- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- //
- // Matt Ginzton, Kari Pulli
- // Fri Jun 12 15:19:16 PDT 1998
- //
- // Interface between C and Tcl code for various registration UIs
- // 1. Correspondence registration
- // 2. Drag registration
- // 3. Global registration
- // 4. ICP
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "plvGlobals.h"
- #include "ToglHash.h"
- #include "togl.h"
- #include "Trackball.h"
- #include "RigidScan.h"
- #include "plvMeshCmds.h"
- #include "plvDraw.h"
- #include "sczRegCmds.h"
- #include "plvAnalyze.h"
- #include "ColorUtils.h"
- #include "GlobalReg.h"
- #include "plvScene.h"
- #include "plvDrawCmds.h"
- #include "DisplayMesh.h"
- #include "absorient.h"
- #include "Random.h"
- #include "ToglCache.h"
- #include "ICP.h"
- #include "Progress.h"
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // 1. Correspondence-registration UI
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- static struct Togl* g_overviewTogl = NULL;
- static uchar colorNew[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; // black
- static uchar colorOld[3] = { 255, 0, 0 }; // red
- static uchar colorSel[3] = { 0, 255, 0 }; // green
- static uchar colorHilite[3] = { 255, 255, 255 }; // white
- class AlignmentInfo
- {
- public:
- AlignmentInfo();
- virtual ~AlignmentInfo();
- Trackball* tb;
- };
- class AlignmentToglInfo: public AlignmentInfo
- {
- public:
- void SetTargetMesh (DisplayableMesh* _md);
- DisplayableMesh* meshDisplay;
- RigidScan* meshData;
- };
- class CorrespondencePt
- {
- public:
- DisplayableMesh* mesh;
- Pnt3 pt;
- };
- class CorrespondenceList
- {
- public:
- int AddPoint (DisplayableMesh* mesh, const Pnt3& pt);
- CorrespondencePt* FindPoint (DisplayableMesh* mesh);
- void DeletePoint (CorrespondencePt* cp);
- void ToString (char* text);
- int id;
- uchar color[3];
- vector <CorrespondencePt> points;
- };
- class AlignmentOverviewInfo: public AlignmentInfo
- {
- public:
- AlignmentOverviewInfo (struct Togl* overviewTogl);
- ~AlignmentOverviewInfo();
- CorrespondenceList* AddCorrespondence (DisplayableMesh* mesh,
- const Pnt3& pt);
- CorrespondenceList* CompleteCorrespondence (bool bKeep, char* text);
- vector<CorrespondenceList*> correspondences;
- int GetSelectedCorrespondenceId();
- CorrespondenceList* GetSelectedCorrespondence();
- CorrespondenceList* GetCorrespondenceById (int id);
- CorrespondenceList* GetCorrespondenceInProgress();
- bool bColorPoints;
- private:
- int nNextId;
- CorrespondenceList* correspInProgress;
- ColorSet correspColors;
- struct Togl* togl;
- };
- int
- CorrespondenceList::AddPoint (DisplayableMesh* mesh, const Pnt3& pt)
- {
- CorrespondencePt* cp = FindPoint (mesh);
- if (cp != NULL) {
- // already have one for this mesh -- adjust it
- cp->pt = pt;
- } else {
- // create new correspondence for this mesh
- CorrespondencePt cp;
- cp.mesh = mesh;
- = pt;
- points.push_back (cp);
- }
- return points.size();
- }
- CorrespondencePt*
- CorrespondenceList::FindPoint (DisplayableMesh* mesh)
- {
- for (CorrespondencePt* cp = points.begin(); cp < points.end(); cp++) {
- if (cp->mesh == mesh)
- return cp;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- void
- CorrespondenceList::DeletePoint (CorrespondencePt* cp)
- {
- points.erase (cp);
- }
- void
- CorrespondenceList::ToString (char* text)
- {
- sprintf (text, "[%d]", id);
- for (CorrespondencePt* cp = points.begin();
- cp < points.end();
- cp++) {
- sprintf (text + strlen(text), " %s:(%.4g,%.4g,%.4g)",
- cp->mesh->getName(),
- cp->pt[0], cp->pt[1], cp->pt[2]);
- if (cp + 1 < points.end())
- strcat (text, " <=>");
- }
- }
- AlignmentInfo::AlignmentInfo()
- {
- tb = NULL;
- }
- AlignmentInfo::~AlignmentInfo()
- {
- if (tb != NULL)
- delete tb;
- }
- AlignmentOverviewInfo::AlignmentOverviewInfo (struct Togl* overviewTogl)
- {
- nNextId = 0;
- correspInProgress = NULL;
- togl = overviewTogl;
- bColorPoints = true;
- }
- AlignmentOverviewInfo::~AlignmentOverviewInfo ()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < correspondences.size(); i++) {
- delete correspondences[i];
- }
- g_overviewTogl = NULL;
- }
- CorrespondenceList*
- AlignmentOverviewInfo::AddCorrespondence (DisplayableMesh* mesh,
- const Pnt3& pt)
- {
- CorrespondenceList* clSelected = GetSelectedCorrespondence();
- if (clSelected != NULL) {
- clSelected->AddPoint (mesh, pt);
- return clSelected;
- }
- if (correspInProgress == NULL) {
- correspInProgress = new CorrespondenceList;
- correspInProgress->id = 0;
- }
- correspInProgress->AddPoint (mesh, pt);
- return correspInProgress;
- }
- CorrespondenceList*
- AlignmentOverviewInfo::CompleteCorrespondence (bool bKeep,
- char* text)
- {
- if (correspInProgress == NULL) {
- strcpy (text, "[0]");
- return NULL; // nothing to do
- }
- if (correspInProgress->points.size() < 2) // nothing to keep!
- bKeep = false;
- if (bKeep) {
- correspInProgress->id = ++nNextId;
- correspInProgress->ToString (text);
- correspColors.chooseNewColor (correspInProgress->color);
- correspondences.push_back (correspInProgress);
- correspInProgress = NULL;
- return correspondences.back();
- } else {
- correspInProgress->ToString (text);
- delete correspInProgress;
- correspInProgress = NULL;
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- CorrespondenceList*
- AlignmentOverviewInfo::GetSelectedCorrespondence (void)
- {
- return GetCorrespondenceById (GetSelectedCorrespondenceId());
- }
- CorrespondenceList*
- AlignmentOverviewInfo::GetCorrespondenceInProgress (void)
- {
- return correspInProgress;
- }
- CorrespondenceList*
- AlignmentOverviewInfo::GetCorrespondenceById (int id)
- {
- if (id == 0)
- return NULL;
- CorrespondenceList** cl;
- for (cl = correspondences.begin(); cl < correspondences.end(); cl++) {
- if ((*cl)->id == id)
- return *cl;
- }
- printf ("Consistency error in correspondence data structuresn");
- return NULL;
- }
- int
- AlignmentOverviewInfo::GetSelectedCorrespondenceId (void)
- {
- Tcl_Interp* interp = Togl_Interp (togl);
- // figure out which correspondence is selected
- Tcl_Eval (interp, "getListboxSelection .reg.lines.list");
- int iCorresp = 0;
- if (strlen(interp->result) > 3)
- iCorresp = atoi (interp->result + 1);
- return iCorresp;
- }
- void
- AlignmentToglInfo::SetTargetMesh (DisplayableMesh* _md)
- {
- meshDisplay = _md;
- if (meshDisplay == NULL) {
- meshData = NULL;
- return;
- }
- meshData = meshDisplay->getMeshData();
- assert (meshData != NULL);
- // set up trackball, rotate by current view of object...
