资源名称:FastNet.rar [点击查看]
- unit Psock;
- {$IFDEF VER100}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER110}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER120}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER125}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER130}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER150}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$X+}
- {$H+}
- {$R-}
- interface
- uses
- Winsock, Classes, SysUtils, Extctrls, Forms, Messages, StdCtrls,
- WinProcs, NMConst, NMFIFOBuffer, SyncObjs;
- {$IFDEF VER110}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER120}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER125}
- {$ENDIF}
- type
- TSocket = Word;
- const
- FD_ALL = 63;
- {Size of receive and send buffer}
- MAX_RECV_BUF = 65536;
- { Levels for reporting Status Messages}
- Status_None = 0;
- Status_Informational = 1;
- Status_Basic = 2;
- Status_Routines = 4;
- Status_Debug = 8;
- Status_Trace = 16;
- {Carriage Return and Line Feed constants}
- CR = #13;
- LF = #10;
- CRLF = #13#10;
- WM_ASYNCHRONOUSPROCESS = WM_USER + 101; {Message number for asynchronous socket messages}
- WM_WAITFORRESPONSE = WM_USER + 102; {Message number for synchronous responses}
- type
- TErrorMessage = record
- ErrorCode: Integer;
- Text: string[50];
- end;
- const
- WinsockMessage: array[0..50] of TErrorMessage =
- (
- (ErrorCode: 10004; Text: 'Interrupted system call'),
- (ErrorCode: 10009; Text: 'Bad file number'),
- (ErrorCode: 10013; Text: 'Permission denied'),
- (ErrorCode: 10014; Text: 'Bad address'),
- (ErrorCode: 10022; Text: 'Invalid argument'),
- (ErrorCode: 10024; Text: 'Too many open files'),
- (ErrorCode: 10035; Text: 'Operation would block'),
- (ErrorCode: 10036; Text: 'Operation now in progress'),
- (ErrorCode: 10037; Text: 'Operation already in progress'),
- (ErrorCode: 10038; Text: 'Socket operation on non-socket'),
- (ErrorCode: 10039; Text: 'Destination address required'),
- (ErrorCode: 10040; Text: 'Message too long'),
- (ErrorCode: 10041; Text: 'Wrong protocol type for socket'),
- (ErrorCode: 10042; Text: 'Bad protocol option'),
- (ErrorCode: 10043; Text: 'Protocol not supported'),
- (ErrorCode: 10044; Text: 'Socket type not supported'),
- (ErrorCode: 10045; Text: 'Operation not supported on socket'),
- (ErrorCode: 10046; Text: 'Protocol family not supported'),
- (ErrorCode: 10047; Text: 'Address family not supported by protocol family'),
- (ErrorCode: 10048; Text: 'Address already in use'),
- (ErrorCode: 10049; Text: 'Can''t assign requested address'),
- (ErrorCode: 10050; Text: 'Network is down'),
- (ErrorCode: 10051; Text: 'Network is unreachable'),
- (ErrorCode: 10052; Text: 'Network dropped connection or reset'),
- (ErrorCode: 10053; Text: 'Software caused connection abort'),
- (ErrorCode: 10054; Text: 'Connection reset by peer'),
- (ErrorCode: 10055; Text: 'No buffer space available'),
- (ErrorCode: 10056; Text: 'Socket is already connected'),
- (ErrorCode: 10057; Text: 'Socket is not connected'),
- (ErrorCode: 10058; Text: 'Can''t send after socket shutdown'),
- (ErrorCode: 10059; Text: 'Too many references, can''t splice'),
- (ErrorCode: 10060; Text: 'Connection timed out'),
- (ErrorCode: 10061; Text: 'Connection refused'),
- (ErrorCode: 10062; Text: 'Too many levels of symbolic links'),
- (ErrorCode: 10063; Text: 'File name too long'),
- (ErrorCode: 10064; Text: 'Host is down'),
- (ErrorCode: 10065; Text: 'No route to Host'),
- (ErrorCode: 10066; Text: 'Directory not empty'),
- (ErrorCode: 10067; Text: 'Too many processes'),
- (ErrorCode: 10068; Text: 'Too many users'),
- (ErrorCode: 10069; Text: 'Disc quota exceeded'),
- (ErrorCode: 10070; Text: 'Stale NFS file handle'),
- (ErrorCode: 10071; Text: 'Too many levels of remote in path'),
- (ErrorCode: 10091; Text: 'Network subsystem is unavailable'),
- (ErrorCode: 10092; Text: 'Incompatible version of WINSOCK.DLL'),
- (ErrorCode: 10093; Text: 'Successful WSAStartup not yet performed'),
- (ErrorCode: 11001; Text: 'Host not found'),
- (ErrorCode: 11002; Text: 'Non-Authoritative Host not found'),
- (ErrorCode: 11003; Text: 'Non-Recoverable error: FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP'),
- (ErrorCode: 11004; Text: 'Valid name, no data record of requested type'),
- (ErrorCode: 0; Text: 'Unrecognized error code')
- );
- type
- {Event Handlers}
- TOnErrorEvent = procedure(Sender: TComponent; Errno: Word; Errmsg: string) of object;
- TOnHostResolved = procedure(Sender: TComponent) of object;
- TOnStatus = procedure(Sender: TComponent; Status: string) of object;
- THandlerEvent = procedure(var Handled: Boolean) of object;
- { new basic pointer types }
- PLongint = ^Longint;
- PPLongInt = ^PLongint;
- PPChar = ^PChar;
- PINT = ^PInteger;
- THostInfo = record
- Name: PChar;
- AliasList: PPChar;
- AddressType: Integer;
- AddressSize: Integer;
- AddressList: PPLongInt;
- Reserved: array[1..MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT] of Char;
- end;
- TServerInfo = record
- Name: PChar;
- Aliases: PPChar;
- PORT: Integer;
- Protocol: PChar;
- Reserved: array[1..MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT] of Char;
- end;
- TProtocolInfo = record
- Name: PChar;
- Aliases: PPChar;
- ProtocolID: Integer;
- Reserved: array[1..MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT] of Char;
- end;
- TSocketAddress = record
- Family: Integer;
- PORT: Word;
- Address: Longint;
- Unused: array[1..8] of Char;
- end;
- TSocketList = record
- Count: Integer;
- DescriptorList: array[1..64] of Integer;
- end;
- TTimeValue = record
- Sec: Longint;
- uSec: Longint;
- end;
- {new WINSOCK pointer types}
- PWSAData = ^TWSAData;
- PHostInfo = ^THostInfo;
- PServerInfo = ^TServerInfo;
- PProtocolInfo = ^TProtocolInfo;
- PSocketAddress = ^TSocketAddress;
- PSocketList = ^TSocketList;
- PTimeValue = ^TTimeValue;
- ESockError = class(Exception);
- EAbortError = class(ESockError);
- TThreadTimer = class(TComponent)
- private
- FInterval: Cardinal;
- FWindowHandle: HWND;
- FOnTimer: TNotifyEvent;
- FEnabled: Boolean;
- procedure UpdateTimer;
- procedure SetEnabled(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetInterval(Value: Cardinal);
- procedure SetOnTimer(Value: TNotifyEvent);
- procedure Wndproc(var Msg: TMessage);
- protected
- procedure Timer; dynamic;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- published
- property Enabled: Boolean read FEnabled write SetEnabled default True;
- property Interval: Cardinal read FInterval write SetInterval default 1000;
- property OnTimer: TNotifyEvent read FOnTimer write SetOnTimer;
- end;
- { TStringStream }
- TStringStream = class(TStream)
- private
- FDataString: string;
- FPosition: Integer;
- protected
- public
- procedure SetSize(NewSize: Longint);
- constructor Create(const AString: string);
- function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
- function ReadString(Count: Longint): string;
- function Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; override;
- function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
- procedure WriteString(const AString: string);
- property DataString: string read FDataString;
- end;
- TThreadList = class
- private
- FList: TList;
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Add(Item: Pointer);
- procedure Clear;
- function LockList: TList;
- procedure Remove(Item: Pointer);
- procedure UnlockList;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Power Socket class definition
- ********************************************************************************************}
- TPowersock = class(TComponent)
- private
- Buf: array[0..MAX_RECV_BUF] of Char;
- WaitSignal: TEvent;
- {Event Handlers for Asynchronous socket events}
- FOnReadEvent: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnAcceptEvent: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnConnect: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnDisconnect: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnErrorEvent: TOnErrorEvent; {Event handler for error notification}
- FInvalidHost: THandlerEvent;
- FOnHostResolved: TOnHostResolved; {Event handler after a host name is found}
- FOnConnectionRequired: THandlerEvent;
- FOnStatus: TOnStatus; {Event handler on a status change}
- FOnConnectionFailed: TNotifyEvent;
- FWSAInfo: TStringList;
- {Component Internals}
- FBytesSent: Longint; {Number of bytes currently sent}
- Canceled: Boolean; {Flag to indicate request cancelled}
- DestroySocket: Boolean; {flag to indicate socket to be destroyed or not}
