- ######################################################################
- #
- # Global registration UI
- #
- ######################################################################
- proc globalRegistrationDialog {} {
- if {[window_Activate .globalReg]} { return }
- plv_globalreg init_import
- # create UI window
- set gr [toplevel .globalReg]
- wm title $gr "Global registration"
- window_Register $gr
- frame $gr.file -relief groove -border 2
- label $gr.file.l -text "File options" -anchor w
- frame $gr.file.b
- button $gr.file.b.force_reload -text "Reload"
- -command "plv_globalreg re_import"
- button $gr.file.b.delete -text "Delete..."
- -command globalRegDeleteDialog
- packchildren $gr.file.b -side left -fill x -expand true
- packchildren $gr.file -side top -fill x -expand true
- frame $gr.opts -relief groove -border 2
- label $gr.opts.l -text "Render options" -anchor w
- frame $gr.opts.b
- button $gr.opts.b.showpartners -text "Show only partners"
- -command {hideRegistrationNonPartners $theMesh}
- button $gr.opts.b.showgroup -text "Show only group"
- -command {hideRegistrationNonPartners $theMesh transitive}
- packchildren $gr.opts.b -side left -fill x -expand true
- frame $gr.opts.c
- label $gr.opts.c.colorL -text "Color:"
- tk_optionMenu $gr.opts.c.color
- theColorMode gray false registration
- packchildren $gr.opts.c -side left
- packchildren $gr.opts -side top -fill x -expand true
- frame $ -relief groove -border 2
- label $ -text "Dump registered pairs" -anchor w
- frame $
- button $
- -text "Pairwise (point-point)"
- -command {
- badAlignDialog [plv_globalreg dumpallpairs 0 [ get]]
- }
- button $
- -text "Pairwise (point-plane)"
- -command {
- badAlignDialog [plv_globalreg dumpallpairs 1 [ get]]
- }
- packchildren $ -side left -fill x -expand true
- frame $
- button $ -text "Globalreg Error"
- -command {
- badAlignDialog [plv_globalreg dumpallpairs 2 [ get]]
- }
- button $ -text "Partners"
- -command {dumpRegistrationPartners $theMesh}
- packchildren $ -side left -fill x -expand true
- # frame $
- # button $ -text "Worst global to ICP"
- # -command { puts "Howdy" }
- # button $ -text "Worst pairwise to ICP"
- # -command {
- # puts "Doody"
- # ICPdialog
- # }
- # packchildren $ -side left -fill x -expand true
- frame $
- label $ -text "Show offenders threshold (mm):"
- entry $
- -relief sunken -width 6
- $ insert end 5
- packchildren $ -side left
- frame $
- label $ -text "Pointpair counts"
- button $ -text "Current"
- -command {plv_globalreg point_pair_count $theMesh *}
- button $ -text "ICP dlg"
- -command {plv_globalreg point_pair_count
- [globalset regICPFrom] [globalset regICPTo]}
- packchildren $ -side left -fill x -expand true
- set p [frame $]
- button $p.list -text "List" -command "listFewPartners $p.val"
- label $p.l1 -text "meshes with fewer than"
- entry $p.val -width 3
- $p.val insert end 3
- label $p.l2 -text "partners"
- packchildren $p -side left
- button $ -text "List connected subgroups"
- -command listGroups
- packchildren $ -side top -fill x -expand true
- frame $ -relief groove -border 2
- set p [frame $]
- label $p.lf -text "Auto add pairs: from" -anchor w
- tk_optionMenu $ autoFrom visible current
- label $ -text "to" -anchor w
- tk_optionMenu $ autoTo visible all
- packchildren $p -side left -fill x -expand 1
- set f [frame $]
- label $f.l -text "Error threshold (mm):"
- entry $f.entry -relief sunken -width 6
- $f.entry insert end 5
- packchildren $f -side left -pady 2
- set f [frame $]
- label $f.l -text "Target number of pairs to calculate:"
- entry $f.entry -relief sunken -width 6
- $f.entry insert end 2000
- packchildren $f -side left
- checkbutton $
- -text "Preserve existing mesh pairs (don't recalculate)"
- -variable preserveExistingInAutoAlign -anchor w
- frame $
- button $
- -text "Go"
- -command {
- scz_auto_register $autoFrom $autoTo $theMesh
- [ get]
- [ get]
- $preserveExistingInAutoAlign
- }
- packchildren $ -side top -anchor c
- packchildren $ -side top -anchor w -fill x
- frame $gr.reg -relief groove -border 2
- label $gr.reg.l -text "Register:" -anchor w
- frame $gr.reg.b
- button $gr.reg.b.register -text "All<->All"
- -command {doGlobalRegister}
- button $gr.reg.b.register1 -text "Selected->all"
- -command {doGlobalRegister $theMesh}
- button $gr.reg.b.register12 -text "ICP 1->2"
- -command {if {[winfo exists .regICP]} {
- if {[_reg_check2meshes $regICPFrom $regICPTo]} {
- doGlobalRegister $regICPFrom $regICPTo
- }
- } else {
- tk_messageBox -title "scanalyze" -icon error
- -parent .globalReg
- -message "ICP dialog must be visible."
