- /* This software was developed at the National Institute of Standards and
- * Technology by employees of the Federal Government in the course of
- * their official duties. Pursuant to title 17 Section 105 of the United
- * States Code this software is not subject to copyright protection and
- * is in the public domain.
- * NIST assumes no responsibility whatsoever for its use by other parties,
- * and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality,
- * reliability, or any other characteristic.
- * <BR>
- * We would appreciate acknowledgement if the software is used.
- * <BR>
- * </PRE></P>
- * @author rouil
- */
- #include "ofdmphy.h"
- #include "mac802_16pkt.h"
- //#define DEBUG_WIMAX 1
- /**
- * Tcl hook for creating the physical layer
- */
- static class OFDMPhyClass: public TclClass {
- public:
- OFDMPhyClass() : TclClass("Phy/WirelessPhy/OFDM") {}
- TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
- return (new OFDMPhy);
- }
- } class_OfdmPhy;
- OFDMPhy::OFDMPhy() : WirelessPhy()
- {
- //bind attributes
- bind ("g_", &g_);
- //bind ("rtg_", &rtg_);
- //bind ("ttg_", &ttg_);
- //bind ("fbandwidth_", &fbandwidth_);
- //default modulation is BPSK
- modulation_ = OFDM_BPSK_1_2;
- Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance();
- tcl.evalf("Mac/802_16 set fbandwidth_");
- fbandwidth_ = atof (tcl.result());
- state_ = OFDM_IDLE;
- activated_ = true;
- updateFs ();
- }
- /*
- * Activate node
- */
- void OFDMPhy::node_on ()
- {
- activated_ = true;
- }
- /*
- * Deactivate node
- */
- void OFDMPhy::node_off ()
- {
- activated_ = false;
- }
- /**
- * Change the frequency at which the phy is operating
- * @param freq The new frequency
- */
- void OFDMPhy::setFrequency (double freq)
- {
- freq_ = freq;
- lambda_ = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / freq_;
- }
- /**
- * Set the new modulation for the physical layer
- */
- void OFDMPhy::setModulation (Ofdm_mod_rate modulation) {
- modulation_ = modulation;
- }
- /**
- * Return the current modulation
- */
- Ofdm_mod_rate OFDMPhy::getModulation () {
- return modulation_;
- }
- /**
- * Set the new transmitting power
- */
- void OFDMPhy::setTxPower (double power) {
- Pt_ = power;
- }
- /**
- * Return the current transmitting power
- */
- double OFDMPhy::getTxPower () {
- return getPt();
- }
- /**
- * Update the PS information
- */
- void OFDMPhy::updateFs () {
- /* The PS=4*Fs with Fs=floor (n.BW/8000)*8000
- * and n=8/7 is channel bandwidth multiple of 1.75Mhz
- * n=86/75 is channel bandwidth multiple of 1.5Mhz
- * n=144/125 is channel bandwidth multiple of 1.25Mhz
- * n=316/275 is channel bandwidth multiple of 2.75Mhz
- * n=57/50 is channel bandwidth multiple of 2.0Mhz
- * n=8/7 for all other cases
- */
- double n;
- if (((int) (fbandwidth_ / 1.75)) * 1.75 == fbandwidth_) {
- n = 8.0/7;
- } else if (((int) (fbandwidth_ / 1.5)) * 1.5 == fbandwidth_) {
- n = 86.0/75;
- } else if (((int) (fbandwidth_ / 1.25)) * 1.25 == fbandwidth_) {
- n = 144.0/125;
- } else if (((int) (fbandwidth_ / 2.75)) * 2.75 == fbandwidth_) {
- n = 316.0/275;
- } else if (((int) (fbandwidth_ / 2.0)) * 2.0 == fbandwidth_) {
- n = 57.0/50;
- } else {
- n = 8.0/7;
- }
- fs_ = floor (n*fbandwidth_/8000) * 8000;
- #ifdef DEBUG_WIMAX
- printf ("Fs updated. Bw=%f, n=%f, new value is %en", fbandwidth_, n, fs_);
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Compute the transmission time for a packet of size sdusize and
- * using the given modulation
- * @param sdusize Size in bytes of the data to send
- * @param mod The modulation to use
- */
- double OFDMPhy::getTrxTime (int sdusize, Ofdm_mod_rate mod) {
