


Visual Basic

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  372. Attribute VB_Name = "DY_Tybbyldy"
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  377. '*******************************************************
  378. '*    模 块 名 称 :报表打印预览
  379. '*    功 能 描 述 :实现对报表按各种比例的模拟显示
  380. '*    程序员姓名  :张建忠
  381. '*    最后修改人  :张建忠
  382. '*    最后修改时间:2001/06/23
  383. '*    备        注:封版
  384. '*******************************************************
  385. Dim Ylzybl As Double, ylms As Integer                 '预 览 整 页 比 例
  386. Dim Changelock As Boolean                             '程 序 改 变 值 控 制 锁
  387. Private Sub PageHScroll_Change()                      '利用滚动条改变页号
  388.     With Tydy
  389.         If Not Changelock Then
  390.             .PreviewPage = PageHScroll.Value
  391.             If .PreviewPage = 1 Then
  392.                 YlToolbar.Buttons("sy").Enabled = False
  393.             Else
  394.                 YlToolbar.Buttons("sy").Enabled = True
  395.             End If
  396.             If .PreviewPage < .Pagecount Then
  397.                 YlToolbar.Buttons("xy").Enabled = True
  398.             Else
  399.                 YlToolbar.Buttons("xy").Enabled = False
  400.             End If
  401.         End If
  402.         Dqyh = Trim(Str(.PreviewPage))
  403.         Gjyh = "(共计:" + Trim(Str(.Pagecount)) + "页)"
  404.     End With
  405. End Sub
  406. Private Sub Tydy_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
  407.     With Tydy
  408.         If .Zoom <> 100 Then
  409.             .Zoom = 100
  410.             Xsbl.Text = "100%"
  411.         Else
  412.             Changelock = True
  413.             .ZoomMode = ylms
  414.             Select Case .ZoomMode
  415.                 Case zmPageWidth
  416.                     Xsbl.Text = "页宽"
  417.                 Case zmWholePage
  418.                     Xsbl.Text = "整页"
  419.                 Case zmThumbnail
  420.                     Xsbl.Text = "双页"
  421.             End Select
  422.             Changelock = False
  423.         End If
  424.     End With
  425. End Sub
  426. Private Sub Xsbl_Click()                  '调 整 预 览 比 例
  427.     If Changelock Then
  428.         Exit Sub
  429.     End If
  430.     With Tydy
  431.         Select Case Xsbl.Text
  432.             Case "页宽"
  433.                 .ZoomMode = zmPageWidth
  434.                 ylms = .ZoomMode
  435.             Case "整页"
  436.                 .ZoomMode = zmWholePage
  437.                 ylms = .ZoomMode
  438.             Case "双页"
  439.                 .ZoomMode = zmThumbnail
  440.                 ylms = .ZoomMode
  441.             Case Else
  442.                 .Zoom = Val(Mid(Xsbl.Text, 1, Len(Xsbl.Text) - 1))
  443.         End Select
  444.     End With
  445. End Sub
  446. Private Sub Form_Load()
  448.     With Tydy
  449.         Ylzybl = .Zoom
  450.         .ZoomMax = 400
  451.         .ZoomMin = 25
  452.     End With
  453.     With Xsbl
  454.         .AddItem "页宽"
  455.         .AddItem "整页"
  456.         .AddItem "双页"
  457.         .AddItem "10%"
  458.         .AddItem "25%"
  459.         .AddItem "50%"
  460.         .AddItem "75%"
  461.         .AddItem "100%"
  462.         .AddItem "150%"
  463.         .AddItem "200%"
  464.         .AddItem "400%"
  465.         Changelock = True
  466.         .Text = "整页"
  467.         ylms = Tydy.ZoomMode
  468.         Changelock = False
  469.     End With
  470. End Sub
  471. Private Sub Qpage()                             '向 前 翻 页
  472.     With Tydy
  473.         If .PreviewPage > 1 Then
  474.             .PreviewPage = .PreviewPage - 1
  475.             If .PreviewPage = 1 Then
  476.                 YlToolbar.Buttons("sy").Enabled = False
  477.             End If
  478.             If .PreviewPage < .Pagecount Then
  479.                 YlToolbar.Buttons("xy").Enabled = True
  480.             End If
  481.             Changelock = True
  482.             PageHScroll.Value = .PreviewPage
  483.             Changelock = False
  484.         End If
  485.     End With
  486. End Sub
  487. Private Sub Hpage()                        '向 后 翻 页
  488.     With Tydy
  489.         If .PreviewPage < .Pagecount Then
  490.             .PreviewPage = .PreviewPage + 1
  491.             If .PreviewPage > 1 Then
  492.                 YlToolbar.Buttons("sy").Enabled = True
  493.             End If
  494.             If .PreviewPage >= .Pagecount Then
  495.                 YlToolbar.Buttons("xy").Enabled = False
  496.             End If
  497.             Changelock = True
  498.             PageHScroll.Value = .PreviewPage
  499.             Changelock = False
  500.         End If
  501.     End With
  503. End Sub
  504. Private Sub YlToolbar_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button)      '点击工具条
  505.     Select Case Button.Key
  506.         Case "dy"
  507.             Call dyscbb
  508.         Case "sy"
  509.             Call Qpage
  510.         Case "xy"
  511.             Call Hpage
  512.         Case "fh"
  513.             Unload Me
  514.         Case "bz"
  515.             Call F1bz
  516.     End Select
  517. End Sub