资源名称:realtime.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #include "stdafx.h"
- //#include <windows.h>
- //#include <stdio.h>
- #include "RealTime.h"
- CALine::CALine()
- {
- m_nColor = RGB(0, 0, 0);
- m_nLineStyle = PS_SOLID;
- m_nLineWidth = 0;
- m_pValues = NULL;
- m_sName = "";
- m_sDescription = "";
- m_sUnit = "";
- m_dMin = 0;
- m_dMax = 0;
- m_dScaleLow = 0;
- m_dScaleHigh = 0;
- m_nSize = 0;
- }
- bool CALine::Reset(DWORD size)
- {
- assert(size > 0);
- if (m_pValues) free(m_pValues);
- m_pValues = (CValue*)calloc((size_t)(size + 1), sizeof(CValue));
- if(!m_pValues)
- return false;
- m_nSize = size;
- return true;
- }
- void CALine::AddValue(double& value, DWORD begin, DWORD end)
- {
- if (m_pValues == NULL) return;
- if (end == m_nSize)
- {
- m_pValues[begin].bFlag = 1;
- m_pValues[begin].YValue = value;
- }
- else
- {
- m_pValues[end].bFlag = 1;
- m_pValues[end].YValue = value;
- }
- }
- CRealTime::CRealTime()
- {
- m_bSetingFailed = true;
- m_nMaxPages = 1;
- m_nTimeStart = 0;
- m_nBegin = 0;
- m_nEnd = 0;
- m_nTimes = 0;
- m_nCounter = 1;
- m_nTick = 0;
- m_sHigh = 17;
- m_nPage = 0;
- m_nMaxTime = 0;
- m_nCursorTime = 0;
- m_pValueTime = NULL;
- m_pLineArray = NULL;
- m_pCurLine = NULL;
- m_wdTickLine = 2;
- m_crTickLine = RGB(255, 0, 0);
- m_SpeedLevel[0] = 10000;// 10 seconds (0.1 cycle per second)
- m_SpeedLevel[1] = 5000; // 5 seconds (0.2 cycle per second)
- m_SpeedLevel[2] = 2500; // 2.5 seconds (0.4 cycle per second)
- m_SpeedLevel[3] = 2000; // 2 seconds (0.5 cycle per second)
- m_SpeedLevel[4] = 1000; // 1 seconds (1 cycle per second)
- m_SpeedLevel[5] = 500; // 0.5 seconds (2 cycle per second)
- m_SpeedLevel[6] = 250; // 0.4 seconds (4 cycle per second)
- m_SpeedLevel[7] = 200; // 0.2 seconds (5 cycle per second)
- m_SpeedLevel[8] = 125; // 0.125 seconds(8 cycle per second)
- m_SpeedLevel[9] = 100; // 0.1 second (10 cycle per second)
- m_nSysJS=60000;
- }
- CRealTime::~CRealTime()
- {
- if (m_pLineArray)
- free(m_pLineArray);
- if (m_pValueTime)
- free(m_pValueTime);
- int n = m_LineArray.GetSize();
- for(int i = n-1; i >= 0; i --)
- m_LineArray.RemoveAt(i);
- }
- RECT CRealTime::TickBarSize()
- {
- m_SRect = m_PlotRect;
- = - m_sHigh;
- m_SRect.bottom = + m_sHigh - 1;
- m_SRect.left = m_SRect.left - 7;
- m_SRect.right = m_SRect.right + 7;
- return m_SRect;
- }
- bool CRealTime::SetRange(double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax)
- {
- if (ymax <= ymin)
- return false;
- m_Scale.xmin = xmin;
- m_Scale.ymin = ymin;
- m_Scale.xmax = xmax;
- m_Scale.ymax = ymax;
- return true;
- }
- bool CRealTime::InitialSetting(double CycsPerSec, DWORD StartTime, DWORD TimeSpan,
- DWORD MaxSeconds, int XTick, bool IsForward)
- {
- if (!IsForward && 1000 * TimeSpan > StartTime)
- {
- int ret = MessageBox(NULL, "<1000 * TimeSpan - StartTime> must be positive valuenin initial backward drawing."
