- // Template Numerical Toolkit (TNT) for Linear Algebra
- //
- // Please see http://math.nist.gov/tnt for updates
- //
- // R. Pozo
- // Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division
- // National Institute of Standards and Technology
- #ifndef QR_H
- #define QR_H
- // Classical QR factorization example, based on Stewart[1973].
- //
- //
- // This algorithm computes the factorization of a matrix A
- // into a product of an orthognal matrix (Q) and an upper triangular
- // matrix (R), such that QR = A.
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // A (in): Matrix(1:N, 1:N)
- //
- // Q (output): Matrix(1:N, 1:N), collection of Householder
- // column vectors Q1, Q2, ... QN
- //
- // R (output): upper triangular Matrix(1:N, 1:N)
- //
- // Returns:
- //
- // 0 if successful, 1 if A is detected to be singular
- //
- // needed for sqrt() below
- //
- #include <math.h>
- // for abs() and sign()
- //
- #include "tntmath.h"
- // Classical QR factorization, based on Stewart[1973].
- //
- //
- // This algorithm computes the factorization of a matrix A
- // into a product of an orthognal matrix (Q) and an upper triangular
- // matrix (R), such that QR = A.
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // A (in/out): On input, A is square, Matrix(1:N, 1:N), that represents
- // the matrix to be factored.
- //
- // On output, Q and R is encoded in the same Matrix(1:N,1:N)
- // in the following manner:
- //
- // R is contained in the upper triangular section of A,
- // except that R's main diagonal is in D. The lower
- // triangular section of A represents Q, where each
- // column j is the vector Qj = I - uj*uj'/pi_j.
- //
- // C (output): vector of Pi[j]
- // D (output): main diagonal of R, i.e. D(i) is R(i,i)
- //
- // Returns:
- //
- // 0 if successful, 1 if A is detected to be singular
- //
- template <class Matrix, class Vector>
- int QR_factor(Matrix &A, Vector& C, Vector &D)
- {
- assert(A.lbound() == 1); // ensure these are all
- assert(C.lbound() == 1); // 1-based arrays and vectors
- assert(D.lbound() == 1);
- Subscript M = A.num_rows();
- Subscript N = A.num_cols();
- assert(M == N); // make sure A is square
- Subscript i,j,k;
- Matrix::element_type eta, sigma, sum;
- // adjust the shape of C and D, if needed...
- if (N != C.size()) C.newsize(N);
- if (N != D.size()) D.newsize(N);
- for (k=1; k<N; k++)
- {
- // eta = max |M(i,k)|, for k <= i <= n
- //
- eta = 0;
- for (i=k; i<=N; i++)
- eta = ( abs(A(i,k)) > eta ? abs( A(i,k) ) : eta );
- if (eta == 0) // matrix is singular
- return 1;
- // form Qk and premiltiply M by it
- //
- for(i=k; i<=N; i++)
- A(i,k) = A(i,k) / eta;
- sum = 0;
- for (i=k; i<=N; i++)
- sum = sum + A(i,k)*A(i,k);
- sigma = sign(A(k,k)) * sqrt(sum);
- A(k,k) = A(k,k) + sigma;
- C(k) = sigma * A(k,k);
- D(k) = -eta * sigma;
- for (j=k+1; j<=N; j++)
- {
- sum = 0;
- for (i=k; i<=N; i++)
- sum = sum + A(i,k)*A(i,j);
- sum = sum / C(k);
- for (i=k; i<=N; i++)
- A(i,j) = A(i,j) - sum * A(i,k);
- }
- D(N) = A(N,N);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // modified form of upper triangular solve, except that the main diagonal
- // of R (upper portion of A) is in D.
- //
- template <class Matrix, class Vector>
- int R_solve(const Matrix &A, const Vector &D, Vector &b)
- {
- assert(A.lbound() == 1); // ensure these are all
- assert(D.lbound() == 1); // 1-based arrays and vectors
- assert(b.lbound() == 1);
- Subscript i,j;
- Subscript N = A.num_rows();
- assert(N == A.num_cols());
- assert(N == D.dim());
- assert(N == b.dim());
- Matrix::element_type sum;
- if (D(N) == 0)
- return 1;
- b(N) = b(N) / D(N);
- for (i=N-1; i>=1; i--)
- {
- if (D(i) == 0)
- return 1;
- sum = 0;
- for (j=i+1; j<=N; j++)
- sum = sum + A(i,j)*b(j);
- b(i) = ( b(i) - sum ) / D(i);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- template <class Matrix, class Vector>
- int QR_solve(const Matrix &A, const Vector &c, const Vector &d,
- Vector &b)
- {
- assert(A.lbound() == 1); // ensure these are all
- assert(c.lbound() == 1); // 1-based arrays and vectors
- assert(d.lbound() == 1);
- Subscript N=A.num_rows();
- assert(N == A.num_cols());
- assert(N == c.dim());
- assert(N == d.dim());
- assert(N == b.dim());
- Subscript i,j;
- Matrix::element_type sum, tau;
- for (j=1; j<N; j++)
- {
- // form Q'*b
- sum = 0;
- for (i=j; i<=N; i++)
- sum = sum + A(i,j)*b(i);
- if (c(j) == 0)
- return 1;
- tau = sum / c(j);
- for (i=j; i<=N; i++)
- b(i) = b(i) - tau * A(i,j);
- }
- return R_solve(A, d, b); // solve Rx = Q'b
- }
- #endif
- // QR_H