- #ifndef _RANGE_GRID_
- #define _RANGE_GRID_
- #include <limits.h>
- #include "defines.h"
- #include "Pnt3.h"
- typedef uchar vec3uc[3];
- class Mesh;
- class cStripeServer;
- class RangeGrid {
- private:
- void addTriangleCheckLength(Mesh *mesh,
- int vin1, int vin2, int vin3,
- float maxLength);
- void addTriangleCheckNormal(Mesh *mesh,
- int vin1, int vin2, int vin3,
- Pnt3 &viewDir, float minDot);
- public:
- int nlg; // number of range columns (samples in x)
- int nlt; // number of rows (samples in y)
- int interlaced; // is it interlaced data?
- int numSamples; // number of range samples
- Pnt3 *coords; // the range samples
- float *confidence; // confidence
- float *intensity; // intensity
- vec3uc *matDiff; // color
- int *indices; // row x col indices to the positions
- int hasColor; // color information?
- int hasIntensity; // intensity information?
- int hasConfidence; // confidence information?
- int multConfidence; // multiply confidence?
- int hasTexture;
- int isLinearScan;
- int ltMax;
- int lgMax;
- int ltMin;
- int lgMin;
- char **obj_info;
- int num_obj_info;
- Pnt3 viewDir;
- int isModelMakerScan;
- RangeGrid();
- ~RangeGrid();
- int readRangeGrid(const char *name);
- int readCyfile(const char *name);
- Mesh *toMesh(int subSamp, int hasTexture);
- };
- int is_range_grid_file(const char *filename);
- #endif