- " Changed to foreward drawing?",
- "From InitialSetting() ...", MB_YESNO);
- if (ret == IDYES)
- IsForward = true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- assert(StartTime >= 0);
- assert(TimeSpan >= 30);
- assert(TimeSpan >= (DWORD)XTick);
- assert(MaxSeconds >= TimeSpan);
- MaxSeconds = TimeSpan * (MaxSeconds / TimeSpan);
- assert(CycsPerSec >= 0.09999 && CycsPerSec <= 10.00001f);
- if (MaxSeconds == TimeSpan ) MaxSeconds ++;
- m_nDataPerLine = (DWORD)(0.5 + MaxSeconds * CycsPerSec + 1);
- m_pValueTime = (DWORD*)calloc(m_nDataPerLine, sizeof(DWORD));
- if (!m_pValueTime) return false;
- m_nMaxPages = MaxSeconds / TimeSpan;
- m_nTimeSpan = TimeSpan;
- m_nXTicks = XTick;
- m_nCyclesPerSec = CycsPerSec;
- m_nCounter = (int)CycsPerSec;
- m_bIsForwardDrawing = IsForward;
- m_nSTicks = (int)(0.5 + TimeSpan * CycsPerSec);
- if (IsForward)
- {
- m_Scale.xmin = StartTime;
- m_Scale.xmax = StartTime + 1000. * TimeSpan;
- }
- else
- {
- m_Scale.xmin = StartTime - 1000. * TimeSpan;
- m_Scale.xmax = StartTime;
- }
- assert(m_Scale.xmin >= 0);
- assert(m_Scale.xmax >= 0);
- assert(m_Scale.xmax - m_Scale.xmin > 0);
- m_TimeToDraw = (DWORD)(0.5 + (m_Scale.xmax - m_Scale.xmin) / 1000 * m_nCyclesPerSec + 1);
- m_pLineArray = (POINT*)calloc(m_TimeToDraw, sizeof(POINT));
- if (!m_pLineArray)
- {
- free(m_pValueTime);
- return false;
- }
- m_nMin = (DWORD)m_Scale.xmin;
- m_nMax = (DWORD)m_Scale.xmax;
- SetTimeRange(m_nMin, m_nMax);
- m_bAutoScrollX = true;
- EnableLegend(false);
- m_bLegendShadow = false;
- return true;
- }
- void CRealTime::SetTimeRange(DWORD FromTime, DWORD ToTime)
- {
- assert(ToTime - FromTime > 0);
- m_Scale.xmin = FromTime;
- m_Scale.xmax = ToTime;
- m_Scale.dx = (m_Scale.xmax - m_Scale.xmin) / PX;
- }
- void CRealTime::Reset()
- {
- if (m_bAutoScrollX)
- SetTimeRange(m_nMin, m_nMax);
- else
- {
- if (m_nEnd == m_nDataPerLine)
- m_nFrom = m_nBegin + m_nPage * (m_TimeToDraw - 1);
- else
- m_nFrom = m_nBegin + m_nPage * (m_TimeToDraw - 1); // -1 ;
- m_nFrom %= m_nDataPerLine;
- m_nTo = m_nFrom + m_TimeToDraw - 1;
- m_nTo %= m_nDataPerLine;
- SetTimeRange(m_pValueTime[m_nFrom], m_pValueTime[m_nTo]);
- }
- }
- bool CRealTime::AddALine(COLORREF color, double low, double high,
- const char* name, const char* desc, const char* unit,
- double min, double max, int style, int width)
- {
- m_LineArray.Add(m_line);
- int n = m_LineArray.GetSize() - 1;
- // support only three styles : PS_SOLID, PS_DASH, PS_DOT
- if (style < PS_SOLID) style = PS_SOLID;
- if (style > PS_DOT) style = PS_DOT;
- m_LineArray[n].m_nColor = color;
- m_LineArray[n].m_dScaleLow = low;
- m_LineArray[n].m_dScaleHigh = high;
- m_LineArray[n].m_sName = name;
- m_LineArray[n].m_sDescription = desc;
- m_LineArray[n].m_sUnit = unit;
- m_LineArray[n].m_dMin = min;
- m_LineArray[n].m_dMax = max;
- m_LineArray[n].m_nLineStyle = style;
- m_LineArray[n].m_nLineWidth = width;
- if (!m_LineArray[n].Reset(m_nDataPerLine))
- {
- m_LineArray.RemoveAt(n);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool CRealTime::InsertALine(int index, COLORREF color, double low, double high,
