- //############################################################
- //
- // Kari Pulli
- // Tue Jun 23 11:54:00 PDT 1998
- //
- // Global registration of several scans simultaneously
- //############################################################
- #include <iostream.h>
- #include <fstream.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <multimap.h>
- #include <deque.h>
- #include <strstream.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include "GlobalReg.h"
- #include "absorient.h"
- #include "TbObj.h"
- #include "DisplayMesh.h"
- #include "plvScene.h"
- #include "ConnComp.h"
- #include "Progress.h"
- #include "BailDetector.h"
- #include "DirEntries.h"
- #include "FileNameUtils.h"
- #include "ScanFactory.h"
- #include "CyberScan.h"
- #include "GroupScan.h"
- #include "TclCmdUtils.h"
- #include <math.h>
- // TODO: make these sliders in globalreg window
- #define VB_SIZE (100.0)
- #define NOT_FOUND (-1)
- #define THRESHOLD (700) // THIS SHOULD BE MUCH LARGER probably
- #if defined(WIN32) || defined(i386)
- #endif
- // setup file loading routines for a little endian machine
- inline short swap_short(short x)
- {
- return ((x & 0xff) << 8) | ((unsigned short)x >> 8);
- }
- /* unsigned is essential, otherwise bitshift will
- * sign extend and mess up the conversion.
- */
- inline int swap_int(unsigned int x)
- {
- return (x << 24) |
- ((x << 8) & 0x00ff0000) |
- ((x >> 8) & 0x0000ff00) |
- (x >> 24);
- }
- inline float swap_float(float x)
- {
- unsigned int y = (*((unsigned int *)&x));
- y= (y << 24) |
- ((y << 8) & 0x00ff0000) |
- ((y >> 8) & 0x0000ff00) |
- (y >> 24);
- return (*((float *)&y));
- }
- inline short FixShort(short x)
- {
- return (swap_short(x));
- }
- inline int FixInt(int x)
- {
- return (swap_int(x));
- }
- inline float FixFloat(float x)
- {
- return (swap_float(x));
- }
- // otherwise set up file loading routines for a big endian machine
- #else
- inline short FixShort(short x)
- {
- return (x);
- }
- inline int FixInt(int x)
- {
- return (x);
- }
- inline float FixFloat(float x)
- {
- return (x);
- }
- #endif
- // File writing routines
- inline void WriteInt(int x, ofstream &out)
- {
- int temp = FixInt(x);
- out.write((char*)&temp, 4);
- }
- inline void WriteFloat(float x, ofstream &out)
- {
- float temp = FixFloat(x);
- out.write((char*)&temp, 4);
- }
- inline void WriteShort(short x, ofstream &out)
- {
- short temp = FixShort(x);
- out.write((char*)&temp, 2);
- }
- /* There is no ReadChar since no special byte ordering is required for characters */
- inline int ReadInt(ifstream &in)
- {
- int temp;
-*)&temp, 4);
- return FixInt(temp);
- }
- inline short ReadShort(ifstream &in)
- {
- short temp;
-*)&temp, 2);
- return FixShort(temp);
- }
- inline float ReadFloat(ifstream &in)
- {
- float temp;
-*)&temp, 4);
- return FixFloat(temp);
- }
- inline void WriteSDRawPoints(vector<sd_raw_pnt> &rp, int n, ofstream &out)
- {
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
- WriteInt(rp[i].config, out);
- WriteShort(rp[i].y, out);
- WriteShort(rp[i].z, out);
- WriteFloat(rp[i].nod, out);
- WriteFloat(rp[i].turn, out);
- WriteFloat(rp[i].tr_h, out);
- }
- }
- inline void WritePnt3(vector<Pnt3> &pnt, int n, ofstream &out)
- {
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
- Pnt3 p = pnt[i];
- WriteFloat(*(float *)p, out);
- WriteFloat(*((float *)p + 1), out);
- WriteFloat(*((float *)p + 2), out);
- }
- }
- inline void ReadPnt3(vector<Pnt3> &pnt, int n, ifstream &in)
- {
- Pnt3 tempPnt;
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
- float f1 = ReadFloat(in);
- float f2 = ReadFloat(in);
- float f3 = ReadFloat(in);
- tempPnt.set(f1, f2, f3);
- pnt[i] = tempPnt;
- }
- }
- #define GR_MESHNAMES_SEP "^^^"
- #define ECHO(x) cout << #x << endl; x
- #define FOR_MAP_ENTRIES(key, data)
- for (ITT __m = hmm.begin(); __m != hmm.end(); __m++) {
- TbObj *key = (*__m).first;
- mapEntry *data = (*__m).second;
- #define END_FOR_MAP }
- #define FOR_MATCHING_KEYS(key, data)
- { pair<ITT, ITT> __p = hmm.equal_range(key);
- for (ITT __i = __p.first; __i!=__p.second; __i++) {
- mapEntry *data = (*__i).second;
- #define END_FOR_KEYS }}
- #define CONTAINS(vec, item)
- (find(vec.begin(),vec.end(),item) != vec.end())
- // this is ugly: it's linear time, which makes
- // processing scans n^2 (though we have small n...)
- inline int
- scan_idx(const TbObj* a, const vector<TbObj*> &scan)
- {
- for (int i=scan.size()-1; i>=0; i--)
- if (scan[i] == a) return i;
- assert(0);
- return 0;
- }
- inline float
- dist2(const vector<Pnt3> &P, const vector<Pnt3> &Q)
- {
- float d = 0.0;
- vector<Pnt3>::const_iterator ip = P.begin();
- vector<Pnt3>::const_iterator iq = Q.begin();
- while (ip != P.end()) {
- d += dist2(*ip, *iq);
- ip++; iq++;
- }
- assert(iq == Q.end());
- return d;
- }
- static RigidScan*
- createProxyScanNamed (const crope& name)
- {
- if (strcmp (Tcl_GetVar (g_tclInterp, "allowProxiesWithGR",
- TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY), "0") == 0) {
- return NULL;
- }
- // make sure we can find the scan, else it's pointless to try to
- // globalreg it because we won't be able to use the results.