- //we compute the number of symbols required
- int nb_symbols, bpsymb;
- switch (mod) {
- case OFDM_BPSK_1_2:
- bpsymb = OFDM_BPSK_1_2_bpsymb;
- break;
- case OFDM_QPSK_1_2:
- bpsymb = OFDM_QPSK_1_2_bpsymb;
- break;
- case OFDM_QPSK_3_4:
- bpsymb = OFDM_QPSK_3_4_bpsymb;
- break;
- case OFDM_16QAM_1_2:
- bpsymb = OFDM_16QAM_1_2_bpsymb;
- break;
- case OFDM_16QAM_3_4:
- bpsymb = OFDM_16QAM_3_4_bpsymb;
- break;
- case OFDM_64QAM_2_3:
- bpsymb = OFDM_64QAM_2_3_bpsymb;
- break;
- case OFDM_64QAM_3_4:
- bpsymb = OFDM_64QAM_3_4_bpsymb;
- break;
- default:
- printf ("Error: unknown modulation: method getTrxTime in file ofdmphy.ccn");
- exit (1);
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG_WIMAX
- printf ("Nb symbols=%dn", (int) (ceil(((double)sdusize*8)/bpsymb)));
- #endif
- nb_symbols = (int) (ceil(((double)sdusize*8)/bpsymb));
- return (nb_symbols*getSymbolTime ());
- }
- /*
- * Return the maximum size in bytes that can be sent for the given
- * nb symbols and modulation
- */
- int OFDMPhy::getMaxPktSize (double nbsymbols, Ofdm_mod_rate mod)
- {
- int bpsymb;
- switch (mod) {
- case OFDM_BPSK_1_2:
- bpsymb = OFDM_BPSK_1_2_bpsymb;
- break;
- case OFDM_QPSK_1_2:
- bpsymb = OFDM_QPSK_1_2_bpsymb;
- break;
- case OFDM_QPSK_3_4:
- bpsymb = OFDM_QPSK_3_4_bpsymb;
- break;
- case OFDM_16QAM_1_2:
- bpsymb = OFDM_16QAM_1_2_bpsymb;
- break;
- case OFDM_16QAM_3_4:
- bpsymb = OFDM_16QAM_3_4_bpsymb;
- break;
- case OFDM_64QAM_2_3:
- bpsymb = OFDM_64QAM_2_3_bpsymb;
- break;
- case OFDM_64QAM_3_4:
- bpsymb = OFDM_64QAM_3_4_bpsymb;
- break;
- default:
- printf ("Error: unknown modulation: method getTrxTime in file ofdmphy.ccn");
- exit (1);
- }
- return (int)(nbsymbols*bpsymb)/8;
- }
- /**
- * Return the OFDM symbol duration time
- */
- double OFDMPhy::getSymbolTime ()
- {
- //printf ("fs=%e, Subcarrier spacing=%en", fs_, fs_/((double)NFFT));
- return (1+g_)*((double)NFFT)/fs_;
- }
- /*
- * Set the mode for physical layer
- * The Mac layer is in charge of know when to change the state by
- * request the delay for the Rx2Tx and Tx2Rx
- */
- void OFDMPhy::setMode (Ofdm_phy_state mode)
- {
- state_ = mode;
- }
- /* Redefine the method for sending a packet
- * Add physical layer information
- * @param p The packet to be sent
- */
- void OFDMPhy::sendDown(Packet *p)
- {
- hdr_mac802_16* wph = HDR_MAC802_16(p);
- /* Check phy status */
- if (state_ != OFDM_SEND) {
- printf ("Warning: OFDM not in sending state. Drop packet.n");
- Packet::free (p);
- return;
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG_WIMAX
- printf ("OFDM phy sending packet. Modulation is %d, cyclic prefix is %fn",
- modulation_, g_);
- #endif
- wph->phy_info.freq_ = freq_;
- wph->phy_info.modulation_ = modulation_;
- wph->phy_info.g_ = g_;
- //the packet can be sent
- WirelessPhy::sendDown (p);
- }
- /* Redefine the method for receiving a packet
- * Add physical layer information
- * @param p The packet to be sent
- */
- int OFDMPhy::sendUp(Packet *p)
- {
- hdr_mac802_16* wph = HDR_MAC802_16(p);
- if (!activated_)
- return 0;
- if (freq_ != wph->phy_info.freq_) {
- #ifdef DEBUG_WIMAX
- printf ("drop packet because frequency is different (%f, %f)n", freq_,wph->phy_info.freq_);
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- /* Check phy status */
- if (state_ != OFDM_RECV) {
- #ifdef DEBUG_WIMAX
- printf ("Warning: OFDM phy not in receiving state. Drop packet.n");
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG_WIMAX
- printf ("OFDM phy receiving packet with mod=%d and cp=%fn", wph->phy_info.modulation_,wph->phy_info.g_);
- #endif
- //the packet can be received
- return WirelessPhy::sendUp (p);
- }