资源名称:FastNet.rar [点击查看]
- unit NMFtp;
- {$X+}
- {$R-}
- {$IFDEF VER100}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER110}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER120}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER125}
- {$ENDIF}
- interface
- uses
- SysUtils, WinProcs, Classes, PSock, Forms, WinSock, NMConst;
- {$IFDEF VER110}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER120}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER125}
- {$ENDIF}
- const
- {Transmission Type}
- MODE_BYTE = 3;
- // CompName ='NMFTP';
- // Major_Version='4';
- // Minor_Version='02';
- // Date_Version ='012798';
- const {protocol}
- Cont_Quit = 'QUIT';
- Cont_User = 'USER ';
- Cont_Pass = 'PASS ';
- Cont_Cwd = 'CWD ';
- Cont_Rnfr = 'RNFR ';
- Cont_Rnto = 'RNTO ';
- Cont_Dele = 'DELE ';
- Cont_Mkd = 'MKD ';
- Cont_Rmd = 'RMD ';
- Cont_Port = 'PORT ';
- Cont_List = 'LIST';
- Cont_Nlst = 'NLST';
- Cont_Retr = 'RETR ';
- Cont_Stou = 'STOU';
- Cont_Stor = 'STOR ';
- Cont_Pwd = 'PWD';
- Cont_Typ = 'TYPE ';
- No_Byte = 'BYTE';
- Cont_Rein = 'REIN';
- Cont_Allo = 'ALLO ';
- Cont_Appe = 'APPE ';
- Cont_Rest = 'REST ';
- const
- NMOS_FIRST = 2400;
- NMOS_UNIX = 2400;
- NMOS_WINDOWS = 2401;
- NMOS_VM = 2402;
- NMOS_BULL = 2403;
- NMOS_MAC = 2404;
- NMOS_TOPS20 = 2405;
- NMOS_VMS = 2406;
- NMOS_OS2 = 2407;
- NMOS_MVS_IBM = 2408;
- NMOS_OTHER = 2410;
- NMOS_AUTO = 2411;
- NMOS_NT = 2412;
- NMOS_TANDEM = 2413;
- NMOS_AS400 = 2414;
- NMOS_OS9 = 2415;
- NMOS_NETWARE = 2416;
- type
- TFirewallType = (FTUser, FtOpen, FtSite);
- TFTPDirectoryList = class(TObject)
- private
- FAttribute, FName, FModifDate, FSize: TStringList;
- tokens: array[1..25] of shortstring;
- NoTokens: integer;
- protected
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure ParseLine(Line: string); virtual;
- procedure Clear;
- property Attribute: TStringList read FAttribute;
- property Name: TStringList read FName;
- property Size: TStringList read FSize;
- property ModifDate: TStringList read FModifDate;
- published
- end; {_ TFTPDirectoryList = class(TObject) _}
- TFTPUnixList = class(TFTPDirectoryList)
- public
- procedure ParseLine(Line: string); override;
- end; {_ TFTPUnixList = class(TFTPDirectoryList) _}
- TFTPNETWAREList = class(TFTPDirectoryList)
- public
- procedure ParseLine(Line: string); override;
- end; {_ TFTPNETWAREList = class(TFTPDirectoryList) _}
- TFTPDOSList = class(TFTPDirectoryList)
- public
- procedure ParseLine(Line: string); override;
- end; {_ TFTPDOSList = class(TFTPDirectoryList) _}
- TFTPVMSList = class(TFTPDirectoryList)
- public
- procedure ParseLine(Line: string); override;
- end; {_ TFTPVMSList = class(TFTPDirectoryList) _}
- TFTPMVSList = class(TFTPDirectoryList)
- public
- procedure ParseLine(Line: string); override;
- end; {_ TFTPMVSList = class(TFTPDirectoryList) _}
- TFTPVMList = class(TFTPDirectoryList)
- public
- procedure ParseLine(Line: string); override;
- end; {_ TFTPVMList = class(TFTPDirectoryList) _}
- TFTPMACOSList = class(TFTPDirectoryList)
- public
- procedure ParseLine(Line: string); override;
- end; {_ TFTPMACOSList = class(TFTPDirectoryList) _}
- TFTPAS400List = class(TFTPDirectoryList)
- public
- procedure ParseLine(Line: string); override;
- end; {_ TFTPAS400List = class(TFTPDirectoryList) _}
- TFTPOTHERList = class(TFTPDirectoryList)
- public
- procedure ParseLine(Line: string); override;
- end; {_ TFTPOTHERList = class(TFTPDirectoryList) _}
- type
- TCmdType = (cmdChangeDir,
- cmdMakeDir,
- cmdDelete,
- cmdRemoveDir,
- cmdList,
- cmdRename,
- cmdUpRestore,
- cmdDownRestore,
- cmdDownload,
- cmdUpload,
- cmdAppend,
- cmdReInit,
- cmdAllocate,
- cmdNList,
- cmdDoCommand,
- cmdCurrentDir);
- FTPException = class(Exception); {FTP Exceptions}
- TFailureEvent = procedure(var Handled: Boolean; Trans_Type: TCmdType) of object;
- TSuccessEvent = procedure(Trans_Type: TCmdType) of object;
- TUnsupportedEvent = procedure(Trans_Type: TCmdType) of object;
- TNMListItem = procedure(Listing: string) of object;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- FTP Class Definition
- ********************************************************************************************}
- TNMFTP = class(TPowersock)
- private
- ProcessLock: TRTLCriticalSection;
- FUserID, FPassword: string; {Password and User ID strings}
- FPassive: Boolean;
- DataSocket: TPowersock; {Socket for Data Transfers}
- FTransactionStart, FTransactionStop: TNotifyEvent; {Handler after each packet received for progress reports etc}
- FOnSuccess: TSuccessEvent;
- FOnFailure: TFailureEvent;
- FOnAuthenticationNeeded: THandlerEvent;
- FOnAuthenticationFailed: THandlerEvent;
- FOnListItem: TNMListItem;
- FOnConnect: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnUnSupportedFunction: TUnsupportedEvent;
- FVendor: integer;
- FFTPDirectoryList: TFTPDirectoryList;
- FParseList: Boolean;
- FFirewallType: TFirewallType;
- // Added these 2 property containers to support user ID and password
- // with firewalls
- FFWUserID, FFWPassword: string;
- // Added FFWAuth property container for optional firewall authentication
- FFWAuth: Boolean;
- FListMask: string;
- function GetBytesRcvd: Longint;
- function GetBytesSent: Longint;
- function GetBytesTotal(Replymess: string): Longint;
- function Transaction(const CommandString: string): string; override;
- procedure CheckRead(Sender: TObject);
- function GetCurrentDir: string;
- procedure ReadExtraLines(Replymess: string);
- procedure Flush;
- { FTPStatus:TStringEvent ; }
- protected
- { Protected declarations }
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- procedure Connect; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Disconnect; override;
- procedure DoCommand(CommandStr: string);
- procedure ChangeDir(DirName: string);
- procedure Mode(TheMode: integer);
- procedure Delete(Filename: string);
- procedure MakeDirectory(DirectoryName: string);
- procedure RemoveDir(DirectoryName: string);
- procedure List;
- procedure Rename(Filename, FileName2: string);
- procedure Download(RemoteFile, LocalFile: string);
- procedure DownloadRestore(RemoteFile, LocalFile: string);
- procedure Upload(LocalFile, RemoteFile: string);
- procedure UploadUnique(LocalFile: string);
- procedure UploadAppend(LocalFile, RemoteFile: string);
- procedure UploadRestore(LocalFile, RemoteFile: string; Position: integer);
- procedure Reinitialize;
- procedure Allocate(FileSize: integer);
- procedure Nlist;
- procedure Abort; override;
- property CurrentDir: string read GetCurrentDir;
- property BytesSent: Longint read GetBytesSent;
- property BytesRecvd: Longint read GetBytesRcvd;
- property FTPDirectoryList: TFTPDirectoryList read FFTPDirectoryList;
- published
- property OnPacketRecvd;
- property OnPacketSent;
- property OnError;
- property OnConnectionRequired;
- property OnConnect: TNotifyEvent read FOnConnect write FOnConnect;
- property UserID: string read FUserID write FUserID;
- property Password: string read FPassword write FPassword;
- property OnTransactionStart: TNotifyEvent read FTransactionStart write FTransactionStart;
- property OnTransactionStop: TNotifyEvent read FTransactionStop write FTransactionStop;
- property OnAuthenticationNeeded: THandlerEvent read FOnAuthenticationNeeded write FOnAuthenticationNeeded;
- property OnAuthenticationFailed: THandlerEvent read FOnAuthenticationFailed write FOnAuthenticationFailed;
- property OnFailure: TFailureEvent read FOnFailure write FOnFailure;
- property OnSuccess: TSuccessEvent read FOnSuccess write FOnSuccess;
- property OnListItem: TNMListItem read FOnListItem write FOnListItem;
- property OnUnSupportedFunction: TUnsupportedEvent read FOnUnSupportedFunction write FOnUnSupportedFunction;
- property Vendor: integer read FVendor write FVendor;
- property ParseList: Boolean read FParseList write FParseList;
- property Proxy;
- property ProxyPort;
- property Passive: Boolean read FPassive write FPassive;
- property FirewallType: TFirewallType read FFirewallType write FFirewallType;