- FLastErrorno: Integer; {The last error Encountered}
- FTimeOut: Integer; {Time to wait before timout}
- FReportLevel: Integer; {Reporting Level}
- _Status: string; {Current status}
- FProxy: string; {Name or IP of proxy server}
- FProxyPort: Integer; {Port of proxy server}
- {TimeOut Functions}
- Timer: TThreadTimer; {Timer for synchronous requests}
- {For Documentation of functions and procedures see implementation}
- procedure TimerFired(Sender: TObject);
- procedure Wndproc(var message: TMessage); {}
- protected
- FifoQ: TNMFifoBuffer;
- Succeed: Boolean; {Flag for indicating if synchronous request succeded}
- TimedOut: Boolean; {Flag to indicate process timed out}
- FPort: Integer; {Port at server to connect to}
- FBytesTotal: Longint; {Total number of bytes to send or receive}
- FBytesRecvd: Longint; {Number of bytes currently received}
- FPacketRecvd: TNotifyEvent; {Handler after each packet received for progress reports etc}
- FPacketSent: TNotifyEvent; {Handler after each packet received for progress reports etc}
- Wait_Flag: Boolean; {Flag to indicate if synchronous request completed or not}
- RemoteAddress: TSockAddr; {Address of remote host}
- ServerName: string; {Name of remote host}
- RemoteHost: PHostEnt; {Entity to store remote host linfo from a Hostname request}
- FTransactionReply: string; {Reply to a command request}
- FReplyNumber: Smallint; {Reply number to a command request}
- DataGate: Boolean;
- AbortGate: Boolean;
- StrmType: Boolean;
- OnAbortrestart: TNotifyEvent;
- procedure TimerOn;
- procedure TimerOff;
- procedure InitWinsock;
- procedure ReadToBuffer;
- procedure SetLastErrorNo(Value: Integer);
- function SocketErrorStr(Errno: Word): string;
- function GetLastErrorNo: Integer;
- function ErrorManager(Ignore: Word): string;
- procedure SetWSAError(ErrorNo: Word; ErrorMsg: string);
- procedure StatusMessage(Level: Byte; Value: string);
- function GetRemoteIP: string;
- function GetLocalIP: string;
- procedure SetFifoCapacity(NewCapacity: Longint);
- function GetFifoCapacity: Longint;
- {Properties - Make Public the ones that the User needs to respond to in derived class}
- {Event Handlers for Asynchronous Events}
- property OnAccept: TNotifyEvent read FOnAcceptEvent write FOnAcceptEvent;
- {Event Handler for Errors}
- property OnError: TOnErrorEvent read FOnErrorEvent write FOnErrorEvent;
- {Event Handler for Status changes}
- property OnConnectionRequired: THandlerEvent read FOnConnectionRequired write FOnConnectionRequired;
- property Proxy: string read FProxy write FProxy; {name or IP of proxy server}
- property ProxyPort: Integer read FProxyPort write FProxyPort; {Port of proxy server}
- public
- ThisSocket: TSocket; {The socket number of the Powersocket}
- FSocketWindow: HWND; {Dummy window handle to receive Socket messages}
- FConnected: Boolean; {Flag indicating socket connected or not}
- {For Documentation of functions and procedures see implementation}
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- {Runtime Properties}
- {Methods}
- function Accept: TSocket; virtual;
- procedure Cancel;
- procedure Connect; virtual;
- procedure Disconnect; virtual;
- procedure Wait;
- procedure Listen(sync: Boolean);
- procedure SendBuffer(Value: PChar; BufLen: Word);
- procedure Write(Value: string);
- procedure Writeln(Value: string);
- function Read(Value: Word): string;
- function Readln: string;
- function Transaction(const CommandString: string): string; virtual;
- procedure SendFile(Filename: string);
- procedure SendStream(MainStream: TStream);
- procedure SendRestStream(MainStream: TStream);
- procedure CaptureFile(Filename: string);
- procedure AppendFile(Filename: string);
- procedure CaptureStream(MainStream: TStream; Size: Longint);
- procedure CaptureString(var AString: string; Size: Longint);
- procedure FilterHeader(HeaderStream: TFileStream);
- procedure ResolveRemoteHost;
- procedure RequestCloseSocket;
- procedure Close(Socket: THandle);
- procedure Abort; virtual;
- procedure CertifyConnect;
- function DataAvailable: Boolean;
- procedure ClearInput;
- procedure CloseAfterData;
- procedure CloseImmediate;
- function GetLocalAddress: string;
- function GetPortString: string;
- property WSAInfo: TStringList read FWSAInfo; {Winsock info}
- property Connected: Boolean read FConnected;
- property LastErrorNo: Integer read GetLastErrorNo write SetLastErrorNo; {Last Socket error}
- property BeenCanceled: Boolean read Canceled write Canceled; {Status of Cancel request}
- property BeenTimedOut: Boolean read TimedOut;
- property ReplyNumber: Smallint read FReplyNumber; {Numerical result from transaction}
- property RemoteIP: string read GetRemoteIP;
- property LocalIP: string read GetLocalIP;
- property TransactionReply: string read FTransactionReply; {Result from commnd request}
- property BytesTotal: Longint read FBytesTotal; {Total bytes to send or receive}
- property BytesSent: Longint read FBytesSent; {Bytes currently sent}
- property BytesRecvd: Longint read FBytesRecvd; {Bytes currently received}
- property Handle: TSocket read ThisSocket; {Power Socket handle}
- property Status: string read _Status; {Current status}
- property OnRead: TNotifyEvent read FOnReadEvent write FOnReadEvent;
- property OnPacketRecvd: TNotifyEvent read FPacketRecvd write FPacketRecvd; {Handler for status messages during send or receive}
- property OnPacketSent: TNotifyEvent read FPacketSent write FPacketSent; {Handler for status messages during send or receive}
- property FifoCapacity: Longint read GetFifoCapacity write SetFifoCapacity;
- published
- {Properties}
- property Host: string read ServerName write ServerName; {Host Nmae or IP of remote host}
- property PORT: Integer read FPort write FPort; {Port of remote host}
- property TimeOut: Integer read FTimeOut write FTimeOut default 0; {Time before being timed out}
- property ReportLevel: Integer read FReportLevel write FReportLevel default Status_Informational;
- {Events}
- property OnDisconnect: TNotifyEvent read FOnDisconnect write FOnDisconnect;
- property OnConnect: TNotifyEvent read FOnConnect write FOnConnect;
- property OnInvalidHost: THandlerEvent read FInvalidHost write FInvalidHost;
- property OnHostResolved: TOnHostResolved read FOnHostResolved write FOnHostResolved;
- property OnStatus: TOnStatus read FOnStatus write FOnStatus;
- property OnConnectionFailed: TNotifyEvent read FOnConnectionFailed write FOnConnectionFailed;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- PowerSocket Server Class definition
- ********************************************************************************************}
- PTNMGeneralServer = ^TNMGeneralServer;
- TNMGeneralServer = class(TPowersock)
- private
- ATlist: TThreadList;
- FOnClientContact: TNotifyEvent;
- procedure DisPatchResponse(data: Pointer);
- protected
- Chief: TNMGeneralServer;
- public
- ItsThread: TThread;
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- procedure Connect; override;
- procedure Loaded; override;
- procedure Serve; virtual;
- procedure Abort; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ServerAccept(Sender: TObject);
- published
- property OnClientContact: TNotifyEvent read FOnClientContact write FOnClientContact;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Thread to Serve Client in Server Class definition
- ********************************************************************************************}
- TThreadMethod = procedure(data: Pointer) of object;
- TSimpleThread = class(TThread)
- public
- constructor CreateSimple(CreateSuspended: Boolean;
- _Action: TThreadMethod;
- _Data: Pointer);
- procedure AbortThread;
- protected
- ThreadMethod: TThreadMethod;
- data: Pointer;
- private
- procedure Execute; override;
- end;
- function ExecuteInThread(Handler: TThreadMethod; data: Pointer): TSimpleThread;
- {For Documentation of functions and procedures see implementation}
- function NthWord(InputString: string; Delimiter: Char; Number: Integer): string;
- function NthPos(InputString: string; Delimiter: Char; Number: Integer): Integer;
- procedure StreamLn(AStream: TStream; AString: string);
- function PsockAllocateHWnd(Obj: TObject): HWND;
- function TmrAllocateHWnd(Obj: TObject): HWND;
- implementation
- uses
- Shellapi;
- var
- SockAvailable: Boolean;
- MyWSAData: TWSAData; {Socket Information}
- constructor TSimpleThread.CreateSimple(CreateSuspended: Boolean;
- _Action: TThreadMethod;
- _Data: Pointer);
- begin
- ThreadMethod := _Action; // Set these BEFORE calling
- data := _Data; // inherited Create()!
