- //############################################################
- //
- //
- //
- // Kari Pulli
- // Mon Nov 23 16:36:51 CET 1998
- //
- // Data structure that creates an octree containing all the
- // triangles in a mesh.
- // Can also used to quickly evaluate approximate distances
- // to the surface.
- //
- //############################################################
- #include "TriOctree.h"
- // face indices:
- // 0, 2, 4 = dimension (x, y, z); +0 negative, +1 positive
- // so 0 is left, 1 is right
- // 2 is down, 3 is up
- // 4 is in, 5 is out
- //static const int face_negX = 0;
- //static const int face_posX = 1;
- //static const int face_negY = 2;
- //static const int face_posY = 3;
- //static const int face_negZ = 4;
- //static const int face_posZ = 5;
- TriOctree*
- TriOctree::recursive_find(int face, stack<int>& path,
- bool bReachedTop)
- {
- if (path.empty()) return this;
- int iChild;
- if (bReachedTop) {
- // then we want to descend
- iChild =; path.pop();
- TriOctree* theChild = child[iChild];
- if (!theChild) return this; // child does not exist
- return theChild->recursive_find (face, path, true);
- } else {
- // we still need to traverse horizontally...
- if (!parent) return NULL;
- if (is_neighbor_cell (face, iChild)) {
- // if we have a sibling, we can traverse
- // (and we've reached the top!)
- TriOctree* sibling = parent->child[iChild];
- if (!sibling) return NULL;
- return sibling->recursive_find (face, path, true);
- } else {
- // otherwise we have to go farther up.
- path.push (iChild);
- return parent->recursive_find (face, path, false);
- }
- }
- }
- bool
- TriOctree::is_neighbor_cell(int face, int &iChild)
- {
- // given a direction, return the child index of the neighbor
- // that lies in that direction. If that neighbor is a sibling
- // (iChild is valid for the same parent as us), return true.
- // Otherwise, return false.
- int axis = face / 2;
- int sign = face % 2;
- // neighbor will be in same position as we are, except
- // the bit representing the axis we're moving along will be
- // flipped
- iChild = parIdx ^ (1 << axis);
- // if we have the bit for that axis set and the direction of
- // movement is negative, it's a sibling, but if the direction
- // of movement is positive, it's not a sibling.
- // Vice-versa if our child index does
- // not have the bit for the movement axis set.
- int haveSign = (0 < (parIdx & (1 << axis)));
- return (sign != haveSign);
- }
- TriOctree*
- TriOctree::find_neighbor (int face)
- {
- if (!parent)
- return NULL;
- int iChild;
- bool sibling = is_neighbor_cell(face, iChild);
- if (sibling) {
- TriOctree* theSibling = parent->child[iChild];
- if (!theSibling) return NULL;
- return theSibling;
- }
- // not a sibling: push child and go up
- stack<int> path;
- path.push (iChild);
- return parent->recursive_find (face, path, false);
- }
- bool
- tri_outside_of_cube(const Pnt3 &c, float s,
- const Pnt3 &t1, const Pnt3 &t2, const Pnt3 &t3);
- static int leaftricount = 0;
- TriOctree::TriOctree(const Pnt3 &c, float r, const Pnt3 *p,
- const vector<int> &tris, float minRadius,
- int pidx, TriOctree *parent)
- : mCtr(c), mRadius(r), parIdx(pidx)
- {
- /*
- SHOW(mCtr);
- SHOW(mRadius);
- SHOW(tris.size()/3);
- SHOW(minRadius);
- */
- // check whether we need to subdivide more
- if (mRadius < 2*minRadius || tris.size() <= 18) {
- pts = p;
- tind = tris;
- leaftricount += tris.size();
- SHOW(leaftricount);
- child[0] = child[1] = child[2] = child[3] = NULL;
- child[4] = child[5] = child[6] = child[7] = NULL;
- return;
- }
- pts = NULL;
- // if so, try for triangle and each child whether they intersect
- float halfR = mRadius*.5;
- Pnt3 childCtr;
- vector<int> xp, xm; // x plus, x minus