- }}
- packchildren $gr.reg.b -side left -fill x -expand 1
- frame $gr.reg.convTol
- label $gr.reg.convTol.l -text "Convergence Tolerance:"
- entry $gr.reg.convTol.entry -relief sunken -width 6
- $gr.reg.convTol.entry insert end .01
- packchildren $gr.reg.convTol -side left -pady 2
- packchildren $gr.reg -side top -fill x
- packchildren $gr -side top -fill x -expand true
- -pady 3 -padx 3
- }
- proc doGlobalRegister {args} {
- eval plv_globalreg register [.globalReg.reg.convTol.entry get] $args
- redraw 1
- update idletasks
- }
- proc hideRegistrationNonPartners {mesh {trans ""}} {
- if {$trans == ""} {
- set vis [plv_globalreg listpairsfor $mesh]
- } else {
- set vis [plv_globalreg listpairsfor $mesh transitive]
- }
- eval showOnlyMesh $vis $mesh
- }
- proc dumpRegistrationPartners {mesh} {
- set partner [plv_globalreg listpairsfor $mesh]
- set trans [plv_globalreg listpairsfor $mesh transitive]
- puts "$mesh is registered to:"
- puts "directly: $partner"
- puts "transitively: $trans"
- }
- proc listFewPartners {widget} {
- set min [$widget get]
- foreach mesh [lsort -dictionary [getVisibleMeshes]] {
- set part [plv_globalreg getpaircount $mesh]
- if {$part < $min} {
- puts "$mesh: $part partners"
- }
- }
- }
- proc listGroups {} {
- plv_globalreg groupstatus
- foreach mesh [lsort -dictionary [getVisibleMeshes]] {
- if {![plv_globalreg getpaircount $mesh]} {
- lappend missing $mesh
- }
- }
- if {[info exists missing]} {
- puts "nnot registered at all ([llength $missing]): $missing"
- }
- }
- ######################################################################
- #
- # Drag registration UI
- #
- ######################################################################
- proc dragRegistrationDialog {} {
- global dragMeshesLeft
- set dragMeshesLeft [getVisibleMeshes]
- if {[llength $dragMeshesLeft] < 2} {
- tk_dialog .err "scanalyze"
- "You must have at least two meshes visible
- to perform drag registration." "" 0 Ok
- return
- }
- set dr [toplevel .dragreg]
- wm title $dr "Drag registration"
- window_Register $dr
- global meshVisible
- foreach mesh $dragMeshesLeft {
- changeVis $mesh 0
- }
- frame $dr.cur
- label $dr.cur.curlab -text "Current mesh:"
- label $dr.cur.current -textvariable theMesh
- pack $dr.cur.curlab $dr.cur.current -side left
- pack $dr.cur -side top
- label $dr.instruct
- -text "Drag mesh to correct position, then click Next."
