- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "ply++.h"
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "strings.h"
- #include "plvGlobals.h"
- #include "RangeGrid.h"
- #include "Mesh.h"
- #include <iostream.h>
- #ifdef WIN32
- #include <io.h>
- #endif
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #ifndef linux
- # include <stdexcept.h>
- #endif
- #include "cyfile.h"
- #include "defines.h"
- #include "Xform.h"
- #include "Pnt3.h"
- struct PlyVertex {
- float x,y,z;
- float confidence;
- float intensity;
- unsigned char red,grn,blu;
- };
- PlyProperty vert_std_props[] = {
- {"x", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyVertex,x), 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"y", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyVertex,y), 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"z", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyVertex,z), 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"confidence", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyVertex,confidence), 0, 0, 0,0},
- {"intensity", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyVertex,intensity), 0, 0, 0,0},
- {"diffuse_red", PLY_UCHAR, PLY_UCHAR, offsetof(PlyVertex,red), 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"diffuse_green", PLY_UCHAR, PLY_UCHAR, offsetof(PlyVertex,grn), 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"diffuse_blue", PLY_UCHAR, PLY_UCHAR, offsetof(PlyVertex,blu), 0, 0, 0, 0},
- {"std_dev", PLY_FLOAT, PLY_FLOAT, offsetof(PlyVertex,confidence), 0, 0, 0,0},
- };
- struct RangePnt {
- unsigned char num_pts;
- int *pts;
- };
- // list of property information for a range data point
- PlyProperty range_props[] = {
- {"vertex_indices", PLY_INT, PLY_INT, offsetof(RangePnt,pts),
- 1, PLY_UCHAR, PLY_UCHAR, offsetof(RangePnt,num_pts)},
- };
- static float RANGE_DATA_SIGMA_FACTOR = 4;
- static float RANGE_DATA_MIN_INTENSITY = 0.05;
- RangeGrid::RangeGrid()
- {
- coords = NULL;
- confidence = NULL;
- intensity = NULL;
- matDiff = NULL;
- indices = NULL;
- hasColor = FALSE;
- hasConfidence = FALSE;
- hasIntensity = FALSE;
- hasTexture = FALSE;
- obj_info = NULL;
- num_obj_info = 0;
- isModelMakerScan = FALSE;
- }
- RangeGrid::~RangeGrid()
- {
- delete [] coords;
- delete [] indices;
- if (num_obj_info > 0) {
- for (int i = 0; i < num_obj_info; i++)
- delete [] obj_info[i];
- delete [] obj_info;
- }
- if (hasConfidence)
- delete [] confidence;
- if (hasColor)
- delete [] matDiff;
- if (hasIntensity)
- delete [] intensity;
- }
- int
- is_range_grid_file(const char *filename)
- {
- int nelems;
- char **elist;
- PlyFile ply;
- if (ply.open_for_reading(filename, &nelems, &elist) == 0)
- return 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < nelems; i++) {
- if (!strcmp(elist[i], "range_grid"))
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*****************************************************************
- Read range data from a PLY file.
- Entry:
- name - name of PLY file to read from
- Exit:
- returns pointer to data, or NULL if it couldn't read from file
- ******************************************************************/
- int
- RangeGrid::readRangeGrid(const char *name)
- {
- int i,j,k,index, best_index;
- PlyFile ply;
- int num_elems;
- int nprops;
- int nelems;
- char **elist;
- PlyProperty **plist;
- int num_rows,num_cols;
- RangePnt range_pnt;
- PlyVertex vert;
- char *elem_name;
- int get_std_dev = 0;
- int get_confidence = 0;
- int get_intensity = 0;
- int get_color = 0;
- int has_red = 0;
- int has_green = 0;
- int has_blue = 0;
- int is_warped = 0;
- char temp[PATH_MAX];
- int isRightMirrorOpen = 1;
- //int found_mirror = 0; //unused?
