资源名称:ERPSYS.zip [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- VERSION 5.00
- Begin VB.Form JC_Expressions
- BorderStyle = 3 'Fixed Dialog
- Caption = "公式选定"
- ClientHeight = 3075
- ClientLeft = 45
- ClientTop = 330
- ClientWidth = 5550
- Icon = "基础设置_公式选定.frx":0000
- LinkTopic = "Form1"
- MaxButton = 0 'False
- MinButton = 0 'False
- ScaleHeight = 3075
- ScaleWidth = 5550
- ShowInTaskbar = 0 'False
- StartUpPosition = 1 '所有者中心
- Begin VB.OptionButton OptUnAdd
- Caption = "减项"
- Height = 375
- Left = 4620
- TabIndex = 8
- Top = 1665
- Width = 840
- End
- Begin VB.OptionButton OptAdd
- Caption = "加项"
- Height = 270
- Left = 4650
- TabIndex = 7
- Top = 1035
- Value = -1 'True
- Width = 810
- End
- Begin VB.TextBox txtExp
- Height = 315
- Left = 60
- TabIndex = 5
- Top = 2235
- Width = 5385
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton cmdCancel
- Caption = "取消(&C)"
- Height = 300
- Left = 4335
- TabIndex = 4
- Top = 2700
- Width = 1120
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton cmdOK
- Caption = "确定(&O)"
- Height = 300
- Left = 3120
- TabIndex = 3
- Top = 2700
- Width = 1120
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSel
- Caption = "选定"
- Height = 300
- Left = 4425
- TabIndex = 2
- Top = 375
- Width = 1035
- End
- Begin VB.ListBox LstCodeList
- Height = 1500
- ItemData = "基础设置_公式选定.frx":1042
- Left = 60
- List = "基础设置_公式选定.frx":1049
- TabIndex = 1
- Top = 360
- Width = 4290
- End
- Begin VB.Label labList
- AutoSize = -1 'True
- BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
- Caption = "---------------"
- Height = 180
- Left = 615
- TabIndex = 6
- Top = 75
- Width = 1350
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label1
- AutoSize = -1 'True
- Caption = "科目:"
- Height = 180
- Left = 60
- TabIndex = 0
- Top = 75
- Width = 540
- End
- End
- Attribute VB_Name = "JC_Expressions"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = False
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- '*************************************************************
- '* 模 块 名 称 :基础设置公式选定
- '* 功 能 描 述 :提供生成公式
- '* 程序员姓名 : 魏永生
- '* 最后修改人 :
- '* 最后修改时间:2002/01/21
- '* 备 注:
- '* 提供生成公式:公式设定方法:
- '* 系统提示总帐系统的会计科目和编码,用户选择相应的编码确定计算公式。
- '*************************************************************
- Option Explicit
- Public bExpChange As Boolean '如果确认公式所做的修改 则此值为True
- '否则为False
- Private Const ME_CAPTION = "公式选定"
- Private Const ME_CODE = "cwfx_Expressions"
- Private CodeListRs As New ADODB.Recordset
- Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
- Me.bExpChange = False
- Me.Hide
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
- If CheckExp = False Then
- Xtxxts "公式不合法!", 0, 1
- Exit Sub
- End If
- '返回解析后的公式(正向解析)
- Me.Tag = ExpTranslate(True, txtExp.Text)
- Me.bExpChange = True
- Me.Hide
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdSel_Click()
- Call lstCodeList_DblClick '默认为相加
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Activate()
- With Me
- '公式文本框内容为解析后的公式 (反向解析)
- txtExp.Text = ExpTranslate(False, Me.Tag)
- .Tag = ""
- .labList.Caption = ""
- bExpChange = False
- .Caption = ME_CAPTION
- txtExp.SetFocus
- txtExp.SelStart = 0
- txtExp.SelLength = Len(txtExp.Text)
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Load()
- Call FullCodeList ' 填充科目列表
- End Sub
- '=================自定义程序开始====================================
- Private Function CheckExp() As Boolean
- '公式检察,如果公式合法返加TRUE,否则返回FALSE
- Dim strTem As String
- Dim strTem2 As String
- Dim strTemLast As String
- Dim bOK As Boolean '公式合法,则为True
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim j As Integer
- Dim codeColl As New Collection '用于存放科目编码的集合
- Dim iLen As Integer
- Dim iWordBegin As Integer '用于确定一个科目在字符串中的
- Dim iWordEnd As Integer '开始位置和结束位置
- strTem = Trim(txtExp.Text)
- '去除字符串中的不合法字符
- Dim strLastWord As String
- For i = 1 To Len(strTem)
- strTem2 = Mid(strTem, i, 1)
- If strTem2 = "+" And strLastWord = "+" Then
- '不合法,去除此字符