- const char* name, const char* desc, const char* unit,
- double min, double max, int style, int width)
- {
- int n = m_LineArray.GetSize();
- if (index < 0 || index > n)
- return false;
- m_LineArray.InsertAt(index, m_line);
- if (style < PS_SOLID) style = PS_SOLID;
- if (style > PS_DOT) style = PS_DOT;
- m_LineArray[index].m_nColor = color;
- m_LineArray[index].m_dScaleLow = low;
- m_LineArray[index].m_dScaleHigh = high;
- m_LineArray[index].m_sName = name;
- m_LineArray[index].m_sDescription = desc;
- m_LineArray[index].m_sUnit = unit;
- m_LineArray[index].m_dMin = min;
- m_LineArray[index].m_dMax = max;
- m_LineArray[index].m_nLineStyle = style;
- m_LineArray[index].m_nLineWidth = width;
- if (!m_LineArray[index].Reset(m_nDataPerLine))
- {
- m_LineArray.RemoveAt(index);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool CRealTime::RemoveALine(int Index)
- {
- int n = m_LineArray.GetSize();
- if (n <= 0 || n <= Index)
- return false;
- m_LineArray.RemoveAt(Index);
- return true;
- }
- void CRealTime::DrawXAxisTimeTicks(int x, int y, DWORD& ticks)
- {
- sprintf(m_sTempStr, "%d:%d:%d", ticks/3600, (ticks/60)%60, ticks%60);
- PrintString(x, y, 0, m_sTempStr);
- }
- void CRealTime::XAxis()
- {
- int j=0,k=6;
- m_nStep = (m_TimeToDraw > m_nEnd) ? m_nEnd : m_TimeToDraw;
- for(int i = 0; i < m_nStep; i ++)
- {
- DWORD sec = (DWORD)(m_Scale.xmin + i * 1000 / m_nCyclesPerSec + 0.5);
- xb = xe = (int)(GL + (sec - m_Scale.xmin) / m_Scale.dx);
- if ((sec % 1000) == 0 && ((sec / 1000) % (m_nTimeSpan / m_nXTicks)) == 0)
- {
- j++;
- if (i == 0)
- SetStringAlign(LEFT, TOP);
- else if (i >= m_nStep - (int)m_nCyclesPerSec - 1 && m_TimeToDraw <= m_nEnd)
- {
- SetStringAlign(RIGHT, TOP);
- if(j==7) {
- m_nSysJS=m_nSysTime;
- k=7;
- }
- }
- else
- SetStringAlign(CENTER, TOP);
- ye = GB + m_bM / 7;
- DWORD ticks = (m_nSysJS-m_nSysJG*5*(k-j)+15) / 1000;
- DrawXAxisTimeTicks(xb, GB + m_bM / 5, ticks);
- }
- else
- ye = GB + m_bM / 14;
- yb=GB;
- if (!(sec % 1000) && i > 0 && i < m_nStep - 1)
- DrawLine(xb, yb, xe, ye);
- }
- PrintTime();
- }
- void CRealTime::Grid()
- {
- HPEN hPen = ::CreatePen(PS_DOT, 0, m_nGridColor);
- HPEN hOldPen = (HPEN)::SelectObject(m_hDC, hPen);
- m_nStep = (m_TimeToDraw > m_nEnd) ? m_nEnd : m_TimeToDraw;
- for(int i = 0; i < m_nStep; i ++)
- {
- DWORD sec = (DWORD)(m_Scale.xmin + i * 1000 / m_nCyclesPerSec + 0.5);
- xb = xe = (int)(GL + (sec - m_Scale.xmin) / m_Scale.dx);
- if (xb == GL)
- xb = xe = GL + 1;
- if ((sec % 1000) == 0 && ((sec / 1000) % (m_nTimeSpan / m_nXTicks)) == 0)
- DrawLine(xb, GT + 1, xe, GB - 1);
- }
- for(i = 1; i < YGridTicks; i ++)
- {
- yb = ye = GT + (int)(1.0 * i * (GB-GT) / YGridTicks);
- DrawLine(GL + 1, yb, GR - 1, ye);
- }
- ::SelectObject(m_hDC, hOldPen);
- ::DeleteObject(hPen);
- }
- void CRealTime::DrawRealTimeLines()
- {
- int n = m_LineArray.GetSize();
- if (m_bLegendShadow)
- DrawShadow(n);
- for(int i = 0; i < n; i ++)
- {
- m_pCurLine = &m_LineArray[i];
- DrawCurrentLine();
- if (m_bEnableLegend)
- {
- m_CurPen = ::CreatePen(m_pCurLine->m_nLineStyle, m_pCurLine->m_nLineWidth, m_pCurLine->m_nColor);