- Pnt3 up (0, 1, 0);
- Pnt3 obj = meshData->localCenter();
- float radius = meshData->radius();
- Pnt3 camera (0, 0, radius * 3);
- //position camera in front of object
- camera += obj;
- tb->setup (camera, obj, up, radius);
- // transform by rotations in effect: local, then viewer
- Xform<float> xfr = meshData->getXform();
- xfr.removeTranslation();
- float q[4], t[3];
- tbView->getXform (q, t);
- xfr.rotQ (q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3]);
- // and apply to trackball
- xfr.toQuaternion (q);
- tb->rotateQuat (q);
- }
- void
- DrawAlignmentPoint (const Pnt3& pt, uchar* color, bool bSelected = false)
- {
- glDisable (GL_LIGHTING);
- for (int iPass = 1; iPass >= 0; iPass--) {
- //draw twice, once partially transparent without depth test
- if (iPass == 0) {
- glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glDepthFunc (GL_LEQUAL);
- glDisable (GL_BLEND);
- } else {
- glDisable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glEnable (GL_BLEND);
- }
- if (bSelected && iPass == 1) {
- glColor4ub (colorHilite[0], colorHilite[1], colorHilite[2], 255);
- glPointSize (7);
- } else {
- glColor4ub (color[0], color[1], color[2], 256*(1-iPass/1.3));
- if (bSelected)
- glPointSize (5);
- else
- glPointSize (4);
- }
- glBegin (GL_POINTS);
- glVertex3fv (pt);
- glEnd();
- }
- }
- void
- DrawAlignmentPoints (struct Togl* togl)
- {
- //warning: code that does not scale well with a huge number of
- //correspondences, but that probably won't matter. If it does,
- //do something with better than linear performance here.
- AlignmentOverviewInfo* aoi = NULL;
- if (g_overviewTogl != NULL)
- aoi = (AlignmentOverviewInfo*)Togl_GetClientData (g_overviewTogl);
- if (aoi != NULL) {
- AlignmentToglInfo* ati = (AlignmentToglInfo*)Togl_GetClientData (togl);
- assert (ati != NULL);
- if (ati->meshData != NULL) {
- int iCorresp = aoi->GetSelectedCorrespondenceId();
- // now draw all correspondences in correct color
- for (int i = 0; i < aoi->correspondences.size(); i++) {
- CorrespondenceList* cl = aoi->correspondences[i];
- bool bSelected = (cl->id == iCorresp);
- for (CorrespondencePt* c = cl->points.begin();
- c < cl->points.end();
- c++) {
- if (c->mesh == ati->meshDisplay) {
- uchar* color;
- if (aoi->bColorPoints)
- color = cl->color;
- else
- color = bSelected ? colorSel : colorOld;
- DrawAlignmentPoint (c->pt, color, bSelected);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // now draw correspondence in progress
- CorrespondenceList* cl = aoi->GetCorrespondenceInProgress();
- if (cl != NULL) {
- for (CorrespondencePt* c = cl->points.begin();
- c < cl->points.end();
- c++) {
- if (c->mesh == ati->meshDisplay)
- DrawAlignmentPoint (c->pt, colorNew, true);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void
- DrawAlignmentMesh (struct Togl* togl)
- {
- DrawAlignmentMeshToBack (togl);
- DrawAlignmentPoints (togl);
- Togl_SwapBuffers (togl);
- }
- void
- DrawAlignmentMeshToBack (struct Togl* togl)
- {
- AlignmentToglInfo* ati = (AlignmentToglInfo*)Togl_GetClientData (togl);
- assert (ati != NULL);
- if (ati->meshData == NULL)
- return;
- // initialize buffers and modes
- ati->tb->setSize (Togl_Width (togl), Togl_Height (togl));
- glViewport(0, 0, Togl_Width (togl), Togl_Height (togl));
- glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glDepthFunc (GL_LESS);
- // Prepare projection
- ati->tb->applyProjection();
- // set up lighting
- glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
- glEnable(GL_LIGHT0);
- glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
- glLoadIdentity();
- float downZaxis[4] = { 0, 0, 1, 0 };
- glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, downZaxis);
- // prepare modelview
- ati->tb->applyXform();
- // now render
- ati->meshDisplay->drawImmediate();
- }
- void
- SpinToglTrackball (struct Togl* togl)
- {
- AlignmentInfo* ai = (AlignmentInfo*)Togl_GetClientData (togl);
- assert (ai != NULL);
- if (ai->tb->isSpinning())
- {
- Togl_PostRedisplay (togl);
- }
- }
- void
- FreeAlignmentInfo (struct Togl* togl)
- {
- AlignmentInfo* ai = (AlignmentInfo*)Togl_GetClientData (togl);
- assert (ai != NULL);
- delete ai;
- Togl_SetClientData (togl, NULL);
- }
- int
- PlvBindToglToAlignmentOverviewCmd(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- if (argc < 2) {
- interp->result = "Bad arguments to PlvBindToglToAlignmentOverviewCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- struct Togl* togl = toglHash.FindTogl (argv[1]);
- if (togl == NULL) {
- interp->result = "Missing togl widget in PlvBindToglToAlignmentViewCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- assert (0 == strcmp (argv[1], Togl_Ident (togl)));
- AlignmentOverviewInfo* aoi = new AlignmentOverviewInfo (togl);
- aoi->tb = new Trackball;
- Togl_SetClientData (togl, aoi);
- Togl_SetDestroyFunc (togl, FreeAlignmentInfo);
- Togl_SetTimerFunc (togl, SpinToglTrackball);
- assert (g_overviewTogl == NULL);
- g_overviewTogl = togl;
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- int
- PlvCorrespRegParmsCmd(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- if (argc < 3) {
- interp->result = "Bad arguments to PlvCorrespRegParmsCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- struct Togl* togl = toglHash.FindTogl (argv[1]);
- if (togl == NULL) {
- interp->result = "Missing togl widget in PlvCorrespRegParmsCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- AlignmentOverviewInfo* aoi =
- (AlignmentOverviewInfo*)Togl_GetClientData (togl);
- if (!strcmp (argv[2], "colorpoints")) {
- if (argc > 2) {
- aoi->bColorPoints = atoi (argv[3]);
- } else {
- interp->result = aoi->bColorPoints ? "1" : "0";
- }
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- int
- PlvBindToglToAlignmentViewCmd(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- if (argc < 3) {
- interp->result = "Bad arguments to PlvBindToglToAlignmentViewCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- struct Togl* togl = toglHash.FindTogl (argv[1]);
- if (togl == NULL) {
- interp->result = "Missing togl widget in PlvBindToglToAlignmentViewCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- assert (0 == strcmp (argv[1], Togl_Ident (togl)));
- DisplayableMesh* mesh = FindMeshDisplayInfo (argv[2]);
- if (mesh == NULL && strcmp (argv[2], "")) {
- interp->result = "Missing mesh in PlvBindToglToAlignmentViewCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- //set that togl widget up to display the given mesh
