- //############################################################
- //
- //
- //
- // Kari Pulli
- // Wed Jul 8 13:15:25 PDT 1998
- //
- // Store range scan information from a Cyberware custom made
- // range scanner for the Digital Michelangelo project.
- //
- //############################################################
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "DirEntries.h"
- #include <fstream.h>
- #ifdef WIN32
- # include <float.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef sgi
- # include <ieeefp.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef linux
- #endif
- #include "CyberScan.h"
- #include "plvGlobals.h"
- #include "plvDraw.h"
- #include "KDindtree.h"
- #include "Random.h"
- #include "TriMeshUtils.h"
- #include "defines.h"
- #include "FileNameUtils.h"
- #include "Bbox.h"
- #include "Progress.h"
- #include "BailDetector.h"
- #include "ColorUtils.h"
- #include "algo.h"
- #include "MeshTransport.h"
- #include "VertexFilter.h"
- #define SUBSAMPS 7
- static ColorSet _cset;
- KDindtree*
- CyberScan::get_current_kdtree()
- {
- int iTree = current_resolution_index();
- assert (iTree < kdtree.size());
- if (kdtree[iTree] != NULL)
- return kdtree[iTree];
- regLevelData* level = getCurrentRegLevel();
- kdtree[iTree] = CreateKDindtree(level->pnts->begin(),
- level->nrms->begin(),
- level->pnts->size());
- return kdtree[iTree];
- }
- void
- CyberScan::read_postprocess(const char *filename)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < SUBSAMPS; i++) {
- char name[PATH_MAX];
- strcpy (name, filename);
- char* ext = strrchr (name, '.');
- if (ext == NULL)
- ext = name + strlen (name);
- sprintf (ext, "_samp%d.ply", 1<<i);
- int nFacesEstimated = 0;
- for (int j = 0; j < sweeps.size(); j++) {
- nFacesEstimated += sweeps[j]->resolutions[i].abs_resolution;
- }
- insert_resolution(nFacesEstimated, name, false, false);
- kdtree.push_back (NULL);
- reglevels.push_back (NULL);
- }
- // by default, start at lowest res
- for (i=0; i<sweeps.size(); i++)
- sweeps[i]->select_coarsest();
- select_coarsest();
- // fill holes if requested
- if (!strcmp(Tcl_GetVar(g_tclInterp, "subsamplePreserveHoles",
- TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY), "filter")) {
- for (i=0; i<sweeps.size(); i++) {
- sweeps[i]->sd.fill_holes(2, 30);
- sweeps[i]->sd.fill_holes(1, 20);
- }
- }
- }
- CyberScan::CyberScan()
- {
- bDirty = false;
- }
- CyberScan::~CyberScan ()
- {
- while (reglevels.size()) {
- delete reglevels.back();
- reglevels.pop_back();
- }
- while (sweeps.size()) {
- delete sweeps.back();
- sweeps.pop_back();
- }
- while (kdtree.size()) {
- delete kdtree.back();
- kdtree.pop_back();
- }
- }
- MeshTransport*
- CyberScan::mesh(bool perVertex, bool stripped,
- ColorSource color, int colorSize)
- {
- if (stripped && !perVertex) {
- cerr << "No t-strips without per-vertex properties";
- return NULL;
- }
- /* kberg - trying to get per face flat shading working
- if (!perVertex) {
- cerr << "No per face normals for CyberScan" << endl;
- return NULL;
- }
- */
- int i = current_resolution_index();
- load_resolution (i);
- MeshTransport *mt = new MeshTransport;
- for (int iTurn = 0; iTurn < sweeps.size(); iTurn++) {
- MeshTransport* turn = sweeps[iTurn]->mesh (perVertex, stripped, color,
- colorSize);
- if (turn) {
- mt->appendMT (turn, sweeps[iTurn]->getXform());
- delete turn;
- }
- }
- return mt;
- }
- int
- CyberScan::num_vertices(void)
- {
- return getCurrentRegLevel()->pnts->size();
- }
- regLevelData*
- CyberScan::getHighestRegLevel (void)
- {
- if (!resolutions[0].in_memory)
- load_resolution (0);
- return getRegLevelFor (0);
- }
- regLevelData*
- CyberScan::getCurrentRegLevel (void)
- {
- return getRegLevelFor (current_resolution_index());
- }
- regLevelData*
- CyberScan::getRegLevelFor (int iRes)
- {
- assert (iRes < reglevels.size());
- load_resolution (iRes);
- assert (resolutions[iRes].in_memory);
- if (!reglevels[iRes]) {
- regLevelData* rl = reglevels[iRes] = new regLevelData;
- if (sweeps.size() == 1) {
- // don't actually need merge, so don't copy -- just share
- rl->pnts = &sweeps[0]->levels[iRes]->pnts;
- rl->nrms = &sweeps[0]->levels[iRes]->nrms;
- rl->bdry = &sweeps[0]->levels[iRes]->bdry;
- rl->bFree = false;
- } else {
- // need to create merged copy
- // preallocate vectors
- int nPts = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < sweeps.size(); i++) {
- nPts += sweeps[i]->levels[iRes]->pnts.size();
- }
- cout << "Merging sweep data (" << nPts
- << " pts) for KDtree... " << flush;
- rl->pnts = new vector<Pnt3>; rl->pnts->reserve (nPts);
- rl->nrms = new vector<short>; rl->nrms->reserve (nPts);
- rl->bdry = new vector<char>; rl->bdry->reserve (nPts);
- rl->bFree = true;
- for (i = 0; i < sweeps.size(); i++) {
- levelData *ld = sweeps[i]->levels[iRes];
- long ps = rl->pnts->size();
- long ns = rl->nrms->size();
- rl->pnts->insert (rl->pnts->end(),
- ld->pnts.begin(), ld->pnts.end());
- rl->nrms->insert (rl->nrms->end(),
- ld->nrms.begin(), ld->nrms.end());
