- # old global reg ui
- proc globalRegistrationDialog {} {
- if {[window_Activate .globalReg]} { return }
- plv_globalreg init_import
- # create UI window
- set gr [toplevel .globalReg]
- wm title $gr "Global registration"
- window_Register $gr
- button $gr.new -text "Switch to new UI!"
- -command "destroy $gr; New_globalRegistrationDialog"
- pack $gr.new -side top -fill x
- frame $gr.file -relief groove -border 2
- label $gr.file.l -text "File options" -anchor w
- frame $gr.file.b
- button $gr.file.b.force_reload -text "Reload"
- -command "plv_globalreg re_import"
- button $gr.file.b.delete -text "Delete..."
- -command globalRegDeleteDialog
- packchildren $gr.file.b -side left -fill x -expand true
- packchildren $gr.file -side top -fill x -expand true
- frame $gr.opts -relief groove -border 2
- label $gr.opts.l -text "Render options" -anchor w
- frame $gr.opts.b
- button $gr.opts.b.showpartners -text "Show only partners"
- -command {globalreg_SelectPairsFor $theMesh}
- button $gr.opts.b.showgroup -text "Show only group"
- -command {globalreg_SelectPairsFor $theMesh transitive}
- packchildren $gr.opts.b -side left -fill x -expand true
- frame $gr.opts.c
- label $gr.opts.c.colorL -text "Color:"
- tk_optionMenu $gr.opts.c.color
- theColorMode gray false registration
- packchildren $gr.opts.c -side left
- packchildren $gr.opts -side top -fill x -expand true
- frame $gr.show -relief groove -border 2
- label $gr.show.l -text "Dump registered pairs" -anchor w
- frame $gr.show.pairwise
- button $gr.show.pairwise.point_point
- -text "Pairwise (point-point)"
- -command {
- badAlignDialog [plv_globalreg dumpallpairs 0 [.globalReg.show.thresh.entry get]]
- }
- button $gr.show.pairwise.point_plane
- -text "Pairwise (point-plane)"
- -command {
- badAlignDialog [plv_globalreg dumpallpairs 1 [.globalReg.show.thresh.entry get]]
- }
- packchildren $gr.show.pairwise -side left -fill x -expand true
- frame $gr.show.dump
- button $gr.show.dump.globalreg -text "Globalreg Error"
- -command {
- badAlignDialog [plv_globalreg dumpallpairs 2 [.globalReg.show.thresh.entry get]]
- }
- button $gr.show.dump.partners -text "Partners"
- -command {dumpRegistrationPartners $theMesh}
- packchildren $gr.show.dump -side left -fill x -expand true
- # frame $gr.show.select
- # button $gr.show.select.gr -text "Worst global to ICP"
- # -command { puts "Howdy" }
- # button $gr.show.select.pw -text "Worst pairwise to ICP"
- # -command {
- # puts "Doody"
- # ICPdialog
- # }
- # packchildren $gr.show.select -side left -fill x -expand true
- frame $gr.show.thresh
- label $gr.show.thresh.l -text "Show offenders threshold (mm):"
- entry $gr.show.thresh.entry
- -relief sunken -width 6
- $gr.show.thresh.entry insert end 5
- packchildren $gr.show.thresh -side left
- frame $gr.show.npairs
- label $gr.show.npairs.l -text "Pointpair counts"
- button $gr.show.npairs.curr -text "Current"
- -command {plv_globalreg point_pair_count $theMesh *}
- button $gr.show.npairs.icp -text "ICP dlg"
- -command {plv_globalreg point_pair_count
- [globalset regICPFrom] [globalset regICPTo]}
- packchildren $gr.show.npairs -side left -fill x -expand true
- set p [frame $gr.show.part]
- button $p.list -text "List" -command "listFewPartners $p.val"
- label $p.l1 -text "meshes with fewer than"
- entry $p.val -width 3
- $p.val insert end 3
- label $p.l2 -text "partners"
- packchildren $p -side left
- button $gr.show.groups -text "List connected subgroups"
- -command globalreg_listGroupStatus
- packchildren $gr.show -side top -fill x -expand true
- frame $gr.auto -relief groove -border 2
- set p [frame $gr.auto.choices]
- label $p.lf -text "Auto add pairs: from" -anchor w
- tk_optionMenu $gr.auto.choices.from autoFrom visible current
- label $p.lt -text "to" -anchor w
- tk_optionMenu $p.to autoTo visible all
- packchildren $p -side left -fill x -expand 1
- set f [frame $gr.auto.errorThresh]
- label $f.l -text "Error threshold (mm):"
- entry $f.entry -relief sunken -width 6
- $f.entry insert end 5
- packchildren $f -side left -pady 2
- set f [frame $gr.auto.nPairs]
