


Visual Basic

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  690. Dim Tsxx As String                       '系统提示信息
  691. Dim Qslz As Long                         '网格隐藏(非操作显示)列数
  692. Dim Sjhgd As Double                      '网格数据行高度
  693. Dim Sfxshjwg As Boolean                  '是否显示合计网格
  694. Dim GridBoolean() As Boolean             '网格列信息(布尔型)
  695. Dim GridStr()  As String                 '网格列信息(字符型)
  696. Dim GridInt() As Integer                 '网格列信息(整型)
  697. Dim Szzls As Integer                     '数组总列数(网格列数-1)
  698. Private Sub Form_Resize()                '根据窗体大小来调整网格,标题栏大小(Fixed)
  699.     On Error Resume Next
  700.     With CxbbGrid
  701.         .Width = Me.Width - 160
  702.         .Height = Me.Height - .Top - 400
  703.     End With
  704.     With Pic_Title
  705.         .Width = Me.Width - 160
  706.     End With
  708.     GsToolbar.Left = Me.Width - GsToolbar.Width - 140
  709. End Sub
  710. Private Sub Form_Load()                                                   '窗体装入
  712.     '调入打印页面设置窗体
  713.     ReportTitle = "独立需求列表"
  714.     XtReportCode = "MRP_IndepDemandlist"
  715.     Load Dyymctbl
  717.     '调整标题栏及网格、格式工具条位置(Fixed)
  718.     Pic_Title.Left = 40
  719.     Pic_Title.Top = SzToolbar.Top + SzToolbar.Height - 10
  720.     CxbbGrid.Left = Pic_Title.Left
  721.     CxbbGrid.Top = Pic_Title.Top + Pic_Title.Height + 20
  723.     '调 入 网 格(Fixed)
  724.     GridCode = "MRP_IndepDemandlist"
  725.     Call BzWgcsh(CxbbGrid, GridCode, GridInf(), GridBoolean(), GridInt(), GridStr())
  727.     Qslz = GridInf(1)
  728.     Sjhgd = GridInf(2)
  729.     Sfxshjwg = GridInf(7)
  730.     Szzls = CxbbGrid.Cols - 1
  733. End Sub
  734. Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)                                  '窗体卸载
  735.     '卸载条件窗体
  736.     MRP_IndependentDemandQuery.UnloadCheck.Value = 1
  737.     Unload MRP_IndependentDemandQuery
  739.     '卸载打印页面设置窗体
  740.     Unload Dyymctbl
  741.     Security_Log "MRP_IndependentList", Xtczybm, 2, False  '用户退出时写上机日志
  742. End Sub
  743. Private Sub CxbbGrid_BeforeMoveColumn(ByVal Col As Long, Position As Long)           '网格列发生移动时自动交换网格索引信息
  744.     Call FnBln_RefreshArray(Col, Position, GridStr(), GridInf())
  745. End Sub
  746. Private Sub GsToolbar_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button)                '网格格式调整(Fixed)
  748.     Select Case Button.Key
  749.         Case "bcgs"                                          '保存表格格式
  750.             Call Bcwggs(CxbbGrid, GridCode, GridStr())
  751.         Case "hfmrgs"                                        '恢复默认格式
  752.             Call Hfmrgs(CxbbGrid, GridCode, GridStr())
  753.         Case "szxsxm"                                        '设置显示项目
  754.             Call Szxsxm(CxbbGrid, GridCode)
  755.     End Select
  756. End Sub
  757. Private Sub SzToolbar_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button)
  759.     Select Case Button.Key
  760.         Case "ymsz"                                          '页面设置
  761.             Dyymctbl.Show 1
  762.         Case "yl"                                            '预 览
  763.             Call bbyl(True)
  764.         Case "dy"                                            '打 印
  765.             Call bbyl(False)
  766.         Case "cx"                                            '查 询
  767.             MRP_IndependentDemandQuery.Show 1
  769.         Case "Bill"                                          '单 据
  770.             If Not Security_Log("MRP_IndependentMain_Edit", Xtczybm, 1) Then
  771.                 Exit Sub
  772.             End If
  773.             Call CxbbGrid_DblClick
  774.         Case "xz"                                            '新 增
  775.             If Not Security_Log("MRP_IndependentMain_Edit", Xtczybm, 1) Then
  776.                 Exit Sub
  777.             End If
  778.             Xtcdcs = "1"
  779.             Call Sub_AddBill
