资源名称:VQ-DHMM.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // DHMM_WP.cpp:
- // Implementation of the DHMM_WP Module.
- // That is the transform of previous DHMM Code by WangPeng.
- //
- // Created 2001/08, By WangPeng, MDSR.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "DHMM_WP.h"
- #define KMEAN_LOOP_TIME 40
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Private functions
- void kmean(
- double * v,
- double * CodeBook,
- int nTotalFrameNum,
- int nCodeBookSize,
- int n_feature_order
- );
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // API functions
- int DHMM_VQ_Train_Code_Book_WP(
- DYNA_2DIM_DOUBLE_ARRAY d2dda_train_vector,
- int n_train_vector_num,
- int n_code_word_dim,
- DYNA_2DIM_DOUBLE_ARRAY d2dda_initial_codebook, // 如果该指针为NULL,则随机
- // 初始化码本,否则利用该参
- // 作为初始码本
- DYNA_2DIM_DOUBLE_ARRAY d2dda_codebook,
- int n_codebook_size
- )
- {
- double* pd_v; // 一维动态数组形式的训练向量集
- double* pd_codebook; // 一维动态数组形式的码本
- int i, j, n_temp;
- int* pn_codeword_frame_index; // 随机初始化码本时,每个码本在训练向量集中的标号
- int n_codeword_equal_flag; // 随机初始化码本时,两个码本相同的标志
- PRO_LOG("tVQ = WP, K-mean loop time = %4d.n", KMEAN_LOOP_TIME);
- if((pd_v = (double*)new double[n_train_vector_num * n_code_word_dim]) == NULL)
- {
- DEBUG_PRINTF("Allocation of memory for train vectors failed!n");
- ASSERT(0);
- }
- if((pd_codebook = (double*)new double[n_codebook_size * n_code_word_dim]) == NULL)
- {
- DEBUG_PRINTF("Allocation of memory for codebook failed!n");
- ASSERT(0);
- }
- // 因为kmean的训练向量参数集v是一维动态数组,因此要把二维数组拷贝到一维数组中
- for(i=0;i<n_train_vector_num;i++)
- memcpy(pd_v + i * n_code_word_dim, d2dda_train_vector[i], n_code_word_dim * sizeof(double));
- // 若码本d2dda_codebook不为空,则把二维数组表示的码本拷贝到一维数组中
- if(d2dda_initial_codebook != NULL)
- {
- for(i=0;i<n_codebook_size;i++)
- memcpy(pd_codebook + i * n_code_word_dim, d2dda_initial_codebook[i], n_code_word_dim * sizeof(double));
- }
- // 若码本d2dda_codebook为空,则随机初始化码本
- else
- {
- pn_codeword_frame_index=(int *)new int[n_codebook_size];
- // srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) );
- for(i=0;i<n_codebook_size;i++){
- if(i==0){
- n_temp=(int)((double)n_train_vector_num * ((double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX));
- pn_codeword_frame_index[i]=n_temp;
- }
- else{
- n_codeword_equal_flag = 1;
- while(n_codeword_equal_flag == 1){
- pn_codeword_frame_index[i] = n_temp = (int)((double)n_train_vector_num * ((double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX));
- n_codeword_equal_flag = 0;
- for(j=i-1;j>=0;j--){
- if(n_temp == pn_codeword_frame_index[j])
- n_codeword_equal_flag = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- memcpy(pd_codebook + i * n_code_word_dim, pd_v + n_temp * n_code_word_dim, n_code_word_dim * sizeof(double));
- }
- }
- kmean(
- pd_v,
- pd_codebook,
- n_train_vector_num,
- n_codebook_size,
- n_code_word_dim
- );
- for(i=0;i<n_codebook_size;i++)
- {
- memcpy(d2dda_codebook[i], pd_codebook + i * n_code_word_dim, n_code_word_dim * sizeof(double));
- }
- delete pd_v;
- delete pd_codebook;
- delete pn_codeword_frame_index;
- return 0;
- }
- static void kmean(
- double * v, // 用于训练码本的特征向量集
- double * CodeBook, // 码本
- int nTotalFrameNum, // 训练向量总数
- int nCodeBookSize, // 码本大小(码字个数)
- int n_feature_order // 特征(训练向量)维数
- )
- {
- int i,j,k,nTrainCount;
- int nTrainMode; // nTrainMode=0: initialize code book randomly
- // nTrainMode=1: initialize code book from old codebook
- double fTemp;
- double fMinDistance; // minimum of the distances between an training vector frame and all the code words
- double * fSumDistance; // sum of the distances between an training vector frame and all the code words