- // Added these 2 properties to support user ID and password with firewalls
- property FWUserID: string read FFWUserID write FFWUserID;
- property FWPassword: string read FFWPassword write FFWPassword;
- // Added FWAuthenticate for optional firewall authentication
- property FWAuthenticate: Boolean read FFWAuth write FFWAuth;
- property ListMask: string read FListMask write FListMask;
- end; {_ TNMFTP = class(TPowersock) _}
- implementation
- constructor TFTPDirectoryList.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FAttribute := TStringList.Create;
- FName := TStringList.Create;
- FModifDate := TStringList.Create;
- FSize := TStringList.Create;
- end; {_ constructor TFTPDirectoryList.Create; _}
- destructor TFTPDirectoryList.Destroy;
- begin
- FAttribute.free;
- FModifDate.free;
- FName.free;
- FSize.free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end; {_ destructor TFTPDirectoryList.Destroy; _}
- procedure TFTPDirectoryList.ParseLine(Line: string);
- var
- i, j: integer;
- procedure skipblanks;
- begin
- repeat
- inc(j)
- until (Line[j] <> ' ') or (j > Length(Line));
- end; {_ repeat _}
- begin
- for i := 1 to 25 do tokens[i] := ''; //clear tokens;
- i := 1;
- j := 1;
- tokens[1] := '';
- repeat
- if Line[j] <> ' ' then
- begin
- tokens[i] := tokens[i] + Line[j];
- inc(j)
- end {_ if line[i] <> ' ' then _}
- else {_ NOT if line[i] <> ' ' then _}
- begin
- inc(i);
- tokens[i] := '';
- skipblanks;
- end; {_ NOT if line[i] <> ' ' then _}
- until j > Length(Line);
- NoTokens := i;
- end; {_ procedure skipblanks; _}
- procedure TFTPDirectoryList.Clear;
- begin
- FAttribute.Clear;
- FName.Clear;
- FSize.Clear;
- FModifDate.Clear;
- end; {_ procedure TFTPDirectoryList.Clear; _}
- procedure TFTPUnixList.ParseLine(Line: string);
- begin
- inherited ParseLine(Line);
- if NoTokens > 7 then
- begin
- FName.add(tokens[NoTokens]);
- FSize.add(tokens[NoTokens - 4]);
- FModifDate.add(tokens[NoTokens - 3] + ' ' + tokens[NoTokens - 2] + ' ' + tokens[NoTokens - 1]);
- FAttribute.add(tokens[1]);
- end; {_ if NoTokens > 7 then _}
- end; {_ procedure TFTPUnixList.ParseLine(Line: string); _}
- procedure TFTPNETWAREList.ParseLine(Line: string);
- begin
- inherited ParseLine(Line);
- if NoTokens > 7 then
- begin
- FName.add(tokens[NoTokens - 1]);
- FSize.add(tokens[NoTokens - 5]);
- FModifDate.add(tokens[NoTokens - 4] + ' ' + tokens[NoTokens - 3] + ' ' + tokens[NoTokens - 2]);
- FAttribute.add(tokens[1]);
- end; {_ if NoTokens > 7 then _}
- end; {_ procedure TFTPNETWAREList.ParseLine(Line: string); _}
- procedure TFTPDOSList.ParseLine(Line: string);
- begin
- inherited ParseLine(Line);
- if NoTokens > 7 then
- begin
- FName.add(tokens[NoTokens - 1]);
- FSize.add(tokens[NoTokens - 5]);
- FModifDate.add(tokens[NoTokens - 4] + ' ' + tokens[NoTokens - 3] + ' ' + tokens[NoTokens - 2]);
- FAttribute.add(tokens[1]);
- end; {_ if NoTokens > 7 then _}
- end; {_ procedure TFTPDOSList.ParseLine(Line: string); _}
- procedure TFTPVMSList.ParseLine(Line: string);
- begin
- inherited ParseLine(Line);
- if NoTokens > 7 then
- begin
- FName.add(tokens[NoTokens - 1]);
- FSize.add(tokens[NoTokens - 5]);
- FModifDate.add(tokens[NoTokens - 4] + ' ' + tokens[NoTokens - 3] + ' ' + tokens[NoTokens - 2]);
- FAttribute.add(tokens[1]);
- end; {_ if NoTokens > 7 then _}
- end; {_ procedure TFTPVMSList.ParseLine(Line: string); _}
- procedure TFTPMVSList.ParseLine(Line: string);
- begin
- inherited ParseLine(Line);
- if NoTokens > 7 then
- begin
- FName.add(tokens[NoTokens - 1]);
- FSize.add(tokens[NoTokens - 5]);
- FModifDate.add(tokens[NoTokens - 4] + ' ' + tokens[NoTokens - 3] + ' ' + tokens[NoTokens - 2]);
- FAttribute.add(tokens[1]);
- end; {_ if NoTokens > 7 then _}
- end; {_ procedure TFTPMVSList.ParseLine(Line: string); _}
- procedure TFTPVMList.ParseLine(Line: string);
- begin
- inherited ParseLine(Line);
- if NoTokens > 7 then
- begin
- FName.add(tokens[NoTokens - 1]);
- FSize.add(tokens[NoTokens - 5]);
- FModifDate.add(tokens[NoTokens - 4] + ' ' + tokens[NoTokens - 3] + ' ' + tokens[NoTokens - 2]);
- FAttribute.add(tokens[1]);
- end; {_ if NoTokens > 7 then _}
- end; {_ procedure TFTPVMList.ParseLine(Line: string); _}
- procedure TFTPMACOSList.ParseLine(Line: string);
- begin
- inherited ParseLine(Line);
- if NoTokens > 7 then
- begin
- FName.add(tokens[NoTokens - 1]);
- FSize.add(tokens[NoTokens - 5]);
- FModifDate.add(tokens[NoTokens - 4] + ' ' + tokens[NoTokens - 3] + ' ' + tokens[NoTokens - 2]);
- FAttribute.add(tokens[1]);
- end; {_ if NoTokens > 7 then _}
- end; {_ procedure TFTPMACOSList.ParseLine(Line: string); _}
- procedure TFTPAS400List.ParseLine(Line: string);
- begin
- inherited ParseLine(Line);
- if NoTokens > 3 then
- begin
- if tokens[NoTokens][1] = '*' then
- FName.add(tokens[NoTokens])
- else FName.add(tokens[NoTokens - 1]);
- FAttribute.add(tokens[1]);
- end; {_ if NoTokens > 7 then _}
- end; {_ procedure TFTPAS400List.ParseLine(Line: string); _}
- procedure TFTPOTHERList.ParseLine(Line: string);
- begin
- inherited ParseLine(Line);
- if NoTokens > 7 then
- begin
- FName.add(tokens[NoTokens]);
- FSize.add(tokens[NoTokens - 4]);
- FModifDate.add(tokens[NoTokens - 3] + ' ' + tokens[NoTokens - 2] + ' ' + tokens[NoTokens - 1]);
- FAttribute.add(tokens[1]);
- end; {_ if NoTokens > 7 then _}
- end; {_ procedure TFTPOTHERList.ParseLine(Line: string); _}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Initialize the TNMFTP Component
- ********************************************************************************************}
- constructor TNMFTP.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner); {Do Inherited create}
- Port := 21; {Set Default Port}
- {OnRead:=ProcessIdleRead;}{Set read functions for Asyncronous Reads}
- DataSocket := nil;
- FFTPDirectoryList := nil;
- FVendor := NMOS_AUTO;
- OnRead := CheckRead;
- InitializeCriticalSection(ProcessLock);
- end; {_ constructor TNMFTP.Create; _}
- destructor TNMFTP.Destroy;
- begin
- Cancel;
- DeleteCriticalSection(ProcessLock);
- // if Connected then Disconnect;
- if FFTPDirectoryList <> nil then
- FFTPDirectoryList.free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end; {_ destructor TNMFTP.Destroy; _}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Disconnect from server
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMFTP.Disconnect;
- var
- Replymess: string;
- begin
- BeenCanceled := False; {Reset Cancelled flag}
- if Connected then
- {If Connected}
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Cont_Quit); {Inform Status}
- try
- FFTPDirectoryList.free;
- FFTPDirectoryList := nil;
- FVendor := NMOS_AUTO;
- if DataAvailable then Read(0);
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Quit); {Do a Quit transaction}
- if ((ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600))
- then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess); {If Error raise exception}
- CloseImmediate;
- finally
- inherited Disconnect; {Finally Disconnect}
- end {_ try _}
- end; {_ if Connected then _}
- end; {_ procedure TNMFTP.Disconnect; _}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Initialize a FTP connection
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMFTP.Connect;
- var
- Replymess: string;
- Handled: Boolean;
- begin
- BeenCanceled := False; {Reset Cancelled flag}
- if not Connected then
- {If not already connected}
- begin
- ClearInput;
- inherited Connect; {Do the inherited connect}
- try
- Replymess := ' ';
- ReadExtraLines(Replymess);
- if ReplyNumber > 400 then
- begin
- if Assigned(OnConnectionFailed) then OnConnectionFailed(self);
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess); {If Error show exception}
- end;
- // Below this line added by Edward T. Smith 11/18/1998
- // FFWUserID is the firewall user ID
- if FFWAuth then
- begin
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_User + FFWUserID); {Send User Name and check result}
- if (ReplyNumber > 400) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- begin
- if Assigned(OnConnectionFailed) then OnConnectionFailed(self);
