- // manage interface to groupscan
- // created 1/30/99 magi@cs
- #include <vector.h>
- #include "DisplayMesh.h"
- #include "GroupScan.h"
- #include "plvScene.h"
- #include "ScanFactory.h"
- #include "plvGlobals.h"
- DisplayableMesh*
- groupScans (vector<DisplayableMesh*>& scans, char* nameToUse, bool bDirty)
- {
- for (DisplayableMesh** pdm = scans.begin(); pdm != scans.end(); pdm++) {
- (*pdm)->invalidateCachedData(); // memory won't be used for a while
- (*pdm)->setVisible (false);
- }
- RigidScan* group = CreateScanGroup (scans, nameToUse, bDirty);
- DisplayableMesh* dm = theScene->addMeshSet (group, false);
- // The code below removes each child of the group from the
- // vector theScene->meshSets, which is the place where all the
- // meshes in the current scene are stored. This is in accordance
- // with the strategy of storing only a list of all the "root"
- // meshes, and then calling get_children_for_display etc. to
- // get the remaining meshes if necessary.
- vector <DisplayableMesh *>children;
- crope names;
- GroupScan *g = dynamic_cast<GroupScan *>(group);
- if (group) {
- if (g->get_children_for_display (children)) {
- for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
- for (DisplayableMesh** scan = theScene->meshSets.begin();
- scan != theScene->meshSets.end(); scan++) {
- if (!strcmp((*scan)->getName(), children[i]->getName())) {
- names += crope (" ") + (*scan)->getName();
- theScene->meshSets.erase(scan);
- scan--;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return dm;
- }
- vector<DisplayableMesh*>
- ungroupScans (DisplayableMesh* group)
- {
- assert (group);
- bool wasVis = group->getVisible();
- RigidScan* scanGroup = group->getMeshData();
- vector<DisplayableMesh*> scans = BreakScanGroup (scanGroup);
- if (scans.size()) {
- for (DisplayableMesh** scan = scans.begin(); scan != scans.end(); scan++) {
- (*scan)->setVisible (wasVis);
- // add children back
- theScene->meshSets.push_back(*scan);
- }
- theScene->deleteMeshSet (group);
- }
- return scans;
- }
- static int iGroups = 1;
- char *
- getNextUnusedGroupName ()
- {
- char buf[256];
- sprintf(buf, "group%d", iGroups++);
- return (strdup(buf));
- }
- bool
- addToGroup (DisplayableMesh* group, DisplayableMesh* scan)
- {
- // TODO
- return false;
- }
- bool
- removeFromGroup (DisplayableMesh* group, DisplayableMesh* scan)
- {
- // TODO
- return false;
- }