资源名称:ERPSYS.zip [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- VERSION 5.00
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- Caption = "百利/ERP5.0-财务分析"
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- Interval = 1
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- End
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- Picture = "系统_主界面.frx":2602
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- Picture = "系统_主界面.frx":291E
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- Picture = "系统_主界面.frx":2D76
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- EndProperty
- EndProperty
- End
- Begin VB.Menu c_File
- Caption = "文件(&F)"
- Index = 101
- Begin VB.Menu Cwfx_Register
- Caption = "重新注册(&R)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu v5
- Caption = "-"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_quit
- Caption = "退出系统(&Q)"
- End
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_jcsz
- Caption = "系统设置(&I)"
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_BaseProjSet
- Caption = "基本项目设置(&K)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu c_pzlbsz
- Caption = "报表设置(&P)"
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_Balacen
- Caption = "资产负债表设置(&D)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_Income
- Caption = "损益表设置(&J)"
- End
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_Tag
- Caption = "指标设置(&B)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu c_gszysz
- Caption = "预算设置(&G)"
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_DeptBudget
- Caption = "部门预算(&H)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_ItemBudget
- Caption = "项目预算(&S)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_AccntBudget
- Caption = "科目预算(&Y)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_ProfitBudget
- Caption = "利润预算(&M)"
- End
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_CashIncomeCost
- Caption = "现金收支设置(&N)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_Pro
- Caption = "产品毛利率设置(&L)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_Ite
- Caption = "项目毛利率设置(&Q)"
- End
- End
- Begin VB.Menu c_pzcl
- Caption = "指标分析(&P)"
- Begin VB.Menu ZBFX_BaseGuideLine
- Caption = "基本财务指标分析(&T)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_ProFx
- Caption = "产品毛利率分析(&C)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_IteFx
- Caption = "项目毛利率分析(&P)"
- End
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_GuideLine
- Caption = "报表分析(&K)"
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_BasicGuideLine
- Caption = "资产负债表分析(&J)"
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_BalJds
- Caption = "绝对数分析(&U)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_BalDj
- Caption = "定基分析(&C)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_BalHb
- Caption = "环比分析(&Q)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_BalDb
- Caption = "对比分析(&Z)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_BalJg
- Caption = "结构分析(&W)"
- End
- End
- Begin VB.Menu c_yhye
- Caption = "损益表分析(&T)"
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_IncJds
- Caption = "绝对数分析(&G)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_IncDj
- Caption = "定基分析(&H)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_IncHb
- Caption = "环比分析"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_IncDb
- Caption = "对比分析"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_IncJg
- Caption = "结构分析"
- End
- End
- End
- Begin VB.Menu c_zbgl
- Caption = "预算分析(&Z)"
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_DeptBudgetA
- Caption = "部门预算分析(&F)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_ItemBudgetA
- Caption = "项目预算分析(&S)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_AccountBudgetA
- Caption = "科目预算分析(&M)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_IncomeBudgetA
- Caption = "收入预算分析(&D)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_CostBudgetA
- Caption = "成本费用预算分析(&R)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_ProfitBudgetA
- Caption = "利润预算分析"
- End
- End
- Begin VB.Menu c_fzhs
- Caption = "收入成本(&D)"
- Begin VB.Menu c_fzbm
- Caption = "收入分析(&B)"
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_InComeChangeA
- Caption = "收入对比分析(&K)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_InComeStruA
- Caption = "收入结构分析(&Z)"
- End
- End
- Begin VB.Menu c_fzbm_bmslmxz
- Caption = "成本费用分析(&S)"
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_CostChangeA
- Caption = "成本费用对比分析"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_CostStruA
- Caption = "成本费用结构分析"
- End
- End
- End
- Begin VB.Menu c_ymjz
- Caption = "现金收支(&E)"
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_CashTableA
- Caption = "现金收支表分析(&A)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_CashChangeA
- Caption = "现金收支增减表分析(&D)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_CashStrucA
- Caption = "现金收支结构表分析(&M)"
- End
- End
- Begin VB.Menu c_xjllb
- Caption = "因素分析(&X)"
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_QsFx
- Caption = "因素趋势分析(&B)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_AccountStruA
- Caption = "科目结构分析(&T)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu c_xjllbcx
- Caption = "部门结构分析(&L)"
- Begin VB.Menu DeptAccountA
- Caption = "部门按科目分析"
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_DeptInComeStruA
- Caption = "部门收入分析"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_DeptCostStruA
- Caption = "部门支出分析"
- End
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_AccountDeptA
- Caption = "科目按部门分析"
- End
- End
- End
- Begin VB.Menu mnuwindows
- Caption = "窗口(&W)"
- WindowList = -1 'True
- Begin VB.Menu mnuWindowCascade
- Caption = "层叠(&C)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu mnuWindowTileHorizontal
- Caption = "横向平铺(&H)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu mnuWindowTileVertical
- Caption = "纵向平铺(&V)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu mnuWindowArrangeIcons
- Caption = "排列图标(&A)"
- End
- End
- Begin VB.Menu c_bz
- Caption = "帮助(&H)"
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_xtbz
- Caption = "系统帮助(&S)"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu cwfx_gy
- Caption = "关于(&A)"
- End
- End
- End
- Attribute VB_Name = "XT_Main"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = False
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- '************************************************************************
- '* 模 块 名 称 :系统主窗体
- '* 功 能 描 述 :作为系统主界面
- '* 程序员姓名 :魏永生
- '* 最后修改人 :
- '* 最后修改时间:2002/1/21
- '************************************************************************
- Dim Tsxx As String '系统提示信息