- Tcl_VarEval (g_tclInterp, "file_locateScan ", name.c_str(), NULL);
- char* filename = g_tclInterp->result;
- if (!filename[0]) {
- cerr << "Unable to locate scan for " << name << endl;
- return NULL;
- }
- // create invisible scan with 0 bbox
- RigidScan* rs = CreateScanFromBbox (filename, Pnt3(), Pnt3());
- DisplayableMesh* dm = theScene->addMeshSet (rs);
- //cerr << "creating proxy named " << name << " as "
- // << dm->getName() << endl;
- Tcl_VarEval (g_tclInterp, "addMeshToWindow ",
- dm->getName(), " 0", NULL);
- Tcl_VarEval (g_tclInterp, "changeVis ", dm->getName(), " 0", NULL);
- return rs;
- }
- static void
- calcPairwiseRmsErr(const vector<Pnt3> &ptsa,
- const vector<Pnt3> &nrma,
- const vector<Pnt3> &ptsb,
- const vector<Pnt3> &nrmb,
- const Xform<float> &rel_xf,
- float &pw_point_rmsErr,
- float &pw_plane_rmsErr)
- {
- assert(ptsa.size());
- // calculate the rms for point pair distances
- pw_point_rmsErr = pw_plane_rmsErr = 0.0;
- Pnt3 p,nrm;
- int n = ptsa.size();
- bool do_tangents = (nrma.size() != 0);
- float d;
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
- rel_xf.apply(ptsa[i], p);
- pw_point_rmsErr += dist2(p, ptsb[i]);
- if (do_tangents) {
- rel_xf.apply_nrm(nrma[i], nrm);
- p -= ptsb[i];
- d = dot(nrm, p);
- pw_plane_rmsErr += d*d;
- d = dot(nrmb[i], p);
- pw_plane_rmsErr += d*d;
- }
- }
- pw_point_rmsErr = sqrtf(pw_point_rmsErr / n);
- pw_plane_rmsErr = sqrtf(pw_plane_rmsErr / (2*n));
- }
- void
- GlobalReg::mapEntry::stats(void)
- {
- Xform<float> xf_a = xfa->getXform();
- Xform<float> xf_b = xfb->getXform();
- int n = ptsa.size();
- Pnt3 first, second, nrm;
- maxErr = avgErr = rmsErr = 0.0;
- Xform<float> actual_rel_xf = xf_b;
- actual_rel_xf.fast_invert();
- actual_rel_xf = actual_rel_xf * xf_a;
- for (int j=0; j<n; j++) {
- // calculate the point wise distances
- first = ptsa[j];
- second = ptsa[j];
- actual_rel_xf (first);
- rel_xf (second);
- float d = dist2(first, second);
- if (d > maxErr) maxErr = d;
- rmsErr += d;
- avgErr += sqrtf(d);
- }
- for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
- // calculate the point wise distances
- first = ptsb[j];
- second = ptsb[j];
- actual_rel_xf.apply_inv(first,first);
- rel_xf.apply_inv(second,second);
- float d = dist2(first, second);
- if (d > maxErr) maxErr = d;
- rmsErr += d;
- avgErr += sqrtf(d);
- }
- n *= 2;
- avgErr /= n;
- rmsErr = sqrtf(rmsErr/n);
- }
- static bool
- write_points(ofstream &out, vector<Pnt3> &pts, TbObj *scan)
- {
- CyberScan* cs = dynamic_cast<CyberScan*> (scan);
- if (cs && GetTclGlobalBool ("writeGRsRaw")) {
- //SHOW(cs);
- // magic number (CyberScan point data 1)
- out.write("cpd1", 4);
- // point count
- int n = pts.size();
- WriteInt(n, out);
- // the points
- vector<sd_raw_pnt> cw(n);
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
- if (cs->get_raw_data(pts[i], cw[i]) == false) {
- cerr << "Problem in GlobalReg::write_points()"
- << endl;
- return false;
- }
- }
- WriteSDRawPoints(cw, n, out);
- } else {
- // magic number (general point data 1)
- out.write("gpd1", 4);
- // point count
- int n = pts.size();
- WriteInt(n, out);
- // the points
- WritePnt3(pts, n, out);
- }
- return !;
- }
- static bool
- read_points (ifstream &in, vector<Pnt3> &pts)
- {
- // magic number (general point data 1)
- char magic[4];
-, 4);
- if ( strncmp(magic, "cpd1", 4)==0 ) {
- cout << "CyberScan raw data" << endl;
- // CyberScan raw data
- int n;
- n = ReadInt(in);
- pts.resize(n);
- unsigned int config;
- short yz[2];
- float nt[2]; // nod, turn
- float tr_h;
- CyberXform xf;
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
- config = ReadInt(in);
- yz[0] = ReadShort(in);
- yz[1] = ReadShort(in);
- nt[0] = ReadFloat(in);
- nt[1] = ReadFloat(in);
- tr_h = ReadFloat(in);
- int os = config&1; // other_screw
- xf.setup(config, tr_h, nt[os]);
- xf.set_screw(nt[!os], nt[!os]);
- pts[i] = xf.apply_xform(yz[0],yz[1]);
- if (! pts[i].isfinite()) {
- SHOW(pts[i]);
- SHOW(i);
- SHOW(config);
- SHOW(yz[0]);
- SHOW(yz[1]);
- SHOW(nt[0]);
- SHOW(nt[1]);
- SHOW(tr_h);
- SHOW(os);
- }
- }
- } else if (!strncmp (magic, "gpd1", 4)) {
- // good old regular 3d points
- // point count
- int n;
- n = ReadInt(in);
- pts.resize(n);
- // the points
- ReadPnt3(pts, n, in);
- } else {
- cerr << "Bad magic field in .gr file!" << endl;
- return false;
- }
- return !;
- }
- static struct {
- char* magic; int ver;
- } GRVersionTable[] = {
- { "GR01", 1 },
- { "GR02", 2 },
- { "GR03", 3 },
- { "GR04", 4 }
- };
- #define cGRVersionTableSize (sizeof(GRVersionTable)/sizeof(GRVersionTable[0]))
- #define GRVersionCurrent (GRVersionTable[cGRVersionTableSize-1].magic)
- int GetGRVersion (char* magic)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < cGRVersionTableSize; i++) {
- if (!strncmp (GRVersionTable[i].magic, magic, 4))
- return GRVersionTable[i].ver;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // try writing the mapEntry data into a single file
- void
- GlobalReg::mapEntry::export_to_file(const std::string &gr_dir)
- {
- // figure out the filename
- const char *name1 = GetTbObjName(xfa);
- const char *name2 = GetTbObjName(xfb);
- if (!name1 || !name2) {
- cerr << "Couldn't get names, not saving global"
- << " data" << endl;
- return;
- }
- bool flip = false;
- if (strcmp(name1, name2) == 1) {
- flip = true;
- const char *tmp = name2;
- name2 = name1; name1 = tmp;
- }
- std::string path = gr_dir;
- if (!manually_aligned) path += "/auto";
- path += std::string("/") + name1 + GR_MESHNAMES_SEP + name2 + ".gr";
- // just overwrite the file if it exists
- #ifdef WIN32
- ofstream out(path.c_str(), ios::binary);
- #else
- ofstream out(path.c_str());
- #endif
- if (!out) {
- cerr << "Couldn't create file " << path.c_str() << endl;
- return;
- } else {
- SHOW(path.c_str());
- }
- // fill the file with useful stuff
- cout << "Writing correspondences between " << name1
- << " and " << name2 << " ... ";
- out.write(GRVersionCurrent, 4); // magic number
- //SHOW(name1);
- //SHOW(name2);
- //SHOW(dynamic_cast<CyberScan*> (xfa));
- //SHOW(dynamic_cast<GroupScan*> (xfa));
- if (flip) {
- write_points(out, ptsb, xfb);
- write_points(out, ptsa, xfa);
- Xform<float> tmp_xf = rel_xf;
- tmp_xf.fast_invert();
- for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
- WriteFloat(*((float*)tmp_xf + i), out);
- } else {
- write_points(out, ptsa, xfa);
- write_points(out, ptsb, xfb);
- for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
- WriteFloat(*((float*)rel_xf + i), out);
- }
- WriteFloat(pw_point_rmsErr, out);
- WriteFloat(pw_plane_rmsErr, out);
- WriteInt(quality_grade, out);
- out.write((char *)&manually_aligned, 1 /*sizeof(bool) */);
- if ( return;
- cout << "success." << endl;
- // currently saving:
- // pairwiserms errors
- // point count
- // points
- // registration xform
- // whether manually aligned
- // should also write:
- // rmserror to tangent plane
- // sampling density?
- // or weight that would normalize based on area?