- rl->bdry->insert (rl->bdry->end(),
- ld->bdry.begin(), ld->bdry.end());
- Xform<float> sxf = sweeps[i]->getXform();
- if (!sxf.isIdentity()) {
- // need to apply sweep's transform to the new data
- for_each (rl->pnts->begin() + ps, rl->pnts->end(), sxf);
- sxf.removeTranslation();
- for (short* nb = rl->nrms->begin() + ns;
- nb < rl->nrms->end(); nb += 3) {
- Pnt3 n (nb[0], nb[1], nb[2]);
- sxf (n);
- nb[0] = n[0]; nb[1] = n[1]; nb[2] = n[2];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return reglevels[iRes];
- }
- static Random rnd;
- void
- CyberScan::subsample_points(float rate, vector<Pnt3> &p,
- vector<Pnt3> &n)
- {
- regLevelData* level = getCurrentRegLevel();
- int end = level->pnts->size();
- p.clear(); p.reserve(end * rate * 1.1);
- n.clear(); n.reserve(end * rate * 1.1);
- for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) {
- if (rnd() <= rate) {
- p.push_back (level->pnts->operator[](i)); // save point
- pushNormalAsPnt3 (n, level->nrms->begin(), i);
- }
- }
- }
- RigidScan*
- CyberScan::filtered_copy (const VertexFilter &filter)
- {
- BailDetector bail;
- CyberScan *newScan = new CyberScan;
- newScan->bDirty = true;
- cout << "Clip " << sweeps.size() << " sweeps: " << flush;
- for (int i = 0; i < sweeps.size(); i++) {
- RigidScan* newSweep = sweeps[i]->filtered_copy(filter);
- if (newSweep) {
- CyberSweep *cs = dynamic_cast<CyberSweep*> (newSweep);
- assert(cs);
- newScan->sweeps.push_back(cs);
- }
- cout << "." << flush;
- if (bail()) {
- cerr << "Warning: clip interrupted; results are partial" << endl;
- break;
- }
- }
- cout << " " << newScan->sweeps.size() << " made it." << endl;
- if (newScan->sweeps.size()) {
- newScan->read_postprocess(get_name().c_str());
- newScan->setXform (getXform());
- }
- return newScan;
- }
- RigidScan*
- CyberScan::get_piece (int sweepNumber, int frameStart, int frameFinish)
- {
- if (sweepNumber >= sweeps.size()) {
- return NULL;
- }
- RigidScan* newSweep =
- sweeps[sweepNumber]->get_piece(frameStart, frameFinish);
- if (newSweep == NULL)
- return NULL;
- CyberSweep *cs = dynamic_cast<CyberSweep*> (newSweep);
- assert(cs);
- CyberScan *newScan = new CyberScan;
- newScan->sweeps.push_back(cs);
- newScan->read_postprocess(get_name().c_str());
- newScan->setXform (getXform());
- return newScan;
- }
- bool
- CyberScan::filter_inplace (const VertexFilter &filter)
- {
- return false;
- }
- bool
- CyberScan::filter_vertices (const VertexFilter &filter,
- vector<Pnt3>& p)
- {
- for (int i=0; i<sweeps.size(); i++) {
- CyberSweep *cs = sweeps[i];
- int level = cs->current_resolution_index();
- vector<Pnt3> &pnts = cs->levels[level]->pnts;
- vector<Pnt3>::const_iterator it;
- for (it = pnts.begin(); it != pnts.end(); it++) {
- if (filter.accept(*it)) p.push_back(*it);
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool
- CyberScan::closest_point(const Pnt3 &p, const Pnt3 &n,
- Pnt3 &cp, Pnt3 &cn,
- float thr, bool bdry_ok)
- {
- KDindtree* tree = get_current_kdtree();
- if (!tree) return false;
- int ind, ans;
- regLevelData* level = getCurrentRegLevel();
- ans = tree->search(level->pnts->begin(), level->nrms->begin(),
- p, n, ind, thr);
- if (ans) {
- if (bdry_ok == 0) {
- // disallow closest points that are on the mesh boundary
- if (level->bdry->operator[](ind)) return 0;
- }
- cp = level->pnts->operator[](ind);
- ind *= 3;
- cn.set(level->nrms->operator[](ind )/32767.0,
- level->nrms->operator[](ind+1)/32767.0,
- level->nrms->operator[](ind+2)/32767.0);
- }
- return ans;
- }
- void
- CyberScan::computeBBox ()
- {
- bbox.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < sweeps.size(); i++) {
- sweeps[i]->computeBBox();
- if (sweeps[i]->bbox.valid())
- bbox.add (sweeps[i]->bbox.worldBox (sweeps[i]->getXform()));
- }
- if (bbox.valid()) {
- rot_ctr =;
- } else {
- rot_ctr = Pnt3();
- }
- }
- void
- CyberSweep::computeBBox ()
- {
- bbox.clear();
- // find highest built resolution
- levelData* level = NULL;
- for (int i = 0; i < levels.size(); i++) {
- if (levels[i] != NULL && levels[i]->pnts.size() > 0) {
- level = levels[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- // and add its points to bbox
- if (level != NULL) {
- for (Pnt3* p = level->pnts.begin(); p < level->pnts.end(); p++) {
- bbox.add(*p);
- }
- }
- }
- void
- CyberScan::flipNormals (void)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < sweeps.size(); i++)
- sweeps[i]->flipNormals();
- }
- void
- CyberSweep::flipNormals (void)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < levels.size(); i++) {
- if (!resolutions[i].in_memory)
- continue;
- for (int j = 0; j < levels[i]->nrms.size(); j++)
- levels[i]->nrms[j] = -levels[i]->nrms[j];
- flip_tris(levels[i]->tstrips, true);
- }
- }
- bool
- CyberScan::read(const crope &fname)
- {
- cout << "cs::read()" << endl;
- set_name (fname);
- const char* filename = fname.c_str();
- assert(has_ending(".sd") || has_ending(".sd.gz"));
- // is filename a directory containing lots of little .sd files?