- int foundScanType = FALSE;
- float conf,std;
- float min_std,max_std,max;
- float avg_std = 0;
- if (ply.open_for_reading(name, &nelems, &elist) == 0)
- return 0;
- // parse the obj_info
- char **ply_obj_info;
- int ply_num_obj_info;
- ply_obj_info = ply.get_obj_info (&ply_num_obj_info);
- for (i = 0; i < ply_num_obj_info; i++) {
- if (strstr(ply_obj_info[i], "num_cols"))
- sscanf(ply_obj_info[i], "%s%d", temp, &num_cols);
- if (strstr(ply_obj_info[i], "num_rows"))
- sscanf(ply_obj_info[i], "%s%d", temp, &num_rows);
- if (strstr(ply_obj_info[i], "is_warped"))
- sscanf(ply_obj_info[i], "%s%d", temp, &is_warped);
- if (strstr(ply_obj_info[i], "optimum_std_dev"))
- sscanf(ply_obj_info[i], "%s%f", temp, &avg_std);
- if (strstr(ply_obj_info[i], "is_right_mirror_open")) {
- //found_mirror = TRUE;
- sscanf(ply_obj_info[i], "%s%d", temp, &isRightMirrorOpen);
- }
- if (strstr(ply_obj_info[i], "is_linear_scan")) {
- foundScanType = TRUE;
- sscanf(ply_obj_info[i], "%s%d", temp, &isLinearScan);
- }
- }
- min_std = avg_std / RANGE_DATA_SIGMA_FACTOR;
- max_std = avg_std * RANGE_DATA_SIGMA_FACTOR;
- // set up the range data structure
- nlg = num_cols;
- nlt = num_rows;
- intensity = NULL;
- confidence = NULL;
- matDiff = NULL;
- hasColor = 0;
- hasIntensity = 0;
- hasConfidence = 0;
- multConfidence = 0;
- hasTexture = 0;
- ltMin = 0;
- ltMax = nlt-1;
- lgMin = 0;
- lgMax = nlg-1;
- if (!foundScanType) {
- printf("Assumed to be linear scan...n");
- isLinearScan = TRUE;
- }
- if (!is_warped) {
- viewDir.set(0, 0, -1);
- } else {
- if (isRightMirrorOpen) {
- viewDir.set(-sin(30*M_PI/180), 0, -cos(30*M_PI/180));
- } else {
- viewDir.set(sin(30*M_PI/180), 0, -cos(30*M_PI/180));
- }
- }
- num_obj_info = ply_num_obj_info;
- obj_info = new char*[ply_num_obj_info];
- for (i = 0; i < ply_num_obj_info; i++) {
- obj_info[i] = new char[strlen(ply_obj_info[i])+1];
- strcpy(obj_info[i], ply_obj_info[i]);
- }
- // see if we've got both vertex and range_grid data
- plist = ply.get_element_description("vertex", &num_elems, &nprops);
- if (plist == NULL) {
- fprintf (stderr, "file doesn't contain vertex datan");
- return 0;
- }
- numSamples = num_elems;
- plist = ply.get_element_description("range_grid", &num_elems, &nprops);
- if (plist == NULL) {
- fprintf (stderr, "file doesn't contain range_grid datan");
- return 0;
- }
- // read in the range data
- for (i = 0; i < nelems; i++) {
- elem_name = elist[i];
- plist = ply.get_element_description(elem_name, &num_elems, &nprops);
- if (equal_strings ("vertex", elem_name)) {
- // see if the file contains intensities
- for (j = 0; j < nprops; j++) {
- if (equal_strings ("std_dev", plist[j]->name))
- get_std_dev = 1;
- if (equal_strings ("confidence", plist[j]->name))
- get_confidence = 1;
- if (equal_strings ("intensity", plist[j]->name))
- get_intensity = 1;
- if (equal_strings ("diffuse_red", plist[j]->name))
- has_red = 1;
- if (equal_strings ("diffuse_green", plist[j]->name))
- has_green = 1;
- if (equal_strings ("diffuse_blue", plist[j]->name))
- has_blue = 1;
- }
