资源名称:ERPSYS.zip [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- VERSION 5.00
- Object = "{831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.0#0"; "mscomctl.ocx"
- Begin VB.Form Stand_FrmLimit
- Appearance = 0 'Flat
- BackColor = &H80000004&
- BorderStyle = 3 'Fixed Dialog
- Caption = "标准表限定条件"
- ClientHeight = 6165
- ClientLeft = 45
- ClientTop = 330
- ClientWidth = 10110
- HelpContextID = 221201202
- Icon = "基础设置_标准表限定条件.frx":0000
- LinkTopic = "Form1"
- LockControls = -1 'True
- MaxButton = 0 'False
- MinButton = 0 'False
- ScaleHeight = 6165
- ScaleWidth = 10110
- ShowInTaskbar = 0 'False
- StartUpPosition = 2 '屏幕中心
- Begin MSComctlLib.ProgressBar PB_CheckStatus
- Height = 420
- Left = 150
- TabIndex = 25
- Top = 5685
- Visible = 0 'False
- Width = 7440
- _ExtentX = 13123
- _ExtentY = 741
- _Version = 393216
- BorderStyle = 1
- Appearance = 1
- Scrolling = 1
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Cancel
- Caption = "取消(&C)"
- Height = 300
- Left = 8880
- TabIndex = 24
- Top = 5760
- Width = 1120
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Save
- Caption = "保存(&S)"
- Height = 300
- Left = 7650
- TabIndex = 23
- Top = 5760
- Width = 1120
- End
- Begin VB.Frame Frame3
- Caption = "标准表限定条件输入参照:"
- Height = 3180
- Left = 90
- TabIndex = 1
- Top = 2475
- Width = 9900
- Begin VB.Frame Fm_Number
- Caption = "数字符号:"
- Height = 2790
- Left = 105
- TabIndex = 2
- Top = 285
- Width = 2010
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Change
- Caption = "切换"
- Height = 300
- Left = 90
- TabIndex = 18
- Top = 315
- Width = 1830
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Number
- Caption = "."
- Height = 300
- Index = 11
- Left = 1500
- TabIndex = 17
- Top = 1545
- Width = 420
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Number
- Caption = "%"
- Height = 300
- Index = 10
- Left = 1035
- TabIndex = 16
- Top = 1545
- Width = 420
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Number
- Caption = "0"
- Height = 315
- Index = 9
- Left = 555
- TabIndex = 15
- Top = 1545
- Width = 420
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Number
- Caption = "9"
- Height = 315
- Index = 8
- Left = 90
- TabIndex = 14
- Top = 1545
- Width = 420
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Number
- Caption = "8"
- Height = 300
- Index = 7
- Left = 1500
- TabIndex = 13
- Top = 1140
- Width = 420
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Number
- Caption = "7"
- Height = 300
- Index = 6
- Left = 1035
- TabIndex = 12
- Top = 1140
- Width = 420
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Number
- Caption = "6"
- Height = 315
- Index = 5
- Left = 555
- TabIndex = 11
- Top = 1140
- Width = 420
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Number
- Caption = "5"
- Height = 315
- Index = 4
- Left = 90
- TabIndex = 10
- Top = 1140
- Width = 420
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Number
- Caption = "4"
- Height = 300
- Index = 3
- Left = 1500
- TabIndex = 9
- Top = 735
- Width = 420
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Number
- Caption = "3"
- Height = 300
- Index = 2
- Left = 1035
- TabIndex = 8
- Top = 750
- Width = 420
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Number
- Caption = "2"
- Height = 315
- Index = 1
- Left = 555
- TabIndex = 7
- Top = 735