- FreeOnTerminate := True;
- inherited Create(CreateSuspended);
- end;
- procedure TSimpleThread.Execute;
- begin
- ThreadMethod(data);
- end;
- procedure TSimpleThread.AbortThread;
- begin
- Suspend;
- Free; // Kills thread
- end;
- function ExecuteInThread(Handler: TThreadMethod;
- data: Pointer): TSimpleThread;
- begin
- Result := TSimpleThread.CreateSimple(False, Handler, data);
- end;
- procedure WaitforSync(Handle: THandle);
- begin
- repeat
- if MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, Handle, False, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT) = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 then
- Application.ProcessMessages
- else
- Break;
- until True = False;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Create Power Socket
- ********************************************************************************************}
- constructor TPowersock.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_create); {Inform Status}
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- ShowMessage('This uses the Demo Version of the Netmasters Componnents. Please Register');
- {$ENDIF}
- FSocketWindow := PsockAllocateHWnd(self); {Create Window handle to receive message notification}
- WaitSignal := TEvent.Create(nil, True, False, '');
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- FifoQ := TNMFifoBuffer.Create;
- FProxy := ''; {Default - No Proxy}
- {Initialize memory }
- GetMem(RemoteHost, MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT); {Initialize memory for host address structure}
- Timer := TThreadTimer.Create(self); {Create timer}
- Timer.Enabled := False; {Timer Disabled}
- Timer.OnTimer := TimerFired; {Set Function to execcute on TimeOut}
- FTimeOut := 0;
- FWSAInfo := TStringList.Create;
- if SockAvailable then
- begin
- FWSAInfo.Add(sPSk_Cons_winfo_ver + IntToStr(HiByte(MyWSAData.wVersion)) + '.' + IntToStr(LoByte(MyWSAData.wVersion)));
- FWSAInfo.Add(sPSk_Cons_winfo_Hiver + IntToStr(HiByte(MyWSAData.wHighVersion)) + '.' + IntToStr(LoByte(MyWSAData.wHighVersion)));
- FWSAInfo.Add(sPSk_Cons_winfo_Descr + MyWSAData.szDescription);
- FWSAInfo.Add(sPSk_Cons_winfo_Sys + MyWSAData.szSystemStatus);
- FWSAInfo.Add(sPSk_Cons_winfo_MaxSoc + IntToStr(MyWSAData.iMaxSockets));
- FWSAInfo.Add(sPSk_Cons_winfo_MaxUdp + IntToStr(MyWSAData.iMaxUdpDg));
- end;
- Canceled := False; {Cancelled flag off}
- DestroySocket := False; {Socket is active}
- FConnected := False; {Socket is not connected}
- {Call Initialization functions }
- InitWinsock;
- {Turn on Messaging.... }
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Destroy Power Socket
- ********************************************************************************************}
- destructor TPowersock.Destroy;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_Dest); {Inform Status}
- try
- Abort;
- Cancel;
- FWSAInfo.Free;
- Timer.Free;
- FreeMem(RemoteHost, MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT); {Free memory for fetching Host Entity}
- DestroyWindow(FSocketWindow); {Release window handle for Winsock messages}
- WaitSignal.Destroy;
- FifoQ.Free;
- DestroySocket := True; {set flag to destoy socket}
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- RequestCloseSocket; {close socket}
- finally
- inherited Destroy;
- end
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Connect Power Socket to Remote
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.Connect;
- var
- CT, I: Integer;
- Handled: Boolean;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_Conning); {Inform Status}
- Canceled := False; {Turn Canceled off}
- FifoQ.Clear;
- if FConnected then {If already connected raise exception}
- raise ESockError.Create(sPSk_Cons_msg_Conn);
- CT := 0;
- repeat
- try
- ResolveRemoteHost; {Resolve the IP address of remote host}
- except
- on E: ESockError do
- if (E.message = sPSk_Cons_msg_host_to) or (E.message = sPSk_Cons_msg_host_Can) then
- raise;
- end;
- if RemoteAddress.sin_addr.S_addr = 0 then
- if CT > 0 then
- raise ESockError.Create(sPSk_Cons_msg_add_null) {If Resolving failed raise exception}
- else if not Assigned(OnInvalidHost) then
- raise ESockError.Create(sPSk_Cons_msg_add_null)
- else
- begin
- Handled := False;
- OnInvalidHost(Handled);
- if not Handled then
- raise ESockError.Create(sPSk_Cons_msg_add_null);
- CT := CT + 1;
- end;
- until RemoteAddress.sin_addr.S_addr <> 0;
- RemoteAddress.sin_family := AF_INET; {Make connected true}
- {$R-}
- if Proxy = '' then
- RemoteAddress.sin_port := htons(PORT) {If no proxy get port from Port property}
- else
- RemoteAddress.sin_port := htons(FProxyPort); {else get port from ProxyPort property}
- {$R+}
- Wait_Flag := False; { Wait for synchronous response}
- I := SizeOf(RemoteAddress); { get size of remoteaddress structure}
- {Connect to remote host}
- Succeed := True;
- I := Winsock.Connect(ThisSocket, RemoteAddress, I);
- if (I = INVALID_SOCKET) then
- ErrorManager(WSAEWOULDBLOCK); {If error handle error}
- TimerOn; {Enable Timer on for TimeOuts}
- try
- while not (FConnected or TimedOut or Canceled or (not Succeed)) do
- Wait;
- finally
- TimerOff; {Disable Timer}
- end;
- CloseAfterData;
- if (TimedOut or Canceled or not Succeed) then
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnConnectionFailed) then
- FOnConnectionFailed(self);
- if TimedOut then
- begin
- try
- Disconnect;
- except
- end;
- raise ESockError.Create(Cons_Msg_ConnectionTimedOut);
- end;
- if Canceled then
- raise ESockError.Create(sPSk_Cons_msg_Conn_can);
- if Succeed = False then
- raise ESockError.Create(sPSk_Cons_msg_Conn_fai);
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- DisConnect Socket From Remote
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.Disconnect;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_Disconn); {Status Message}
- if FConnected then
- RequestCloseSocket; {Close socket and open new one}
- end;
- procedure TPowersock.Wait;
- begin
- WaitforSync(WaitSignal.Handle);
- WaitSignal.ResetEvent;
- end;
- procedure TPowersock.CertifyConnect;
- var
- TryCt: Integer;
- Handled: Boolean;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_CertConn); {Status Message}
- TryCt := 0;
- while not Connected do
- begin
- if TryCt > 0 then
- raise Exception.Create(sPSk_Cons_err_NotConn)
- else if not Assigned(FOnConnectionRequired) then
- raise Exception.Create(sPSk_Cons_err_NotConn)
- else
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnConnectionRequired(Handled);
- if not Handled then
- raise Exception.Create(sPSk_Cons_err_NotConn);
- TryCt := TryCt + 1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Canel current transaction
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.Cancel;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_Cancel); {Status Message}
- Canceled := True;
- WaitSignal.SetEvent;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Send at value of length buflen
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.SendBuffer(Value: PChar; BufLen: Word);
- var
- rc2, LeftB: Integer;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Routines, sPSk_Cons_msg_SBuff); {Status Message}
- TimerOn;
- try
- if not Canceled then
- begin
- {If explicit buffer length given use it else get it from string length}
- if BufLen = 0 then
- BufLen := StrLen(Value);
- LeftB := BufLen;
- repeat
- rc2 := Winsock.send(ThisSocket, Value[BufLen - LeftB], LeftB, 0);
- if rc2 = 0 then
- Break;
- if rc2 > -1 then
- begin
- LeftB := LeftB - rc2;
- end
- else
- until (LeftB = 0) or Canceled or TimedOut;
- end;
- if Canceled then
- begin
- Canceled := False;
- raise EAbortError.Create(sPSk_Cons_msg_send_a);
- if Assigned(OnAbortrestart) then
- OnAbortrestart(self);
- end;
- finally
- TimerOff;
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Write String To Socket