- if (has_red && has_green && has_blue) {
- get_color = 1;
- hasColor = 1;
- }
- if (get_intensity)
- hasIntensity = 1;
- if (get_std_dev && is_warped) {
- hasConfidence = 1;
- multConfidence = 1;
- }
- else if (get_confidence)
- hasConfidence = 1;
- ply.get_property ("vertex", &vert_std_props[0]);
- ply.get_property ("vertex", &vert_std_props[1]);
- ply.get_property ("vertex", &vert_std_props[2]);
- if (get_confidence)
- ply.get_property ("vertex", &vert_std_props[3]);
- if (get_intensity)
- ply.get_property ("vertex", &vert_std_props[4]);
- if (get_color) {
- ply.get_property ("vertex", &vert_std_props[5]);
- ply.get_property ("vertex", &vert_std_props[6]);
- ply.get_property ("vertex", &vert_std_props[7]);
- }
- if (get_std_dev)
- ply.get_property ("vertex", &vert_std_props[8]);
- coords = new Pnt3[numSamples];
- if (get_confidence || get_std_dev)
- confidence = new float[numSamples];
- if (get_intensity)
- intensity = new float[numSamples];
- if (get_color)
- matDiff = new vec3uc[numSamples];
- for (j = 0; j < num_elems; j++) {
- __STL_TRY {
- ply.get_element ((void *) &vert);
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- coords[j].set(&vert.x);
- if (get_intensity) {
- intensity[j] = vert.intensity;
- }
- if (get_std_dev&&is_warped) {
- std = vert.confidence;
- if (std < min_std)
- conf = 0;
- else if (std < avg_std)
- conf = (std - min_std) / (avg_std - min_std);
- else if (std > max_std)
- conf = 0;
- else
- conf = (max_std - std) / (max_std - avg_std);
- // Unsafe to use vertex intensity, as aperture
- // settings may change between scans.
- // Instead, use std_dev confidence * orientation.
- // conf *= vert.intensity;
- if (get_intensity)
- if (vert.intensity < RANGE_DATA_MIN_INTENSITY) conf = 0.0;
- confidence[j] = conf;
- }
- else if (get_confidence) {
- confidence[j] = vert.confidence;
- }
- if (get_color) {
- matDiff[j][0] = vert.red;
- matDiff[j][1] = vert.grn;
- matDiff[j][2] = vert.blu;
- }
- }
- }
- if (equal_strings ("range_grid", elem_name)) {
- indices = new int[nlt * nlg];
- ply.get_element_setup(elem_name, 1, range_props);
- for (j = 0; j < num_elems; j++) {
- __STL_TRY {
- ply.get_element((void *) &range_pnt);
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- if (range_pnt.num_pts == 0)
- indices[j] = -1;
- else {
- max = -FLT_MAX;
- for (k = 0; k < range_pnt.num_pts; k++) {
- index = range_pnt.pts[k];
- // There will only be more than one point per sample
- // if there are intensities
- if (get_intensity) {
- if (intensity[index] > max) {
- max = intensity[index];
- best_index = index;
- }
- }
- else {
- best_index = index;
- }
- }
- index = best_index;
- if (get_confidence || get_std_dev) {
- if (confidence[index] > 0.0)
- indices[j] = index;
- else
- indices[j] = -1;
- } else {
- indices[j] = index;
- }
- if (get_intensity) {
- if (intensity[index] < RANGE_DATA_MIN_INTENSITY) {
- indices[j] = -1;
- }
- }
- delete range_pnt.pts;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /*****************************************************************
- Create a triangle mesh from scan data.