- }
- void
- GlobalReg::mapEntry::export_cyber_raw(const char *fname)
- {
- // only work if both scans are CyberScans
- CyberScan *csa = dynamic_cast<CyberScan*> (xfa);
- CyberScan *csb = dynamic_cast<CyberScan*> (xfb);
- if (!csa || !csb) return;
- ofstream out(fname);
- if (!out) {
- cerr << "Couldn't create file " << fname << endl;
- return;
- } else {
- SHOW(fname);
- }
- int cPnt = ptsa.size();
- out.write ((char*)&cPnt, sizeof(cPnt));
- //bool vert;
- sd_raw_pnt cw;
- for (int i=0; i<cPnt; i++) {
- if (csa->get_raw_data(ptsa[i], cw) == false) {
- cerr << "Problem in GlobalReg::mapEntry::export_cyber_raw()"
- << endl;
- return;
- }
- int tmp = (cw.config & 0x00000001); // vert;
- out.write((char*) &tmp, sizeof(int));
- out.write((char*) &cw.y, 2*sizeof(short));
- out.write((char*) &cw.nod, 2*sizeof(float));
- }
- for (i=0; i<cPnt; i++) {
- if (csb->get_raw_data(ptsb[i], cw) == false) {
- cerr << "Problem in GlobalReg::mapEntry::export_cyber_raw()"
- << endl;
- return;
- }
- int tmp = (cw.config & 0x00000001); // vert;
- out.write((char*) &tmp, sizeof(int));
- out.write((char*) &cw.y, 2*sizeof(short));
- out.write((char*) &cw.nod, 2*sizeof(float));
- }
- out.write ((char*)(float*)rel_xf, 16 * sizeof(float));
- if (g_verbose) {
- if ( cout << "failure." << endl;
- else cout << "success." << endl;
- }
- }
- // if partner == NULL, this fn will return the points from ALL
- // the scans P is partnered with
- void
- GlobalReg::get_pts(TbObj *x, vector<Pnt3> &P, vector<Pnt3> &Q,
- TbObj* partner)
- {
- P.clear(); Q.clear();
- // find entries with key x
- FOR_MATCHING_KEYS(x, data) {
- TbObj *datap, *dataq;
- XF_F dataxf = data->rel_xf;
- vector<Pnt3> *pp;//, *qq;
- if (x == data->xfa) {
- datap = data->xfa; dataq = data->xfb;
- pp = &data->ptsa;// qq = &data->ptsb;
- } else {
- datap = data->xfb; dataq = data->xfa;
- pp = &data->ptsb;// qq = &data->ptsa;
- dataxf.fast_invert();
- }
- if (partner != NULL && dataq != partner)
- continue;
- int ind = P.size();
- P.insert(P.end(), pp->begin(), pp->end());
- #if 1
- // Q becomes "where P's points should be in Q's coords"
- for (int i=0; i<pp->size(); i++) {
- //Pnt3 p = data->ptsa[i];
- Pnt3 p = (*pp)[i];
- dataxf(p);
- Q.push_back(p);
- }
- #else
- Q.insert(Q.end(), qq->begin(), qq->end());
- #endif
- // then convert to world coordinates
- for_each (P.begin() + ind, P.end(), datap->getXform());
- for_each (Q.begin() + ind, Q.end(), dataq->getXform());
- }
- // used for global registration, and only Horn's version
- void
- GlobalReg::get_pts_within_group(TbObj *x,
- vector<Pnt3> &P, vector<Pnt3> &Q,
- vector<TbObj*> &group)
- {
- P.clear(); Q.clear();
- // find entries with key x
- FOR_MATCHING_KEYS(x, data) {
- TbObj *datap, *dataq;
- XF_F dataxf = data->rel_xf;
- vector<Pnt3> *pp;//, *qq;
- if (x == data->xfa) {
- datap = data->xfa; dataq = data->xfb;
- pp = &data->ptsa;// qq = &data->ptsb;
- } else {
- datap = data->xfb; dataq = data->xfa;
- pp = &data->ptsb;// qq = &data->ptsa;
- dataxf.fast_invert();
- }
- if (CONTAINS(group, dataq)) {
- // copy the points (in local coordinates)
- int ind = P.size();
- P.insert(P.end(), pp->begin(), pp->end());
- #if 1
- // Q becomes "where P's points should be in Q's coords"
- for (int i=0; i<pp->size(); i++) {
- Pnt3 p = (*pp)[i];
- dataxf(p);
- Q.push_back(p);
- }
- #else
- Q.insert(Q.end(), qq->begin(), qq->end());
- #endif
- // then convert to world coordinates
- for_each (P.begin() + ind, P.end(), datap->getXform());
- for_each (Q.begin() + ind, Q.end(), dataq->getXform());
- }
- }
- void
- GlobalReg::evaluate(const vector<TbObj*> &group)
- {
- for (int i=0; i<group.size(); i++) {
- FOR_MATCHING_KEYS(group[i], data) {
- // TbObjs in a pair must be in the same group!
- assert(data->xfa == group[i] ||
- CONTAINS(group, data->xfa));
- assert(data->xfb == group[i] ||
- CONTAINS(group, data->xfb));
- if (data->xfb == group[i]) continue;
- data->stats();
- }
- }
- float
- GlobalReg::evaluate(TbObj *one)
- {
- // calculate the mean distance between every point pair
- int cnt = 0;
- float sumSq = 0.0;
- FOR_MATCHING_KEYS(one, data) {
- data->stats();
- int n = data->ptsa.size();
- float rms = data->rmsErr;
- cnt += n;
- sumSq += n*rms*rms;
- if (cnt == 0) {
- cerr << "GlobalReg::evaluate() didn't have entries to"
- << " evaluate" << endl;
- return 0.0;
- }
- return sqrtf(sumSq/cnt);
- }
- static crope
- nameFromTbObj (TbObj* tbo)
- {
- if (tbo) {
- RigidScan* rs = dynamic_cast<RigidScan*> (tbo);
- if (rs) {
- DisplayableMesh* dm = FindMeshDisplayInfo (rs);
- if (dm) return dm->getName();
- else return rs->get_name();
- }
- return crope("(unknown)");
- }
- return crope("(NULL)");
- }
- void
- GlobalReg::dump(void)
- {
- cout << endl;
- FOR_MAP_ENTRIES(key, data) {
- SHOW(key);
- SHOW(data);
- SHOW(data->xfa);
- SHOW(data->xfb);
- vector<Pnt3> &ptsa = data->ptsa;
- cout << "-" << endl;
- copy(ptsa.begin(), ptsa.end(),
- ostream_iterator<Pnt3>(cout, "n"));
- vector<Pnt3> &ptsb = data->ptsb;
- cout << "-" << endl;
- copy(ptsb.begin(), ptsb.end(),
- ostream_iterator<Pnt3>(cout, "n"));
- cout << "-" << endl;
- copy(all_scans.begin(), all_scans.end(),
- ostream_iterator<TbObj*>(cout, "n"));
- cout << endl;
- }
- void
- GlobalReg::move_back(const vector<TbObj*> &group,
- const vector<XF_F> &old_xf)
- {
- cout << "Moving the scans back..." << flush;
- // first, create point pairs
- vector<Pnt3> P,Q;
- XF_F xfp, xfq;
- int i,j;
- for (i=0; i<group.size(); i++) {
- FOR_MATCHING_KEYS(group[i], data) {
- // each entry twice in the map
- if (group[i] == data->xfb) continue;
- // points in data ptsa
- int end = P.size();
- for (j=0; j<data->ptsa.size(); j+=20) {
- P.push_back(data->ptsa[j]);
- Q.push_back(data->ptsa[j]);
- }
- xfp = data->xfa->getXform(); // current xf
- xfq = old_xf[scan_idx(data->xfa, group)]; // old xf
- for_each(P.begin() + end, P.end(), xfp);
- for_each(Q.begin() + end, Q.end(), xfq);
- // points in data ptsb
- end = P.size();
- for (j=0; j<data->ptsb.size(); j+=20) {
- P.push_back(data->ptsb[j]);
- Q.push_back(data->ptsb[j]);
- }
- xfp = data->xfb->getXform(); // current xf
- xfq = old_xf[scan_idx(data->xfb, group)]; // old xf
- for_each(P.begin() + end, P.end(), xfp);
- for_each(Q.begin() + end, Q.end(), xfq);
- }
- // find the motion that brings the group back close to
- // where it was
- double q[7];
- horn_align(&P[0], &Q[0], P.size(), q);
- xfp.fromQuaternion(q, q[4], q[5], q[6]);
- // apply it
- for (i=0; i<group.size(); i++) {
- group[i]->setXform((xfp *
- group[i]->getXform()).enforce_rigidity());
- }
- cout << "done." << endl;
- }
- Xform<float>
- GlobalReg::compute_xform(vector<Pnt3> &P, vector<Pnt3> &Q)
- {
- Xform<float> xf;
- double q[7];
- horn_align (&P[0], &Q[0], P.size(), q);
- xf.fromQuaternion (q, q[4], q[5], q[6]);
- return xf;
- }
- void
- GlobalReg::align_one_to_others (TbObj* one, TbObj* two)
- {
- vector<Pnt3> P,Q;
- float sum = .5*FLT_MAX, oldsum;
- one->save_for_undo();
- do {
- oldsum = sum;
- get_pts (one, P, Q, two); // two==NULL means use all partners
- if (P.size() == 0) continue;
- one->setXform(compute_xform(P, Q) * one->getXform(),
- false);
- sum = evaluate(one);
- cout << "The average point-to-point distance is "
- << sum << endl;
- if (BailDetector::bail()) {
- cerr << "global alignment cancelled." << endl;
- break;
- }
- } while (2.0*(oldsum-sum) > ftol*(sum+oldsum+1.e-10));
- }
- #define FOR_ACTIVE_NBORS(scan, nbor)
- FOR_MATCHING_KEYS(scan, data) {
- TbObj *nbor = (data->xfa == scan ? data->xfb : data->xfa);
- if (active.end() != find(active.begin(),active.end(),nbor)){
- #define END_FOR_NBORS }}}}
- /* // get emacs identation working after above macro definition...