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.Write(Value: string);
- var
- MyStringStream: TStringStream;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_write); {Report Status}
- if Length(Value) > MAX_RECV_BUF then
- begin
- MyStringStream := TStringStream.Create(Value);
- try
- SendStream(MyStringStream);
- finally
- MyStringStream.Free;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- StrPLCopy(Buf, Value, MAX_RECV_BUF); {Copy string to buffer}
- SendBuffer(Buf, 0); {Send the buffer}
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Write Line ending with Carriage Return and Line Feed To Socket
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.Writeln(Value: string);
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_writeln); {Inform Status}
- Value := Value + CRLF;
- Write(Value);
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Read Given Number of bytes from Socket
- ********************************************************************************************}
- function TPowersock.Read(Value: Word): string;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_read + IntToStr(Value) + ' )'); {Inform status}
- if Value = 0 then
- Value := FifoQ.BufferSize;
- TimerOn;
- while (FifoQ.BufferSize < Value) and (not Canceled) and (not TimedOut) do
- Wait;
- TimerOff;
- if Value = 0 then
- Result := ''
- else
- begin
- SetLength(Result, Value);
- FifoQ.Remove(Pointer(@Result[1]), Value);
- end;
- if Canceled then
- begin
- Canceled := False;
- raise EAbortError.Create(sPSk_Cons_msg_send_a);
- if Assigned(OnAbortrestart) then
- OnAbortrestart(self);
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Read Line from Socket
- ********************************************************************************************}
- function TPowersock.Readln: string;
- var
- I: Integer;
- LF: string;
- begin
- LF := #10;
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_readln); {Inform status}
- Result := '';
- I := 0;
- TimerOn;
- try
- while not (TimedOut or Canceled) do
- begin
- if DataAvailable then
- begin
- I := FifoQ.Search(Pointer(LF));
- if I > 0 then
- Break;
- end;
- Wait;
- end;
- if I > 0 then
- begin
- SetLength(Result, I);
- FifoQ.Remove(PChar(@Result[1]), I);
- end;
- if Canceled then
- begin
- Canceled := False;
- raise EAbortError.Create(sPSk_Cons_msg_readln_a);
- if Assigned(OnAbortrestart) then
- OnAbortrestart(self);
- end;
- finally
- TimerOff
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Send command To Socket and get Reply
- ********************************************************************************************}
- function TPowersock.Transaction;
- var
- I: Integer;
- temp: string;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_transa); {Inform status}
- FReplyNumber := 0; {Initialise Numerical reply}
- Writeln(CommandString); {Write Command string to Socket}
- FTransactionReply := Readln; {Get Reply}
- if Length(FTransactionReply) > 0 then
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, FTransactionReply); {Report status}
- temp := '';
- for I := 1 to 10 do
- if (FTransactionReply[I] >= '0') and (FTransactionReply[I] <= '9') then
- temp := temp + FTransactionReply[I]
- else
- Break;
- if temp <> '' then
- FReplyNumber := StrToIntDef(temp, 0); {Extract Numerical Result if any}
- end;
- Result := FTransactionReply; {Return Reply}
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Send File To Socket
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.SendFile(Filename: string);
- var
- strm: TFileStream;
- rc, LeftB, rc2: Integer;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_sendf); {Status Message}
- strm := TFileStream.Create(Filename, fmOpenRead);
- try
- repeat
- if not Canceled then
- begin
- rc := strm.Read(Buf, MAX_RECV_BUF);
- {If explicit buffer length given use it else get it from string length}
- LeftB := rc;
- repeat
- rc2 := Winsock.send(ThisSocket, Buf[rc - LeftB], LeftB, 0);
- if rc2 = 0 then
- Break;
- if rc2 > -1 then
- begin
- LeftB := LeftB - rc2;
- FBytesSent := FBytesSent + rc2;
- if Assigned(FPacketSent) then
- FPacketSent(self);
- TimerOn;
- end
- else
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- until (LeftB = 0) or Canceled;
- end;
- until (strm.position = strm.Size) or Canceled;
- finally
- strm.Free;
- end;
- if Canceled then
- begin
- Canceled := False;
- raise EAbortError.Create(sPSk_Cons_msg_send_a);
- if Assigned(OnAbortrestart) then
- OnAbortrestart(self);
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Send File To Socket
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.SendRestStream(MainStream: TStream);
- var
- rc, LeftB, rc2, r3: Longint;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_sendstrm); {Status Message}
- if not Canceled then
- begin
- {If explicit buffer length given use it else get it from string length}
- FBytesSent := 0;
- FBytesTotal := MainStream.Size;
- repeat
- r3 := MainStream.Size - MainStream.position;
- if r3 > MAX_RECV_BUF then
- r3 := MAX_RECV_BUF;
- rc := MainStream.Read(Buf, r3);
- LeftB := rc;
- repeat
- rc2 := Winsock.send(ThisSocket, Buf[rc - LeftB], LeftB, 0);
- if rc2 = 0 then
- Exit;
- if rc2 > 0 then
- begin
- LeftB := LeftB - rc2;
- FBytesSent := FBytesSent + rc2;
- TimerOn;
- if Assigned(FPacketSent) then
- FPacketSent(self);
- end
- else
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- until (LeftB = 0) or Canceled;
- until (MainStream.Size = MainStream.position) or Canceled;
- end;
- if Canceled then
- begin
- Canceled := False;
- raise EAbortError.Create(sPSk_Cons_msg_send_a);
- if Assigned(OnAbortrestart) then
- OnAbortrestart(self);
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Send File To Socket
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.SendStream(MainStream: TStream);
- var
- rc, LeftB, rc2, r3: Longint;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_sendstrm); {Status Message}
- MainStream.position := 0;
- if not Canceled then
- begin
- {If explicit buffer length given use it else get it from string length}
- FBytesSent := 0;
- FBytesTotal := MainStream.Size;
- repeat
- r3 := MainStream.Size - MainStream.position;
- if r3 > MAX_RECV_BUF then
- r3 := MAX_RECV_BUF;
- rc := MainStream.Read(Buf, r3);
- LeftB := rc;
- repeat
- rc2 := Winsock.send(ThisSocket, Buf[rc - LeftB], LeftB, 0);
- if rc2 = 0 then
- Exit;
- if rc2 > 0 then
- begin
- LeftB := LeftB - rc2;
- FBytesSent := FBytesSent + rc2;
- if Assigned(FPacketSent) then
- FPacketSent(self);
- end
- else
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- until (LeftB = 0) or Canceled;
- until (MainStream.Size = MainStream.position) or Canceled;
- end;
- if Canceled then
- begin
- Canceled := False;
- raise EAbortError.Create(sPSk_Cons_msg_send_a);
- if Assigned(OnAbortrestart) then
- OnAbortrestart(self);
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Append File from Socket
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.AppendFile(Filename: string);
- var
- strm: TFileStream;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_cap_fil_app); {Send status}
- strm := TFileStream.Create(Filename, fmOpenWrite); {Create file stream to read from}
- try
- strm.position := strm.Size;
- CaptureStream(strm, -2);
- finally
- strm.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Capture File from Socket
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.CaptureFile(Filename: string);
- var
- strm: TFileStream;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_cap_fil); {Send status}
- strm := TFileStream.Create(Filename, fmCreate); {Create file stream to read from}
- try
- CaptureStream(strm, -2);
- finally
- strm.Free;
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Capture File from Socket
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.CaptureStream(MainStream: TStream; Size: Longint);
- var
