- //###############################################################
- // Pnt3.h
- // Kari Pulli
- // 11/08/1996
- //###############################################################
- #ifndef _pnt3_h
- #define _pnt3_h
- #include<math.h>
- #include<assert.h>
- #include<iostream.h>
- #ifdef WIN32
- #include<float.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef sgi
- #include<ieeefp.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef sun
- #define sqrtf(x) sqrt(x)
- #endif
- #define SHOW(X) cout << #X " = " << X << endl
- class Pnt3 {
- protected:
- float v[3];
- public:
- Pnt3(float a=0.0, float b=0.0, float c=0.0)
- { v[0] = a, v[1] = b, v[2] = c;}
- Pnt3(const float *a) { v[0] = a[0], v[1] = a[1], v[2] = a[2];}
- Pnt3(const double *a) { v[0] = a[0], v[1] = a[1], v[2] = a[2];}
- Pnt3 &set(float a=0.0, float b=0.0, float c=0.0)
- { v[0] = a, v[1] = b, v[2] = c; return *this; }
- Pnt3 &set(const float *a)
- { v[0] = a[0], v[1] = a[1], v[2] = a[2]; return *this; }
- Pnt3 &set(const double *a)
- { v[0] = a[0], v[1] = a[1], v[2] = a[2]; return *this; }
- // linear interpolation
- Pnt3 &lerp(float t, const Pnt3 &a, const Pnt3 &b)
- {
- float u = 1.0 - t;
- v[0]=u*a[0]+t*b[0];
- v[1]=u*a[1]+t*b[1];
- v[2]=u*a[2]+t*b[2];
- return *this;
- }
- Pnt3 &set_max(const Pnt3 &p)
- {
- if (p.v[0] > v[0]) v[0] = p.v[0];
- if (p.v[1] > v[1]) v[1] = p.v[1];
- if (p.v[2] > v[2]) v[2] = p.v[2];
- return *this;
- }
- Pnt3 &set_min(const Pnt3 &p)
- {
- if (p.v[0] < v[0]) v[0] = p.v[0];
- if (p.v[1] < v[1]) v[1] = p.v[1];
- if (p.v[2] < v[2]) v[2] = p.v[2];
- return *this;
- }
- #ifdef WIN32
- bool isfinite(void) { return _finite(v[0]) && _finite(v[1]) && _finite(v[2]); }
- #else
- bool isfinite(void) { return finite(v[0]) && finite(v[1]) && finite(v[2]); }
- #endif
- Pnt3 operator-() const { return Pnt3(-v[0],-v[1],-v[2]); }
- Pnt3& operator+=(const Pnt3 &);
- Pnt3& operator-=(const Pnt3 &);
- Pnt3& operator*=(const float &);
- Pnt3& operator/=(const float &);
- int operator==(const Pnt3 &);
- int operator!=(const Pnt3 &);
- operator const float *(void) const { return v; }
- operator float *(void) { return v; }
- operator const char *(void) const { return (char *)v; }
- operator char *(void) { return (char *)v; }
- float& operator[](int i) { return v[i]; }
- const float& operator[](int i) const { return v[i]; }
- friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const Pnt3 &a);
- friend istream& operator>>(istream &in, Pnt3 &a);
- // operators that are not part of class: +,-,*,/
- float norm(void) const;
- float norm2(void) const;
- Pnt3 & normalize(void);
- Pnt3 & set_norm(float len);
- friend float dist(const Pnt3 &, const Pnt3 &);
- friend float dist2(const Pnt3 &, const Pnt3 &);
- friend float dist_2d(const Pnt3 &, const Pnt3 &);
- friend float dist2_2d(const Pnt3 &, const Pnt3 &);
- friend float dist_manhattan(const Pnt3 &, const Pnt3 &);
- friend float dist2_lineseg(const Pnt3 &, const Pnt3 &, const Pnt3 &);
- friend float dist2_tri(const Pnt3 &,
- const Pnt3 &, const Pnt3 &, const Pnt3 &);
- friend bool closer_on_lineseg(const Pnt3 &, Pnt3 &,
- const Pnt3 &,
- const Pnt3 &, float &);
- friend bool closer_on_tri(const Pnt3 &, Pnt3 &, const Pnt3 &,
- const Pnt3 &, const Pnt3 &, float &);
- friend float dot(const Pnt3 &a, const Pnt3 &b);
- friend Pnt3 cross(const Pnt3 &a, const Pnt3 &b);
- friend Pnt3 cross(const Pnt3 &a, const Pnt3 &b,
- const Pnt3 &c);
- friend Pnt3 normal(const Pnt3 &, const Pnt3 &, const Pnt3 &);
- friend float det(const Pnt3 &, const Pnt3 &, const Pnt3 &);
- friend void line_plane_X(const Pnt3& p, const Pnt3& dir,
- const Pnt3& t1, const Pnt3& t2,
- const Pnt3& t3,
- Pnt3 &x, float &dist);
- friend void line_plane_X(const Pnt3& p, const Pnt3& dir,