- AlignmentToglInfo* ati = (AlignmentToglInfo*)Togl_GetClientData (togl);
- if (ati == NULL) {
- ati = new AlignmentToglInfo;
- ati->tb = new Trackball;
- Togl_SetClientData (togl, ati);
- Togl_SetDisplayFunc (togl, DrawAlignmentMesh);
- Togl_SetDestroyFunc (togl, FreeAlignmentInfo);
- Togl_SetTimerFunc (togl, SpinToglTrackball);
- }
- ati->SetTargetMesh (mesh);
- Togl_PostRedisplay (togl);
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- int
- PlvRegUIMouseCmd (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- // argument string: togl button x y time [start|stop]
- if (argc < 6) {
- interp->result = "Bad arguments to PlvRegUIMouseCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- struct Togl* togl = toglHash.FindTogl (argv[1]);
- if (togl == NULL) {
- interp->result = "Missing togl widget in PlvRegUIMouseCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- int button = atoi (argv[2]);
- int mouseX = atoi (argv[3]);
- int mouseY = atoi (argv[4]);
- int eventT = atoi (argv[5]);
- bool up = TRUE;
- if (argc > 6 && !strcmp (argv[6], "start"))
- up = FALSE;
- AlignmentToglInfo* ati = (AlignmentToglInfo*)Togl_GetClientData (togl);
- assert (ati != NULL);
- if (button == 0)
- ati->tb->move (mouseX, mouseY, eventT);
- else
- ati->tb->pressButton (button, up, mouseX, mouseY, eventT);
- Togl_PostRedisplay (togl);
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- int
- PlvAddPartialRegCorrespondenceCmd (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- //argument string: togl overviewTogl x y
- if (argc < 5) {
- interp->result = "Bad arguments to PlvAddPartialRegCorrespondenceCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- struct Togl* togl = toglHash.FindTogl (argv[1]);
- struct Togl* toglOV = toglHash.FindTogl (argv[2]);
- if (togl == NULL) {
- interp->result = "Missing togl widget in PlvCreateRegCorrespondenceCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- int x = atoi (argv[3]);
- int y = Togl_Height (togl) - atoi (argv[4]);
- AlignmentToglInfo* ati = (AlignmentToglInfo*)Togl_GetClientData (togl);
- assert (ati != NULL);
- AlignmentOverviewInfo* aoi =
- (AlignmentOverviewInfo*)Togl_GetClientData (toglOV);
- Pnt3 pt;
- if (!findZBufferNeighborExt (x, y, pt, togl, ati->tb, 300)) {
- // allow removal of one point from an existing correspondence,
- // if it has more than two points
- CorrespondenceList* clSelected = aoi->GetSelectedCorrespondence();
- CorrespondencePt* cpOld = NULL;
- if (clSelected != NULL) {
- if (clSelected->points.size() > 2)
- cpOld = clSelected->FindPoint (ati->meshDisplay);
- else
- printf ("Cannot delete last two points from correspondencen");
- }
- if (cpOld != NULL) { // prompt to delete point
- Tcl_VarEval (interp, "tk_dialog .reg.confirm {Delete point?} "
- "{Delete meshset ",
- ati->meshDisplay->getName(),
- " from correspondence?} {} 0 No Yes", NULL);
- if (atoi (interp->result) != 0) {
- clSelected->DeletePoint (cpOld);
- Tcl_Eval (interp, "rebuildSelectedCorrespondenceString");
- DrawAlignmentMesh (togl);
- }
- }
- interp->result = "";
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- // add to temporary correspondence set
- CorrespondenceList* cl = aoi->AddCorrespondence (ati->meshDisplay, pt);
- // if modifying existing corresp, tell tcl
- if (cl->id != 0) {
- Tcl_Eval (interp, "rebuildSelectedCorrespondenceString");
- }
- // draw new point hilited
- DrawAlignmentMeshToBack (togl);
- DrawAlignmentPoints (togl);
- Togl_SwapBuffers (togl);
- interp->result = (char*)ati->meshDisplay->getName();
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- int
- PlvDeleteRegCorrespondenceCmd (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- if (argc != 3) {
- interp->result = "Bad arguments to PlvDeleteRegCorrespondenceCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- struct Togl* toglOV = toglHash.FindTogl (argv[1]);
- if (!toglOV) {
- interp->result = "Missing overview togl widget in DeleteRegCorrespondence";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- AlignmentOverviewInfo* aoi =
- (AlignmentOverviewInfo*)Togl_GetClientData (toglOV);
- assert (aoi != NULL);
- int iCorresp = atoi (argv[2] + 1); // in format [nnn] asdfasd
- for (CorrespondenceList** cl = aoi->correspondences.begin();
- cl < aoi->correspondences.end();
- cl++) {
- if ((*cl)->id == iCorresp) {
- aoi->correspondences.erase (cl);
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- }
- interp->result = "Index not found in PlvDeleteRegCorrespondenceCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- int
- PlvConfirmRegCorrespondenceCmd (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- if (argc < 2) {
- interp->result = "Bad arguments to PlvConfirmRegCorrespondenceCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- struct Togl* toglOV = toglHash.FindTogl (argv[1]);
- if (!toglOV) {
- interp->result = "Missing overview togl widget in CreateRegCorrespondence";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- AlignmentOverviewInfo* aoi =
- (AlignmentOverviewInfo*)Togl_GetClientData (toglOV);
- assert (aoi != NULL);
- bool bKeep = true;
- if (argc > 2 && 0 == strcmp (argv[2], "delete"))
- bKeep = false;
- char text[2000];
- CorrespondenceList* cl = aoi->CompleteCorrespondence (bKeep, text);
- Tcl_SetResult (interp, text, TCL_VOLATILE);
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- int
- PlvGetCorrespondenceInfoCmd (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- if (argc != 3) {
- interp->result = "Bad arguments to PlvGetCorrespondenceInfoCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- struct Togl* toglOV = toglHash.FindTogl (argv[1]);
- if (toglOV == NULL) {
- interp->result = "Missing overlay togl in PlvGetCorrespondenceInfoCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- int idCorresp = atoi (argv[2]);
- if (idCorresp == 0) {
- interp->result = "Bad correspondence id in PlvGetCorrespondenceInfoCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- AlignmentOverviewInfo* aoi =
- (AlignmentOverviewInfo*)Togl_GetClientData (toglOV);
- assert (aoi != NULL);
- CorrespondenceList* cl = aoi->GetCorrespondenceById (idCorresp);
- if (cl == NULL) {
- interp->result = "Missing correspondence in PlvGetCorrespondenceInfoCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- char text[2000];
- cl->ToString (text);
- Tcl_SetResult (interp, text, TCL_VOLATILE);
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- static int CorrespRegOneMesh (AlignmentOverviewInfo* aoi,
