- //############################################################
- //
- // ICP.h
- //
- // Kari Pulli
- // Thu Jul 2 11:11:57 PDT 1998
- //
- // Iterative closest point method for registration
- //
- //############################################################
- #ifndef _ICP_H_
- #define _ICP_H_
- #ifdef WIN32
- # include "winGLdecs.h"
- #endif
- #include <GL/gl.h>
- #include <iostream.h>
- #include <algo.h>
- #include <vector.h>
- #include "Median.h"
- #include "absorient.h"
- #include "Xform.h"
- #include "Pnt3.h"
- #include "GlobalReg.h"
- #include "DrawObj.h"
- extern DrawObjects draw_other_things;
- // The template argument is supposed to be a pointer
- template <class T>
- class ICP : public DrawObj {
- public:
- bool allow_bdry;
- private:
- T P, Q;
- Xform<float> xfP, xfQ; // xfP is changed, xfQ stays constant
- vector<Pnt3> ssP, ssQ, ssPn, ssQn; // subsampled, local coords
- vector<Pnt3> pP, pQ, nP, nQ; // stored in world coords
- int firstend;
- Median<double> med;
- // return culling threshold
- float cull_pairs(int p, // percentage to cull, [0,100]
- bool cull = true)
- {
- if (p == 0) return 1.e33;
- med.set_percentage((100-p)/100.0); med.clear();
- int n = pP.size();
- vector<double> d(n);
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
- med += d[i] = dist2(pP[i],pQ[i]);
- }
- double thr = med.find();
- if (cull) {
- i=0;
- int k = 0;
- for (int j=0; j<pP.size(); j++) {
- if (d[j] <= thr) {
- // keep
- pP[i] = pP[j]; pQ[i] = pQ[j];
- nP[i] = nP[j]; nQ[i] = nQ[j];
- i++;
- } else {
- if (j < firstend) k++;
- }
- }
- pP.erase(&pP[i], pP.end());
- pQ.erase(&pQ[i], pQ.end());
- nP.erase(&nP[i], nP.end());
- nQ.erase(&nQ[i], nQ.end());
- firstend -= k;
- }
- return sqrtf(thr);
- }
- float Horn_align(void)
- {
- // calculate the best rigid motion for alignment
- double q[7];
- horn_align(&pP[0], &pQ[0], pP.size(), q);
- // apply the motion to the current transformation
- xfP.addQuaternion(q, 7);
- Xform<double> _xf;
- _xf.addQuaternion(q, 7);
- for_each(pP.begin(), pP.end(), _xf);
- return RMS_point_to_point_error();
- }
- float CM_align(void)
- {
- // calculate the best rigid motion for alignment
- // we can do two loops of chen_medioni and the results
- // in general improve
- // third time doesn't improve much with the same pairs
- double q[7];
- for (int j=0; j<2; j++) {
- chen_medioni(&pP[0], &pQ[0], &nQ[0], pP.size(), q);
- // apply the motion to the current transformation
- xfP.addQuaternion(q, 7);
- Xform<float> _xf;
- _xf.addQuaternion (q, 7);
- for_each(pP.begin(), pP.end(), _xf);
- }
- return RMS_point_to_point_error();
- }
- void find_pairs(float thr)
- {
- pP.clear(); pQ.clear(); nP.clear(); nQ.clear();
- int n = ssP.size() + ssQ.size();
- cout << "Finding ~" << n << " points there... " << flush;
- pP.reserve(n); pQ.reserve(n); nP.reserve(n); nQ.reserve(n);
- // for each selected point, find the closest point
- Pnt3 wp,wn,lp,ln,cp,cn;
- n = ssP.size();
- // first, from P to Q
- Xform<float> xfi = xfQ; xfi.fast_invert();
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
- // point to other mesh's coords
- xfP.apply(ssP[i], wp); xfP.apply_nrm(ssPn[i], wn); // world
- xfi.apply(wp, lp); xfi.apply_nrm(wn, ln); // local in Q
- if (Q->closest_point(lp, ln, cp, cn, thr, allow_bdry)) {
- // store world coords
- // point
- pP.push_back(wp);
