- // RigidScan aggregation
- // created 11/26/98 Matt Ginzton (magi@cs)
- #include "GroupScan.h"
- #include "MeshTransport.h"
- #include "DisplayMesh.h"
- #define FOR_EACH_CHILD(it)
- for (DisplayableMesh** it = children.begin(); it < children.end(); it++)
- #define FOR_EACH_CONST_CHILD(it)
- for (vector<DisplayableMesh*>::const_iterator it = children.begin();
- it < children.end(); it++)
- GroupScan::GroupScan()
- {
- }
- GroupScan::GroupScan (const vector<DisplayableMesh*>& members, bool dirty)
- {
- bDirty = dirty;
- children = members;
- rebuildResolutions();
- computeBBox();
- }
- GroupScan::~GroupScan()
- {
- cout << "Destroying scan group: " << children.size() << " members" << endl;
- // FOR_EACH_CHILD (it) delete (*it);
- }
- bool
- GroupScan::AddScan (DisplayableMesh* scan)
- {
- children.push_back (scan);
- computeBBox();
- rebuildResolutions();
- return true;
- }
- bool
- GroupScan::RemoveScan (DisplayableMesh* scan)
- {
- if (*it == scan) {
- children.erase (it);
- rebuildResolutions();
- computeBBox();
- // this scan has been xformed by whatever our xform is...
- RigidScan* rs = scan->getMeshData();
- rs->setXform (getXform() * rs->getXform());
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool
- GroupScan::write(const crope &fname)
- {
- if (fname.empty()) {
- // try to save to default name; quit if there isn't one
- if (name.empty()) return false;
- } else {
- if (name != fname) {
- cout << "Saving to filename " << fname << endl;
- set_name(fname);
- }
- }
- ofstream fout (name.c_str());
- if (fout) {
- const char* str = (*it)->getMeshData()->get_name().c_str();
- for (int i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++)
- fout.put(str[i]);
- fout.put('n');
- }
- fout.put ('n');
- fout.close();
- bDirty = false;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- MeshTransport*
- GroupScan::mesh(bool perVertex, bool stripped,
- ColorSource color, int colorSize)
- {
- //cout << "GroupScan::mesh called for " << children.size() << " children"
- // << endl;
- if (stripped && !perVertex) {
- cerr << "No t-strips without per-vertex properties";
- return NULL;
- }
- MeshTransport* mt = new MeshTransport;
- bool bAnySucceeded = false;
- RigidScan* rs = (*it)->getMeshData();
- MeshTransport* cmt = rs->mesh (perVertex, stripped, color, colorSize);
- if (cmt) {
- // append geometry and topology
- mt->appendMT (cmt, rs->getXform());
- delete cmt;
- bAnySucceeded = true;
- //cout << " . " << tri_inds.size() << endl;
- }
- }
- if (!bAnySucceeded) {
- delete mt;
- mt = NULL;
- }
- return mt;
- }
- void
- GroupScan::computeBBox (void)
- {
- bbox.clear();
- rot_ctr = Pnt3();
- RigidScan* rs = (*it)->getMeshData();
- Bbox childBox = rs->worldBbox();
- if (childBox.valid()) {
- bbox.add (childBox);
- rot_ctr += rs->worldCenter();
- }
- }
- if (children.size())
- rot_ctr /= children.size();
- rot_ctr =;
- }
- crope
- GroupScan::getInfo (void)
- {
- char info[1000];
- sprintf (info, "Scan group containing %ld members.nn",
- children.size());
- return crope (info) + RigidScan::getInfo();
- }
- bool
- GroupScan::is_modified (void) {
- return bDirty;
- }
- bool
- GroupScan::get_children (vector<RigidScan*>& _children) const
- {
- _children.reserve (children.size());
- _children.push_back ((*it)->getMeshData());
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool
- GroupScan::get_children_for_display (vector<DisplayableMesh*>& _children) const
- {
- _children = children;
- return true;
- }
- void
- GroupScan::rebuildResolutions (void)
- {
- // we have as many resolutions as our best-endowed child...
- // find out how many that is.
