- //############################################################
- //
- //
- //
- // Lucas Pereira
- // Thu Jul 16 15:20:47 1998
- //
- // Store range scan information from a Cyra Cyrax Beta
- // time-of-flight laser range scanner.
- //
- //############################################################
- #include "CyraScan.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <iostream.h>
- #include <fstream.h>
- #include <stack.h>
- #include "defines.h"
- #include "TriMeshUtils.h"
- #include "KDindtree.h"
- #include "ColorUtils.h"
- #include "plvScene.h"
- #include "KDtritree.h"
- #include "Timer.h"
- #include "MeshTransport.h"
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CyraScan (all resolution levels for a cyra scan)
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CyraScan::CyraScan(void)
- : triKD(NULL), triKD_mesh(NULL)
- {
- // Clear arrays
- levels.clear();
- }
- CyraScan::~CyraScan ()
- {
- delete triKD;
- delete triKD_mesh;
- /*
- <Writing stuff deleted>
- delete kdtree;
- */
- }
- // perVertex: colors and normals for every vertex (not every 3)
- // stripped: triangle strips instead of triangles
- MeshTransport*
- CyraScan::mesh(bool perVertex, bool stripped,
- ColorSource color, int colorSize)
- {
- if (stripped && !perVertex) {
- cerr << "No t-strips without per-vertex properties";
- return NULL;
- }
- int resNum = current_resolution_index();
- if (resNum >= levels.size())
- return NULL;
- return levels[resNum].mesh (perVertex, stripped, color, colorSize);
- }
- int
- CyraScan::num_vertices()
- {
- // Return num_vertices for current resolution
- return(num_vertices(current_resolution_index()));
- }
- int
- CyraScan::num_tris()
- {
- // Return num_tris for current resolution
- return(num_tris(current_resolution_index()));
- }
- int
- CyraScan::num_vertices(int resNum)
- {
- if (resNum < levels.size()) {
- return(levels[resNum].num_vertices());
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int
- CyraScan::num_tris(int resNum)
- {
- if (resNum < levels.size()) {
- return(levels[resNum].num_tris());
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- void
- CyraScan::computeBBox(void)
- {
- bbox.clear();
- int resNum = current_resolution_index();
- // Add current level to the bbox
- // Also set the center of rotation
- if (resNum < levels.size()) {
- levels[resNum].growBBox(bbox);
- rot_ctr =;
- } else {
- rot_ctr = Pnt3();
- }
- }
- void
- CyraScan::flipNormals(void)
- {
- // Flip all res levels
- for (int i=0; i < levels.size(); i++) {
- levels[i].flipNormals();
- }
- }
- bool
- CyraScan::ReadPts(const crope &inname)
- {
- // read it into a new level
- CyraResLevel *level = new CyraResLevel();
- if (level->ReadPts(inname)) {
- levels.push_back(*level);
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- // Tell scanalyze about the mesh...
- insert_resolution(level->num_tris(), inname, true, true);
- cerr << "Telling scanalyze about " << level->num_tris() << " tris." << endl;
- // Now subsample 5 lower-res versions.
- for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
- CyraResLevel *sublevel = new CyraResLevel();
- levels.push_back(*sublevel);
- // Tell scanalyze about the mesh...
- int estimate = levels[0].num_tris() / (1 << (2*i));
- insert_resolution(estimate, inname, false, false);
- cerr << "Telling scanalyze about approx. " << estimate
- << " tris." << endl;
- }
- // Recompute the bounding box
- computeBBox();
- // default to displaying coarsest res
- select_coarsest();
- return true;
- }
- bool
- CyraScan::WritePts(const crope &inname)
- {
- // write out the highest level to the .pts file
- return(levels[0].WritePts(inname));
- }
- bool
- CyraScan::load_resolution (int iRes)
- {
- if (resolutions[iRes].in_memory)
- return true;
- int subSamp = 1;
- for (int i = 0; i < iRes; i++)
- subSamp *= SubSampleBase;
- CyraResLevel *sublevel = new CyraResLevel();
- sublevel->Subsample(levels[0], subSamp, subSamp, cfMEAN50);
- //delete levels[iRes];
- levels[iRes] = *sublevel;
- resolutions[iRes].in_memory = true;
- resolutions[iRes].abs_resolution = sublevel->num_tris();
- computeBBox();
- return true;
- }
- bool
- CyraScan::read(const crope &inname)
- {
- set_name (inname);
- assert(has_ending(".pts"));
- // read it into the levels array
- if (!ReadPts(inname))
- return false;
- // read registration xform?
