资源名称:FastNet.rar [点击查看]
- {$IFDEF VER100}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER110}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER120}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER125}
- {$ENDIF}
- unit NMUDP;
- interface
- uses
- Winsock, Classes, Sysutils, WinTypes, Messages, Forms, NMConst;
- {$IFDEF VER110}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER120}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER125}
- {$ENDIF}
- const
- // CompName ='TNMUDP';
- // Major_Version ='4';
- // Minor_Version ='02';
- // Date_Version ='012798';
- { Levels for reporting Status Messages}
- Status_None = 0;
- Status_Informational = 1;
- Status_Basic = 2;
- Status_Routines = 4;
- Status_Debug = 8;
- Status_Trace = 16;
- WM_ASYNCHRONOUSPROCESS = WM_USER + 101; {Message number for asynchronous socket messages}
- const {protocol}
- Const_cmd_true = 'TRUE';
- type
- UDPSockError = class(Exception);
- {Event Handlers}
- TOnErrorEvent = procedure(Sender: TComponent; errno: word; Errmsg: string) of object;
- TOnStatus = procedure(Sender: TComponent; status: string) of object;
- TOnReceive = procedure(Sender: TComponent; NumberBytes: Integer; FromIP: string; Port: Integer) of object;
- THandlerEvent = procedure(var handled: boolean) of object;
- TBuffInvalid = procedure(var handled: boolean; var Buff: array of char; var Length: Integer) of object;
- TStreamInvalid = procedure(var handled: boolean; Stream: TStream) of object;
- TNMUDP = class(TComponent)
- private
- IBuff: array[0..2048] of char;
- IBuffSize: Integer;
- FRemoteHost: string;
- FRemotePort: Integer;
- FLocalPort: Integer; {Port at server to connect to}
- RemoteAddress, RemoteAddress2: TSockAddr; {Address of remote host}
- FSocketWindow: hwnd;
- Wait_Flag: boolean; {Flag to indicate if synchronous request completed or not}
- RemoteHostS: PHostEnt; {Entity to store remote host linfo from a Hostname request}
- Canceled: boolean; {Flag to indicate request cancelled}
- Succeed: boolean; {Flag for indicating if synchronous request succeded}
- MyWSAData: TWSADATA; {Socket Information}
- FOnStatus: TOnStatus; {} {Event handler on a status change}
- FReportLevel: Integer; {Reporting Level}
- _status: string; {Current status}
- _ProcMsg: boolean; {Flag to supress or enable socket message processing}
- FLastErrorno: Integer; {The last error Encountered}
- FOnErrorEvent: TOnErrorEvent; {} {Event handler for error nitification}
- FOnDataReceived: TOnReceive;
- FOnDataSend: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnInvalidHost: THandlerEvent;
- FOnStreamInvalid: TStreamInvalid;
- FOnBufferInvalid: TBuffInvalid;
- procedure WndProc(var message: TMessage);
- procedure ResolveRemoteHost;
- procedure SetLocalPort(NewLocalPort: Integer);
- procedure ProcessIncomingdata;
- protected
- procedure StatusMessage(Level: byte; value: string);
- function ErrorManager(ignore: word): string;
- function SocketErrorStr(errno: word): string;
- procedure Wait;
- public
- EventHandle: THandle;
- ThisSocket: TSocket; {The socket number of the Powersocket}
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Loaded; override;
- procedure Cancel;
- procedure SendStream(DataStream: TStream);
- procedure SendBuffer(Buff: array of char; Length: Integer);
- procedure ReadStream(DataStream: TStream);
- procedure ReadBuffer(var Buff: array of char; var Length: Integer);
- published
- property RemoteHost: string read FRemoteHost write FRemoteHost; {Host Nmae or IP of remote host}
- property RemotePort: Integer read FRemotePort write FRemotePort; {Port of remote host}
- property LocalPort: Integer read FLocalPort write SetLocalPort; {Port of remote host}
- property ReportLevel: Integer read FReportLevel write FReportLevel;
- property OnDataReceived: TOnReceive read FOnDataReceived write FOnDataReceived;
- property OnDataSend: TNotifyEvent read FOnDataSend write FOnDataSend;
- property OnStatus: TOnStatus read FOnStatus write FOnStatus;
- property OnInvalidHost: THandlerEvent read FOnInvalidHost write FOnInvalidHost;
- property OnStreamInvalid: TStreamInvalid read FOnStreamInvalid write FOnStreamInvalid;
- property OnBufferInvalid: TBuffInvalid read FOnBufferInvalid write FOnBufferInvalid;
- end; {_ TNMUDP = class(TComponent) _}
- implementation
