资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- MultiUse = -1 'True
- Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
- DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
- Attribute VB_Name = "Rs_Class"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = True
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- Option Explicit
- Public Function RS_cipher(Text As String, length As Integer)
- Dim i As Integer
- For i = 0 To length
- If Len(Text) >= length Then Exit For Else Text = "0" & Text
- Next i
- RS_cipher = Text
- End Function
- Public Sub Rec_Close(Rec As Recordset)
- If Rec.State = 1 Then
- P_RecordCount = 0
- P_RecordCount = Rec.RecordCount
- Rec.Close
- End If
- Set Rec = Nothing
- End Sub
- Public Sub ComBo_AddList(Com As ComboBox, Str As String) '添加Combox
- Dim aDo_Com As New Recordset
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim Ssql As String
- If Str <> "部门" Then
- Ssql = "select * from RsT_CorrelationSort A,RsT_CorrelationList B where " _
- & "A.SortID=b.SortID and A.SortName='" & Trim(Str) & "' order by B.ListID"
- Else
- Ssql = "select * from Gy_Department where StopUse='0'"
- End If
- Set aDo_Com = Conn_RS.Execute(Ssql)
- i = 1
- Com.Clear
- Com.AddItem ""
- Com.ItemData(0) = 0
- If Str = "部门" Then
- ReDim Dept_Code(aDo_Com.RecordCount + 1)
- End If
- Do While Not aDo_Com.EOF
- If Str <> "部门" Then
- Com.AddItem Trim(aDo_Com!Listname)
- Com.ItemData(i) = aDo_Com!ListID
- Else
- Com.AddItem Trim(aDo_Com!deptname)
- Dept_Code(i) = Trim(aDo_Com!deptcode)
- End If
- i = i + 1
- aDo_Com.MoveNext
- Loop
- Class_Rs.Rec_Close aDo_Com
- End Sub
- Public Function Help_Str(Str As String, tf As Boolean) As String '截点前、点后
- Dim i As Integer
- Str = Trim(Str)
- For i = 1 To Len(Str)
- If Mid(Str, i, 1) = "." Then Exit For
- Next i
- If tf = True Then
- Help_Str = Mid(Str, 1, i - 1)
- Else
- If i = Len(Str) + 1 Then
- Help_Str = "0"
- Else
- Help_Str = Mid(Str, i + 1, Len(Str))
- End If
- End If
- End Function
- Public Function Rows_int(Str As String, StrText As String) '查找记录的条数
- Dim aDo_Rec As New Recordset
- Dim Ssql As String
- Select Case Trim(Str)
- Case "部门"
- Ssql = "select * from Gy_Department where DepTName='" & StrText & "'"
- Case "岗位"
- Ssql = "select * from RsT_EmpolyeeGroup where Name='" & StrText & "'"
- Case Else
- Ssql = "select * from RsT_CorrelationSort A,RsT_CorrelationList B where " _
- & "A.SortID=b.SortID and A.SortName='" & Trim(Str) & "' and listname='" & Trim(StrText) & "'"
- End Select
- Set aDo_Rec = Conn_RS.Execute(Ssql)
- Rows_int = aDo_Rec.RecordCount
- '--------------------------------
- If Rows_int < 1 Then
- Select Case Trim(Str)
- Case "部门"
- Ssql = "select * from Gy_Department where DepTCode='" & StrText & "'"
- Case "岗位"
- Ssql = "select * from RsT_EmpolyeeGroup where code='" & StrText & "'"
- Case Else
- Ssql = "select * from RsT_CorrelationSort A,RsT_CorrelationList B where " _
- & "A.SortID=b.SortID and A.SortName='" & Trim(Str) & "' and listID=" & Val(StrText)
- End Select
- Set aDo_Rec = Conn_RS.Execute(Ssql)
- Rows_int = aDo_Rec.RecordCount
- End If
- If Rows_int > 0 Then
- Select Case Str
- Case "岗位"
- P_Name = aDo_Rec!Name
- P_Code = aDo_Rec!code
- Case "部门"
- P_Name = aDo_Rec!deptname
- P_Code = aDo_Rec!deptcode
- Case Else
- P_Name = aDo_Rec!Listname
- P_Code = aDo_Rec!ListID
- End Select
- End If
- Class_Rs.Rec_Close aDo_Rec
- End Function
- Public Function setPicture(ByVal rs As ADODB.Recordset, ByVal Employee_ID As String, i As Integer)
- ' note: this requires the record to already exist - it will insert the
- ' picture at the current position in the recordset
- ' Returns true if success - false otherwise
- Const BlockSize = 150000
- Dim ByteData() As Byte 'Byte array for Blob data.