  780.         Case "sc"                                            '删 除
  781.             If Not Security_Log("MRP_IndependentMain_Edit", Xtczybm, 1) Then
  782.                 Exit Sub
  783.             End If
  784.             Call Sub_DeleteBill
  785.         Case "bz"                                            '帮 助
  786.             Call F1bz
  787.         Case "fh"                                            '退 出
  788.            Unload Me
  789.         Case "shhe"                                          '审核
  790.             If Not Security_Log("MRP_IndependentMain_Audit", Xtczybm, 1) Then
  791.                 Exit Sub
  792.             End If
  793.             Call Sub_Checkbill
  794.     End Select
  795. End Sub
  796. Private Sub Timer1_Timer()                                 '在窗体激活后调入查询程序
  798.     Timer1.Enabled = False
  799.     Xt_Wait.Show
  800.     Xt_Wait.Refresh
  802.     '加快显示速度
  803.     CxbbGrid.Redraw = False
  805.     '生成查询结果
  806.     Call Sub_Query(0)
  808.     CxbbGrid.Redraw = True
  810.     Xt_Wait.Hide
  811. End Sub
  812. Private Sub Sub_Query(Int_QueryType As Integer)                                     '生成查询结果(Define)
  814.     '过程参数:Int_QueryType 0-"点确定按钮"查询  1-"刷新"查询
  815.     Dim Rec_Query As New ADODB.Recordset        '查询结果动态集
  816.     Dim Coljsq As Long                          '网格列计数器
  817.     Dim jsqte As Long                        '临时动态计数器
  818.     Dim iYear As Integer, iMonth As Integer, RecTemp As New ADODB.Recordset
  819.     '以下为自定义部分[
  821.     If Int_QueryType = 0 Then   '0-"点确定按钮"查询
  822.         With MRP_IndependentDemandQuery
  824.             Sqlstr = "Select Admin From MRP_DeptAdmin Where Czybm='" & Xtczybm & "'"
  825.             Set RecTemp = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute(Sqlstr)
  826.             If Not RecTemp.EOF Then
  827.                 If RecTemp.Fields(0) = True Then
  828.                     '生成查询条件
  829.                     Str_QueryCondi = " where 1=1 "
  830.                 Else
  831.                     '生成查询条件
  832.                     Str_QueryCondi = " where 1=1 And DeptCode IN (Select DeptCode From MRP_DeptAdmin Where Czybm='" & Xtczybm & "')"
  833.                 End If
  834.             Else
  835.                 '生成查询条件
  836.                 Str_QueryCondi = " where 1=1 And DeptCode IN ( Select DeptCode From MRP_DeptAdmin Where Czybm='" & Xtczybm & "')"
  837.             End If
  839.             For jsqte = 1 To 8
  840.                 Select Case jsqte
  841.                     Case 1  '计划周期
  842.                         If Trim(.Combo_PlanCyc(0)) <> "" Then
  843.                             Call Sub_DivMonth(Trim(.Combo_PlanCyc(0).Text), iYear, iMonth)
  844.                             Str_QueryCondi = Str_QueryCondi & " And kjYear=" & iYear & " And period=" & iMonth
  845.                         End If
  846.                     Case 2  '生产部门
  847.                         If Trim(.LrText(0).Text) <> "" Then
  848.                             Str_QueryCondi = Str_QueryCondi & " And a.DeptCode = '" & Trim(.LrText(0).Tag) & "'"
  849.                         End If
  850.                     Case 3  '类型编码
  851.                         If Trim(.LrText(1).Text) <> "" Then
  852.                             Str_QueryCondi = Str_QueryCondi & " And a.TypeCode = '" & Trim(.LrText(1).Tag) & "'"
  853.                         End If
  854.                     Case 4   '物料编码
  855.                         If Trim(.LrText(2).Text) <> "" Then
  856.                             Str_QueryCondi = Str_QueryCondi & " And a.MNumber = '" & Trim(.LrText(2).Text) & "'"
  857.                         End If
  858.                     Case 5   '审核
  859.                         If Not .Opt_Check(0).Value Then
  860.                             If .Opt_Check(1).Value Then
  861.                                 Str_QueryCondi = Str_QueryCondi & " and  a.Checker='' "