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess); {If Error show exception}
- end;
- if ReplyNumber = 331 then
- {If Password Needed}
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Cont_Pass); {Show outgoing Message} {Show Outgoing Message}
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Pass + FFWPassword); {Send Password and check result}
- // FFWPassword is the firewall password
- if (ReplyNumber > 400) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- begin
- if Assigned(OnConnectionFailed) then OnConnectionFailed(self);
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess); {If Error show exception}
- end;
- end; {_ if ReplyNumber = 331 then _}
- end; // FIrewall Authentication
- // Above this line added by Edward T. Smith 11/18/1998
- if (FUserID = '') or (Password = '') then
- if Assigned(FOnAuthenticationNeeded) then FOnAuthenticationNeeded(Handled);
- if Proxy <> '' then
- begin
- case FFirewallType of
- FTUser: Replymess := Transaction('USER ' + UserID + '@' + Host);
- FtOpen: Replymess := Transaction('OPEN ' + Host);
- FtSite: Replymess := Transaction('SITE ' + Host);
- end;
- end;
- if (Proxy = '') or (FFirewallType <> FTUser) then
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Cont_User + UserID); {Show Outgoing message}
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_User + UserID); {Send User Name and check result}
- if (ReplyNumber > 400) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- begin
- if Assigned(OnConnectionFailed) then OnConnectionFailed(self);
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess); {If Error show exception}
- end;
- end;
- if ReplyNumber = 331 then
- {If Password Needed}
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Cont_Pass); {Show outgoing Message} {Show Outgoing Message}
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Pass + Password); {Send Password and check result}
- if (ReplyNumber > 400) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- begin
- if Assigned(OnConnectionFailed) then OnConnectionFailed(self);
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess); {If Error show exception}
- end;
- end; {_ if ReplyNumber = 331 then _}
- if Assigned(FOnConnect) then FOnConnect(self);
- except {If fault}
- if Connected then Disconnect; {Disconnect}
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, sFTP_Msg_Disconnect); {Show Status}
- raise; {Show disconnected status}
- end; {_ try _}
- end; {_ if not Connected then _}
- end; {_ procedure TNMFTP.Connect; _}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Do a generic FTP Command
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMFTP.DoCommand(CommandStr: string);
- var Replymess: string;
- Handled: Boolean;
- ThisCmd: TCmdType;
- begin
- if NthWord(CommandStr, ' ', 1) + ' ' = Cont_Cwd then ThisCmd := cmdChangeDir
- else if NthWord(CommandStr, ' ', 1) + ' ' = Cont_Dele then ThisCmd := cmdDelete
- else if NthWord(CommandStr, ' ', 1) + ' ' = Cont_Mkd then ThisCmd := cmdMakeDir
- else if NthWord(CommandStr, ' ', 1) + ' ' = Cont_Rmd then ThisCmd := cmdRemoveDir
- else if CommandStr = Cont_Pwd then ThisCmd := cmdCurrentDir
- else {_ NOT if CommandStr = Cont_Pwd then ThisCmd := cmdCurrentDir _} ThisCmd := cmdDoCommand;
- BeenCanceled := False; {Reset Cancelled flag}
- CertifyConnect;
- if Connected then
- {If connected}
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, CommandStr); {Show Outgoing Message}
- if DataAvailable then Read(0);
- Replymess := Transaction(CommandStr); {Send command and chectk result}
- if (ReplyNumber > 399) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnUnSupportedFunction) and (ReplyNumber >= 500) and (ReplyNumber <= 502) then FOnUnSupportedFunction(ThisCmd);
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- {Raise exception on errors}
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess) _}
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, ThisCmd);
- if not Handled then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess);
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess) _}
- end {_ if (ReplyNumber > 399) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then _}
- else if Assigned(FOnSuccess) then FOnSuccess(ThisCmd);
- end; {_ if Connected then _}
- end; {_ procedure TNMFTP.DoCommand(CommandStr: string); _}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Change the Dirctory at remote host
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMFTP.ChangeDir(DirName: string);
- begin
- DoCommand(Cont_Cwd + DirName); {Do Change Directory}
- end; {_ procedure TNMFTP.ChangeDir(DirName: string); _}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Rename File in Remote Server
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMFTP.Rename(Filename, FileName2: string);
- var
- Replymess: string;
- Handled: Boolean;
- begin
- BeenCanceled := False; {Reset Cancelled flag}
- CertifyConnect;
- if Connected then
- {If connected}
- begin
- if DataAvailable then Read(0);
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Cont_Rnfr + Filename); {Show Outgoing Message}
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Rnfr + Filename); {Send Rename from and check result}
- if (ReplyNumber > 351) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- {Raise exception on errors}
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess) _}
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdRename);
- if not Handled then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess);
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess) _}
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Cont_Rnto + FileName2); {Show Outgoing Message}
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Rnto + FileName2); {Send Rename to and check result}
- if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnUnSupportedFunction) and (ReplyNumber >= 500) and (ReplyNumber <= 502) then FOnUnSupportedFunction(cmdRename);
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- {Raise exception on errors}
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdRename);
- if not Handled then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess);
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- end {_ if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then _}
- else if Assigned(FOnSuccess) then FOnSuccess(cmdRename);
- end; {_ if Connected then _} {Resume Asynchronous Processing}
- end; {_ procedure TNMFTP.Rename(Filename, FileName2: string); _}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Delete file in remote server
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMFTP.Delete(Filename: string);
- begin
- DoCommand(Cont_Dele + Filename); {Send Delete command and check result}
- end; {_ procedure TNMFTP.Delete(Filename: string); _}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Delete file in remote server
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMFTP.MakeDirectory(DirectoryName: string);
- begin
- DoCommand(Cont_Mkd + DirectoryName); {Send Delete command and check result}
- end; {_ procedure TNMFTP.MakeDirectory(DirectoryName: string); _}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Delete file in remote server
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMFTP.RemoveDir(DirectoryName: string);
- begin
- DoCommand(Cont_Rmd + DirectoryName); {Send Delete command and check result}
- end; {_ procedure TNMFTP.RemoveDir(DirectoryName: string); _}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Upload file to Remote Server with unique name
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMFTP.UploadUnique(LocalFile: string);
- var
- Replymess: string;
- strm: TFileStream;
- Done, Handled: Boolean;
- Tsck: TSocket;
- label CleanUp;
- begin
- Done := False;
- BeenCanceled := False; {Reset Cancelled flag}
- CertifyConnect;
- if Connected then
- {If connected}
- begin
- DataSocket := TPowersock.Create(self); {Create a Data socket}
- DataSocket.TimeOut := TimeOut;
- try
- if DataAvailable then Read(0);
- DataSocket.TimeOut := TimeOut;