- bool bReadDir = false;
- SHOW(filename);
- DirEntries de(filename, ".sd");
- if (de.isdir) { // If it's a directory
- bReadDir = true;
- {
- Progress progress (de.size(), "Read CyberSweeps");
- for (; !de.done(); {
- CyberSweep *ct = new CyberSweep;
- if (ct->read(de.path().c_str()))
- sweeps.push_back(ct);
- else
- delete ct;
- progress.updateInc();
- }
- }
- DirEntries gzde(filename, ".sd.gz");
- {
- Progress progress (gzde.size(), "Read CyberSweeps");
- for (; !gzde.done(); {
- CyberSweep *ct = new CyberSweep;
- if (ct->read(gzde.path().c_str()))
- sweeps.push_back(ct);
- else
- delete ct;
- progress.updateInc();
- }
- }
- } else { // If it's a single file
- CyberSweep *ct = new CyberSweep;
- if (ct->read(filename))
- sweeps.push_back(ct);
- else
- delete ct;
- }
- // If we didn't successfully read any .sd files, return error
- if (sweeps.size() == 0)
- return false;
- set_name(fname);
- // read registration xform?
- if (TbObj::readXform (get_basename())) {
- // if we read a single file instead of a directory,
- // sweep will have read the same .xf as we do;
- // don't want it doubly applied so nuke it from sweep.
- if (!bReadDir) {
- assert (sweeps.size() == 1);
- sweeps[0]->setXform (Xform<float>());
- clear_undo (sweeps[0]);
- }
- }
- clear_undo (this);
- read_postprocess(filename);
- return true;
- }
- bool
- CyberScan::is_modified (void)
- {
- return bDirty;
- }
- bool
- CyberScan::write(const crope &fname)
- {
- char sweepfn[PATH_MAX];
- if (fname.empty()) {
- // try to save to default name; quit if there isn't one
- if (name.empty()) return false;
- }
- else {
- if (name != fname) {
- cout << "Saving to filename " << fname << endl;
- set_name(fname);
- }
- }
- if (portable_mkdir(name.c_str(), 0775) == 0) {
- Progress progress (sweeps.size(), "Writing CyberScan");
- for (int i=0; i<sweeps.size(); i++) {
- sprintf(sweepfn, "%s/", name.c_str(), i);
- if (!sweeps[i]->write(sweepfn))
- return false;
- progress.updateInc();
- }
- }
- else
- return false;
- bDirty = false;
- return true;
- }
- bool
- CyberScan::load_resolution (int iRes)
- {
- if (resolutions[iRes].in_memory)
- return true;
- int nSweeps = sweeps.size();
- if (g_verbose) cout << name << ": create mesh (~"
- << resolutions[iRes].abs_resolution << ") from "
- << nSweeps << " sweeps: " << flush;
- int newres = 0;
- BailDetector bail;
- for (int i = 0; i < nSweeps; i++) {
- //cout << (nSweeps - i) << " left: " << flush;
- sweeps[i]->load_resolution (iRes);
- newres += sweeps[i]->resolutions[iRes].abs_resolution;
- if (g_verbose) cout << "." << flush;
- if (bail()) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- if(g_verbose) cout << " done." << endl;
- resolutions[iRes].abs_resolution = newres;
- resolutions[iRes].in_memory = true;
- computeBBox();
- return true;
- }
- int
- CyberScan::create_resolution_absolute(int budget, Decimator dec)
- {
- cerr << "Can't decimate CyberScan meshes for now" << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- bool
- CyberScan::release_resolution(int nPolys)
- {
- int iRes = findLevelForRes (nPolys);
- if (iRes == -1) {
- cerr << "Cyber scan resolution doesn't exist!" << endl;
- return false;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < sweeps.size(); i++) {
- delete sweeps[i]->levels[iRes];
- sweeps[i]->levels[iRes] = new levelData;
- sweeps[i]->resolutions[iRes].in_memory = false;
- }
- resolutions[iRes].in_memory = false;
- return true;
- }
- /*
- void
- check(vector<int> &tstrips, int n)
- {
- int ns = tstrips.size();
- for (int i=0; i<ns; i++) {
- assert(tstrips[i] >=-1);
- assert(tstrips[i] < n);
- }
- }
- */
- extern DrawObjects draw_other_things;
- CyberSweep::CyberSweep(void)
- {
- _cset.chooseNewColor(falseColor);
- DrawObj::disable();
- draw_other_things.add(this);
- }
- CyberSweep::~CyberSweep(void)
- {
- while (kdtree.size()) {
- delete (kdtree.back());
- kdtree.pop_back();
- }
- while (levels.size()) {
- delete (levels.back());
- levels.pop_back();
- }
- draw_other_things.remove(this);
- }
- void
- CyberSweep::init_leveldata(void)
- {
- levels.clear(); levels.reserve(SUBSAMPS);
- kdtree.clear(); kdtree.reserve(SUBSAMPS);
- for (int i = 0; i < SUBSAMPS; i++) {
- levels.push_back (new levelData);
- kdtree.push_back (NULL);
- }
- }
- void
- CyberSweep::insert_possible_resolutions(void)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < SUBSAMPS; i++) {
- int nFacesEstimated = 4 * sd.count_valid_pnts() / (1<<(2*i));
- if (i > 0) {
- insert_resolution(nFacesEstimated, "", false, false);
- int iPos = findLevelForRes(nFacesEstimated);
- } else {
- insert_resolution(nFacesEstimated / 2, "", false, false);
- }
- }
- }
- bool
- CyberSweep::read(const crope &fname)
- {
- if (!