- vector<int> yp, ym; // y plus, y minus
- vector<int> zp, zm; // z plus, z minus
- vector<int> uk; // unknown (triangles going across splits)
- xp.reserve(tris.size());
- xm.reserve(tris.size());
- uk.reserve(tris.size());
- // split about x axis
- vector<int>::const_iterator it = tris.begin();
- int v1,v2,v3, cnt;
- while (it != tris.end()) {
- v1 = *it++; v2 = *it++; v3 = *it++;
- cnt = (p[v1][0] >= mCtr[0]) + (p[v2][0] >= mCtr[0]) +
- (p[v3][0] >= mCtr[0]);
- if (cnt == 3) {
- xp.push_back(v1); xp.push_back(v2); xp.push_back(v3);
- } else if (cnt == 0) {
- xm.push_back(v1); xm.push_back(v2); xm.push_back(v3);
- } else {
- uk.push_back(v1); uk.push_back(v2); uk.push_back(v3);
- }
- }
- // split about y axis
- vector<int> &xv = xm;
- vector<int> &yv = ym;
- for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
- if (i) xv = xp;
- else xv = xm;
- yp.clear(); yp.reserve(xv.size());
- ym.clear(); ym.reserve(xv.size());
- it = xv.begin();
- while (it != xv.end()) {
- v1 = *it++; v2 = *it++; v3 = *it++;
- cnt = (p[v1][1] >= mCtr[1]) + (p[v2][1] >= mCtr[1]) +
- (p[v3][1] >= mCtr[1]);
- if (cnt == 3) {
- yp.push_back(v1); yp.push_back(v2); yp.push_back(v3);
- } else if (cnt == 0) {
- ym.push_back(v1); ym.push_back(v2); ym.push_back(v3);
- } else {
- uk.push_back(v1); uk.push_back(v2); uk.push_back(v3);
- }
- }
- for (int j=0; j<2; j++) {
- if (j) yv = yp;
- else yv = ym;
- zp.clear(); zp.reserve(yv.size());
- zm.clear(); zm.reserve(yv.size());
- it = yv.begin();
- while (it != yv.end()) {
- v1 = *it++; v2 = *it++; v3 = *it++;
- cnt = (p[v1][2] >= mCtr[2]) + (p[v2][2] >= mCtr[2]) +
- (p[v3][2] >= mCtr[2]);
- if (cnt == 3) {
- zp.push_back(v1); zp.push_back(v2); zp.push_back(v3);
- } else if (cnt == 0) {
- zm.push_back(v1); zm.push_back(v2); zm.push_back(v3);
- } else {
- uk.push_back(v1); uk.push_back(v2); uk.push_back(v3);
- }
- }
- // check the unknowns
- childCtr.set(mCtr[0] + (i ? halfR : -halfR),
- mCtr[1] + (j ? halfR : -halfR),
- mCtr[2] - halfR);
- it = uk.begin();
- while (it != uk.end()) {
- v1 = *it++; v2 = *it++; v3 = *it++;
- if (!tri_outside_of_cube(childCtr, mRadius, p[v1],
- p[v2], p[v3])) {
- zm.push_back(v1); zm.push_back(v2); zm.push_back(v3);
- }
- }
- // create the children, if needed
- int k = i+2*j;
- if (zm.size()) {
- child[k] = new TriOctree(childCtr, halfR, p, zm,
- minRadius, k, this);
- } else {
- child[k] = NULL;
- }
- // check the unknowns
- childCtr.set(mCtr[0] + (i ? halfR : -halfR),
- mCtr[1] + (j ? halfR : -halfR),
- mCtr[2] + halfR);
- it = uk.begin();
- while (it != uk.end()) {
- v1 = *it++; v2 = *it++; v3 = *it++;
- if (!tri_outside_of_cube(childCtr, mRadius, p[v1],
- p[v2], p[v3])) {
- zp.push_back(v1); zp.push_back(v2); zp.push_back(v3);
- }
- }
- k += 4;
- if (zp.size()) {
- child[k] = new TriOctree(childCtr, halfR, p, zp,
- minRadius, k, this);
- } else {
- child[k] = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- vector<int> tmptris;
- tmptris.reserve(tris.size());
- for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
- childCtr.set(mCtr[0] + ((i&1) ? halfR : -halfR),
- mCtr[1] + ((i&2) ? halfR : -halfR),
- mCtr[2] + ((i&4) ? halfR : -halfR));
- tmptris.clear();
- for (int j=0; j<tris.size(); j+=3) {
- if (!tri_outside_of_cube(childCtr, mRadius, p[tris[j]],
- p[tris[j+1]], p[tris[j+2]])) {
- tmptris.push_back(tris[j]);
- tmptris.push_back(tris[j+1]);
- tmptris.push_back(tris[j+2]);
- }
- }
- if (tmptris.size()) {
- child[i] = new TriOctree(childCtr, halfR, p, tmptris,
- minRadius, i, this);
- } else {
- child[i] = NULL;
- }
- }
- */
- }
- // the return value tells whether the closest distance (squared)
- // has been found for sure
- bool
- TriOctree::search(const Pnt3 &p, Pnt3 &cp, float &d2)
- {
- // is this a leaf node?