- const Pnt3& nrm, float d,
- Pnt3 &x, float &dist);
- friend void bary(const Pnt3& p, const Pnt3& t1,
- const Pnt3& t2, const Pnt3& t3,
- float &b1, float &b2, float &b3);
- friend void bary_fast(const Pnt3& p, const Pnt3& n,
- const Pnt3 &t0, const Pnt3& v1, const Pnt3& v2,
- float &b1, float &b2, float &b3);
- friend void bary(const Pnt3& p, const Pnt3& dir,
- const Pnt3& t1, const Pnt3& t2,
- const Pnt3& t3,
- float &b1, float &b2, float &b3);
- friend int above_plane(const Pnt3& p, const Pnt3& a,
- const Pnt3& b, const Pnt3& c);
- float smallest_circle(const Pnt3 &, const Pnt3 &, const Pnt3 &);
- // functions used for closest point searching in KDtrees and octrees
- friend bool ball_within_bounds(const Pnt3 &, float,
- const Pnt3 &, float);
- friend bool ball_within_bounds(const Pnt3 &, float,
- const Pnt3 &, const Pnt3 &);
- friend bool bounds_overlap_ball(const Pnt3 &, float,
- const Pnt3 &, float);
- friend bool bounds_overlap_ball(const Pnt3 &, float,
- const Pnt3 &, const Pnt3 &);
- friend bool spheres_intersect(const Pnt3 &, const Pnt3 &,
- float, float);
- friend bool lines_intersect(const Pnt3 &p1,
- const Pnt3 &p2,
- const Pnt3 &p3,
- const Pnt3 &p4,
- Pnt3 &isect);
- // rigid transformations only (rot + trans)
- Pnt3 & xform(float m[16]);// OpenGL matrix: p . M = p'
- Pnt3 & xform(double m[16]);// OpenGL matrix: p . M = p'
- Pnt3 & xform(float r[3][3], float t[3]);
- Pnt3 & xform(float r[3][3], double t[3]);
- Pnt3 & invxform(float m[16]);// OpenGL matrix: p . M = p'
- Pnt3 & invxform(double m[16]);// OpenGL matrix: p . M = p'
- Pnt3 & invxform(float r[3][3], float t[3]);
- Pnt3 & invxform(float r[3][3], double t[3]);
- Pnt3 & setXformed(const Pnt3 &p, float r[3][3], float t[3]);
- Pnt3 & setRotated(const Pnt3 &p, float r[3][3]);
- };
- inline Pnt3&
- Pnt3::operator+=(const Pnt3 &a)
- {
- v[0] += a.v[0]; v[1] += a.v[1]; v[2] += a.v[2];
- return *this;
- }
- inline Pnt3&
- Pnt3::operator-=(const Pnt3 &a)
- {
- v[0] -= a.v[0]; v[1] -= a.v[1]; v[2] -= a.v[2];
- return *this;
- }
- inline Pnt3&
- Pnt3::operator*=(const float &a)
- {
- v[0] *= a; v[1] *= a; v[2] *= a;
- return *this;
- }
- inline Pnt3&
- Pnt3::operator/=(const float &a)
- {
- float tmp = 1.0f / a;
- v[0] *= tmp; v[1] *= tmp; v[2] *= tmp;
- return *this;
- }
- inline int
- Pnt3::operator==(const Pnt3 &a)
- {
- return (a.v[0]==v[0] && a.v[1]==v[1] && a.v[2]==v[2]);
- }
- inline int
- Pnt3::operator!=(const Pnt3 &a)
- {
- return (a.v[0]!=v[0] || a.v[1]!=v[1] || a.v[2]!=v[2]);
- }
- inline Pnt3
- operator+(const Pnt3 &a, const Pnt3 &b)
- {
- Pnt3 tmp = a;
- return (tmp += b);
- }
- inline Pnt3
- operator-(const Pnt3 &a, const Pnt3 &b)
- {
- Pnt3 tmp = a;
- return (tmp -= b);
- }
- inline Pnt3
- operator*(const Pnt3 &a, const float &b)
- {
- Pnt3 tmp = a;
- return (tmp *= b);
- }
- inline Pnt3
- operator*(const float &a, const Pnt3 &b)
- {
- Pnt3 tmp = b;
- return (tmp *= a);
- }
- inline Pnt3
- operator/(const Pnt3 &a, const float &b)
- {
- Pnt3 tmp = a;
- return (tmp /= b);
- }
- inline ostream&
- operator<<(ostream &out, const Pnt3 &a)
- {
- return out << "["<< a.v[0] <<" "<< a.v[1] <<" "<< a.v[2] << "]";
- }
- inline istream&
- operator>>(istream &in, Pnt3 &a)
- {
- char c = 0;
- in >> ws >> c;
- if (c == '[') {
- in >> a.v[0] >> a.v[1] >> a.v[2];
- in >> c;
- if (c != ']') in.clear(ios::badbit);
- } else {
- in.putback(c);
- in >> a.v[0] >> a.v[1] >> a.v[2];
- }
- return in;
- }
- inline float
- Pnt3::norm() const
- {
- return sqrtf(v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2]);
- }
- inline float
- Pnt3::norm2() const
- {
- return v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2];
- }
- inline Pnt3 &
- Pnt3::normalize(void)
- {
- float a = v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2];