- return false;
- set_name(fname);
- init_leveldata();
- insert_possible_resolutions();
- if (g_verbose) cout << "done." << endl;
- /*
- Bbox bb = sd.get_bbox();
- SHOW(bb);
- #if 1
- int n = 8;
- Pnt3 diff = bb.max() - bb.min(), p, bp;
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
- for (int j=0; j<n; j++) {
- for (int k=0; k<n; k++) {
- p = bb.min() + Pnt3(diff[0]*i, diff[1]*j, diff[2]*k)/n;
- if (sd.xf.back_project(p, bp)) {
- // now go back to the data, find the closest
- // data point
- int row;
- unsigned short y,z;
- if (sd.find_data(bp[0], bp[1], row, y, z)) {
- //SHOW(bp[1]);
- //SHOW (y);
- sd.set_xf(row);
- //xf.set_screw(bp[0],bp[0]);
- start.push_back(p);
- end.push_back(sd.xf.apply_xform(y,z));
- start.push_back(p);
- //end.push_back(pa);
- end.push_back(sd.xf.laser_ctr);
- //start.push_back(.9*end.back()+.1*p);
- //SHOW(start.back());
- //SHOW(end.back());
- } else {
- cout << "find_data returns false" << endl;
- //SHOW(bp);
- //cout << row << " " << y << " " << z << endl;
- }
- } else {
- cout << "back_project returns false" << endl;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #else
- Pnt3 p;
- for (int i=0; i<sd.num_frames(); i+=40) {
- for (int j=40; j<480; j+=40) {
- sd.set_xf(i);
- if (sd.get_point(i,j,p)) {
- start.push_back(p);
- end.push_back(sd.xf.laser_ctr);
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- DrawObj::enable();
- */
- if (TbObj::readXform (get_basename()))
- cout << "Found .xf for sweep " << fname << endl;
- //else
- //cout << "No .xf for sweep " << fname << endl;
- return true;
- }
- bool
- CyberSweep::write(const crope &fname)
- {
- return sd.write(fname);
- }
- // called by CyberScan::load_resolution(),
- // which again is inherited from ResolutionCtrl
- bool
- CyberSweep::load_resolution (int iRes)
- {
- if (resolutions[iRes].in_memory)
- return true;
- //cout << "tstrip... " << flush;
- if (iRes == 0) {
- sd.get_pnts_and_intensities(levels[0]->pnts,
- levels[0]->intensity);
- // Changed the following line into a two step process, to avoid
- // Compiler complaint. -jed
- //levels[0]->bdry.assign (levels[0]->pnts.size(), 0);
- vector<char> tmp(levels[0]->pnts.size(), 0);
- levels[0]->bdry = tmp;
- sd.make_tstrip(levels[0]->tstrips, levels[0]->bdry);
- } else {
- levelData* level = levels[iRes];
- int step = 1 << iRes;
- sd.subsampled_tstrip(step,
- Tcl_GetVar (g_tclInterp,
- "subsamplePreserveHoles",
- level->tstrips,
- level->bdry,
- level->pnts,
- level->intensity,
- level->confidence,
- level->map_sampled_to_unsampled);
- }
- // now fix step edges, normals
- levelData* level = levels[iRes];
- if (level->pnts.size()) {
- if (strcmp (Tcl_GetVar (g_tclInterp, "removeStepedges",
- TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY), "0") != 0) {
- //cout << "stepedges... " << flush;
- remove_stepedges(level->pnts, level->tstrips, 4, 50, true);
- }
- //cout << "normals... " << flush;
- getVertexNormals(level->pnts, level->tstrips,
- true, level->nrms, false);
- resolutions[iRes].abs_resolution =
- count_tris (levels[iRes]->tstrips);
- } else {
- resolutions[iRes].abs_resolution = 0;
- }
- resolutions[iRes].in_memory = true;
- return true;
- }
- void
- CyberSweep::drawthis(void)
- {
- glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
- glBegin(GL_LINES);
- for (int i=0; i<start.size(); i++) {
- glColor3f(1,0,0);
- glVertex3fv(&start[i][0]);
- glColor3f(0,1,0);
- glVertex3fv(&end[i][0]);
- }
- glEnd();
- }
- /* kberg - 10 July 2001
- * adding per face normals - modeled partly after strips_to_tris
- * in, except rather than storing the vertices, it
- * calculates a normal based upon those 3 vertices then adds it to
- * the faceNormals vector.
