- ######################################################################
- #
- # interactors.tcl
- # created 10/29/98 magi
- #
- # manage responses to user actions without explicit -command bindings
- #
- ######################################################################
- #
- # exports:
- # traceUIVariables
- # bindMouse
- #
- ######################################################################
- ######################################################################
- #
- # setup variable traces
- #
- ######################################################################
- proc traceUIVariables {} {
- if {[globalset noui]} return
- globaltrace theMesh w changeCurrentMesh
- globaltrace theMover w changeTheMover
- globaltrace theColorMode w changeColorMode
- globaltrace theBackfaceMode w changeBackfaceMode
- globaltrace thePolygonMode w changePolygonMode
- globaltrace drawResolution w changeOverallResolution
- globaltrace transparentSelection w changeTransparentSelection
- globaltrace styleTStrip w changeTStrip
- globaltrace styleDispList w changeDispList
- globaltrace styleCacheRender w changeCacheRender
- globaltrace slowPolyCount w changeSlowPolyCount
- globaltrace rotationConstraint w changeRotationConstraint
- globaltrace manipRender w changeManipRenderMode
- globaltrace ui_showToolbar w changeUIShowElement
- globaltrace ui_showStatusbar w changeUIShowElement
- globaltrace stylePointSize w changePointSize
- globaltrace meshControlsSort w changeMeshControlsSort
- globaltrace renderOnlyActiveMesh w changeRenderOnlyActiveMesh
- globaltrace theCoR w changeCenterOfRotation
- }
- ######################################################################
- #
- # Mouse bindings: main entry point is bindMouse
- # bindMouse calls unbindMouse, then, based on value of theMover,
- # calls bindMouseToXXX to set up the appropriate bindings.
- #
- ######################################################################
- set prevMover ""
- set oldMover "mesh"
- set mouse_state_1 0
- set mouse_state_2 0
- set mouse_state_x 0
- set mouse_state_y 0
- proc bindMouse {widget} {
- unbindMouse $widget
- if {[globalset mouse_state_1]} {
- event generate $widget <ButtonRelease-1>
- -x [globalset mouse_state_x] -y [globalset mouse_state_y]
- puts "faking b1-up"
- }
- if {[globalset mouse_state_2]} {
- event generate $widget <ButtonRelease-2>
- -x [globalset mouse_state_x] -y [globalset mouse_state_y]
- puts "faking b2-up"
- }
- global theMover
- # theMover values: mesh, viewer, light, clipRect, rotCenter, ptChooser
- switch -exact -- $theMover {
- mesh { bindMouseToTrackball $widget mesh }
- viewer { bindMouseToTrackball $widget viewer }
- light { bindMouseToMoveLight $widget }
- clipLine { bindMouseToSelectLine $widget }
- clipRect { bindMouseToSelectRect $widget }
- clipShape { bindMouseToSelectShape $widget }
- selectScan { bindMouseToSelectScans $widget }
- selectScreenScan { bindMouseToScreenSelectScans $widget }
- rotCenter { bindMouseToChooseCenter $widget }
- ptChooser { bindMouseToDisplayPoint $widget }
- pickScan { bindMouseToPickScan $widget }
- pickColor { bindMouseToPickColor $widget }
- zoomer { bindMouseToZoomer $widget }
- }
- globalset prevMover [globalset oldMover]
- globalset oldMover $theMover
- bind . <KeyPress-space> {
- if {$theMover == "viewer"} {
- if {$prevMover != "" && $prevMover != "viewer"} {
- set theMover $prevMover
- } else {
- set theMover mesh
- }
- } else {set theMover viewer}
- }
- if {[globalset mouse_state_1]} {
- event generate $widget <ButtonPress-1>
- -x [globalset mouse_state_x] -y [globalset mouse_state_y]
- puts "faking b1-dn"
- }
- if {[globalset mouse_state_2]} {
- event generate $widget <ButtonPress-2>
- -x [globalset mouse_state_x] -y [globalset mouse_state_y]
- puts "faking b2-dn"
- }
- # track mouse state since we can't query it
- prebind $widget <ButtonPress-1> {set mouse_state_1 1}
