资源名称:FastNet.rar [点击查看]
- unit NMpop3;
- {$X+}
- {$R-}
- {$IFDEF VER100}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER110}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER120}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER125}
- {$ENDIF}
- interface
- uses
- Classes, PSock, Sysutils, NMUUE, NMExtstr, NMConst;
- {$IFDEF VER110}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER120}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER125}
- {$ENDIF}
- const
- POP3_PORT = 110;
- // CompName ='NMPOP3';
- // Major_Version='4';
- // Minor_Version='02';
- // Date_Version ='012798';
- const {Protocol}
- Cons_OK_Resp = '+OK';
- Cons_Err_Resp = '-ERR';
- Cons_Cmd_User = 'USER ';
- Cons_Cmd_Pass = 'PASS ';
- Cons_Cmd_Stat = 'STAT';
- Cons_Cmd_Quit = 'QUIT';
- Cons_Cmd_Top = 'TOP ';
- Cons_Cmd_List = 'LIST ';
- Cons_Cmd_Retr = 'RETR ';
- Cons_Cmd_Dele = 'DELE ';
- Cons_Cmd_Rset = 'RSET';
- Cons_Cmd_Uidl = 'UIDL ';
- Cons_Head_CSubj = 'SUBJECT:';
- Cons_Head_CFrom = 'FROM:';
- Cons_Head_CType = 'CONTENT-TYPE:';
- Cons_Head_CMid = 'MESSAGE-ID:';
- Cons_Head_CBoun = 'BOUNDARY=';
- Cons_Head_FileN = 'FILENAME';
- Cons_Head_Subj = 'Subject:';
- Cons_Head_From = 'From:';
- Cons_Head_MId = 'Message-ID:';
- Cons_Head_Mult = 'multipart';
- Cons_Head_UUEn = 'X-UUENCODE';
- Cons_Head_B641 = 'base64';
- Cons_Head_B642 = 'Base64';
- type
- TListEvent = procedure(Msg, Size: integer) of object;
- // Modification made by Edward T. Smith Sep 09 1998
- TVarFileNameEvent = procedure(var FileName: string) of object;
- // End
- TMailMessage = class(TPersistent)
- private
- FHead: TexStringList;
- FRawBody: TStringList;
- FBody: TStringList;
- Fcontenttypes, FAttachments: TStringList;
- FPartHeaders: TList;
- FContentType: string;
- FFrom: string;
- FSubject: string;
- FMessageId: string;
- public
- FBoundary: string;
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property Subject: string read FSubject;
- property From: string read FFrom;
- property RawBody: TStringList read FRawBody;
- property Body: TStringList read FBody;
- property Head: TExStringList read FHead;
- property MessageId: string read FMessageId write FMessageId;
- property ContentType: string read FContentType write FContentType;
- property Attachments: TStringList read FAttachments;
- property AttachContenttypes: TStringList read FContentTypes;
- property PartHeaders: TList read FPartHeaders;
- end; {_ TMailMessage = class(TPersistent) _}
- TSummary = class(TPersistent)
- private
- FSubject: string;
- FFrom: string;
- FBytes: integer;
- FMessageId: string;
- FHeader: TExStringList;
- published
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property Subject: string read FSubject write FSubject;
- property From: string read FFrom write FFrom;
- property MessageId: string read FMessageId write FMessageId;
- property Bytes: integer read FBytes write FBytes;
- property Header: TExStringList read FHeader write FHeader;
- end; {_ TSummary = class(TPersistent) _}
- TNMPOP3 = class(TPowerSock)
- private
- // Modification made by Edward T. Smith Sep 09 1998
- FOnDecodeStart: TVarFileNameEvent;
- FOnDecodeEnd: TNotifyEvent;
- // End
- NMUUProcessor1: TNMUUProcessor;
- FAttachFilePath, FFilename, FContent_type: string;
- FSummary: TSummary;
- FParse: boolean;
- FMailMessage: TMailMessage;
- FUserID, FPassword: string;