- procedure WaitforSync(Handle: THandle);
- begin
- repeat
- if MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, Handle, False,
- = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1
- then Application.ProcessMessages
- else Break;
- until True = False;
- end; {_WaitforSync_}
- procedure TNMUDP.Cancel;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_Cancel); {Status Message}
- Canceled := True; {Set Cancelled to true}
- SetEvent(EventHandle);
- end;
- constructor TNMUDP.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- _ProcMsg := False; {Inhibit Event processing for socket}
- { Initialize memory }
- GetMem(RemoteHostS, MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT); {Initialize memory for host address structure}
- FSocketWindow := AllocateHWnd(WndProc); {Create Window handle to receive message notification}
- { Set Variables }
- FReportLevel := Status_Informational; {Set Default Reporting Level}
- Canceled := False; {Cancelled flag off}
- EventHandle := CreateEvent(nil, True, False, '');
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, Cons_Msg_Wsk); {Status Message}
- if WSAStartUp($0101, MyWSAData) = 0 then
- try
- ThisSocket := Socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); {Get a new socket}
- if ThisSocket = TSocket(INVALID_SOCKET) then
- ErrorManager(WSAEWOULDBLOCK); {If error handle error}
- setsockopt(ThisSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_DONTLINGER, Const_cmd_true, 4);
- except
- WSACleanup; {If error Cleanup}
- raise; {Pass exception to calling function}
- end {_ try _}
- else {_ NOT if WSAStartUp($0101, MyWSADATA) = 0 then _}
- ErrorManager(WSAEWOULDBLOCK); {Handle Statrtup error}
- _ProcMsg := True;
- end; {_ constructor TNMUDP.Create(AOwner: TComponent); _}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Destroy Power Socket
- ********************************************************************************************}
- destructor TNMUDP.Destroy;
- begin
- {cancel; }
- FreeMem(RemoteHostS, MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT); {Free memory for fetching Host Entity}
- DeAllocateHWnd(FSocketWindow); {Release window handle for Winsock messages}
- CloseHandle(EventHandle);
- WSACleanup; {Clean up Winsock}
- inherited Destroy; {Do inherited destroy method}
- end; {_ destructor TNMUDP.Destroy; _}
- procedure TNMUDP.SetLocalPort(NewLocalPort: Integer);
- begin
- if ThisSocket <> 0 then closesocket(ThisSocket);
- WSACleanup;
- if WSAStartUp($0101, MyWSAData) = 0 then
- try
- ThisSocket := Socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); {Get a new socket}
- if ThisSocket = TSocket(INVALID_SOCKET) then
- ErrorManager(WSAEWOULDBLOCK); {If error handle error}
- except
- WSACleanup; {If error Cleanup}
- raise; {Pass exception to calling function}
- end {_ try _}
- else {_ NOT if WSAStartUp($0101, MyWSADATA) = 0 then _}
- ErrorManager(WSAEWOULDBLOCK); {Handle Statrtup error}
- FLocalPort := NewLocalPort;
- Loaded;
- end; {_ procedure TNMUDP.SetLocalPort(NewLocalPort: integer); _}
- procedure TNMUDP.Loaded;
- var
- buf: array[0..17] of char;
- begin
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- begin
- RemoteAddress2.sin_addr.S_addr := Inet_Addr(StrPCopy(buf, ''));
- RemoteAddress2.sin_family := AF_INET; {Family = Internet address}
- RemoteAddress2.sin_port := htons(FLocalPort); {Set port to given port}
- Wait_Flag := False; {Set flag to wait}
- {Bind Socket to given address}
- Winsock.bind(ThisSocket, RemoteAddress2, SizeOf(RemoteAddress2));
- {Direct reply message to WM_WAITFORRESPONSE handler}
- WSAAsyncselect(ThisSocket, FSocketWindow, WM_ASYNCHRONOUSPROCESS, FD_READ);
- end; {_ if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then _}
- end; {_ procedure TNMUDP.Loaded; _}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Resolve IP Address of Remote Host
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMUDP.ResolveRemoteHost;
- var
- buf: array[0..127] of char;
- CTry: Integer;
- handled: boolean;
- begin
- RemoteAddress.sin_addr.S_addr := Inet_Addr(StrPCopy(buf, FRemoteHost));
- if RemoteAddress.sin_addr.S_addr = SOCKET_ERROR then
- {If given name not an IP address already}
- begin
- CTry := 0;
- repeat
- Wait_Flag := False; {Reset flag indicating wait over}
- {Resolve IP address}