- prebind $widget <ButtonRelease-1> {set mouse_state_1 0}
- prebind $widget <ButtonPress-2> {set mouse_state_2 1}
- prebind $widget <ButtonRelease-2> {set mouse_state_2 0}
- prebind $widget <B1-Motion> {set mouse_state_x %x;
- set mouse_state_y %y}
- prebind $widget <B2-Motion> {set mouse_state_x %x;
- set mouse_state_y %y}
- prebind $widget <Motion> {set mouse_state_x %x;
- set mouse_state_y %y}
- }
- proc unbindMouse {widget} {
- bind $widget <ButtonPress-1> {}
- bind $widget <B1-Motion> {}
- bind $widget <Shift-B1-Motion> {}
- bind $widget <ButtonRelease-1> {}
- bind $widget <ButtonPress-2> {}
- bind $widget <B2-Motion> {}
- bind $widget <ButtonRelease-2> {}
- bind $widget <Motion> {}
- global unbindUnwindProc
- if {[info exists unbindUnwindProc]} {
- eval $unbindUnwindProc
- }
- resetToglMenu
- }
- proc resetToglMenu {} {
- global toglMenu
- global toglSubmenu
- $toglMenu delete 0 end
- $toglMenu add cascade -label "Render options" -menu $toglSubmenu(render)
- $toglMenu add separator
- $toglMenu add cascade -label "Reset transform" -menu $toglSubmenu(reset)
- $toglMenu add cascade -label "Go home" -menu $toglSubmenu(gohome)
- $toglMenu add separator
- $toglMenu add cascade -label "Rotation center" -menu $toglSubmenu(CoR)
- $toglMenu add separator
- $toglMenu add command -label Exit -command confirmQuit
- }
- proc bindMouseToTrackball {widget mode} {
- bind $widget <ButtonPress-1>
- "setTBCursor $widget %s p1;
- resetRotationCenter;
- plv_rotxyviewmouse $widget %x %y %t start"
- bind $widget <B1-Motion>
- "plv_rotxyviewmouse $widget %x %y %t"
- bind $widget <ButtonRelease-1>
- "setTBCursor $widget %s r1;
- plv_rotxyviewmouse $widget %x %y %t stop"
- bind $widget <ButtonPress-2>
- "setTBCursor $widget %s p2;
- plv_transxyviewmouse $widget %x %y %t start"
- bind $widget <B2-Motion>
- "plv_transxyviewmouse $widget %x %y %t"
- bind $widget <ButtonRelease-2>
- "setTBCursor $widget %s r2;
- resetRotationCenter;
- plv_transxyviewmouse $widget %x %y %t stop"
- # these bindings allow Ctrl and Alt to act as the shortcuts to
- # lighting and clipping controls like they used to, without
- # having to permanently bind Alt-B1-Motion and so on.
- bind $widget <Alt-Motion>
- "bindMouseToTemporary $widget bindMouseToSelectRect"
- bind $widget <Control-Motion>
- "bindMouseToTemporary $widget bindMouseToMoveLight"
- setTBCursor $widget 0 none
- globalset unbindUnwindProc "plv_rotxyviewmouse $widget stopspin"
- if {$mode == "mesh"} {
- # screenCenter rotation is illegal
- .tools.screenCenter config -state disabled
- globalset unbindUnwindProc "[globalset unbindUnwindProc];
- .tools.screenCenter config -state normal"
- }
- # zoom in/out on context menu
- global toglMenu
- $toglMenu insert 1 command -label "Zoom in"
- -command {eval zoomInClick $toglContextClick}
- $toglMenu insert 2 command -label "Zoom out"
- -command {eval zoomOutClick $toglContextClick}
- $toglMenu insert 3 separator
- }
- proc bindMouseToMoveLight {widget} {
- bind $widget <ButtonPress-1>
- "plv_rotlight $widget %x %y"
- bind $widget <B1-Motion>
- "plv_rotlight $widget %x %y"
- global cursor
- $widget config -cursor "circle$cursor(Fore)"
- }
- proc bindMouseToTemporary {widget binding} {
- unbindMouse $widget
- $binding $widget
- bind $widget <Motion> "bindMouse $widget"
- }
- proc bindMouseToSelectRect {widget} {
- global theMesh
- bind $widget <ButtonPress-1>
- "plv_drawboxselection $widget %x %y start"
- bind $widget <B1-Motion>
- "set clipEnabled 1;
- plv_drawboxselection $widget %x %y move"
- bind $widget <ButtonRelease-1>
- "plv_drawboxselection $widget %x %y stop"
- bind $widget <Motion> "setSelectionCursor $widget %x %y"
- global toglMenu toglSubmenu
- $toglMenu insert 1 command -label "Zoom to rect"
- -command plv_zoom_to_rect
- if {[globalset oldMover] == "mesh"} {
- $toglMenu insert 2 command -label "Align mesh to plane"