  862.                             Else
  863.                                 Str_QueryCondi = Str_QueryCondi & " and  a.Checker<>'' "
  864.                             End If
  865.                         End If
  866.                     Case 6   '生成
  867.                         If Not .Opt_Create(0).Value Then
  868.                             If .Opt_Create(1).Value Then
  869.                                 Str_QueryCondi = Str_QueryCondi & " and  a.IfTotal=0 "
  870.                             Else
  871.                                 Str_QueryCondi = Str_QueryCondi & " and  a.IfTotal=1 "
  872.                             End If
  873.                         End If
  874.                     Case 7   '审核
  875.                         If Not .Opt_Finish(0).Value Then
  876.                             If .Opt_Finish(1).Value Then
  877.                                 Str_QueryCondi = Str_QueryCondi & " and  a.IfComplete=0 "
  878.                             Else
  879.                                 Str_QueryCondi = Str_QueryCondi & " and  a.IfComplete=1  "
  880.                             End If
  881.                         End If
  882.                     Case 8   '是否追补
  883.                         If Not .Opt_State(0).Value Then
  884.                             If .Opt_State(1).Value Then
  885.                                 Str_QueryCondi = Str_QueryCondi & " and  a.IfAdd=0 "
  886.                             Else
  887.                                 Str_QueryCondi = Str_QueryCondi & " and  a.IfAdd=1  "
  888.                             End If
  889.                         End If
  891.                 End Select
  892.             Next jsqte
  893.         End With
  894.     Else
  895.         '1-"刷新"查询
  896.         Sqlstr = "Select Admin From MRP_DeptAdmin Where Czybm='" & Xtczybm & "'"
  897.         Set RecTemp = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute(Sqlstr)
  898.         If Not RecTemp.EOF Then
  899.             If RecTemp.Fields(0) = True Then
  900.                 '生成查询条件
  901.                 Str_QueryCondi = " where 1=1 "
  902.             Else
  903.                 '生成查询条件
  904.                 Str_QueryCondi = " where 1=1 And DeptCode IN (Select DeptCode From MRP_DeptAdmin Where Czybm='" & Xtczybm & "')"
  905.             End If
  906.         Else
  907.             '生成查询条件
  908.             Str_QueryCondi = " where 1=1 And DeptCode IN ( Select DeptCode From MRP_DeptAdmin Where Czybm='" & Xtczybm & "')"
  909.         End If
  910.     End If
  912.     Sqlstr = "Select * From MRP_V_IndDemandList a " & Str_QueryCondi & ""
  913.     Sqlstr = Sqlstr + "  Order by  IndDemandMainID "
  914.     Set Rec_Query = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute(Sqlstr)
  915.     With Rec_Query
  916.         CxbbGrid.Rows = CxbbGrid.FixedRows
  917.         jsqte = CxbbGrid.FixedRows
  918.         Do While Not .EOF
  919.             CxbbGrid.AddItem ""
  920.             '[>>自定义填充内容
  921.             CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(jsqte, 0) = .Fields("IndDemandMainID")                                                                          '订单ID(主要用来查询定位用)
  922.             CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(jsqte, Sydz("001", GridStr(), Szzls)) = Trim(.Fields("kjYear") & "") + "." + Trim(.Fields("Period") & "")       '计划周期
  923.             CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(jsqte, Sydz("014", GridStr(), Szzls)) = Trim(.Fields("OrderNumber") & "")                                       '计划单号
  924.             CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(jsqte, Sydz("002", GridStr(), Szzls)) = Trim(.Fields("DeptName") & "")                                          '生产部门
  925.             CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(jsqte, Sydz("003", GridStr(), Szzls)) = Trim(.Fields("TypeName") & "")                                          '类型编码