- wsaasyncgethostbyname(FSocketWindow, WM_ASYNCHRONOUSPROCESS, buf, PChar(RemoteHostS), MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT);
- repeat
- Wait;
- until Wait_Flag or Canceled; {Till host name resolved, Timed out or cancelled}
- {Handle errors}
- if Canceled then
- raise UDPSockError.Create(Cons_Msg_Lkp);
- if Succeed = False then
- begin
- if CTry < 1 then
- begin
- CTry := CTry + 1;
- handled := False;
- if Assigned(FOnInvalidHost) then FOnInvalidHost(handled);
- if not handled then UDPSockError.Create(Cons_Msg_Lkp);
- end {_ if CTry < 1 then _}
- else {_ NOT if CTry < 1 then _} raise UDPSockError.Create(Cons_Msg_Lkp);
- end {_ if Succeed = FALSE then _}
- else {_ NOT if Succeed = FALSE then _}
- {Fill up remote host information with retreived results}
- with RemoteAddress.sin_addr.S_un_b do
- begin
- s_b1 := RemoteHostS.h_addr_list^[0];
- s_b2 := RemoteHostS.h_addr_list^[1];
- s_b3 := RemoteHostS.h_addr_list^[2];
- s_b4 := RemoteHostS.h_addr_list^[3];
- end; {_ with RemoteAddress.sin_addr.S_un_b do _}
- until Succeed = True;
- end; {_ if remoteaddress.sin_addr.S_addr = SOCKET_ERROR then _}
- end; {_ procedure TNMUDP.ResolveRemoteHost; _}
- procedure TNMUDP.SendStream(DataStream: TStream);
- var CTry, i: Integer;
- buf: array[0..2047] of char;
- handled: boolean;
- begin
- CTry := 0;
- while DataStream.size = 0 do
- if CTry > 0 then raise Exception.Create(Cons_Msg_InvStrm)
- else {_ NOT if CTry > 0 then raise Exception.create(Cons_Msg_InvStrm) _}
- if not Assigned(FOnStreamInvalid) then raise Exception.Create(Cons_Msg_InvStrm)
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnStreamInvalid) then raise Exception.create(Cons_Msg_InvStrm) _}
- begin
- handled := False;
- FOnStreamInvalid(handled, DataStream);
- if not handled then raise Exception.Create(Cons_Msg_InvStrm)
- else {_ NOT if not Handled then raise Exception.create(Cons_Msg_InvStrm) _} CTry := CTry + 1;
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnStreamInvalid) then raise Exception.create(Cons_Msg_InvStrm) _}
- Canceled := False; {Turn Canceled off}
- ResolveRemoteHost; {Resolve the IP address of remote host}
- if RemoteAddress.sin_addr.S_addr = 0 then
- raise UDPSockError.Create(Cons_Err_Addr); {If Resolving failed raise exception}
- StatusMessage(Status_Basic, Cons_Msg_Data); {Inform status}
- RemoteAddress.sin_family := AF_INET; {Make connected true}
- {$R-}
- RemoteAddress.sin_port := htons(FRemotePort); {If no proxy get port from Port property}
- {$R+}
- i := SizeOf(RemoteAddress); {i := size of remoteaddress structure}
- {Connect to remote host}
- DataStream.position := 0;
- DataStream.ReadBuffer(buf, DataStream.size);
- Winsock.SendTo(ThisSocket, buf, DataStream.size, 0, RemoteAddress, i);
- if Assigned(FOnDataSend) then FOnDataSend(self);
- end; {_ procedure TNMUDP.SendStream(DataStream: TStream); _}
- procedure TNMUDP.SendBuffer(Buff: array of char; Length: Integer);
- var CTry, i: Integer;
- handled: boolean;
- begin
- CTry := 0;
- while Length = 0 do
- if CTry > 0 then raise Exception.Create(Cons_Err_Buffer)
- else {_ NOT if CTry > 0 then raise Exception.create(Cons_Err_Buffer) _}
- if not Assigned(FOnBufferInvalid) then raise Exception.Create(Cons_Err_Buffer)
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnBufferInvalid) then raise Exception.create(Cons_Err_Buffer) _}
- begin
- handled := False;
- FOnBufferInvalid(handled, Buff, Length);
- if not handled then raise Exception.Create(Cons_Err_Buffer)
- else {_ NOT if not Handled then raise Exception.create(Cons_Err_Buffer) _} CTry := CTry + 1;
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnBufferInvalid) then raise Exception.create(Cons_Err_Buffer) _}
- Canceled := False; {Turn Canceled off}
- ResolveRemoteHost; {Resolve the IP address of remote host}
- if RemoteAddress.sin_addr.S_addr = 0 then
- raise UDPSockError.Create(Cons_Err_Addr); {If Resolving failed raise exception}
- StatusMessage(Status_Basic, Cons_Msg_Data); {Inform status}
- RemoteAddress.sin_family := AF_INET; {Make connected true}
- {$R-}
- RemoteAddress.sin_port := htons(FRemotePort); {If no proxy get port from Port property}
- {$R+}
- i := SizeOf(RemoteAddress); {i := size of remoteaddress structure}
- Winsock.SendTo(ThisSocket, Buff, Length, 0, RemoteAddress, i);