- m_OldPen = (HPEN)::SelectObject(m_hDC, m_CurPen);
- CGraphics::Legend(m_pCurLine->m_nColor, i + 1, m_pCurLine->m_sName.GetChar());
- ::SelectObject(m_hDC, m_OldPen);
- ::DeleteObject(m_CurPen);
- }
- }
- DrawTickLine();
- }
- void CRealTime::DrawCurrentLine()
- {
- if (m_nEnd < 2)
- return;
- m_CurPen = ::CreatePen(m_pCurLine->m_nLineStyle, m_pCurLine->m_nLineWidth, m_pCurLine->m_nColor);
- m_OldPen = (HPEN)::SelectObject(m_hDC, m_CurPen);
- m_nP = 0;
- DWORD nB, nE;
- if (m_bAutoScrollX)
- {
- nB = m_nBegin;
- nE = m_nEnd;
- // forward drawing: something like "*******------"
- // or "------******------", or "------******"
- if (nB == 0 && nE <= m_TimeToDraw)
- {
- m_nTimeStart = nB;
- ForwardDraw(nB, nE);
- }
- else if (nB == 0 && nE > m_TimeToDraw)
- {
- nB = nE - m_TimeToDraw;
- m_nTimeStart = nB;
- ForwardDraw(nB, nE);
- }
- else if (nB >= m_TimeToDraw)
- {
- m_nTimeStart = nB - m_TimeToDraw;
- ForwardDraw(nB - m_TimeToDraw, nB);
- }
- // backward drawing: something like "******--------******"
- else
- {
- m_nTimeStart = nE - m_TimeToDraw + nB;
- BackwardDraw(nB, nE);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- nB = m_nFrom;
- nE = m_nTo + 1;
- if (nB <= m_nDataPerLine - m_TimeToDraw)
- {
- ForwardDraw(nB, nE);
- }
- else
- {
- ForwardDraw(nB, m_nDataPerLine);
- ForwardDraw(0, nE);
- }
- }
- if(m_nP > 1)
- ::Polyline(m_hDC, m_pLineArray, m_nP);
- ::SelectObject(m_hDC, m_OldPen);
- ::DeleteObject(m_CurPen);
- }
- int CRealTime::ForwardDraw(int nB, int nE)
- {
- for(int i = nB; i < nE; i ++)
- {
- if (m_pCurLine->m_pValues[i].bFlag)
- {
- m_Pt.x = (int)(GL + ((m_pValueTime[i] - m_Scale.xmin) / m_Scale.dx));
- m_Pt.y = (int)(GB - ((m_pCurLine->m_pValues[i].YValue - m_Scale.ymin) / m_Scale.dy));
- if(m_Pt.x >= GL && m_Pt.x <= GR)
- {
- assert(m_nP<m_nDataPerLine);
- m_pLineArray[m_nP].x = m_Pt.x;
- m_pLineArray[m_nP].y = m_Pt.y;
- m_nP++;
- }
- else // something wrong
- assert(false);
- }
- }
- return m_nP;
- }
- int CRealTime::BackwardDraw(int nB, int nE)
- {
- //-----------------------------******
- ForwardDraw(nE - m_TimeToDraw + nB, nE);
- nE = nB;
- nB = 0;
- //******-----------------------------
- ForwardDraw(nB, nE);
- return m_nP;
- }
- void CRealTime::UpdateTimeRange(DWORD& vtime)
- {
- if ((int)m_nCyclesPerSec == 0)
- m_nTimes += (int)(0.5 + 1 / m_nCyclesPerSec);
- else
- {
- if (m_nCounter == (int)m_nCyclesPerSec)
- {
- m_nTimes ++;
- m_nCounter = 1;
- }
- else
- m_nCounter ++;
- }
- if (m_nEnd == m_nDataPerLine)
- {
- if (m_nBegin == m_nDataPerLine) m_nBegin = 0;
- m_pValueTime[m_nBegin++] = vtime;
- }
- else
- m_pValueTime[m_nEnd++] = vtime;
- if (vtime > (DWORD)m_Scale.xmax)
- {
- DWORD span = (DWORD)(m_Scale.xmax - m_Scale.xmin);
- m_nMin = vtime - span;
- m_nMax = vtime;
- }
- if(m_bAutoScrollX)
- SetTimeRange(m_nMin, m_nMax);
- else
- {
- m_nFrom ++;
- m_nTo ++;
- if (m_nFrom == m_nDataPerLine)
- m_nFrom = 0;
- if (m_nTo == m_nDataPerLine)
- m_nTo = 0;
- SetTimeRange(m_pValueTime[m_nFrom], m_pValueTime[m_nTo]);
- }
- }
- DWORD CRealTime::GetCursorTime()
- {
- DWORD time;
- if (m_bAutoScrollX)
- {
- if (m_nEnd < (int)m_TimeToDraw)
- {