  926.             CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(jsqte, Sydz("004", GridStr(), Szzls)) = Trim(.Fields("MNumber") & "")                                           '产品编码
  927.             CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(jsqte, Sydz("005", GridStr(), Szzls)) = Trim(.Fields("MName") & "")                                             '产品名称
  928.             CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(jsqte, Sydz("006", GridStr(), Szzls)) = Trim(.Fields("Model") & "")                                             '规格型号
  929.             CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(jsqte, Sydz("007", GridStr(), Szzls)) = Trim(.Fields("PrimaryUnitName") & "")                                   '单位
  930.             CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(jsqte, Sydz("008", GridStr(), Szzls)) = Trim(.Fields("DemandNumber") & "")                                      '需求数量
  931.             CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(jsqte, Sydz("009", GridStr(), Szzls)) = Format(Trim(.Fields("DemandDate") & ""), "yyyy-mm-dd")                  '需求日期
  932.             CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(jsqte, Sydz("010", GridStr(), Szzls)) = IIf(.Fields("IfAdd") = False, "正常", "追补")                           '追补
  933.             CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(jsqte, Sydz("011", GridStr(), Szzls)) = Trim(.Fields("Maker") & "")                                             '制单
  934.             CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(jsqte, Sydz("012", GridStr(), Szzls)) = Format(Trim(.Fields("MakeDate") & ""), "yyyy-mm-dd")                    '制单日期
  935.             CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(jsqte, Sydz("013", GridStr(), Szzls)) = Trim(.Fields("Checker") & "")                                           '审核
  936.             CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(jsqte, Sydz("015", GridStr(), Szzls)) = Trim(.Fields("Remark_C") & "")                                          '审核
  937.             CxbbGrid.Cell(flexcpBackColor, jsqte, 0, , CxbbGrid.Cols - 1) = Lab_Color(Fn_GetBillState(Rec_Query)).BackColor                     '根据状态显示颜色
  938.              '<<]
  939.             '设置数据行高度(Fixed)
  940.             CxbbGrid.RowHeight(jsqte) = Sjhgd
  942.             '动态集指针加1,同时将计数器加1(Fixed)
  943.             .MoveNext
  944.             jsqte = jsqte + 1
  945.         Loop
  946.     End With
  947.     ']以上为用户自定义部分
  948. End Sub
  949. Private Sub CxbbGrid_DblClick()                                              '用户双击网格调入相应单据
  951.     Dim RecTemp As New ADODB.Recordset               '临时使用动态集
  952.     '非数据行退出
  953.     If CxbbGrid.Row < CxbbGrid.FixedRows Or Val(CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(CxbbGrid.Row, 0)) = 0 Then
  954.         Exit Sub
  955.     End If
  957.     Sqlstr = "Select IndDemandMainID From MRP_IndependentDemandMain Where IndDemandMainID='" & Val(CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(CxbbGrid.Row, 0)) & "' "
  958.     Set RecTemp = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute(Sqlstr)
  959.     With RecTemp
  960.         If .EOF Then
  961.             Tsxx = "没有找到当前计划,可能已被其他用户删除!"
  962.             Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 4)
  963.             Exit Sub
  964.         Else
  965.             '调入单据处理窗体
  966.             With MRP_IndependentDemand
  968.                 '填充查询单据标识
  969.                 XT_BillID = CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(CxbbGrid.Row, 0)
  970.                 Xtcdcsfz = Str_QueryCondi
  972.                 '设置单据处理为列表查询(修改)状态
  973.                 Xtcdcs = "2"
  974.                 .Show 1
  975.             End With
  976.             If Xtfhcs = "1" Then
  977.                 Tsxx = "产品计划发生变化,是否刷新计划列表?"
  978.                 yhAnswer = Xtxxts(Tsxx, 2, 2)