- Dim SourceFile As Integer
- Dim FileLength As Long
- Dim Numblocks As Integer
- Dim LeftOver As Long: Dim S As Integer
- ' On Error GoTo Line1
- With EmployeeInfo.vsFlexGrid1(2)
- ' Save Picture image to the table column.
- SourceFile = FreeFile
- Open .TextMatrix(i, 4) For Binary Access Read As SourceFile
- FileLength = LOF(SourceFile) ' Get the length of the file.
- If FileLength = 0 Then
- Close SourceFile
- setPicture = False
- Exit Function
- Else
- Numblocks = FileLength / BlockSize
- LeftOver = FileLength Mod BlockSize
- ReDim ByteData(LeftOver)
- rs.AddNew
- rs!MapID = .TextMatrix(i, 0)
- rs!MapName = .TextMatrix(i, 1)
- rs!EmployeeID = Employee_ID
- Get SourceFile, , ByteData()
- rs("Map").AppendChunk ByteData()
- ReDim ByteData(BlockSize)
- For S = 1 To Numblocks
- Get SourceFile, , ByteData()
- rs("Map").AppendChunk ByteData()
- Next S
- rs.Update 'Commit the new data.
- Close SourceFile
- setPicture = True
- End If
- End With
- Line1:
- End Function
- '
- Public Function getPicture(strPicField As String, ByVal rs As ADODB.Recordset, M As Integer) As Boolean
- Const BlockSize = 150000
- Dim ByteData() As Byte 'Byte array for picture file.
- Dim DestFileNum As Integer
- Dim DiskFile As String
- Dim FileLength As Long
- Dim Numblocks As Integer
- Dim LeftOver As Long
- Dim i As Integer
- ' On Error GoTo Line1
- ' Remove any existing destination file.
- DiskFile = App.Path & "" & M & "temp.bmp"
- If Len(Dir$(DiskFile)) > 0 Then
- Kill DiskFile
- End If
- DestFileNum = FreeFile
- FileLength = rs(strPicField).ActualSize
- Open DiskFile For Binary As DestFileNum
- Numblocks = FileLength / BlockSize
- LeftOver = FileLength Mod BlockSize
- rs.Move 0, adBookmarkCurrent
- ByteData() = rs(strPicField).GetChunk(LeftOver)
- Put DestFileNum, , ByteData()
- For i = 1 To Numblocks - 1
- ByteData() = rs(strPicField).GetChunk(BlockSize)
- Put DestFileNum, , ByteData()
- Next i
- Close DestFileNum
- ' Set getPicture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "temp.bmp")
- getPicture = True
- Line1:
- End Function
- '
- Public Sub Enployeeinfo_Query(Ssql_2 As String)
- 'Dim aDo_Reco As New Recordset
- 'Dim aDo_Item As New Recordset
- 'Dim h As Integer: Dim c As Integer
- 'Dim Str_Field As String
- 'Dim ssql_1 As String
- 'ssql_1 = Ssql_2
- 'If ssql_1 = "" Then
- 'ssql_1 = "select * from RsV_EmployeeBasicInfo"
- 'Else
- 'ssql_1 = "select * from RsV_EmployeeBasicInfo a where " & ssql_1
- 'End If
- '
- 'Set aDo_Reco = Conn_RS.Execute(ssql_1)
- 'Set aDo_Item = Conn_RS.Execute("select * from RsT_Item where ISID=1 and YNShow='1' order by tab")
- 'With Q_EnployeeInfo.vsFlexGrid1
- '
- '
- ' c = 1: h = 1
- ' .Rows = aDo_Reco.RecordCount + 1