- FAbort, FDeleteOnRead, FTransactionInProgress: boolean;
- FMailCount, FFirstPart: integer;
- FOnAuthenticationNeeded: THandlerEvent;
- FOnAuthenticationFailed: THandlerEvent;
- FOnReset: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnList: TListEvent;
- FOnRetrieveStart: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnRetrieveEnd: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnSuccess: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnFailure: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnConnect: TNotifyEvent;
- WaitForReset: integer;
- procedure ReadMailParts;
- function ReadBody(var MailMessage: TMailMessage): boolean;
- procedure ReadHeader(Readfile: boolean; var MailMessage: TMailMessage);
- procedure AbortResume(Sender: TObject);
- procedure SetAttachFilePath(Value: string);
- protected
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Connect; override;
- procedure Disconnect; override;
- procedure GetMailMessage(MailNumber: integer);
- procedure GetSummary(MailNumber: integer);
- procedure DeleteMailMessage(MailNumber: integer);
- procedure Extract(InString: string; var OutString: string);
- function UniqueID(MailNumber: integer): string;
- procedure Reset;
- procedure List;
- procedure Abort; override;
- property MailCount: integer read FMailCount;
- property Summary: TSummary read FSummary;
- property MailMessage: TMailMessage read FMailMessage;
- property OnRetriveStart: TNotifyEvent read FOnRetrieveStart write FOnRetrieveStart;
- property OnRetriveEnd: TNotifyEvent read FOnRetrieveEnd write FOnRetrieveEnd;
- published
- property OnConnectionRequired;
- property OnPacketRecvd;
- property BytesRecvd;
- property BytesTotal;
- property UserID: string read FUserID write FUserID;
- property Parse: boolean read FParse write FParse;
- property Password: string read FPassword write FPassword;
- property DeleteOnRead: boolean read FDeleteOnRead write FDeleteOnRead;
- // Modification made by Edward T. Smith Sep 09 1998
- property AttachFilePath: string read FAttachFilePath write SetAttachFilePath;
- // End
- property OnConnect: TNotifyEvent read FOnConnect write FOnConnect;
- property OnAuthenticationNeeded: THandlerEvent read FOnAuthenticationNeeded write FOnAuthenticationNeeded;
- property OnAuthenticationFailed: THandlerEvent read FOnAuthenticationFailed write FOnAuthenticationFailed;
- property OnReset: TNotifyEvent read FOnReset write FOnReset;
- property OnList: TListEvent read FOnList write FOnList;
- property OnRetrieveStart: TNotifyEvent read FOnRetrieveStart write FOnRetrieveStart;
- property OnRetrieveEnd: TNotifyEvent read FOnRetrieveEnd write FOnRetrieveEnd;
- property OnSuccess: TNotifyEvent read FOnSuccess write FOnSuccess;
- property OnFailure: TNotifyEvent read FOnFailure write FOnFailure;
- // Modification made by Edward T. Smith Sep 09 1998
- property OnDecodeStart: TVarFileNameEvent read FOnDecodeStart write FOnDecodeStart;
- property OnDecodeEnd: TNotifyEvent read FOnDecodeEnd write FOnDecodeEnd;
- // End
- end; {_ TNMPOP3 = class(TPowerSock) _}
- implementation
- var Readindex, TFileIndex: integer;
- constructor TSummary.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FHeader := TExStringList.Create;
- end;
- destructor TSummary.Destroy;
- begin
- FHeader.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TNMPOP3.SetAttachFilePath(Value: string);