  979.                 If yhAnswer = 1 Then
  980.                     Xt_Wait.Show
  981.                     Xt_Wait.Refresh
  983.                     '加快显示速度
  984.                     CxbbGrid.Redraw = False
  986.                     '生成查询结果
  987.                     Call Sub_Query(1)
  989.                     CxbbGrid.Redraw = True
  990.                     Xt_Wait.Hide
  991.                 End If
  992.             End If
  993.         End If
  994.     End With
  995. End Sub
  996. Private Sub Sub_AddBill()                                              '新增单据
  998.     With MRP_IndependentDemand
  1000.         '设置单据处理为填制单据状态
  1001.         Xtcdcs = "1"
  1002.         .Show 1
  1003.     End With
  1005.     If Xtfhcs = "1" Then
  1006.         Tsxx = "计划发生变化,是否刷新计划列表?"
  1007.         yhAnswer = Xtxxts(Tsxx, 2, 2)
  1008.         If yhAnswer = 1 Then
  1009.             Xt_Wait.Show
  1010.             Xt_Wait.Refresh
  1012.             '加快显示速度
  1013.             CxbbGrid.Redraw = False
  1015.             '生成查询结果
  1016.             Call Sub_Query(1)
  1018.             CxbbGrid.Redraw = True
  1019.             Xt_Wait.Hide
  1020.         End If
  1021.     End If
  1023. End Sub
  1024. Private Sub Sub_DeleteBill()                                            '删除选中当前单据
  1026.     Dim YAnswer As Integer
  1027.     Dim Lng_BillID As Long           '单据标识
  1029.     '非数据行退出
  1030.     If CxbbGrid.Row < CxbbGrid.FixedRows Or Val(CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(CxbbGrid.Row, 0)) = 0 Then
  1031.         Exit Sub
  1032.     End If
  1034.     Tsxx = "请确认是否删除当前计划?"
  1035.     yhAnswer = Xtxxts(Tsxx, 2, 2)
  1037.     If yhAnswer = 1 Then
  1038.         '1.判断当前订单是否允许删除
  1039.         If Not Fun_AllowDelete Then
  1040.             Exit Sub
  1041.         End If
  1043.         '2.删除单据所有内容
  1044.         Lng_BillID = Val(CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(CxbbGrid.Row, 0))
  1045.        On Error GoTo Swcwcl
  1046.         Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.BeginTrans
  1047.         Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute ("Delete MRP_IndependentDemandSub Where IndDemandMainID=" & Lng_BillID)          '删除单据主表内容
  1048.         Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute ("Delete MRP_IndependentDemandMain Where IndDemandMainID=" & Lng_BillID)         '删除单据子表内容
  1049.         Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.CommitTrans
  1051.         '删除网格中单据数据
  1052.         jsqte = CxbbGrid.Rows - 1
  1053.         Do While jsqte >= CxbbGrid.FixedRows
  1054.             If Trim(CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(jsqte, Sydz(0, GridStr(), Szzls))) = Lng_BillID Then
  1055.                 CxbbGrid.RemoveItem (CxbbGrid.Row)
  1056.                 jsqte = jsqte - 1
  1057.             Else
  1058.                 jsqte = jsqte - 1
  1059.             End If
  1060.         Loop
  1061.         Exit Sub
  1063.     Else
  1064.         Exit Sub
  1065.     End If
  1066.     Exit Sub
  1067. Swcwcl:
  1068.     Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.RollbackTrans
  1069.     Tsxx = "删除计划过程中出现未知错误,程序自动恢复删除前状态!"
  1070.     Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
  1071.     Exit Sub
  1073. End Sub
  1074. Private Function Fun_AllowDelete() As Boolean                                        '判断当前单据是否允许删除
  1075.     Dim RecTemp As New ADODB.Recordset     '临时使用动态集
  1076.     Dim Sqlstr As String                   '查询字符串
  1077.     Dim Lng_BillID As Long                 '单据ID
  1079.     Lng_BillID = Val(CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(CxbbGrid.Row, 0))
  1080.     Sqlstr = "Select Checker ,DeptCode From MRP_IndependentDemandMain  Where IndDemandMainID=" & Lng_BillID
  1081.     Set RecTemp = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute(Sqlstr)
  1082.     With RecTemp
  1083.         If Not .EOF Then
  1084.             If Trim(.Fields("Checker") & "") <> "" Then
  1085.                 Tsxx = "当前计划已经审核,不能修改/删除!"
  1086.                 Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 4)
  1087.                 Exit Function
  1088.             End If
  1089.         Else
  1090.             Tsxx = "没有找到当前计划,可能已被删除!"
  1091.             Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 4)