- j: Longint;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_cap_strm); {Send status}
- FBytesRecvd := 0;
- TimerOn;
- try
- while (not Canceled) do
- begin
- while ((not (DataAvailable)) and (not Canceled) and (Connected) and (Size <> -1)) do
- Wait;
- j := FifoQ.BufferSize;
- if j > MAX_RECV_BUF then
- j := MAX_RECV_BUF;
- FifoQ.Remove(@Buf, j);
- MainStream.WriteBuffer(Buf, j); {Write it to stream}
- FBytesRecvd := FBytesRecvd + j;
- if Assigned(FPacketRecvd) then
- FPacketRecvd(self);
- TimerOn;
- if ((not Connected) or (MainStream.Size = Size)) or (Size = -1) then
- Break;
- end;
- if Canceled then
- begin
- Canceled := False;
- raise EAbortError.Create(sPSk_Cons_msg_cap_a);
- if Assigned(OnAbortrestart) then
- OnAbortrestart(self);
- end;
- finally
- TimerOff;
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Capture File from Socket
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.CaptureString(var AString: string; Size: Longint);
- var
- I, j: Longint;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_string); {Send status}
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_cap_fil);
- FBytesRecvd := 0;
- SetLength(AString, 0);
- TimerOn;
- try
- while (not Canceled) do
- begin
- while ((FifoQ.BufferSize = 0) and (not Canceled) and (Connected) and (Size <> -1)) do
- Wait;
- I := Length(AString);
- j := FifoQ.BufferSize;
- if Size <> -1 then
- if I + j < Size then
- j := Size - I;
- if j <> 0 then
- begin
- SetLength(AString, I + j);
- FifoQ.Remove(@AString[I + 1], j);
- FBytesRecvd := FBytesRecvd + j;
- TimerOn;
- end;
- if Assigned(FPacketRecvd) then
- FPacketRecvd(self);
- if not Connected then
- Break;
- end;
- if Canceled then
- begin
- Canceled := False;
- raise EAbortError.Create(sPSk_Cons_msg_cap_a);
- if Assigned(OnAbortrestart) then
- OnAbortrestart(self);
- end;
- finally
- TimerOff;
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Filter out a MIME header
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.FilterHeader(HeaderStream: TFileStream);
- var
- StrIn: string;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_filthead); {Inform status}
- repeat
- StrIn := Readln; {Read a line}
- HeaderStream.WriteBuffer(StrIn[1], Length(StrIn)) {Write it to buffer}
- until (StrIn = LF) or (StrIn = CRLF) or (StrIn = ''); {Until blank line}
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Initialize Socket and Listen to It
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.Listen(sync: Boolean);
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_Listen); {Report status}
- {Set Address to blank}
- RemoteAddress.sin_addr.S_addr := Inet_Addr(StrPCopy(Buf, ''));
- RemoteAddress.sin_family := AF_INET; {Family = Internet address}
- RemoteAddress.sin_port := htons(PORT); {Set port to given port}
- {Bind Socket to given address}
- Winsock.bind(ThisSocket, RemoteAddress, SizeOf(RemoteAddress));
- {Direct reply message to WM_WAITFORRESPONSE handler}
- if sync then
- WSAAsyncselect(ThisSocket, FSocketWindow, WM_WAITFORRESPONSE, FD_ALL)
- else
- WSAAsyncselect(ThisSocket, FSocketWindow, WM_ASYNCHRONOUSPROCESS, FD_ALL);
- {Listen to socket}
- Winsock.Listen(ThisSocket, 5);
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Accept Input from Listening Socket
- ********************************************************************************************}
- function TPowersock.Accept;
- var
- SockHandle: TSocket;
- ASocKAddr: TSockAddr;
- Asize: Integer;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Routines, sPSk_Cons_msg_accept); {Status message}
- TimerOn;
- while (not Wait_Flag) and (not Canceled) do
- Wait;
- TimerOff;
- {if error create exception}
- if Canceled then
- raise ESockError.Create(sPSk_Cons_msg_acc_can);
- if not Succeed then
- raise ESockError.Create(sPSk_Cons_err_data_conn);
- Asize := SizeOf(ASocKAddr); {Size of Socket address structure}
- {Accept socket}
- SockHandle := Winsock.Accept(ThisSocket, @ASocKAddr, @Asize);
- {$ELSE}
- //SockHandle := Winsock.Accept(ThisSocket, ASocKAddr, Asize);
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := SockHandle; {Make the Accepte socket This Socket}
- WSAAsyncselect(SockHandle, FSocketWindow, WM_ASYNCHRONOUSPROCESS, FD_ALL); {To direct messages to clientsocket}
- RemoteAddress := ASocKAddr; {save remote host address info}
- if Canceled then
- begin
- Canceled := False;
- raise EAbortError.Create(sPSk_Cons_msg_send_a);
- if Assigned(OnAbortrestart) then
- OnAbortrestart(self);
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Return Error Message Corresponding To Error number
- ********************************************************************************************}
- function TPowersock.SocketErrorStr(Errno: Word): string;
- var
- x: Integer;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_elookup + Result); {Status message}
- Result := '';
- if Errno <> 0 then
- begin
- for x := 0 to 50 do {Get error string}
- if WinsockMessage[x].ErrorCode = Errno then
- Result := IntToStr(WinsockMessage[x].ErrorCode) + ':' + WinsockMessage[x].Text;
- if Result = '' then {If not found say unknown error}
- Result := sPSk_Cons_msg_unknown + IntToStr(Errno);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TPowersock.CloseAfterData;
- var
- gudtLinger: Tlinger;
- begin
- gudtLinger.l_onoff := 0;
- gudtLinger.l_linger := 0;
- setsockopt(ThisSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, @gudtLinger, 4);
- end;
- procedure TPowersock.CloseImmediate;
- var
- gudtLinger: Tlinger;
- begin
- gudtLinger.l_onoff := 0;
- gudtLinger.l_linger := 0;
- setsockopt(ThisSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_DONTLINGER, @gudtLinger, 4);
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- TimeOut Handler
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.TimerFired(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_ttrig); {Status Message}
- TimerOff; {Switch off timer}
- TimedOut := True; {Set timed out flag}
- WaitSignal.SetEvent;
- Abort;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Set Timer On
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.TimerOn;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_TimerOn); {Status Message}
- TimedOut := False; {Timed out flag reset}
- Timer.Enabled := False; {Enable timer}
- Timer.Interval := FTimeOut; {Set TimeOut Interval}
- Timer.Enabled := True; {Enable timer}
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Set Timer Off
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.TimerOff;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_TimerOff); {Status Message}
- Timer.Enabled := False; {Disable timer}
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Initialize WinSock
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.InitWinsock;
- var
- gudtLinger: Tlinger;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_InitSock); {Status Message}
- {Startup Winsock}
- if (not (csDesigning in ComponentState)) and SockAvailable then
- try
- ThisSocket := Socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
- gudtLinger.l_onoff := 0;
- gudtLinger.l_linger := 0;
- {$T-}
- setsockopt(ThisSocket, SO_DONTLINGER, SO_LINGER, @gudtLinger, 4);
- {$T+}
- if ThisSocket = TSocket(INVALID_SOCKET) then
- ErrorManager(WSAEWOULDBLOCK); {If error handle error}
- WSAAsyncselect(ThisSocket, FSocketWindow, WM_ASYNCHRONOUSPROCESS, FD_ALL);
- except
- raise ESockError.Create(sPSk_Cons_err_werr);
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Socket Windows Message handler
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.Wndproc(var message: TMessage);
- begin
- try
- with message do
- begin
- if LParamHi > 0 then
- Succeed := False {Succeed flag not set}
- else
- Succeed := True;
- case Msg of
- case LParamLo of
- if Succeed then
- begin
- // If any data has come in, it should be added to the incoming data queue now.