- '
- '
- ' Do While Not aDo_Item.EOF
- '
- ' Str_Field = Str_Field & "^" & aDo_Item!ItemChineseName & "|"
- ' aDo_Item.MoveNext
- ' Loop
- ' .Clear
- ' .FormatString = "<编号 |" & Str_Field
- ' .Cols = .Cols - 1
- ' aDo_Item.MoveFirst
- '
- '
- ' Do While Not aDo_Reco.EOF
- '
- ' Do While Not aDo_Item.EOF
- ' If aDo_Item!yncode = 1 Then
- ' .TextMatrix(h, c) = Trim("" & aDo_Reco("N_" & Trim(aDo_Item!ItemFieldName)))
- ' Else
- ' .TextMatrix(h, c) = Trim("" & aDo_Reco(Trim(aDo_Item!ItemFieldName)))
- ' End If
- ' c = c + 1
- ' aDo_Item.MoveNext
- ' Loop
- ' .TextMatrix(h, 0) = h
- ' aDo_Item.MoveFirst
- ' c = 1
- ' h = h + 1
- ' aDo_Reco.MoveNext
- ' Loop
- ' aDo_Item.MoveFirst
- '
- ' c = 1
- ' Do While Not aDo_Item.EOF
- ' .ColWidth(c) = aDo_Item!Width
- ' aDo_Item.MoveNext
- ' c = c + 1
- ' Loop
- '
- '
- 'End With
- '
- 'Class_Rs.Rec_Close aDo_Reco
- 'Class_Rs.Rec_Close aDo_Item
- 'End Sub
- '
- '
- '
- '
- '
- '
- '
- '
- 'End With
- End Sub
- Public Sub Print_EnployeeInfo() '打印
- Dim Max_y As Integer
- With DY_Tybbyldy.Tydy
- '-----------------
- .X1 = 0: .Y1 = 0: .X2 = 0: .Y2 = 0
- '-----------------
- ' .StartDoc
- ' .CurrentX = "3.5in"
- ' .FontName = "宋体": .FontBold = True
- ' .FontSize = 14
- ' DY_Tybbyldy.Tydy = "人事档案"
- '
- ' .FontSize = 10
- ' .CurrentX = "1in": .CurrentY = "1.4in"
- ' DY_Tybbyldy.Tydy = "基本信息:"
- ' .FontBold = False
- ' .FontSize = 10
- '--------------------------
- Dim r As Integer
- Dim Height_Y As Integer
- Height_Y = 2100
- For r = 1 To frmcertificate.T_Label.Count - 1
- .CurrentX = 1600 + frmcertificate.T_Label(r).Left: .CurrentY = Height_Y + frmcertificate.T_Label(r).Top
- DY_Tybbyldy.Tydy = frmcertificate.T_Label(r).Caption & ":"
- .CurrentX = 1600 + frmcertificate.Text_T(r).Left + 100: .CurrentY = Height_Y + frmcertificate.T_Label(r).Top
- DY_Tybbyldy.Tydy = frmcertificate.Text_T(r).Text
- If .CurrentY > Max_y Then Max_y = .CurrentY
- Next r
- For r = 1 To frmcertificate.Label_C.Count - 1
- .CurrentX = 1600 + frmcertificate.Label_C(r).Left: .CurrentY = Height_Y + frmcertificate.Label_C(r).Top
- DY_Tybbyldy.Tydy = frmcertificate.Label_C(r).Caption & ":"
- .CurrentX = 1600 + frmcertificate.Combo_I(r).Left + 100: .CurrentY = Height_Y + frmcertificate.Label_C(r).Top
- DY_Tybbyldy.Tydy = frmcertificate.Combo_I(r).Text
- If .CurrentY > Max_y Then Max_y = .CurrentY
- Next r
- '--------------------------
- '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- .FontBold = True
- Max_y = Max_y + 500
- .CurrentX = "1in": .CurrentY = Max_y
- DY_Tybbyldy.Tydy = "教育背景:"
- .FontBold = False
- '-----------------
- Dim Table_w As String
- Dim TableName As String
- Dim TableList As String
- Dim l
- '--------------
