资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- MultiUse = -1 'True
- Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
- DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
- Attribute VB_Name = "clsBal"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = True
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "SavedWithClassBuilder6" ,"Yes"
- Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "Top_Level" ,"Yes"
- '*********************************************************************
- '* 模 块 名 称 :财务分析资产负债表计算分析类模块
- '* 功 能 描 述 :
- '* 程序员姓名 :白石军
- '* 最后修改人 :
- '* 最后修改时间:2002/1/21
- '* 备 注:程序中所有依实际情况自定义部分均用[>> <<]括起
- '*
- '*********************************************************************
- Option Explicit
- Private Const SQL = "SELECT * FROM cwfx_BalanceInitial"
- Private bSomeThingWrong As Boolean '有错误
- Private Conn As New ADODB.Connection '数据连接
- Private Rs As New ADODB.Recordset '记录集
- Private CodeRs As New ADODB.Recordset '科目记录集
- Private sItem As String '项目
- Private iMonth As Integer '月
- Private iYear As Integer '年
- Private bPingJun As Boolean '取平均值
- Public Sub Init(ByVal PastConn As ADODB.Connection)
- If DEBUG_FLAG = False Then On Error Resume Next
- Set Conn = PastConn
- With Rs
- If .State = adStateOpen Then .Close
- .ActiveConnection = Conn
- .Source = SQL
- .Open , , adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimistic
- Set .ActiveConnection = Nothing
- End With
- With CodeRs
- If .State = adStateOpen Then .Close
- .ActiveConnection = Conn
- .Source = "SELECT * FROM Cwzz_AccCode"
- .Open , , adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimistic
- Set .ActiveConnection = Nothing
- End With
- End Sub
- Public Function GetFristValue(ByVal strItem As String, ByVal intYear As Integer) As Double
- '取年初值
- If DEBUG_FLAG = False Then On Error Resume Next
- GetFristValue = GetValue(strItem, 0, iYear)
- End Function
- Public Function GetPeriodValue(ByVal strItem As String, ByVal intPeriod As Integer, ByVal intYear As Integer) As Double
- '取期间值
- If DEBUG_FLAG = False Then On Error Resume Next
- GetPeriodValue = GetValue(strItem, intPeriod, intYear)
- End Function
- Public Function GetAveragePeriodValue(ByVal strItem As String, ByVal intPeriodBegin As Integer, ByVal intPeriodEnd As Integer, ByVal intYear As Integer) As Double
- '取期平均值
- If DEBUG_FLAG = False Then On Error Resume Next
- Dim dbl_FirstValue As Double
- Dim dbl_EndValue As Double
- bPingJun = True
- dbl_FirstValue = GetValue(strItem, intPeriodBegin, iYear)
- bPingJun = False
- dbl_EndValue = GetValue(strItem, intPeriodEnd, iYear)
- GetAveragePeriodValue = (dbl_FirstValue + dbl_EndValue) / 2
- End Function
- Private Function GetValue(ByVal strItem As String, ByVal intPeriod As Integer, ByVal intYear As Integer) As Double
- If DEBUG_FLAG = False Then On Error Resume Next
- iMonth = intPeriod
- iYear = intYear
- GetValue = GetVal(strItem)
- End Function
- '=====================普通取值开始============================
- Private Function GetVal(ByVal strItem As String) As Double
- '取出某项目的值(项目值由设定的公式决定)
- '参数:
- 'strItem:项目,表中的标识
- If DEBUG_FLAG = False Then On Error Resume Next
- Dim dbl_ReturnVal As Double '返回值
- Dim iLen As Integer
- Dim iWordBegin As Integer
- Dim iWordEnd As Integer
- Dim strTem As String
- Dim strSubExp As String
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim opTem As String '加减号
- Dim dbl_RetVal As Double '加数或减数
- With Rs
- If Not (.EOF And .BOF) Then '表不能为空记录集
- .MoveFirst
- .Find "Item='" & strItem & "'"
- If Not .EOF Then '如果找到
- strSubExp = Trim(!account) & "" '取得公式
- If !AccntOrItem = 0 Then '如果为固定公式则拆分此公式,
- '对每个拆分的项目再次调用此过程
- '------------------------------------------------------
- iLen = Len(strSubExp)
- iWordBegin = 1
- iWordEnd = 1
- For i = 1 To iLen
- strTem = Mid(strSubExp, i, 1)
- If strTem = "+" Or strTem = "-" Or i = iLen Then
- If iWordBegin = 1 Then
- opTem = "+"
- Else
- opTem = Mid(strSubExp, iWordBegin - 1, 1)
- End If
- strTem = Mid(strSubExp, iWordBegin, i - iWordBegin + 1)