- FConnected := True;
- WaitSignal.SetEvent;
- if Assigned(FOnConnect) then
- FOnConnect(self);
- end;
- begin
- try
- if FConnected then
- begin
- ClearInput;
- RequestCloseSocket;
- end;
- except
- end;
- WaitSignal.SetEvent;
- if Assigned(FOnDisconnect) then
- FOnDisconnect(self);
- end;
- try
- ReadToBuffer;
- if Assigned(FOnReadEvent) then
- FOnReadEvent(self)
- except
- end;
- begin
- FConnected := True;
- WaitSignal.SetEvent;
- if Assigned(FOnAcceptEvent) then
- FOnAcceptEvent(self);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- Wait_Flag := True;
- WaitSignal.SetEvent;
- if LParamLo = FD_ACCEPT then
- begin
- FConnected := True;
- if not (csDestroying in ComponentState) then
- if Assigned(FOnConnect) then
- FOnConnect(self);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- except
- end;
- end;
- procedure TPowersock.ReadToBuffer;
- var
- rc: Integer;
- begin
- repeat
- rc := recv(ThisSocket, Buf, MAX_RECV_BUF, 0);
- if rc = 0 then
- RequestCloseSocket;
- if rc > 0 then
- FifoQ.Append(Pointer(@Buf), rc);
- WaitSignal.SetEvent;
- until rc < MAX_RECV_BUF;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Request Socket to be closed
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.RequestCloseSocket;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Routines, sPSk_Cons_msg_RCloseSock); {Report status}
- FConnected := False;
- if ThisSocket <> TSocket(INVALID_SOCKET) then
- begin
- {Close it}
- Winsock.CloseSocket(ThisSocket);
- if not (csDestroying in ComponentState) then
- if Assigned(FOnDisconnect) then
- FOnDisconnect(self);
- if not DestroySocket then
- begin
- ThisSocket := Socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP);
- end
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Get The last error
- ********************************************************************************************}
- function TPowersock.GetLastErrorNo: Integer;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_getLastE); {Report Status}
- Result := FLastErrorno; {Get Last error to result}
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Set The Last Error
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.SetLastErrorNo(Value: Integer);
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_setLastE); {Report status}
- FLastErrorno := Value; {Set Last error to value}
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Handle Power socket error
- ********************************************************************************************}
- function TPowersock.ErrorManager(Ignore: Word): string;
- var
- slasterror: string;
- begin
- FLastErrorno := wsagetlasterror; {Set last error}
- if FLastErrorno <> Ignore then
- if (FLastErrorno > 10000) then
- begin
- slasterror := SocketErrorStr(FLastErrorno); {Get the description string for error}
- if Assigned(FOnErrorEvent) then {If error handler present excecute it}
- FOnErrorEvent(self, FLastErrorno, slasterror);
- raise ESockError.Create(slasterror); {raise exception}
- end;
- Result := slasterror; {return error string}
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Set Powersock error
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.SetWSAError(ErrorNo: Word; ErrorMsg: string);
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_SetSockE); {Report status}
- FLastErrorno := ErrorNo; {Set Last error to error}
- if Length(ErrorMsg) = 0 then
- SocketErrorStr(ErrorNo); {If error message not there set it to error no}
- WSASetLastError(ErrorNo); {Set Socket error to error no}
- if Assigned(FOnErrorEvent) then {If error handler present excecute it}
- FOnErrorEvent(self, FLastErrorno, ErrorMsg);
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Output a Status message: depends on current Reporting Level
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.StatusMessage(Level: Byte; Value: string);
- begin
- try
- if Level <= ReportLevel then
- begin
- _Status := Value; {Set status to vale of error}
- if not (csDestroying in ComponentState) then
- if Assigned(FOnStatus) then
- FOnStatus(self, _Status); {If Status handler present excecute it}
- end;
- except
- end;
- end;
- function TPowersock.DataAvailable: Boolean;
- var
- rc: Integer;
- mc: Char;
- begin
- Result := FifoQ.BufferSize > 0;
- if not Result then
- begin
- rc := recv(ThisSocket, mc, 1, MSG_PEEK);
- if rc > 0 then
- begin
- Result := True;
- ReadToBuffer;
- end
- else if rc = 0 then
- begin
- Result := True;
- try
- if FConnected then
- begin
- ClearInput;
- RequestCloseSocket;
- end;
- except
- end;
- WaitSignal.SetEvent;
- if Assigned(FOnDisconnect) then
- FOnDisconnect(self);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TPowersock.ClearInput;
- var
- Buf: array[0..MAX_RECV_BUF] of Char;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_ClearInput); {Inform status}
- recv(ThisSocket, Buf, MAX_RECV_BUF, 0);
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Resolve IP Address of Remote Host
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.ResolveRemoteHost;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_ResolvHos); {Inform status}
- if FProxy = '' then
- RemoteAddress.sin_addr.S_addr := Inet_Addr(StrPCopy(Buf, ServerName))
- else
- {else use Host address}
- RemoteAddress.sin_addr.S_addr := Inet_Addr(StrPCopy(Buf, FProxy));
- if RemoteAddress.sin_addr.S_addr = SOCKET_ERROR then
- {If given name not an IP address already}
- begin
- RemoteAddress.sin_addr.S_addr := 0;
- TimerOn; {Enable Timer}
- Wait_Flag := False; {Reset flag indicating wait over}
- {Resolve IP address}
- wsaasyncgethostbyname(FSocketWindow, WM_WAITFORRESPONSE, Buf, PChar(RemoteHost), MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT);
- repeat
- Wait;
- until Wait_Flag or TimedOut or Canceled; {Till host name resolved, Timed out or Cancelled}
- TimerOff; {Disable timer}
- {Handle errors}
- if TimedOut then
- raise ESockError.Create(sPSk_Cons_msg_host_to);
- if Canceled then
- raise ESockError.Create(sPSk_Cons_msg_host_Can);
- if Succeed = False then
- raise ESockError.Create(sPSk_Cons_msg_host_Fail);
- {Fill up remote host information with retreived results}
- with RemoteAddress.sin_addr.S_un_b do
- begin
- s_b1 := RemoteHost.h_addr_list^[0];
- s_b2 := RemoteHost.h_addr_list^[1];
- s_b3 := RemoteHost.h_addr_list^[2];
- s_b4 := RemoteHost.h_addr_list^[3];
- end;
- {If Remote host handler exists execute it}
- if Assigned(FOnHostResolved) then
- FOnHostResolved(self);
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Abort a Socket
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.Abort;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_Abort); {Inform status}
- Cancel;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Close a Socket
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TPowersock.Close(Socket: THandle);
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_CloseSock); {Inform status}
- CloseSocket(Socket); {Close socket}
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Get IP Address of remote machine in dotted decimal notation
- ********************************************************************************************}
- function TPowersock.GetRemoteIP: string;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_GetRemoteIP); {Inform status}
- Result := inet_ntoa(RemoteAddress.sin_addr);
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Get IP Address of local machine in dotted decimal notation
- ********************************************************************************************}
- function TPowersock.GetLocalIP: string;
- var
- pH: PHostEnt;
- T: PChar;
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Debug, sPSk_Cons_msg_GetLocalIP); {Inform status}
- T := AllocMem(200);
- try
- gethostname(T, 200);
- pH := gethostbyname(T);
- Result := Format('%d.%d.%d.%d', [Ord(pH.h_addr_list^[0]), Ord(pH.h_addr_list^[1]), Ord(pH.h_addr_list^[2]), Ord(pH.h_addr_list^[3])]);
- finally
- FreeMem(T, 200);
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Get Address String of Local Machine
- ********************************************************************************************}
- function TPowersock.GetLocalAddress;
- var
- sockaddr: TSockAddrIn;