- if Assigned(FOnDataSend) then FOnDataSend(self);
- end; {_ procedure TNMUDP.SendBuffer(Buff: array of char; length: integer); _}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Handle Power socket error
- ********************************************************************************************}
- function TNMUDP.ErrorManager(ignore: word): string;
- var
- slasterror: string;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Trace, Cons_Msg_Echk); {Report Status}
- FLastErrorno := wsagetlasterror; {Set last error}
- if (FLastErrorno and ignore) <> ignore then
- {If the error is not the error to be ignored}
- begin
- slasterror := SocketErrorStr(FLastErrorno); {Get the description string for error}
- if Assigned(FOnErrorEvent) then
- {If error handler present excecute it}
- FOnErrorEvent(self, FLastErrorno, slasterror);
- raise UDPSockError.Create(slasterror); {Raise exception}
- end; {_ if (FLastErrorno and ignore) <> ignore then _}
- result := slasterror; {return error string}
- end; {_ function TNMUDP.ErrorManager(ignore: word): string; _}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Return Error Message Corresponding To Error number
- ********************************************************************************************}
- function TNMUDP.SocketErrorStr(errno: word): string;
- begin
- if errno <> 0 then
- {If error exits}
- begin
- (*for x := 0 to 50 do {Get error string}
- if winsockmessage[x].errorcode = errno then
- Result := inttostr( winsockmessage[x].errorcode ) + ':' + winsockmessage[x].text; *)
- if result = '' then {If not found say unknown error}
- result := Cons_Msg_Eno + IntToStr(errno);
- end; {_ if ErrNo <> 0 then _}
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, Cons_Msg_ELkp + result); {Status message}
- end; {_ function TNMUDP.SocketErrorStr(ErrNo: word): string; _}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Output a Status message: depends on current Reporting Level
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMUDP.StatusMessage(Level: byte; value: string);
- begin
- if Level <= FReportLevel then
- {If level of error less than present report level}
- begin
- _status := value; {Set status to vale of error}
- if Assigned(FOnStatus) then
- FOnStatus(self, _status); {If Status handler present excecute it}
- end; {_ if level <= FReportLevel then _}
- end; {_ procedure TNMUDP.StatusMessage(Level: byte; value: string); _}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Socket Message handler
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMUDP.WndProc(var message: TMessage);
- begin
- if _ProcMsg then {If Processing of messages enabled}
- with message do
- begin
- if lparamLo = FD_READ then
- ProcessIncomingdata
- else {_ NOT if lparamLo = FD_Read then _}
- begin
- Wait_Flag := True;
- if lparamhi > 0 then
- {If no error}
- Succeed := False {Succed flag not set}
- else {_ NOT if lparamhi > 0 then _}
- Succeed := True;
- end; {_ NOT if lparamLo = FD_Read then _}
- SetEvent(EventHandle);
- end {_ if msg = WM_ASYNCHRONOUSPROCESS then _}
- else
- result := DefWindowProc(FSocketWindow, msg, wParam, lParam);
- end; {_ procedure TNMUDP.WndProc(var message: TMessage); _}
- procedure TNMUDP.ProcessIncomingdata;
- var
- From: TSockAddr;
- i: Integer;
- s1: string;
- p1: u_short;
- begin
- i := SizeOf(From);
- IBuffSize := Winsock.RecvFrom(ThisSocket, IBuff, 2048, 0, From, i);
- if Assigned(FOnDataReceived) then
- begin
- s1 := Format('%d.%d.%d.%d', [Ord(From.sin_addr.S_un_b.s_b1), Ord(From.sin_addr.S_un_b.s_b2), Ord(From.sin_addr.S_un_b.s_b3), Ord(From.sin_addr.S_un_b.s_b4)]);
- p1 := ntohs(From.sin_port);
- FOnDataReceived(self, IBuffSize, s1, p1);
- end; {_ if assigned(FOnDataReceived) then _}
- end; {_ procedure TNMUDP.ProcessIncomingdata; _}
- procedure TNMUDP.ReadStream(DataStream: TStream);
- begin
- DataStream.WriteBuffer(IBuff, IBuffSize);
- DataStream.position := 0;
- end; {_ procedure TNMUDP.ReadStream(DataStream: TStream); _}
- procedure TNMUDP.Wait;
- begin
- WaitforSync(EventHandle);
- ResetEvent(EventHandle);
- end;
- procedure TNMUDP.ReadBuffer(var Buff: array of char; var Length: Integer);
- begin
- Move(IBuff, Buff, IBuffSize);
- Length := IBuffSize;
- end; {_ procedure TNMUDP.ReadBuffer(var Buff: array of char; var length: integer); _}
- end.