- xfQ(cp); pQ.push_back(cp);
- // normal
- nP.push_back(wn);
- nQ.push_back(Pnt3()); xfQ.apply_nrm(cn, nQ.back());
- }
- }
- cout << "(" << pP.size() << "), and back... " << flush;
- firstend = pP.size();
- // then, from Q to P
- xfi = xfP; xfi.fast_invert();
- n = ssQ.size();
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- // point to other mesh's coords
- xfQ.apply(ssQ[i], wp); xfQ.apply_nrm(ssQn[i], wn); // world
- xfi.apply(wp, lp); xfi.apply_nrm(wn, ln); // local in P
- if (P->closest_point(lp, ln, cp, cn, thr, allow_bdry)) {
- // store world coords
- // point
- pQ.push_back(wp);
- xfP(cp); pP.push_back(cp);
- // normal
- nQ.push_back(wn);
- nP.push_back(Pnt3()); xfP.apply_nrm(cn, nP.back());
- }
- }
- cout << "(" << pP.size() - firstend << "): done." << endl;
- }
- public:
- ICP(void) : allow_bdry(0), firstend(0)
- {
- draw_other_things.add(this);
- }
- ~ICP(void)
- {
- draw_other_things.remove(this);
- }
- void set(T p, T q)
- {
- P = p; Q = q;
- xfP = P->getXform();
- xfQ = Q->getXform();
- }
- float RMS_point_to_point_error(void)
- {
- float len = 0;
- int n = pP.size();
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++) len += dist2(pP[i],pQ[i]);
- return sqrtf(len/n);
- }
- void sort_into_buckets(const vector<Pnt3> &n,
- vector< vector<int> > &normbuckets)
- {
- const int Q = 4;
- const float Qsqrt1_2 = 2.8284f;
- normbuckets.resize(3*Q*Q);
- for (int i=0; i < n.size(); i++) {
- const float *N = &n[i][0];
- float ax = fabs(N[0]), ay = fabs(N[1]), az = fabs(N[2]);
- int A;
- float u, v;
- if (ax > ay) {
- if (ax > az) {
- A = 0; u = (N[0] > 0) ? N[1] : -N[1]; v = (N[0] > 0) ? N[2] : -N[2];
- } else {
- A = 2; u = (N[2] > 0) ? N[0] : -N[0]; v = (N[2] > 0) ? N[1] : -N[1];
- }
- } else {
- if (ay > az) {
- A = 1; u = (N[1] > 0) ? N[2] : -N[2]; v = (N[1] > 0) ? N[0] : -N[0];
- } else {
- A = 2; u = (N[2] > 0) ? N[0] : -N[0]; v = (N[2] > 0) ? N[1] : -N[1];
- }
- }
- int U = int(u * Qsqrt1_2) + (Q/2);
- int V = int(v * Qsqrt1_2) + (Q/2);
- normbuckets[((A * Q) + U) * Q + V].push_back(i);
- }
- for (int bucket=0; bucket < normbuckets.size(); bucket++)
- random_shuffle(normbuckets[bucket].begin(), normbuckets[bucket].end());
- }
- float align(float sample_rate,
- bool normspace_sample,
- int n_iter,
- int culling_percentage,
- int method, // 0 plane (CM), 1 point (Horn)
- int thr_kind, // 0 relative, 1 absolute
- float thr_value)
- {
- float avgError;
- // Subsample both meshes
- if (normspace_sample) {
- // Sampling that tries to be somewhat uniform in the space of normals
- vector<Pnt3> tmpverts, tmpnorms;
- vector< vector<int> > normbuckets;
- tmpverts.reserve(max(P->num_vertices(), Q->num_vertices()));
- tmpnorms.reserve(max(P->num_vertices(), Q->num_vertices()));
- // Sample P
- P->subsample_points(1.0, tmpverts, tmpnorms);
- sort_into_buckets(tmpnorms, normbuckets);
- int ndesired = int(ceil(sample_rate * tmpverts.size()));
- ssP.clear(); ssPn.clear();
- while (ssP.size() < ndesired) {
- for (int i=0; i < normbuckets.size(); i++) {
- if (!normbuckets[i].empty()) {
- int ind = normbuckets[i].back();
- ssP.push_back(tmpverts[ind]);
- ssPn.push_back(tmpnorms[ind]);
- normbuckets[i].pop_back();
- }
- }
- }
- tmpverts.clear(); tmpnorms.clear(); normbuckets.clear();
- // Sample Q
- Q->subsample_points(1.0, tmpverts, tmpnorms);
- sort_into_buckets(tmpnorms, normbuckets);
