资源名称:FastNet.rar [点击查看]
- unit NMS_Stream;
- interface
- uses
- WinTypes, Classes, SysUtils;
- type
- TS_BufferState = (bsUnknown, bsRead, bsWrite);
- TS_BufferStream = class(TStream)
- private
- fStream: TStream;
- fBuffer: PChar;
- fBufPtr: PChar;
- fBufEnd: PChar;
- fBufSize: Cardinal;
- fState: TS_BufferState;
- fOnFillBuffer: TNotifyEvent;
- fOnFlushBuffer: TNotifyEvent;
- function GetBufPosition: Integer;
- protected
- function FillBuffer: Boolean; virtual;
- procedure PutBack(Ch: Char); virtual;
- procedure AfterFillBuffer; virtual;
- procedure AfterFlushBuffer; virtual;
- property Buffer: PChar read fBuffer;
- property BufPtr: PChar read fBufPtr;
- property BufSize: Cardinal read fBufSize;
- property BufEnd: PChar read fBufEnd;
- property BufPosition: Integer read GetBufPosition;
- property State: TS_BufferState read fState;
- property Stream: TStream read fStream;
- public
- constructor Create(Stream: TStream); virtual;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function FlushBuffer: Boolean; virtual;
- function Read(var Buffer; Count: LongInt): LongInt; override;
- function Write(const Buffer; Count: LongInt): LongInt; override;
- function Seek(Offset: LongInt; Origin: Word): LongInt; override;
- function IsEof: Boolean;
- property OnFillBuffer: TNotifyEvent read fOnFillBuffer write fOnFillBuffer;
- property OnFlushBuffer: TNotifyEvent read fOnFlushBuffer write fOnFlushBuffer;
- end;
- const
- // BufferSize: Integer = 8192;
- // BufferSize: Integer = 16384;
- BufferSize: Integer = 32768;
- // BufferSize: Integer = 65536;
- implementation
- uses
- WinProcs, NMS_Huge;
- constructor TS_BufferStream.Create(Stream: TStream);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- fStream := Stream;
- fBufSize := BufferSize;
- GetMem(fBuffer, BufSize);
- fBufEnd := Buffer + BufSize;
- fState := bsUnknown;
- end;
- destructor TS_BufferStream.Destroy;
- begin
- if State = bsWrite then
- FlushBuffer;
- FreeMem(fBuffer, BufSize);
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- function TS_BufferStream.FillBuffer: Boolean;
- var
- NumBytes: Cardinal;
- begin
- NumBytes := Stream.Read(Buffer^, BufSize);
- fBufPtr := Buffer;
- fBufEnd := Buffer + NumBytes;
- Result := NumBytes > 0;
- if Result then
- fState := bsRead
- else
- fState := bsUnknown;
- AfterFillBuffer;
- end;
- function TS_BufferStream.FlushBuffer: Boolean;
- var
- NumBytes: Cardinal;
- begin
- NumBytes := BufPtr - Buffer;
- Result := NumBytes = Stream.Write(Buffer^, NumBytes);
- fBufPtr := Buffer;
- fState := bsUnknown;
- AfterFlushBuffer;
- end;
- function TS_BufferStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: LongInt): LongInt;
- var
- Ptr: PChar;
- NumBytes: Cardinal;
- begin
- if State = bsWrite then
- FlushBuffer
- else if BufPtr = nil then
- fBufPtr := BufEnd;
- Ptr := @Buffer;
- Result := 0;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- if BufPtr = BufEnd then
- if not FillBuffer then
- Break;
- NumBytes := BufEnd - BufPtr;
- if Count < NumBytes then
- NumBytes := Count;
- HMemCpy(Ptr, BufPtr, NumBytes);
- Dec(Count, NumBytes);
- Inc(fBufPtr, NumBytes);
- Inc(Result, NumBytes);
- Ptr := HugeOffset(Ptr, NumBytes);
- end;
- end;
- function TS_BufferStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: LongInt): LongInt;
- var
- Ptr: Pointer;
- NumBytes: Cardinal;
- begin
- if State = bsRead then
- fStream.Position := Position
- else if BufPtr = nil then
- begin
- fBufPtr := fBuffer;
- fBufEnd := fBuffer + BufSize;
- end;
- Ptr := @Buffer;
- Result := 0;
- while Count > 0 do
- begin
- NumBytes := BufEnd - BufPtr;
- if Count < NumBytes then
- NumBytes := Count;
- HMemCpy(BufPtr, Ptr, NumBytes);
- Dec(Count, NumBytes);
- Inc(fBufPtr, NumBytes);
- Inc(Result, NumBytes);
- Ptr := HugeOffset(Ptr, NumBytes);
- if BufPtr = BufEnd then
- if not FlushBuffer then
- Break;
- end;
- if BufPtr <> fBuffer then
- fState := bsWrite;
- end;
- function TS_BufferStream.Seek(Offset: LongInt; Origin: Word): LongInt;
- var
- CurrentPosition: LongInt;
- begin
- CurrentPosition := Stream.Position + BufPosition;
- case Origin of
- soFromBeginning: Result := Offset;
- soFromCurrent: Result := Stream.Position + BufPosition + Offset;
- soFromEnd: Result := Stream.Size - Offset;
- else
- raise Exception.CreateFmt('Invalid seek origin = %d', [Origin]);
- end;
- if Result <> CurrentPosition then
- begin
- if (State = bsWrite) and not FlushBuffer then
- raise EStreamError.Create('Seek error');
- Stream.Position := Result;
- fBufPtr := nil;
- fState := bsUnknown;
- end;
- end;
- function TS_BufferStream.GetBufPosition: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- case State of
- bsUnknown: Result := 0;
- bsRead: Result := BufPtr - BufEnd;
- bsWrite: Result := BufPtr - Buffer;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TS_BufferStream.PutBack(Ch: Char);
- begin
- if fBufPtr <= fBuffer then
- raise EStreamError.Create('PutBack overflow');
- Dec(fBufPtr);
- BufPtr[0] := Ch;
- end;
- function TS_BufferStream.IsEof: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (BufPtr = BufEnd) and
- (Stream.Position = Stream.Size);
- end;
- procedure TS_BufferStream.AfterFillBuffer;
- begin
- if Assigned(fOnFillBuffer) then
- fOnFillBuffer(Self);
- end;
- procedure TS_BufferStream.AfterFlushBuffer;
- begin
- if Assigned(fOnFlushBuffer) then
- fOnFlushBuffer(Self);
- end;
- end.