- DataSocket.Port := 0; {Set Port to Zero}
- DataSocket.Listen(True); {Listen in the datasocket}
- strm := TFileStream.Create(LocalFile, fmOpenRead);
- try
- FBytesTotal := strm.Size;
- finally
- strm.Destroy;
- end; {_ try _}
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Cont_Port + GetLocalAddress + DataSocket.GetPortString); {Show Outgoing Message}
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Port + GetLocalAddress + DataSocket.GetPortString); {Send Port for data socket}
- if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- {Raise exception on errors}
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess) _}
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdUpload);
- if not Handled then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else goto CleanUp;
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess) _}
- if Assigned(FPacketSent) then
- DataSocket.OnPacketSent := FPacketSent; {Set function to handle data socket status}
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Cont_Stou); {Show Outgoing Message}
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Stou); {Give store unique cmmand}
- if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnUnSupportedFunction) and (ReplyNumber >= 500) and (ReplyNumber <= 502) then FOnUnSupportedFunction(cmdUpload);
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- {Raise exception on errors}
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdUpload);
- if not Handled then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else goto CleanUp;
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- end; {_ if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then _}
- Tsck := DataSocket.handle;
- DataSocket.ThisSocket := DataSocket.Accept; {Accept the datasocket}
- WinSock.CloseSocket(Tsck);
- if Assigned(FTransactionStart) then FTransactionStart(self);
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut) then DataSocket.SendFile(LocalFile);
- {If no Local filename specified save file same as remote}
- if Assigned(FTransactionStop) then FTransactionStop(self);
- DataSocket.RequestCloseSocket;
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut) then
- if DataAvailable then Readln
- else {_ NOT if DataAvailable > 0 then read (0); _} Replymess := sFTP_Cont_Msg_UpldS;
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Replymess);
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut) then ReadExtraLines(Replymess); {Read Extra Lines}
- Done := True;
- CleanUp:
- finally
- DataSocket.Destroy; {Destroy datasocket}
- DataSocket := nil;
- if Done then if Assigned(FOnSuccess) then FOnSuccess(cmdUpload);
- end; {_ try _}
- end; {_ if Connected then _}
- end; {_ procedure TNMFTP.UploadUnique(LocalFile: string); _}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- List Current Directory in Remote Server
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMFTP.List;
- var
- Replymess: string;
- Success, Handled: Boolean;
- Tsck: TSocket;
- label CleanUp;
- begin
- EnterCriticalSection(ProcessLock);
- Success := False;
- BeenCanceled := False; {If there is a cancelled process reset it}
- //if Fabort then
- // begin
- // ReplyMess:= transaction('ABOR');
- // Fabort := False;
- // end;
- CertifyConnect; {Make sure Connection exists}
- if Connected then
- begin
- if DataAvailable then Read(0);
- DataSocket := TPowersock.Create(self); {Create a Data socket}
- DataSocket.TimeOut := TimeOut;
- if Assigned(FPacketRecvd) then
- DataSocket.OnPacketRecvd := FPacketRecvd; {Set function to handle data socket status}
- if FParseList then
- begin
- if FFTPDirectoryList = nil then
- begin
- if Vendor = NMOS_AUTO then
- begin
- try DoCommand('SYST')except end;
- if (Pos('UNIX', TransactionReply) > 0) then
- FVendor := NMOS_UNIX
- else if (Pos('NETWARE', TransactionReply) > 0) then
- else if (Pos('DOS', TransactionReply) > 0) then
- else if (Pos('VMS', TransactionReply) > 0) then
- FVendor := NMOS_VMS
- else if (Pos('MVS', TransactionReply) > 0) then
- FVendor := NMOS_MVS_IBM
- else if (Pos('VM', TransactionReply) > 0) then
- FVendor := NMOS_VM
- else if (Pos('MACOS', TransactionReply) > 0) then
- FVendor := NMOS_MAC
- else if (Pos('OS/400', TransactionReply) > 0) then
- FVendor := NMOS_AS400
- else {_ NOT if (Pos('OS/400', TransactionReply) > 0) then _}
- FVendor := NMOS_OTHER;
- end; {_ if Vendor = NMOS_AUTO then _}
- case FVendor of
- NMOS_UNIX: FFTPDirectoryList := TFTPUnixList.Create;
- NMOS_NETWARE: FFTPDirectoryList := TFTPUnixList.Create;
- NMOS_WINDOWS: FFTPDirectoryList := TFTPUnixList.Create;
- NMOS_VMS: FFTPDirectoryList := TFTPUnixList.Create;
- NMOS_MVS_IBM: FFTPDirectoryList := TFTPUnixList.Create;
- NMOS_VM: FFTPDirectoryList := TFTPUnixList.Create;
- NMOS_MAC: FFTPDirectoryList := TFTPUnixList.Create;
- NMOS_AS400: FFTPDirectoryList := TFTPUnixList.Create;
- NMOS_OTHER: FFTPDirectoryList := TFTPUnixList.Create;
- end; {_ case FVendor of _}
- end; {_ if FFTPDirectoryList <> nil then _}
- FFTPDirectoryList.Clear;
- end; {_ if FParseList then _}
- DataSocket.TimeOut := TimeOut;
- try
- if FPassive then
- begin
- Replymess := Transaction('PASV');
- if (ReplyNumber > 499) then
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdList);
- if not Handled then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else goto CleanUp;
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- DataSocket.Port := StrToInt(Copy(NthWord(Replymess, ',', 6), 1, Pos(')', NthWord(Replymess, ',', 6)) - 1)) + (256 * StrToInt(NthWord(Replymess, ',', 5)));
- DataSocket.Host := Host;
- DataSocket.Connect;
- end
- else { _FPassive_ }
- begin
- DataSocket.Port := 0; {Set Port to Zero}
- DataSocket.Listen(True); {Listen in the datasocket}
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Port + GetLocalAddress + DataSocket.GetPortString); {Send Port for data socket}
- if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- {Raise exception on errors}
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdList);
- if not Handled then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else goto CleanUp;
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- end { not _FPassive_ };
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Cont_List); {Show Outgoing Message}
- if FListMask = '' then Replymess := Transaction(Cont_List)
- else Replymess := Transaction(Cont_List + ' ' + FListMask); {Send List command}
- if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnUnSupportedFunction) and (ReplyNumber >= 500) and (ReplyNumber <= 502) then FOnUnSupportedFunction(cmdList);
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- {Raise exception on errors}
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdList);
- if not Handled then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else goto CleanUp;
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- end; {_ if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then _}
- if not FPassive then
- begin
- Tsck := DataSocket.handle;
- DataSocket.ThisSocket := DataSocket.Accept; {Accept the datasocket}
- WinSock.CloseSocket(Tsck);
- end;
- if Assigned(FTransactionStart) then FTransactionStart(self);
- while not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut or DataSocket.DataAvailable) and DataSocket.Connected do
- DataSocket.wait;
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut) then
- repeat
- if DataSocket.DataAvailable then
- begin
- Replymess := DataSocket.Readln;
- if (Replymess = '') then Break;
- if Length(Replymess) > 2 then
- if Replymess[Length(Replymess) - 1] = #13 then
- SetLength(Replymess, Length(Replymess) - 2)
- else
- SetLength(Replymess, Length(Replymess) - 1);
- if FParseList then
- FFTPDirectoryList.ParseLine(Replymess);
- if Assigned(FOnListItem) then FOnListItem(Replymess);
- end
- else
- DataSocket.wait; //Application.ProcessMessages;
- until (((not DataSocket.Connected) or DataAvailable) and (not DataSocket.DataAvailable)) or BeenTimedOut or BeenCanceled;
- if Assigned(FTransactionStop) then FTransactionStop(self);