- if (a != 0) {
- a = 1.0/sqrtf(a);
- v[0] *= a; v[1] *= a; v[2] *= a;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline Pnt3 &
- Pnt3::set_norm(float len)
- {
- float a = v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2];
- if (a != 0) {
- a = len/sqrtf(a);
- v[0] *= a; v[1] *= a; v[2] *= a;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline float
- dist2(const Pnt3 &a, const Pnt3 &b)
- {
- float x = a.v[0]-b.v[0];
- float y = a.v[1]-b.v[1];
- float z = a.v[2]-b.v[2];
- return x*x + y*y + z*z;
- }
- inline float
- dist(const Pnt3 &a, const Pnt3 &b)
- {
- return sqrtf(dist2(a,b));
- }
- inline float
- dist2_2d(const Pnt3 &a, const Pnt3 &b)
- {
- float x = a.v[0]-b.v[0];
- float y = a.v[1]-b.v[1];
- return x*x + y*y;
- }
- inline float
- dist_2d(const Pnt3 &a, const Pnt3 &b)
- {
- return sqrtf(dist2_2d(a,b));
- }
- inline float
- dist_manhattan(const Pnt3 &a, const Pnt3 &b)
- {
- float d = fabs(a[0]-b[0]);
- float t = fabs(a[1]-b[1]);
- if (t > d) d = t;
- t = fabs(a[2]-b[2]);
- if (t > d) return t;
- return d;
- }
- // distance from x to linesegment from a to b
- inline float
- dist2_lineseg(const Pnt3 &x, const Pnt3 &a, const Pnt3 &b)
- {
- Pnt3 ba = b; ba -= a;
- Pnt3 xa = x; xa -= a;
- float xa_ba = dot(xa,ba);
- // if the dot product is negative, the point is closest to a
- if (xa_ba < 0.0) return dist2(x,a);
- // if the dot product is greater than squared segment length,
- // the point is closest to b
- float nba2 = ba.norm2();
- if (xa_ba >= nba2) return dist2(x,b);
- // take the squared dist x-a, squared dot of x-a to unit b-a,
- // use Pythagoras' rule
- return xa.norm2() - xa_ba*xa_ba/nba2;
- }
- inline float
- dist2_tri(const Pnt3 &x,
- const Pnt3 &t1, const Pnt3 &t2, const Pnt3 &t3)
- {
- // calculate the normal and distance from the plane
- Pnt3 v1(t2.v[0]-t1.v[0], t2.v[1]-t1.v[1], t2.v[2]-t1.v[2]);
- Pnt3 v2(t3.v[0]-t1.v[0], t3.v[1]-t1.v[1], t3.v[2]-t1.v[2]);
- Pnt3 n = cross(v1,v2);
- float n_inv_mag2 = 1.0/n.norm2();
- float tmp = (x.v[0]-t1.v[0])*n.v[0] +
- (x.v[1]-t1.v[1])*n.v[1] +
- (x.v[2]-t1.v[2])*n.v[2];
- float distp2 = tmp * tmp * n_inv_mag2;
- // calculate the barycentric coordinates of the point
- // (projected onto tri plane) with respect to v123
- float b1,b2,b3;
- float f = tmp*n_inv_mag2;
- Pnt3 pp(x[0]-f*n[0], x[1]-f*n[1], x[2]-f*n[2]);
- bary_fast(pp, n, t1,v1,v2, b1,b2,b3);
- // all non-negative, the point is within the triangle
- if (b1 >= 0.0 && b2 >= 0.0 && b3 >= 0.0) {
- return distp2;
- }
- // look at the signs of the barycentric coordinates
- // if there are two negative signs, the positive
- // one tells the vertex that's closest
- // if there's one negative sign, the opposite edge
- // (with endpoints) is closest
- if (b1 < 0.0) {
- if (b2 < 0.0) {
- return dist2(x,t3);
- } else if (b3 < 0.0) {
- return dist2(x,t2);
- } else return dist2_lineseg(x, t2,t3);
- } else if (b2 < 0.0) {
- if (b3 < 0.0) {
- return dist2(x,t1);
- } else return dist2_lineseg(x, t1,t3);
- } else return dist2_lineseg(x, t1,t2);
- }
- inline bool
- closer_on_lineseg(const Pnt3 &x, Pnt3 &cp, const Pnt3 &a,
- const Pnt3 &b, float &d2)
- {
- Pnt3 ba(b.v[0]-a.v[0], b.v[1]-a.v[1], b.v[2]-a.v[2]);
- Pnt3 xa(x.v[0]-a.v[0], x.v[1]-a.v[1], x.v[2]-a.v[2]);
- float xa_ba = dot(xa,ba);
- // if the dot product is negative, the point is closest to a
- if (xa_ba < 0.0) {
- float nd = dist2(x,a);
- if (nd < d2) { cp = a; d2 = nd; return true; }
- return false;
- }
- // if the dot product is greater than squared segment length,
- // the point is closest to b
- float fact = xa_ba/ba.norm2();
- if (fact >= 1.0) {
- float nd = dist2(x,b);
- if (nd < d2) { cp = b; d2 = nd; return true; }
- return false;
- }
- // take the squared dist x-a, squared dot of x-a to unit b-a,