- iSize, Commas: Integer;
- P: PChar;
- begin
- iSize := SizeOf(TSockAddr); {Size of Address structure}
- {Get Local Socket info}
- getsockname(ThisSocket, sockaddr, iSize);
- P := inet_ntoa(sockaddr.sin_addr);
- iSize := 0;
- Commas := 0;
- while Commas < 3 do
- begin
- if P[iSize] = '.' then
- begin
- P[iSize] := ',';
- inc(Commas);
- end;
- inc(iSize);
- end;
- Result := StrPas(P);
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Get Port String of a listening Port
- ********************************************************************************************}
- function TPowersock.GetPortString;
- var
- sockaddr: TSockAddrIn;
- iSize: Integer;
- begin
- iSize := SizeOf(TSockAddr); {Size of Address structure}
- getsockname(ThisSocket, sockaddr, iSize);
- with sockaddr do {Format IP address to required string type}
- Result := Format(',%d,%d', [Lo(sin_port), Hi(sin_port)]);
- end;
- procedure TPowersock.SetFifoCapacity(NewCapacity: Longint);
- begin
- FifoQ.MemoryBufferCapacity := NewCapacity;
- end;
- function TPowersock.GetFifoCapacity: Longint;
- begin
- Result := FifoQ.MemoryBufferCapacity;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- ********************************************************************************************
- ********************************************************************************************}
- { TTimer }
- constructor TThreadTimer.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FEnabled := True;
- FInterval := 1000;
- FWindowHandle := TmrAllocateHWnd(self);
- end;
- destructor TThreadTimer.Destroy;
- begin
- FEnabled := False;
- UpdateTimer;
- DestroyWindow(FWindowHandle);
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TThreadTimer.Wndproc(var Msg: TMessage);
- begin
- with Msg do
- if Msg = WM_TIMER then
- try
- Timer;
- except
- Application.HandleException(self);
- end
- else
- Result := DefWindowProc(0, Msg, WPARAM, LPARAM);
- end;
- procedure TThreadTimer.UpdateTimer;
- begin
- KillTimer(FWindowHandle, 1);
- if (FInterval <> 0) and FEnabled and Assigned(FOnTimer) then
- if SetTimer(FWindowHandle, 1, FInterval, nil) = 0 then
- raise Exception.Create(sPSk_Cons_msg_NoTimer);
- end;
- procedure TThreadTimer.SetEnabled(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if Value <> FEnabled then
- begin
- FEnabled := Value;
- UpdateTimer;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TThreadTimer.SetInterval(Value: Cardinal);
- begin
- if Value <> FInterval then
- begin
- FInterval := Value;
- UpdateTimer;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TThreadTimer.SetOnTimer(Value: TNotifyEvent);
- begin
- FOnTimer := Value;
- UpdateTimer;
- end;
- procedure TThreadTimer.Timer;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnTimer) then
- FOnTimer(self);
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- ********************************************************************************************
- ********************************************************************************************}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Create Server - If Demo version handles demo Registering
- ********************************************************************************************}
- constructor TNMGeneralServer.Create;
- var
- Tp: TClass;
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- Tp := AOwner.ClassType;
- ATlist := nil;
- repeat
- if Tp = TNMGeneralServer then
- Break
- else
- Tp := Tp.ClassParent;
- until Tp = nil;
- if Tp = nil then
- ATlist := TThreadList.Create;
- end;
- destructor TNMGeneralServer.Destroy;
- begin
- try
- try
- Abort;
- finally
- if ATlist <> nil then
- ATlist.Free;
- ATlist := nil;
- end;
- finally
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Override connect so no inherited connection
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMGeneralServer.Connect;
- begin
- {Does not call inherited connect}
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- On Loading the General Sever. Set the ServerAccept method to handle accepts from
- a client and start listening for connections.
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMGeneralServer.Loaded;
- begin
- inherited Loaded;
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- begin
- OnAccept := ServerAccept;
- Listen(False);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TNMGeneralServer.Abort;
- var
- x: Integer;
- begin
- if ATlist <> nil then
- begin
- with ATlist.LockList do
- try
- for x := 0 to Count - 1 do
- TNMGeneralServer(Items[x]).Cancel;
- finally
- ATlist.UnlockList;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- The method to accept a connection from a client. It kicks off a thread to handle a client
- and resumes listning on the original socket.
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMGeneralServer.ServerAccept;
- begin
- ExecuteInThread(DisPatchResponse, nil);
- end;
- procedure TNMGeneralServer.DisPatchResponse(data: Pointer);
- var
- ServSock: TNMGeneralServer;
- begin
- ServSock := TNMGeneralServer(TComponentClass((self.ClassType())).Create(Owner));
- ServSock.FConnected := True;
- ServSock.RemoteAddress := RemoteAddress;
- ServSock.OnConnect := OnConnect;
- ServSock.OnDisconnect := OnDisconnect;
- Winsock.CloseSocket(ServSock.ThisSocket);
- Wait_Flag := True;
- ServSock.ThisSocket := Accept;
- WSAAsyncselect(ServSock.ThisSocket, ServSock.FSocketWindow, WM_ASYNCHRONOUSPROCESS, FD_ALL); {To direct messages to clientsocket}
- ATlist.Add(ServSock);
- ServSock.Chief := self;
- ServSock.Serve;
- ATlist.Remove(ServSock);
- ServSock.Destroy;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- The base server metod for GeneralServer. This has to be overridden by a derived
- server to provide the servers functionality.
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMGeneralServer.Serve;
- begin
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- ********************************************************************************************
- ********************************************************************************************}
- { TStringStream }
- constructor TStringStream.Create(const AString: string);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FDataString := AString;
- end;
- function TStringStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
- begin
- Result := Length(FDataString) - FPosition;
- if Result > Count then
- Result := Count;
- Move(PChar(@FDataString[FPosition + 1])^, Buffer, Result);
- inc(FPosition, Result);
- end;
- function TStringStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
- begin
- Result := Count;
- SetLength(FDataString, (FPosition + Result));
- Move(Buffer, PChar(@FDataString[FPosition + 1])^, Result);
- inc(FPosition, Result);
- end;
- function TStringStream.Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint;
- begin
- case Origin of
- soFromBeginning: FPosition := Offset;
- soFromCurrent: FPosition := FPosition + Offset;
- soFromEnd: FPosition := Length(FDataString) - Offset;
- end;
- if FPosition > Length(FDataString) then
- FPosition := Length(FDataString)
- else if FPosition < 0 then
- FPosition := 0;
- Result := FPosition;
- end;
- function TStringStream.ReadString(Count: Longint): string;
- var
- Len: Integer;
- begin
- Len := Length(FDataString) - FPosition;
- if Len > Count then
- Len := Count;
- SetString(Result, PChar(@FDataString[FPosition + 1]), Len);
- inc(FPosition, Len);
- end;
- procedure TStringStream.WriteString(const AString: string);
- begin
- Write(PChar(AString)^, Length(AString));
- end;
- procedure TStringStream.SetSize(NewSize: Longint);
- begin
- SetLength(FDataString, NewSize);
- if FPosition > NewSize then
- FPosition := NewSize;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- ********************************************************************************************
- ********************************************************************************************}
- { TThreadList }
- constructor TThreadList.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FList := TList.Create;
- end;
- destructor TThreadList.Destroy;
- begin
- LockList; // Make sure nobody else is inside the list.