- {
- */
- // part covered by psuedo-code in the paper
- void
- GlobalReg::align_group(const vector<TbObj*> &group)
- {
- vector<Pnt3> P,Q;
- int i;
- assert (group.size() > 1);
- vector<XF_F> old_xf(group.size());
- for (i=0; i<group.size(); i++) {
- old_xf[i] = group[i]->getXform();
- group[i]->save_for_undo();
- }
- // new algorithm
- //
- // for each member of the group, calculate the number
- // of links, choose the one with the most links as the seed
- //
- // push the seed to a queue and to the active set
- //
- // process the queue until empty
- // take the scan at the front
- // align it with the scans in the active set
- // if it improves more than the threshold
- // push all the neighbors in the active set to queue
- //
- // add to the queue and the active set the scan with the
- // most links to scans in the active set
- vector<TbObj*> active, dormant, nbors;
- deque<TbObj*> que;
- TbObj *seed;
- int seed_links = 0;
- // set the dormant and active sets...
- if (dirty_scans.size()) {
- for (i=0; i<group.size(); i++) {
- if (dirty_scans.find(group[i]) != dirty_scans.end()) {
- dormant.push_back(group[i]);
- } else {
- active.push_back(group[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- if (active.size() == 0) {
- // active set is empty!
- // initialize, find the seed (one with most links)
- for (i=0; i<group.size(); i++) {
- int links = 0;
- FOR_MATCHING_KEYS(group[i], data) {
- links++;
- if (links > seed_links) {
- seed_links = links;
- seed = group[i];
- }
- }
- assert(seed_links);
- // initialize the active and dormant sets
- active.push_back(seed);
- dormant.clear();
- dormant.reserve(group.size()-1);
- for (i=0; i<group.size(); i++) {
- if (group[i] != seed) dormant.push_back(group[i]);
- }
- }
- Progress progress (dormant.size(), "Global alignment");
- // process all scans
- while (!dormant.empty()) {
- // find the dormant scan that has the most links to scans
- // in active set
- seed_links = 0;
- vector<TbObj*>::iterator it, pos;
- for (it = dormant.begin(); it != dormant.end(); it++) {
- int links = 0;
- FOR_ACTIVE_NBORS(*it, nbor) {
- links++;
- if (links > seed_links) {
- seed_links = links;
- pos = it;
- }
- }
- assert(seed_links);
- // remove from dormant set
- seed = *pos;
- int dormant_size = dormant.size();
- dormant.erase(pos);
- assert(dormant_size - 1 == dormant.size());
- // push to active and queue
- active.push_back(seed);
- assert(que.empty());
- que.push_back(seed);
- cout << "n";
- SHOW(active.size());
- SHOW(dormant.size());
- // process the queue
- int cnt = 0;
- while (!que.empty()) {
- seed = que.front();
- que.pop_front();
- // align front of the queue with the active set
- nbors.clear();
- FOR_ACTIVE_NBORS(seed, nbor) {
- nbors.push_back(nbor);
- SHOW(nbors.size());
- // here we already need to have determined the needed pts
- get_pts_within_group(seed, P, Q, nbors);
- assert(P.size());
- assert(P.size() == Q.size());
- float start_dist = dist2(P,Q);
- SHOW(start_dist);
- //Xform<float> xf;
- //double q[7];
- //horn_align (&P[0], &Q[0], P.size(), q);
- //xf.fromQuaternion (q, q[4], q[5], q[6]);
- // ... so when we get to here we can compute a less
- // biased xform
- Xform<float> xf = compute_xform(P, Q);
- for_each(P.begin(), P.end(), xf);
- float end_dist = dist2(P,Q);
- SHOW(end_dist);
- // if changed enough, push the neighbors into queue
- float diff = start_dist - end_dist;
- if (diff > 0.0)
- seed->setXform(xf * seed->getXform(), false);
- if (diff > ftol * end_dist &&
- diff > 1.0e-6) {
- if (cnt++ < 200) {
- for (it = nbors.begin(); it != nbors.end(); it++) {
- if (!CONTAINS(que, *it)) {
- // nbor not in queue already, push
- que.push_back(*it);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //SHOW(start_dist);
- //SHOW(end_dist);
- cout << que.size() << " left; last ";
- SHOW(diff/P.size());
- //SHOW(que.size());
- //SHOW(active.size());
- //SHOW(ftol);
- }
- if (!progress.updateInc())
- break;
- if (BailDetector::bail()) {
- cerr << "global alignment cancelled." << endl;
- break;
- }
- }
- // align the new points with the old points in order
- // to minimize the motion of the whole group
- move_back(group, old_xf);
- evaluate(group);
- }
- bool
- GlobalReg::getPairError(TbObj *a, TbObj *b,
- float &pointError,
- float &planeError,
- float &globalError,
- bool &manual)
- {
- FOR_MATCHING_KEYS(a, data) {
- if ((data->xfa == a && data->xfb == b) ||
- (data->xfb == a && data->xfa == b)) {
- pointError = data->pw_point_rmsErr;
- planeError = data->pw_plane_rmsErr;
- globalError = data->rmsErr;
- manual = data->manually_aligned;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- // later overwrites the first
- // also if detect that both auto and manual versions
- // exist, unlink the auto version
- // or if two versions of the same link exist, delete
- // the older one
- GlobalReg::mapEntry*
- GlobalReg::import(const std::string &fname, bool manual)
- {
- cout << "import " << fname.c_str() << endl;
- // TODO: the below (I guess just the rfind) expects / as path separator,
- // and can't deal with , so we need to either teach it or replace for /
- // to make this work on Windows.
- // get the mesh names
- std::string name[2];
- int tmp1 = fname.rfind("/");
- if (tmp1) tmp1++; // skip /
- int tmp2 = fname.find(GR_MESHNAMES_SEP);
- name[0].assign(fname, tmp1, tmp2-tmp1);
- tmp2 += strlen(GR_MESHNAMES_SEP); // skip ::: or whatever the separator is
- name[1].assign(fname, tmp2, fname.size()-tmp2-3);
- // get the TbObj pointers
- TbObj* tbobj[2];
- for (int is = 0; is < 2; is++) {
- DisplayableMesh *dm = FindMeshDisplayInfo(name[is].c_str());
- if (dm) {
- // the mesh is in memory
- tbobj[is] = dm->getMeshData();
- } else {
- // the mesh is not in memory; need to proxy
- tbobj[is] = createProxyScanNamed (name[is].c_str());
- if (!tbobj[is]) {
- //cerr << " ignoring correspondence "
- // << fname.c_str() << endl;
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- FOR_MATCHING_KEYS(tbobj[0], data) {
- if ((data->xfa == tbobj[0] && data->xfb == tbobj[1]) ||
- (data->xfb == tbobj[0] && data->xfa == tbobj[1])) {
- // this mapentry exists!
- if (manual && data->manually_aligned == false) {
- // the previous entry was an autoICP entry, delete
- cerr << "Warning: there seem to be several entries "
- << endl << "involving meshes " << name[0].c_str()
- << " and " << name[1].c_str() << endl;
- cerr << "Deleting autoICP *.gr entry" << endl;
- unlink_gr_files(data->xfa, data->xfb, true);
- // continue to read over this entry
- break;
- } else {
- // don't read this entry
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- #ifdef WIN32
- ifstream in(fname.c_str(), ios::binary);
- #else
- ifstream in(fname.c_str());
- #endif
- if (!in) {
- cerr << "Couldn't open file " << fname.c_str()
- << " for reading" << endl;
- return NULL;
- }
- vector<Pnt3> ap, bp;
- float rel_xf[16];
- float pw_point_rmsErr, pw_plane_rmsErr;
- char version[4];
-, 4);
- int cPnt;
- int iVersion = GetGRVersion (version);
- switch (iVersion) {
- case 1:
- // Oops, in version one saved this twice.
- // Ignore this first one.
- pw_point_rmsErr = ReadFloat(in);
- cPnt = ReadInt(in);
- ap.resize(cPnt); bp.resize(cPnt);
- ReadPnt3(ap, cPnt, in);
- ReadPnt3(bp, cPnt, in);
- /* haven't check this case, should work, but this was the code
- * that was here before the endian fix.
-*)&pw_point_rmsErr, sizeof(float));
-*)&cPnt, sizeof(int));
- ap.resize(cPnt); bp.resize(cPnt);
-*)&ap[0], cPnt*sizeof(Pnt3));
-*)&bp[0], cPnt*sizeof(Pnt3));
- */
- break;
- case 2:
- cPnt = ReadInt(in);
- ap.resize(cPnt); bp.resize(cPnt);
- ReadPnt3(ap, cPnt, in);
- ReadPnt3(bp, cPnt, in);
- /* haven't check this case, should work, but this was the code
- * that was here before the endian fix.