- Entry:
- sc - scan data to make into triangle mesh
- level - level of mesh (how detailed), in [0,1,2,3]
- table_dist - distance for spatial subdivision hash table
- Exit:
- returns pointer to newly-created mesh
- ******************************************************************/
- Mesh *
- RangeGrid::toMesh(int subSamp, int hasTexture)
- {
- int i,j;
- int ii,jj;
- int in1,in2,in3,in4,vin1,vin2,vin3,vin4;
- int max_tris;
- Mesh *mesh = new Mesh;
- int _ltMin = ltMax - (ltMax/subSamp)*subSamp;
- // create a list saying whether a vertex is going to be used
- int *vert_index = new int[numSamples];
- for (i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
- vert_index[i] = -1;
- // Extra column of vertices for wrap-around
- int *vert_index_extra = new int[nlt];
- for (i = _ltMin; i <= ltMax; i++)
- vert_index_extra[i] = -1;
- // see which vertices will be used in a triangle
- int count = 0;
- for (j = _ltMin; j <= ltMax; j += subSamp) {
- for (i = lgMin; i <= lgMax; i += subSamp) {
- in1 = indices[i + j * nlg];
- if (in1 >= 0) {
- vert_index[in1] = 1;
- count++;
- }
- }
- if (!isLinearScan) {
- i = lgMin;
- in1 = indices[i + j * nlg];
- if (in1 >= 0) {
- vert_index_extra[j] = 1;
- count++;
- }
- }
- }
- printf("Num verts = %dn", count);
- if (hasConfidence)
- mesh->vertConfidence = new float[count];
- if (hasTexture)
- mesh->texture = new vec2f[count];
- if (hasIntensity)
- mesh->vertIntensity = new float[count];
- if (matDiff)
- mesh->vertMatDiff = new vec3uc[count];
- max_tris = count * 6;
- mesh->tris.reserve(max_tris);
- // create the vertices
- count = 0;
- for (j = _ltMin; j <= ltMax; j += subSamp) {
- for (i = lgMin; i <= lgMax; i += subSamp) {
- in1 = indices[i + j * nlg];
- if (in1 >= 0) {
- vert_index[in1] = count;
- mesh->vtx.push_back(coords[in1]);
- if (hasConfidence)
- mesh->vertConfidence[count] = confidence[in1];
- if (hasIntensity)
- mesh->vertIntensity[count] = intensity[in1];
- if (hasColor) {
- mesh->vertMatDiff[count][0] = matDiff[in1][0];
- mesh->vertMatDiff[count][1] = matDiff[in1][1];
- mesh->vertMatDiff[count][2] = matDiff[in1][2];
- }
- count++;
- }
- }
- if (!isLinearScan) {
- i = lgMin;
- in1 = indices[i + j * nlg];
- if (in1 >= 0) {
- vert_index_extra[j] = count;
- mesh->vtx.push_back(coords[in1]);
- if (hasConfidence)
- mesh->vertConfidence[count] = confidence[in1];
- if (hasIntensity)
- mesh->vertIntensity[count] = intensity[in1];
- if (hasColor) {
- mesh->vertMatDiff[count][0] = matDiff[in1][0];
- mesh->vertMatDiff[count][1] = matDiff[in1][1];
- mesh->vertMatDiff[count][2] = matDiff[in1][2];
- }
- count++;
- }
- }
- }
- // Assign texture coordinates
- if (hasTexture) {
- for (j = _ltMin; j <= ltMax; j += subSamp) {
- for (i = lgMin; i <= lgMax; i += subSamp) {
- in1 = indices[i + j * nlg];
- if (in1 >= 0) {
- vin1 = vert_index[in1];
- mesh->texture[vin1][0] = float(i-lgMin)/(lgMax-lgMin+1);
- mesh->texture[vin1][1] = float(j)/nlt;
- }
- }
- if (!isLinearScan) {
- i = lgMin;
- in1 = indices[i + j * nlg];
- if (in1 >= 0) {
- vin1 = vert_index_extra[j];
- mesh->texture[vin1][0] = 1 + 1.0/(lgMax - lgMin + 1);
- mesh->texture[vin1][1] = float(j)/nlt;
- count++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // create the triangles
- for (j = _ltMin; j <= ltMax - subSamp; j += subSamp) {