- double * fMeanFrame; // mean frame feature of all the frames whose minimum reach at the same code word
- int nWordClassFrameNum; // number of frames whose minimum distances reach at the same code word
- double fDistance; // distance between every frame of the training vectors and the current code words
- double * OldCodeBook; // codebook in last iteration
- double fCodeBookDistance; // code book distance between two consecutive iteration
- double fTotalDistortion; // sum of each training vector's quantization distortion
- double fAvgDistortion; // average quantization distortion
- int * nNearestWordIndex; // each training vector frame's nearest nearest code word's index
- int nFlagFeatureEqual; // 0: two feature vectors don't equal, 1: two feature vectors equal
- int nRandFrameIndex; // randomly chosen index of frame feature vector to update code word
- nNearestWordIndex=(int *)new int[nTotalFrameNum];
- OldCodeBook=(double *)new double[nCodeBookSize*n_feature_order];
- fSumDistance=(double *)new double[nCodeBookSize];
- fMeanFrame=(double *)new double[n_feature_order];
- memset(fSumDistance, 0, nCodeBookSize * sizeof(double));
- if(CodeBook != NULL)
- nTrainMode = 1;
- else
- nTrainMode = 0;
- ASSERT(nTrainMode == 1);
- // train code book
- if(nTrainMode==1){ // initialize code book from old codebook
- for(nTrainCount = 0; nTrainCount < KMEAN_LOOP_TIME; nTrainCount++){
- // save code book in last iteration
- memcpy(OldCodeBook, CodeBook, nCodeBookSize*n_feature_order*sizeof(double));
- printf("Training round: %dn", nTrainCount);
- // calculate distances between training vectors and code words and the min-distance code word index
- fAvgDistortion=fTotalDistortion=0.0F;
- for(i=0;i<nTotalFrameNum;i++){
- for(j=0;j<nCodeBookSize;j++){
- fDistance = 0.0F;
- for(k=0;k<n_feature_order;k++){
- fTemp = (*(v+i*n_feature_order+k)) - *(CodeBook+j*n_feature_order+k);
- fDistance += fTemp * fTemp;
- }
- if(j==0){
- fMinDistance = fDistance;
- *(nNearestWordIndex+i) = 0;
- }
- else{
- if( fDistance < fMinDistance ){
- fMinDistance = fDistance;
- *(nNearestWordIndex+i) = j;
- }
- }
- }
- fTotalDistortion += fMinDistance;
- fSumDistance[*(nNearestWordIndex+i)] += fMinDistance;
- }
- fAvgDistortion = fTotalDistortion/(double)nTotalFrameNum;
- DEBUG_PRINTF("Last round's average distortion: %-10fn", fAvgDistortion);
- // update code words
- // srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) );
- for(i=0;i<nCodeBookSize;i++){
- nWordClassFrameNum=1;
- //memcpy(fMeanFrame, CodeBook+i*FEATURE_ORDER, FEATURE_ORDER*sizeof(double));
- memset(fMeanFrame, 0, n_feature_order*sizeof(double));
- for(j=0;j<nTotalFrameNum;j++){
- if( *(nNearestWordIndex+j) == i ){
- for(k=0;k<n_feature_order;k++)
- fMeanFrame[k] += (*(v+j*n_feature_order+k));
- nWordClassFrameNum++;
- }
- }
- // use mean vector to update code word
- if( nWordClassFrameNum>1 )
- for(k=0;k<n_feature_order;k++){
- fMeanFrame[k] /= (nWordClassFrameNum-1);
- *(CodeBook+i*n_feature_order+k) = fMeanFrame[k];
- }
- // use random vector outside the code book to replace the code word
- if( (nWordClassFrameNum==2 && fSumDistance[i] == 0) || nWordClassFrameNum==1 ){
- nFlagFeatureEqual=1;
- while( nFlagFeatureEqual==1 ){
- nRandFrameIndex = (int)((double)nTotalFrameNum * ((double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX));
- for(j=0;j<nCodeBookSize;j++){
- for(k=0;k<n_feature_order;k++){
- if( *(CodeBook+j*n_feature_order+k) - (*(v+nRandFrameIndex*n_feature_order+k)) !=0 ){
- nFlagFeatureEqual=0;
- break;
- }
- }
- if( nFlagFeatureEqual==0 )
- break;