- -command "alignToFitPlane mesh"
- } else {
- $toglMenu insert 2 command -label "Align viewer to plane"
- -command "alignToFitPlane camera"
- }
- $toglMenu insert 3 command -label "Clear selection"
- -command clearSelection
- $toglMenu insert 4 cascade -label "Clip" -menu $toglSubmenu(clip)
- $toglMenu insert 5 separator
- # added menu option for printing voxels - for voxel display feature
- $toglMenu insert 6 command -label "Print voxel info - for ply file only"
- -command "plv_print_voxels $theMesh"
- $toglMenu insert 7 separator
- }
- proc bindMouseToSelectLine {widget} {
- bind $widget <ButtonPress-1>
- "plv_drawlineselection %x %y start"
- bind $widget <B1-Motion>
- "set clipEnabled 1; plv_drawlineselection %x %y move"
- bind $widget <Shift-B1-Motion>
- "set clipEnabled 1; plv_drawlineselection %x %y move constrain"
- bind $widget <ButtonRelease-1>
- "plv_drawlineselection %x %y stop"
- bind $widget <Motion> "setSelectionCursor $widget %x %y"
- global toglMenu
- $toglMenu insert 1 command -label "Analyze line..."
- -command analyze_line_depth
- $toglMenu insert 2 command -label "Clear selection"
- -command clearSelection
- $toglMenu insert 3 separator
- }
- proc bindMouseToSelectShape {widget} {
- bind $widget <ButtonPress-1>
- "plv_drawshapeselection %x %y start"
- bind $widget <B1-Motion>
- "plv_drawshapeselection %x %y move"
- bind $widget <ButtonRelease-1>
- "plv_drawshapeselection %x %y stop"
- bind $widget <ButtonPress-2>
- "plv_drawshapeselection %x %y modify"
- bind $widget <B2-Motion>
- "plv_drawshapeselection %x %y move"
- bind $widget <ButtonRelease-2>
- "plv_drawshapeselection %x %y remove"
- bind $widget <Motion> "setSelectionCursor $widget %x %y"
- bind $widget <ButtonPress-2> "+setSelectionCursor $widget %x %y"
- bind $widget <ButtonRelease-2> "+setSelectionCursor $widget %x %y"
- global toglMenu toglSubmenu
- $toglMenu insert 1 cascade -label "Clip" -menu $toglSubmenu(clip)
- $toglMenu insert 2 command -label "Clear selection"
- -command clearSelection
- $toglMenu insert 3 separator
- }
- proc _bmtss_helper {widget x y mode} {
- set clipEnabled 1
- plv_drawboxselection $widget $x $y $mode
- eval plv_hilitescan [plv_get_selected_meshes silent]
- }
- proc _bmtss_release_helper {widget} {
- plv_drawboxselection $widget 0 0 stop
- eval showOnlyMesh [plv_get_selected_meshes]
- clearSelection
- plv_hilitescan
- }
- proc bindMouseToSelectScans {widget} {
- bind $widget <ButtonPress-1> "_bmtss_helper $widget %x %y start"
- bind $widget <B1-Motion> "_bmtss_helper $widget %x %y move"
- bind $widget <ButtonRelease-1> "_bmtss_helper $widget %x %y stop"
- puts "nB1-drag to select meshes; B2 to confirm"
- bind $widget <ButtonRelease-2> "_bmtss_release_helper $widget"
- bind $widget <Motion> "setSelectionCursor $widget %x %y"
- # remove any hilites
- globalset unbindUnwindProc "plv_hilitescan"
- }
- proc _bmtss_screen_helper {widget x y mode} {
- set clipEnabled 1
- plv_drawboxselection $widget $x $y $mode
- #eval plv_hilitescan [plv_get_selected_meshes silent]
- }
- proc _bmtss_screen_release_helper {widget} {
- plv_drawboxselection $widget 0 0 stop
- eval showOnlyMesh [plv_getVisiblyRenderedScans selected]
- clearSelection
- plv_hilitescan
- }
- proc bindMouseToScreenSelectScans {widget} {
- bind $widget <ButtonPress-1> "_bmtss_screen_helper $widget %x %y start"
- bind $widget <B1-Motion> "_bmtss_screen_helper $widget %x %y move"
- bind $widget <ButtonRelease-1> "_bmtss_screen_helper $widget %x %y stop"
- puts "nB1-drag to select meshes; B2 to confirm"
- bind $widget <ButtonRelease-2> "_bmtss_screen_release_helper $widget"
- bind $widget <Motion> "setSelectionCursor $widget %x %y"
- # remove any hilites
- globalset unbindUnwindProc "plv_hilitescan"
- }
- proc _pick_scan_click_helper {x y b {s ""}} {
- set selected [plv_pickscan get $x $y]
- if {$selected == ""} {
- puts "Sorry, you missed."