- DisplayableMesh* meshFrom,
- DisplayableMesh* meshTo);
- static int CorrespRegAllToAll (AlignmentOverviewInfo* aoi);
- int
- PlvCorrespondenceRegistrationCmd (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- // arguments are: overviewTogl mode from to
- // from and to are irrelevant for all2all mode, but must exist
- if (argc != 5) {
- interp->result = "Bad arguments to PlvCorrespondenceRegistrationCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- // get correspondence list
- struct Togl* toglOV = toglHash.FindTogl (argv[1]);
- if (toglOV == NULL) {
- interp->result = "Missing overview togl in PlvCorrespRegistrationCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- AlignmentOverviewInfo* aoi = (AlignmentOverviewInfo*)
- Togl_GetClientData (toglOV);
- assert (aoi != NULL);
- // get mode
- enum { from2to, from2all, all2all, error } mode = error;
- if (!strcmp (argv[2], "from2to")) {
- mode = from2to;
- } else if (!strcmp (argv[2], "from2all")) {
- mode = from2all;
- } else if (!strcmp (argv[2], "all2all")) {
- mode = all2all;
- }
- switch (mode) {
- case all2all:
- return CorrespRegAllToAll (aoi);
- case from2to:
- case from2all:
- {
- DisplayableMesh* meshFrom = FindMeshDisplayInfo (argv[3]);
- if (!meshFrom) {
- interp->result = "Missing 'from' mesh in PlvCorrespRegistrationCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (mode == from2all)
- return CorrespRegOneMesh (aoi, meshFrom, NULL);
- else {
- DisplayableMesh* meshTo = FindMeshDisplayInfo (argv[4]);
- if (!meshTo) {
- interp->result = "Missing 'to' mesh in PlvCorrespRegistrationCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return CorrespRegOneMesh (aoi, meshFrom, meshTo);
- }
- }
- }
- interp->result = "Bad mode passed to PlvCorrespRegistrationCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- static int
- CorrespRegOneMesh (AlignmentOverviewInfo* aoi, DisplayableMesh* meshFrom,
- DisplayableMesh* meshTo)
- {
- // pass meshTo as NULL to use all correspondences involving meshFrom
- // (from2all), or meshTo as a specific mesh to use only correspondences
- // between meshFrom and meshTo (from2to).
- RigidScan* msFrom = meshFrom->getMeshData();
- RigidScan* msTo = meshTo->getMeshData();
- // build lists of points from these meshes
- // transform points to world coordinates
- vector<Pnt3> srcPt, dstPt;
- for (int i = 0; i < aoi->correspondences.size(); i++) {
- CorrespondenceList* cl = aoi->correspondences[i];
- CorrespondencePt* cpThis = cl->FindPoint (meshFrom);
- if (cpThis != NULL) { // references this mesh
- for (CorrespondencePt* cpOther = cl->points.begin();
- cpOther < cl->points.end();
- cpOther++) {
- // don't add us-us to list
- if (cpThis == cpOther)
- continue;
- // and if from2to mode, only add corresp. involving To mesh
- if (meshTo != NULL && cpOther->mesh != meshTo)
- continue;
- srcPt.push_back (cpThis->pt);
- cpThis->mesh->getMeshData()->xformPnt (srcPt.back());
- dstPt.push_back (cpOther->pt);
- cpOther->mesh->getMeshData()->xformPnt (dstPt.back());
- }
- }
- }
- double q[7];
- horn_align (&srcPt[0], &dstPt[0], srcPt.size(), q);
- Xform<float> xf = msFrom->getXform();
- xf.addQuaternion (q, 7);
- msFrom->setXform (xf);
- theScene->computeBBox();
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- static int
- CorrespRegAllToAll (AlignmentOverviewInfo* aoi)
- {
- GlobalReg gr;
- assert (aoi != NULL);
- // for each pair of meshes, find all correspondences involving them
- // and add pairs to globalreg gr
- // so: iterate mesh pairs
- int numSets = theScene->meshSets.size();
- for (int iFrom = 0; iFrom < numSets; iFrom++) {
- for (int iTo = iFrom + 1; iTo < numSets; iTo++) {
- DisplayableMesh* mdFrom = theScene->meshSets[iFrom];
- DisplayableMesh* mdTo = theScene->meshSets[iTo];
- RigidScan* msFrom = mdFrom->getMeshData();
- RigidScan* msTo = mdTo->getMeshData();
- vector<Pnt3> pntFrom;
- vector<Pnt3> pntTo;
- // then iterate correspondences
- for (int i = 0; i < aoi->correspondences.size(); i++) {
- CorrespondenceList* cl = aoi->correspondences[i];
- // if correspondence mentions both meshes currently under consideration
- CorrespondencePt* cpFrom = cl->FindPoint (mdFrom);
- CorrespondencePt* cpTo = cl->FindPoint (mdTo);
- if (cpFrom != NULL && cpTo != NULL) {
- // then add points (in local coords) to pair data
- pntFrom.push_back (cpFrom->pt);
- pntTo.push_back (cpTo->pt);
- }
- }
- // now, if there were any correspondences between these meshes,
- // add to globalreg
- if (pntFrom.size() != 0) {
- gr.addPair(msFrom, msTo,
- pntFrom, vector<Pnt3>(),
- pntTo, vector<Pnt3>());
- cout << pntFrom.size();
- } else {
- cout << "no";
- }
- cout << " correspondences between "
- << mdFrom->getName() << " and " << mdTo->getName()
- << endl;
- }
- }
- gr.align (GLOBALREG_TOLERANCE, theScene->worldBbox());
- theScene->computeBBox();
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // 2nd method: drag-registration
- // UI and implementation follows
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- static void dragAlign (DisplayableMesh* mesh, AlignmentMethod method);
- int
- PlvDragRegisterCmd (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- // argument: name of mesh being registered (to all visible meshes)
- if (argc < 2) {
- interp->result = "Bad arguments to PlvDragRegisterCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- DisplayableMesh* ms = FindMeshDisplayInfo (argv[1]);
- if (ms == NULL) {
- interp->result = "Missing meshset in PlvDragRegisterCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- AlignmentMethod method = alignHorn;
- if (argc > 2) {
- if ( !strcmp (argv[2], "horn")) {
- method = alignHorn;
- } else if (!strcmp (argv[2], "chen")) {
- method = alignChenMedioni;
- }
- }
- dragAlign (ms, method);
- DisplayCache::InvalidateToglCache (toglCurrent);
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- #define ISBACKGROUND(x) ((x)>=zBackground)
- class SceneBuf
- {
- public:
- SceneBuf (int w, int h)
- {
- width = w;
- height = h;
- z = new unsigned int[width*height];
- zBackground = 0xffffffff;
- pt = new Pnt3*[w];
- for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
- pt[x] = new Pnt3[h];
- }
- }
- ~SceneBuf()
- {
- delete[] z;
- for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
- delete[] pt[x];
- }
- delete[] pt;
- }
- unsigned int* z;
- unsigned int zBackground;
- Pnt3** pt;
- int width, height;
- };
- // BUGBUG this next function is now very similar to ReadZBufferRect...