- begin
- if Value[Length(Value)] <> '' then
- Value := Value + '';
- FAttachFilePath := Value;
- end;
- // End
- constructor TNMPOP3.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- Port := POP3_Port;
- FMailMessage := TMailMessage.create;
- FSummary := TSummary.create;
- FDeleteOnRead := FALSE;
- FTransactionInProgress := FALSE;
- FAttachFilePath := '';
- OnAbortRestart := AbortResume;
- WaitForReset := 2;
- NMUUProcessor1 := TNMUUProcessor.create(self);
- end; {_ constructor TNMPOP3.Create(AOwner: TComponent); _}
- destructor TNMPOP3.Destroy;
- begin
- FSummary.free;
- FMailMessage.free;
- NMUUProcessor1.free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end; {_ destructor TNMPOP3.Destroy; _}
- procedure TNMPOP3.Connect;
- var
- ReplyMess: string;
- Check: boolean;
- TryCt: integer;
- Done, ConnCalled, Handled: boolean;
- function CheckAuth(FromHost: string): boolean;
- begin
- if Pos(Cons_OK_Resp, NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 1)) > 0 then Result := TRUE
- else {_ NOT if Pos(Cons_OK_Resp, NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 1)) > 0 then Result := TRUE _}
- begin
- Result := FALSE;
- if TryCt > 0 then raise Exception.create(Cons_Msg_Auth_Fail)
- else {_ NOT if TryCt > 0 then raise Exception.create(Cons_Msg_Auth_Fail) _}
- if not assigned(FOnAuthenticationFailed) then
- raise Exception.create(Cons_Msg_Auth_Fail)
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnAuthenticationFailed) then raise Exception.create(Cons_Msg_Auth_Fail) _}
- begin
- Handled := FALSE;
- FOnAuthenticationFailed(Handled);
- if not Handled then raise Exception.create(Cons_Msg_Auth_Fail);
- TryCt := TryCt + 1;
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnAuthenticationFailed) then raise Exception.create(Cons_Msg_Auth_Fail) _}
- end; {_ NOT if Pos(Cons_OK_Resp, NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 1)) > 0 then Result := TRUE _}
- end; {_ function CheckAuth(FromHost: string): boolean; _}
- begin
- Done := FALSE;
- TryCt := 0;
- while (Password = '') or (UserID = '') do
- if not assigned(FOnAuthenticationNeeded) then raise Exception.create(Cons_Msg_Auth_Fail)
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnAuthenticationNeeded) then raise Exception.create(Cons_Msg_Auth_Fail) _}
- begin
- if TryCt > 0 then break;
- handled := FALSE;
- FOnAuthenticationNeeded(Handled);
- if not handled then raise Exception.create(Cons_Msg_Auth_Fail);
- inc(TryCt);
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnAuthenticationNeeded) then raise Exception.create(Cons_Msg_Auth_Fail) _}
- ConnCalled := FALSE;
- if FTransactionInProgress then ConnCalled := TRUE else FTransactionInProgress := TRUE;
- try
- inherited Connect;
- try
- ReplyMess := ReadLn;
- if Pos(Cons_OK_Resp, NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 1)) = 0 then raise Exception.create(ReplyMess);
- Check := FALSE; TryCt := 0;
- while not check do
- begin
- ReplyMess := Transaction(Cons_Cmd_User + FUserID);
- if CheckAuth(ReplyMess) then
- begin
- ReplyMess := Transaction(Cons_Cmd_Pass + FPassword);
- Check := CheckAuth(ReplyMess)
- end; {_ if CheckAuth(ReplyMess) then _}
- TryCt := TryCt + 1;
- end; {_ while not check do _}
- Done := TRUE;
- ReplyMess := Transaction(Cons_Cmd_Stat);
