- //############################################################
- //
- // TriOctree.h
- //
- // Kari Pulli
- // Mon Nov 23 16:36:51 CET 1998
- //
- // Data structure that creates an octree containing all the
- // triangles in a mesh.
- // Can also used to quickly evaluate approximate distances
- // to the surface.
- //
- //############################################################
- #ifndef _TRIOCTREE_H_
- #define _TRIOCTREE_H_
- #include "Pnt3.h"
- #include <vector.h>
- #include <stack.h>
- class TriOctree {
- private:
- Pnt3 mCtr;
- float mRadius;
- int parIdx;
- TriOctree *parent;
- TriOctree *child[8];
- const Pnt3 *pts;
- vector<int> tind; // triangle indices, groups of three
- TriOctree* recursive_find(int face, stack<int>& path,
- bool bReachedTop);
- bool is_neighbor_cell(int face, int &iChild);
- TriOctree* find_neighbor (int face);
- public:
- TriOctree(const Pnt3 &c, float r, const Pnt3 *p,
- const vector<int> &tris, float minRadius,
- int pidx = 0, TriOctree *parent = NULL);
- ~TriOctree(void) {};
- bool search(const Pnt3 &p, Pnt3 &cp, float &d);
- // creates a mesh that shows the structure of the octree
- void visualize(vector<Pnt3> &p, vector<int> &ind);
- };
- #endif