- ' Table_w = "<+500|<+1200|<+1200|<+3000|<+1800|<+1300;"
- ' TableName = "编号|开始时间|结束时间|学校名称|专业|备注;"
- '
- ' For l = 1 To frmcertificate.vsFlexGrid1(0).Rows - 2
- ' TableList = TableList & frmcertificate.vsFlexGrid1(0).TextMatrix(l, 0) & "|" _
- ' & frmcertificate.vsFlexGrid1(0).TextMatrix(l, 1) & "|" & frmcertificate.vsFlexGrid1(0).TextMatrix(l, 2) & "|" _
- ' & frmcertificate.vsFlexGrid1(0).TextMatrix(l, 3) & "|" & frmcertificate.vsFlexGrid1(0).TextMatrix(l, 4) & "|" _
- ' & frmcertificate.vsFlexGrid1(0).TextMatrix(l, 5) & ";"
- '
- ' Next
- '
- ' For r = l To 6
- ' TableList = TableList & "|||||;"
- ' Next r
- ' '---------------
- ' .StartTable
- ' .AddTable Table_w, TableName, TableList, &HE0E0E0, , False
- '
- ' .EndTable
- '
- ' '-------------------------
- ' .FontBold = True
- ' .CurrentX = "1in": .CurrentY = .CurrentY + 200
- ' DY_Tybbyldy.Tydy = "工作经历:"
- ' .FontBold = False
- ' '----------------
- '
- ' Table_w = "<+500|<+1200|<+1200|<+3000|<+1800|<+1300;"
- ' TableName = "编号|开始时间|结束时间|公司名称|职务|备注;"
- ' TableList = ""
- ' For l = 1 To frmcertificate.vsFlexGrid1(1).Rows - 2
- ' TableList = TableList & frmcertificate.vsFlexGrid1(1).TextMatrix(l, 0) & "|" _
- ' & frmcertificate.vsFlexGrid1(1).TextMatrix(l, 1) & "|" & frmcertificate.vsFlexGrid1(1).TextMatrix(l, 2) & "|" _
- ' & frmcertificate.vsFlexGrid1(1).TextMatrix(l, 3) & "|" & frmcertificate.vsFlexGrid1(1).TextMatrix(l, 4) & "|" _
- ' & frmcertificate.vsFlexGrid1(1).TextMatrix(l, 5) & ";"
- '
- ' Next
- '
- ' For r = l To 6
- ' TableList = TableList & "|||||;"
- ' Next r
- ' '---------------
- ' .StartTable
- ' .AddTable Table_w, TableName, TableList, &HE0E0E0, , False
- '
- ' .EndTable
- '
- ' .FontBold = True
- ' .CurrentX = "1in": .CurrentY = .CurrentY + 200
- ' DY_Tybbyldy.Tydy = "图片信息:"
- ' .FontBold = False
- ' '------------------
- ' .CurrentX = .CurrentX + 100
- ' For r = 1 To frmcertificate.vsFlexGrid1(2).Rows - 2
- ' If frmcertificate.Image1.Height + .CurrentY > .PageHeight - 1675 Then .NewPage
- '
- ' frmcertificate.vsFlexGrid1(2).col = 3
- ' frmcertificate.vsFlexGrid1(2).Row = r
- ' .CurrentY = .CurrentY + 100
- '
- ' DY_Tybbyldy.Tydy = frmcertificate.vsFlexGrid1(2).TextMatrix(r, 1)
- ' .CurrentX = .CurrentX + 100
- ' frmcertificate.Image1.Picture = frmcertificate.vsFlexGrid1(2).CellPicture
- ' .X1 = .CurrentX
- ' .Y1 = .CurrentY
- ' .X2 = frmcertificate.Image1.Width + .CurrentX
- ' .Y2 = frmcertificate.Image1.Height + .CurrentY
- ' .CurrentY = .CurrentY + frmcertificate.Image1.Height
- '
- ' .Picture = frmcertificate.Image1.Picture
- ' Next
- '
- ' '----------------
- ' frmcertificate.vsFlexGrid1(2).col = 1
- .EndDoc
- DY_Tybbyldy.Show 1
- End With
- End Sub