- */
- void CyberSweep::simulateFaceNormals(vector<short> &faceNormals, int currentRes)
- {
- if (!levels[currentRes]->tstrips.size())
- return;
- assert(levels[currentRes]->tstrips.back() == -1);
- faceNormals.clear();
- faceNormals.reserve(levels[currentRes]->tstrips.size() * 3); // estimate
- vector<int>::const_iterator vert;
- for (vert = levels[currentRes]->tstrips.begin(); vert != levels[currentRes]->tstrips.end(); vert++) {
- while (*vert == -1) { // handle 0-length strips
- ++vert;
- if (vert == levels[currentRes]->tstrips.end()) break;
- }
- if (vert == levels[currentRes]->tstrips.end()) break;
- vert += 2; // looking backwards at the triangles
- int dir = 0;
- while (*vert != -1) {
- Pnt3 &v0 = levels[currentRes]->pnts[vert[-2 + dir]];
- Pnt3 &v1 = levels[currentRes]->pnts[vert[-1 - dir]];
- Pnt3 &v2 = levels[currentRes]->pnts[vert[0]];
- //now calculate the normal based on these 3 points
- Pnt3 norm = normal(v0, v1, v2);
- pushNormalAsShorts(faceNormals, norm);
- vert++;
- dir ^= 1;
- }
- }
- }
- MeshTransport*
- CyberSweep::mesh (bool perVertex, bool stripped,
- ColorSource color, int colorSize)
- {
- int i = current_resolution_index();
- assert (resolutions[i].in_memory);
- if (!levels[i]->pnts.size())
- return NULL;
- MeshTransport* mt = new MeshTransport;
- mt->setVtx(&levels[i]->pnts, MeshTransport::share);
- mt->setBbox(localBbox());
- /* kberg - 10 July 2001 - per face normals */
- if (perVertex)
- mt->setNrm(&levels[i]->nrms, MeshTransport::share);
- else {
- /* used GenericScan::mesh(...) as an example of how to simulate this.
- for some reason, by going into this mode, only part of a statue
- is displayed when intensity is selected. It should have something to do
- with how DisplayMesh::renderMeshSingle(...) handles color.
- */
- vector<short> *faceNrm = new vector<short>;
- simulateFaceNormals(*faceNrm, i);
- mt->setNrm(faceNrm, MeshTransport::steal);
- }
- if (stripped) {
- mt->setTris(&levels[i]->tstrips, MeshTransport::share);
- } else {
- vector<int>* tris = new vector<int>;
- strips_to_tris (levels[i]->tstrips, *tris,
- resolutions[i].abs_resolution);
- mt->setTris(tris, MeshTransport::steal);
- }
- switch (color) {
- case colorNone:
- break;
- case colorTrue:
- {
- vector<uchar>* colors = new vector<uchar>;
- pushColor (*colors, colorSize, falseColor);
- mt->setColor (colors, MeshTransport::steal);
- }
- break;
- case colorIntensity:
- {
- vector<uchar>* colors = new vector<uchar>;
- if (g_bNoIntensity) {
- // BUGBUG: what to do here?
- } else {
- uchar* end = levels[i]->intensity.end();
- for (uchar* c = levels[i]->intensity.begin(); c < end; c++)
- pushColor (*colors, colorSize, *c);
- }
- mt->setColor (colors, MeshTransport::steal);
- }
- break;
- case colorConf:
- if (levels[i]->confidence.size())
- {
- vector<uchar>* colors = new vector<uchar>;
- colors->reserve (colorSize * levels[i]->confidence.size());
- uchar* end = levels[i]->confidence.end();
- for (uchar* c = levels[i]->confidence.begin(); c < end; c++)
- pushConf (*colors, colorSize, *c);
- mt->setColor (colors, MeshTransport::steal);
- }
- break;
- case colorBoundary:
- {
- vector<uchar>* colors = new vector<uchar>;
- colors->reserve (colorSize * levels[i]->bdry.size());
- char* end = levels[i]->bdry.end();
- for (char* c = levels[i]->bdry.begin(); c < end; c++)
- pushConf (*colors, colorSize, (uchar)(*c ? 0 : 255));
- mt->setColor (colors, MeshTransport::steal);
- }
- break;
- default:
- //cerr << "Color: TODO" << endl;
- break;
- }
- return mt;
- }
- vector<CyberSweep*>
- CyberScan::get_sweep_list (void)
- {
- return sweeps;
- }
- // double indexing: horizontal translation, turns
- vector< vector<CyberSweep*> >
- CyberScan::get_ordered_sweeps (void)
- {
- vector< vector<CyberSweep*> > v;
- // for each sweep
- for (int i=0; i < sweeps.size(); i++) {
- CyberSweep* sweep = sweeps[i];
- // insert a vector in v based on translation
- float t = sweep->sd.scanner_trans;
- for (int iTrans = 0; iTrans < v.size(); iTrans++) {
- float tc = v[iTrans][0]->sd.scanner_trans;
- if (t <= tc) {
- if (t < tc) v.insert(&v[iTrans], vector<CyberSweep*>());
- break;
- }
- }
- if (iTrans == v.size()) v.push_back( vector<CyberSweep*>() );
- // get a reference to the shell
- vector<CyberSweep*>& vShell = v[iTrans];
- // find a place to insert sweep (within shell)
- // based on other screw
- for (int iSweep = 0; iSweep < vShell.size(); iSweep++) {
- if (sweep->sd.other_screw < vShell[iSweep]->sd.other_screw)
- break;
- }
- // insert into shell
- vShell.insert (&vShell[iSweep], sweep);
- }
- return v;
- }
- // this command dumps into the file fname
- // nPnts uniformly subsampled from all the sweeps
- // such that there are nPnts output
- // for each point, there are 5 floats: y,z,scanscrew,otherscrew,xform
- // file is initialized with 1 for vertical scan, 0 for horizontal scan
- void
- CyberScan::dump_pts_laser_subsampled(std::string fname,
- int nPnts)
- {
- // open the fstream
- ofstream out(fname.c_str());
- assert(out);
- // vertical scan?