- if Pos(Cons_OK_Resp, NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 1)) = 0 then raise Exception.create(ReplyMess);
- FMailCount := StrToIntDef(NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 2), 0);
- except
- Disconnect;
- raise
- end; {_ try _}
- finally
- if not ConnCalled then FTransactionInProgress := FALSE;
- if Done then
- if assigned(FOnConnect) then
- FOnConnect(self);
- end; {_ try _}
- end; {_ procedure TNMPOP3.Connect; _}
- procedure TNMPOP3.Disconnect;
- var ReplyMess: string;
- begin
- if Connected then
- try
- ReplyMess := Transaction(Cons_Cmd_Quit);
- if Pos(Cons_OK_Resp, NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 1)) = 0 then raise Exception.create(ReplyMess);
- finally
- inherited Disconnect;
- end; {_ try _}
- end; {_ procedure TNMPOP3.Disconnect; _}
- procedure TNMPOP3.GetSummary(MailNumber: integer);
- var ReplyMess: string;
- begin
- if not FTransactionInProgress then
- begin
- FTransactionInProgress := TRUE;
- try
- CertifyConnect;
- if assigned(FOnRetrieveStart) then FOnRetrieveStart(self);
- FAbort := FALSE;
- ReplyMess := Transaction(Cons_Cmd_Top + IntToStr(MailNumber) + ' 0');
- if Pos(Cons_OK_Resp, NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 1)) = 0 then raise Exception.create(ReplyMess);
- FSummary.FHeader.clear;
- FSummary.FSubject := '';
- FSummary.FFrom := '';
- FSummary.FMessageID := '';
- if not FAbort then
- repeat
- ReplyMess := readln;
- if Pos(Cons_Head_Subj, ReplyMess) = 1 then FSummary.FSubject := Copy(ReplyMess, 9, length(ReplyMess) - 10);
- if Pos(Cons_Head_From, ReplyMess) = 1 then FSummary.FFrom := Copy(ReplyMess, 6, length(ReplyMess) - 7);
- if Pos(Cons_Head_MId, ReplyMess) = 1 then FSummary.FMessageID := Copy(ReplyMess, 13, 256);
- if Replymess[Length(Replymess) - 1] = #13 then
- SetLength(Replymess, Length(Replymess) - 2)
- else {_ NOT if Replymess[Length(Replymess) - 1] = #13 then _} SetLength(Replymess, Length(Replymess) - 1);
- FSummary.FHeader.add(ReplyMess);
- until ReplyMess = '.';
- ReplyMess := Transaction(Cons_Cmd_List + IntToStr(MailNumber));
- FSummary.FBytes := StrToInt(Trim(NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 3)));
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, sPOP_Cons_Summ_Retr);
- if assigned(FOnRetrieveEnd) then FOnRetrieveEnd(self);
- finally
- FTransactionInProgress := FALSE;
- end; {_ try _}
- end; {_ if not FTransactionInProgress then _}
- end; {_ procedure TNMPOP3.GetSummary(MailNumber: integer); _}
- procedure TNMPOP3.GetMailMessage(MailNumber: integer);
- var ReplyMess: string;
- begin
- if not FTransactionInProgress then
- begin
- FTransactionInProgress := TRUE;
- CertifyConnect;
- if assigned(FOnRetrieveStart) then FOnRetrieveStart(self);
- try
- FContent_type := '';
- FMailMessage.FBoundary := '';
- FFilename := '';
- FAbort := FALSE;
- FFirstPart := 2;
- if assigned(OnPacketRecvd) then
- begin
- ReplyMess := Transaction(Cons_Cmd_List + IntToStr(MailNumber));
- FBytesTotal := StrToInt(Trim(NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 3)));
- end;
- ReplyMess := Transaction(Cons_Cmd_Retr + IntToStr(MailNumber));
- if Pos(Cons_OK_Resp, NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 1)) = 0 then raise Exception.create(ReplyMess);
- Readindex := 0;
- FMailMessage.FHead.clear;
- FMailMessage.FBody.clear;
- FMailMessage.FRawBody.clear;
- FMailMessage.FAttachments.clear;