- if (pts) {
- // look for a new closest distance
- vector<int>::const_iterator it = tind.begin();
- while (it != tind.end()) {
- closer_on_tri(p, cp, pts[*(it++)], pts[*(it++)],
- pts[*(it++)], d2);
- }
- return ball_within_bounds(p, sqrtf(d2), mCtr, mRadius);
- }
- // which child contains p?
- int iChild = 4*(mCtr[2]<p[2]) + 2*(mCtr[1]<p[1]) + (mCtr[0]<p[0]);
- // check that child first
- if (child[iChild] && child[iChild]->search(p, cp, d2)) return true;
- // now see if the other children need to be checked
- for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
- if (i==iChild) continue;
- //if (child[i] && child[i]->bounds_overlap_ball(p,d)) {
- if (child[i] && bounds_overlap_ball(p,sqrtf(d2),child[i]->mCtr,
- child[i]->mRadius)) {
- if (child[i]->search(p, cp, d2)) return true;
- }
- }
- return ball_within_bounds(p, sqrtf(d2), mCtr, mRadius);
- }
- static void
- cube_bdry(const Pnt3 &ctr, float r,
- vector<Pnt3> &p, vector<int> &i)
- {
- int s = p.size();
- p.push_back(ctr + Pnt3(-r,-r,-r));
- p.push_back(ctr + Pnt3( r,-r,-r));
- p.push_back(ctr + Pnt3(-r, r,-r));
- p.push_back(ctr + Pnt3( r, r,-r));
- p.push_back(ctr + Pnt3(-r,-r, r));
- p.push_back(ctr + Pnt3( r,-r, r));
- p.push_back(ctr + Pnt3(-r, r, r));
- p.push_back(ctr + Pnt3( r, r, r));
- i.push_back(s+0);
- i.push_back(s+3);
- i.push_back(s+1);
- i.push_back(s+2);
- i.push_back(s+3);
- i.push_back(s+0);
- i.push_back(s+0);
- i.push_back(s+5);
- i.push_back(s+4);
- i.push_back(s+0);
- i.push_back(s+1);
- i.push_back(s+5);
- i.push_back(s+2);
- i.push_back(s+4);
- i.push_back(s+6);
- i.push_back(s+2);
- i.push_back(s+0);
- i.push_back(s+4);
- i.push_back(s+3);
- i.push_back(s+7);
- i.push_back(s+5);
- i.push_back(s+3);
- i.push_back(s+5);
- i.push_back(s+1);
- i.push_back(s+2);
- i.push_back(s+6);
- i.push_back(s+7);
- i.push_back(s+2);
- i.push_back(s+7);
- i.push_back(s+3);
- i.push_back(s+7);
- i.push_back(s+6);
- i.push_back(s+4);
- i.push_back(s+7);
- i.push_back(s+4);
- i.push_back(s+5);
- }
- // creates a mesh that shows the structure of the octree
- void
- TriOctree::visualize(vector<Pnt3> &p, vector<int> &ind)
- {
- cube_bdry(mCtr, mRadius, p, ind);
- for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
- if (child[i])
- child[i]->visualize(p,ind);
- }
- }
- void
- main(void)
- {
- Pnt3 *p = NULL;
- vector<int> tris;
- TriOctree to(Pnt3(), 1, p, tris, .1);
- }
- #endif