- //############################################################
- //
- // CyraResLevel.h
- //
- // Lucas Pereira
- // Thu Jul 16 16:09:38 1998
- //
- // Part of CyraScan.h:
- // Store range scan information from a Cyra Cyrax Beta
- // time-of-flight laser range scanner.
- //
- //############################################################
- #ifndef _CyraResLevel_H_
- #define _CyraResLevel_H_
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "RigidScan.h"
- class KDindtree;
- // confidence = 1 / (Std.Dev + 1)
- // Assume Cyra has initial stddev of 20mm
- #define CYRA_CONF_EPS 0.1
- // Label the tesselation cases, based on the vertices that are
- // the right-angle corner of the triangle...
- //
- // 0 1 2 3 4 14 23
- // ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ====
- // 2 4 2 4 2--4 2 /4 2--4 2--4 2--4
- // | | / / | | | | | /|
- // 1 3 1__3 1/ 3 1__3 1 3 1_3 1/_3
- typedef enum {
- TESS0=0,
- TESS1,
- TESS2,
- TESS3,
- TESS4,
- TESS14,
- TESS23,
- } CyraTess;
- typedef enum {
- cfPOINT,
- cfBOX,
- cfMEAN50
- } CyraFilter;
- // Store the data for each sample point
- class CyraSample {
- public:
- Pnt3 vtx;
- short nrm[3];
- int intensity;
- float confidence; // = 0 for missing data. Otherwise,
- // consider stddev as (1/confidence - 1), or something like that
- // Useful functions
- CyraSample(void) {
- this->zero();
- }
- ~CyraSample(void) {
- // do nothing
- }
- // Zero the sample, setting default values for an invalid sample
- void zero(void);
- // Interpolate two other samples....
- void interp(CyraSample &a, CyraSample &b);
- // Interpolate three other samples, weighted .25, .5, .25...
- void interp(CyraSample &a, CyraSample &b, CyraSample &c);
- // Interpolate arbitrary number of samples, weighted evenly...
- void interp(int nsamps, CyraSample *samps[]);
- // Check if a sample is valid (e.g. nonzero)
- bool isValid(void);
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CyraResLevel (one resolution level for a cyra scan)
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class CyraResLevel {
- int width; // Number of columns
- int height; // number of rows
- int numpoints; // Number of valid points
- int numtris; // Number of valid tris
- vector<CyraSample> points; // array size: width*height
- vector<CyraTess> tris; // array size: (width-1) * (height-1)
- Pnt3 origin; // The origin of the scanner's coordinate system.
- // KDtree stuff for mesh alignment
- bool isDirty_cache; // Have contents of memory changed?
- vector<Pnt3> cachedPoints; // Contiguous array of valid points
- vector<short> cachedNorms; // Contiguous array of valid norms
- vector<bool> cachedBoundary; // Contiguous array of valid boundary flags
- KDindtree *kdtree; // kdtree points into cachedPoints
- public:
- CyraResLevel(void);
- ~CyraResLevel(void);
- typedef RigidScan::ColorSource ColorSource;
- // perVertex: colors and normals for every vertex (not every 3)
- // stripped: triangle strips instead of triangles
- // color: one of the above enum values
- // colorsize: # of bytes for color: 1 = intensity,
- // 2 = intensity+alpha, 3 = rgb, 4 = rgba
- virtual MeshTransport* mesh(bool perVertex,
- bool stripped,
- ColorSource color,
- int colorSize);
- bool ReadPts(const crope &fname); // Read a .pts file
- bool WritePts(const crope &fname); // Write a .pts file
- bool grazing(Pnt3 v1, Pnt3 v2, Pnt3 v3); // detects grazing tris
- int num_vertices(void);
- int num_tris(void);
- void growBBox(Bbox &bbox);
- void flipNormals (void);
- bool filtered_copy(CyraResLevel &original, const VertexFilter& filter);
- bool filter_inplace(const VertexFilter& filter);
- // for ICP...