- TbObj::readXform (get_basename());
- return true;
- }
- bool
- CyraScan::write(const crope &fname)
- {
- cerr << "CyraScan::write was called.n";
- if (fname.empty()) {
- // try to save to default name; quit if there isn't one
- if (name.empty()) return false;
- }
- else {
- if (name != fname) {
- cout << "Saving to filename " << fname << endl;
- set_name(fname);
- }
- }
- // write .pts, or fail....
- if (has_ending(".pts")) {
- return(WritePts(name));
- } else {
- cerr << "Error: CyraScan doesn't know how to write " <<
- "that kind of file." << endl;
- return false;
- }
- }
- bool
- CyraScan::filter_inplace(const VertexFilter& filter)
- {
- // Filter each level
- for (int i=0; i < levels.size(); i++) {
- CyraResLevel *level = &levels[i];
- level->filter_inplace(filter);
- }
- // BUGBUG update_res_ctrl();
- // Need to update the number of tris and stuff,
- computeBBox();
- theScene->invalidateDisplayCaches();
- return true;
- }
- RigidScan*
- CyraScan::filtered_copy(const VertexFilter& filter)
- {
- CyraScan *newScan = new CyraScan;
- assert (newScan != NULL);
- // Filter each level into the newScan
- for (int i=0; i < levels.size(); i++) {
- CyraResLevel *newLevel = new CyraResLevel;
- assert(newLevel != NULL);
- newLevel->filtered_copy(levels[i], filter);
- newScan->levels.push_back(*newLevel);
- }
- // Compute new boundingbox
- newScan->computeBBox();
- // Set the name of newScan
- crope clipName(get_basename());
- char info[50];
- sprintf(info, "clip.%d.cyra", newScan->num_vertices());
- clipName += info;
- // Tell scanalyze about the meshes...
- for (i=0; i < newScan->levels.size(); i++) {
- CyraResLevel *level = &newScan->levels[i];
- newScan->insert_resolution(level->num_tris(), clipName, true, true);
- cerr << "Telling scanalyze about " << level->num_tris()
- << " tris." << endl;
- }
- return newScan;
- }
- // for ICP...
- void
- CyraScan::subsample_points(float rate, vector<Pnt3> &p, vector<Pnt3> &n)
- {
- CyraResLevel& res = levels[curr_res];
- res.subsample_points(rate, p, n);
- }
- bool
- CyraScan::closest_point(const Pnt3 &p, const Pnt3 &n,
- Pnt3 &cp, Pnt3 &cn,
- float thr, bool bdry_ok)
- {
- CyraResLevel& res = levels[curr_res];
- return res.closest_point(p, n, cp, cn, thr, bdry_ok);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- // for volumetric processing
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- float
- CyraScan::closest_point_on_mesh (const Pnt3 &p, Pnt3 &cl_pnt,
- OccSt &status_p)
- {
- static Pnt3 prev_point(1e33, 1e33, 1e33);
- if (triKD == NULL) {
- // create the triangle spheretree for finding the distance to the mesh
- cout << "Obtaining geometry for KDtritree..." << flush;
- triKD_mesh = levels[0].mesh (true, false, RigidScan::colorNone, 0);
- cout << "building tree..." << flush;
- triKD = create_KDtritree(triKD_mesh->vtx[0]->begin(),
- triKD_mesh->tri_inds[0]->begin(),
- triKD_mesh->tri_inds[0]->size());
- cout << "done." << endl;
- }
- OccSt st;
- closest_along_line_of_sight(p, cl_pnt, st);
- float d = dist2(p, cl_pnt);
- float dp2 = dist2(prev_point, p);
- if (d > dp2) {
- d = dp2;
- cl_pnt = prev_point;
- }
- d = sqrtf(d);
- triKD->search(triKD_mesh->vtx[0]->begin(),
- triKD_mesh->tri_inds[0]->begin(),
- p, cl_pnt, d);
- prev_point = cl_pnt;
- // just a simple, hacky test for occlusion status
- // assume that the camera center is at origin
- //if (p.norm2() < cl_pnt.norm2()) status_p = OUTSIDE;
- //else status_p = INSIDE;
- status_p = st;
- return 1.0;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // magi's hack implementation for vrip member functions follows...
