- /* This software was developed at the National Institute of Standards and
- * Technology by employees of the Federal Government in the course of
- * their official duties. Pursuant to title 17 Section 105 of the United
- * States Code this software is not subject to copyright protection and
- * is in the public domain.
- * NIST assumes no responsibility whatsoever for its use by other parties,
- File * and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality,
- * reliability, or any other characteristic.
- * <BR>
- * We would appreciate acknowledgement if the software is used.
- * <BR>
- * </PRE></P>
- * @author rouil
- */
- #include "framemap.h"
- #include "wimaxscheduler.h"
- #include "ulburst.h"
- #include "dlburst.h"
- /*
- * Creates a map of the frame
- * @param mac Pointer to the mac layer
- */
- FrameMap::FrameMap (Mac802_16 *mac): dlsubframe_(this), ulsubframe_(this)
- {
- assert (mac);
- mac_ = mac;
- //retreive information from mac
- rtg_ = mac_->phymib_.rtg;
- ttg_ = mac_->phymib_.ttg;
- duration_ = mac_->getFrameDuration();
- }
- /**
- * Compute the DL_MAP packet based on the information contained in the structure
- */
- Packet* FrameMap::getDL_MAP( )
- {
- Packet *p = mac_->getPacket();
- hdr_cmn* ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- //printf ("Creating DL_MAP:");
- int nbies = dlsubframe_.getPdu()->getNbBurst();
- //printf ("nbies=%dn",nbies);
- //allocate data for DL_MAP
- p->allocdata (sizeof (struct mac802_16_dl_map_frame));
- mac802_16_dl_map_frame *frame = (mac802_16_dl_map_frame*) p->accessdata();
- frame->type = MAC_DL_MAP;
- frame->bsid = mac_->addr();
- frame->nb_ies = nbies;
- //allocate IEs
- mac802_16_dlmap_ie *ies = frame->ies;
- for (int i = 0 ; i < nbies ; i++) {
- Burst *b = dlsubframe_.getPdu()->getBurst(i);
- ies[i].diuc = b->getIUC();
- ies[i].start_time = b->getStarttime();
- if (b->getIUC()!=DIUC_END_OF_MAP) {
- ies[i].cid = b->getCid();
- if (i==0)
- ies[i].preamble = dlsubframe_.getPdu()->getPreamble();
- else
- ies[i].preamble = 0;
- }
- }
- ch->size() += GET_DL_MAP_SIZE(nbies);
- return p;
- }
- /**
- * Compute and return the DCD frame
- */
- Packet* FrameMap::getDCD( )
- {
- Packet *p = mac_->getPacket ();
- hdr_cmn* ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- //allocate data for DL_MAP
- //printf ("getDCD...nbprofile=%dn", dlsubframe_.getNbProfile());
- p->allocdata (sizeof (struct mac802_16_dcd_frame));
- mac802_16_dcd_frame *frame = (mac802_16_dcd_frame*) p->accessdata();
- frame->type = MAC_DCD;
- frame->dcid = mac_->addr(); //to check if needs to be different from ucid
- frame->config_change_count = dlsubframe_.getCCC();
- frame->frame_duration_code = mac_->getFrameDurationCode ();
- frame->frame_number = mac_->frame_number_;
- frame->nb_prof = dlsubframe_.getNbProfile();
- frame->ttg = mac_->phymib_.ttg;
- frame->rtg = mac_->phymib_.rtg;
- frame->frequency = (int) (mac_->getPhy()->getFreq()/1000);
- //allocate IEs
- mac802_16_dcd_profile *profiles = frame->profiles;
- int i=0;
- for (Profile *p = dlsubframe_.getFirstProfile() ; p ; p=p->next_entry()) {
- //set data for first burst
- profiles[i].diuc = p->getIUC();
- profiles[i].frequency = p->getFrequency();
- profiles[i].fec = p->getEncoding();
- i++;
- }
- //the end of map is already included in the frame length
- ch->size() += GET_DCD_SIZE(dlsubframe_.getNbProfile());
- return p;
- }
- /**
- * Compute and return the UL_MAP frame
- */
- Packet* FrameMap::getUL_MAP( )
- {
- Packet *p = mac_->getPacket ();