- ndesired = int(ceil(sample_rate * tmpverts.size()));
- ssQ.clear(); ssQn.clear();
- while (ssQ.size() < ndesired) {
- for (int i=0; i < normbuckets.size(); i++) {
- if (!normbuckets[i].empty()) {
- int ind = normbuckets[i].back();
- ssQ.push_back(tmpverts[ind]);
- ssQn.push_back(tmpnorms[ind]);
- normbuckets[i].pop_back();
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- // Good ol' random sampling
- P->subsample_points(sample_rate, ssP, ssPn);
- Q->subsample_points(sample_rate, ssQ, ssQn);
- }
- if (thr_kind == 0) {
- // relative threshold: change to absolute
- // find the smaller bounding box diagonal
- float diag = P->localBbox().diag();
- float tmp = Q->localBbox().diag();
- if (tmp < diag) diag = tmp;
- thr_value *= diag;
- }
- if (n_iter == 0) {
- // just find pairs, mainly for debugging
- find_pairs(thr_value);
- cull_pairs(culling_percentage);
- return 0;
- }
- for (int i=0; i<n_iter; i++) {
- // find the point pairs going from set P to Q and
- // vice versa (all pts in world coords)
- find_pairs(thr_value);
- cull_pairs(culling_percentage);
- if (pP.size() == 0) {
- cerr << "Couldn't find a single point pair!" << endl;
- break;
- }
- if (method) avgError = Horn_align();
- else avgError = CM_align();
- cout << avgError << endl;
- }
- P->setXform(xfP);
- return avgError;
- }
- bool too_few_pairs(void)
- {
- // if less than 10% of the points in the smaller
- // mesh didn't find pair, don't even try
- if (ssP.size() < ssQ.size()) {
- if (pP.size() <= .1 * ssP.size()) {
- /*
- cerr << "ICP::auto_align(): "
- << "too few point pairs ("
- << pP.size() << " / " << ssP.size() << ")"
- << endl;
- */
- return true;
- }
- } else {
- if (pQ.size() <= .1 * ssQ.size()) {
- /*
- cerr << "ICP::auto_align(): "
- << "too few point pairs ("
- << pQ.size() << " / " << ssQ.size() << ")"
- << endl;
- */
- return true;
- }
- }
- // Absolute minimum: 50 matches in each
- if ((pP.size() < 50) || (pQ.size() < 50)) {
- /*
- cerr << "ICP::auto_align(): "
- << "too few point pairs"
- << endl;
- */
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- // The idea of the auto_align() is to find good point pairs
- // for auto-calibration of the scanner or for global alignment
- // within a set of scans.
- // Return whether an alignment was really tried.
- bool auto_align(vector<Pnt3> &_pP,
- vector<Pnt3> &_nP,
- vector<Pnt3> &_pQ,
- vector<Pnt3> &_nQ,
- Xform<float> &rel_xf,
- float final_abs_thresh = FLT_MAX, // mm
- float max_motion = FLT_MAX,
- bool normspace_sample = false)
- {
- // Sample rate is set to 10% or to get around 500 subsampled points,
- // whichever is greater
- // We'll use 100% for the last round
- float Psample_rate = min(max(500.0f / P->num_vertices(), 0.1f), 1.0f);
- float Qsample_rate = min(max(500.0f / Q->num_vertices(), 0.1f), 1.0f);
- // first, test whether the bounding boxes overlap...
- if (!P->worldBbox().intersect(Q->worldBbox())) {
- /*
- cerr << "ICP::auto_align(): "
- << "world bounding boxes don't overlap" << endl;
- */
- return false;
- }
- allow_bdry = false;
- // Assume the initial alignment is pretty good.
- // To find out what kind of threshold we should
- // use, find the *minimum* dimension of the two
- // bounding boxes, take 20% of that as the initial
- // relative threshold, find point pairs.
- // Absolute threshold can override this.