- Width = 420
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Number
- Caption = "1"
- Height = 315
- Index = 0
- Left = 90
- TabIndex = 6
- Top = 735
- Width = 420
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Number
- Caption = " AND "
- Height = 300
- Index = 12
- Left = 75
- TabIndex = 5
- Top = 1965
- Width = 900
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Guide
- Caption = "函数向导"
- Height = 300
- Left = 75
- TabIndex = 4
- Top = 2355
- Width = 1815
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Number
- Caption = " LIKE"
- Height = 300
- Index = 13
- Left = 1035
- TabIndex = 3
- Top = 1965
- Width = 870
- End
- End
- Begin MSComctlLib.TreeView TV_PreField
- Height = 2640
- Left = 2205
- TabIndex = 19
- Top = 420
- Width = 3795
- _ExtentX = 6694
- _ExtentY = 4657
- _Version = 393217
- LabelEdit = 1
- LineStyle = 1
- Style = 7
- Appearance = 1
- End
- Begin MSComctlLib.TreeView TV_FieldValue
- Height = 2655
- Left = 6075
- TabIndex = 20
- Top = 405
- Width = 3690
- _ExtentX = 6509
- _ExtentY = 4683
- _Version = 393217
- LabelEdit = 1
- LineStyle = 1
- Style = 7
- Appearance = 1
- End
- Begin VB.Label Lab_Mark
- Caption = "关联项:"
- Height = 195
- Index = 4
- Left = 6075
- TabIndex = 22
- Top = 210
- Width = 915
- End
- Begin VB.Label Lab_Mark
- Caption = "待选项目:"
- Height = 165
- Index = 3
- Left = 2220
- TabIndex = 21
- Top = 195
- Width = 825
- End
- End
- Begin VB.TextBox Txt_FLimit
- Height = 2295
- Left = 105
- MultiLine = -1 'True
- ScrollBars = 2 'Vertical
- TabIndex = 0
- Top = 90
- Width = 9885
- End
- End
- Attribute VB_Name = "Stand_FrmLimit"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = False
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- '*******************************************************
- '* 模 块 名 称 :标准表限定条件
- '* 功 能 描 述 :设置标准表的限定条件。
- '* 程序员姓名 :田建秀
- '* 最后修改人 :田建秀
- '* 最后修改时间:2002/01/04
- '* 备 注:
- '*******************************************************
- Option Explicit
- Const STATUS_VIEW As Integer = 0
- Const STATUS_ADD As Integer = 1
- Const STATUS_EDIT As Integer = 2
- Dim cn As Connection
- Dim sFieldOld As String
- Dim iNowState As Integer
- Dim Sql As String
- Dim Rsc As New ADODB.Recordset
- Private Sub Cmd_Save_Click()
- Dim cQuerys As New CQuery
- Dim sSqlWhere As String
- '验证限定条件
- Set cQuerys.PB_CheckStatus = Me.PB_CheckStatus
- If cQuerys.CheckFormula(Trim(Me.Txt_FLimit.Text)) = True Then
- sSqlWhere = cQuerys.FormulaSQL
- Me.Txt_FLimit.Text = cQuerys.FormulaOld
- '存储限定条件
- If Rsc.State = 1 Then Rsc.Close
- Sql = "select * from PM_StandTbl where BzbNO=" & _
- Stand_FrmFirst.CzxsGrid.TextMatrix(Stand_FrmFirst.CzxsGrid.Row, 0)
- Rsc.Open Sql, Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
- With Rsc
- !BzbConUser = Trim(Txt_FLimit.Text)
- !BzbCond = sSqlWhere
- .Update
- End With
- On Error GoTo Err1
- With Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect
- .BeginTrans
- .Execute Sql
- .CommitTrans
- End With
- Call Xtxxts("保存成功!", 0, 4)
- Unload Me
- Exit Sub
- Else
- Exit Sub
- End If
- Err1:
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.RollbackTrans
- Call Xtxxts("保存不成功!", 0, 1)
- End Sub
- Private Sub Cmd_Cancel_Click()
- Unload Me
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Load()
- InitView Me.TV_PreField, " ltrim(rtrim(TableName))= 'rs_basicInfo' or ltrim(rtrim(TableName))= 'rs_ExtendInfo'" '填充字段树
