资源名称:FastNet.rar [点击查看]
- unit NMS_Huge;
- interface
- procedure HugeInc(var HugePtr: Pointer; Amount: LongInt);
- procedure HugeDec(var HugePtr: Pointer; Amount: LongInt);
- function HugeOffset(HugePtr: Pointer; Amount: LongInt): Pointer;
- {$ifdef WIN32}
- { The Win3.1 API defines hmemcpy to copy memory
- that might span a segment boundary. Win32
- does not define it, so add it, for
- portability. }
- procedure HMemCpy(DstPtr, SrcPtr: Pointer; Amount: LongInt);
- {$else}
- { The Win32 API defines these functions, so
- they are needed only for Win3.1. }
- procedure ZeroMemory(Ptr: Pointer; Length: LongInt);
- procedure FillMemory(Ptr: Pointer; Length: LongInt; Fill: Byte);
- {$endif}
- implementation
- {$ifdef WIN32}
- procedure HugeInc(var HugePtr: Pointer; Amount: LongInt);
- begin
- HugePtr := PChar(HugePtr) + Amount;
- end;
- procedure HugeDec(var HugePtr: Pointer; Amount: LongInt);
- begin
- HugePtr := PChar(HugePtr) - Amount;
- end;
- function HugeOffset(HugePtr: Pointer; Amount: LongInt): Pointer;
- begin
- Result := PChar(HugePtr) + Amount;
- end;
- procedure HMemCpy(DstPtr, SrcPtr: Pointer; Amount: LongInt);
- begin
- Move(SrcPtr^, DstPtr^, Amount);
- end;
- {$else}
- uses SysUtils, WinTypes;
- procedure HugeShift; far; external 'KERNEL' index 113;
- procedure HugeInc(var HugePtr: Pointer; Amount: LongInt); assembler;
- asm
- { Store Amount in DX:AX. }
- mov ax, Amount.Word[0]
- mov dx, Amount.Word[2]
- { Get the reference to HugePtr }
- les bx, HugePtr
- { Add the offset parts. }
- add ax, es:[bx]
- { Propagate carry to the high word of Amount }
- adc dx, 0
- mov cx, Offset HugeShift
- { Shift high word of Amount for segment }
- shl dx, cl
- { Increment the segment of HugePtr }
- add es:[bx+2], dx
- mov es:[bx], ax
- end;
- procedure HugeDec(var HugePtr: Pointer; Amount: LongInt); assembler;
- asm
- { Store HugePtr ptr in es:[bx] }
- les bx, HugePtr
- mov ax, es:[bx]
- { Subtract the offset parts }
- sub ax, Amount.Word[0]
- mov dx, Amount.Word[2]
- { Propagate carry to the high word of Amount }
- adc dx, 0
- mov cx, OFFSET HugeShift
- { Shift high word of Amount for segment }
- shl dx, cl
- sub es:[bx+2], dx
- mov es:[bx], ax
- end;
- function HugeOffset(HugePtr: Pointer; Amount: LongInt): Pointer; assembler;
- asm
- { Store Amount in DX:AX }
- mov ax, Amount.Word[0]
- mov dx, Amount.Word[2]
- { Add the offset parts }
- add ax, HugePtr.Word[0]
- { Propagate carry to the high word of Amount }
- adc dx, 0
- mov cx, OFFSET HugeShift
- { Shift high word of Amount for segment }
- shl dx, cl
- { Increment the segment of HugePtr }
- add dx, HugePtr.Word[2]
- end;
- procedure FillWords(DstPtr: Pointer; Size: Word; Fill: Word); assembler;
- asm
- mov ax, Fill { Get the fill word }
- les di, DstPtr { Get the pointer }
- mov cx, Size.Word[0] { Get the size }
- cld { Clear the direction flag }
- rep stosw { Fill the memory }
- end;
- procedure FillMemory(Ptr: Pointer; Length: LongInt; Fill: Byte);
- var
- NBytes: Cardinal;
- NWords: Cardinal;
- FillWord: Word;
- begin
- WordRec(FillWord).Hi := Fill;
- WordRec(FillWord).Lo := Fill;
- while Length > 1 do
- begin
- if Ofs(Ptr^) = 0 then
- NBytes := $FFFE
- else
- NBytes := $10000 - Ofs(Ptr^);
- if NBytes > Length then
- NBytes := Length;
- NWords := NBytes div 2;
- FillWords(Ptr, NWords, FillWord);
- NBytes := NWords * 2;
- Dec(Length, NBytes);
- Ptr := HugeOffset(Ptr, NBytes);
- end;
- if Length > 0 then
- PByte(Ptr)^ := Fill;
- end;
- procedure ZeroMemory(Ptr: Pointer; Length: LongInt);
- begin
- FillMemory(Ptr, Length, 0);
- end;
- {$endif}
- end.