- /*
- Szymon Rusinkiewicz
- Stanford Graphics Lab
- Digital Michelangelo Project
- */
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "cameraparams.h"
- CameraParams *CameraParams::Read(const char *tsaifile)
- {
- FILE *infile = fopen(tsaifile, "r");
- if (!infile) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open camera calibration file.n");
- return NULL;
- }
- printf("Reading camera parameters file... "); fflush(stdout);
- double f, pixsize;
- double dummy1, dummy2, dummy3;
- double ix, iy;
- fscanf(infile, "%lf %lf", &ix, &iy);
- int imgwidth = int(ix+0.5), imgheight = int(iy+0.5);
- fscanf(infile, "%lf %lf %lf %lf", &pixsize, &dummy1, &dummy2, &dummy3);
- if ((dummy1 != pixsize) ||
- (dummy2 != pixsize) ||
- (dummy3 != pixsize)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Yikes! The four pixel size params are not equal.n I can't deal with that.n");
- }
- double Cx, Cy;
- fscanf(infile, "%lf %lf", &Cx, &Cy);
- double S;
- fscanf(infile, "%lf %lf %lf", &S, &f, &dummy1);
- if (dummy1 != 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Yikes! The distortion is not zero.n I can't deal with that.n");
- }
- double pixels_per_radian = f/pixsize;
- double Tx, Ty, Tz;
- double Rx, Ry, Rz;
- fscanf(infile, "%lf %lf %lf", &Tx, &Ty, &Tz);
- fscanf(infile, "%lf %lf %lf", &Rx, &Ry, &Rz);
- fclose(infile);
- printf("Done.n");
- return new CameraParams(imgwidth, imgheight,
- Tx, Ty, Tz,
- Rx, Ry, Rz,
- Cx, Cy, S,
- pixels_per_radian);
- }
- // Just emulate the modelview transform
- void CameraParams::Transform(const float *in, float *out) const
- {
- out[0] = matrix[0]*in[0]+matrix[4]*in[1]+matrix[8]*in[2]+Tx;
- out[1] = matrix[1]*in[0]+matrix[5]*in[1]+matrix[9]*in[2]+Ty;
- out[2] = matrix[2]*in[0]+matrix[6]*in[1]+matrix[10]*in[2]+Tz;
- }
- // Project world coordinates to camera space.
- // Note that the Z coordinate this returns is not what you'd expect from
- // OpenGL, but is just the distance from the camera to the point in world
- // space.
- // Also note that, unlike OpenGL, this function has its origin at the
- // upper-left corner...
- void CameraParams::Project(const float *in, float *out) const
- {
- float cam[3];
- Transform(in, cam);
- out[0] = cam[0]/cam[2]*pixels_per_radian*S+Cx;
- out[1] = cam[1]/cam[2]*pixels_per_radian+Cy;
- out[2] = sqrt(cam[0]*cam[0]+cam[1]*cam[1]+cam[2]*cam[2]);
- }
- void CameraParams::compute_matrix()
- {
- matrix = new double[16];
- matrix[ 0] = cos(Ry)*cos(Rz);
- matrix[ 1] = cos(Ry)*sin(Rz);
- matrix[ 2] = -sin(Ry);
- matrix[ 3] = 0;
- matrix[ 4] = cos(Rz)*sin(Rx)*sin(Ry)-cos(Rx)*sin(Rz);
- matrix[ 5] = sin(Rx)*sin(Ry)*sin(Rz)+cos(Rx)*cos(Rz);
- matrix[ 6] = cos(Ry)*sin(Rx);
- matrix[ 7] = 0;
- matrix[ 8] = sin(Rx)*sin(Rz)+cos(Rx)*cos(Rz)*sin(Ry);
- matrix[ 9] = cos(Rx)*sin(Ry)*sin(Rz)-cos(Rz)*sin(Rx);
- matrix[10] = cos(Rx)*cos(Ry);
- matrix[11] = 0;
- matrix[12] = Tx;
- matrix[13] = Ty;
- matrix[14] = Tz;
- matrix[15] = 1;
- }
- // Use the following as:
- // glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
- // glLoadIdentity();
- // glMultMatrixd(thecamera->GLprojmatrix(neardist, fardist));
- // glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
- // glLoadIdentity();
- // glMultMatrixd(thecamera->GLmodelmatrix());
- // glViewport(0.5, 0.5, thecamera->imgwidth, thecamera->imgheight);
- //
- // Note that you have to pass 0.5 as the first two parameters to glViewport,
- // to match the pixels-at-integers vs. pixels-at-half-integers conventions
- //
- const double *CameraParams::GLmodelmatrix() const
- {
- return matrix;
- }
- const double *CameraParams::GLprojmatrix(double z_near, double z_far) const
- {
- static double m[16];
- // Emulate glFrustum()
- double left = -z_near/pixels_per_radian/S*Cx;
- double right = z_near/pixels_per_radian/S*(imgwidth-Cx);
- // Note to self: Yes, these really are correct!
- double bottom = -z_near/pixels_per_radian*(imgheight-Cy);
- double top = z_near/pixels_per_radian*Cy;
- // Straight out of the manpage
- double A = (2.0*z_near) / (right-left);
- double B = (2.0*z_near) / (top-bottom);
- double C = (right+left) / (right-left);
- double D = (top+bottom) / (top-bottom);
- double E = -(z_far+z_near) / (z_far-z_near);
- double F = -(2*z_far*z_near) / (z_far-z_near);
- m[ 0] = A;
- m[ 1] = 0;
- m[ 2] = 0;
- m[ 3] = 0;
- m[ 4] = 0;
- m[ 5] = B;
- m[ 6] = 0;
- m[ 7] = 0;
- m[ 8] = C;
- m[ 9] = D;
- m[10] = E;
- m[11] = -1;
- m[12] = 0;
- m[13] = 0;
- m[14] = F;
- m[15] = 0;
- // Emulate glRotated(180,1,0,0);
- // Deals with "Y axis points up" vs. "Y axis points down"
- m[ 5] *= -1;
- m[ 8] *= -1;
- m[ 9] *= -1;
- m[10] *= -1;
- m[11] *= -1;
- return m;
- }