- int nRes = 0;
- nRes = max (nRes, (*it)->getMeshData()->num_resolutions());
- }
- // now, build our res data (snapping to nearest existing resolution of
- // poorer children, if necessary)
- int iPolysVis = 0;
- resolutions.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < nRes; i++) {
- int nThisRes = 0;
- bool bInMem = true;
- bool bDesiredInMem = true;
- RigidScan* rs = (*it)->getMeshData();
- vector<res_info> childres;
- rs->existing_resolutions (childres);
- int iChildRes = i * childres.size() / nRes;
- nThisRes += childres[iChildRes].abs_resolution;
- if (!childres[iChildRes].in_memory)
- bInMem = false;
- if (!childres[iChildRes].desired_in_mem)
- bDesiredInMem = false;
- if (i == 0) // only do this once for each child
- iPolysVis += childres[rs->current_resolution_index()].abs_resolution;
- }
- insert_resolution (nThisRes, crope(), bInMem, bDesiredInMem);
- }
- // switch to best approximation of average current resolution
- for (i = 0; i < nRes; i++) {
- if (iPolysVis >= resolutions[i].abs_resolution)
- break;
- }
- if (i == nRes)
- select_coarsest();
- else
- switchToResLevel (i);
- }
- bool
- GroupScan::switchToResLevel (int iRes)
- {
- if (!ResolutionCtrl::switchToResLevel (iRes))
- return false;
- int ok = true;
- ResolutionCtrl* rc = (*it)->getMeshData();
- vector<res_info> ri;
- rc->existing_resolutions (ri);
- if (!rc->select_by_count (ri[iRes].abs_resolution))
- ok = false;
- }
- return ok;
- }
- bool
- GroupScan::load_resolution (int iRes)
- {
- if (resolutions[iRes].in_memory)
- return true;
- if (!(*it)->getMeshData()->load_resolution (iRes))
- return false;
- }
- resolutions[iRes].in_memory = true;
- return true;
- }
- bool
- GroupScan::release_resolution (int nPolys)
- {
- int iRes = findLevelForRes(nPolys);
- if (iRes == -1) {
- cerr << "Group resolution doesn't exist!" << endl;
- return false;
- }
- if (!resolutions[iRes].in_memory)
- return true;
- RigidScan *scan = (*it)->getMeshData();
- if (!scan->release_resolution (scan->findResForLevel(iRes)))
- return false;
- }
- resolutions[iRes].in_memory = false;
- return true;
- }
- bool
- GroupScan::filter_inplace (const VertexFilter &filter)
- {
- return false;
- }
- RigidScan*
- GroupScan::filtered_copy (const VertexFilter &filter)
- {
- BailDetector bail;
- RigidScan *newchild, *oldchild;
- vector <DisplayableMesh*> newchildren;
- VertexFilter *childFilter;
- cout << "Clip " << children.size() << " children: " << flush;
- oldchild = (*it)->getMeshData();
- // need to transform each child by the group transform b4 filtering
- childFilter = filter.transformedClone((float*)oldchild->getXform());
- newchild = oldchild->filtered_copy(*childFilter);
- if (newchild) {
- if (newchild->num_resolutions() > 0 ) {
- crope newname;
- newname = oldchild->get_basename()
- + "Clip." + oldchild->get_nameending();
- newchild->set_name(newname);
- DisplayableMesh *dm;
- GroupScan *g = dynamic_cast<GroupScan*>(newchild);
- if (!g) {
- if (newchild->num_vertices() >= 3) {
- dm = theScene->addMeshSet(newchild, false);
- newchildren.push_back(dm);
- }
- } else {
- dm = GetMeshForRigidScan(newchild);
- assert(dm);
- newchildren.push_back(dm);
- }
- //newchildren.push_back(dm);
- }
- }
- cout << "." << flush;
- if (bail()) {
- cerr << "Warning: group clip interrupted; results are partial" << endl;
- break;
- }
- }
- cout << " " << newchildren.size() << " of my kids made it." << endl;
- char buf[256];
- sprintf (buf, "%sClip.%s", basename.c_str(), ending.c_str());
- // groupScans will make its own copy of buf
- if (!newchildren.size()) return new GroupScan;
- DisplayableMesh *groupmesh = groupScans (newchildren, buf, true);
- groupmesh->getMeshData()->setXform(getXform());
- return groupmesh->getMeshData();
- }
- void
- GroupScan::subsample_points(float rate, vector<Pnt3> &p,
- vector<Pnt3> &n)
- {
- vector<Pnt3> cp, cn;
- p.clear();
- n.clear();
- RigidScan* rs = (*it)->getMeshData();
- cp.clear();
- cn.clear();
- rs->subsample_points (rate, cp, cn);
- // apply local transformations
- Xform<float> xf = rs->getXform();
- if (xf != Xform<float>()) {
- for (Pnt3* pi = cp.begin(); pi < cp.end(); pi++) {
- xf (*pi);
- }
- xf.removeTranslation();
- for (pi = cn.begin(); pi < cn.end(); pi++) {
- xf (*pi);
- }
- }
- //cout << "- adding " << cp.size() << " points from child" << endl;
- p.insert (p.end(), cp.begin(), cp.end());
- n.insert (n.end(), cn.begin(), cn.end());
- }
- //cout << "added " << p.size() << " points total" << endl;
- }
- bool
- GroupScan::closest_point(const Pnt3 &p, const Pnt3 &n,
- Pnt3 &cl_pnt, Pnt3 &cl_nrm,
- float thr, bool bdry_ok)
- {
- Pnt3 cp, cn;
- Pnt3 mp, mn;
- float closest = 1e33;
- bool bAny = false;
- Xform<float> xf, xfn;
- RigidScan* winner = NULL;
- //cout << "closest_point for " << children.size() << " children" << endl;
- RigidScan* rs = (*it)->getMeshData();
- xf = rs->getXform();
- xfn = xf;
- xfn.removeTranslation();
- mp = p; mp.invxform (xf);
- mn = n; mn.invxform (xfn);
- if (!rs->closest_point (mp, mn, cp, cn, thr, bdry_ok))
- continue;
- bAny = true;
- float dist = (mp-cp).norm2();
- //cout << "- distance^2 from child is " << dist << endl;
- if (dist < closest) {
- winner = rs;
- cl_pnt = cp;
- cl_nrm = cn;
- closest = dist;
- }
- }
- // the output is still in the coordinate system of the winning subscan
- if (bAny) {
- assert (winner != NULL);
- xf = winner->getXform();
- xf (cl_pnt);
- xf.removeTranslation();
- xf (cl_nrm);
- }
- //cout << "distance^2 from group is " << closest << endl;
- return bAny;
- }
- bool
- GroupScan::write_metadata (MetaData data)
- {
- bool success = true;
- RigidScan* rs = (*it)->getMeshData();
- Xform<float> saved_xf;
- if (data == md_xform) {
- saved_xf = rs->getXform();
- rs->setXform(getXform() * saved_xf);
- }
- if (!rs->write_metadata (data))
- success = false;
- if (data == md_xform) {
- rs->setXform(saved_xf);
- }
- }
- return success;
- }