- int v = sweeps[0]->sd.xf.vertical_scan;
- out.write((char*)&v, sizeof(int));
- // for each sweep, calculate how many points it should
- // store, have it store them
- int n_valid_pts = 0;
- // first, how many valid points are there?
- for (int i=0; i < sweeps.size(); i++) {
- n_valid_pts += sweeps[i]->sd.valid_pts();
- }
- // now, iterate
- SHOW(nPnts);
- float fact = float(nPnts) / float(n_valid_pts);
- for (i=0; i < sweeps.size(); i++) {
- int n = sweeps[i]->sd.valid_pts();
- n_valid_pts -= n;
- if (i+1 == sweeps.size()) n = nPnts;
- else n *= fact;
- nPnts -= sweeps[i]->sd.dump_pts_laser_subsampled(out, n);
- fact = float(nPnts) / float(n_valid_pts);
- }
- SHOW(nPnts);
- }
- // this function is intended to be used for getting the raw values
- // for a given 3D point (given in local coordinates)
- // used in conjunction with autocalibration
- // assume the mesh has just been registered with ICP
- bool
- CyberScan::get_raw_data(const Pnt3 &p, sd_raw_pnt &data)
- {
- // to simplify things, only works at finest resolution
- //int lvl = 0;
- int lvl = current_resolution_index();
- //if (current_resolution_index() != lvl) return false;
- // and the KDtree has to exist
- if (kdtree[lvl] == NULL) return false;
- // and the reglevelinfo
- if (reglevels[lvl] == NULL) return false;
- // ok. assume p is in the scan coordinates, by the way
- // find the index of the point closest to p in kdtree
- int ind;
- float thr = .1;
- if (!kdtree[lvl]->search(reglevels[lvl]->pnts->begin(),
- p, ind, thr)) {
- cerr << "Couldn't find the point " << p << endl;
- return false;
- }
- // ok, found the point index
- // now, find which sweep it is and find the relative index there
- for (int i=0; i<sweeps.size(); i++) {
- int n = sweeps[i]->levels[lvl]->pnts.size();
- if (ind >= n) ind -= n;
- else break;
- }
- if (i==sweeps.size()) {
- cerr << "Problem in CyberScan::get_raw_data()" << endl;
- return false;
- }
- // now we have the index to the sweep and an index to the
- // point there
- Pnt3 pp;
- if (lvl) {
- ind = sweeps[i]->levels[lvl]->map_sampled_to_unsampled[ind];
- pp = sweeps[i]->sd.raw_for_ith(ind, data);
- } else {
- pp = sweeps[i]->sd.raw_for_ith_valid(ind, data);
- }
- if (dist(pp,p) > .1) {
- SHOW(p);
- SHOW(pp);
- SHOW(dist(p,pp));
- }
- return true;
- }
- // returns confidence!
- float
- CyberScan::closest_point_on_mesh(const Pnt3 &p, Pnt3 &cl_pnt,
- OccSt &status_p)
- {
- // cheat...
- return closest_along_line_of_sight(p, cl_pnt, status_p);
- }
- // returns confidence!
- float
- CyberScan::closest_along_line_of_sight(const Pnt3 &p, Pnt3 &cp,
- OccSt &status_p)
- {
- // first need to move p into the local coordinates!!
- Pnt3 pp = p;
- xformInvPnt(pp);
- // simplified assumptions... recheck later
- // e.g., assume no per sweep xforms...
- status_p = INDETERMINATE;
- float mindist = 1e33;
- OccSt tmp;
- Pnt3 tmpcp;
- for (int i=0; i<sweeps.size(); i++) {
- sweeps[i]->closest_along_line_of_sight(pp,tmpcp,tmp);
- if (status_p == INDETERMINATE && tmp == NOT_IN_FRUSTUM) {
- status_p = tmp;
- continue;
- }
- // should make a weighted sum of distances, see
- float d = dist2(pp, tmpcp);
- if (d < mindist) {
- mindist = d;
- status_p = tmp;
- cp = tmpcp;
- }
- }
- // move closest point back into world coordinates!
- xformPnt(cp);
- // return confidence
- return (status_p == INSIDE || status_p == OUTSIDE ? 1.0 : 0.0);
- }
- OccSt
- CyberScan::carve_cube (const Pnt3 &ctr, float side)
- {
- // first of all, we are going to carve a sphere s.t.