- // use Pythagoras' rule
- float nd = xa.norm2() - xa_ba*fact;
- if (nd < d2) {
- d2 = nd;
- cp.v[0] = a.v[0] + fact * ba.v[0];
- cp.v[1] = a.v[1] + fact * ba.v[1];
- cp.v[2] = a.v[2] + fact * ba.v[2];
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- inline bool
- closer_on_tri(const Pnt3 &x, Pnt3 &cp, const Pnt3 &t1,
- const Pnt3 &t2, const Pnt3 &t3, float &d2)
- {
- // calculate the normal and distance from the plane
- Pnt3 v1(t2.v[0]-t1.v[0], t2.v[1]-t1.v[1], t2.v[2]-t1.v[2]);
- Pnt3 v2(t3.v[0]-t1.v[0], t3.v[1]-t1.v[1], t3.v[2]-t1.v[2]);
- Pnt3 n = cross(v1,v2);
- float n_inv_mag2 = 1.0/n.norm2();
- float tmp = (x.v[0]-t1.v[0])*n.v[0] +
- (x.v[1]-t1.v[1])*n.v[1] +
- (x.v[2]-t1.v[2])*n.v[2];
- float distp2 = tmp * tmp * n_inv_mag2;
- if (distp2 >= d2) return false;
- // calculate the barycentric coordinates of the point
- // (projected onto tri plane) with respect to v123
- float b1,b2,b3;
- float f = tmp*n_inv_mag2;
- Pnt3 pp(x[0]-f*n[0], x[1]-f*n[1], x[2]-f*n[2]);
- bary_fast(pp, n, t1,v1,v2, b1,b2,b3);
- // all non-negative, the point is within the triangle
- if (b1 >= 0.0 && b2 >= 0.0 && b3 >= 0.0) {
- d2 = distp2;
- cp = pp;
- return true;
- }
- // look at the signs of the barycentric coordinates
- // if there are two negative signs, the positive
- // one tells the vertex that's closest
- // if there's one negative sign, the opposite edge
- // (with endpoints) is closest
- if (b1 < 0.0) {
- if (b2 < 0.0) {
- float nd = dist2(x,t3);
- if (nd < d2) { d2 = nd; cp = t3; return true; }
- else { return false; }
- } else if (b3 < 0.0) {
- float nd = dist2(x,t2);
- if (nd < d2) { d2 = nd; cp = t2; return true; }
- else { return false; }
- } else return closer_on_lineseg(x, cp, t2,t3, d2);
- } else if (b2 < 0.0) {
- if (b3 < 0.0) {
- float nd = dist2(x,t1);
- if (nd < d2) { d2 = nd; cp = t1; return true; }
- else { return false; }
- } else return closer_on_lineseg(x, cp, t1,t3, d2);
- } else return closer_on_lineseg(x, cp, t1,t2, d2);
- }
- inline float
- dot(const Pnt3 &a, const Pnt3 &b)
- {
- return (a.v[0]*b.v[0] + a.v[1]*b.v[1] + a.v[2]*b.v[2]);
- }
- inline Pnt3
- cross(const Pnt3 &a, const Pnt3 &b)
- {
- return Pnt3(a.v[1]*b.v[2] - a.v[2]*b.v[1],
- a.v[2]*b.v[0] - a.v[0]*b.v[2],
- a.v[0]*b.v[1] - a.v[1]*b.v[0]);
- }
- // two vectors, a and b, starting from c
- inline Pnt3
- cross(const Pnt3 &a, const Pnt3 &b, const Pnt3 &c)
- {
- float a0 = a.v[0]-c.v[0];
- float a1 = a.v[1]-c.v[1];
- float a2 = a.v[2]-c.v[2];
- float b0 = b.v[0]-c.v[0];
- float b1 = b.v[1]-c.v[1];
- float b2 = b.v[2]-c.v[2];
- return Pnt3(a1*b2 - a2*b1, a2*b0 - a0*b2, a0*b1 - a1*b0);
- }
- // get a normal from triangle ABC, points given in ccw order
- inline Pnt3
- normal(const Pnt3 &a, const Pnt3 &b, const Pnt3 &c)
- {
- float a0 = a.v[0]-c.v[0];
- float a1 = a.v[1]-c.v[1];
- float a2 = a.v[2]-c.v[2];
- float b0 = b.v[0]-c.v[0];
- float b1 = b.v[1]-c.v[1];
- float b2 = b.v[2]-c.v[2];
- float x = a1*b2 - a2*b1;
- float y = a2*b0 - a0*b2;
- float z = a0*b1 - a1*b0;
- float n = x*x+y*y+z*z;
- if (n == 0) {
- return Pnt3();
- } else {
- n = 1.0/sqrtf(n);
- return Pnt3(x*n, y*n, z*n);
- }
- }
- // determinant of 3 points
- inline float
- det(const Pnt3 &a, const Pnt3 &b, const Pnt3 &c)
- {
- return a[0]*(b[1]*c[2]-b[2]*c[1])
- - a[1]*(b[0]*c[2]-b[2]*c[0])
- + a[2]*(b[0]*c[1]-b[1]*c[0]);
- }
- // calculate the intersection of a line going through p
- // to direction dir with a plane spanned by t1,t2,t3
- // (modified from Graphics Gems, p.299)
- inline void
- line_plane_X(const Pnt3& p, const Pnt3& dir,
- const Pnt3& t1, const Pnt3& t2, const Pnt3& t3,
- Pnt3 &x, float &dist)
- {
- // note: normal doesn't need to be unit vector
- Pnt3 nrm = cross(t1,t2,t3);
- float tmp = dot(nrm,dir);