- if DataSocket.Connected then DataSocket.RequestCloseSocket;
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut) then
- Replymess := Readln;
- if Replymess = '' then Replymess := '226 Data Transfer successful';
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Replymess);
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut) then ReadExtraLines(Replymess); {Read Extra Lines}
- Success := True;
- CleanUp:
- finally
- DataSocket.Destroy; { _Destroy datasocket_ }
- DataSocket := nil;
- if BeenCanceled then
- begin
- BeenCanceled := False;
- Replymess := Transaction('ABOR');
- end;
- LeaveCriticalSection(ProcessLock);
- if Success then if Assigned(FOnSuccess) then FOnSuccess(cmdList);
- end {_ try _}
- end; { _Connected_ }
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Upload a file to a Remote Server
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMFTP.Upload(LocalFile, RemoteFile: string);
- var
- Replymess: string;
- strm: TFileStream;
- Success, Handled: Boolean;
- Tsck: TSocket;
- label CleanUp;
- begin
- try
- Success := False;
- BeenCanceled := False; {If there is a cancelled process reset it}
- CertifyConnect; {Make sure Connection exists}
- if Connected then
- begin
- EnterCriticalSection(ProcessLock);
- if DataAvailable then Read(0);
- DataSocket := TPowersock.Create(self); {Create a Data socket}
- DataSocket.TimeOut := TimeOut;
- strm := TFileStream.Create(LocalFile, fmOpenRead);
- DataSocket.TimeOut := TimeOut;
- if Assigned(FPacketSent) then
- DataSocket.OnPacketSent := FPacketSent; {Set function to handle data socket status}
- try
- FBytesTotal := strm.Size;
- finally
- strm.Destroy;
- end; {_ try _}
- try
- if FPassive then
- begin
- Replymess := Transaction('PASV');
- if (ReplyNumber > 499) then
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdUpload);
- if not Handled then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else goto CleanUp;
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- DataSocket.Port := StrToInt(Copy(NthWord(Replymess, ',', 6), 1, Pos(')', NthWord(Replymess, ',', 6)) - 1)) + (256 * StrToInt(NthWord(Replymess, ',', 5)));
- DataSocket.Host := Host;
- DataSocket.Connect;
- end
- else { _FPassive_ }
- begin
- DataSocket.Port := 0; {Set Port to Zero}
- DataSocket.Listen(True); {Listen in the datasocket}
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Port + GetLocalAddress + DataSocket.GetPortString); {Send Port for data socket}
- if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- {Raise exception on errors}
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdUpload);
- if not Handled then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else goto CleanUp;
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- end { not _FPassive_ };
- if RemoteFile = '' then
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Cont_Stor + LocalFile); {Show Outgoing Message}
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Stor + ExtractFileName(LocalFile)) {Give store unique cmmand}
- end {_ if RemoteFile = '' then _}
- else {_ NOT if RemoteFile = '' then _}
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Cont_Stor + RemoteFile); {Show Outgoing Message}
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Stor + RemoteFile); {Give store unique cmmand}
- end; {_ NOT if RemoteFile = '' then _}
- if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnUnSupportedFunction) and (ReplyNumber >= 500) and (ReplyNumber <= 502) then FOnUnSupportedFunction(cmdUpload);
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- {Raise exception on errors}
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdUpload);
- if not Handled then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else goto CleanUp;
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- end; {_ if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then _}
- if not FPassive then
- begin
- Tsck := DataSocket.handle;
- DataSocket.ThisSocket := DataSocket.Accept; {Accept the datasocket}
- WinSock.CloseSocket(Tsck);
- end;
- if Assigned(FTransactionStart) then FTransactionStart(self);
- DataSocket.CloseAfterData;
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut) then DataSocket.SendFile(LocalFile);
- {If no Local filename specified save file same as remote}
- if Assigned(FTransactionStop) then FTransactionStop(self);
- WinSock.CloseSocket(DataSocket.ThisSocket);
- Replymess := Readln;
- if Replymess = '' then Replymess := '226 Data Transfer successful';
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Replymess);
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut) then ReadExtraLines(Replymess); {Read Extra Lines}
- Success := True;
- CleanUp:
- finally
- DataSocket.Destroy; { _Destroy datasocket_ }
- DataSocket := nil;
- LeaveCriticalSection(ProcessLock);
- if Success then if Assigned(FOnSuccess) then FOnSuccess(cmdUpload);
- end {_ try _}
- end; { _Connected_ }
- except
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdUpload);
- if not Handled then
- raise;
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Upload a file to a Remote Server
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMFTP.UploadRestore(LocalFile, RemoteFile: string; Position: integer);
- var
- Replymess: string;
- strm: TFileStream;
- Success, Handled: Boolean;
- Tsck: TSocket;
- gudtLinger: Tlinger;
- label CleanUp;
- begin
- Success := False;
- BeenCanceled := False; {If there is a cancelled process reset it}
- CertifyConnect; {Make sure Connection exists}
- if Connected then
- begin
- if DataAvailable then Read(0);
- DataSocket := TPowersock.Create(self); {Create a Data socket}
- DataSocket.TimeOut := TimeOut;
- strm := TFileStream.Create(LocalFile, fmOpenRead);
- DataSocket.TimeOut := TimeOut;
- if Assigned(FPacketSent) then
- DataSocket.OnPacketSent := FPacketSent; {Set function to handle data socket status}
- try
- FBytesTotal := strm.Size;
- finally
- strm.Destroy;
- end; {_ try _}
- try
- if FPassive then
- begin
- Replymess := Transaction('PASV');
- if (ReplyNumber > 499) then
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdUpload);
- if not Handled then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else goto CleanUp;
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- DataSocket.Port := StrToInt(Copy(NthWord(Replymess, ',', 6), 1, Pos(')', NthWord(Replymess, ',', 6)) - 1)) + (256 * StrToInt(NthWord(Replymess, ',', 5)));
- DataSocket.Host := Host;
- DataSocket.Connect;
- end
- else { _FPassive_ }
- begin
- DataSocket.Port := 0; {Set Port to Zero}
- DataSocket.Listen(True); {Listen in the datasocket}
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Port + GetLocalAddress + DataSocket.GetPortString); {Send Port for data socket}
- if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- {Raise exception on errors}
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdUpload);
- if not Handled then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else goto CleanUp;
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- end { not _FPassive_ };
- if RemoteFile = '' then
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Cont_Rest + IntToStr(Position) + '' + Cont_Stor); {Show Outgoing Message}
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Rest + IntToStr(Position));
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Stor + ExtractFileName(LocalFile)); {Give store unique cmmand}
- end {_ if RemoteFile = '' then _}
- else {_ NOT if RemoteFile = '' then _}
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Cont_Rest + IntToStr(Position) + '' + Cont_Stor); {Show Outgoing Message}
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Rest + IntToStr(Position));
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Stor + RemoteFile); {Give store unique cmmand}
- end; {_ NOT if RemoteFile = '' then _}
- if (ReplyNumber > 399) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnUnSupportedFunction) and (ReplyNumber >= 500) and (ReplyNumber <= 502) then FOnUnSupportedFunction(cmdUpload);