- for (i = lgMin; i <= lgMax - subSamp; i += subSamp) {
- ii = (i + subSamp) % nlg;
- jj = (j + subSamp) % nlt;
- // count the number of good vertices
- // 2 3
- // 1 4
- in1 = indices[ i + j * nlg];
- in2 = indices[ i + jj * nlg];
- in3 = indices[ii + jj * nlg];
- in4 = indices[ii + j * nlg];
- count = (in1 >= 0) + (in2 >= 0) + (in3 >= 0) + (in4 >=0);
- if (in1 >= 0) {
- vin1 = vert_index[in1];
- }
- if (in2 >= 0) {
- vin2 = vert_index[in2];
- }
- if (in3 >= 0) {
- vin3 = vert_index[in3];
- }
- if (in4 >= 0) {
- vin4 = vert_index[in4];
- }
- if (count == 4) { // all 4 vertices okay, so make 2 tris
- // compute lengths of cross-edges
- float len1 = dist(mesh->vtx[vin1], mesh->vtx[vin3]);
- float len2 = dist(mesh->vtx[vin2], mesh->vtx[vin4]);
- if (len1 < len2) {
- mesh->addTri(vin2, vin1, vin3);
- mesh->addTri(vin1, vin4, vin3);
- } else {
- mesh->addTri(vin2, vin1, vin4);
- mesh->addTri(vin2, vin4, vin3);
- }
- }
- else if (count == 3) { // only 3 vertices okay, so make 1 tri
- if (in1 == -1) {
- mesh->addTri(vin2, vin4, vin3);
- } else if (in2 == -1) {
- mesh->addTri(vin1, vin4, vin3);
- } else if (in3 == -1) {
- mesh->addTri(vin2, vin1, vin4);
- } else { // in4 == -1
- mesh->addTri(vin2, vin1, vin3);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Do the wrap around for cylindrical scans
- if (!isLinearScan) {
- ii = lgMin;
- for (j = _ltMin; j <= ltMax - subSamp; j += subSamp) {
- jj = (j + subSamp) % nlt;
- // count the number of good vertices
- in1 = indices[ i + j * nlg];
- in2 = indices[ i + jj * nlg];
- in3 = indices[ii + jj * nlg];
- in4 = indices[ii + j * nlg];
- count = (in1 >= 0) + (in2 >= 0) + (in3 >= 0) + (in4 >=0);
- if (in1 >= 0) {
- vin1 = vert_index[in1];
- }
- if (in2 >= 0) {
- vin2 = vert_index[in2];
- }
- if (in3 >= 0) {
- vin3 = vert_index_extra[jj];
- }
- if (in4 >= 0) {
- vin4 = vert_index_extra[j];
- }
- if (count == 4) { // all 4 vertices okay, so make 2 tris
- // compute lengths of cross-edges
- float len1 = dist(mesh->vtx[vin1], mesh->vtx[vin3]);
- float len2 = dist(mesh->vtx[vin2], mesh->vtx[vin4]);
- if (len1 < len2) {
- mesh->addTri(vin2, vin1, vin3);
- mesh->addTri(vin1, vin4, vin3);
- } else {
- mesh->addTri(vin2, vin1, vin4);
- mesh->addTri(vin2, vin4, vin3);
- }
- }
- else if (count == 3) { // only 3 vertices okay, so make 1 tri
- if (in1 == -1) {
- mesh->addTri(vin2, vin4, vin3);
- } else if (in2 == -1) {
- mesh->addTri(vin1, vin4, vin3);
- } else if (in3 == -1) {
- mesh->addTri(vin2, vin1, vin4);
- } else { // in4 == -1
- mesh->addTri(vin2, vin1, vin3);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- mesh->hasVertNormals = FALSE;
- mesh->initNormals(UseAreaWeightedNormals);
- if (!isLinearScan) {
- for (j = _ltMin; j <= ltMax; j += subSamp) {
- in1 = indices[lgMin + j * nlg];
- if (in1 >= 0) {
- vin1 = vert_index[in1];
- vin2 = vert_index_extra[j];
- mesh->nrm[3*vin1 ] += mesh->nrm[3*vin2 ];
- mesh->nrm[3*vin1+1] += mesh->nrm[3*vin2+1];
- mesh->nrm[3*vin1+2] += mesh->nrm[3*vin2+2];
- Pnt3 temp (mesh->nrm[3*vin1],
- mesh->nrm[3*vin1+1], mesh->nrm[3*vin1+2]);
- temp /= 32767;
- temp.normalize();
- temp *= 32767;
- mesh->nrm[3*vin1 ] = mesh->nrm[3*vin2 ] = temp[0];
- mesh->nrm[3*vin1+1] = mesh->nrm[3*vin2+1] = temp[1];
- mesh->nrm[3*vin1+2] = mesh->nrm[3*vin2+2] = temp[2];
- }
- }
- }
- // free up the vertex index list