-*)&cPnt, sizeof(int));
- ap.resize(cPnt); bp.resize(cPnt);
-*)&ap[0], cPnt*sizeof(Pnt3));
-*)&bp[0], cPnt*sizeof(Pnt3));
- */
- break;
- case 3:
- case 4:
- read_points(in, ap);
- read_points(in, bp);
- break;
- case 0:
- default:
- cerr << fname.c_str()
- << " does not have the correct signature" << endl;
- cerr << "It may have been created with an out-of-date "
- << "version of scanalyze" << endl;
- return NULL;
- }
- for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
- (*((float *)rel_xf + i)) = ReadFloat(in);
- pw_point_rmsErr = ReadFloat(in);
- pw_plane_rmsErr = ReadFloat(in);
- int quality = mapEntry::qual_Unknown;
- if (iVersion == 4) {
- // version 4 fields: quality, manually_aligned
- // yeah, manual is passed in to this function, but that seems a
- // broken idea to me, so let this override it
- quality = ReadInt(in);
-*)&manual, 1 /*sizeof(bool)*/);
- }
- // create and insert mapEntry
- mapEntry* entry = addPair(tbobj[0], tbobj[1], ap, bp,
- pw_point_rmsErr, pw_plane_rmsErr,
- rel_xf, manual, 1000000, false, quality);
- // and grab its modification time from file
- struct stat fileinfo;
- stat (fname.c_str(), &fileinfo);
- entry->modifyDate = fileinfo.st_mtime;
- return entry;
- }
- inline void
- unlink_gr_file(std::string path,
- std::string n1,
- std::string n2)
- {
- path += "/";
- path += n1;
- path += n2;
- path += ".gr";
- unlink_if_exists(path.c_str());
- }
- void
- GlobalReg::unlink_gr_files(TbObj *a, TbObj *b, bool only_auto)
- {
- std::string name1, name2;
- name1 = GetTbObjName(a);
- name2 = GetTbObjName(b);
- unlink_gr_file(gr_auto_dir, name1, name2);
- unlink_gr_file(gr_auto_dir, name2, name1);
- if (only_auto == false) {
- unlink_gr_file(gr_dir, name1, name2);
- unlink_gr_file(gr_dir, name2, name1);
- }
- }
- GlobalReg::GlobalReg(void)
- : initial_import_done(false)
- {
- //
- // set up gr_dir and gr_auto_dir
- //
- char *tmp = getenv("SC_GR_DIR");
- if (tmp == NULL) {
- // use the current working directory
- char buf[256];
- getcwd(buf, 256);
- gr_dir.assign(buf);
- gr_dir.append("/globalregs");
- } else {
- gr_dir.assign(tmp);
- // remove trailing slash if needed
- std::string::iterator back = gr_dir.end()-1;
- if (*back == '/') gr_dir.erase(back);
- }
- if (!check_file_access(gr_dir.c_str(), 1,1,1,1,1)) {
- // need to have something; revert to current dir
- char current[PATH_MAX];
- getcwd (current, PATH_MAX);
- gr_dir.assign (current);
- cerr << "Reverting to current dir (" << gr_dir.c_str()
- << ") for globalregs" << endl;
- }
- SHOW(gr_dir.c_str());
- cyber_raw_name = getenv("SC_RAW_DUMP");
- }
- GlobalReg::~GlobalReg(void)
- {
- // delete the mapEntries
- // recall they are there twice, delete only once!
- FOR_MAP_ENTRIES(key, data) {
- if (key == data->xfa) delete data;
- }
- void
- GlobalReg::initial_import(void)
- {
- if (!initial_import_done) {
- gr_auto_dir.assign(gr_dir);
- gr_auto_dir.append("/auto");
- if (!check_file_access(gr_auto_dir.c_str(), 1,1,1,1,1)) {
- cerr << "Creating autoreg directory "
- << gr_auto_dir.c_str() << endl;
- portable_mkdir (gr_auto_dir.c_str(), 00775);
- }
- perform_import();
- initial_import_done = true;
- }
- }
- void
- GlobalReg::perform_import(void)
- {
- cerr << "Importing *.gr... " << flush;
- int nTotal = 0, nYes = 0;
- int nTotalAuto = 0, nYesAuto = 0;
- for (DirEntries de_auto(gr_auto_dir, ".gr");
- !de_auto.done(); {
- ++nTotalAuto;
- if (import(de_auto.path()))
- ++nYesAuto;
- }
- int nQuality = mapEntry::qual_Good + 1;
- assert (nQuality == 4);
- int quality_bucket[4] = {0};
- mapEntry* entry;
- for (DirEntries de(gr_dir, ".gr"); !de.done(); {
- ++nTotal;
- if (entry = import(de.path(),true)) {
- ++nYes;
- ++quality_bucket[entry->getQuality()];
- }
- }
- cerr << "imported " << nYesAuto << " / " << nTotalAuto << " auto; "
- << nYes << " / " << nTotal << " manual."
- << endl;
- cerr << "Quality distribution: ";
- for (int i = 0; i < nQuality; i++) {
- cerr << quality_bucket[i];
- if (i < nQuality - 1) cerr << " / ";
- }
- cerr << endl << "done." << endl;
- }
- GlobalReg::mapEntry*
- GlobalReg::addPair(TbObj *a, TbObj *b,
- const vector<Pnt3> &ap, const vector<Pnt3> &nrma,
- const vector<Pnt3> &bp, const vector<Pnt3> &nrmb,
- Xform<float> rel_xf,
- bool manually_aligned,
- int max_pairs,
- bool save, int saveQual)
- {
- assert(ap.size() == bp.size());
- // delete previous instance
- deletePair(a,b, save);
- // create a mapEntry
- mapEntry *me = new mapEntry(a,b,ap,bp,rel_xf,max_pairs);
- me->manually_aligned = manually_aligned;
- me->quality_grade = saveQual;
- calcPairwiseRmsErr(ap,nrma,bp,nrmb,rel_xf,
- me->pw_point_rmsErr,
- me->pw_plane_rmsErr);
- // add it twice
- hmm.insert(HMM::value_type(a,me));
- hmm.insert(HMM::value_type(b,me));
- // add to set
- all_scans.insert(a);
- all_scans.insert(b);
- dirty_scans.insert(a);
- dirty_scans.insert(b);
- // Compute errors, results stored
- me->stats();
- if (save) me->export_to_file(gr_dir);
- if (cyber_raw_name) me->export_cyber_raw(cyber_raw_name);
- return me;
- }
- GlobalReg::mapEntry*
- GlobalReg::addPair(TbObj *a, TbObj *b,
- const vector<Pnt3> &ap,
- const vector<Pnt3> &bp,
- float pw_point_rmsErr,
- float pw_plane_rmsErr,
- Xform<float> rel_xf,
- bool manually_aligned,
- int max_pairs,
- bool save, int saveQual)
- {
- assert(ap.size() == bp.size());
- // delete previous instance
- deletePair(a,b, save);
- // create a mapEntry
- mapEntry *me = new mapEntry(a,b,ap,bp,rel_xf,max_pairs);
- me->manually_aligned = manually_aligned;
- me->quality_grade = saveQual;
- me->pw_point_rmsErr = pw_point_rmsErr;
- me->pw_plane_rmsErr = pw_plane_rmsErr;
- // add it twice
- hmm.insert(HMM::value_type(a,me));
- hmm.insert(HMM::value_type(b,me));
- // add to set
- all_scans.insert(a);
- all_scans.insert(b);
- dirty_scans.insert(a);
- dirty_scans.insert(b);
- // Compute errors, results stored
- me->stats();
- if (save) me->export_to_file(gr_dir);
- if (cyber_raw_name) me->export_cyber_raw(cyber_raw_name);
- return me;
- }
- bool
- GlobalReg::markPairQuality (TbObj *a, TbObj* b, int saveQual)
- {
- FOR_MATCHING_KEYS(a, data) {
- if (data->xfa == b || data->xfb == b) {
- data->quality_grade = saveQual;
- data->export_to_file(gr_dir);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- void
- GlobalReg::deletePair(TbObj *a, TbObj *b, bool deleteFile)
- {
- // erase twice, delete once
- FOR_MATCHING_KEYS(a, data) {
- if (data->xfa == b || data->xfb == b) {
- hmm.erase(__i);
- break;
- }
- FOR_MATCHING_KEYS(b, data) {
- if (data->xfa == a || data->xfb == a) {
- hmm.erase(__i);
- delete data;
- break;
- }
- // if the transforms are not there, remove from set
- if (hmm.end() == hmm.find(a)) {
- all_scans.erase(a);
- dirty_scans.erase(a);
- } else {
- dirty_scans.insert(a);
- }
- if (hmm.end() == hmm.find(b)) {
- all_scans.erase(b);
- dirty_scans.erase(b);
- } else {
- dirty_scans.insert(b);
- }
- // delete the corresponding files
- if (deleteFile) unlink_gr_files(a,b);
- }
- void
- GlobalReg::deleteAllPairs (TbObj *a, bool deleteFile)
- {
- bool again;
- do {
- again = false;
- // deletion invalidates existing iterators, so don't go
- // through the
- // FOR_MATCHING_KEYS loop more than once; exit it and restart.