- FMailMessage.Fcontenttypes.clear;
- FMailMessage.FSubject := '';
- FMailMessage.FContenttype := '';
- FBytesRecvd := 0;
- if not FAbort then ReadHeader(false, FMailMessage);
- ReplyMess := Readln;
- FBytesRecvd := FBytesRecvd + length(ReplyMess);
- if assigned(OnPacketRecvd) then OnPacketRecvd(Self);
- while ReplyMess <> '.' + #13#10 do
- begin
- ReplyMess := Copy(ReplyMess, 0, Length(ReplyMess) - 2);
- FMailMessage.FRawBody.add(ReplyMess);
- ReplyMess := Readln;
- FBytesRecvd := FBytesRecvd + length(ReplyMess);
- if assigned(OnPacketRecvd) then OnPacketRecvd(Self);
- end;
- if not FAbort then
- if pos(Lowercase(Cons_Head_Mult), LowerCase(FMailMessage.FContentType)) > 0 then ReadMailParts
- else if not FParse then FMailMessage.FBody.Assign(FMailMessage.FRawBody)
- else
- if (pos('BASE64', Uppercase(FContent_type)) > 0) then
- begin
- FFirstPart := 0;
- ReadBody(FMailMessage);
- FMailMessage.FBody.loadfromfile(FAttachFilePath + FMailMessage.FAttachments[0]);
- end
- else {_ NOT if pos(Cons_Head_Mult, FContentType) > 0 then ReadMailParts _} ReadBody(FMailMessage);
- if FDeleteOnRead and not FAbort then
- begin
- ReplyMess := Transaction(Cons_Cmd_Dele + IntToStr(MailNumber));
- if NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 1) = Cons_Err_Resp then raise Exception.create(ReplyMess);
- end; {_ if FDeleteOnRead and not FAbort then _}
- if FAbort then Transaction(Cons_Cmd_Rset)
- else {_ NOT if FAbort then Transaction(Cons_Cmd_Rset) _} StatusMessage(Status_Informational, sPOP_Cons_Msg_Retr);
- finally
- if assigned(FOnRetrieveEnd) then FOnRetrieveEnd(self);
- FTransactionInProgress := FALSE;
- end; {_ try _}
- end; {_ if not FTransactionInProgress then _}
- end; {_ procedure TNMPOP3.GetMailMessage(MailNumber: integer); _}
- procedure TNMPOP3.Extract(InString: string; var OutString: string);
- var i: integer;
- found: boolean;
- begin
- CertifyConnect;
- i := -1;
- found := FALSE;
- repeat
- i := i + 1;
- if (Pos(InString, FMailMessage.FHead[i]) > 0) then found := TRUE;
- until found or (i = (FMailMessage.FHead.count - 1));
- if found then OutString := Trim(Copy(FMailMessage.FHead[i], Pos(':', FMailMessage.FHead[i]) + 1, 255))
- else {_ NOT if found then OutString := Trim(Copy(FMailMessage.FHead[i], Pos(':', FMailMessage.FHead[i]) + 1, 255)) _} OutString := '';
- end; {_ procedure TNMPOP3.Extract(InString: string; var OutString: string); _}
- procedure TNMPOP3.Reset;
- var ReplyMess: string;
- begin
- CertifyConnect;
- ReplyMess := Transaction(Cons_Cmd_Rset);
- if assigned(FOnReset) then FOnReset(self);
- end; {_ procedure TNMPOP3.Reset; _}
- procedure TNMPOP3.List;
- var ReplyMess: string;
- begin
- if not FTransactionInProgress then
- begin
- FTransactionInProgress := TRUE;
- try
- CertifyConnect;
- ReplyMess := Transaction(Cons_Cmd_List);
- ReplyMess := Readln;
- SetLength(ReplyMess, length(ReplyMess) - 2);
- while (ReplyMess <> '.') do
- begin
- if assigned(FOnList) then FOnList(StrToInt(NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 1)), StrToInt(NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 2)));
- ReplyMess := Readln;
- SetLength(ReplyMess, length(ReplyMess) - 2);
- end; {_ while (ReplyMess <> '.') do _}
- finally
- FTransactionInProgress := FALSE;
- end; {_ try _}
- end; {_ if not FTransactionInProgress then _}
- end; {_ procedure TNMPOP3.List; _}