- label $f.l -text "Target number of pairs to calculate:"
- entry $f.entry -relief sunken -width 6
- $f.entry insert end 200
- packchildren $f -side left
- checkbutton $gr.auto.preserve
- -text "Preserve existing mesh pairs (don't recalculate)"
- -variable preserveExistingInAutoAlign -anchor w
- checkbutton $gr.auto.normspace
- -text "Normal-space sampling"
- -variable normSpaceSample -anchor w
- frame $gr.auto.b
- button $gr.auto.b.go
- -text "Go"
- -command {
- scz_auto_register $autoFrom $autoTo $theMesh
- [.globalReg.auto.errorThresh.entry get]
- [.globalReg.auto.nPairs.entry get]
- $preserveExistingInAutoAlign
- $normSpaceSample
- }
- packchildren $gr.auto.b -side top -anchor c
- packchildren $gr.auto -side top -anchor w -fill x
- frame $gr.reg -relief groove -border 2
- label $gr.reg.l -text "Register:" -anchor w
- frame $gr.reg.b
- button $gr.reg.b.register -text "All<->All"
- -command {doGlobalRegister}
- button $gr.reg.b.register1 -text "Selected->all"
- -command {doGlobalRegister $theMesh}
- button $gr.reg.b.register12 -text "ICP 1->2"
- -command {if {[winfo exists .regICP]} {
- if {[_reg_check2meshes $regICPFrom $regICPTo]} {
- doGlobalRegister $regICPFrom $regICPTo
- }
- } else {
- tk_messageBox -title "scanalyze" -icon error
- -parent .globalReg
- -message "ICP dialog must be visible."
- }}
- packchildren $gr.reg.b -side left -fill x -expand 1
- frame $gr.reg.convTol
- label $gr.reg.convTol.l -text "Convergence Tolerance:"
- entry $gr.reg.convTol.entry -relief sunken -width 6
- $gr.reg.convTol.entry insert end .01
- packchildren $gr.reg.convTol -side left -pady 2
- packchildren $gr.reg -side top -fill x
- packchildren $gr -side top -fill x -expand true
- -pady 3 -padx 3
- }
- # obsolete w/above
- proc doGlobalRegister {args} {
- eval plv_globalreg register [.globalReg.reg.convTol.entry get] $args
- redraw 1
- update idletasks
- }
- proc dumpRegistrationPartners {mesh} {
- set partner [plv_globalreg listpairsfor $mesh]
- set trans [plv_globalreg listpairsfor $mesh transitive]
- puts "$mesh is registered to:"
- puts "directly: $partner"
- puts "transitively: $trans"
- }
- proc listFewPartners {widget} {
- set min [$widget get]
- foreach mesh [lsort -dictionary [getVisibleMeshes]] {
- set part [plv_globalreg getpaircount $mesh]
- if {$part < $min} {
- puts "$mesh: $part partners"
- }
- }
- }
- proc globalRegDeleteDialog {} {
- set grd [toplevel .globalregdel]
- wm resizable $grd 0 0
- wm title $grd "Delete from globalreg"
- button $grd.all -text "Clear all registration pairs!"
- -command "plv_globalreg reset"
- button $grd.current -text "Clear all pairs involving current mesh"
- -command {plv_globalreg killpair [globalset theMesh] *}
- button $grd.these -text "Clear pair selected in ICP dialog"
- -command {plv_globalreg killpair
- [globalset regICPFrom] [globalset regICPTo]}
- set f [frame $grd.f1]
- set fb [frame $f.fb]
- button $fb.b1 -text "Clear all"
- -command { plv_globalreg deleteautopairs $auto_del_thrsh }
- button $fb.b2
- -text "Clear current mesh's"
- -command {
- plv_globalreg deleteautopairs $auto_del_thrsh $theMesh
- }
- packchildren $fb -side top -fill x -expand 1
- label $f.gt -text "auto pairs greater than"
- entry $f.entry
- -textvariable auto_del_thrsh
- -relief sunken -width 6
- globalset auto_del_thrsh 1.0
- packchildren $f -side left -fill x -expand 1
- button $grd.cancel -text "Close" -command "destroy $grd"
- packchildren $grd -side top -fill x -expand 1
- }
- proc chooseICP {a b} {
- global regICPTo regICPFrom
- set regICPFrom $a
- set regICPTo $b
- ICPdialog
- showAllMeshes 0
- showMesh $a
- showMesh $b
- }
- proc badAlignDialog {str} {
- if {[winfo exists .badalign]} {
- destroy .badalign
- }
- set bad [toplevel .badalign]
- wm resizable $bad 0 0
- wm title $bad "Bad aligns"
- set l [split $str]
- for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $l]} {incr i 4} {
- if {[expr $i + 3] < [llength $l]} {
- button $bad.$i
- -text [join [lrange $l $i [expr $i + 3]]]
- -command "chooseICP [lindex $l [expr $i + 0]] [lindex $l [expr $i + 1]]"
- }
- }
- packchildren $bad -side top -fill x -expand 1
- }