- FOR_MATCHING_KEYS (a, data) {
- // erase once
- hmm.erase (__i);
- // possible delete the *.gr file
- if (deleteFile) unlink_gr_files(data->xfa, data->xfb);
- // erase twice
- TbObj* other = data->xfa;
- if (other == a)
- other = data->xfb;
- bool foundit = false;
- FOR_MATCHING_KEYS (other, data2) {
- if (data2->xfa == a || data2->xfb == a) {
- assert (data2 == data);
- hmm.erase (__i);
- foundit = true;
- break;
- }
- assert (foundit);
- // delete once
- delete data;
- // then reset the iterator
- again = true;
- break;
- } while (again);
- assert (hmm.end() == hmm.find(a));
- all_scans.erase (a);
- cerr << "Nuked all pairs for " << nameFromTbObj (a) << endl;
- }
- void
- GlobalReg::deleteAutoPairs (float thr, TbObj *a)
- {
- bool again;
- int cnt = 0;
- do {
- again = false;
- // deletion invalidates existing iterators, so don't go
- // through the
- // FOR_MAP_ENTRIES loop more than once; exit it and restart.
- FOR_MAP_ENTRIES (key, data) {
- if (a != NULL && data->xfa != a && data->xfb != a) continue;
- if (!data->manually_aligned &&
- data->pw_plane_rmsErr > thr) {
- cnt++;
- deletePair(data->xfa, data->xfb, true);
- // then reset the iterator
- again = true;
- break;
- }
- } while (again);
- cerr << "Nuked " << cnt
- << " auto pairs greater than " << thr << endl;
- }
- void
- GlobalReg::showPointpairCount(TbObj *a, TbObj *b)
- {
- assert(a);
- if (b == NULL) {
- cout << endl << "From "
- << nameFromTbObj(a) << " to" << endl;
- cout << "counttrmsErrtglobalErrtscan" << endl;
- }
- bool found = false;
- FOR_MATCHING_KEYS(a, data) {
- if (b == NULL) {
- cout << data->ptsa.size() << "t";
- cout << data->rmsErr << "t";
- cout << data->maxErr << "t";
- if (data->xfa == a) cout << nameFromTbObj(data->xfb);
- else cout << nameFromTbObj(data->xfa);
- cout << endl;
- found = true;
- } else if (data->xfa == b || data->xfb == b) {
- cout << endl << data->ptsa.size() << "t";
- cout << data->rmsErr << "t";
- cout << data->maxErr << "t";
- cout << nameFromTbObj(a) << "t";
- cout << nameFromTbObj(b) << endl;
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- if (!found) {
- cout << "Couldn't find such pair!" << endl;
- }
- }
- bool
- GlobalReg::pairRegistered (TbObj* a, TbObj* b,
- bool &manual,
- bool transitiveAllowed)
- {
- FOR_MATCHING_KEYS(a, data) {
- if (data->xfa == a && data->xfb == b ||
- data->xfb == a && data->xfa == b) {
- manual = data->manually_aligned;
- return true;
- }
- manual = false;
- if (transitiveAllowed) {
- // create a vector of the TbObj pointers
- vector<TbObj*> scan;
- int inda = -1, indb = -1;
- for (ITS is = all_scans.begin(); is!=all_scans.end(); is++) {
- if (*is == a)
- inda = scan.size();
- if (*is == b)
- indb = scan.size();
- scan.push_back(*is);
- }
- if (inda == -1 || indb == -1) {
- // one of the scans has no partners at all
- return false;
- }
- // find the connected components
- ConnComp cc(scan.size());
- FOR_MAP_ENTRIES(key, data) {
- if (key == data->xfb) continue;
- cc.connect(scan_idx(data->xfa, scan),
- scan_idx(data->xfb, scan));
- // find connected component containing a
- vector<int> g;
- while (cc.get_next_group(g)) {
- // is a here? if not, go to next group
- if (CONTAINS(g, inda))
- continue;
- // this is a's group... is b here?
- if (CONTAINS(g, indb))
- return true; // b found in same group as a
- else
- return false; // a's here but b's not
- }
- // only get here if we never found a
- cerr << "Internal error in "
- << "GlobalReg::pairRegistered(transitive)" << endl;
- }
- return false;
- }
- crope
- GlobalReg::list_partners (TbObj* mesh, bool transitiveAllowed)
- {
- crope response;
- if (!transitiveAllowed) {
- FOR_MATCHING_KEYS (mesh, data) {
- TbObj* other = data->xfa;
- if (other == mesh)
- other = data->xfb;
- if (!response.empty())
- response += crope (" ");
- response += nameFromTbObj(other);
- } else {
- // create a vector of the TbObj pointers
- vector<TbObj*> scan;
- int ind = -1;
- for (ITS is = all_scans.begin(); is!=all_scans.end(); is++) {
- if (*is == mesh)
- ind = scan.size();
- scan.push_back(*is);
- }
- if (ind != -1) {
- // find the connected components
- ConnComp cc(scan.size());
- FOR_MAP_ENTRIES(key, data) {
- if (key == data->xfb) continue;
- cc.connect(scan_idx(data->xfa, scan),
- scan_idx(data->xfb, scan));
- // find connected component containing a
- vector<int> g;
- while (cc.get_next_group(g)) {
- // is a here? if not, go to next group
- if (CONTAINS(g, ind))
- continue;
- // this is a's group... dump it
- for (int i = 0; i < g.size(); i++) {
- if (!response.empty())
- response += crope (" ");
- response += nameFromTbObj(scan[g[i]]);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return response;
- }
- int
- GlobalReg::count_partners (TbObj* mesh)
- {
- int partners = 0;
- FOR_MATCHING_KEYS (mesh, data) {
- ++partners;
- return partners;
- }
- void
- GlobalReg::dump_connected_groups (void)
- {
- // create a vector of the TbObj pointers
- vector<TbObj*> scan;
- for (ITS is = all_scans.begin(); is!=all_scans.end(); is++) {
- scan.push_back(*is);
- }
- // find the connected components
- ConnComp cc(scan.size());
- FOR_MAP_ENTRIES(key, data) {
- if (key == data->xfb) continue;
- cc.connect(scan_idx(data->xfa, scan),
- scan_idx(data->xfb, scan));
- // dump contents of each group
- vector<int> g;
- int nGroups = 0;
- while (cc.get_next_group(g)) {
- if (g.size()) {
- cout << "group (" << g.size() << "): ";
- for (int* p = g.begin(); p != g.end(); p++)
- cout << nameFromTbObj (scan[*p]) << " ";
- cout << endl;
- ++nGroups;
- }
- }
- cout << "(" << nGroups << ") total" << endl;
- }
- // the old version of align (no area-normalization)
- void
- GlobalReg::align(float _ftol,
- TbObj* scanToMove, TbObj* scanToMoveTo)
- {
- ftol = _ftol;
- if (scanToMove) {
- // just move one scan
- align_one_to_others (scanToMove, scanToMoveTo);
- } else {
- // align scans in connected groups
- // create a vector of the TbObj pointers
- vector<TbObj*> scan;
- for (ITS is = all_scans.begin(); is!=all_scans.end(); is++) {
- scan.push_back(*is);
- }
- // find the connected components
- ConnComp cc(scan.size());
- FOR_MAP_ENTRIES(key, data) {
- if (key == data->xfb) continue;
- cc.connect(scan_idx(data->xfa, scan),
- scan_idx(data->xfb, scan));
- // for each connected component, align
- vector<int> g;
- vector<TbObj*> group;
- while (cc.get_next_group(g)) {
- if (g.size() > 1) {
- group.clear();
- for (int i=0; i<g.size(); i++)
- group.push_back(scan[g[i]]);
- align_group(group);
- }
- if (BailDetector::bail()) {
- cerr << "global alignment cancelled." << endl;
- break;
- }
- }
- dirty_scans.erase(dirty_scans.begin(), dirty_scans.end());
- }
- }
- // NEW VERSION of align
- // this align function will area-normalize (whereas
- // the above fn that does not take a worldBbox won't)
- // TODO: use worldBbox instead of re-computing
- void
- GlobalReg::align(float _ftol, Bbox worldBbox,
- TbObj* scanToMove, TbObj* scanToMoveTo)
- {
- ftol = _ftol;
- normalize_samples(worldBbox, scanToMoveTo);
- if (scanToMove) {
- // just move one scan
- align_one_to_others (scanToMove, scanToMoveTo);
- } else {
- // align scans in connected groups
- // create a vector of the TbObj pointers
- vector<TbObj*> scan;
- for (ITS is = all_scans.begin(); is!=all_scans.end(); is++) {
- scan.push_back(*is);
- }
- // find the connected components
- ConnComp cc(scan.size());
- FOR_MAP_ENTRIES(key, data) {
- if (key == data->xfb) continue;
- cc.connect(scan_idx(data->xfa, scan),
- scan_idx(data->xfb, scan));
- // for each connected component, align
- vector<int> g;
- vector<TbObj*> group;
- while (cc.get_next_group(g)) {
- if (g.size() > 1) {
- group.clear();
- for (int i=0; i<g.size(); i++)
- group.push_back(scan[g[i]]);
- align_group(group);
- }
- if (BailDetector::bail()) {
- cerr << "global alignment cancelled." << endl;
- break;
- }
- }
- dirty_scans.erase(dirty_scans.begin(), dirty_scans.end());
- }
- }
- // normalize_samples goes through the map entries and throws
- // out points based on a bucket structure that keeps track of
- // how many points are already in the unit volume to which
- // the new points belong. only the set stored in scanToMoveTo
- // in align(...) should be normalized in this way.