- pack $dr.instruct -side top
- frame $dr.method
- radiobutton $dr.method.ptPt -text "Point-to-point"
- -variable dragRegMethod -value horn
- radiobutton $dr.method.ptPlane -text "Point-to-plane"
- -variable dragRegMethod -value chen
- pack $dr.method.ptPt $dr.method.ptPlane -side left
- button $ -text Next -command dragRegNext
- pack $dr.method $ -side top -fill x -expand true
- frame $dr.left
- label $dr.left.leftlab -text "Remaining meshes:"
- label $dr.left.remain -textvariable dragMeshesLeft
- pack $dr.left.leftlab $dr.left.remain -side left
- pack $dr.left -side top
- bind $dr <Destroy> "+destroyDragRegUI %W"
- selectScan ""
- globalset theMover mesh
- dragRegNext
- }
- proc dragRegNext {} {
- global theMesh
- global dragMeshesLeft
- global meshVisible
- # read z-buffer to get correspondence points, invoke algorithm
- if {0 != [string compare $theMesh ""]} {
- if {[llength [getVisibleMeshes]] > 1} {
- DragRegister $theMesh [globalset dragRegMethod]
- }
- }
- # on to next mesh:
- # move first element of dragMeshesLeft to theMesh
- selectScan [lindex $dragMeshesLeft 0]
- set dragMeshesLeft [lrange $dragMeshesLeft 1 end]
- # and if there IS a next mesh, make it visible
- if {0 == [string compare $theMesh ""]} {
- # done!
- destroy .dragreg
- } else {
- # make next mesh visible
- changeVis $theMesh 1
- }
- }
- proc destroyDragRegUI {window} {
- if {0 != [string compare $window .dragreg]} {
- return
- }
- globalset theMover viewer
- global dragMeshesLeft
- unset dragMeshesLeft
- }
- ######################################################################
- #
- # Correspondence registration UI
- #
- ######################################################################
- proc renderParamsChanged {} {
- global correspRegWindows
- if {[array exists correspRegWindows]} {
- refreshCorrespRegWindows *
- }
- }
- proc correspRegistrationDialog {} {
- global meshVisible
- global uniqueInt
- global toglPane
- if {[array size meshVisible] < 2} {
- tk_dialog .err "scanalyze"
- "You must have at least two meshes loaded
- to perform registration." "" 0 Ok
- return
- }
- toplevel .reg
- set which [frame .reg.which]
- set meshFrom [eval tk_optionMenu $which.mFrom regCorrespFrom bogus]
- set meshTo [eval tk_optionMenu $which.mTo regCorrespTo bogus]
- $which.mFrom config -pady 4
- $which.mTo config -pady 4
- set winid 1
- foreach meshMenu "$meshFrom $meshTo" {
- listRegMeshes $meshMenu
- bindCorrespRegMeshSelector $meshMenu $uniqueInt
- set winId$winid $uniqueInt
- incr winid
- incr uniqueInt
- bind $meshMenu <Shift-ButtonRelease> {
- set chosenMesh [eval %W entrycget active -value]
- createAlignmentView $uniqueInt $chosenMesh ""
- incr uniqueInt
- tkMenuUnpost {}
- break
- }
- }
- label $which.lFrom -text Align
- button $which.swap -text "<->" -padx 3
- -command "swap regCorrespFrom regCorrespTo"
- button $which.sync -text "Sync"
- -command {
- refreshCorrespMeshList $meshFrom $winId1 $meshTo $winId2
- syncRegMeshes $meshFrom $meshTo
- } -pady 1
- checkbutton $which.vis -text "Only visible"
- -variable correspRegHideInvisible
- -command "refreshCorrespMeshList $meshFrom $winId1 $meshTo $winId2"
- button $ -text "Help..."
- -command correspRegHelp -pady 1
- pack $which.lFrom $which.mFrom $which.swap $which.mTo -side left
- pack $ $which.vis $which.sync -side right
- frame .reg.lines
- listbox .reg.lines.list -height 6 -borderwidth 2
- -yscrollcommand ".reg.lines.scroll set"
- scrollbar .reg.lines.scroll -command ".reg.lines.list yview"
- pack .reg.lines.list -side left -fill both -expand true
- pack .reg.lines.scroll -side right -fill y
- # I want to just add some script to the existing Listbox binding,
- # but this doesn't seem to be possible given the Tcl difference
- # between substitutions inside "" and {} -- bind needs "" to work
- # with %W, but the rest of the script needs {} to work with the
- # temporary variables. ARGH.