- // the ctr is reexpressed in local coordinates
- Pnt3 lctr(ctr);
- xformInvPnt(lctr);
- float r = 1.72 * .5 * side;
- // find a parent from the carve stack for this sphere
- while (carveStack.size() &&
- !carveStack.back().can_be_child(ctr, side)) {
- carveStack.pop_back();
- }
- if (carveStack.size() == 0) {
- // initialize with all
- carveStack.push_back(carveStackEntry(lctr, r, sweeps));
- }
- // now the back() of the stack should have the sweeps that
- // we're interested in
- vector<CyberSweep*> &sw = carveStack.back().sweeps;
- // add a new entry for this cube
- carveStackEntry cse(lctr, r);
- // go through all the sweeps in the list
- for (int i=0; i<sw.size(); i++) {
- OccSt tmp = sw[i]->carve_sphere(lctr, r);
- // add the current to the stack if needed
- if (tmp == BOUNDARY ||
- tmp == SILHOUETTE ||
- cse.sweeps.push_back(sw[i]);
- }
- if (int(tmp) < int(res)) res = tmp;
- if (res == OUTSIDE) return res;
- }
- carveStack.push_back(cse);
- return res;
- }
- bool
- CyberScan::switchToResLevel (int iRes)
- {
- if (!RigidScan::switchToResLevel (iRes))
- return false;
- // keep all sweeps synched to current res
- for (int i = 0; i < sweeps.size(); i++)
- sweeps[i]->switchToResLevel (iRes);
- return true;
- }
- crope
- CyberSweep::get_description (void) const
- {
- static char name[100];
- sprintf(name, "trans-%.2d-rot-%.2d",
- (int)sd.scanner_trans,
- (int)sd.other_screw);
- return crope (name);
- }
- KDindtree*
- CyberSweep::get_current_kdtree()
- {
- int iTree = current_resolution_index();
- assert (iTree < kdtree.size());
- if (kdtree[iTree] != NULL)
- return kdtree[iTree];
- levelData* level = levels[current_resolution_index()];
- kdtree[iTree] = CreateKDindtree(level->pnts.begin(),
- level->nrms.begin(),
- level->pnts.size());
- return kdtree[iTree];
- }
- void
- CyberSweep::subsample_points(float rate, vector<Pnt3> &p,
- vector<Pnt3> &n)
- {
- levelData* level = levels[current_resolution_index()];
- int end = level->pnts.size();
- p.clear(); p.reserve(end * rate * 1.1);
- n.clear(); n.reserve(end * rate * 1.1);
- for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) {
- if (rnd() <= rate) {
- p.push_back(level->pnts[i]); // save point
- pushNormalAsPnt3(n, level->nrms.begin(), i);
- }
- }
- }
- RigidScan *
- CyberSweep::filtered_copy(const VertexFilter &filter)
- {
- CyberSweep* newSweep = NULL;
- // need to multiply filter by this sweep's xform
- VertexFilter* sweepFilter = filter.transformedClone ((float*)getXform());
- if (!sweepFilter) {
- cerr << "CyberScan cannot clip because VertexFilter::transformedClone"
- << " is not supported" << endl;
- return NULL;
- }
- if (sweepFilter->accept (bbox)) {
- newSweep = new CyberSweep;
- // copy the data, first shallow copy
- //*newSweep = *this;
- // except resolutions, which get rebuilt
- // newSweep->resolutions.clear();
- // then do a deeper, filtered copy
- newSweep->init_leveldata();
- sd.filtered_copy(*sweepFilter, newSweep->sd);
- if (sd.count_valid_pnts() == 0) {
- delete newSweep;
- newSweep = NULL;
- } else {
- newSweep->insert_possible_resolutions();
- newSweep->setXform (getXform());
- }
- }
- delete sweepFilter;
- return newSweep;
- }
- bool
- CyberSweep::closest_point(const Pnt3 &p, const Pnt3 &n,
- Pnt3 &cp, Pnt3 &cn,
- float thr, bool bdry_ok)
- {
- KDindtree* tree = get_current_kdtree();
- if (!tree) return false;
- int ind, ans;
- levelData* level = levels[current_resolution_index()];
- ans = tree->search(&level->pnts[0], &level->nrms[0],
- p, n, ind, thr);
- if (ans) {
- if (bdry_ok == 0) {
- // disallow closest points that are on the mesh boundary
- if (level->bdry[ind]) return 0;
- }
- cp = level->pnts[ind];
- ind *= 3;
- cn.set(level->nrms[ind ]/32767.0,
- level->nrms[ind+1]/32767.0,
- level->nrms[ind+2]/32767.0);
- }
- return ans;
- }
- crope
- CyberScan::getInfo (void)
- {
- long verts = 0;
- long tris = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < sweeps.size(); i++) {
- verts += sweeps[i]->sd.count_valid_pnts();
- tris =+ sweeps[i]->resolutions[0].abs_resolution;
- }
- char infos[512];
- sprintf(infos, "CyberScan: verts %ld stripped tris %ldnn",
- verts, tris);
- crope info (infos);
- if (sweeps.size() == 1) {
- info += crope ("Single sweep at ") + sweeps[0]->get_description();
- info += crope ("nFrom file: ") + sweeps[0]->get_name();
- } else {
- float turnMin = FLT_MAX; float transMin = FLT_MAX;
- float turnMax = -FLT_MAX; float transMax = -FLT_MAX;
- int lastShell = -1000;
- int nShells = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < sweeps.size(); i++) {
- turnMin = MIN (turnMin, sweeps[i]->sd.other_screw);
- turnMax = MAX (turnMin, sweeps[i]->sd.other_screw);
- transMin = MIN (transMin, sweeps[i]->sd.scanner_trans);
- transMax = MAX (transMin, sweeps[i]->sd.scanner_trans);
- if ((int)sweeps[i]->sd.scanner_trans != lastShell) {
- lastShell = sweeps[i]->sd.scanner_trans;
- ++nShells;
- }
- }
- sprintf (infos, "%ld sweeps ranging:n"
- "Other-screw (nod/turn): %.2f to %.2fn"
- "Translation: %.2f to %.2f in %d shells",
- sweeps.size(), turnMin, turnMax, transMin, transMax, nShells);
- info += crope (infos);
- }
- info += crope ("nn") + RigidScan::getInfo();
- return info;
- }
- unsigned int
- CyberScan::get_scanner_config(void)
- {
- return sweeps[0]->sd.scanner_config;
- }
- float
- CyberScan::get_scanner_vertical(void)
- {
- return sweeps[0]->sd.scanner_vert;
- }
- //
- // This function converts a point from world coordinates (X,Y,Z) to
- // sweep coordinates (screw length, y, and z for a specific sweep).