- if (tmp == 0.0) {
- cerr << "Cannot intersect plane with a parallel line" << endl;
- return;
- }
- // d = -dot(nrm,t1)
- // t = - (d + dot(p,nrm))/dot(dir,nrm)
- // is = p + dir * t
- x = dir;
- dist = (dot(nrm,t1)-dot(nrm,p))/tmp;
- x *= dist;
- x += p;
- if (dist < 0.0) dist = -dist;
- }
- inline void
- line_plane_X(const Pnt3& p, const Pnt3& dir,
- const Pnt3& nrm, float d, Pnt3 &x, float &dist)
- {
- float tmp = dot(nrm,dir);
- if (tmp == 0.0) {
- cerr << "Cannot intersect plane with a parallel line" << endl;
- return;
- }
- x = dir;
- dist = -(d+dot(nrm,p))/tmp;
- x *= dist;
- x += p;
- if (dist < 0.0) dist = -dist;
- }
- // calculate barycentric coordinates of the point p
- // on triangle t1 t2 t3
- inline void
- bary(const Pnt3& p,
- const Pnt3& t1, const Pnt3& t2, const Pnt3& t3,
- float &b1, float &b2, float &b3)
- {
- // figure out the plane onto which to project the vertices
- // by calculating a cross product and finding its largest dimension
- // then use Cramer's rule to calculate two of the
- // barycentric coordinates
- // e.g., if the z coordinate is ignored, and v1 = t1-t3, v2 = t2-t3
- // b1 = det[x[0] v2[0]; x[1] v2[1]] / det[v1[0] v2[0]; v1[1] v2[1]]
- // b2 = det[v1[0] x[0]; v1[1] x[1]] / det[v1[0] v2[0]; v1[1] v2[1]]
- float v10 = t1.v[0]-t3.v[0];
- float v11 = t1.v[1]-t3.v[1];
- float v12 = t1.v[2]-t3.v[2];
- float v20 = t2.v[0]-t3.v[0];
- float v21 = t2.v[1]-t3.v[1];
- float v22 = t2.v[2]-t3.v[2];
- float c[2];
- c[0] = fabs(v11*v22 - v12*v21);
- c[1] = fabs(v12*v20 - v10*v22);
- int i = 0;
- if (c[1] > c[0]) i = 1;
- if (fabs(v10*v21 - v11*v20) > c[i]) {
- // ignore z
- float d = 1.0 / (v10*v21-v11*v20);
- float x0 = (p.v[0]-t3.v[0]);
- float x1 = (p.v[1]-t3.v[1]);
- b1 = (x0*v21 - x1*v20) * d;
- b2 = (v10*x1 - v11*x0) * d;
- } else if (i==0) {
- // ignore x
- float d = 1.0 / (v11*v22-v12*v21);
- float x0 = (p.v[1]-t3.v[1]);
- float x1 = (p.v[2]-t3.v[2]);
- b1 = (x0*v22 - x1*v21) * d;
- b2 = (v11*x1 - v12*x0) * d;
- } else {
- // ignore y
- float d = 1.0 / (v12*v20-v10*v22);
- float x0 = (p.v[2]-t3.v[2]);
- float x1 = (p.v[0]-t3.v[0]);
- b1 = (x0*v20 - x1*v22) * d;
- b2 = (v12*x1 - v10*x0) * d;
- }
- b3 = 1.0 - b1 - b2;
- }
- // calculate barycentric coordinates of the point p
- // (already on the triangle plane) with normal vector n
- // and two edge vectors v1 and v2,
- // starting from a common vertex t0
- inline void
- bary_fast(const Pnt3& p, const Pnt3& n,
- const Pnt3 &t0, const Pnt3& v1, const Pnt3& v2,
- float &b1, float &b2, float &b3)
- {
- // see bary above
- int i = 0;
- if (n.v[1] > n.v[0]) i = 1;
- if (n.v[2] > n.v[i]) {
- // ignore z
- float d = 1.0 / (v1.v[0]*v2.v[1]-v1.v[1]*v2.v[0]);
- float x0 = (p.v[0]-t0.v[0]);
- float x1 = (p.v[1]-t0.v[1]);
- b1 = (x0*v2.v[1] - x1*v2.v[0]) * d;
- b2 = (v1.v[0]*x1 - v1.v[1]*x0) * d;
- } else if (i==0) {
- // ignore x
- float d = 1.0 / (v1.v[1]*v2.v[2]-v1.v[2]*v2.v[1]);
- float x0 = (p.v[1]-t0.v[1]);
- float x1 = (p.v[2]-t0.v[2]);
- b1 = (x0*v2.v[2] - x1*v2.v[1]) * d;
- b2 = (v1.v[1]*x1 - v1.v[2]*x0) * d;
- } else {
- // ignore y
- float d = 1.0 / (v1.v[2]*v2.v[0]-v1.v[0]*v2.v[2]);
- float x0 = (p.v[2]-t0.v[2]);
- float x1 = (p.v[0]-t0.v[0]);
- b1 = (x0*v2.v[0] - x1*v2.v[2]) * d;
- b2 = (v1.v[2]*x1 - v1.v[0]*x0) * d;
- }
- b3 = 1.0 - b1 - b2;
- }
- // calculate barycentric coordinates for the intersection of
- // a line starting from p, going to direction dir, and the plane
- // of the triangle t1 t2 t3
- inline void
- bary(const Pnt3& p, const Pnt3& dir,
- const Pnt3& t1, const Pnt3& t2, const Pnt3& t3,
- float &b1, float &b2, float &b3)
- {
- Pnt3 x; float d;
- line_plane_X(p, dir, t1, t2, t3, x, d);
- bary(x, t1,t2,t3, b1,b2,b3);
- }
- // is p above the plane spanned by triangle abc (ccw order)?