- Private Sub cwfx_gy_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_gy.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_quit_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_quit.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_xtbz_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_xtbz.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_AccntBudget_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_AccntBudget.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_AccountBudgetA_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_AccountBudgetA.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_AccountDeptA_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_AccountDeptA.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_AccountStruA_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_AccountStruA.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_Balacen_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_Balacen.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_BalDb_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_BalHb.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_BalDj_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_BalDb.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_BalHb_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_BalHb.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_BalJds_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_BalJds.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_BalJg_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_BalJg.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_BaseProjSet_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_BaseProjSet.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_CashChangeA_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_CashChangeA.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_CashIncomeCost_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_CashIncomeCost.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_CashStrucA_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_CashStrucA.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_CashTableA_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_CashTableA.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_CostBudgetA_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_CostBudgetA.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_CostChangeA_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_CostChangeA.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_CostStruA_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_CostStruA.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_DeptBudget_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_DeptBudget.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_DeptBudgetA_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_DeptBudgetA.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_DeptCostStruA_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_DeptCostStruA.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_DeptInComeStruA_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_DeptInComeStruA.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_IncDb_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_IncDb.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_IncDj_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_IncDj.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_IncHb_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_IncHb.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_IncJds_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_IncJds.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_IncJg_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_IncJg.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_Income_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_Income.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_IncomeBudgetA_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_IncomeBudgetA.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_InComeChangeA_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_InComeChangeA.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_InComeStruA_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_InComeStruA.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_Ite_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_Ite.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_IteFx_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_IteFx.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_ItemBudget_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_ItemBudget.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_ItemBudgetA_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_ItemBudgetA.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_Pro_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_Pro.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_ProfitBudget_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_ProfitBudget.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_ProfitBudgetA_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_ProfitBudgetA.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_ProFx_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_ProFx.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_QsFx_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_QsFx.Name)
- End Sub
- Private Sub Cwfx_Register_Click()
- XT_login.Show 1
- End Sub
- Private Sub cwfx_Tag_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.cwfx_Tag.Name)
- End Sub
- '主窗体击活
- Private Sub MDIForm_Activate()
- Timer1.Enabled = True
- End Sub
- Private Sub MDIForm_Load()
- '调入主操作界面
- XT_Control.Show
- End Sub
- Private Sub MDIForm_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim Jsqte As Integer
- If Not Tcxt Then
- Cancel = True
- Else
- Unload_TF = True
- For Jsqte = 0 To Forms.count - 1
- Unload Forms(Jsqte)
- Next Jsqte
- End
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub mnuWindowArrangeIcons_Click() '窗口排列图标
- Me.Arrange vbArrangeIcons
- End Sub
- Private Sub mnuWindowTileVertical_Click() '窗口横向平铺
- Me.Arrange vbTileVertical
- End Sub
- Private Sub mnuWindowTileHorizontal_Click() '窗口纵向平铺
- Me.Arrange vbTileHorizontal
- End Sub
- Private Sub mnuWindowCascade_Click() '窗口层叠
- Me.Arrange vbCascade
- End Sub
- '************************'以下为程序固定不变部分*********************'
- Private Function Tcxt() As Boolean '退出系统提示
- Dim Answer As Integer
- Tsxx = "请确认是否退出系统?"
- Answer = Xtxxts(Tsxx, 2, 2)
- If Answer = 1 Then
- Tcxt = True
- Else
- Tcxt = False
- End If
- End Function
- Private Sub Timer1_Timer() '在窗体激活后调入程序
- Timer1.Enabled = False
- If XT_login.QdCheck.Value = 1 Then
- Call Xtcsh
- XT_login.QdCheck.Value = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Xtcsh() '系统主控制台及全局变量初始化
- With XT_login
- Xtczybm = Trim(Mid(.CzyCombo.Text, 1, InStr(1, .CzyCombo.Text, "-") - 1))
- Xtczy = Trim(Mid(.CzyCombo.Text, InStr(1, .CzyCombo.Text, "-") + 1, Len(.CzyCombo.Text)))
- Xtztbm = Trim(Mid(.ZtCombo.Text, 1, InStr(1, .ZtCombo.Text, "-") - 1))
- Xtdwm = Trim(Mid(.ZtCombo.Text, InStr(1, .ZtCombo.Text, "-") + 1, Len(.ZtCombo.Text)))
- '用户选择系统年度
- Xtyear = Val(.KjyearCombo.Text)
- '用户选择系统会计期间
- Set Xtrlrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("Select * From gy_kjrlb where qsrq<='" + .CzrqText.Text + "' and zzrq>='" + .CzrqText.Text + "'")
- If Not Xtrlrec.EOF Then
- Xtmm = Xtrlrec.Fields("period")
- End If
- '会计期间划分个数
- Xtkjqjgs = 12
- '业务操作日期
- Xtrq = CDate(.CzrqText.Text)
- End With
- With XT_Main.StatusBar1
- .Panels("OperStatus") = "就绪"
- .Panels("zt").Text = Xtdwm
- .Panels("czy").Text = Xtczy
- .Panels("rq").Text = "业务日期:" + Format(Xtrq, "yyyy-mm-dd")
- .Panels("rjbb").Text = "【百利/ERP】"
- End With
- '----------bsj 10月10日---------------------------
- Call XT_Control.TreeInit '刷新树型菜单
- '-------------------------------------------------
- End Sub
- Private Sub ZBFX_BaseGuideLine_Click()
- Call XT_Control.Zxxymk(Me.ZBFX_BaseGuideLine.Name)
- End Sub