- // should merge code
- SceneBuf*
- GetScenePoints (DisplayableMesh* meshWithout = NULL)
- {
- // allocate buffer storage
- Togl_MakeCurrent (toglCurrent);
- int width = Togl_Width (toglCurrent);
- int height = Togl_Height (toglCurrent);
- SceneBuf* sceneBuf = new SceneBuf (width, height);
- // clear z-buffer to get background z-value
- unsigned int zBackground;
- glReadPixels (0, 0, 1, 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_UNSIGNED_INT,
- &zBackground);
- sceneBuf->zBackground = zBackground;
- // draw scene
- if (meshWithout)
- meshWithout->setVisible (false);
- drawInToglBuffer (toglCurrent, GL_BACK);
- if (meshWithout)
- meshWithout->setVisible (true);
- // and collect z-buffer
- glReadBuffer (GL_BACK);
- glReadPixels (0, 0, width, height, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT,
- GL_UNSIGNED_INT, sceneBuf->z);
- glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
- glPushMatrix();
- glLoadIdentity ();
- tbView->applyXform();
- GLdouble model[16], proj[16];
- glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, model); // applied from trackball
- glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, proj); // current GL state
- glPopMatrix();
- Xform<float> projMat = Xform<float>(proj) * Xform<float>(model);
- projMat.invert();
- for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
- for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
- int ofs = y*width + x;
- if (!ISBACKGROUND (sceneBuf->z[ofs])) {
- float tx = (2. * x / width) - 1;
- float ty = (2. * y / height) - 1;
- float tz = (2. * sceneBuf->z[ofs] / (float)zBackground) - 1;
- sceneBuf->pt[x][y] = projMat.unproject (tx, ty, tz);
- }
- else
- sceneBuf->pt[x][y] = Pnt3(0.0);
- }
- }
- return sceneBuf;
- }
- void
- GetMeshSceneOverlapPoints (DisplayableMesh* meshDisplay,
- const SceneBuf& sceneBuf,
- vector<Pnt3>& ptMesh,
- vector<Pnt3>& ptScene,
- vector<int>* ptSceneOfs)
- {
- // already have rendering of scene without mesh
- // render mesh alone, to back buffer and collect z information
- // allocate buffer storage
- Togl_MakeCurrent (toglCurrent);
- int width = Togl_Width (toglCurrent);
- int height = Togl_Height (toglCurrent);
- unsigned int* bufMesh = new unsigned int[width*height];
- // now draw mesh alone
- // but first, while buffer is clear, get background z-value
- unsigned int zBackground;
- glReadPixels (0, 0, 1, 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_UNSIGNED_INT,
- &zBackground);
- glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
- glPushMatrix();
- meshDisplay->getMeshData()->gl_xform();
- meshDisplay->drawList();
- glFinish();
- glPopMatrix();
- // and collect z-buffer
- glReadPixels (0, 0, width, height, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT,
- GL_UNSIGNED_INT, bufMesh);
- glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
- glPushMatrix();
- glLoadIdentity ();
- tbView->applyXform();
- GLdouble model[16], proj[16];
- glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, model); // applied from trackball
- glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, proj); // current GL state
- glPopMatrix();
- Xform<float> projMat = Xform<float>(proj) * Xform<float>(model);
- projMat.invert();
- // iterate points that overlap, untransform and add to point lists
- for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
- for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
- int ofs = y*width + x;
- if (!ISBACKGROUND (sceneBuf.z[ofs]) &&
- !ISBACKGROUND (bufMesh[ofs])) {
- // time to unproject
- float tx = (2. * x / width) - 1;
- float ty = (2. * y / height) - 1;
- float tz = (2. * bufMesh[ofs] / (float)zBackground) - 1;
- Pnt3 unproj = projMat.unproject (tx, ty, tz);
- ptScene.push_back ([x][y]);
- if (ptSceneOfs != NULL)
- ptSceneOfs->push_back (ofs);
- ptMesh.push_back (unproj);
- #if 0
- Pnt3 fast = projMat.unproject_fast (tx, ty, tz);
- SHOW (fast - unproj);
- #endif
- #if 0
- SHOW(ofs);
- SHOW(bufScene[ofs]);
- SHOW(bufMesh[ ofs]);
- SHOW(Pnt3(scenePos));
- SHOW(Pnt3( meshPos));
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- printf ("Have %ld overlapping pointsn", ptScene.size());
- delete[] bufMesh;
- }
- static void
- calculateNormals (vector<Pnt3>& normals, SceneBuf* sceneBuf,
- const vector<int>& sampPos)
- {
- Pnt3 norm;
- for (int i = 0; i < normals.size(); i++) {
- // calculate and average cross product of all (possibly 8)
- // triangles sharing this point and its neighbors
- norm = 0.0;
- // first, calculate ray from this point to each of its
- // 8 neighbors
- vector<Pnt3> rays;
- rays.reserve (normals.size());
- int ofs = sampPos[i];
- int ptX = ofs % sceneBuf->width;
- int ptY = ofs / sceneBuf->width;
- for (int ix = -1; ix <= 1; ix++) {
- for (int iy = -1; iy <= 1; iy++) {
- if (ix == 0 && iy == 0) continue;
- int x = ptX + ix; int y = ptY + iy;
- int iofs = y * sceneBuf->width + x;
- if (sceneBuf->z[iofs] >= sceneBuf->zBackground)
- continue; // no data at this point
- rays.push_back (sceneBuf->pt[x][y] -
- sceneBuf->pt[ptX][ptY]);
- }
- }
- // now we have up to 8 rays from chosen point to its existing
- // neighbors
- // calculate cross products and add to norm
- for (int ray = 0; ray < rays.size(); ray++) {
- Pnt3 ray1 = rays[ray];
- Pnt3 ray2 = rays[(ray+1)%rays.size()];
- Pnt3 tn = (cross (ray1, ray2)).normalize();
- cout << "SubNormal " << ray << ":";
- SHOW (tn);
- norm += (cross (ray1, ray2)).normalize();
- }
- normals[i] = norm.normalize();
- SHOW(normals[i]);
- }
- }
- static void
- dragAlign (DisplayableMesh* mesh, AlignmentMethod method)
- {
- const int nIterations = 20;
- const int nPtsPerIter = 8;
- RigidScan* scan = mesh->getMeshData();
- Xform<float> orig = scan->getXform();
- Xform<float> best = orig;
- float bestCost = -1;
- // restrict to small drawing area to speed up buffer reading
- int oldResCap = theResCap;
- theResCap = 100;
- // calculate minimum allowed mesh overlap, in pixels