- void GlobalReg::normalize_samples(Bbox worldBbox, TbObj *scanToMoveTo)
- {
- VolumeBucket *vb;
- cerr << "initializing buckets...";
- int numBuckets = init_vol_buckets(&vb, worldBbox, scanToMoveTo,
- cerr << "done" << endl;
- vector<TbObj*> scans; // vectorized version of scanToMoveTo
- // check to see if we're aligning with one scan or all scans
- if (scanToMoveTo) {
- // we only have one scan - throw it in our scan vector
- scans.push_back(scanToMoveTo);
- } else { // sTMT == NULL means use all
- for (ITS is = all_scans.begin(); is!=all_scans.end(); is++) {
- scans.push_back(*is);
- }
- }
- // iterating thru our scan vector, interate thru the map to
- // find matching keys to the current scan we're considering
- // for each point in ptsa (don't check ptsb because corresponds),
- // - find which bucket it belongs to
- // - check that bucket.
- // - if too full, delete points from a and b
- // - otherwise, throw the new points in the bucket
- int bucketInd;
- cerr << "iterating through points..." << scans.size() << " scans"
- << endl;
- for (int i = 0; i < scans.size(); i++) {
- // data is a mapEntry
- FOR_MATCHING_KEYS(scans[i], data) {
- vector<Pnt3>::iterator ip, ip2;
- ip = data->ptsa.begin();
- ip2 = data->ptsb.begin();
- for (int j = 0; j < data->ptsa.size(); j++) {
- assert(ip != data->ptsa.end());
- assert(ip2 != data->ptsb.end());
- // changed
- Pnt3 temp(data->ptsa[j]);
- scans[i]->xformPnt(temp);
- cerr << "pt: " << temp[0] << " " << temp[1] << " "
- << temp[2];
- bucketInd = find_bucket(temp, vb, VB_SIZE, numBuckets);
- if (bucketInd == NOT_FOUND) {
- temp.set((data->ptsb[j])[0],
- (data->ptsb[j])[1], (data->ptsb[j])[2]);
- scans[i]->xformPnt(temp);
- bucketInd = find_bucket(temp, vb, VB_SIZE, numBuckets);
- assert(bucketInd != NOT_FOUND);
- }
- //if (should_delete_point(data->ptsa[j], vb, bucketInd)) {
- if (vb[bucketInd].points.size() > THRESHOLD) {
- data->ptsa.erase(ip);
- data->ptsb.erase(ip2);
- cerr << "...throwing out" << endl;
- } else {
- vb[bucketInd].points.push_back(temp);
- //vb[bucketInd].points.push_back(data->ptsa[j]);
- //vb[bucketInd].points.push_back(data->ptsb[j]);
- cerr << "...keeping" << endl;
- }
- ip++; ip2++;
- } // for j
- } // for i
- cerr << "done" << endl;
- free(vb);
- }
- // linear time vector delete
- // int k = 0;
- // for (vector<Pnt3>::iterator ip = data->ptsa.begin();
- // ip != data->ptsa.end(); ip++) {
- // cerr << "looping a..., k = " << k << ", j = "
- // << j << endl;
- // if (k == j) {
- // data->ptsa.erase(ip); break;
- // }
- // k++;
- // }
- // k = 0;
- // for (vector<Pnt3>::iterator ip2 = data->ptsb.begin();
- // ip2 != data->ptsb.end(); ip2++) {
- // cerr << "looping b..., k = " << k << ", j = "
- // << j << endl;
- // if (k == j) {
- // data->ptsb.erase(ip2); break;
- // }
- // k++;
- // }
- bool GlobalReg::should_delete_point(Pnt3 pt, VolumeBucket *vb,
- int bucketInd)
- {
- if (vb[bucketInd].points.size() > THRESHOLD) return (true);
- // put poisson disk jitter here - efficient way to do this?
- // if we go thru all the points in the bucket, it will be
- // very slow...