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- {Raise exception on errors}
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdUpload);
- if not Handled then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else goto CleanUp;
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- end; {_ if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then _}
- if not FPassive then
- begin
- Tsck := DataSocket.handle;
- DataSocket.ThisSocket := DataSocket.Accept; {Accept the datasocket}
- WinSock.CloseSocket(Tsck);
- end;
- if Assigned(FTransactionStart) then FTransactionStart(self);
- strm := TFileStream.Create(LocalFile, fmOpenRead);
- strm.Position := Position;
- try
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut)
- then DataSocket.SendRestStream(strm);
- finally
- strm.free;
- end;
- {If no Local filename specified save file same as remote}
- if Assigned(FTransactionStop) then FTransactionStop(self);
- gudtLinger.l_onoff := 0;
- gudtLinger.l_linger := 0;
- setsockopt(DataSocket.ThisSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, @gudtLinger, 4);
- DataSocket.RequestCloseSocket;
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut) then
- Replymess := Read(0);
- if Replymess = '' then Replymess := '226 Data Transfer successful';
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Replymess);
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut) then ReadExtraLines(Replymess); {Read Extra Lines}
- Success := True;
- CleanUp:
- finally
- DataSocket.Destroy; { _Destroy datasocket_ }
- DataSocket := nil;
- if Success then if Assigned(FOnSuccess) then FOnSuccess(cmdUpload);
- end {_ try _}
- end; { _Connected_ }
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Download a file from a Remote Server
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMFTP.Download(RemoteFile, LocalFile: string);
- var
- Replymess: string;
- Success, Handled: Boolean;
- Tsck: TSocket;
- label CleanUp;
- begin
- try
- Success := False;
- BeenCanceled := False; {If there is a cancelled process reset it}
- CertifyConnect; {Make sure Connection exists}
- if Connected then
- begin
- EnterCriticalSection(ProcessLock);
- if DataAvailable then Read(0);
- DataSocket := TPowersock.Create(self); {Create a Data socket}
- DataSocket.TimeOut := TimeOut;
- if Assigned(FPacketRecvd) then
- DataSocket.OnPacketRecvd := FPacketRecvd; {Set function to handle data socket status}
- try
- if FPassive then
- begin
- Replymess := Transaction('PASV');
- if (ReplyNumber > 499) then
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdDownload);
- if not Handled then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else goto CleanUp;
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- DataSocket.Port := StrToInt(Copy(NthWord(Replymess, ',', 6), 1, Pos(')', NthWord(Replymess, ',', 6)) - 1)) + (256 * StrToInt(NthWord(Replymess, ',', 5)));
- DataSocket.Host := Host;
- DataSocket.Connect;
- end
- else { _FPassive_ }
- begin
- DataSocket.Port := 0; {Set Port to Zero}
- DataSocket.Listen(True); {Listen in the datasocket}
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Port + GetLocalAddress + DataSocket.GetPortString); {Send Port for data socket}
- if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- {Raise exception on errors}
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdDownload);
- if not Handled then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else goto CleanUp;
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- end { not _FPassive_ };
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Cont_Retr + RemoteFile); {Show Outgoing Message}
- FBytesTotal := 0;
- Replymess := inherited Transaction(Cont_Retr + RemoteFile);
- if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- {Raise exception on errors}
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess) _}
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdDownload);
- if not Handled then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else goto CleanUp;
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess) _}
- FBytesTotal := GetBytesTotal(Replymess);
- while (Replymess[1] = ' ') or (Replymess[4] = '-') do
- begin
- Replymess := Readln; {Handle Extra Lines}
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Replymess); {Show Received Lines}
- if FBytesTotal = 0 then FBytesTotal := GetBytesTotal(Replymess);
- if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnUnSupportedFunction) and (ReplyNumber >= 500) and (ReplyNumber <= 502) then FOnUnSupportedFunction(cmdDownload);
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- {Raise exception on errors}
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdDownload);
- if not Handled then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess);
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- end; {_ if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then _}
- end; {_ while (Replymess[1] = ' ') or (Replymess[4] = '-') do _}
- if not FPassive then
- begin
- Tsck := DataSocket.handle;
- DataSocket.ThisSocket := DataSocket.Accept; {Accept the datasocket}
- WinSock.CloseSocket(Tsck);
- end;
- FBytesTotal := GetBytesTotal(Replymess);
- if Assigned(FTransactionStart) then FTransactionStart(self);
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut) then
- if LocalFile = '' then DataSocket.CaptureFile(RemoteFile)
- {If no Local filename specified save file same as remote}
- else {_ NOT if LocalFile = '' then DataSocket.CaptureFile(RemoteFile) _} DataSocket.CaptureFile(LocalFile); {If Local filename specified save file under it}
- if Assigned(FTransactionStop) then FTransactionStop(self);
- DataSocket.RequestCloseSocket;
- FBytesTotal := DataSocket.BytesRecvd;
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, (sFTP_Msg_Recvd + IntToStr(BytesTotal) + sFTP_No_Bytes));
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut) then Replymess := Readln;
- //if ReplyMess='' then ReplyMess:='226 Data Transfer successful';
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Replymess);
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut) then ReadExtraLines(Replymess);
- {Read Extra Lines}
- {If no Local filename specified save file same as remote}
- if Assigned(FTransactionStop) then FTransactionStop(self);
- Success := True;
- CleanUp:
- finally
- DataSocket.Destroy; { _Destroy datasocket_ }
- DataSocket := nil;
- if BeenCanceled then
- begin
- BeenCanceled := False;
- Replymess := Transaction('ABOR');
- end;
- if Success then if Assigned(FOnSuccess) then FOnSuccess(cmdDownload);
- end {_ try _}
- end; { _Connected_ }
- except
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdDownload);
- if not Handled then
- raise;
- end;
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Download a file from a Remote Server
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMFTP.DownloadRestore(RemoteFile, LocalFile: string);
- var
- Replymess: string;
- Success, Handled: Boolean;
- AFileStream: TFileStream;
- Posn: integer;
- Tsck: TSocket;
- label CleanUp;
- begin
- Success := False;
- BeenCanceled := False; {If there is a cancelled process reset it}
- CertifyConnect; {Make sure Connection exists}
- if Connected then
- begin
- if DataAvailable then Read(0);
- DataSocket := TPowersock.Create(self); {Create a Data socket}
- DataSocket.TimeOut := TimeOut;
- if LocalFile = '' then LocalFile := RemoteFile;
- if Assigned(FPacketRecvd) then
- DataSocket.OnPacketRecvd := FPacketRecvd; {Set function to handle data socket status}
- try
- if FPassive then
- begin
- Replymess := Transaction('PASV');
- if (ReplyNumber > 499) then
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdDownload);
- if not Handled then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else goto CleanUp;
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- DataSocket.Port := StrToInt(Copy(NthWord(Replymess, ',', 6), 1, Pos(')', NthWord(Replymess, ',', 6)) - 1)) + (256 * StrToInt(NthWord(Replymess, ',', 5)));
- DataSocket.Host := Host;
- DataSocket.Connect;
- end
- else { _FPassive_ }
- begin