  1092.             Exit Function
  1093.         End If
  1095.         If Fn_DeptQueryRight(Xtczybm, Trim(RecTemp!DeptCode & "")) = False Then
  1096.             Tsxx = "您对当前计划没有操作权限!"
  1097.             Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
  1098.             Exit Function
  1099.         End If
  1100.     End With
  1101.     Fun_AllowDelete = True
  1102. End Function
  1103. Private Sub bbyl(bbylte As Boolean)                    '报表打印预览
  1105.     Dim Bbzbt$, Bbxbt() As String, bbxbtzzxs() As Integer, Bbxbtgs As Integer
  1106.     Dim Bbbwh() As String, Bbbwhzzxs() As Integer, Bbbwhgs As Integer
  1107.     Bbxbtgs = 1                                          '报 表 小 标 题 行 数
  1108.     Bbbwhgs = 0                                          '报 表 表 尾 行 数
  1109.     ReDim Bbxbt(1 To Bbxbtgs)
  1110.     ReDim bbxbtzzxs(1 To Bbxbtgs)
  1111.     If Bbbwhgs <> 0 Then
  1112.         ReDim Bbbwh(1 To Bbbwhgs)
  1113.         ReDim Bbbwhzzxs(1 To Bbbwhgs)
  1114.     End If
  1115.     Bbzbt = ReportTitle
  1116.     Bbxbt(1) = ""
  1117.     bbxbtzzxs(1) = 0                                     '报表行组织形式(0-居左 1-居中 2-居右)
  1118.     Call Scyxsjb(CxbbGrid)                               '生成报表数据
  1119.     Call Scdybb(Dyymctbl, Bbzbt, Bbxbt(), bbxbtzzxs(), Bbxbtgs, Bbbwh(), Bbbwhzzxs(), Bbbwhgs, bbylte)
  1120.     If Not bbylte Then
  1121.         Unload DY_Tybbyldy
  1122.     End If
  1123. End Sub
  1124. Private Sub Sub_Checkbill()
  1126.     Dim RecTemp As New ADODB.Recordset               '临时使用动态集
  1127.     '非数据行退出
  1128.     If CxbbGrid.Row < CxbbGrid.FixedRows Or Val(CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(CxbbGrid.Row, 0)) = 0 Then
  1129.         Exit Sub
  1130.     End If
  1132.     Sqlstr = "Select IndDemandMainID From MRP_IndependentDemandMain Where IndDemandMainID='" & Val(CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(CxbbGrid.Row, 0)) & "' "
  1133.     Set RecTemp = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute(Sqlstr)
  1134.     With RecTemp
  1135.         If .EOF Then
  1136.             Tsxx = "没有找到当前计划,可能已被其他用户删除!"
  1137.             Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 4)
  1138.             Exit Sub
  1139.         Else
  1140.             '调入单据处理窗体
  1141.             With MRP_IndependentDemand
  1143.                 '填充查询单据标识
  1144.                 XT_BillID = CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(CxbbGrid.Row, 0)
  1145.                 Xtcdcsfz = Str_QueryCondi
  1147.                 '设置单据处理为列表查询(修改)状态
  1148.                 Xtcdcs = "3"
  1149.                 .Show 1
  1150.             End With
  1151.             If Xtfhcs = "1" Then
  1152.                 Tsxx = "计划发生变化,是否刷新计划列表?"
  1153.                 yhAnswer = Xtxxts(Tsxx, 2, 2)
  1154.                 If yhAnswer = 1 Then
  1155.                     Xt_Wait.Show
  1156.                     Xt_Wait.Refresh
  1158.                     '加快显示速度
  1159.                     CxbbGrid.Redraw = False
  1161.                     '生成查询结果
  1162.                     Call Sub_Query(1)
  1164.                     CxbbGrid.Redraw = True
  1165.                     Xt_Wait.Hide
  1166.                 End If
  1167.             End If
  1168.         End If
  1169.     End With
  1170. End Sub
  1171. '拆分计划周期字符串,返回年、月
  1172. Private Sub Sub_DivMonth(InPara As String, Out1 As Integer, Out2 As Integer)
  1173.     Dim Pos1 As Integer
  1174.     Pos1 = InStr(1, InPara, ".")
  1175.     Out1 = Val(Left(InPara, Pos1 - 1))
  1176.     Out2 = Right(InPara, Len(InPara) - Pos1)
  1177. End Sub
  1178. '返回当前单据状态
  1179. Private Function Fn_GetBillState(Rect As Recordset) As Integer
  1180.     Dim State As Integer
  1182.     State = 0
  1183.     If Not Rect.EOF Then
  1184.         For jsqte = 1 To 3
  1185.             Select Case jsqte
  1186.                 Case 1
  1187.                     If Rect!Checker <> "" Then
  1188.                         State = 1
  1189.                     Else
  1190.                         Exit For
  1191.                     End If
  1192.                 Case 2
  1193.                     If Rect!IfTotal = True Then
  1194.                         State = 2
  1195.                     Else
  1196.                         Exit For
  1197.                     End If
  1198.                 Case 3
  1199.                     If Rect!IfComplete = True Then
  1200.                         State = 3
  1201.                     Else
  1202.                         Exit For
  1203.                     End If
  1204.             End Select
  1205.         Next jsqte
  1206.     End If
  1207.     Fn_GetBillState = State
  1208. End Function