- strTem = IIf(Right(strTem, 1) = "+" Or Right(strTem, 1) = "-", Left(strTem, Len(strTem) - 1), strTem)
- '--------------
- dbl_RetVal = GetVal(strTem) 'ReCall
- If opTem = "+" Then
- dbl_ReturnVal = dbl_ReturnVal + dbl_RetVal 'ReCall
- ElseIf opTem = "-" Then
- dbl_ReturnVal = dbl_ReturnVal - dbl_RetVal 'ReCall
- End If
- '--------------
- iWordBegin = i + 1
- End If
- Next
- '------------------------------------------------------
- Else '调用取得公式值的过程
- dbl_ReturnVal = dbl_ReturnVal + GetSubVal(strSubExp)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End With
- GetVal = dbl_ReturnVal
- End Function
- Private Function GetSubVal(ByVal strExp As String) As Double
- '取得最终公式值,由GetVal调用
- If DEBUG_FLAG = False Then On Error Resume Next
- Dim dbl_Return As Double '返回值
- Dim iLen As Integer
- Dim iWordBegin As Integer
- Dim iWordEnd As Integer
- Dim strTem As String
- Dim strSubExp As String
- Dim strSql As String
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim SumRs As New ADODB.Recordset
- strSubExp = Trim(strExp) '取得公式
- iLen = Len(strSubExp)
- iWordBegin = 1
- iWordEnd = 1
- For i = 1 To iLen
- strTem = Mid(strSubExp, i, 1)
- If strTem = "+" Or strTem = "-" Or i = iLen Then
- strTem = Mid(strSubExp, iWordBegin, i - iWordBegin + 1)
- strTem = IIf(Right(strTem, 1) = "+" Or Right(strTem, 1) = "-", Left(strTem, Len(strTem) - 1), strTem)
- '----------------------------------------------
- If SumRs.State = adStateOpen Then SumRs.Close
- strSql = "SELECT Qmye AS Qm ,Qcye AS Qc ,Ycye As Yc FROM Cwzz_AccSum Where cCode='" & strTem & "'"
- strSql = strSql & " AND Year=" & iYear
- strSql = strSql & " AND Period=" & IIf(iMonth = 0, 1, iMonth)
- Set SumRs = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute(strSql)
- If Not (SumRs.EOF And SumRs.BOF) Then
- If iWordBegin > 1 Then
- If Mid(strSubExp, iWordBegin - 1, 1) = "+" Then
- If Rs!LeftOrRight = 0 Then '负债类科目特殊处理
- If iMonth = 0 Then '年初
- dbl_Return = dbl_Return + ifAbs(SumRs!Yc, strTem)
- Else
- dbl_Return = dbl_Return + IIf(bPingJun = True, ifAbs(SumRs!Qc, strTem), ifAbs(SumRs!Qm, strTem))
- End If
- Else 'ifAbs
- If iMonth = 0 Then
- dbl_Return = dbl_Return + ifAbs(SumRs!Yc, strTem)
- Else
- dbl_Return = dbl_Return + IIf(bPingJun = True, SumRs!Qc, SumRs!Qm)
- End If
- End If
- ElseIf Mid(strSubExp, iWordBegin - 1, 1) = "-" Then
- If Rs!LeftOrRight = 0 Then '负债类科目特殊处理
- If iMonth = 0 Then
- dbl_Return = dbl_Return + ifAbs(SumRs!Yc, strTem)
- Else
- dbl_Return = dbl_Return + IIf(bPingJun = True, ifAbs(SumRs!Qc, strTem), ifAbs(SumRs!Qm, strTem))
- End If
- Else 'ifAbs
- If iMonth = 0 Then
- dbl_Return = dbl_Return + ifAbs(SumRs!Yc, strTem)
- Else
- dbl_Return = dbl_Return - IIf(bPingJun = True, SumRs!Qc, SumRs!Qm)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Else
- If Rs!LeftOrRight = 0 Then '负债类科目特殊处理
- If iMonth = 0 Then
- dbl_Return = dbl_Return + ifAbs(SumRs!Yc, strTem)
- Else
- dbl_Return = dbl_Return + IIf(bPingJun = True, ifAbs(SumRs!Qc, strTem), ifAbs(SumRs!Qm, strTem))
- End If
- Else
- If iMonth = 0 Then
- dbl_Return = dbl_Return + ifAbs(SumRs!Yc, strTem)
- Else
- dbl_Return = dbl_Return + IIf(bPingJun = True, ifAbs(SumRs!Qc, strTem), ifAbs(SumRs!Qm, strTem))
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End If
- iWordBegin = i + 1
- End If
- Next
- GetSubVal = dbl_Return
- End Function
- Private Function ifAbs(ByVal dbl_backValue As Double, ByVal strTem As String) As Double
- If DEBUG_FLAG = False Then On Error Resume Next
- With CodeRs
- .MoveFirst
- .Find "cCode='" & strTem & "'"
- If !BalanceOri = "贷" Then
- ifAbs = -dbl_backValue
- Else
- ifAbs = dbl_backValue
- End If
- End With
- End Function
- '========================普通取值结束======================================================
- Private Sub Class_Terminate()
- If DEBUG_FLAG = False Then On Error Resume Next
- If Rs.State = adStateOpen Then Rs.Close
- Set Rs = Nothing
- If CodeRs.State = adStateOpen Then CodeRs.Close
- Set CodeRs = Nothing
- Set Conn = Nothing
- End Sub