- } else {
- if {$b == 1} {
- # select mesh
- globalset theMesh $selected
- # Updates the context pickscan
- vg_pickScanContextHelper $selected $s
- } elseif {$b == 2} {
- # toggle visibility
- global meshVisible
- changeVis $selected [expr !$meshVisible($selected)]
- }
- }
- }
- proc _pick_scan_icp_helper {mode} {
- set selected [eval plv_pickscan get [globalset toglContextClick]]
- if {$selected == ""} {
- puts "Sorry, you missed."
- } else {
- globalset regICP$mode $selected
- }
- }
- proc _pick_scan_move_helper {x y} {
- set selected [plv_pickscan get $x $y]
- if {$selected == ""} {
- plv_hilitescan
- setWindowTitle pick
- set color [lindex [.tools.pickScan config -selectcolor] 3]
- } else {
- plv_hilitescan $selected
- setWindowTitle "pick $selected"
- set color [GetMeshFalseColor $selected]
- }
- .tools.pickScan config -selectcolor $color
- }
- proc _pick_color_click_helper {x y {s ""}} {
- set selected [plv_pickscan get $x $y]
- if {$selected == ""} {
- puts "Sorry, you missed."
- } else {
- # Update the context of pickscan
- vg_pickScanContextHelper $selected $s
- # Set mesh in colorvis
- color_vis_set_mesh $selected
- color_vis_proj_color $x $y
- # set the current mesh
- globalset theMesh $selected
- }
- }
- proc bindMouseToPickScan {widget} {
- cursor watch
- plv_pickscan init
- cursor restore
- puts "B1 to activate mesh; B2 to toggle visibility"
- puts "Shift-B1 to append to PICK_SCAN context mesh list."
- bind $widget <ButtonPress-1>
- "_pick_scan_click_helper %x %y 1 %s"
- bind $widget <ButtonPress-2>
- "_pick_scan_click_helper %x %y 2"
- bind $widget <Motion>
- "_pick_scan_move_helper %x %y"
- global cursor
- $widget config -cursor "diamond_cross$cursor(Fore)$cursor(Back)"
- globalset onMainResizeProc { plv_pickscan init }
- globalset unbindUnwindProc {
- plv_pickscan exit
- plv_hilitescan
- setWindowTitle
- resetBGcolor .tools.pickScan
- globalset onMainResizeProc ""
- }
- global toglMenu
- $toglMenu insert 1 command -label "Pick as ICP from"
- -command "_pick_scan_icp_helper From"
- $toglMenu insert 2 command -label "Pick as ICP to"
- -command "_pick_scan_icp_helper To"
- $toglMenu insert 3 separator
- }
- proc bindMouseToPickColor {widget} {
- cursor watch
- plv_pickscan init
- cursor restore
- bind $widget <ButtonPress-1>
- "_pick_color_click_helper %x %y %s"
- global cursor
- $widget config -cursor "diamond_cross$cursor(Fore)$cursor(Back)"
- globalset unbindUnwindProc "plv_pickscan exit;
- resetBGcolor .tools.pickColor"
- }
- proc bindMouseToZoomer {widget} {
- bind $widget <ButtonPress-1> "zoomInClick %x %y %s"
- bind $widget <ButtonPress-2> "zoomOutClick %x %y %s"
- global cursor
- $widget config -cursor "diamond_cross$cursor(Fore)$cursor(Back)"
- }
- proc setSelectionCursor {widget x y} {
- global cursor
- set type [plv_getselectioncursor $x $y]
- $widget config -cursor "$type$cursor(Fore)"
- }
- proc bindMouseToChooseCenter {widget} {
- puts "Choose new rotation center: B1 to confirm, B2 to cancel"
- # set up bindings for choosing new center
- bind $widget <ButtonRelease-1> "setRotationCenter %x %y"
- bind $widget <ButtonRelease-2> "setRotationCenter none"
- global cursor
- $widget config -cursor "diamond_cross$cursor(Fore)$cursor(Back)"
- }
- proc bindMouseToDisplayPoint {widget} {
- bind $widget <ButtonPress-1>
- {puts "(%x,%y): [plv_screentoworld %x %y]"
- # addxyzpoint is for imageAlignment tool
- addxyzpoint [plv_screentoworld %x %y] %x %y
- }
- global cursor
- $widget config -cursor "diamond_cross$cursor(Fore)$cursor(Back)"
- }
- ######################################################################
- #
- # changeXXX functions -- variable trace event handlers
- #
- ######################################################################
- proc changeVis {mesh {val ""}} {
- global meshVisible
- # if val is empty, this means someone else already changed
- # meshVisible and wants to update the C code on that fact.