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- float
- CyraScan::closest_along_line_of_sight(const Pnt3 &p, Pnt3 &cp,
- OccSt &status_p)
- {
- build_vrip_accelerators();
- CyraResLevel& res = levels[0];
- status_p = INDETERMINATE;
- // lookup given los direction in ray bins
- Pnt3 dir = p; dir.normalize();
- if (dir[0] < minx || dir[0] > maxx) {
- //cout << "out of bounds x" << endl;
- return 0.0;
- }
- if (dir[1] < miny || dir[1] > maxy) {
- //cout << "out of bounds y" << endl;
- return 0.0;
- }
- int binx = (dir[0] - minx) * binw;
- int biny = (dir[1] - miny) * binh;
- if (!bins[biny][binx].size()) {
- if (binx > 1)
- binx--;
- else
- if (biny > 1)
- biny--;
- else
- return 0.0;
- if (!bins[biny][binx].size())
- return 0.0;
- }
- // have a valid bin
- int ofs = bins[biny][binx].back();
- if (!pntmag[ofs])
- return 0.0;
- int x = ofs / res.height;
- int y = ofs % res.height;
- Pnt3& pd = pntdir[ofs];
- int l, r, t, b;
- if (dir[0] < pd[0]) {
- l = x - 1; // needs help
- while (pntdir [l * res.height + y][0] > dir[0]) {
- if (--l < 0)
- return 0.0;
- }
- r = l + 1;
- } else {
- r = x + 1; // needs help
- while (pntdir [r * res.height + y][0] < dir[0]) {
- if (++r >= res.width)
- return 0.0;
- }
- l = r - 1;
- }
- if (dir[1] < pd[1]) {
- b = y - 1; // needs help
- while (pntdir [l * res.height + b][1] > dir[1]) {
- if (--b < 0)
- return 0.0;
- }
- t = b + 1;
- } else {
- t = y + 1; // needs help
- while (pntdir [l * res.height + t][1] < dir[1]) {
- if (++t >= res.height)
- return 0.0;
- }
- b = t - 1;
- }
- int ofss[4] = { t + l*res.height, t + r*res.height,
- b + l*res.height, b + r*res.height };
- for (int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++) {
- if (ofss[ii] < 0 || ofss[ii] >= pntdir.size() || !pntmag[ofss[ii]])
- return 0.0;
- }
- //SHOW (x); SHOW (y);
- //SHOW (l); SHOW (r); SHOW (t); SHOW (b);
- // bilerp across (l, b), (r, b), (l, t), (r, t)
- Pnt3& p00 = res.points[b + l*res.height].vtx;
- Pnt3& p01 = res.points[t + l*res.height].vtx;
- Pnt3& p10 = res.points[b + r*res.height].vtx;
- Pnt3& p11 = res.points[t + r*res.height].vtx;
- Pnt3& n00 = pntdir[b + l*res.height];
- Pnt3& n01 = pntdir[t + l*res.height];
- Pnt3& n10 = pntdir[b + r*res.height];
- Pnt3& n11 = pntdir[t + r*res.height];
- float ix = (n11[0] - n01[0]);
- ix = (dir[0] - n01[0]) / ix;
- float iyl = (n01[1] - n00[1]);
- iyl = (dir[1] - n00[1]) / iyl;
- float iyr = (n11[1] - n10[1]);
- iyr = (dir[1] - n10[1]) / iyr;
- Pnt3 L,R;
- L.lerp(iyl, p01, p00);
- R.lerp(iyr, p11, p10);
- cp.lerp(ix, R, L);
- //SHOW (ix); SHOW (iyl); SHOW (iyr);
- //SHOW (L); SHOW (R); SHOW (cp);
- float ind = p.norm2();
- float outd = cp.norm2();
- if (ind < outd)
- status_p = OUTSIDE;
- else
- status_p = INSIDE;
- return 1.0;
- }
- static const float g_intersectTolerance = 1.e-5;
- bool
- OriginRaySphereIntersect (const Pnt3& rayD, const Pnt3& center,
- float sphereRad, float& t1, float& t2)
- {
- //from Heckbert, "Writing a Ray Tracer", in Glassner p. 280
- //int nroots;
- float b, disc;
- b = dot (center, rayD);
- disc = b*b - dot(center,center) + sphereRad*sphereRad;
- if (disc < 0.) return false; // doesn't hit
- #ifdef WIN32
- disc = sqrt(disc);
- #else
- disc = sqrtf(disc);
- #endif
- t2 = b + disc; // 2nd root...