- DataSocket.Port := 0; {Set Port to Zero}
- DataSocket.Listen(True); {Listen in the datasocket}
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Port + GetLocalAddress + DataSocket.GetPortString); {Send Port for data socket}
- if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- {Raise exception on errors}
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdDownload);
- if not Handled then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else goto CleanUp;
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- end { not _FPassive_ };
- try
- AFileStream := TFileStream.Create(LocalFile, fmOpenRead); {If Local filename specified save file under it}
- Posn := AFileStream.Size;
- AFileStream.free;
- except
- Posn := 0;
- end;
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Cont_Rest + Cont_Retr + RemoteFile); {Show Outgoing Message}
- FBytesTotal := 0;
- Replymess := inherited Transaction(Cont_Rest + IntToStr(Posn));
- Replymess := inherited Transaction(Cont_Retr + RemoteFile);
- if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- {Raise exception on errors}
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess) _}
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdDownload);
- if not Handled then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess);
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess) _}
- FBytesTotal := GetBytesTotal(Replymess);
- while (Replymess[1] = ' ') or (Replymess[4] = '-') do
- begin
- Replymess := Readln; {Handle Extra Lines}
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Replymess); {Show Received Lines}
- if FBytesTotal = 0 then FBytesTotal := GetBytesTotal(Replymess);
- if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnUnSupportedFunction) and (ReplyNumber >= 500) and (ReplyNumber <= 502) then FOnUnSupportedFunction(cmdDownload);
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- {Raise exception on errors}
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdDownload);
- if not Handled then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess);
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- end; {_ if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then _}
- end; {_ while (Replymess[1] = ' ') or (Replymess[4] = '-') do _}
- if not FPassive then
- begin
- Tsck := DataSocket.handle;
- DataSocket.ThisSocket := DataSocket.Accept; {Accept the datasocket}
- WinSock.CloseSocket(Tsck);
- end;
- FBytesTotal := GetBytesTotal(Replymess);
- if Assigned(FTransactionStart) then FTransactionStart(self);
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut) then
- if LocalFile = '' then DataSocket.AppendFile(RemoteFile)
- {If no Local filename specified save file same as remote}
- else {_ NOT if LocalFile = '' then DataSocket.CaptureFile(RemoteFile) _} DataSocket.AppendFile(LocalFile); {If Local filename specified save file under it}
- if Assigned(FTransactionStop) then FTransactionStop(self);
- DataSocket.RequestCloseSocket;
- FBytesTotal := DataSocket.BytesRecvd;
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, (sFTP_Msg_Recvd + IntToStr(BytesTotal) + sFTP_No_Bytes));
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut) then Replymess := Read(0);
- if Replymess = '' then Replymess := '226 Data Transfer successful';
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Replymess);
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut) then ReadExtraLines(Replymess);
- {Read Extra Lines}
- {If no Local filename specified save file same as remote}
- if Assigned(FTransactionStop) then FTransactionStop(self);
- Success := True;
- CleanUp:
- finally
- DataSocket.Destroy; { _Destroy datasocket_ }
- DataSocket := nil;
- if BeenCanceled then
- begin
- BeenCanceled := False;
- Replymess := Transaction('ABOR');
- end;
- if Success then if Assigned(FOnSuccess) then FOnSuccess(cmdDownload);
- end {_ try _}
- end; { _Connected_ }
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Upload a file to a Remote Server and append to existing file
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMFTP.UploadAppend(LocalFile, RemoteFile: string);
- var
- Replymess: string;
- strm: TFileStream;
- Success, Handled: Boolean;
- Tsck: TSocket;
- label CleanUp;
- begin
- Success := False;
- BeenCanceled := False; {If there is a cancelled process reset it}
- CertifyConnect; {Make sure Connection exists}
- if Connected then
- begin
- if DataAvailable then Read(0);
- DataSocket := TPowersock.Create(self); {Create a Data socket}
- DataSocket.TimeOut := TimeOut;
- strm := TFileStream.Create(LocalFile, fmOpenRead);
- DataSocket.TimeOut := TimeOut;
- if Assigned(FPacketSent) then
- DataSocket.OnPacketSent := FPacketSent; {Set function to handle data socket status}
- try
- FBytesTotal := strm.Size;
- finally
- strm.Destroy;
- end; {_ try _}
- try
- if FPassive then
- begin
- Replymess := Transaction('PASV');
- if (ReplyNumber > 499) then
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdAppend);
- if not Handled then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else goto CleanUp;
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- DataSocket.Port := StrToInt(Copy(NthWord(Replymess, ',', 6), 1, Pos(')', NthWord(Replymess, ',', 6)) - 1)) + (256 * StrToInt(NthWord(Replymess, ',', 5)));
- DataSocket.Host := Host;
- DataSocket.Connect;
- end
- else { _FPassive_ }
- begin
- DataSocket.Port := 0; {Set Port to Zero}
- DataSocket.Listen(True); {Listen in the datasocket}
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Port + GetLocalAddress + DataSocket.GetPortString); {Send Port for data socket}
- if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- {Raise exception on errors}
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdAppend);
- if not Handled then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else goto CleanUp;
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- end { not _FPassive_ };
- if RemoteFile = '' then
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Cont_Appe + LocalFile); {Show Outgoing Message}
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Appe + ExtractFileName(LocalFile)) {Give store unique cmmand}
- end {_ if RemoteFile = '' then _}
- else {_ NOT if RemoteFile = '' then _}
- begin
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Cont_Appe + RemoteFile); {Show Outgoing Message}
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Appe + RemoteFile); {Give store unique cmmand}
- end; {_ NOT if RemoteFile = '' then _}
- if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnUnSupportedFunction) and (ReplyNumber >= 500) and (ReplyNumber <= 502) then FOnUnSupportedFunction(cmdAppend);
- if not Assigned(FOnFailure) then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- {Raise exception on errors}
- else {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- begin
- Handled := False;
- FOnFailure(Handled, cmdAppend);
- if not Handled then
- raise FTPException.Create(Replymess)
- else goto CleanUp;
- {Raise exception on errors}
- end; {_ NOT if not assigned(FOnFailure) then _}
- end; {_ if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600) then _}
- if not FPassive then
- begin
- Tsck := DataSocket.handle;
- DataSocket.ThisSocket := DataSocket.Accept; {Accept the datasocket}
- WinSock.CloseSocket(Tsck);
- end;
- if Assigned(FTransactionStart) then FTransactionStart(self);
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut) then DataSocket.SendFile(LocalFile);
- {If no Local filename specified save file same as remote}
- if Assigned(FTransactionStop) then FTransactionStop(self);
- CloseAfterData;
- DataSocket.RequestCloseSocket;
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut) then
- Replymess := Readln;
- if Replymess = '' then Replymess := '226 Data Transfer successful';
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Replymess);
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut) then ReadExtraLines(Replymess); {Read Extra Lines}
- Success := True;
- CleanUp:
- finally
- DataSocket.Destroy; { _Destroy datasocket_ }
- DataSocket := nil;
