- // interface for peeking at events,
- // and bailing out of long operations
- // created 2/5/99 magi@cs
- #include <tk.h>
- #include <iostream.h>
- #include "BailDetector.h"
- #include "Timer.h"
- // static member var declarations
- int BailDetector::s_iBailDepth = 0;
- int BailDetector::s_iLastChecked = 0;
- bool BailDetector::s_bBail = false;
- bool BailDetector::s_bBailNoticed = false;
- BailDetector::BailDetector()
- {
- // if we're the first one,
- if (!s_iBailDepth++) {
- s_bBail = false; // initialize bail flag
- s_bBailNoticed = false;
- s_iLastChecked = 0;
- }
- }
- BailDetector::~BailDetector()
- {
- // and uncount us from bail stack
- if (--s_iBailDepth == 0) {
- if (s_bBail) {
- if (s_bBailNoticed)
- cerr << "command cancelled." << endl;
- else
- cerr << "but command completed anyway." << endl;
- }
- }
- }
- Tk_RestrictAction
- BailDetector::filterproc (ClientData clientData, XEvent* eventPtr)
- {
- if (!s_bBail) {
- if (eventPtr->type == KeyPress) {
- //cerr << (((XKeyPressedEvent*)eventPtr)->keycode) << endl;
- // escape, as empirically evinced by the previous line, is 16:
- if ((((XKeyPressedEvent*)eventPtr)->keycode & 0xFF) == 16) {
- /* could also use:
- || (eventPtr->type == MotionNotify
- && ((XMotionEvent*)eventPtr)->state & (Button1Mask | Button2Mask)))
- to bail out of a render that's already unwanted because you've
- moved the trackball since it started.
- but we'd want to be more careful than that, maybe look for a few in
- a row, otherwise it's too sensitive.
- */
- s_bBail = true;
- cerr << "Cancel request noted... " << flush;
- }
- }
- }
- // no matter what, don't process this event right now
- return TK_DEFER_EVENT;
- }
- bool
- BailDetector::bail (void)
- {
- // quick out if flag is already set
- unsigned int iTimeStamp = Timer::get_system_tick_count();
- if (!s_bBail && (iTimeStamp - s_iLastChecked > 100)) {
- // ok, pump events
- s_iLastChecked = iTimeStamp;
- // set up message filter, so we can be notified if messages arrive
- Tk_RestrictProc* old_filter_proc;
- ClientData old_filter_data;
- old_filter_proc = Tk_RestrictEvents (filterproc, NULL, &old_filter_data);
- // both file and x events are necessary to hear keystrokes... they first
- // occur as a file event, which when processed becomes an X event.
- // careful not to specify idle events, or TK_ALL_EVENTS, because
- // that will interfere with the redraw itself and break it.
- // call again, because the first event could have been a file event
- // which queued the window event we actually care about
- // remove message filter
- Tk_RestrictEvents (old_filter_proc, old_filter_data, &old_filter_data);
- }
- // then, need to check flag again since filter proc might have set it
- if (s_bBail)
- s_bBailNoticed = true;
- return s_bBail;
- }
- int PlvBailDetectCmd(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
- int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- BailDetector bail;
- int result = Tcl_Eval (interp, argv[1]);
- if (argc > 2) {
- Tcl_SetVar (interp, argv[2], interp->result, 0);
- }
- interp->result = (bail() ? "1" : "0");
- return result;
- }