- // Template Numerical Toolkit (TNT) for Linear Algebra
- //
- // Please see for updates
- //
- // R. Pozo
- // Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division
- // National Institute of Standards and Technology
- // Header file for Fortran Lapack
- #ifndef LAPACK_H
- #define LAPACK_H
- // This file incomplete and included here to only demonstrate the
- // basic framework for linking with the Fortran Lapack routines.
- #include "fortran.h"
- #include "vec.h"
- #include "fmat.h"
- typedef Fortran_double* fda_; // (in/out) double precision array
- typedef const Fortran_double* cfda_; // (in) double precsion array
- typedef Fortran_double* fd_; // (in/out) single double precision
- typedef const Fortran_double* cfd_; // (in) single double precision
- typedef Fortran_float* ffa_; // (in/out) float precision array
- typedef const Fortran_float* cffa_; // (in) float precsion array
- typedef Fortran_float* ff_; // (in/out) single float precision
- typedef const Fortran_float* cff_; // (in) single float precision
- typedef Fortran_integer* fia_; // (in/out) single integer array
- typedef const Fortran_integer* cfia_; // (in) single integer array
- typedef Fortran_integer* fi_; // (in/out) single integer
- typedef const Fortran_integer* cfi_; // (in) single integer
- typedef char * fch_; // (in/out) single character
- typedef char * cfch_; // (in) single character
- #define F77_DGESV dgesv_
- #define F77_DGELS dgels_
- #define F77_DSYEV dsyev_
- #define F77_DGEEV dgeev_
- extern "C"
- {
- // linear equations (general) using LU factorizaiton
- //
- void F77_DGESV(cfi_ N, cfi_ nrhs, fda_ A, cfi_ lda,
- fia_ ipiv, fda_ b, cfi_ ldb, fi_ info);
- // solve linear least squares using QR or LU factorization
- //
- void F77_DGELS(cfch_ trans, cfi_ M,
- cfi_ N, cfi_ nrhs, fda_ A, cfi_ lda, fda_ B, cfi_ ldb, fda_ work,
- cfi_ lwork, fi_ info);
- // solve symmetric eigenvalues
- //
- void F77_DSYEV( cfch_ jobz, cfch_ uplo, cfi_ N, fda_ A, cfi_ lda,
- fda_ W, fda_ work, cfi_ lwork, fi_ info);
- // solve unsymmetric eigenvalues
- //
- void F77_DGEEV(cfch_ jobvl, cfch_ jobvr, cfi_ N, fda_ A, cfi_ lda,
- fda_ wr, fda_ wi, fda_ vl, cfi_ ldvl, fda_ vr,
- cfi_ ldvr, fda_ work, cfi_ lwork, fi_ info);
- }
- // solve linear equations using LU factorization
- Vector<double> Lapack_LU_linear_solve(const Fortran_matrix<double> &A,
- const Vector<double> &b)
- {
- const Fortran_integer one=1;
- Subscript M=A.num_rows();
- Subscript N=A.num_cols();
- Fortran_matrix<double> Tmp(A);
- Vector<double> x(b);
- Vector<Fortran_integer> index(M);
- Fortran_integer info = 0;
- F77_DGESV(&N, &one, &Tmp(1,1), &M, &index(1), &x(1), &M, &info);
- if (info != 0) return Vector<double>(0);
- else
- return x;
- }
- // solve linear least squares problem using QR factorization
- //
- Vector<double> Lapack_LLS_QR_linear_solve(const Fortran_matrix<double> &A,
- const Vector<double> &b)
- {
- const Fortran_integer one=1;
- Subscript M=A.num_rows();
- Subscript N=A.num_cols();
- Fortran_matrix<double> Tmp(A);
- Vector<double> x(b);
- Fortran_integer info = 0;
- char transp = 'N';
- Fortran_integer lwork = 5 * (M+N); // temporary work space
- Vector<double> work(lwork);
- F77_DGELS(&transp, &M, &N, &one, &Tmp(1,1), &M, &x(1), &M, &work(1),
- &lwork, &info);
- if (info != 0) return Vector<double>(0);
- else
- return x;
- }
- // *********************** Eigenvalue problems *******************
- // solve symmetric eigenvalue problem (eigenvalues only)
- //
- Vector<double> Upper_symmetric_eigenvalue_solve(const Fortran_matrix<double> &A)
- {
- char jobz = 'N';
- char uplo = 'U';
- Subscript N = A.num_rows();
- assert(N == A.num_cols());
- Vector<double> eigvals(N);
- Fortran_integer worksize = 3*N;
- Fortran_integer info = 0;
- Vector<double> work(worksize);
- Fortran_matrix<double> Tmp = A;
- F77_DSYEV(&jobz, &uplo, &N, &Tmp(1,1), &N, eigvals.begin(), work.begin(),
- &worksize, &info);
- if (info != 0) return Vector<double>();
- else
- return eigvals;
- }
- // solve unsymmetric eigenvalue problems
- //
- int eigenvalue_solve(const Fortran_matrix<double> &A,
- Vector<double> &wr, Vector<double> &wi)
- {
- char jobvl = 'N';
- char jobvr = 'N';
- Fortran_integer N = A.num_rows();
- assert(N == A.num_cols());
- if (N<1) return 1;
- Fortran_matrix<double> vl(1,N); /* should be NxN ? **** */
- Fortran_matrix<double> vr(1,N);
- Fortran_integer one = 1;
- Fortran_integer worksize = 5*N;
- Fortran_integer info = 0;
- Vector<double> work(worksize, 0.0);
- Fortran_matrix<double> Tmp = A;
- wr.newsize(N);
- wi.newsize(N);
- // void F77_DGEEV(cfch_ jobvl, cfch_ jobvr, cfi_ N, fda_ A, cfi_ lda,
- // fda_ wr, fda_ wi, fda_ vl, cfi_ ldvl, fda_ vr,
- // cfi_ ldvr, fda_ work, cfi_ lwork, fi_ info);
- F77_DGEEV(&jobvl, &jobvr, &N, &Tmp(1,1), &N, &(wr(1)),
- &(wi(1)), &(vl(1,1)), &one, &(vr(1,1)), &one,
- &(work(1)), &worksize, &info);
- return (info==0 ? 0: 1);
- }
- #endif