- //############################################################
- // KDindtree.cc
- // Kari Pulli
- // 04/13/96
- //############################################################
- #include <iostream.h>
- #include "KDindtree.h"
- #include "Bbox.h"
- #include "defines.h"
- #define MEDIAN_SPLIT 0
- #include "Median.h"
- static Median<float> med;
- #endif
- // factory
- KDindtree*
- CreateKDindtree (const Pnt3* pts, const short* nrms, int nPts)
- {
- cout << "Creating kdtree (" << nPts << " points)..." << flush;
- if (!nPts)
- return NULL;
- assert (pts);
- assert (nrms);
- // allocate and fill temp index array
- int *inds = new int[nPts];
- for (int i = 0; i < nPts; i++) inds[i] = i;
- // build tree
- KDindtree* kdtree = new KDindtree(pts, nrms, inds, nPts);
- // cleanup
- delete[] inds;
- cout << " done." << endl;
- return kdtree;
- }
- static Pnt3
- GetNormalAsPnt3 (const short* nrms, int ofs)
- {
- ofs *= 3;
- Pnt3 n (nrms[ofs], nrms[ofs+1], nrms[ofs+2]);
- n /= 32767.0;
- return n;
- }
- static int
- divisionsort(const Pnt3 *data, int *p, int n,
- int dim, float med)
- {
- // move values <= med to left, the rest to right
- int left = 0, right = n-1;
- while (1) {
- while (data[p[left]][dim] <= med && right > left) left++;
- while (data[p[right]][dim] > med && right > left) right--;
- int tmp = p[left]; // swap
- p[left] = p[right]; p[right] = tmp;
- if (left == right) {
- if (data[p[right]][dim] <= med) right++;
- break;
- }
- left++;
- }
- return right;
- }
- void
- merge_normal_cones(const Pnt3 &n1, float th1,
- const Pnt3 &n2, float th2,
- Pnt3 &n3, float &th3)
- {
- // first, get the angle between the normals
- th3 = .5 * (th1 + th2) + acos(dot(n1,n2));
- // full sphere?
- if (th3 >= M_PI) {
- th3 = M_PI;
- n3.set(0,0,1);
- return;
- }
- // figure how much n1 should be rotated to become n3
- float half_ang = .25*(th3-th1);
- // create quaternion (real part and imaginary part)
- // for rotation
- float qr = cos(half_ang);
- Pnt3 qim = cross(n1,n2);
- qim *= sin(half_ang);
- // apply rotation
- (((n3 = n1) *= (qr*qr-qim.norm2()))
- += (cross(qim, n1) *= (2.0*qr)))
- += (qim *= (2.0*dot(n1,qim)));
- //n3 = (qr*qr-qim.norm2())*n1 + (2*dot(n1,qim))*qim
- // + 2*qr*cross(qim,n1);
- }
- KDindtree::KDindtree(const Pnt3 *pts, const short *nrms,
- int *ind, int n, int first)
- : Nhere(0), element(NULL)
- {
- int i;
- // find the dimension of maximum range
- min = max = pts[ind[0]];
- int *end = ind+n;
- for (int *ip=ind+1; ip<end; ip++) {
- const Pnt3 &p = pts[*ip];
- min.set_min(p);
- max.set_max(p);
- }
- float dist = max[0] - min[0];
- m_d = 0;
- float tmp;
- if ((tmp = max[1]-min[1]) > dist) {
- m_d = 1; dist = tmp;
- }
- if ((tmp = max[2]-min[2]) > dist) {
- m_d = 2; dist = tmp;
- }
- if (dist == 0.0) n = 1; // a single point several times
- if (n > 16) {
- #define DATA(i) (pts[ind[i]])[m_d]
- // find the median within that dimension
- med.clear();
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) med += DATA(i);
- m_p = med.find();
- int right = divisionsort(pts, ind, n, m_d, m_p);
- if (right == n) {
- // the median is also the largest, need new "median"
- // find the next largest item for that
- float nm = -9.e33;
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- if (DATA(i) != m_p && DATA(i) > nm) nm = DATA(i);
- }
- right = divisionsort(pts, ind, n, m_d, (m_p=nm));
- }