- int minOverlap = (theResCap * theResCap) * 0.01; // 1% overlap minimum
- printf ("Starting drag alignment (%d iterations)n",
- nIterations);
- SceneBuf* sceneBuf = GetScenePoints (mesh);
- // establish initial correspondences
- vector<Pnt3> ptOrigMesh, ptOrigScene;
- vector<int> ptSceneOfs;
- GetMeshSceneOverlapPoints (mesh, *sceneBuf,
- ptOrigMesh, ptOrigScene,
- method == alignChenMedioni
- ? &ptSceneOfs : NULL);
- for (int iter = 0; iter < nIterations; iter++) {
- vector<Pnt3> ptMesh, ptScene;
- // randomly choose 8 points from overlap region
- // and align using them
- vector<Pnt3> subPtMesh(nPtsPerIter), subPtScene(nPtsPerIter);
- vector<int> subSampPos(nPtsPerIter);
- for (int iPt = 0; iPt < nPtsPerIter; iPt++) {
- int iPos = drand48() * ptOrigMesh.size();
- subPtMesh[iPt] = ptOrigMesh [iPos];
- subPtScene[iPt] = ptOrigScene[iPos];
- if (ptSceneOfs.size() > iPt)
- subSampPos[iPt] = ptSceneOfs[iPos];
- }
- double q[7];
- Xform<float> current (orig);
- switch (method) {
- case alignChenMedioni: {
- vector<Pnt3> nrmScene (nPtsPerIter);
- calculateNormals (nrmScene, sceneBuf, subSampPos);
- chen_medioni (&subPtMesh[0], &subPtScene[0], &nrmScene[0],
- nPtsPerIter, q);
- }
- break;
- case alignHorn:
- default:
- horn_align (&subPtMesh[0], &subPtScene[0], nPtsPerIter, q);
- }
- current.addQuaternion (q, 7);
- // rerender using new transformation, to evaluate it
- scan->setXform (current);
- // this is unnecessary for algorithm, but looks neat:
- drawInToglBuffer (toglCurrent, GL_FRONT);
- GetMeshSceneOverlapPoints (mesh, *sceneBuf, ptMesh, ptScene,
- NULL);
- scan->setXform (orig);
- // if overlap is too small, reject this guess outright
- if (ptMesh.size() < minOverlap) {
- printf ("tOverlap region too small (%ld points)n",
- ptMesh.size());
- continue;
- }
- // calc cost: average distance between corresponding points
- float cost = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < ptMesh.size(); i++) {
- cost += dist (ptMesh[i], ptScene[i]);
- }
- cost /= ptMesh.size();
- printf ("tCost for %ld points is %gn", ptMesh.size(), cost);
- // update best if this is better
- if (cost < bestCost || bestCost < 0) {
- best = current;
- bestCost = cost;
- }
- }
- // apply best transformation
- printf ("Best cost is %gn", bestCost);
- scan->setXform (best);
- theResCap = oldResCap;
- delete sceneBuf;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // 3rd method: global registration
- // code and UI follows
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int
- PlvGlobalRegistrationCmd (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- if (argc < 2) {
- interp->result = "Bad argument to PlvGlobalRegistrationCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- GlobalReg* gr = theScene->globalReg;
- assert (gr != NULL);
- if ( !strcmp (argv[1], "reset")) {
- delete gr;
- theScene->globalReg = new GlobalReg;
- } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "init_import")) {
- gr->initial_import();
- } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "re_import")) {
- gr->perform_import();
- } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "register")) {
- if (argc < 3) {
- interp->result = "Bad argument to PlvGlobalRegistrationCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- TbObj* scanToMove = NULL; // default to registering all scans
- TbObj* scanToMoveTo = NULL; // default to registering to all scans
- if (argc > 3) {
- DisplayableMesh* dm = FindMeshDisplayInfo (argv[3]);
- if (dm != NULL) {
- scanToMove = dm->getMeshData();
- }
- if (scanToMove == NULL) {
- cerr << "Scan " << argv[3] << " does not exist." << endl;
- interp->result =
- "Bad mesh passed to GlobalReg 1->all align";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- if (argc > 4) {
- DisplayableMesh* dm = FindMeshDisplayInfo (argv[4]);
- if (dm != NULL) {
- scanToMoveTo = dm->getMeshData();
- }
- if (scanToMoveTo == NULL) {
- cerr << "Scan " << argv[4] << " does not exist." << endl;
- interp->result =
- "Bad mesh passed to GlobalReg 1->2 align";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- // to put in code for normalizing, comment out this align call
- // and call the one below it
- gr->align (atof(argv[2]),
- scanToMove, scanToMoveTo);
- //gr->align (atof(argv[2]), theScene->worldBbox(),
- // scanToMove, scanToMoveTo);
- theScene->computeBBox();
- } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "pairstatus")) {
- if (argc < 4) {
- interp->result = "Bad # args";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- DisplayableMesh* dm1 = FindMeshDisplayInfo (argv[2]);
- DisplayableMesh* dm2 = FindMeshDisplayInfo (argv[3]);
- if (!dm1 || !dm2) {
- //interp->result = "Bad mesh specified - pairstatus";
- // rihan 7/9/01
- interp->result = "0";
- } else {
- bool bTrans = false;
- if (argc > 4 && !strcmp (argv[4], "transitive"))
- bTrans = true;
- bool manual;
- bool reg = gr->pairRegistered (dm1->getMeshData(),
- dm2->getMeshData(),
- manual,
- bTrans);
- interp->result = reg ? "1" : "0";
- }
- } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "listpairsfor")) {
- if (argc < 3) {
- interp->result = "Bad # args";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- DisplayableMesh* dm = FindMeshDisplayInfo (argv[2]);
- if (!dm) {
- interp->result = "Bad mesh specified - listpairsfor";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- bool bTrans = false;
- if (argc > 3 && !strcmp (argv[3], "transitive"))
- bTrans = true;
- crope partners = gr->list_partners(dm->getMeshData(), bTrans);
- Tcl_SetResult (interp, (char*)partners.c_str(), TCL_VOLATILE);
- } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "dumpallpairs")) {
- std::string tcl_cmd;
- if (argc > 3) {
- float showThresh = atof(argv[3]);
- tcl_cmd = gr->dump_meshpairs(atoi(argv[2]),
- showThresh);
- } else {
- tcl_cmd = gr->dump_meshpairs(atoi(argv[2]));
- }