- return (false);
- }
- // figure out how large the space is
- // divide to make some number of buckets
- // store all the min and max vars for those buckets
- int GlobalReg::init_vol_buckets(VolumeBucket **vb,
- Bbox worldBbox,
- TbObj *scanToMoveTo, float bucket_side)
- {
- Pnt3 min;
- Bbox bbox; // bbox around all the scans in scanToMoveTo
- if (scanToMoveTo) {
- bbox.add(scanToMoveTo->worldBbox());
- } else { // sTMT == NULL means use all
- for (ITS is = all_scans.begin(); is != all_scans.end(); is++) {
- TbObj *key = *is;
- bbox.add(key->worldBbox());
- }
- }
- min.set(bbox.min()[0], bbox.min()[1], bbox.min()[2]);
- Pnt3 dim = bbox.max() - min;
- dim /= bucket_side;
- Pnt3 xincr(bucket_side, 0, 0);
- Pnt3 yincr(0, bucket_side, 0);
- Pnt3 zincr(0, 0, bucket_side);
- int numBuckets = ceil(dim[0]) * ceil(dim[1]) * ceil(dim[2]);
- cerr << "Initializing " << numBuckets << " buckets...";
- *vb = new VolumeBucket[numBuckets];
- assert(*vb);
- Pnt3 vol_size(bucket_side, bucket_side, bucket_side);
- Pnt3 max;
- int cnt = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < ceil(dim[0]); i++) {
- for (int j = 0; j < ceil(dim[1]); j++) {
- for (int k = 0; k < ceil(dim[2]); k++) {
- max = min + vol_size;
- ((*vb)[cnt]).volume = Bbox(min, max);
- min += zincr;
- cnt++;
- }
- min.set(min[0], min[1], bbox.min()[2]);
- min += yincr;
- }
- min.set(min[0], bbox.min()[1], min[2]);
- min += xincr;
- }
- assert(cnt == numBuckets);
- return (numBuckets);
- }
- // TODO: optimize so runs in constant time
- // (currently linear time)
- int GlobalReg::find_bucket(Pnt3 pt, VolumeBucket *vb,
- float bucket_side, int numBuckets)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < numBuckets; i++) {
- if (!vb[i].volume.outside(pt)) {
- return (i);
- }
- }
- return (NOT_FOUND);
- //return (1);
- }
- std::string
- GlobalReg::dump_meshpairs (int choice,
- float listThresh)
- {
- vector<crope> names;
- vector<TbObj*> objs;
- for (DisplayableMesh** dm = theScene->meshSets.begin();
- dm < theScene->meshSets.end(); dm++) {
- if ((*dm)->getVisible()) {
- names.push_back ((*dm)->getName());
- objs.push_back ((*dm)->getMeshData());
- } else {
- cout << "Excluding invisible mesh "
- << (*dm)->getName() << endl;
- }
- }
- int i, j;
- // write 2 digit numbers, horizontal row
- printf ("n%35s", "");
- for (i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
- printf (" %d ", i / 10);
- }
- printf ("n");
- printf ("%35s", "");
- for (i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
- printf (" %d ", i % 10);
- }
- printf ("nn");
- multimap<const float, int, greater<float> > sortedList;
- float pointError, planeError, globalError;
- bool manual;
- for (i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
- printf ("%28s (%02d): ", names[i].c_str(), i);
- int nPartners = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < names.size(); j++) {
- char code[3];
- sprintf(code," -");
- bool paired = getPairError (objs[i], objs[j],
- pointError,
- planeError,
- globalError,
- manual);
- float error;
- if (choice == 0) error = pointError;
- else if (choice == 1) error = planeError;
- else error = globalError;
- if (paired) {
- ++nPartners;
- int i_err = int(error*10 + 0.5);
- if (i_err > 99) i_err = 99;
- sprintf(code,"%02d",i_err);
- if (i > j)
- sortedList.insert(pair<const float, int>(error,
- i*65000+j));
- }
- // if we're at/past i, it's diagonal or upper right --
- // duplicates, don't print
- if (j == i)
- sprintf(code," O");
- else if (j > i)
- sprintf(code," ");
- if (paired && manual) printf ("%s.", code);
- else printf ("%s ", code);
- }
- printf ("(%d partners)n", nPartners);
- }
- printf ("n");
- printf ("Meshes and their unsorted pairwise errors:n");
- printf ("n");
- for (i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
- printf ("%28s:", names[i].c_str());
- for (j = 0; j < names.size(); j++) {
- bool paired = getPairError (objs[i], objs[j],
- pointError,
- planeError,
- globalError,
- manual);
- float error;
- if (choice == 0) error = pointError;
- else if (choice == 1) error = planeError;
- else error = globalError;
- if (paired) printf(" %1.2f", error);
- }
- printf ("n");
- }
- std::string ans;
- if (listThresh < FLT_MAX) {
- cout << endl << "List of worst offenders:" << endl;
- multimap<const float, int, greater<float> >::iterator it;
- for (it = sortedList.begin(); it != sortedList.end(); it++) {
- float err = (*it).first;
- if (err > listThresh) {
- unsigned int tricky_code = (*it).second;
- unsigned int i = tricky_code / 65000;
- unsigned int j = tricky_code % 65000;
- bool paired = getPairError (objs[i], objs[j],
- pointError,
- planeError,
- globalError,
- manual);
- ans += names[i].c_str(); ans += " ";
- ans += names[j].c_str();
- if (manual) {
- printf("%s to %s: %g t(manual %f)n",
- names[i].c_str(), names[j].c_str(),
- err, planeError);
- ans += " manual ";
- } else {
- printf("%s to %s: %g t(auto %f)n",
- names[i].c_str(), names[j].c_str(),
- err, planeError);
- ans += " auto ";
- }
- char str[256];
- sprintf(str, "%f ", err);
- ans += str;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- cout << endl;
- return ans;
- }
- static void
- update_getPairingSummary_fields (GlobalReg::mapEntry* data,
- GlobalReg::ERRMETRIC metric,
- int count[3], float err[3], int qual[4])
- {
- ++count[0];
- if (data->manually_aligned)
- ++count[1];
- else
- ++count[2];
- // choice of error metrics:
- // maxErr, avgErr, rmsErr, pw_point_rmsErr, pw_plane_rmsErr
- float errSrc;
- switch (metric) {
- case GlobalReg::errmetric_max: errSrc = data->maxErr; break;
- case GlobalReg::errmetric_avg: errSrc = data->avgErr; break;
- case GlobalReg::errmetric_rms: errSrc = data->rmsErr; break;
- case GlobalReg::errmetric_pln: errSrc = data->pw_plane_rmsErr; break;
- default: // this is the only one populated by a single icp
- case GlobalReg::errmetric_pnt: errSrc = data->pw_point_rmsErr; break;
- }
- err[0] = min (err[0], errSrc);
- err[1] += errSrc;
- err[2] = max (err[2], errSrc);
- ++qual[data->getQuality()];
- }
- bool
- GlobalReg::getPairingSummary (TbObj* mesh, ERRMETRIC metric,
- int count[3], float err[3], int qual[4])
- {
- count[0] = count[1] = count[2] = 0;
- qual[0] = qual[1] = qual[2] = qual[3] = 0;
- err[0] = 1e6; err[1] = err[2] = 0;
- if (mesh) {
- FOR_MATCHING_KEYS(mesh, data) {
- update_getPairingSummary_fields (data, metric, count, err, qual);
- } else {
- FOR_MAP_ENTRIES (mesh, data) {
- update_getPairingSummary_fields (data, metric, count, err, qual);
- }
- if (count[0])
- err[1] /= count[0];
- else
- err[0] = 0;
- if (!mesh) { // don't double-count
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) count[i] /= 2;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) qual[i] /= 2;
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool
- GlobalReg::getPairingStats (TbObj* from, TbObj* to,
- bool& bManual, int& iQuality,
- int& nPoints, time_t& date,
- float err[5])
- {
- FOR_MATCHING_KEYS(from, data) {
- if (data->xfa == to || data->xfb == to) {
- bManual = data->manually_aligned;
- iQuality = data->getQuality();
- nPoints = data->ptsa.size();
- date = data->modifyDate;
- err[0] = data->maxErr;
- err[1] = data->avgErr;
- err[2] = data->rmsErr;
- err[3] = data->pw_point_rmsErr;
- err[4] = data->pw_plane_rmsErr;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- #ifdef MAIN_GR
- #include "Random.h"
- void
- main(void)
- {
- GlobalReg gr;
- int nviews = 10;
- vector<Xform<float> > xf(nviews);
- Random rnd;
- int i,j,k;
- // random initial transforms
- for (i=0; i<nviews; i++) {
- float fact = .5;
- xf[i].rotX((rnd()-.5)*M_PI*fact);
- xf[i].rotY((rnd()-.5)*M_PI*fact);
- xf[i].rotZ((rnd()-.5)*M_PI*fact);
- xf[i].translate((rnd()-.5)*fact,
- (rnd()-.5)*fact,
- (rnd()-.5)*fact);
- }
- vector<int> views;
- int ti;
- for (i=0; i<nviews; i++) {
- // pair each view randomly with 3 other views
- views.clear();
- views.push_back(i);
- for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
- do {
- ti = nviews*rnd(); ti %= nviews;
- } while (CONTAINS(views,ti));
- views.push_back(ti);
- }
- // create 3000 random point pairs with each view pair
- vector<Pnt3> P(3000),Q(3000);
- for (j=1; j<4; j++) {
- for (k=0; k<3000; k++) {
- // get a random point
- Pnt3 p(rnd(), rnd(), rnd());
- // store it in world coordinates according the
- // current transformations
- xf[views[0]].apply(p,P[k]);
- xf[views[j]].apply(p,Q[k]);
- // add some noise to points
- P[k] += Pnt3(rnd()*.001-.0005,
- rnd()*.001-.0005,
- rnd()*.001-.0005);
- Q[k] += Pnt3(rnd()*.001-.0005,
- rnd()*.001-.0005,
- rnd()*.001-.0005);
- }
- gr.addPair(&xf[i], &xf[views[j]], P, Q);
- }
- }
- float ftol = 1.e-3;
- copy(xf.begin(), xf.end(),
- ostream_iterator<Xform<float> >(cout, "n"));
- gr.align(ftol, alignHorn);
- copy(xf.begin(), xf.end(),
- ostream_iterator<Xform<float> >(cout, "n"));
- }
- #endif // MAIN_GR