- if {$val != ""} {
- # but if val is non-empty and the same as the current state,
- # someone's just being daft and we don't actually have to
- # do anything.
- if {$val == $meshVisible($mesh)} {return}
- # ok, it's a real change
- set meshVisible($mesh) $val
- }
- if {[globalset selectionFollowsVisibility]} {
- # if the active mesh is invisible, need to do something about it
- if {!$meshVisible([globalset theMesh])} {
- if {$meshVisible($mesh)} {
- # if this mesh just gained visibility, select it
- globalset theMesh $mesh
- } else {
- # this mesh just hid... select the first mesh
- foreach maybe [array names meshVisible] {
- if {$meshVisible($maybe)} {
- globalset theMesh $maybe
- break
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- plv_setvisible $mesh $meshVisible($mesh)
- updatePolyCount
- redraw 1
- }
- proc changeLoaded {mesh {val ""}} {
- global meshLoaded
- # if val is empty, this means someone else already changed
- # meshLoaded and wants to update the C code on that fact.
- if {$val != ""} {
- # but if val is non-empty and the same as the current state,
- # someone's just being daft and we don't actually have to
- # do anything.
- if {$val == $meshLoaded($mesh)} {return}
- # ok, it's a real change
- set meshLoaded($mesh) $val
- }
- scz_session activate $mesh $meshLoaded($mesh)
- updatePolyCount
- set f [globalset meshFrame($mesh)]
- set max [buildUI_ResizeResBars $mesh $f]
- $f.title.pad config -width [expr 45 - $max]
- redraw 1
- }
- proc changeColorMode {var dummy1 op} {
- plv_material -colormode [globalset theColorMode]
- redraw
- }
- proc changeBackfaceMode {var dummy1 op} {
- plv_material -backfacemode [globalset theBackfaceMode]
- redraw
- }
- proc changePolygonMode {var dummy1 op} {
- plv_drawstyle -polymode [globalset thePolygonMode]
- redraw
- }
- proc changeOverallResolution {var dummy1 op} {
- global drawResolution
- cursor watch
- plv_setoverallres $drawResolution
- redraw
- cursor restore
- # drawResolution is only allowed to be temphigh/templow/default
- # if any other, that was just to run the code above via the trace
- # so now that we've done it, go back to default
- if {$drawResolution != "reshigh" && $drawResolution != "reslow"} {
- # BUGBUG this doesn't help reset the radio button if the menu
- # is torn off, because other traces are disabled while this runs
- set drawResolution default
- }
- updatePolyCount
- }
- proc changeTransparentSelection {var dummy1 op} {
- # called when transparentSelection changes
- global transparentSelection
- global theMesh
- if {$transparentSelection} {
- plv_drawstyle -blend on
- set trans .5
- } else {
- plv_drawstyle -blend off
- set trans 0
- }
- if {[globalset theMover] == "mesh"} {
- if {$theMesh != ""} {
- plv_blendmesh $theMesh $trans
- }
- }
- redraw
- }
- proc changeTStrip {var dummy1 op} {
- global styleTStrip
- plv_drawstyle -tstrip $styleTStrip
- redraw
- if {[winfo exists .status]} {
- if {$styleTStrip} {
- config -fg darkgreen
- } else {
- config -fg darkred
- }
- }
- }
- proc changeDispList {var dummy1 op} {
- global styleDispList
- plv_drawstyle -displaylist $styleDispList
- redraw
- if {$styleDispList} {
- config -fg darkgreen
- } else {
- config -fg darkred
- }
- }
- proc changeCacheRender {var dummy1 op} {
- plv_drawstyle -cachetogl [globalset styleCacheRender]
- }
- proc changeSlowPolyCount {var dummy1 op} {
- plv_setslowpolycount [globalset slowPolyCount]
- }
- proc changeRotationConstraint {var dummy1 op} {