- void create_kdtree(void);
- void subsample_points(float rate, vector<Pnt3> &p, vector<Pnt3> &n);
- bool closest_point(const Pnt3 &p, const Pnt3 &n,
- Pnt3 &cp, Pnt3 &cn,
- float thr = 1e33, bool bdry_ok = 0);
- friend class CyraScan;
- bool Subsample(CyraResLevel &original, int m, int n, CyraFilter filter);
- private:
- // Helper functions
- void CalcNormals(void);
- bool PointFilter(CyraResLevel &original, int m, int n);
- bool Mean50Filter(CyraResLevel &original, int m, int n);
- bool colorMesh (vector<uchar>& colors,
- bool perVertex,
- ColorSource source,
- int colorSize);
- // Access functions for the arrays
- inline CyraSample &point(int x, int y);
- inline CyraTess &tri( int x, int y);
- inline const CyraSample &point(int x, int y) const;
- inline const CyraTess &tri( int x, int y) const;
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Access inline functions
- // Automatically handle the indexing into the points and tris
- // arrays, and do error checking and all that cool stuff
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- inline CyraSample &CyraResLevel::point(int x, int y) {
- int index = x * height + y;
- assert(index < points.size());
- return points[index];
- }
- inline CyraTess &CyraResLevel::tri(int x, int y) {
- int index = x * (height-1) + y;
- assert(index < tris.size());
- return tris[index];
- }
- // rvalues
- inline const CyraSample &CyraResLevel::point(int x, int y) const {
- int index = x * height + y;
- assert(index < points.size());
- return points[index];
- }
- inline const CyraTess &CyraResLevel::tri(int x, int y) const {
- int index = x * (height-1) + y;
- assert(index < tris.size());
- return tris[index];
- }
- /// useful access macros
- // Basically a meta-function for CyraResLevel
- // Loops through valid vertices, and calls a user-defined
- // function. Inside it, each of the following variables is
- // defined (with a local scope, so it won't overwrite if they
- // already exist):
- // CyraSample *v the vertex
- // int vx x value (col) of the vert (0 to W-1)
- // int vy y value (row) of the current vertex (0 to H-1)
- // int vindex incrementing index (vx*H + vy)
- #define FOR_EACH_VERT(userfun)
- {
- int vx=0, vy=0;
- CyraSample *v;
- int vindex=0;
- for (vx=0; vx < this->width; vx++) {
- for (vy=0; vy < this->height; vy++, vindex++) {
- v = &(this->points[vindex]);
- if (v->confidence > 0) {
- (userfun);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Basically a meta-function for CyraResLevel
- // Identifies all the valid triangles, using the tesselation flags.
- // Inside it, each of the following variables is defined (within a
- // local scope, so it won't overwrite if they already exist):
- // int tv1 Triangle vertex 1 (index from 0 to (WxH-W-H-1)
- // int tv2 Triangle vertex 2 (index from 0 to (WxH-W-H-1)
- // int tv3 Triangle vertex 3 (index from 0 to (WxH-W-H-1)
- // int tx x value of the current square (0 to width-2)
- // int ty y value of the current square (0 to height-2)
- // int tindex incrementing index (tx*(H-1)+ty)
- #define FOR_EACH_TRI(userfun)
- {
- int tv1=0, tv2=0, tv3=0;
- int tx=0, ty=0;
- int tindex=0;
- int v1=0, v2=0, v3=0, v4=0;
- for (tx=0; tx < this->width-1; tx++) {
- v1 = tx*(this->height) - 1;
- v2 = v1 + 1;
- v3 = v1 + this->height;
- v4 = v3+1;
- for (ty=0; ty < this->height-1; ty++, tindex++) {
- v1++; v2++; v3++; v4++;
- switch(this->tris[tindex]) {
- case TESS0:
- break;
- case TESS1:
- tv1= v1; tv2= v3; tv3= v2; (userfun); break;
- case TESS2:
- tv1= v1; tv2= v4; tv3= v2; (userfun); break;
- case TESS3:
- tv1= v1; tv2= v3; tv3= v4; (userfun); break;
- case TESS4:
- tv1= v3; tv2= v4; tv3= v2; (userfun); break;
- case TESS14:
- tv1= v1; tv2= v3; tv3= v2; (userfun);
- tv1= v3; tv2= v4; tv3= v2; (userfun); break;
- case TESS23:
- tv1= v1; tv2= v3; tv3= v4; (userfun);
- tv1= v1; tv2= v4; tv3= v2; (userfun); break;
- default:
- cerr << "Error: Unrecognized triangle tesselation flag "
- << this->tris[tindex] << " at grid "
- << tx << ", " << ty << "." << endl;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #endif // CyraResLevel.h