- try
- FList.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- finally
- UnlockList;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TThreadList.Add(Item: Pointer);
- begin
- LockList;
- try
- if FList.IndexOf(Item) = -1 then
- FList.Add(Item);
- finally
- UnlockList;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TThreadList.Clear;
- begin
- LockList;
- try
- FList.Clear;
- finally
- UnlockList;
- end;
- end;
- function TThreadList.LockList: TList;
- begin
- Result := FList;
- end;
- procedure TThreadList.Remove(Item: Pointer);
- begin
- LockList;
- try
- FList.Remove(Item);
- finally
- UnlockList;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TThreadList.UnlockList;
- begin
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- ********************************************************************************************
- ********************************************************************************************}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Get Nth Word in a string
- InputString: The string on which the Nth Word is to be found
- Delimiter: The seperator for words - normally the space charachter but can be anything else
- for example if you are parsing an URL it can be the '/' charachter
- Number: The Nth word to be found . ie if you want the third Number:=3
- Result: The Nth Word as a string
- ********************************************************************************************}
- function NthWord(InputString: string; Delimiter: Char; Number: Integer): string;
- var
- I, j, K: Integer;
- temp: string;
- begin
- if InputString = '' then
- Result := ''
- else
- begin
- I := 0; {Initialize variables}
- j := 1;
- K := Length(InputString) + 1;
- temp := '';
- repeat
- if InputString[j] = Delimiter then
- inc(I)
- else
- {if delimter count is correct, copy to output string}
- if I = Number - 1 then
- temp := temp + InputString[j];
- inc(j); {Go to next character}
- until ((I = Number) or (j = K)); {Until delimter past count or end of string}
- Result := temp; {Return result}
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Get Position of Nth Occurrence of a Delimiter
- InputString: The string on which the Nth Occurence is to be found
- Delimiter: The charachter for whose Nth Occurence you are surching for
- Number: The Nth Occurence to be found . ie if you want the third Occurence Number:=3
- Result: The Positio of the Nth Occurence
- ********************************************************************************************}
- function NthPos(InputString: string; Delimiter: Char; Number: Integer): Integer;
- var
- I, j, K: Integer;
- begin
- I := 0;
- j := 1;
- K := Length(InputString) + 1; {Initialize variables}
- repeat
- if InputString[j] = Delimiter then
- I := I + 1;
- j := j + 1; {Go to next word}
- until ((I = Number) or (j = K)); {Until pos found or end of string}
- if j <> K then
- Result := j - 1
- else
- Result := K;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Append string to stream
- Astream: The stream to append to
- AString: The string to be appended
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure StreamLn(AStream: TStream; AString: string);
- var
- Tempstr: string;
- begin
- Tempstr := AString + CRLF; {Add Carriage Return and Line Feed}
- AStream.WriteBuffer(Tempstr[1], Length(Tempstr)); {Write string to stream}
- end;
- {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *}
- { The windows message handler }
- function PsockWindowProc(
- ahWnd: HWND;
- auMsg: Integer;
- awParam: WPARAM;
- alParam: LPARAM): Integer; stdcall;
- var
- Obj: TPowersock;
- MsgRec: TMessage;
- begin
- Obj := TPowersock(GetWindowLong(ahWnd, 0));
- if ((not Assigned(Obj)) or (auMsg < WM_ASYNCHRONOUSPROCESS)) then
- Result := DefWindowProc(ahWnd, auMsg, awParam, alParam)
- else
- begin
- MsgRec.Msg := auMsg;
- MsgRec.WPARAM := awParam;
- MsgRec.LPARAM := alParam;
- MsgRec.Result := 0;
- Obj.Wndproc(MsgRec);
- Result := MsgRec.Result;
- end;
- end;
- {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *}
- { This global variable is used to store the windows class characteristic }
- { and is needed to register the window class used by TWSocket }
- var
- PsockWindowClass: TWndClass = (
- Style: 0;
- lpfnWndproc: @PsockWindowProc;
- cbClsExtra: 0;
- cbWndExtra: SizeOf(Pointer);
- HInstance: 0;
- HICON: 0;
- hbrBackground: 0;
- lpszMenuName: nil;
- lpszClassName: 'PsockWindowClass');
- function PsockAllocateHWnd(Obj: TObject): HWND;
- var
- TempClass: TWndClass;
- ClassRegistered: Boolean;
- begin
- { Check if the window class is registered}
- if PsockWindowClass.HInstance = 0 then
- PsockWindowClass.HInstance := HInstance;
- ClassRegistered := GetClassInfo(HInstance, PsockWindowClass.lpszClassName, TempClass);
- if not ClassRegistered then
- begin
- Result := WinProcs.RegisterClass(PsockWindowClass);
- if Result = 0 then
- Exit;
- end;
- { Create a new window }
- Result := CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW,
- PsockWindowClass.lpszClassName,
- '', { Window name }
- WS_POPUP, { Window Style }
- 0, 0, { X, Y }
- 0, 0, { Width, Height }
- 0, { hWndParent }
- 0, { hMenu }
- HInstance, { hInstance }
- nil); { CreateParam }
- if (Result <> 0) and Assigned(Obj) then
- SetWindowLong(Result, 0, Integer(Obj));
- end;
- {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *}
- { The windows message handler }
- function TmrWindowProc(
- ahWnd: HWND;
- auMsg: Integer;
- awParam: WPARAM;
- alParam: LPARAM): Integer; stdcall;
- var
- Obj: TThreadTimer;
- MsgRec: TMessage;
- begin
- // OBJ is created by you here every time I get a window message.
- Obj := TThreadTimer(GetWindowLong(ahWnd, 0));
- if not Assigned(Obj) then
- Result := DefWindowProc(ahWnd, auMsg, awParam, alParam)
- else
- begin
- MsgRec.Msg := auMsg;
- MsgRec.WPARAM := awParam;
- MsgRec.LPARAM := alParam;
- if (auMsg <> WM_TIMER) then
- Result := DefWindowProc(ahWnd, auMsg, awParam, alParam)
- else
- begin
- Obj.Wndproc(MsgRec);
- Result := MsgRec.Result;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *}
- { This global variable is used to store the windows class characteristic }
- { and is needed to register the window class used by TWSocket }
- var
- TmrWindowClass: TWndClass = (
- Style: 0;
- lpfnWndproc: @TmrWindowProc;
- cbClsExtra: 0;
- cbWndExtra: SizeOf(Pointer);
- HInstance: 0;
- HICON: 0;
- hbrBackground: 0;
- lpszMenuName: nil;
- lpszClassName: 'TmrWindowClass');
- function TmrAllocateHWnd(Obj: TObject): HWND;
- var
- TempClass: TWndClass;
- ClassRegistered: Boolean;
- begin
- { Check if the window class is registered}
- if TmrWindowClass.HInstance = 0 then
- TmrWindowClass.HInstance := HInstance;
- ClassRegistered := GetClassInfo(HInstance, TmrWindowClass.lpszClassName, TempClass);
- if not ClassRegistered then
- begin
- Result := WinProcs.RegisterClass(TmrWindowClass);
- if Result = 0 then
- Exit;
- end;
- { Create a new window }
- Result := CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW,
- TmrWindowClass.lpszClassName,
- '', { Window name }
- WS_POPUP, { Window Style }
- 0, 0, { X, Y }
- 0, 0, { Width, Height }
- 0, { hWndParent }
- 0, { hMenu }
- HInstance, { hInstance }
- nil); { CreateParam }
- if (Result <> 0) and Assigned(Obj) then
- SetWindowLong(Result, 0, Integer(Obj));
- end;
- initialization;
- try
- SockAvailable := WSAStartUp($0101, MyWSAData) <> -1;
- except
- end;
- finalization;
- try
- if SockAvailable then WSACleanUp; {Clean up Winsock}
- except
- end;
- end.