- delete [] vert_index;
- delete [] vert_index_extra;
- if (isModelMakerScan) mesh->remove_stepedges(50, 8);
- else mesh->remove_stepedges(50, 4);
- return mesh;
- }
- void
- RangeGrid::addTriangleCheckNormal(Mesh *mesh,
- int vin1, int vin2, int vin3,
- Pnt3 &viewDir, float minDot)
- {
- float _dot = fabs(dot(viewDir,
- normal(mesh->Vtx(vin1), mesh->Vtx(vin2),
- mesh->Vtx(vin3))));
- int tooGrazing = _dot < minDot;
- if (tooGrazing)
- return;
- mesh->addTri(vin2, vin1, vin3);
- }
- void
- RangeGrid::addTriangleCheckLength(Mesh *mesh,
- int vin1, int vin2, int vin3,
- float maxLength)
- {
- const Pnt3 &c1 = mesh->Vtx(vin1);
- const Pnt3 &c2 = mesh->Vtx(vin2);
- const Pnt3 &c3 = mesh->Vtx(vin3);
- if (dist(c1,c2) > maxLength)
- return;
- if (dist(c1,c3) > maxLength)
- return;
- if (dist(c2,c3) > maxLength)
- return;
- mesh->addTri(vin2, vin1, vin3);
- }
- int
- RangeGrid::readCyfile(const char *name)
- {
- int xx, yy;
- float x, y, z;
- int count;
- long range;
- int fd = open(name, O_RDONLY, 0);
- GSPEC *gs;
- gs = cyread(NULL, fd);
- float lgincr = 1e-6*gs->lgincr;
- float ltincr = 1e-6*gs->ltincr;
- float theta;
- count = 0;
- for (yy = 0; yy < gs->nlt; yy++) {
- for (xx = 0; xx < gs->nlg; xx++) {
- range = getr(gs, yy, xx);
- if (range != VOIDGS(gs) ) {
- count++;
- }
- }
- }
- numSamples = count;
- isLinearScan = gs->flags & FLAG_CARTESIAN;
- nlg = gs->nlg;
- nlt = gs->nlt;
- coords = new Pnt3[numSamples];
- indices = new int[nlt * nlg];
- viewDir.set(0, 0, -1);
- count = 0;
- int diff;
- int range1, range2;
- if (!isLinearScan) {
- /* For moving targets (like heads), the begin and
- end points will differ noticably. This is an attempt
- to counteract that motion by shifting the range data
- by an average amount of discrepancy. A better job
- would be to find a more complex rigid or even
- non-rigid deformation that would match the points.
- Even better, find new matches iteratively as in Besl
- and McKay. */
- diff = 0;
- for (yy = 0; yy < gs->nlt; yy++) {
- range1 = getr(gs, yy, 0);
- range2 = getr(gs, yy, gs->nlg-1);
- if (range1 != VOIDGS(gs) && range2 != VOIDGS(gs) ) {
- count++;
- diff += (range2 - range1);
- }
- }
- diff = int(float(diff)/count);
- }
- count = 0;
- int lg;
- int yymin = 100000;
- int yymax = -1;
- int xxmax = -1;
- int xxmin = 100000;
- for (yy = 0; yy < gs->nlt; yy++) {
- for (xx = 0; xx < gs->nlg; xx++) {
- range = getr(gs, yy, xx);
- if (isLinearScan) {
- lg = xx;
- } else {
- lg = gs->nlg - xx - 1;
- }
- if (range == VOIDGS(gs) ) {
- indices[lg + yy*nlg] = -1;
- }
- else {
- yymax = yy > yymax ? yy : yymax;
- xxmax = lg > xxmax ? lg : xxmax;
- yymin = yy < yymin ? yy : yymin;
- xxmin = lg < xxmin ? lg : xxmin;
- indices[lg + yy*nlg] = count;
- y = yy*ltincr;
- if (isLinearScan) {
- x = xx*lgincr - (gs->nlg/2) * lgincr;
- z = range*1e-6;
- } else {
- //range -= int(diff*float(xx)/gs->nlg);
- theta = xx*lgincr + M_PI;
- x = -range*1e-6*sin(theta);
- z = range*1e-6*cos(theta);
- }
- coords[count].set(x,y,z);
- count++;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!isLinearScan) {
- ltMax = yymax;
- lgMax = xxmax;
- ltMin = yymin;
- lgMin = xxmin;
- } else {
- ltMax = gs->nlt-1;
- lgMax = gs->nlg-1;
- ltMin = 0;
- lgMin = 0;
- }
- // To handle color shifts - ack!
- /*
- lgMin++;
- lgMax--;
- */
- cyfree(gs);
- return 1;
- }