- //
- bool
- CyberScan::worldCoordToSweepCoord(const Pnt3 &wc, int *sweepIndex, Pnt3 &sc)
- {
- Pnt3 csc, swc, bpp, fpp;
- bool gotOneFlag = false;
- float theDist, minDist = MAXFLOAT;
- CyberXform cxf;
- // First transform the world coord to the CyberScan coordinate
- // system by multiplying by the inverse of the CyberScan's Xform.
- getXform().apply_inv(wc, csc);
- // Next, iterate over all the sweeps, backprojecting the
- // transformed world coordinate to the sweep's coordinates.
- // If there are any valid backprojected points, we will return
- // the one with the minimum distance from the original point.
- for (int j=0; j<sweeps.size(); ++j)
- {
- // Apply the inverse of the individual sweep xform
- (sweeps[j]->getXform()).apply_inv(csc, swc);
- cxf.setup(sweeps[j]->sd.scanner_config, // Need to add vertical screw
- sweeps[j]->sd.scanner_trans, // value to "setup" call when
- sweeps[j]->sd.other_screw); // we start using it in SDfile.
- //puts ("checking sweep");
- if (cxf.back_project(swc, bpp, true)) {
- cout <<"back project success" << j << " " << bpp << "n" << flush;
- sweepCoordToWorldCoord(j, bpp, fpp);
- theDist = dist2(wc, fpp);
- if (theDist < minDist) {
- sc = bpp;
- *sweepIndex = j;
- minDist = theDist;
- gotOneFlag = true;
- }
- }
- }
- return gotOneFlag;
- }
- //
- // This function converts to world coordinates (X,Y,Z) from
- // sweep coordinates (screw length, y, and z for a specific sweep).
- //
- void
- CyberScan::sweepCoordToWorldCoord(int sweepIndex, const Pnt3 &sc, Pnt3 &wc)
- {
- CyberXform cxf;
- //out << "In s2s" << flush;
- // First, use the sweep configuration information and convert
- // to the sweep coordinate system.
- cxf.setup(sweeps[sweepIndex]->sd.scanner_config, // Need to add vertical
- sweeps[sweepIndex]->sd.scanner_trans, // screw value to "setup"
- sweeps[sweepIndex]->sd.other_screw); // call at some point!!!
- cxf.set_screw(sc[0]);
- cxf.apply_xform((short) sc[1], (short) sc[2], wc);
- // Next, apply the transformation for the individual sweep.
- (sweeps[sweepIndex]->getXform())(wc);
- // Finally, apply the CyberScan's transformation.
- getXform()(wc);
- //out << "Out 2s" << flush;
- }
- RigidScan *
- CyberSweep::get_piece(int firstFrame, int lastFrame)
- {
- // Does firstFrame have to be even???
- if (IS_ODD(firstFrame)) {
- cout << "CyberSweep::get_piece() Not tested with odd start frames!!" << endl;
- }
- if (firstFrame < 0 ||
- lastFrame >= sd.num_frames() ||
- lastFrame < firstFrame) {
- return NULL;
- }
- CyberSweep *newSweep = new CyberSweep;
- newSweep->init_leveldata();
- sd.get_piece(firstFrame, lastFrame, newSweep->sd);
- if (newSweep->sd.count_valid_pnts() == 0) {
- delete newSweep;
- return NULL;
- }
- newSweep->insert_possible_resolutions();
- return newSweep;
- }
- // return confidence!
- float
- CyberSweep::closest_along_line_of_sight(const Pnt3 &p, Pnt3 &cp,
- OccSt &status_p)
- {
- Pnt3 bp;
- if (!sd.xf.back_project(p, bp)) {
- status_p = NOT_IN_FRUSTUM;
- return 0.0;
- }
- int row;
- unsigned short y,z;
- if (!sd.find_data(bp[0], bp[1], row, y, z)) {
- status_p = NOT_IN_FRUSTUM;
- return 0.0;
- }
- sd.set_xf(row, false);
- sd.xf.apply_xform(y,z,cp);
- status_p = (z > bp[2]) ? INSIDE : OUTSIDE;
- return 1.0;
- }
- OccSt
- CyberSweep::carve_sphere(const Pnt3 &ctr, float r)
- {
- return OccSt(sd.sphere_status(ctr, r));
- }