- procedure TNMPOP3.ReadMailParts;
- var ReplyMess: string;
- LastPart: boolean;
- TemMessage: TMailMessage;
- begin
- {Extract Boundary Information}
- LastPart := FALSE;
- {Read Till First Boundary}
- TemMessage := TMailMessage.Create;
- repeat
- ReplyMess := FMailMessage.FRawBody[Readindex];
- inc(Readindex);
- until Pos(FMailMessage.FBoundary, ReplyMess) > 0;
- repeat
- if not FAbort then ReadHeader(true, TemMessage);
- if not FAbort then LastPart := ReadBody(FMailMessage);
- until (ReadIndex = FMailMessage.FRawBody.count) or (LastPart) or (FAbort) or (ReplyMess = '.' + #13#10);
- TemMessage.Free;
- {repeat
- ReplyMess := readln;
- until ReplyMess = '.' + #13#10; }
- end; {_ procedure TNMPOP3.ReadMailParts; _}
- procedure TNMPOP3.ReadHeader(Readfile: boolean; var MailMessage: TMailMessage);
- var ReplyMess: string;
- begin
- repeat
- if not FAbort then
- begin
- if ReadFile then
- begin
- if ReadIndex = FMailMessage.FRawBody.count then exit;
- ReplyMess := FMailMessage.FRawBody[Readindex];
- inc(Readindex);
- end
- else
- begin
- ReplyMess := ReadLn;
- FBytesRecvd := FBytesRecvd + length(ReplyMess);
- if assigned(OnPacketRecvd) then OnPacketRecvd(Self);
- SetLength(ReplyMess, length(ReplyMess) - 2);
- end;
- if FFirstPart = 2 then FMailMessage.FHead.add(ReplyMess);
- if (ReplyMess <> '') then
- begin
- if UpperCase(NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 1)) = Cons_Head_CSubj then
- FMailMessage.Fsubject := Copy(ReplyMess, 9, 256);
- if UpperCase(NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 1)) = Cons_Head_CFrom then
- FMailMessage.FFrom := Copy(ReplyMess, 7, 256);
- if UpperCase(NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 1)) = Cons_Head_CType then
- FMailMessage.FContentType := Copy(ReplyMess, 15, 256);
- if UpperCase(NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 1)) = Cons_Head_CMid then
- FMailMessage.FMessageID := Copy(ReplyMess, 13, 256);
- if Pos(Cons_Head_CBoun, UpperCase(ReplyMess)) > 0 then
- begin
- MailMessage.FBoundary := Copy(ReplyMess, Pos(Cons_Head_CBoun, UpperCase(ReplyMess)) + 9, 256);
- if (MailMessage.FBoundary[1] = #22) then
- SetLength(MailMessage.FBoundary, Length(MailMessage.FBoundary) - 2)
- else {_ NOT if Boundary[1] = #22 then _}
- begin
- SetLength(MailMessage.FBoundary, Length(MailMessage.FBoundary) - 3);
- MailMessage.FBoundary := Copy(MailMessage.FBoundary, 2, 255);
- end; {_ NOT if Boundary[1] = #22 then _}
- end;
- if Pos(Cons_Head_CCTE, UpperCase(ReplyMess)) > 0 then
- FContent_type := Copy(ReplyMess, 28, 256);
- if (Pos(Cons_Head_FileN, UpperCase(ReplyMess)) > 0) or (Pos('NAME', UpperCase(ReplyMess)) > 0) then
- FFilename := NthWord(ReplyMess, '"', 2);
- end; {_ if (ReplyMess <> '') then _}
- end; {_ if not FAbort then _}
- until (ReplyMess = '') or FAbort;
- if FFirstPart = 2 then FFirstPart := 1;
- end; {_ procedure TNMPOP3.ReadHeader; _}
- //BD 1-7-99 To support files with multiple .s
- function LastPos(StringSought, TheString: string): Integer;
- var
- CurrentPos: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- while Pos(StringSought, TheString) > 0 do
- begin
- CurrentPos := Pos(StringSought, TheString) + Length(StringSought) - 1;
- Result := Result + CurrentPos;
- TheString := Copy(TheString, CurrentPos + 1, Length(TheString));
- end;
- if Result > 0 then
- Result := Result - (Length(StringSought) - 1);