- if Success then if Assigned(FOnSuccess) then FOnSuccess(cmdAppend);
- end {_ try _}
- end; { _Connected_ }
- end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Get Current Directory in Remote Server
- ********************************************************************************************}
- function TNMFTP.GetCurrentDir;
- begin
- DoCommand(Cont_Pwd); {Send get Current directory Command}
- Result := NthWord(TransactionReply, '"', 2);
- end; {_ function TNMFTP.GetCurrentDir; _}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Change the mode for file transactions
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMFTP.Mode(TheMode: integer);
- begin
- case TheMode of
- MODE_ASCII: DoCommand(Cont_Typ + 'A'); {Send AsCII Command}
- MODE_IMAGE: DoCommand(Cont_Typ + 'I'); {Send Image Command}
- MODE_BYTE: DoCommand(Cont_Typ + 'L 8'); {Send Byte Command}
- end; {_ case TheMode of _}
- end; {_ procedure TNMFTP.Mode(TheMode: Integer); _}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Get the value of BytesReceived property
- ********************************************************************************************}
- function TNMFTP.GetBytesRcvd;
- begin Result := DataSocket.BytesRecvd end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Get the value of BytesReceived property
- ********************************************************************************************}
- function TNMFTP.GetBytesSent;
- begin Result := DataSocket.BytesSent end;
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Get the value of BytesTotal property
- ********************************************************************************************}
- function TNMFTP.GetBytesTotal;
- var
- ReplyP: string[255];
- i: integer;
- begin
- i := Pos(No_Byte, UpperCase(Replymess));
- if i > 0 then
- begin
- ReplyP := '';
- while (Replymess[i] < '0') or (Replymess[i] > '9') do
- i := i - 1;
- while (Replymess[i] >= '0') and (Replymess[i] <= '9') do
- i := i - 1;
- i := i + 1;
- while (Replymess[i] >= '0') and (Replymess[i] <= '9') do
- begin
- ReplyP := ReplyP + Replymess[i];
- i := i + 1;
- end; {_ while (Replymess[I] >= '0') and (Replymess[I] <= '9') do _}
- Result := StrToIntDef(ReplyP, 0);
- end {_ if I > 0 then _}
- else {_ NOT if I > 0 then _} Result := 0;
- end; {_ function TNMFTP.GetBytesTotal; _}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Abort a FTP file transaction
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMFTP.Abort;
- begin
- // ReplyMess:= transaction('ABOR');
- if DataSocket <> nil then
- begin
- //DataSocket.FOStream.size := 0;
- DataSocket.Cancel; {Cancel Read or write}
- end; {_ if DataSocket <> nil then _}
- Cancel;
- //FAbort := True;
- end; {_ procedure TNMFTP.Abort; _}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- Process Extra Lines in Transaction
- ********************************************************************************************}
- function TNMFTP.Transaction(const CommandString: string): string;
- var Replymess: string;
- begin
- Replymess := inherited Transaction(CommandString);
- ReadExtraLines(Replymess);
- Result := Replymess;
- end; {_ function TNMFTP.Transaction(const CommandString: string): string; _}
- procedure TNMFTP.ReadExtraLines;
- begin
- while (Replymess[1] = ' ') or (Replymess[4] = '-') do
- {If extra Lines}
- begin
- Replymess := Readln; {Handle Extra Lines}
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Replymess); {Show Received Lines}
- end; {_ while (Replymess[1] = ' ') or (Replymess[4] = '-') do _}
- end; {_ procedure TNMFTP.ReadExtraLines; _}
- {*******************************************************************************************
- List Files in Current Directory in Remote Server
- ********************************************************************************************}
- procedure TNMFTP.Nlist;
- var
- Replymess: string;
- Done: Boolean;
- Sck1: integer;
- begin {Stop Asynchronous Processing}
- Done := False;
- BeenCanceled := False; {Reset Cancelled flag}
- CertifyConnect;
- if Connected then
- {If connected}
- begin
- DataSocket := TPowersock.Create(self); {Create a Data socket}
- DataSocket.TimeOut := TimeOut;
- try
- if DataAvailable then Read(0);
- DataSocket.TimeOut := TimeOut;
- DataSocket.Port := 0; {Set Port to Zero}
- DataSocket.Listen(True); {Listen in the datasocket}
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Cont_Port + GetLocalAddress + DataSocket.GetPortString); {Show Outgoing Message}
- Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Port + GetLocalAddress + DataSocket.GetPortString); {Send Port for data socket}
- if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600)
- then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess);
- {Raise exception on errors}
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Cont_Nlst); {Show Outgoing Message}
- if FListMask = '' then Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Nlst)
- else Replymess := Transaction(Cont_Nlst + ' ' + FListMask); {Send List command}
- if (ReplyNumber > 300) and (ReplyNumber < 600)
- then raise FTPException.Create(Replymess);
- {Raise exception on errors}
- FBytesTotal := GetBytesTotal(Replymess);
- Sck1 := DataSocket.ThisSocket;
- DataSocket.ThisSocket := DataSocket.Accept; {Accept the datasocket}
- WinSock.CloseSocket(Sck1); {Accept the datasocket}
- if Assigned(FTransactionStart) then FTransactionStart(self);
- while not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut or DataSocket.DataAvailable) do
- DataSocket.wait;
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut) then
- repeat
- if DataSocket.DataAvailable then
- begin
- Replymess := DataSocket.Readln;
- if Length(Replymess) > 2 then
- if Replymess[Length(Replymess) - 1] = #13 then
- SetLength(Replymess, Length(Replymess) - 2)
- else {_ NOT if Replymess[Length(Replymess) - 1] = #13 then _} SetLength(Replymess, Length(Replymess) - 1);
- if Assigned(FOnListItem) then FOnListItem(Replymess);
- end {_ if DataAvailable > 0 then read (0); _}
- else {_ NOT if DataAvailable > 0 then read (0); _}
- DataSocket.wait; //Application.ProcessMessages;
- until (((not DataSocket.Connected) or DataAvailable) and (not DataSocket.DataAvailable)) or BeenTimedOut or BeenCanceled; {Capture incoming data}
- {Capture incoming data}
- if Assigned(FTransactionStop) then FTransactionStop(self);
- DataSocket.RequestCloseSocket;
- FBytesTotal := DataSocket.BytesRecvd;
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, (sFTP_Msg_Recvd + IntToStr(BytesTotal) + sFTP_No_Bytes));
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut) then Replymess := Read(0);
- if Replymess = '' then Replymess := '226 Data Transfer successful';
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Replymess);
- if not (BeenCanceled or BeenTimedOut) then ReadExtraLines(Replymess); {Read Extra Lines}
- Done := True;
- finally
- DataSocket.Destroy; {Destroy datasocket}
- DataSocket := nil;
- if Done then if Assigned(FOnSuccess) then FOnSuccess(cmdNList);
- if BeenCanceled then Flush;
- end; {_ try _}
- end; {_ if Connected then _}
- end; {_ procedure TNMFTP.Nlist; _}
- procedure TNMFTP.Reinitialize;
- begin
- DoCommand(Cont_Rein);
- end; {_ procedure TNMFTP.Reinitialize; _}
- procedure TNMFTP.Allocate(FileSize: integer);
- begin
- DoCommand(Cont_Allo + IntToStr(FileSize));
- end; {_ procedure TNMFTP.Allocate(FileSize: Integer); _}
- procedure TNMFTP.CheckRead(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- (*if DataAvailable then
- begin
- { AStr := TMemoryStream(FIstream).Memory;
- if Astr[0] ='4' then
- if AStr[1] = '2' then
- if (AStr[2] ='1') or (AStr[2] ='6') then
- Cancel; }
- end; *)
- end;
- procedure TNMFTP.Flush;
- var STime: TDateTime;
- var Replymess: string;
- begin
- BeenCanceled := False;
- STime := Now;
- repeat
- Replymess := Read(0);
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- until (Replymess <> '') or (Now - STime > 1.1E-5);
- StatusMessage(Status_Informational, Replymess);
- end; {_ procedure TNMFTP.Flush; _}
- end.