- inline int
- above_plane(const Pnt3& p, const Pnt3& a,
- const Pnt3& b, const Pnt3& c)
- {
- Pnt3 nrm = cross(a,b,c);
- return dot(p,nrm) > dot(a,nrm);
- }
- // find the smallest circle that covers a,b,c
- // set self to the center, return radius
- inline float
- Pnt3::smallest_circle(const Pnt3 &A, const Pnt3 &B, const Pnt3 &C)
- {
- Pnt3 a(B); a-=A;
- Pnt3 b(C); b-=B;
- Pnt3 c(A); c-=C;
- float da = a.norm2();
- float db = b.norm2();
- float dc = c.norm2();
- //const float *x;
- if (da > db && da > dc) {
- // da longest
- if (da >= db + dc) {
- // over 90 deg angle, solution is the center of the
- // longest edge
- v[0] = .5 * (A.v[0]+B.v[0]);
- v[1] = .5 * (A.v[1]+B.v[1]);
- v[2] = .5 * (A.v[2]+B.v[2]);
- return .5*sqrtf(da);
- }
- } else if (dc > db) {
- // dc longest
- if (dc >= db + da) {
- // over 90 deg angle, solution is the center of the
- // longest edge
- v[0] = .5 * (A.v[0]+C.v[0]);
- v[1] = .5 * (A.v[1]+C.v[1]);
- v[2] = .5 * (A.v[2]+C.v[2]);
- return .5*sqrtf(dc);
- }
- } else {
- // db longest
- if (db >= da + dc) {
- // over 90 deg angle, solution is the center of the
- // longest edge
- v[0] = .5 * (B.v[0]+C.v[0]);
- v[1] = .5 * (B.v[1]+C.v[1]);
- v[2] = .5 * (B.v[2]+C.v[2]);
- return .5*sqrtf(db);
- }
- }
- // solution is the circumcircle (see GGems 4 p.144)
- Pnt3 aperp = cross(a, cross(a,b));
- float fact = dot(b,c) / dot(aperp, c);
- v[0] = A.v[0] + .5 * (a.v[0] + fact * aperp.v[0]);
- v[1] = A.v[1] + .5 * (a.v[1] + fact * aperp.v[1]);
- v[2] = A.v[2] + .5 * (a.v[2] + fact * aperp.v[2]);
- return .5 * sqrtf(da*fact*fact+da);
- }
- // is the ball centered at b with radius r
- // fully within the box centered at bc, with radius br?
- inline bool
- ball_within_bounds(const Pnt3 &b, float r,
- const Pnt3 &bc, float br)
- {
- r -= br;
- if ((b.v[0] - bc.v[0] <= r) ||
- (bc.v[0] - b.v[0] <= r) ||
- (b.v[1] - bc.v[1] <= r) ||
- (bc.v[1] - b.v[1] <= r) ||
- (b.v[2] - bc.v[2] <= r) ||
- (bc.v[2] - b.v[2] <= r)) return false;
- return true;
- }
- // is the ball centered at b with radius r
- // fully within the box centered from min to max?
- inline bool
- ball_within_bounds(const Pnt3 &b,
- float r,
- const Pnt3 &min,
- const Pnt3 &max)
- {
- if ((b.v[0] - min.v[0] <= r) ||
- (max.v[0] - b.v[0] <= r) ||
- (b.v[1] - min.v[1] <= r) ||
- (max.v[1] - b.v[1] <= r) ||
- (b.v[2] - min.v[2] <= r) ||
- (max.v[2] - b.v[2] <= r)) return false;
- return true;
- }
- // does the ball centered at b, with radius r,
- // intersect the box centered at bc, with radius br?