- Tcl_SetResult (interp, (char*) tcl_cmd.c_str(), TCL_VOLATILE);
- } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "getpaircount")) {
- if (argc < 3) {
- interp->result = "bad # args";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- DisplayableMesh* dm = FindMeshDisplayInfo (argv[2]);
- if (!dm) {
- interp->result = "Bad mesh specified - getpaircount";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- int nPartners = gr->count_partners (dm->getMeshData());
- char buf[10];
- sprintf (buf, "%d", nPartners);
- Tcl_SetResult (interp, buf, TCL_VOLATILE);
- } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "groupstatus")) {
- gr->dump_connected_groups();
- } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "killpair")) {
- if (argc < 4) {
- interp->result =
- "Bad args to PlvGlobalRegistrationCmd killpair";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- DisplayableMesh* dm1 = FindMeshDisplayInfo (argv[2]);
- DisplayableMesh* dm2 = FindMeshDisplayInfo (argv[3]);
- // "mesh *" is allowed to leave dm2 NULL and delete
- // all involving mesh
- if (!dm1 || (!dm2 && argv[3][0] != '*')) {
- interp->result =
- "Bad mesh in PlvGlobalRegistrationCmd killpair";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (dm2)
- gr->deletePair (dm1->getMeshData(),
- dm2->getMeshData(), true);
- else
- gr->deleteAllPairs (dm1->getMeshData(), true);
- } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "point_pair_count")) {
- if (argc < 4) {
- interp->result =
- "Bad args to PlvGlobalRegistrationCmd point_pair_count";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- DisplayableMesh* dm1 = FindMeshDisplayInfo (argv[2]);
- DisplayableMesh* dm2 = FindMeshDisplayInfo (argv[3]);
- // "mesh *" is allowed to leave dm2 NULL and deals with
- // all involving meshes
- if (!dm1 || (!dm2 && argv[3][0] != '*')) {
- interp->result =
- "Bad mesh in PlvGlobalRegistrationCmd point_pair_count";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (dm2) gr->showPointpairCount(dm1->getMeshData(),
- dm2->getMeshData());
- else gr->showPointpairCount(dm1->getMeshData());
- } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "deleteautopairs")) {
- if (argc < 3 || argc > 4) {
- interp->result =
- "Bad args to PlvGlobalRegistrationCmd deleteautopairs";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- TbObj* tb = NULL;
- if (argc == 4) {
- DisplayableMesh* dm = FindMeshDisplayInfo (argv[3]);
- if (!dm) {
- interp->result =
- "Bad mesh in PlvGlobalRegistrationCmd deleteautopairs";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- tb = dm->getMeshData();
- }
- gr->deleteAutoPairs(atof(argv[2]), tb);
- } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "getstats")) {
- DisplayableMesh *dm1 = NULL, *dm2 = NULL;
- if (argc > 3) {
- dm1 = FindMeshDisplayInfo (argv[2]);
- dm2 = FindMeshDisplayInfo (argv[3]);
- }
- if (!dm1 || !dm2) {
- interp->result = "Bad mesh passed to getstats";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- int iQuality, nPoints;
- time_t date;
- bool bManual;
- float errs[5];
- if (!gr->getPairingStats (dm1->getMeshData(), dm2->getMeshData(),
- bManual, iQuality, nPoints, date, errs)) {
- interp->result = "Can't get stats for given mesh";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- struct tm* pTime = localtime (&date);
- char szStats[200];
- sprintf (szStats, "%c %d %d %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %4d/%02d/%02d",
- bManual ? 'M' : 'A',
- iQuality, nPoints,
- errs[0], errs[1], errs[2], errs[3], errs[4],
- 1900 + pTime->tm_year, 1 + pTime->tm_mon, pTime->tm_mday);
- Tcl_SetResult (interp, szStats, TCL_VOLATILE);
- } else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "getstatsummary")) {
- int qual[4]; // unknown/bad/fair/good
- float err[3]; // min/avg/max
- int count[3]; // total/man/auto
- DisplayableMesh* dm = NULL;
- if (argc > 2)
- dm = FindMeshDisplayInfo (argv[2]);
- if (!dm && 0 != strcmp (argv[2], "*")) {
- interp->result = "Bad mesh passed to getstatsummary";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- TbObj* tb = dm ? dm->getMeshData() : NULL;
- // TODO
- GlobalReg::ERRMETRIC metric = GlobalReg::errmetric_pnt;
- if (!gr->getPairingSummary (tb, metric, count, err, qual)) {
- interp->result = "Can't get summary for given mesh";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- char szStats[200];
- sprintf (szStats, "%d %d %d %.3f %.3f %.3f %d %d %d %d",
- count[0], count[1], count[2],
- err[0], err[1], err[2],
- qual[0], qual[1], qual[2], qual[3]);
- Tcl_SetResult (interp, szStats, TCL_VOLATILE);
- } else {
- interp->result = "Bad argument to PlvGlobalRegistrationCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // 4th method: ICP
- // code and UI follows
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ICP<RigidScan*> icp;
- int
- PlvRegIcpCmd(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- if (argc != 14) {
- interp->result = "Usage: plv_icpregister n"
- "t<sampling density [0,1]>n"
- "t<normal-space sampling {0|1}>n"
- "t<number of iterations [1,20]>n"
- "t<culling percentage [0,99]>n"
- "t<no boundary targets {0|1}>n"
- "t<optimization method {point|plane}>n"
- "t<source mesh>n"
- "t<target mesh>n"
- "t<edge threshold kind {abs|rel}>n"
- "t<edge threshold value>n"
- "t<save results for globalreg {0|1}>n"
- "t<save at most n pairs [0,a_big_number]>n"
- "t<quality rating [0..3]>n";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- DisplayableMesh *mdSrc = FindMeshDisplayInfo(argv[7]);
- DisplayableMesh *mdTrg = FindMeshDisplayInfo(argv[8]);
- assert(mdSrc && mdTrg);
- RigidScan* mSrc = mdSrc->getMeshData();
- RigidScan* mTrg = mdTrg->getMeshData();
- assert(mSrc && mTrg);
- // run the alignment
- icp.set(mSrc, mTrg);
- icp.allow_bdry = !atoi(argv[5]);
- float avgError = icp.align(atof(argv[1]), atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]), atoi(argv[4]),
- argv[6][1] == 'o', argv[9][0] == 'a',