- float thr_value = P->localBbox().minDim();
- float tmp = Q->localBbox().minDim();
- if (tmp < thr_value) thr_value = tmp;
- thr_value *= .2;
- if (normspace_sample)
- cerr << endl << "Using normal-space sampling..." << endl;
- // now register 4 rounds with diminishing
- // cull percentage and threshold
- for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
- if (normspace_sample) {
- // Sampling that tries to be somewhat uniform in the space of normals
- vector<Pnt3> tmpverts, tmpnorms;
- vector< vector<int> > normbuckets;
- tmpverts.reserve(max(P->num_vertices(), Q->num_vertices()));
- tmpnorms.reserve(max(P->num_vertices(), Q->num_vertices()));
- // Sample P
- P->subsample_points(1.0, tmpverts, tmpnorms);
- sort_into_buckets(tmpnorms, normbuckets);
- int ndesired = int(ceil(Psample_rate * tmpverts.size()));
- ssP.clear(); ssPn.clear();
- while (ssP.size() < ndesired) {
- for (int i=0; i < normbuckets.size(); i++) {
- if (!normbuckets[i].empty()) {
- int ind = normbuckets[i].back();
- ssP.push_back(tmpverts[ind]);
- ssPn.push_back(tmpnorms[ind]);
- normbuckets[i].pop_back();
- }
- }
- }
- tmpverts.clear(); tmpnorms.clear(); normbuckets.clear();
- // Sample Q
- Q->subsample_points(1.0, tmpverts, tmpnorms);
- sort_into_buckets(tmpnorms, normbuckets);
- ndesired = int(ceil(Qsample_rate * tmpverts.size()));
- ssQ.clear(); ssQn.clear();
- while (ssQ.size() < ndesired) {
- for (int i=0; i < normbuckets.size(); i++) {
- if (!normbuckets[i].empty()) {
- int ind = normbuckets[i].back();
- ssQ.push_back(tmpverts[ind]);
- ssQn.push_back(tmpnorms[ind]);
- normbuckets[i].pop_back();
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- // random sampling
- P->subsample_points(Psample_rate, ssP, ssPn);
- Q->subsample_points(Qsample_rate, ssQ, ssQn);
- }
- // the interpolation doesn't intentionally go all the way
- // (which would require a 5th round)
- find_pairs(((4-i)*thr_value+i*final_abs_thresh)/5.0);
- if (too_few_pairs()) return false;
- cull_pairs(((4-i)*20+i*1)/5.0);
- CM_align();
- }
- // Now do sets of three iterations as long as the
- // results seem to get better.
- float prev_error, curr_error = 1.e33;
- Xform<float> xfPg;
- do {
- // update the error
- prev_error = curr_error;
- // copy the last good point pairs ...
- //_pP = pP; _nP = nP; _pQ = pQ; _nQ = nQ;
- // ... and the last known good transformations
- xfPg = xfP;
- // subsample both meshes
- if (normspace_sample) {
- // Sampling that tries to be somewhat uniform in the space of normals
- vector<Pnt3> tmpverts, tmpnorms;
- vector< vector<int> > normbuckets;
- tmpverts.reserve(max(P->num_vertices(), Q->num_vertices()));
- tmpnorms.reserve(max(P->num_vertices(), Q->num_vertices()));
- // Sample P
- P->subsample_points(1.0, tmpverts, tmpnorms);
- sort_into_buckets(tmpnorms, normbuckets);
- int ndesired = int(ceil(Psample_rate * tmpverts.size()));
- ssP.clear(); ssPn.clear();
- while (ssP.size() < ndesired) {
- for (int i=0; i < normbuckets.size(); i++) {
- if (!normbuckets[i].empty()) {
- int ind = normbuckets[i].back();
- ssP.push_back(tmpverts[ind]);
- ssPn.push_back(tmpnorms[ind]);
- normbuckets[i].pop_back();
- }
- }
- }
- tmpverts.clear(); tmpnorms.clear(); normbuckets.clear();
- // Sample Q
- Q->subsample_points(1.0, tmpverts, tmpnorms);
- sort_into_buckets(tmpnorms, normbuckets);
- ndesired = int(ceil(Qsample_rate * tmpverts.size()));
- ssQ.clear(); ssQn.clear();
- while (ssQ.size() < ndesired) {
- for (int i=0; i < normbuckets.size(); i++) {
- if (!normbuckets[i].empty()) {