- inline bool
- bounds_overlap_ball(const Pnt3 &b, float r,
- const Pnt3 &bc, float br)
- {
- float sum = 0.0, tmp;
- if ((tmp = bc.v[0]-br - b.v[0]) > 0.0) {
- if (tmp>r) return false; sum += tmp*tmp;
- } else if ((tmp = b.v[0] - (bc.v[0]+br)) > 0.0) {
- if (tmp>r) return false; sum += tmp*tmp;
- }
- if ((tmp = bc.v[1]-br - b.v[1]) > 0.0) {
- if (tmp>r) return false; sum += tmp*tmp;
- } else if ((tmp = b.v[1] - (bc.v[1]+br)) > 0.0) {
- if (tmp>r) return false; sum += tmp*tmp;
- }
- if ((tmp = bc.v[2]-br - b.v[2]) > 0.0) {
- if (tmp>r) return false; sum += tmp*tmp;
- } else if ((tmp = b.v[2] - (bc.v[2]+br)) > 0.0) {
- if (tmp>r) return false; sum += tmp*tmp;
- }
- return (sum < r*r);
- }
- inline bool
- bounds_overlap_ball(const Pnt3 &b,
- float r,
- const Pnt3 &min,
- const Pnt3 &max)
- {
- float sum = 0.0, tmp;
- if (b.v[0] < min.v[0]) {
- tmp = min.v[0] - b.v[0]; if (tmp>r) return false; sum+=tmp*tmp;
- } else if (b.v[0] > max.v[0]) {
- tmp = b.v[0] - max.v[0]; if (tmp>r) return false; sum+=tmp*tmp;
- }
- if (b.v[1] < min.v[1]) {
- tmp = min.v[1] - b.v[1]; sum+=tmp*tmp;
- } else if (b.v[1] > max.v[1]) {
- tmp = b.v[1] - max.v[1]; sum+=tmp*tmp;
- }
- r *= r;
- if (sum > r) return false;
- if (b.v[2] < min.v[2]) {
- tmp = min.v[2] - b.v[2]; sum+=tmp*tmp;
- } else if (b.v[2] > max.v[2]) {
- tmp = b.v[2] - max.v[2]; sum+=tmp*tmp;
- }
- return (sum < r);
- }
- // this function tests for the intersection
- // of two spheres, for one of which we have the
- // squared radius
- inline bool
- spheres_intersect(const Pnt3 &c1, const Pnt3 &c2,
- float r1sqr, float r2)
- {
- float x = c1.v[0]-c2.v[0];
- float y = c1.v[1]-c2.v[1];
- float z = c1.v[2]-c2.v[2];
- // try to avoid square root
- //float r2sqr = r2*r2;
- //float R2 = (x*x + y*y + z*z - r1sqr - r2sqr)*.5;
- float R2 = (x*x + y*y + z*z - r1sqr - r2*r2);
- // check against underestimate
- if (R2 < 0.0) return true;
- /*
- // check against overestimate
- //R2 *= .5;
- if (r1sqr > r2sqr) {
- if (R2 > r1sqr) return false;
- } else {
- if (R2 > r2sqr) return false;
- }
- */
- // had to take square root...
- return (R2 < 2.0*sqrtf(r1sqr)*r2);
- }
- //GGems II, p. 142
- inline bool
- lines_intersect(const Pnt3 &p1,
- const Pnt3 &p2,
- const Pnt3 &p3,
- const Pnt3 &p4,
- Pnt3 &isect)
- {
- Pnt3 a = p2 - p1;
- Pnt3 b = p4 - p3;
- Pnt3 axb = cross(a,b);
- float d2 = axb.norm2();
- if (d2 < 1.e-7) return false;
- isect = p1 + a * dot(axb, cross((p3-p1),b)) / d2;
- return true;
- }
- inline Pnt3 &
- Pnt3::xform(float m[16])
- {
- float x = m[0]*v[0] + m[4]*v[1] + m[8] *v[2] + m[12];
- float y = m[1]*v[0] + m[5]*v[1] + m[9] *v[2] + m[13];
- v[2] = m[2]*v[0] + m[6]*v[1] + m[10]*v[2] + m[14];
- v[0] = x; v[1] = y;
- return *this;
- }
- inline Pnt3 &
- Pnt3::xform(double m[16])
- {
- float x = m[0]*v[0] + m[4]*v[1] + m[8] *v[2] + m[12];
- float y = m[1]*v[0] + m[5]*v[1] + m[9] *v[2] + m[13];
- v[2] = m[2]*v[0] + m[6]*v[1] + m[10]*v[2] + m[14];
- v[0] = x; v[1] = y;
- return *this;
- }
- inline Pnt3 &
- Pnt3::xform(float r[3][3], float t[3])
- {
- float x = t[0] + r[0][0]*v[0] + r[0][1]*v[1] + r[0][2]*v[2];
- float y = t[1] + r[1][0]*v[0] + r[1][1]*v[1] + r[1][2]*v[2];
- v[2] = t[2] + r[2][0]*v[0] + r[2][1]*v[1] + r[2][2]*v[2];
- v[0] = x; v[1] = y;
- return *this;
- }
- inline Pnt3 &
- Pnt3::xform(float r[3][3], double t[3])
- {
- float x = t[0] + r[0][0]*v[0] + r[0][1]*v[1] + r[0][2]*v[2];