- }
- }
- memcpy(CodeBook+i*n_feature_order, v+nRandFrameIndex*n_feature_order, n_feature_order*sizeof(double));
- }
- }
- // calculate code book distance between this and last iteration
- fCodeBookDistance=0.0;
- for(i=0;i<nCodeBookSize;i++){
- for(j=0;j<n_feature_order;j++){
- fTemp = *(CodeBook+i*n_feature_order+j) - (*(OldCodeBook+i*n_feature_order+j));
- fCodeBookDistance += fTemp * fTemp;
- }
- }
- DEBUG_PRINTF("change of code book: %-10fn", fCodeBookDistance);
- } // end of: for(nTrainCount=0;nTrainCount<40;nTrainCount++)
- } // end of: if(nTrainMode=1)
- PRO_LOG("tLast round's average distortion: %-10fn", fAvgDistortion);
- PRO_LOG("tchange of code book: %-10fn", fCodeBookDistance);
- /*
- else if(nTrainMode==0){ // initialize code book randomly
- nTrainCount=0;
- fCodeBookDistance=1.0;
- while(fCodeBookDistance>1.0e-3){
- // save code book in last iteration
- memcpy(OldCodeBook, CodeBook, nCodeBookSize*n_feature_order*sizeof(double));
- printf("Training round: %dn", nTrainCount);
- // calculate distances between training vectors and code words and the min-distance code word index
- fAvgDistortion=fTotalDistortion=0.0;
- for(i=0;i<nTotalFrameNum;i++){
- for(j=0;j<nCodeBookSize;j++){
- fDistance = 0.0;
- for(k=0;k<n_feature_order;k++){
- fTemp = (*(v+i*n_feature_order+k)) - *(CodeBook+j*n_feature_order+k);
- fDistance += fTemp * fTemp;
- }
- if(j==0){
- fMinDistance = fDistance;
- *(nNearestWordIndex+i) = 0;
- }
- else{
- if( fDistance < fMinDistance ){
- fMinDistance = fDistance;
- *(nNearestWordIndex+i) = j;
- }
- }
- }
- fTotalDistortion += fMinDistance;
- fSumDistance[*(nNearestWordIndex)] += fMinDistance;
- }
- fAvgDistortion = fTotalDistortion/(double)nTotalFrameNum;
- printf("Last round's average distortion: %-10fn", fAvgDistortion);
- // update code words
- srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) );
- for(i=0;i<nCodeBookSize;i++){
- nWordClassFrameNum=1;
- memset(fMeanFrame, 0, n_feature_order*sizeof(double));
- for(j=0;j<nTotalFrameNum;j++){
- if( *(nNearestWordIndex+j) == i ){
- for(k=0;k<n_feature_order;k++)
- fMeanFrame[k] += (*(v+j*n_feature_order+k));
- nWordClassFrameNum++;
- }
- }
- // use mean vector to update code word
- if( nWordClassFrameNum>1 )
- for(k=0;k<n_feature_order;k++){
- fMeanFrame[k] /= (nWordClassFrameNum-1);
- *(CodeBook+i*n_feature_order+k) = fMeanFrame[k];
- }
- // use random vector outside the code book to replace the code word
- if( (nWordClassFrameNum==2 && fSumDistance[i] == 0) || nWordClassFrameNum==1 ){
- nFlagFeatureEqual=1;
- while( nFlagFeatureEqual==1 ){
- nRandFrameIndex = (int)((double)nTotalFrameNum * ((double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX));
- for(j=0;j<nCodeBookSize;j++){
- for(k=0;k<n_feature_order;k++){
- if( *(CodeBook+j*n_feature_order+k) - (*(v+nRandFrameIndex*n_feature_order+k)) !=0 ){
- nFlagFeatureEqual=0;
- break;
- }
- }
- if( nFlagFeatureEqual==0 )
- break;
- }
- }
- memcpy(CodeBook+i*n_feature_order, v+nRandFrameIndex*n_feature_order, n_feature_order*sizeof(double));
- }
- }
- // calculate code book distance between this and last iteration
- fCodeBookDistance=0.0;
- for(i=0;i<nCodeBookSize;i++){
- for(j=0;j<n_feature_order;j++){
- fTemp = *(CodeBook+i*n_feature_order+j) - (*(OldCodeBook+i*n_feature_order+j));
- fCodeBookDistance += fTemp * fTemp;
- }
- }
- printf("change of code book: %-10fn", fCodeBookDistance);
- nTrainCount++;
- } // end of: while(fCodeBookDistance>0){
- } // end of: else if(nTrainMode==0){
- */
- // release memory
- delete fMeanFrame;
- delete fSumDistance;
- delete nNearestWordIndex;
- delete OldCodeBook;
- }