- //############################################################
- //
- // CyraScan.h
- //
- // Lucas Pereira
- // Thu Jul 16 16:09:38 1998
- //
- // Store range scan information from a Cyra Cyrax Beta
- // time-of-flight laser range scanner.
- //
- //############################################################
- #ifndef _CyraSCAN_H_
- #define _CyraSCAN_H_
- #include "RigidScan.h"
- #include "CyraResLevel.h"
- class KDtritree;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CyraScan (all resolution levels for a cyra scan)
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class CyraScan : public RigidScan {
- public:
- CyraScan(void);
- ~CyraScan(void);
- // perVertex: colors and normals for every vertex (not every 3)
- // stripped: triangle strips instead of triangles
- // color: one of the above enum values
- // colorsize: # of bytes for color: 1 = intensity,
- // 2 = intensity+alpha, 3 = rgb, 4 = rgba
- virtual MeshTransport* mesh(bool perVertex = true,
- bool stripped = true,
- ColorSource color = colorNone,
- int colorSize = 3);
- int num_vertices();
- int num_vertices(int resNum);
- int num_tris();
- int num_tris(int resNum);
- bool load_resolution (int iRes);
- void computeBBox (void);
- void flipNormals (void);
- bool read(const crope &fname);
- bool write(const crope &fname);
- bool ReadPts(const crope &fname); // Read a .pts file
- bool WritePts(const crope &fname); // Write a .pts file
- RigidScan* filtered_copy(const VertexFilter& filter);
- bool filter_inplace(const VertexFilter& filter);
- // for ICP...
- void subsample_points(float rate, vector<Pnt3> &p, vector<Pnt3> &n);
- bool closest_point(const Pnt3 &p, const Pnt3 &n,
- Pnt3 &cp, Pnt3 &cn,
- float thr = 1e33, bool bdry_ok = 0);
- // for volumetric processing
- virtual float
- closest_point_on_mesh(const Pnt3 &p, Pnt3 &cl_pnt, OccSt &status_p);
- virtual float
- closest_along_line_of_sight(const Pnt3 &p, Pnt3 &cp,
- OccSt &status_p);
- virtual OccSt carve_cube (const Pnt3 &ctr, float side);
- //void TriOctreeMesh(vector<Pnt3> &p, vector<int> &ind); // for debugging...
- private:
- vector<CyraResLevel> levels;
- KDtritree *triKD;
- MeshTransport* triKD_mesh;
- void build_vrip_accelerators();
- vector<Pnt3> pntdir; // normalized point values for vripping
- vector<float> pntmag; // and the magnitudes that we divided out
- vector< vector< vector< int> > > bins;
- float minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
- float binw, binh;
- // PUSH_TRI: Used by the mesh routines to push a triangle
- // onto the end of the tri_inds vector, doing triangle strips
- // if necessary.
- inline void PUSH_TRI(int &ov2, int &ov3, vector<int> &tri_inds,
- const bool stripped,
- const vector<int> &vert_inds,
- const int v1, const int v2, const int v3);
- };
- #endif /* _CyraSCAN_H_ */