- bind .reg.lines.list <ButtonRelease-1> {
- set oldSel [extractMeshesInCorrespondence .reg.lines.list]
- # eval [bind Listbox <ButtonRelease-1>]
- tkCancelRepeat
- %W activate @%x,%y
- set newSel [extractMeshesInCorrespondence .reg.lines.list]
- refreshMeshesInCorrespondences [concat $oldSel $newSel]
- }
- # set listboxScript [bind Listbox <ButtonRelease-1>]
- # bind .reg.lines.list <ButtonRelease-1> "
- # set oldSel [extractMeshesInCorrespondence %W]
- # $listboxScript
- # set newSel [extractMeshesInCorrespondence %W]
- # refreshMeshesInCorrespondences [concat $oldSel $newSel]
- # "
- frame
- button -text "Register meshes:"
- -command {
- plv_registerCorresp .regLayout.togl $correspRegMode
- $regCorrespFrom $regCorrespTo
- redraw 1
- .regLayout.togl render
- } -pady 0
- globalset correspRegMode from2to
- radiobutton -text "From to To"
- -variable correspRegMode -value from2to
- radiobutton -text "From to All"
- -variable correspRegMode -value from2all
- radiobutton -text "All to all"
- -variable correspRegMode -value all2all
- pack
- -side left -fill x
- frame .reg.sel
- button .reg.sel.delete -text "Delete selected"
- -command {
- if {[string compare [.reg.lines.list cursel] ""] != 0} {
- DeleteRegCorrespondence .regLayout.togl
- [.reg.lines.list get active]
- refreshMeshesInCorrespondence
- [extractMeshesInCorrespondence .reg.lines.list]
- .reg.lines.list delete active
- }
- } -pady 0
- button .reg.sel.deselect -text "Deselect"
- -command { deselectSelectedCorrespondence } -pady 0
- checkbutton .reg.sel.colorPts -text "Color points"
- -variable correspRegColorPoints
- -command { plv_correspRegParms .regLayout.togl
- colorpoints $correspRegColorPoints
- refreshCorrespRegWindows * }
- pack .reg.sel.delete .reg.sel.deselect .reg.sel.colorPts
- -side left -anchor w -padx 4
- text .reg.halfDone -wrap none -height 1 -exportselection false
- -foreground ForestGreen
- .reg.halfDone config -state disabled
- pack .reg.which -side top -fill x
- pack .reg.lines -side top -anchor w -fill both -expand true
- pack .reg.sel -side top -anchor w -fill x
- pack -side top -anchor w -fill x
- pack .reg.halfDone -side right -anchor e
- wm title .reg "Interactive mesh registration -- correspondences"
- wm geometry .reg 500x300+0+0
- window_Register .reg
- createAlignmentOverview 500x300+524+0
- createAlignmentView $winId1 "" 500x450+0+372
- createAlignmentView $winId2 "" 500x450+524+372
- bind .reg <Unmap> { showCorrespRegWindows 0 }
- bind .reg <Map> { showCorrespRegWindows 1 }
- wm protocol .reg WM_DELETE_WINDOW destroyCorrespRegUI
- syncRegMeshes $meshFrom $meshTo 0 0
- }
- proc refreshCorrespMeshList {meshFrom winId1 meshTo winId2} {
- global correspRegHideInvisible
- listRegMeshes [list $meshFrom $meshTo] $correspRegHideInvisible
- bindCorrespRegMeshSelector $meshFrom $winId1
- bindCorrespRegMeshSelector $meshTo $winId2
- }
- proc bindCorrespRegMeshSelector {meshlist windowid} {
- set len [$meshlist index end]
- for {set i 3} {$i <= $len} {incr i} {
- set mesh [$meshlist entrycget $i -label]
- $meshlist entryconfigure $i
- -command "resetAlignmentView $windowid $mesh"
- }
- }
- proc invokeActiveMesh {meshlist} {
- menuInvokeByName $meshlist [globalset theMesh]
- }
- proc activateMeshFromVariable {var} {
- globalset theMesh [globalset $var]
- }
- proc listRegMeshes {meshlistlist {onlyvis 0}} {
- set names [getSortedMeshList $onlyvis]
- foreach meshlist $meshlistlist {
- set var [lindex [$meshlist entryconfig 3 -variable] 4]
- $meshlist delete 0 end
- $meshlist add command -label "Select active mesh"
- -command "invokeActiveMesh $meshlist"
- $meshlist add command -label "Activate selected mesh"
- -command "activateMeshFromVariable $var"
- $meshlist add separator
- set count 3
- set max 35
- foreach name $names {
- set color [GetMeshFalseColor $name]
- if {[expr $count % $max] == 0} {
- set cb 1
- } else {
- set cb 0
- }
- incr count
- $meshlist add radiobutton -label $name
- -variable $var -value $name
- -foreground $color -activebackground $color
- -columnbreak $cb
- }
- if {[llength $names] == 0} {
- $meshlist add radiobutton -label "No eligible meshes!"