- plv_constrain_rotation [globalset rotationConstraint]
- }
- proc changeManipRenderMode {var dummy1 op} {
- global manipRender
- plv_setManipRenderMode
- $manipRender(Points)
- $manipRender(TinyPoints)
- $manipRender(Unlit)
- $manipRender(Lores)
- $manipRender(SkipDisplayList)
- $manipRender(Thresh)
- }
- proc changeCurrentMesh {var dummy1 op} {
- # called when theMesh changes
- global theMesh
- global prevMesh
- global transparentSelection
- global theMover
- if {$transparentSelection} {
- if {$prevMesh != ""} {
- plv_blendmesh $prevMesh 0
- }
- if {$theMesh != ""} {
- if {$theMover == "mesh"} {
- plv_blendmesh $theMesh .5
- }
- }
- }
- # this forces all necessary redraws
- plv_selectscan $theMesh
- if {$theMover == "mesh"} {
- plv_selectscan $theMesh manipulate
- }
- set prevMesh [globalset oldMesh]
- globalset oldMesh $theMesh
- setWindowTitle
- resetRotationMode
- }
- proc changeTheMover {var dummy1 op} {
- # called when theMover changes
- global transparentSelection
- global theMesh
- global theMover
- if {$theMover == [globalset oldMover]} {
- return
- }
- bindMouse [globalset toglPane]
- if {$transparentSelection != 0} {
- if {$theMesh != ""} {
- if {$theMover == "mesh"} {
- plv_blendmesh $theMesh .5
- } else {
- plv_blendmesh $theMesh 0
- }
- }
- }
- if {$theMover == "mesh"} {
- if {$theMesh != ""} {
- manipulateScan $theMesh
- }
- } elseif {$theMover == "viewer"} {
- manipulateScan ""
- }
- # and, since theMover changed...
- setWindowTitle
- resetRotationMode
- # any necessary redraws happened in manipulateScan
- }
- proc setTBCursor {widget state {change none}} {
- # stupid state from event gives what the state was before this event...
- set b1 [expr $state & 256]
- set b2 [expr $state & 512]
- switch -exact -- $change {
- p1 {set b1 1}
- r1 {set b1 0}
- p2 {set b2 1}
- r2 {set b2 0}
- }
- global cursor
- if {[globalset theMover] == "mesh"} {
- set fore AltFore
- } else {
- set fore Fore
- }
- if {$b2} {
- if {$b1} {
- # zooming: pointing hand
- $widget config -cursor "$cursor(PointingHand)$cursor($fore)"
- } else {
- # panning: flat hand
- $widget config -cursor "$cursor(FlatHand)$cursor($fore)"
- }
- } else {
- # nothing, or rotating: curved hand
- $widget config -cursor "$cursor(CurvedHand)$cursor($fore)"
- }
- }
- proc changeUIShowElement {var dummy1 op} {
- if {$var == "ui_showToolbar"} {
- buildUI_ShowToolbar [globalset ui_showToolbar]
- } elseif {$var == "ui_showStatusbar"} {
- buildUI_ShowStatusbar [globalset ui_showStatusbar]
- }
- }
- proc changePointSize {var dummy1 op} {
- plv_drawstyle -pointsize [globalset stylePointSize]
- redraw
- }
- proc changeMeshControlsSort {var dummy1 op} {
- resizeMCscrollbar
- }
- proc changeRenderOnlyActiveMesh {var dummy1 op} {
- redraw 1
- }
- proc changeCenterOfRotation {var dummy1 op} {
- hiliteRotationMode
- # BUGBUG -- magi -- this should call resetRotationCenter as below,
- # since it obviously needs an update. Mouse rotations won't be hurt,
- # since they reset it themselves on lbuttondown anyway, but keyboard
- # rotation commands will use wrong center. And maybe other things too.
- # Problem is: in certain cases (notably Invert), somehow this gets
- # called at a time when nothing is visible ?!? and in
- # PlvResetCenterOfRotation, (object, moveView), theScene->worldCenter
- # returns origin since the scene bbox will be empty.
- # Then lots of things get hosed. This needs fixing but it doesn't
- # seem easy, offhand.
- #resetRotationCenter 1
- }