- /* This software was developed at the National Institute of Standards and
- * Technology by employees of the Federal Government in the course of
- * their official duties. Pursuant to title 17 Section 105 of the United
- * States Code this software is not subject to copyright protection and
- * is in the public domain.
- * NIST assumes no responsibility whatsoever for its use by other parties,
- * and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality,
- * reliability, or any other characteristic.
- * <BR>
- * We would appreciate acknowledgement if the software is used.
- * <BR>
- * </PRE></P>
- * @author rouil
- */
- #include "wimaxscheduler.h"
- #include "scanningstation.h"
- #define INIT_DL_DURATION 20 //enough for DL_MAP, UL_MAP, DCD, UCD and some RNG-RSP
- #define MIN_CONTENTION_SIZE 5 //minimum number of opportunity for allocation
- /** Information about a new client */
- struct new_client_t {
- int cid; //primary cid of new client
- new_client_t *next;
- };
- class T17Element;
- LIST_HEAD (t17element, T17Element);
- /** Object to handle timer t17 */
- class T17Element {
- public:
- T17Element (Mac802_16 *mac, int index) {
- index_ = index;
- timer = new WimaxT17Timer (mac, index);
- timer->start (mac->macmib_.t17_timeout);
- }
- ~T17Element () { delete (timer); }
- int index () { return index_; }
- int paused () { return timer->paused(); }
- void cancel () { timer->stop(); }
- // Chain element to the list
- inline void insert_entry(struct t17element *head) {
- LIST_INSERT_HEAD(head, this, link);
- }
- // Return next element in the chained list
- T17Element* next_entry(void) const { return link.le_next; }
- // Remove the entry from the list
- inline void remove_entry() {
- LIST_REMOVE(this, link);
- }
- protected:
- /*
- * Pointer to next in the list
- */
- LIST_ENTRY(T17Element) link;
- //LIST_ENTRY(T17Element); //for magic draw
- private:
- int index_;
- WimaxT17Timer *timer;
- };
- class FastRangingInfo;
- LIST_HEAD (fastRangingInfo, FastRangingInfo);
- /** Store information about a fast ranging request to send */
- class FastRangingInfo {
- public:
- FastRangingInfo (int frame, int macAddr) {
- frame_ = frame;
- macAddr_ = macAddr;
- }
- int frame () { return frame_; }
- int macAddr () { return macAddr_; }
- // Chain element to the list
- inline void insert_entry(struct fastRangingInfo *head) {
- LIST_INSERT_HEAD(head, this, link);
- }
- // Return next element in the chained list
- FastRangingInfo* next_entry(void) const { return link.le_next; }
- // Remove the entry from the list
- inline void remove_entry() {
- LIST_REMOVE(this, link);
- }
- protected:
- /*
- * Pointer to next in the list
- */
- LIST_ENTRY(FastRangingInfo) link;
- //LIST_ENTRY(FastRangingInfo); //for magic draw
- private:
- int frame_;
- int macAddr_;
- };
- class WimaxCtrlAgent;
- /**
- * Class BSScheduler
- * Implement the packet scheduler on the BS side
- */
- class BSScheduler : public WimaxScheduler {
- //friend class SendTimer;
- public:
- /*
- * Create a scheduler
- */
- BSScheduler ();
- /*
- * Interface with the TCL script
- * @param argc The number of parameter
- * @param argv The list of parameters
- */
- int command(int argc, const char*const* argv);
- /**
- * Process a packet received by the Mac. Only scheduling related packets should be sent here (BW request, UL_MAP...)
- * @param p The packet to process
- */
- void process (Packet * p);
- /**
- * Return the type of STA this scheduler is good for
- */
- virtual station_type_t getNodeType ();
- /**
- * Initializes the scheduler
- */
- virtual void init ();
- /**
- * Called when a timer expires
- * @param The timer ID
- */
- virtual void expire (timer_id id);
- /**
- * Start a new DL subframe
- */
- virtual void start_dlsubframe ();
- /**
- * Start a new UL subframe
- */
- virtual void start_ulsubframe ();
- /**
- * Finds out if the given station is currently scanning
- * @param nodeid The MS id
- */
- bool isPeerScanning (int nodeid);
- /**
- * Set the control agent
- * @param agent The control agent
- */
- void setCtrlAgent (WimaxCtrlAgent *agent);
- /** Add a new Fast Ranging allocation
- * @param time The time when to allocate data
- * @param macAddr The MN address
- */
- void addNewFastRanging (double time, int macAddr);
- /**
- * Send a scan response to the MN
- * @param rsp The response from the control
- * @cid The CID for the MN
- */
- void send_scan_response (mac802_16_mob_scn_rsp_frame *rsp, int cid);
- protected:
- /**
- * Default modulation
- */
- Ofdm_mod_rate default_mod_;
- /**
- * Number of transmission opportunity for initial ranging
- * and bw request (i.e contention slots)
- */
- int contention_size_;
- /**
- * Compute and return the bandwidth request opportunity size
- * @return The bandwidth request opportunity size
- */
- int getBWopportunity ();
- /**
- * Compute and return the initial ranging opportunity size
- * @return The initial ranging opportunity size
- */
- int getInitRangingopportunity ();
- private:
- /**
- * Process a RNG-REQ message
- * @param frame The ranging request information
- */
- void process_ranging_req (Packet *p);
- /**
- * Process bandwidth request
- * @param p The request
- */
- void process_bw_req (Packet *p);
- /**
- * Process bandwidth request
- * @param p The request
- */
- void process_reg_req (Packet *p);
- /**
- * Process handover request
- * @param req The request
- */
- void process_msho_req (Packet *req);
- /**
- * Process handover indication
- * @param p The indication
- */
- void process_ho_ind (Packet *p);
- /**
- * Send a neighbor advertisement message
- */
- void send_nbr_adv ();
- /**
- * Add a new timer 17 for client
- * @param index The client address
- */
- void addtimer17 (int index);
- /**
- * Cancel and remove the timer17 associated with the node
- * @param index The client address
- */
- void removetimer17 (int index);
- struct new_client_t *cl_head_;
- struct new_client_t *cl_tail_;
- struct t17element t17_head_;
- /**
- * The index of the last SS that had bandwidth allocation
- */
- int bw_node_index_;
- /**
- * The node that had the last bandwidth allocation
- */
- PeerNode *bw_peer_;
- /**
- * Timer for DCD
- */
- WimaxDCDTimer *dcdtimer_;
- /**
- * Timer for UCD
- */
- WimaxUCDTimer *ucdtimer_;
- /**
- * Timer for MOB-NBR_ADV messages
- */
- WimaxMobNbrAdvTimer *nbradvtimer_;
- /**
- * Indicates if it is time to send a DCD message
- */
- bool sendDCD;
- int dlccc_;
- bool sendUCD;
- int ulccc_;
- /**
- * List of station in scanning
- */
- struct scanningStation scan_stations_;
- /**
- * The Wimax control for BS synchronization
- */
- WimaxCtrlAgent *ctrlagent_;
- /**
- * List of the upcoming Fast Ranging allocation
- */
- struct fastRangingInfo fast_ranging_head_;
- };
- #endif //BSSCHEDULER_H