- /* module: strings.c */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- this is weird; but MSVC likes it; and wont link from the IDE without it;
- #endif
- /* define message strings, no particular order besides numeric */
- char *STRXXX="Undefined Error String #@&*!";
- char *STR001="Problem accessing digitizer";
- char *STR002="Digitizer not at home position";
- char *STR003="Digitizer data input error";
- char *STR004="Problem controlling digitizer";
- char *STR005="Problem accessing DNC link";
- char *STR006="DNC link error";
- char *STR007="Mill does not support QUILLUP command";
- char *STR008="Memory problem, try switching off power and restarting";
- char *STR009="Parameter data problem, cannot continue";
- char *STR010="Command failed";
- char *STR011="Unrecognized command";
- char *STR012="Unimplemented command";
- char *STR013="No current image";
- char *STR014="Image must be filled first";
- char *STR015="Warning: VOID longitude";
- char *STR016="Number out of range";
- char *STR017="Latitude range is too small";
- char *STR018="Longitude range is too small";
- char *STR019="Invalid latitude period";
- char *STR020="Invalid longitude period";
- char *STR021="Current image must be saved or cleared";
- char *STR022="Cannot open file";
- char *STR023="Digitizer sync error (missing)";
- char *STR024="Digitizer sync error (misplaced)";
- char *STR025="Image has VOID zone, check settings, retry";
- char *STR026="Image file error on seek";
- char *STR027="Image file error on read";
- char *STR028="Image file error on write";
- char *STR029="Tabulation of radii (mm/10) in longitude";
- char *STR030="Raster refresh error PEBLKWR";
- char *STR031="Window manager error";
- char *STR032="Error accessing printer";
- char *STR033="Warning: voids in image, command gives unexpected results";
- char *STR034="Latitude or longitude range of one makes a null surface";
- char *STR035="Image data exceeds tool Z range";
- char *STR036="Tool diameter out of range";
- char *STR037="Already clear";
- char *STR038="UNNAMED";
- char *STR039="Is Echo Startup Disc inserted?";
- char *STR040="Cannot find or create file";
- char *STR041="Is Echo Startup Disc inserted and writeable?";
- char *STR042="Undefined option";
- char *STR043="nR Lookup Table:";
- char *STR044="nZ Lookup Table:";
- char *STR045="Serial ";
- char *STR046="Data Format Type ";
- char *STR047="Vertical Range ";
- char *STR048="Horizontal Range ";
- char *STR049="Horizontal Offset";
- char *STR050="Horizontal Center";
- char *STR051="Gauge Height ";
- char *STR052="Gauge Width ";
- char *STR053="Basic Angle ";
- char *STR054="Samples per Frame";
- char *STR055="Frames per Image ";
- char *STR056="Radius Steps ";
- char *STR057="nCorrection Lookup Table, samples across, frames down:n";
- char *STR058="You may want to make a new Correction Table";
- char *STR059="Standby...Computing new geometry lookup tables";
- char *STR060="Error occured while reading file";
- char *STR061="Error occured while writing file";
- char *STR062="Error in format or length of file";
- char *STR063="Enter image name: ";
- char *STR064="Ready ? (y/n): ";
- char *STR065="Warning HALFSPEED MODE selected";
- char *STR066="Geometry initialization error, cannot image";
- char *STR067="Digitizing failed, no image made";
- char *STR068="Use fscale command for this scale factor";
- char *STR069="Warning: negative scale, effect is untested";
- char *STR070="Warning: Scaling in sub-range, results may be unexpected";
- char *STR071="Warning: Rshift has been altered";
- char *STR072="Option specification required";
- char *STR073="Warning: Entirely VOID longitude cannot be filled";
- char *STR074="Warning: Entirely VOID latitude cannot be filled";
- char *STR075="Error during open";
- char *STR076="File protection error";
- char *STR077="File not found";
- char *STR078="Disc is Write-Protected";
- char *STR079="Device is not accessible";
- char *STR080="Error during file close";
- char *STR081="Error with device or window";
- char *STR082="Cannot allocate enough memory";
- char *STR083="Type CONTROL_C key to stop";
- char *STR084="'PASS COMPLETED'r"; /* for the bridgeport */
- char *STR085="Echo> "; /* command line prompt */
- char *STR086="Longitude increment";
- char *STR087="Latitude increment";
- char *STR088="Repeat terminated by error condition";
- char *STR089="Horizontal Horizon Plot";
- char *STR090="Horizontal Hemi-Cyl Plot";
- char *STR091="Axial View of a Slice";
- char *STR092="Cartesian Latitudes";
- char *STR093="Cartesian Longitudes";
- char *STR094="No options allowed, use 'display -s' command";
- char *STR095="Move Mouse, left button to stop";
- char *STR096="For menu press and hold right button";
- char *STR097="Hold button, select item, release button";
- char *STR098="Type a command, 'help' or 'exit'";
- char *STR099="Move mouse, middle picks, left stops";
- char *STR100="Use fscale command to scale cartesian data sets";
- char *STR101="Error reading text string";
- char *STR102="Cartesian/Cylindrical and data/command states do not match";
- char *STR103="Machining parameters:";
- char *STR104="Demo version, command not implemented";
- char *STR105="Usage: echodemo image-pathname";
- char *STR106="Undefined file header type";
- char *STR107="Problem with file header";
- char *STR108="Header seek error";
- char *STR109="Header read error";
- char *STR110="Header value not terminated properly";
- char *STR111="Required value not in header";
- char *STR112="Header value undefined";
- char *STR113="Unexpected VOID";
- char *STR114="Improper combination of options";
- char *STR115="Step Offset ";
- char *STR116="Resolution Bits ";
- char *STR117="Sample Low Margin";
- char *STR118="Sample Hi Margin ";
- char *STR119="Server Name ";
- char *STR120="Set-up Date ";
- char *STR121="Unable to read optical configuration file";
- char *STR122="Unable to read optical table file";
- char *STR123="Optical parameter file seek error";
- char *STR124="Optical parameter file read error";
- char *STR125="Missing required optical parameter:";
- char *STR126="Missing optical data table";
- char *STR127="Please Standby - %d%% Completer";
- char *STR128=" r";
- char *STR129="Missing required mill parameter: %sn";
- char *STR130="Mill parameter file error";
- char *STR131="Environment variable %s not definedn";
- char *STR132="Configuration file not found";
- char *STR133="Cannot execute mill interface filter";
- char *STR134="Cannot fork mill interface filter";
- char *STR135="ECHO_MILL_TYPE incompatible with this command";
- char *STR136="Unknown user";
- char *STR137="File name must be given";
- char *STR138="Environment variable has bad value: %sn";
- char *STR139="Command usage error, see manual";
- char *STR140="Sorry, cannot find any information on "%s"n";
- char *STR141="References to "%s" found, try the manual page for:n";
- char *STR142="Server problem, frame receive";
- char *STR143="Optical table format error";
- char *STR144="Problem with SunView window system (Not a Sun terminal?)";
- char *STR145="Image processing failed, no image made";
- char *STR146="Longitude outside of current range window";
- char *STR147="Latitude outside of current range window";
- char *STR148="Tabulation of radii (mm/10) in latitude";
- char *STR149="You must meter a point before clipping";
- char *STR150="User Configuration file not found";