- float y = t[1] + r[1][0]*v[0] + r[1][1]*v[1] + r[1][2]*v[2];
- v[2] = t[2] + r[2][0]*v[0] + r[2][1]*v[1] + r[2][2]*v[2];
- v[0] = x; v[1] = y;
- return *this;
- }
- inline Pnt3 &
- Pnt3::invxform(float m[16])
- {
- float tx = v[0] - m[12];
- float ty = v[1] - m[13];
- float tz = v[2] - m[14];
- v[0] = m[0]*tx + m[1]*ty + m[2]*tz;
- v[1] = m[4]*tx + m[5]*ty + m[6]*tz;
- v[2] = m[8]*tx + m[9]*ty + m[10]*tz;
- return *this;
- }
- inline Pnt3 &
- Pnt3::invxform(double m[16])
- {
- double tx = v[0] - m[12];
- double ty = v[1] - m[13];
- double tz = v[2] - m[14];
- v[0] = m[0]*tx + m[1]*ty + m[2]*tz;
- v[1] = m[4]*tx + m[5]*ty + m[6]*tz;
- v[2] = m[8]*tx + m[9]*ty + m[10]*tz;
- return *this;
- }
- inline Pnt3 &
- Pnt3::invxform(float r[3][3], float t[3])
- {
- float tx = v[0] - t[0];
- float ty = v[1] - t[1];
- float tz = v[2] - t[2];
- v[0] = r[0][0]*tx + r[1][0]*ty + r[2][0]*tz;
- v[1] = r[0][1]*tx + r[1][1]*ty + r[2][1]*tz;
- v[2] = r[0][2]*tx + r[1][2]*ty + r[2][2]*tz;
- return *this;
- }
- inline Pnt3 &
- Pnt3::invxform(float r[3][3], double t[3])
- {
- float tx = v[0] - t[0];
- float ty = v[1] - t[1];
- float tz = v[2] - t[2];
- v[0] = r[0][0]*tx + r[1][0]*ty + r[2][0]*tz;
- v[1] = r[0][1]*tx + r[1][1]*ty + r[2][1]*tz;
- v[2] = r[0][2]*tx + r[1][2]*ty + r[2][2]*tz;
- return *this;
- }
- inline Pnt3 &
- Pnt3::setXformed(const Pnt3 &p, float r[3][3], float t[3])
- {
- v[0] = r[0][0]*p.v[0] + r[0][1]*p.v[1] + r[0][2]*p.v[2] + t[0];
- v[1] = r[1][0]*p.v[0] + r[1][1]*p.v[1] + r[1][2]*p.v[2] + t[1];
- v[2] = r[2][0]*p.v[0] + r[2][1]*p.v[1] + r[2][2]*p.v[2] + t[2];
- return *this;
- }
- inline Pnt3 &
- Pnt3::setRotated(const Pnt3 &p, float r[3][3])
- {
- v[0] = r[0][0]*p.v[0] + r[0][1]*p.v[1] + r[0][2]*p.v[2];
- v[1] = r[1][0]*p.v[0] + r[1][1]*p.v[1] + r[1][2]*p.v[2];
- v[2] = r[2][0]*p.v[0] + r[2][1]*p.v[1] + r[2][2]*p.v[2];
- return *this;
- }
- class Vec3 : public Pnt3 {
- public:
- Vec3(float a=0.0, float b=0.0, float c=0.0)
- { v[0] = a, v[1] = b, v[2] = c; normalize(); }
- Vec3(const Pnt3 &p)
- { v[0] = p[0]; v[1] = p[1]; v[2] = p[2]; normalize(); }
- Vec3 &xform(float m[16]); // OpenGL model matrix
- Vec3 &xform(float r[3][3]);
- };
- inline Vec3 &
- Vec3::xform(float m[16])
- {
- float x = m[0]*v[0] + m[4]*v[1] + m[8] *v[2];
- float y = m[1]*v[0] + m[5]*v[1] + m[9] *v[2];
- v[2] = m[2]*v[0] + m[6]*v[1] + m[10]*v[2];
- v[0] = x; v[1] = y;
- return *this;
- }
- inline Vec3 &
- Vec3::xform(float r[3][3])
- {
- float x = r[0][0]*v[0] + r[0][1]*v[1] + r[0][2]*v[2];
- float y = r[1][0]*v[0] + r[1][1]*v[1] + r[1][2]*v[2];
- v[2] = r[2][0]*v[0] + r[2][1]*v[1] + r[2][2]*v[2];
- v[0] = x; v[1] = y;
- return *this;
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef PNT3_MAIN
- #include <iostream.h>
- #define SHOW(X) cout << #X " = " << X << endl
- void
- main(void)
- {
- Pnt3 a;
- Pnt3 b(1,1,1);
- SHOW(a);
- SHOW(b);
- SHOW(dist2_lineseg(a, a, b));
- SHOW(dist2_lineseg(b, a, b));
- SHOW(dist2_lineseg(.5*(a+b), a, b));
- SHOW(dist2_lineseg(a+Pnt3(1,0,0), a, b));
- SHOW(dist2_lineseg(b+Pnt3(1,0,0), a, b));
- SHOW(dist2_lineseg(2*b, a, b));
- SHOW(dist2_lineseg( -b, a, b));
- Pnt3 c(1,0,0);
- SHOW(c);
- SHOW(dist2_tri(a, a,b,c));
- SHOW(dist2_tri(b, a,b,c));
- SHOW(dist2_tri(c, a,b,c));
- SHOW(dist2_tri((a+b+c)/3.0, a,b,c));
- SHOW(dist2_tri(Pnt3(0,-1,1), a,b,c));
- SHOW(dist2_tri((a+b+c)/3.0 + 2*Pnt3(0,-1,1), a,b,c));
- }
- #endif