- if (t2 < g_intersectTolerance) return false; // behind ray origin
- t1 = b - disc; // 1st root...
- return true;
- }
- #define HISTORY 1
- struct carve_cache {
- Pnt3 ctr;
- float radius;
- vector<int> pinds;
- bool inside(const Pnt3 &p, float r)
- {
- return dist(p,ctr)+r <= radius;
- }
- #if _MSC_VER == 1100
- // this compiler (MSVC5) won't compile without being able to compare carve_caches!
- bool operator< (const carve_cache& that) const
- {
- abort();
- return 0;
- }
- bool operator== (const carve_cache& that) const
- {
- abort();
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- };
- // carve history
- static stack<carve_cache> hist;
- #endif
- static vector<int> dummy;
- OccSt
- CyraScan::carve_cube (const Pnt3 &ctr, float side)
- {
- build_vrip_accelerators();
- int numpoints = pntdir.size();
- while (!hist.empty() && !, side)) {
- hist.pop();
- }
- carve_cache cc;
- cc.ctr = ctr;
- //cc.radius = (side/2.0) * sqrt(3.0); // cube side to sphere radius
- cc.radius = side * 0.866025404;
- vector<int> &oldinds = dummy;
- bool first = hist.empty();
- if (!first) oldinds =;
- hist.push(cc);
- if (first);
- else;
- #endif
- bool bBefore = false;
- bool bAfter = false;
- //cout << "CarveCube:" << endl;
- //SHOW (ctr);
- //SHOW (side);
- // figure out which rays it's worth intersecting with
- // take incoming bounding sphere, and figure out where it is on
- // the [0..1] scale that we've normalized point-rays to
- Pnt3 carvedir = ctr;
- float carvemag = carvedir.norm();
- carvedir /= carvemag;
- float carverad = cc.radius / carvemag;
- // now only keep rays that hit the square that bounds this circle in 2-d
- float l = carvedir[0] - carverad, r = carvedir[0] + carverad;
- float b = carvedir[1] - carverad, t = carvedir[1] + carverad;
- l = max (l, minx); r = min (r, maxx);
- b = max (b, miny); t = min (t, maxy);
- if (l > r || b > t) return NOT_IN_FRUSTUM;
- // look up the rays that fit in here
- int binl = (l - minx) * binw;
- int binr = (r - minx) * binw;
- int binb = (b - miny) * binh;
- int bint = (t - miny) * binh;
- if (first) {
- cout << numpoints << ": ";
- #endif
- for (int binx = binl; binx <= binr; binx++) {
- for (int biny = binb; biny <= bint; biny++) {
- vector<int>& bin = bins[biny][binx];
- int binsize = bin.size();
- for (int inbin = 0; inbin < binsize; inbin++) {
- int p = bin[inbin];
- float mag = pntmag[p];
- if (!mag) continue;
- Pnt3& dir = pntdir[p];
- float t1, t2;
- if (OriginRaySphereIntersect (dir, ctr, side, t1, t2)) {
- #endif
- // if mag is between t1 and t2, we hit:
- if (mag < t1)
- bBefore = true;
- else if (mag > t2)
- bAfter = true;
- else {
- //SHOW (p); SHOW (t1); SHOW (mag); SHOW (t2);
- cout << "BOUND for point " << p << " of " << numpoints << endl;
- // leave the rest of the points into cache
- for (; binx <= binr; binx++) {
- for (biny += 1; biny <= bint; biny++) {
- vector<int>& bin = bins[biny][binx];