- end;
- //BD 1-7-99 To support files with multiple .s
- function TNMPOP3.ReadBody(var MailMessage: TMailMessage): boolean;
- var OutStream: TFileStream;
- ReplyMess, TFname1, TFName2: string;
- i: integer;
- Ins, Ous: TFileStream;
- begin
- try
- result := FALSE;
- OutStream := nil;
- {if FFirstPart=1 then if (FContenttype<>'') and (pos('ascii',FContenttype)=0) then FFirstPart:=0; }
- if FFirstPart = 0 then
- begin
- inc(TFileIndex);
- OutStream := TFileStream.create(FAttachFilePath + 'Temp' + IntToStr(TFileIndex) + '.mme', fmCreate);
- end; {_ if FFirstPart = 0 then _}
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, sPOP_Cons_Msg_ExtrF);
- if ReadIndex = FMailMessage.FRawBody.count then exit;
- ReplyMess := FMailMessage.FRawBody[Readindex];
- inc(Readindex);
- while (Readindex <> FMailMessage.FRawBody.count) and (Pos(MailMessage.FBoundary, ReplyMess) = 0) and (ReplyMess <> '.' + #13#10) and (not FAbort) do
- begin
- if FFirstPart > 0 then
- begin
- //SetLength(ReplyMess, length(ReplyMess) - 2);
- FMailMessage.FBody.add(ReplyMess);
- end {_ if FFirstPart > 0 then _}
- else {_ NOT if FFirstPart > 0 then _} {FMailMessage.FBody.add(ReplyMess);}
- begin
- ReplyMess := ReplyMess + CRLF;
- OutStream.WriteBuffer(ReplyMess[1], length(ReplyMess));
- end;
- ReplyMess := FMailMessage.FRawBody[Readindex];
- inc(Readindex);
- end;
- if not Fabort and (FFirstPart = 0) and (OutStream.size > 0) then
- begin
- OutStream.Free;
- if FFileName = '' then FFileName := 'text.tmp';
- TFName1 := Copy(FFileName, 1, LastPos('.', FFileName) - 1);
- TFName2 := Copy(FFileName, Length(TFName1) + 2, Length(FFileName));
- i := 1;
- while FileExists(FAttachFilePath + FFileName) do
- begin
- FFileName := TFName1 + '_' + IntToStr(i) + '.' + TFName2;
- i := i + 1;
- end; {_ while FileExists(FAttachFilePath + FFileName) do _}
- // Modification made by Edward T. Smith Sep 09 1998
- if assigned(FOnDecodeStart) then
- FOnDecodeStart(FFileName);
- // End
- FMailMessage.FBody.add(#13#10 + sPOP_Cons_Msg_File + FFileName + sPOP_Cons_Msg_Extr);
- FMailMessage.FAttachments.Add(FFileName);
- FMailMessage.FContentTypes.Add(FMailMessage.Contenttype);
- if (Pos(Cons_Head_B641, Lowercase(FContent_type)) > 0) or (Pos(Cons_Head_UUEn, FContent_type) > 0) then
- begin
- Ins := TFileStream.create(FAttachFilePath + 'Temp' + IntToStr(TFileIndex) + '.mme', fmOpenRead);
- Ous := TFileStream.create(FAttachFilePath + FFilename, fmCreate);
- try
- NMUUProcessor1.InputStream := Ins;
- NMUUProcessor1.OutputStream := Ous;
- if (Pos(Cons_Head_UUEn, FContent_type) > 0) then NMUUProcessor1.method := UUCode else NMUUProcessor1.method := UUMime;
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, sPOP_Cons_Msg_Deco);
- if ins.size <> 0 then NMUUProcessor1.Decode;
- finally
- Ins.free;
- Ous.free;
- end; {_ try _}
- end {_ if (Pos(Cons_Head_B641, FContent_type) > 0) or (Pos(Cons_Head_B642, FContent_type) > 0) or (Pos(Cons_Head_UUEn, FContent_type) > 0) then _}
- else {_ NOT if (Pos(Cons_Head_B641, FContent_type) > 0) or (Pos(Cons_Head_B642, FContent_type) > 0) or (Pos(Cons_Head_UUEn, FContent_type) > 0) then _}
- begin
- if FileExists(FAttachFilePath + FFilename) then DeleteFile(FAttachFilePath + FFilename);
- RenameFile(FAttachFilePath + 'Temp' + IntToStr(TFileIndex) + '.mme', FAttachFilePath + FFilename);
- end;