- atof(argv[10]));
- // if requested, add pairs to globalreg
- bool bSaveForGlobal = atoi (argv[11]);
- if (bSaveForGlobal) {
- assert (theScene->globalReg != NULL);
- vector<Pnt3> ptSrc, ptTrg, nrmSrc, nrmTrg;
- icp.get_pairs_for_global (ptSrc, nrmSrc, ptTrg, nrmTrg);
- if (ptSrc.size() || ptTrg.size()) {
- cout << "Aligned pairs saved for global registration: "
- << mdSrc->getName() << " and "
- << mdTrg->getName() << endl;
- int max_pairs = atoi(argv[12]);
- int quality = atoi(argv[13]);
- theScene->globalReg->addPair(mSrc, mTrg, ptSrc, nrmSrc,
- ptTrg, nrmTrg,
- mTrg->getXform().fast_invert() *
- mSrc->getXform(),
- true, max_pairs, true, quality);
- }
- }
- char szError[20];
- sprintf (szError, "%g", avgError);
- Tcl_SetResult (interp, szError, TCL_VOLATILE);
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- int
- PlvRegIcpMarkQualityCmd(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- if (argc != 4) {
- interp->result = "Bad args to PlvRegIcpMarkQualityCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- DisplayableMesh *mdSrc = FindMeshDisplayInfo(argv[1]);
- DisplayableMesh *mdTrg = FindMeshDisplayInfo(argv[2]);
- assert(mdSrc && mdTrg);
- RigidScan* mSrc = mdSrc->getMeshData();
- RigidScan* mTrg = mdTrg->getMeshData();
- assert(mSrc && mTrg);
- int quality = atoi (argv[3]);
- if (quality < 0 || quality > 3) {
- interp->result = "Quality out of range in PlvRegIcpMarkQualityCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (!theScene->globalReg->markPairQuality (mSrc, mTrg, quality)) {
- interp->result = "General failure in PlvRegIcpMarkQualityCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- int
- PlvShowIcpLinesCmd(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- if (argc < 2) {
- interp->result = "Bad arguments to PlvShowIcpLinesCmd";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- bool show = atoi (argv[1]);
- if (show)
- icp.show_lines();
- else
- icp.hide_lines();
- return TCL_OK;
- }
- int
- SczAutoRegisterCmd(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- if (argc < 7) {
- interp->result = "Usage: scz_auto_register n"
- "t[visible | current] [visible | all] [name_of_curr_mesh] "
- "[error_thresh] [nTargetPairs] [bPreserveExisting] [bNormSSample]n";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- // pair with visible/all meshes
- bool bFromVisible = !strcmp("visible", argv[1]);
- bool bToVisible = !strcmp("visible", argv[2]);
- // error threshold
- float final_error_thresh = atof(argv[4]);
- if (final_error_thresh <= 0) {
- interp->result = "Error threshold has to be positive!n";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- // target number of pairs to yield from alignment
- int nTargetPairs = atoi (argv[5]);
- if (nTargetPairs <= 0)
- nTargetPairs = 1000;
- // overwrite existing correspondences, or ignore meshes that
- // are already paired?
- bool bOverwrite = !atoi (argv[6]);
- bool bNormSSample = atoi(argv[7]);
- // ctor
- AutoICP<RigidScan*> auto_align (theScene->globalReg,
- final_error_thresh);
- vector<DisplayableMesh*>& scans = theScene->meshSets;
- cout << "Calculating pairs:" << endl << endl;
- DisplayableMesh *currMesh = FindMeshDisplayInfo (argv[3]);
- if (!currMesh) {
- interp->result =
- "Couldn't find the current mesh!";
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- DisplayableMesh** begin = scans.begin();
- DisplayableMesh** end = scans.end();
- DisplayableMesh** first, ** second;
- GlobalReg *gr = theScene->globalReg;
- int cnt = 0;
- for (first = begin; first != end; first++) {
- if (( bFromVisible && (*first)->getVisible()) ||
- (!bFromVisible && *first == currMesh)) {
- for (second = begin; second != end; second++) {
- if (first == second) continue;
- if (bToVisible && !(*second)->getVisible()) continue;
- if (bFromVisible && (*second)->getVisible() &&
- second < first) continue;
- RigidScan* rs1 = (*first)->getMeshData();
- RigidScan* rs2 = (*second)->getMeshData();
- bool manual;
- if (gr->pairRegistered(rs1, rs2, manual)) {
- if (manual) continue;
- if (!bOverwrite) continue;
- }
- if (rs1->num_vertices() == 0 ||
- rs2->num_vertices() == 0) {
- continue;
- }
- cnt++;
- }
- }
- }
- bool bBail = false;
- Progress progress (cnt, "Calculating pairs");
- for (first = begin; first != end; first++) {
- if (( bFromVisible && (*first)->getVisible()) ||
- (!bFromVisible && *first == currMesh)) {
- for (second = begin; second != end; second++) {
- if (first == second) continue;
- if (bToVisible && !(*second)->getVisible()) continue;
- if (bFromVisible && (*second)->getVisible() &&
- second < first) continue;
- RigidScan* rs1 = (*first)->getMeshData();
- RigidScan* rs2 = (*second)->getMeshData();
- // are these meshes already registered?
- // never override a manually registered pair...
- bool manual;
- if (theScene->globalReg->pairRegistered(rs1, rs2,
- manual)) {
- if (manual) {
- cerr << "Don't override manual alignment for "
- << (*first)->getName()
- << " and " << (*second)->getName() << endl;
- continue;
- }
- if (!bOverwrite) {
- cerr << "Already paired: " << (*first)->getName()
- << " and " << (*second)->getName() << endl;
- continue;
- }
- }
- //
- // ok, passes all tests... register
- //
- // TODO: set threshold based on mesh resolutions
- if (rs1->num_vertices() == 0 ||
- rs2->num_vertices() == 0) {
- cout << "Skipping empty scan" << endl;
- continue;
- }
- if (!progress.updateInc()) {
- cerr << "Warning: cancelled; "
- << "not all scan pairs considered." << endl;
- bBail = true;
- break;
- }
- // ok, try to align
- cout << "Trying " << (*first)->getName() << " and "
- << (*second)->getName() << endl;
- // normal-space sample: bNormSSample
- if (auto_align.add_pair (rs1, rs2, nTargetPairs, bNormSSample)) {
- cout << "Paired " << (*first)->getName()
- << " and " << (*second)->getName() << endl;
- }
- }
- }
- if (bBail) break;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- }