- //############################################################
- //
- // GenericScan.h
- //
- // Kari Pulli
- // Mon Jun 29 11:51:05 PDT 1998
- //
- // Store range scan information from a generic range scanner
- // that gives range maps.
- // Not much if anything is known of the scanner properties,
- // so orthographics scan geometry is assumed.
- //
- //############################################################
- #ifndef _GENERICSCAN_H_
- #define _GENERICSCAN_H_
- #include "RigidScan.h"
- #include "Mesh.h"
- class KDindtree;
- class RangeGrid;
- class GenericScan : public RigidScan {
- private:
- vector<Mesh*> meshes;
- vector<KDindtree *> kdtree;
- bool bDirty;
- bool bNameSet;
- RangeGrid* myRangeGrid;
- KDindtree* get_current_kdtree(void);
- void insertMesh(Mesh *m, const crope& filename,
- bool bLoaded = true, bool bAlwaysLoad = true,
- int nRes = 0);
- Mesh* currentMesh (void);
- Mesh* getMesh (int level);
- inline Mesh* highestRes (void);
- bool readSet (const crope& fn);
- bool readSingleFile (const crope& fn);
- void _Init();
- public:
- // default constructor:
- GenericScan(void);
- // wrapper constructor to display a single mesh:
- GenericScan(Mesh* mesh, const crope& name);
- ~GenericScan(void);
- // perVertex: colors and normals for every vertex (not every 3)
- // stripped: triangle strips instead of triangles
- // color: one of the enum values from RigidScan.h
- // colorsize: # of bytes for color
- virtual MeshTransport* mesh(bool perVertex = true,
- bool stripped = true,
- ColorSource color = colorNone,
- int colorSize = 3);
- int num_vertices(void);
- void subsample_points(float rate, vector<Pnt3> &p,
- vector<Pnt3> &n);
- void PrintVoxelInfo(); // added display voxel feature. See
- // for documentation - leslie
- RigidScan* filtered_copy(const VertexFilter& filter);
- virtual bool filter_inplace(const VertexFilter &filter);
- virtual bool filter_vertices (const VertexFilter& filter, vector<Pnt3>& p);
- bool closest_point(const Pnt3 &p, const Pnt3 &n,
- Pnt3 &cp, Pnt3 &cn,
- float thr = 1e33, bool bdry_ok = 0);
- void computeBBox();
- void flipNormals();
- crope getInfo (void);
- // smoothing
- void dequantizationSmoothing(int iterations, double maxDisplacement);
- void commitSmoothingChanges();
- // file I/O methods
- bool read(const crope &fname);
- // is data worth saving?
- virtual bool is_modified (void);
- // save to given name: if default, save to existing name if there is
- // one, or return false if there's not
- virtual bool write(const crope& fname = crope());
- // for saving individual meshes
- virtual bool write_resolution_mesh (int npolys,
- const crope& fname = crope(),
- Xform<float> xfBy = Xform<float>());
- // for saving anything else
- virtual bool write_metadata (MetaData data);
- // ResolutionCtrl methods
- int create_resolution_absolute (int budget = 0, Decimator dec = decQslim);
- bool delete_resolution (int abs_res);
- bool load_resolution (int i);
- bool release_resolution (int nPolys);
- private:
- // file i/o helpers
- void setd (const crope& dir = crope(), bool bCreate = false);
- void pushd();
- void popd();
- crope setdir;
- crope pusheddir;
- int pushcount;
- Mesh* readMeshFile (const char* name);
- bool getXformFilename (const char* meshName, char* xfName);
- // color helper
- void setMTColor (Mesh* mesh, MeshTransport* mt,
- bool perVertex, ColorSource source, int colorsize);
- };
- #endif /* _GENERICSCAN_H_ */