- time = m_pValueTime[m_nTick];
- }
- else if (m_nEnd < m_nDataPerLine)
- {
- time = m_pValueTime[m_nEnd - m_TimeToDraw + m_nTick];
- }
- else
- {
- int tv = m_nDataPerLine - m_nSTicks + m_nBegin + m_nTick - 1;
- tv %= m_nDataPerLine;
- time = m_pValueTime[tv];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- int tv = m_nFrom % m_nDataPerLine;
- tv += m_nTick;
- tv %= m_nDataPerLine;
- time = m_pValueTime[tv];
- }
- return time;
- }
- int CRealTime::GetCursorTimeAndIndex(DWORD& time)
- {
- int Index;
- if (m_bAutoScrollX)
- {
- if (m_nEnd < (int)m_TimeToDraw)
- {
- Index = m_nTick;
- time = m_pValueTime[Index];
- }
- else if (m_nEnd < m_nDataPerLine)
- {
- Index = m_nEnd - m_TimeToDraw + m_nTick;
- time = m_pValueTime[Index];
- }
- else
- {
- int tv = m_nDataPerLine - m_nSTicks + m_nBegin + m_nTick - 1;
- tv %= m_nDataPerLine;
- Index = tv;
- time = m_pValueTime[Index];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- int tv = m_nFrom % m_nDataPerLine;
- tv += m_nTick;
- tv %= m_nDataPerLine;
- Index = tv;
- time = m_pValueTime[Index];
- }
- return Index;
- }
- void CRealTime::Redraw(HWND hWnd)
- {
- RECT rt;
- rt.left = GL;
- = GT - 1;
- rt.right = GR;
- rt.bottom = m_Rect.bottom - 1;
- ::InvalidateRect(hWnd, &rt, FALSE);
- }
- void CRealTime::DrawTickLine()
- {
- POINT pt;
- if (m_nEnd < (int)m_TimeToDraw)
- {
- if (m_nTick == 0) return;
- else if (!m_bIsForwardDrawing)
- pt.x = GR - 1;
- else
- pt.x = GL + PX * (m_nTick - 1) / (m_TimeToDraw - 1);
- }
- else
- pt.x = GL + PX * m_nTick / (m_TimeToDraw - 1);
- if (pt.x == GL)
- pt.x ++;
- if (pt.x == GR)
- pt.x --;
- pt.y = GT + 1;
- m_CurPen = ::CreatePen(PS_SOLID, m_wdTickLine, RGB(0, 0, 0));
- m_OldPen = (HPEN)::SelectObject(m_hDC, m_CurPen);
- ::MoveToEx(m_hDC, pt.x + 1, pt.y, NULL);
- pt.y = GB - 1;
- ::LineTo(m_hDC, pt.x + 1, pt.y);
- ::SelectObject(m_hDC, m_OldPen);
- ::DeleteObject(m_CurPen);
- m_CurPen = ::CreatePen(PS_SOLID, m_wdTickLine, m_crTickLine);
- m_OldPen = (HPEN)::SelectObject(m_hDC, m_CurPen);
- ::MoveToEx(m_hDC, pt.x, pt.y, NULL);
- pt.y = GT + 1;
- ::LineTo(m_hDC, pt.x, pt.y);
- ::SelectObject(m_hDC, m_OldPen);
- ::DeleteObject(m_CurPen);
- }
- void CRealTime::SetPrintTime(DWORD time, int flag)
- {
- if (flag == MaxTime)
- m_nMaxTime = time / 1000;
- else
- m_nCursorTime = time / 1000;
- }
- void CRealTime::PrintTime()
- {
- int n = 5;
- if (m_bPrinting) n *= m_nPrintScale;
- n = m_Rect.bottom - n - 1;
- SetStringAlign(LEFT, BOTTOM);
- ShowTime(GL, n, "Cursor time", m_nCursorTime);
- SetStringAlign(RIGHT, BOTTOM);
- ShowTime(GR, n, "Total lapse time", m_nMaxTime);
- }
- void CRealTime::ShowTime(int x, int y, const char* Tag, DWORD& cTime)
- {
- if (m_nCyclesPerSec > 0.9999 && m_nCyclesPerSec < 1.0001)
- sprintf(m_sTempStr, "%s (%d:%d:%d)", Tag,
- cTime / 3600, (cTime / 60) % 60, cTime % 60);
- else
- sprintf(m_sTempStr, "%s (%d:%d:%d / %d:%d:%d)", Tag,
- ((DWORD)(m_nCyclesPerSec * cTime)) / 3600,
- (((DWORD)(m_nCyclesPerSec * cTime)) / 60) % 60,
- ((DWORD)(m_nCyclesPerSec * cTime)) % 60,
- cTime / 3600, (cTime / 60) % 60, cTime % 60);
- PrintString(x, y, 0, m_sTempStr);
- }