- ElseIf strTem2 = "-" And strLastWord = "-" Then
- '不合法,去除此字符
- ElseIf strTem2 = "+" And strLastWord = "-" Then
- '不合法,去除此字符
- ElseIf strTem2 = "-" And strLastWord = "+" Then
- '不合法,去除此字符
- ElseIf strTem2 = " " Then
- '不合法,去除此字符
- ElseIf (Asc(strTem2) < Asc("0") Or Asc(strTem2) > Asc("9")) And (strTem2 <> "+" And strTem2 <> "-") Then
- '不合法,去除此字符
- Else
- strTemLast = strTemLast & strTem2
- End If
- strLastWord = strTem2
- Next
- '去除字符串右边多余的符号
- If Right(strTemLast, 1) = "+" Or Right(strTemLast, 1) = "-" Then
- strTemLast = Left(strTemLast, Len(strTemLast) - 1)
- End If
- '去除字符串左边多余的符号
- If Left(strTemLast, 1) = "+" Or Left(strTemLast, 1) = "-" Then
- strTemLast = Right(strTemLast, Len(strTemLast) - 1)
- End If
- txtExp.Text = strTemLast
- If strTemLast = "" Then '如果公式为空
- CheckExp = True
- Exit Function
- End If
- '得到科目列表集合
- iLen = Len(strTemLast)
- iWordBegin = 1
- iWordEnd = 1
- For i = 1 To iLen
- strTem = Mid(strTemLast, i, 1)
- If strTem = "+" Or strTem = "-" Or i = iLen Then
- strTem = Mid(strTemLast, iWordBegin, i - iWordBegin + 1)
- strTem = IIf(Right(strTem, 1) = "+" Or Right(strTem, 1) = "-", Left(strTem, Len(strTem) - 1), strTem)
- codeColl.Add strTem
- iWordBegin = i + 1
- End If
- Next
- '验公式是否合法
- For i = 1 To codeColl.count
- bOK = False
- For j = 0 To LstCodeList.ListCount
- strTem2 = Trim(Left(LstCodeList.List(j), 20))
- Debug.Print codeColl.Item(i)
- If codeColl.Item(i) = strTem2 Then
- bOK = True
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- If bOK = False Then
- CheckExp = bOK
- txtExp.SetFocus
- '----------------------------------------------------------
- '此处代码有待改进,
- 'i的值为不合法的科目位置,如i=2则第二个科目不合法。
- '找出第(i-1)个符号与第i个符号之间的字符串,就为不合法字符串
- '“符号”指“+”或“-”
- txtExp.SelStart = InStr(1, strTemLast, codeColl.Item(i)) - 1
- txtExp.SelLength = Len(codeColl.Item(i))
- '---------------------------------------------------
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next
- CheckExp = bOK
- End Function
- Private Sub FullCodeList()
- Dim strSql As String
- Dim strCodeList As String
- strSql = "SELECT cCode,cClass,cName,EndFlag,cGrade FROM Cwzz_AccCode ORDER BY cCode"
- Set CodeListRs = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute(strSql)
- LstCodeList.Clear
- '格式化字符串
- With CodeListRs
- Do Until .EOF
- strCodeList = Trim(CodeListRs!cCode)
- strCodeList = strCodeList & Space(20 - Len(strCodeList))
- strCodeList = strCodeList & Trim(CodeListRs!cName)
- LstCodeList.AddItem strCodeList
- .MoveNext
- Loop
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Function ExpTranslate(ByVal bWay As Boolean, ByVal strExp As String) As String
- '公式解析过程序,参数bWay为TRUE则为正向解析,由科目代码->文字
- ' FALSE 为反向解析,由文字->科目代码
- 'strExp 为传递的公式字符串
- ExpTranslate = strExp
- End Function
- '=================自定义程序结束====================================
- Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
- On Error Resume Next
- CodeListRs.Close
- Set CodeListRs = Nothing
- End Sub
- Private Sub lstCodeList_Click()
- Dim strTem As String
- strTem = Right(LstCodeList.List(LstCodeList.ListIndex), Len(LstCodeList.List(LstCodeList.ListIndex)) - 20)
- labList.Caption = strTem
- End Sub
- Private Sub lstCodeList_DblClick()
- Dim strTem As String
- Dim iWhere As Integer '用于截取字符
- Dim strSign As String '符号,+ 或 - 或 ""
- If LstCodeList.ListIndex = -1 Then Exit Sub
- iWhere = InStr(1, LstCodeList.List(LstCodeList.ListIndex), " ") - 1
- strTem = Left(LstCodeList.List(LstCodeList.ListIndex), iWhere)
- If Trim(txtExp.Text) = "" Then
- strSign = ""
- ElseIf OptAdd.Value = True Then
- strSign = "+"
- ElseIf OptAdd.Value = False Then
- strSign = "-"
- End If
- txtExp.Text = txtExp.Text & strSign & strTem
- End Sub
- Private Sub lstCodeList_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
- If KeyAscii = 13 Then
- Call lstCodeList_DblClick
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtExp_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
- Select Case KeyAscii
- Case 13
- Call cmdOK_Click
- End Select
- End Sub