  691.             Tr_DateReportcxtj.Show 1
  693.         '工具
  694.         Case "c_gnbmkmrl"                        '会计日历
  695.             XT_kjrlFrm.Show 1
  696.         Case "c_gnbmjsq"                         '计算器
  697.             Shell App.Path & "calc.exe", vbNormalFocus
  699.         '帮助
  700.         Case "Tr_SystempHelp"                    '系统帮助
  701.             Call F1bz
  702.         Case "Tr_About"                          '关于
  703.             XT_frmAbout.Show
  704.     End Select
  706.     '用户退出时写上机日志
  707.    Security_Log gnsy, Xtczybm, 2, False
  709.     Exit Sub
  710. Cwcl:
  711.     Tsxx = "此项系统功能有待完善!"
  712.     Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 4)
  713.     Exit Sub
  714. End Sub
  715. Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)        '用户关闭窗体
  717.     If Unload_TF = False Then
  718.         Cancel = 1
  719.         Me.WindowState = 1
  720.     End If
  721. End Sub
  722. Private Sub Form_Load()
  724.     '设置窗体图标
  725.     Me.Icon = XT_Main.Icon
  727.     '设置窗体位置大小,并调入系统功能树
  728.     Me.Left = 0
  729.     Me.Top = 0
  730.     Me.Width = XT_Main.Width - 60
  731.     Me.Height = XT_Main.Height - 760 - 690
  732.     Call Cshgns
  734.     '启动调入数据等待提示
  735.     Load Xt_Wait
  737. End Sub
  738. Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
  740.     On Error Resume Next
  742.     Dim i As Integer
  743.     For i = Forms.Count - 1 To 1 Step -1
  744.         Unload Forms(i)
  745.     Next
  746.     If Me.WindowState <> vbMinimized Then
  747.         SaveSetting App.Title, "Settings", "MainLeft", Me.Left
  748.         SaveSetting App.Title, "Settings", "MainTop", Me.Top
  749.         SaveSetting App.Title, "Settings", "MainWidth", Me.Width
  750.         SaveSetting App.Title, "Settings", "MainHeight", Me.Height
  751.     End If
  752.     SaveSetting App.Title, "Settings", "ViewMode", lvListView.View
  753. End Sub
  754. Private Sub Form_Resize()
  756.     On Error Resume Next
  757.     If Me.Width < 3000 Then Me.Width = 3000
  758.     SizeControls imgSplitter.Left
  759. End Sub
  760. Private Sub imgSplitter_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
  762.     With imgSplitter
  763.         picSplitter.Move .Left, .Top, .Width  2, .Height - 20
  764.     End With
  765.     picSplitter.Visible = True
  766.     mbMoving = True
  767. End Sub
  768. Private Sub imgSplitter_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
  770.     Dim sglPos As Single
  771.     If mbMoving Then
  772.         sglPos = x + imgSplitter.Left
  773.         If sglPos < sglSplitLimit Then
  774.             picSplitter.Left = sglSplitLimit
  775.         ElseIf sglPos > Me.Width - sglSplitLimit Then
  776.             picSplitter.Left = Me.Width - sglSplitLimit
  777.         Else
  778.             picSplitter.Left = sglPos
  779.         End If
  780.     End If
  781. End Sub
  782. Private Sub imgSplitter_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
  784.     SizeControls picSplitter.Left
  785.     picSplitter.Visible = False
  786.     mbMoving = False
  787.     lvListView.Refresh
  788. End Sub
  789. Private Sub TreeView1_DragDrop(Source As Control, x As Single, y As Single)
  791.     If Source = imgSplitter Then
  792.         SizeControls x
  793.     End If
  794. End Sub
  795. Sub SizeControls(x As Single)
  797.     On Error Resume Next
  798.     '设置 Width 属性
  799.     If x < 3500 Then x = 3500
  800.     If x > (Me.Width - 1500) Then x = Me.Width - 1500
  801.     tvTreeView.Width = x
  802.     imgSplitter.Left = x
  803.     lvListView.Left = x + 40
  804.     lvListView.Width = Me.Width - (tvTreeView.Width + 140)
  805.     lblTitle(0).Width = tvTreeView.Width
  806.     lblTitle(1).Left = lvListView.Left + 20
  807.     lblTitle(1).Width = lvListView.Width - 40
  808.     '设置 Top 属性
  809.     tvTreeView.Top = tbToolBar.Height + picTitles.Height
  810.     lvListView.Top = tvTreeView.Top
  811.     '设置 height 属性
  812.     tvTreeView.Height = Me.ScaleHeight - (picTitles.Top + picTitles.Height)
  814.     lvListView.Height = tvTreeView.Height
  815.     imgSplitter.Top = tvTreeView.Top
  816.     imgSplitter.Height = tvTreeView.Height
  817. End Sub
  818. Private Sub tbToolBar_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button)
  820.     On Error Resume Next
  822.     Select Case Button.Key
  823.         Case "返回"
  824.             tvTreeView.SetFocus
  825.               SendKeys "{up}", True
  826.         Case "向前"
  827.              tvTreeView.SetFocus
  828.               SendKeys "{DOWN}", True
  829.         Case "大图标"
  830.             lvListView.View = lvwIcon
  831.         Case "小图标"
  832.             lvListView.View = lvwSmallIcon
  833.         Case "列表"
  834.             lvListView.View = lvwList
  835.         Case "详细资料"
  836.             lvListView.View = lvwReport
  837.     End Select
  838. End Sub