- hdr_cmn* ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- int nbies = ulsubframe_.getNbPdu(); //there is one burst per UL phy PDU
- //printf ("getUL_MAP, nbies=%dn", nbies);
- //allocate data for DL_MAP
- p->allocdata (sizeof (struct mac802_16_ul_map_frame));
- mac802_16_ul_map_frame *frame = (mac802_16_ul_map_frame*) p->accessdata();
- frame->type = MAC_UL_MAP;
- frame->ucid = mac_->addr(); //set channel ID to index_ to be unique
- frame->ucd_count = ulsubframe_.getCCC();
- frame->allocation_start = ulsubframe_.getStarttime(); //the subframe starts with the contention slot
- frame->nb_ies = nbies;
- //allocate IEs
- mac802_16_ulmap_ie *ies = frame->ies;
- int i=0;
- for (PhyPdu *p = ulsubframe_.getFirstPdu(); p ; p= p ->next_entry()) {
- UlBurst *b = (UlBurst*) p->getBurst(0);
- ies[i].uiuc = b->getIUC(); //end of map
- ies[i].start_time = b->getStarttime();
- if (b->getIUC()!=UIUC_END_OF_MAP) {
- ies[i].cid = b->getCid();
- ies[i].midamble_rep = b->getMidamble();
- ies[i].duration = b->getDuration();
- if (b->getIUC() == UIUC_EXT_UIUC) {
- ies[i].extended_uiuc = b->getExtendedUIUC();
- if (b->getExtendedUIUC ()== UIUC_FAST_RANGING) {
- ies[i].fast_ranging.mac_addr = b->getFastRangingMacAddr ();
- ies[i].fast_ranging.uiuc = b->getFastRangingUIUC ();
- }
- }
- }
- i++;
- }
- ch->size() += GET_UL_MAP_SIZE(nbies);
- return p;
- }
- /**
- * Compute and return the UCD frame
- */
- Packet* FrameMap::getUCD( )
- {
- Packet *p = mac_->getPacket ();
- hdr_cmn* ch = HDR_CMN(p);
- //allocate data for DL_MAP
- p->allocdata (sizeof (struct mac802_16_ucd_frame));
- mac802_16_ucd_frame *frame = (mac802_16_ucd_frame*) p->accessdata();
- frame->type = MAC_UCD;
- frame->config_change_count = 0; //changed by scheduler
- frame->rng_backoff_start = ulsubframe_.getRanging()->getBackoff_start();
- frame->rng_backoff_end = ulsubframe_.getRanging()->getBackoff_stop();
- frame->rng_req_size = ulsubframe_.getRanging()->getSize();
- frame->req_backoff_start = ulsubframe_.getBw_req()->getBackoff_start();
- frame->req_backoff_end = ulsubframe_.getBw_req()->getBackoff_stop()+1;
- frame->bw_req_size = ulsubframe_.getBw_req()->getSize();
- frame->nb_prof = ulsubframe_.getNbProfile();
- //allocate IEs
- mac802_16_ucd_profile *profiles = frame->profiles;
- int i=0;
- for (Profile *p = ulsubframe_.getFirstProfile() ; p ; p=p->next_entry()) {
- //set data for first burst
- profiles[i].uiuc = p->getIUC();
- profiles[i].fec = p->getEncoding();
- i++;
- }
- //the end of map is already included in the frame length
- ch->size() += GET_UCD_SIZE(ulsubframe_.getNbProfile());
- return p;
- }
- /**
- * Parse a DL_MAP message and create the data structure
- * @param frame The DL frame information
- */
- void FrameMap::parseDLMAPframe (mac802_16_dl_map_frame *frame)
- {
- //printf ("parse DL-MAP in %dn", mac_->addr());
- // Clear previous information
- while (dlsubframe_.getPdu()->getNbBurst()>0) {
- Burst *b = dlsubframe_.getPdu()->getBurst (0);
- dlsubframe_.getPdu()->removeBurst (b);
- delete b;
- }
- int nbies = frame->nb_ies;
- mac802_16_dlmap_ie *ies = frame->ies;
- for (int i = 0 ; i < nbies ; i++) {
- Burst *b = dlsubframe_.getPdu()->addBurst(i);
- b->setIUC(ies[i].diuc);
- b->setStarttime(ies[i].start_time);
- if (b->getIUC()!=DIUC_END_OF_MAP) {
- b->setCid(ies[i].cid);
- if (i==0) //first burst contains preamble
- dlsubframe_.getPdu()->setPreamble(ies[i].preamble);
- }
- //printf ("t Adding burst %d: cid=%d, iuc=%d start=%dn", i, b->getCid(), b->getIUC(),b->getStarttime());
- }
- //should we parse end of map too?