- If Rsc.State = 1 Then Rsc.Close
- Sql = "select * from PM_StandTbl where BzbNO=" & _
- Stand_FrmFirst.CzxsGrid.TextMatrix(Stand_FrmFirst.CzxsGrid.Row, 0)
- Set Rsc = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute(Sql)
- If Not Rsc.EOF Then
- Me.Txt_FLimit.Text = Trim(Rsc!BzbConUser & "")
- Else
- Call Xtxxts("这一标准表已被删除!", 0, 1)
- Unload Me
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Cmd_Change_Click()
- '交换数字和操作符
- With Me.Fm_Number
- If Trim(.Caption) = "数字符号:" Then
- Cmd_Number(0).Caption = " +"
- Cmd_Number(1).Caption = " -"
- Cmd_Number(2).Caption = " *"
- Cmd_Number(3).Caption = " /"
- Cmd_Number(4).Caption = " ="
- Cmd_Number(5).Caption = " <>"
- Cmd_Number(6).Caption = " >"
- Cmd_Number(7).Caption = " >="
- Cmd_Number(8).Caption = " <"
- Cmd_Number(9).Caption = " <="
- Cmd_Number(10).Caption = " ("
- Cmd_Number(11).Caption = " )"
- Cmd_Number(12).Caption = " OR"
- .Caption = "运算符号:"
- Else
- Cmd_Number(0).Caption = "1"
- Cmd_Number(1).Caption = "2"
- Cmd_Number(2).Caption = "3"
- Cmd_Number(3).Caption = "4"
- Cmd_Number(4).Caption = "5"
- Cmd_Number(5).Caption = "6"
- Cmd_Number(6).Caption = "7"
- Cmd_Number(7).Caption = "8"
- Cmd_Number(8).Caption = "9"
- Cmd_Number(9).Caption = "0"
- Cmd_Number(10).Caption = "%"
- Cmd_Number(11).Caption = "."
- Cmd_Number(12).Caption = " AND"
- .Caption = "数字符号:"
- End If
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Sub Cmd_Number_Click(Index As Integer)
- '向本框中添加数字或操作符
- Dim s As String
- s = Me.Cmd_Number(Index).Caption
- ' 添加限定条件
- With Me.Txt_FLimit
- If .SelLength <> 0 Then
- .Text = ReplByPos(.Text, s, .SelStart + 1, .SelStart + .SelLength + 1)
- Else
- .Text = .Text & s
- End If
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
- Set Rsc = Nothing
- End Sub
- Private Sub TV_PreField_BeforeLabelEdit(Cancel As Integer)
- Cancel = 1
- End Sub
- Private Sub TV_PreField_DblClick()
- '添加此字段到相应位置
- Dim nod As Node
- With Me.TV_PreField
- '如果当前没有选中接点,退出
- Set nod = .SelectedItem
- If nod Is Nothing Then
- Exit Sub
- End If
- '如果不是字段.退出
- If nod.Children <> 0 Then
- Set nod = Nothing
- Exit Sub
- End If
- '如果是根结点,推出
- If nod.Parent Is Nothing Then
- Exit Sub
- End If
- '添加节点到相应位置
- Me.Txt_FLimit.Text = Me.Txt_FLimit.Text & " " & nod.Parent.Text & "." & nod.Text
- End With
- '如果当前节点有相关帮助,并且不是上一次选中的节点,填充相关帮助
- If sFieldOld <> nod.Key Then
- FillValue2TV nod.Tag, Me.TV_FieldValue
- sFieldOld = nod.Key
- End If
- Set nod = Nothing
- End Sub
- Private Sub TV_FieldValue_BeforeLabelEdit(Cancel As Integer)
- Cancel = 1
- End Sub
- Private Sub TV_FieldValue_NodeClick(ByVal Node As MSComctlLib.Node)
- '添加字段到相应位置
- Dim nod As Node
- With Me.TV_FieldValue
- Set nod = .SelectedItem
- If nod Is Nothing Then
- Exit Sub
- End If
- If nod.Parent Is Nothing Then
- Set nod = Nothing
- Exit Sub
- End If
- Me.Txt_FLimit.Text = Me.Txt_FLimit.Text & " " & nod.Text
- End With
- Set nod = Nothing
- End Sub
- Private Sub Cmd_Guide_Click()
- Dim s As String
- Dim frm As New Formula_Guide_Frm
- With frm
- .Show 1
- s = .sFunction
- End With
- '向文本框中添加函数
- If s <> "" Then
- '添加限定条件
- With Me.Txt_FLimit
- If .SelLength <> 0 Then
- .Text = ReplByPos(.Text, s, .SelStart + 1, .SelStart + .SelLength + 1)
- Else
- .Text = .Text & " " & s
- End If
- End With
- End If
- Set frm = Nothing
- End Sub