- assert(right != 0 && right != n);
- #undef DATA
- #else
- m_p = .5*(max[m_d]+min[m_d]);
- int right = divisionsort(pts, ind, n, m_d, m_p);
- assert(right != 0 && right != n);
- #endif
- // recurse
- child[0] = new KDindtree(pts, nrms, ind, right, 0);
- child[1] = new KDindtree(pts, nrms, &ind[right], n-right, 0);
- } else {
- // store data here
- Nhere = n;
- element = new int[n];
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) element[i] = ind[i];
- child[0] = child[1] = NULL;
- }
- if (first) med.zap(); // release memory after the tree's done
- #endif
- if (nrms == NULL) return;
- // now figure out bounds for the normals
- if (Nhere) {
- // a terminal node
- normal = GetNormalAsPnt3(nrms, element[0]);
- theta = 0.0;
- for (i=1; i<Nhere; i++) {
- merge_normal_cones(normal, theta,
- GetNormalAsPnt3(nrms, element[i]), 0,
- normal, theta);
- }
- } else {
- // a non-terminal node
- merge_normal_cones(child[0]->normal, child[0]->theta,
- child[1]->normal, child[1]->theta,
- normal, theta);
- }
- tmp = theta + M_PI * .25;
- if (tmp > M_PI) cos_th_p_pi_over_4 = -1.0;
- else cos_th_p_pi_over_4 = cos(tmp);
- }
- KDindtree::~KDindtree(void)
- {
- delete[] element;
- delete child[0];
- delete child[1];
- }
- int
- KDindtree::_search(const Pnt3 *pts, const short *nrms,
- const Pnt3 &p, const Pnt3 &n,
- int &ind, float &d) const
- {
- assert(this);
- if (dot(n, normal) < cos_th_p_pi_over_4)
- return 0;
- if (Nhere) { // terminal node
- float l, d2 = d*d;
- bool need_sqrt = false;
- int *el = element;
- int *end = el+Nhere;
- for (; el<end; el++) {
- l = dist2(pts[*el], p);
- if (l < d2) {
- const short *sp = &nrms[(*el)*3];
- // 32767/sqrt(2)==23169.77
- if (n[0]*sp[0] + n[1]*sp[1] + n[2]*sp[2] > 23169.77) {
- // normals also within 45 deg
- d2=l; ind = *el;
- need_sqrt = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (need_sqrt) d = sqrtf(d2);
- return ball_within_bounds(p,d,min,max);
- }
- if (p[m_d] <= m_p) { // the point is left from partition
- if (child[0]->_search(pts,nrms,p,n,ind,d))
- return 1;
- if (bounds_overlap_ball(p,d,child[1]->min,max)) {
- if (child[1]->_search(pts,nrms,p,n,ind,d))
- return 1;
- }
- } else { // the point is right from partition
- if (child[1]->_search(pts,nrms,p,n,ind,d))
- return 1;
- if (bounds_overlap_ball(p,d,min,child[0]->max)) {
- if (child[0]->_search(pts,nrms,p,n,ind,d))
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return ball_within_bounds(p,d,min,max);
- }
- int
- KDindtree::_search(const Pnt3 *pts, const Pnt3 &p,
- int &ind, float &d) const
- {
- assert(this);
- if (Nhere) { // terminal node
- float l, d2 = d*d;
- bool need_sqrt = false;
- int *el = element;
- int *end = el+Nhere;
- for (; el<end; el++) {
- l = dist2(pts[*el], p);
- if (l < d2) {
- d2=l; ind = *el;
- need_sqrt = true;
- }
- }
- if (need_sqrt) d = sqrtf(d2);
- return ball_within_bounds(p,d,min,max);
- }
- if (p[m_d] <= m_p) { // the point is left from partition
- if (child[0]->_search(pts,p,ind,d))
- return 1;
- if (bounds_overlap_ball(p,d,child[1]->min,max)) {
- if (child[1]->_search(pts,p,ind,d))
- return 1;
- }
- } else { // the point is right from partition
- if (child[1]->_search(pts,p,ind,d))
- return 1;
- if (bounds_overlap_ball(p,d,min,child[0]->max)) {
- if (child[0]->_search(pts,p,ind,d))
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return ball_within_bounds(p,d,min,max);
- }