- }
- /**
- * Parse a DCD message and create the data structure
- * @param frame The DL frame information
- */
- void FrameMap::parseDCDframe (mac802_16_dcd_frame *frame)
- {
- //clear previous profiles
- dlsubframe_.removeProfiles();
- int nb_prof = frame->nb_prof;
- mac_->frame_number_ = frame->frame_number;
- mac802_16_dcd_profile *profiles = frame->profiles;
- mac_->setFrameDurationCode (frame->frame_duration_code);
- for (int i = 0 ; i < nb_prof ; i++) {
- Profile *p = dlsubframe_.addProfile (profiles[i].frequency, (Ofdm_mod_rate)profiles[i].fec);
- p->setIUC (profiles[i].diuc);
- //printf ("t Adding dl profile %i: f=%d, rate=%d, iuc=%dn", i, p->getFrequency(), p->getEncoding(), p->getIUC());
- }
- }
- /**
- * Parse a UL_MAP message and create the data structure
- * @param frame The UL frame information
- */
- void FrameMap::parseULMAPframe (mac802_16_ul_map_frame *frame)
- {
- //printf ("parse UL-MAPn");
- // Clear previous information
- for (PhyPdu *p = ulsubframe_.getFirstPdu(); p ; p = ulsubframe_.getFirstPdu()) {
- ulsubframe_.removePhyPdu(p);
- delete (p);
- }
- int nbies = frame->nb_ies;
- mac802_16_ulmap_ie *ies = frame->ies;
- ulsubframe_.setStarttime(frame->allocation_start);
- //mac_->debug ("tul start time = %d %fn", frame->allocation_start, frame->allocation_start*mac_->getPhy()->getPS());
- for (int i = 0 ; i < nbies ; i++) {
- UlBurst *b = (UlBurst*)(ulsubframe_.addPhyPdu(i,0))->addBurst(0);
- b->setIUC(ies[i].uiuc);
- b->setStarttime(ies[i].start_time);
- if (b->getIUC()!=UIUC_END_OF_MAP) {
- b->setCid(ies[i].cid);
- b->setMidamble(ies[i].midamble_rep);
- b->setDuration(ies[i].duration);
- if (b->getIUC() == UIUC_EXT_UIUC) {
- if(ies[i].extended_uiuc== UIUC_FAST_RANGING) {
- b->setFastRangingParam (ies[i].fast_ranging.mac_addr, ies[i].fast_ranging.uiuc);
- }
- }
- }
- /*mac_->debug ("t Adding burst %d: cid=%d, iuc=%d start=%d (%f) duration=%dn",
- i, b->getCid(), b->getIUC(),b->getStarttime(), starttime_+frame->allocation_start*mac_->getPhy()->getPS()+b->getStarttime()*mac_->getPhy()->getSymbolTime(), b->getDuration());*/
- }
- }
- /**
- * Parse a UCD message and create the data structure
- * @param frame The DL frame information
- */
- void FrameMap::parseUCDframe (mac802_16_ucd_frame *frame)
- {
- assert (frame);
- //clear previous profiles
- ulsubframe_.removeProfiles();
- /*printf ("parse UCD..rng_start=%d, rng_stop=%d, req_start=%d, req_stop=%dn",
- frame->rng_backoff_start, frame->rng_backoff_end, frame->req_backoff_start,
- frame->req_backoff_end);*/
- ulsubframe_.getRanging()->setBackoff_start(frame->rng_backoff_start);
- ulsubframe_.getRanging()->setBackoff_stop(frame->rng_backoff_end);
- ulsubframe_.getRanging()->setSize(frame->rng_req_size);
- ulsubframe_.getBw_req()->setBackoff_start(frame->req_backoff_start);
- ulsubframe_.getBw_req()->setBackoff_stop(frame->req_backoff_end);
- ulsubframe_.getBw_req()->setSize(frame->bw_req_size);
- int nb_prof = frame->nb_prof;
- mac802_16_ucd_profile *profiles = frame->profiles;
- for (int i = 0 ; i < nb_prof ; i++) {
- Profile *p = ulsubframe_.addProfile (0, (Ofdm_mod_rate)(profiles[i].fec));
- p->setIUC (profiles[i].uiuc);
- //printf ("t Adding ul profile %i: f=%d, rate=%d, iuc=%dn", i, p->getFrequency(), p->getEncoding(), p->getIUC());
- }
- }