- #ifndef _PLV_DRAW_
- #define _PLV_DRAW_
- #ifdef WIN32
- # include "winGLdecs.h"
- #endif
- #include <GL/gl.h>
- #include "jitter.h"
- #include "Pnt3.h"
- #include "defines.h"
- /*
- * In the case when no overlay planes are available, scanalyze provides
- * support for overlay plane features by saving the main frame window
- * to RenderParams.savedImage after every redraw. The overlay plane
- * drawing is then done on top of this by making an explicit call to
- * either drawOverlay or drawOverlayAndUpdate. This #define is used
- * to indicate whether support is available or not.
- */
- #ifndef sgi
- #define no_overlay_support
- #endif
- typedef enum {
- grayColor, falseColor, intensityColor, trueColor,
- confidenceColor, boundaryColor,
- registrationColor, textureColor,
- noColor, // use this to set it yourself
- } ColorMode;
- typedef enum {
- perVertex, fakePerFace, realPerFace
- } ShadeModel;
- /* BackgroundMode
- * --------------
- * Specifies how to draw back polygons when two sided lighting is enabled
- */
- typedef enum {
- lit, emissive
- } BackfaceMode;
- struct RenderParams
- {
- GLenum polyMode;
- bool hiddenLine;
- ShadeModel shadeModel;
- ColorMode colorMode;
- BackfaceMode backfaceMode;
- bool light;
- bool cull;
- bool useEmissive;
- bool twoSidedLighting; // added by kberg 6/3/01
- //bool backFaceEmissive; two-sded lighting does this
- bool blend;
- float confScale;
- float pointSize;
- float lineWidth;
- GLfloat shininess;
- uchar specular[4];
- uchar diffuse[4];
- uchar backDiffuse[4]; // added by kberg 6/5/01
- uchar backSpecular[4];
- GLfloat backShininess;
- uchar background[4];
- GLfloat lightPosition[3];
- GLfloat lightAmbient[4];
- GLfloat lightDiffuse[4];
- GLfloat lightSpecular[4];
- bool shadows;
- bool antiAlias;
- int numAntiAliasSamps;
- float jitterX, jitterY;
- jitter_point *jitterArray;
- float dofJitterX, dofJitterY, dofCenter;
- float shadowLength; // for soft shadows
- bool fromLightPOV;
- bool flipnorm;
- bool useTstrips;
- bool boundSelection;
- bool clearBeforeRender;
- bool accelerateWithBbox;
- bool bRenderManipsPoints;
- bool bRenderManipsTinyPoints;
- bool bRenderManipsUnlit;
- bool bRenderManipsLores;
- bool bRenderManipsSkipDlist;
- int iFastManipsThreshold;
- #ifdef no_overlay_support
- char *savedImage;
- int savedImageWidth, savedImageHeight;
- #endif
- };
- // save/restore render params
- void PushRenderParams (void);
- void PopRenderParams (void);
- // one-time module initialization
- bool initDrawing();
- bool initDrawingPostCreation();
- // set up lighting, viewing xforms, etc. if you need to render yourself
- bool setupSceneDrawing();
- // draw all meshes in scene (using display list if possible)
- bool drawScene();
- bool drawScanHilites (void);
- // alternative visualizations:
- // draw scene in per-scan color (indexed by position in scene mesh list)
- bool drawSceneIndexColored (int scale);
- // draw scene with color according to the z variation in overlapping regions
- bool drawSceneThicknessColored (void);
- // draw the edges of a bbox
- void drawBoundingBox (const class Bbox& box, bool bUseDefaultColor = true);
- #endif