- int ind = normbuckets[i].back();
- ssQ.push_back(tmpverts[ind]);
- ssQn.push_back(tmpnorms[ind]);
- normbuckets[i].pop_back();
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- P->subsample_points(Psample_rate, ssP, ssPn);
- Q->subsample_points(Qsample_rate, ssQ, ssQn);
- }
- // do two rounds, calculate errors
- curr_error = 0.0;
- for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
- find_pairs(final_abs_thresh);
- cull_pairs(1);
- if (too_few_pairs()) return false;
- curr_error += CM_align();
- }
- } while (curr_error < .9999 * prev_error);
- if (curr_error > prev_error) {
- // restore the last known good points
- xfP = xfPg;
- //pP = _pP; nP = _nP; pQ = _pQ; nQ = _nQ;
- }
- // once more, with no subsampling
- cout << "last round...";
- P->subsample_points(1.0, ssP, ssPn);
- Q->subsample_points(1.0, ssQ, ssQn);
- find_pairs(final_abs_thresh);
- cull_pairs(1);
- CM_align();
- cout << "done" << endl;
- if (max_motion < FLT_MAX) {
- // see how much the subsampled points in P would move
- float d = 0.0;
- Xform<float> xf = P->getXform();
- xf = xf.fast_invert() * xfP;
- for (vector<Pnt3>::const_iterator it = ssP.begin();
- it != ssP.end(); it++) {
- Pnt3 p = *it; xf(p);
- d += dist(*it, p);
- }
- d /= ssP.size();
- if (d > max_motion) return false;
- }
- get_pairs_for_global(_pP, _nP, _pQ, _nQ);
- rel_xf = xfQ;
- rel_xf.fast_invert();
- rel_xf = rel_xf * xfP;
- return true;
- }
- // get the same pairs as were used in the last iteration,
- // but in local coordinates
- void get_pairs_for_global(vector<Pnt3> &_pP,
- vector<Pnt3> &_nP,
- vector<Pnt3> &_pQ,
- vector<Pnt3> &_nQ)
- {
- _pP = pP;
- _nP = nP;
- Xform<float> xfi = xfP;
- xfi.fast_invert();
- for_each(_pP.begin(), _pP.end(), xfi);
- xfi.removeTranslation();
- for_each(_nP.begin(), _nP.end(), xfi);
- _pQ = pQ;
- _nQ = nQ;
- xfi = xfQ;
- xfi.fast_invert();
- for_each(_pQ.begin(), _pQ.end(), xfi);
- xfi.removeTranslation();
- for_each(_nQ.begin(), _nQ.end(), xfi);
- }
- void show_lines(void) { enable(); }
- void hide_lines(void) { disable(); }
- void drawthis(void)
- {
- glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
- glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
- glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL);
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- glColor3f(1,0,0);
- for (int i=0; i<firstend; i++) {
- glVertex3fv(pP[i]); glVertex3fv(pQ[i]);
- }
- glColor3f(0,1,0);
- for (; i<pQ.size(); i++) {
- glVertex3fv(pP[i]); glVertex3fv(pQ[i]);
- }
- glEnd();
- }
- };
- template <class T>
- class AutoICP {
- private:
- ICP<T> icp;
- GlobalReg* regall;
- bool bRegallPrivate;
- vector<Pnt3> pP, nP, pQ, nQ;
- float final_abs_threshold;
- float max_motion;
- public:
- // both parameters in the same units as data, usually mm
- AutoICP(GlobalReg* pGlobalReg = NULL,
- float _abs_threshold = FLT_MAX,
- float _max_motion = 20.0)
- : final_abs_threshold(_abs_threshold), max_motion (_max_motion)
- {
- if (!pGlobalReg) {
- regall = new GlobalReg;
- bRegallPrivate = true;
- } else {
- regall = pGlobalReg;
- bRegallPrivate = false;
- }
- }
- ~AutoICP()
- {
- if (bRegallPrivate)
- delete regall;
- }
- bool add_pair(T a, T b, int max_pairs = 0, bool nss = false)
- {
- icp.set (a, b);
- Xform<float> rel_xf;
- bool success = icp.auto_align(pP, nP, pQ, nQ,
- rel_xf,
- final_abs_threshold,
- FLT_MAX, nss);
- if (success) {
- regall->addPair (a, b, pP, nP, pQ, nQ,
- rel_xf, false, max_pairs);
- }
- return success;
- }
- void operator()(void)
- {
- regall->align (1.e-3);
- }
- };
- #endif