- int binsize = bin.size();
- for (int inbin = 0; inbin < binsize; inbin++) {
- (bin[inbin]);
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- return BOUNDARY;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- cout << oldinds.size() << ": ";
- for (int* it = oldinds.begin(); it != oldinds.end(); it++) {
- float mag = pntmag[*it];
- if (!mag) continue;
- Pnt3& dir = pntdir[*it];
- float t1, t2;
- if (OriginRaySphereIntersect (dir, ctr, side, t1, t2)) {
- // if mag is between t1 and t2, we hit:
- if (mag < t1)
- bBefore = true;
- else if (mag > t2)
- bAfter = true;
- else {
- //SHOW (p); SHOW (t1); SHOW (mag); SHOW (t2);
- cout << "BOUND for point " << *it << " of " << numpoints << endl;
- // leave the rest of the points into cache
-, ++it, oldinds.end());
- return BOUNDARY;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- hist.push(cc);
- #endif
- if (bAfter && bBefore) {
- cout << "SILH" << endl;
- return SILHOUETTE;
- } else if (bAfter) {
- cout << "IN" << endl;
- return INSIDE;
- } else if (bBefore) {
- cout << "OUT" << endl;
- return OUTSIDE;
- }
- cout << "NOT_IN_FRUSTUM" << endl;
- return NOT_IN_FRUSTUM;
- }
- /*
- // for debugging...
- void
- CyraScan::TriOctreeMesh(vector<Pnt3> &p, vector<int> &ind)
- {
- if (trioct == NULL) {
- // force creation
- Pnt3 p1, p2;
- OccSt occ;
- closest_point(p1, p2, occ);
- }
- p.clear();
- ind.clear();
- //trioct->visualize(p,ind);
- }
- */
- void
- CyraScan::build_vrip_accelerators (void)
- {
- CyraResLevel& res = levels[0];
- // if res.pntdir hasn't been initialized, do it now
- if (pntdir.size() == 0) {
- TIMER (Cyra_Vrip_Preprocess);
- int np = res.points.size();
- pntdir.reserve (np);
- pntmag.reserve (np);
- // separate point directions and magnitues, and find bounds
- minx = 1e33; miny = 1e33; maxx = -1e33; maxy = -1e33;
- Pnt3 p;
- float mag;
- for (int i = 0; i < np; i++) {
- p = res.points[i].vtx;
- mag = p.norm2();
- if (mag) {
- mag = sqrtf (mag);
- p /= mag;
- }
- pntdir.push_back (p);
- pntmag.push_back (mag);
- minx = min (minx, p[0]); maxx = max (maxx, p[0]);
- miny = min (miny, p[1]); maxy = max (maxy, p[1]);
- }
- // build bins
- float w = maxx - minx;
- float h = maxy - miny;
- binw = (res.width - 1) / w;
- binh = (res.height - 1) / h;
- vector<int> _bin1;
- // JED - changed the following to avoid compiler complaint
- //vector< vector< int> > _bins1;
- //_bins1.assign (res.width, _bin1);
- //bins.assign (res.height, _bins1);
- vector< vector< int> > _bins1(res.width, _bin1);
- vector< vector< vector <int> > > tmp(res.height, _bins1);
- bins = tmp;
- for (int ip = 0; ip < np; ip++) {
- if (pntmag[ip] == 0) continue;
- const Pnt3& p = pntdir[ip];
- int binx = (p[0] - minx) * binw;
- int biny = (p[1] - miny) * binh;
- assert (binx >= 0 && binx < res.width);
- assert (biny >= 0 && biny < res.height);
- bins[biny][binx].push_back (ip);
- }
- }
- }