- end; {_ if not Fabort and (FFirstPart = 0) then _}
- if (Pos(MailMessage.FBoundary, ReplyMess) > 0) then
- begin
- ReplyMess := Copy(ReplyMess, Length(ReplyMess) - 3, 256);
- if Pos('--', ReplyMess) > 0 then result := true;
- end; {_ if (Pos(FBoundary, ReplyMess) > 0) then _}
- FFirstPart := 0;
- finally
- if FileExists(FAttachFilePath + 'Temp' + IntToStr(TFileIndex) + '.mme') then Deletefile(FAttachFilePath + 'Temp' + IntToStr(TFileIndex) + '.mme');
- end;
- end; {_ function TNMPOP3.ReadBody: boolean; _}
- procedure TNMPOP3.DeleteMailMessage(MailNumber: integer);
- var ReplyMess: string;
- Done: boolean;
- begin
- if not FTransactionInProgress then
- begin
- Done := FALSE;
- FTransactionInProgress := TRUE;
- try
- CertifyConnect;
- ReplyMess := Transaction(Cons_Cmd_Dele + IntToStr(MailNumber));
- if NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 1) = Cons_Err_Resp then
- begin
- if assigned(FOnFailure) then FOnFailure(self);
- raise Exception.create(ReplyMess);
- end {_ if NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 1) <> Cons_OK_Resp then _}
- else {_ NOT if NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 1) <> Cons_OK_Resp then _} Done := TRUE;
- finally
- FTransactionInProgress := FALSE;
- if Done then
- if assigned(FOnSuccess) then
- FOnSuccess(self);
- end; {_ try _}
- end; {_ if not FTransactionInProgress then _}
- end; {_ procedure TNMPOP3.DeleteMailMessage(MailNumber: integer); _}
- function TNMPOP3.UniqueID(MailNumber: integer): string;
- var ReplyMess: string;
- begin
- if not FTransactionInProgress then
- begin
- Result := '';
- FTransactionInProgress := TRUE;
- try
- CertifyConnect;
- ReplyMess := Transaction(Cons_Cmd_Uidl + IntToStr(MailNumber));
- if NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 1) <> Cons_OK_Resp then
- begin
- if assigned(FOnFailure) then FOnFailure(self);
- raise Exception.create(ReplyMess);
- end {_ if NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 1) <> Cons_OK_Resp then _}
- else {_ NOT if NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 1) <> Cons_OK_Resp then _}
- Result := NthWord(ReplyMess, ' ', 3);
- finally
- FTransactionInProgress := FALSE;
- end; {_ try _}
- end; {_ if not FTransactionInProgress then _}
- end;
- procedure TNMPOP3.Abort;
- begin
- Cancel;
- if Connected then
- begin
- //if FTransactionInProgress then
- //begin
- // Cancel;
- //end {_ if FTransactionInProgress then _}
- //else {_ NOT if FTransactionInProgress then _}
- //begin
- inherited Disconnect;
- ClearInput;
- //end; {_ NOT if FTransactionInProgress then _}
- end; {_ if (not BeenCanceled) and Connected then _}
- end; {_ procedure TNMPOP3.Abort; _}
- procedure TNMPOP3.AbortResume(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- //inherited Disconnect;
- //TMemoryStream(FIstream).clear;
- end; {_ procedure TNMPOP3.AbortResume(Sender: TObject); _}
- constructor TMailMessage.create;
- begin
- FHead := TExStringList.create;
- FBody := TStringList.create;
- FAttachments := TStringList.create;
- FContentTypes := TStringList.create;
- FRawBody := TStringList.create;
- FPartHeaders := Tlist.Create;
- end; {_ constructor TMailMessage.create; _}
- destructor TMailMessage.destroy;
- begin
- FHead.free;
- FBody.free;
- FAttachments.free;
- FContentTypes.free;
- FRawBody.free;
- FPartHeaders.free;
- end; {_ destructor TMailMessage.destroy; _}
- end.