- -variable $var -state disabled
- }
- }
- }
- proc syncRegMeshes {meshFrom meshTo {relist 0} {warn 1}} {
- if {$relist != 0} {
- # refresh mesh list
- listRegMeshes "$meshFrom $meshTo" [expr $relist - 1]
- }
- # now try to select the 2 visible meshes
- set vis [getVisibleMeshes]
- if {[llength $vis] != 2} {
- if {$warn} {
- tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error
- -message "Must have exactly 2 meshes visible to sync"
- -parent $meshFrom
- } else {
- # instead of failing, we're supposed to silently do our best.
- # so select theMesh as first mesh, and anything else as second
- set ind [menuInvokeByName $meshFrom [globalset theMesh]]
- if {$ind == 3} {
- $meshTo invoke 4
- } else {
- $meshTo invoke 3
- }
- }
- return 0
- }
- # if either is the current mesh, make it the "from" mesh
- if {[globalset theMesh] == [lindex $vis 1]} {
- set vis [list [lindex $vis 1] [lindex $vis 0]]
- }
- set loop {{meshFrom 0} {meshTo 1}}
- foreach entry $loop {
- set meshMenu [set [lindex $entry 0]]
- set ind [lindex $entry 1]
- set name [lindex $vis $ind]
- menuInvokeByName $meshMenu $name
- }
- return 1
- }
- proc correspRegHelp {} {
- toplevel .help
- text .help.instruct -wrap word -exportselection false
- .help.instruct insert end "Choose two meshes from the dropdown menus.
- If you want more than two mesh views, hold shift as you
- select a mesh name.nn
- Left-click a point in each mesh view to begin a correspondence;
- middle button completes the correspondence and right button
- cancels it.nn
- Selecting a correspondence from the listbox will highlight it;
- you can now delete it, or modify or delete individual points
- by clicking in individual mesh views.nn
- To manipulate the meshes with a trackball, hold down the
- Alt key."
- .help.instruct config -state disabled
- pack .help.instruct -fill both -expand true
- }
- proc extractMeshesInCorrespondence {widget {corresp ""}} {
- # if we're passed a widget and no correspondence, extract correspondence
- if {0 == [string compare $corresp ""]} {
- # if there is one
- if {0 == [string compare "" [$widget cursel]]} {
- return ""
- }
- set corresp [$widget get active]
- }
- set meshes ""
- for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $corresp]} {set i [expr $i + 2]} {
- set mesh [lindex $corresp $i]
- set mesh [string range $mesh 0 [expr [string first : $mesh] - 1]]
- set meshes [concat $meshes $mesh]
- }
- return $meshes
- }
- proc refreshMeshesInCorrespondences {meshes} {
- foreach mesh $meshes {
- set meshNames($mesh) 1
- }
- # use names as keys in associative array, then extract names, to
- # discard duplicates
- foreach mesh [array names meshNames] {
- if {0 != [string compare $mesh ""]} {
- refreshCorrespRegWindows $mesh
- }
- }
- }
- proc deselectSelectedCorrespondence {} {
- set meshes [getListboxSelection .reg.lines.list]
- .reg.lines.list selection clear 0 end
- if {$meshes != ""} {
- refreshMeshesInCorrespondences
- [extractMeshesInCorrespondence "" $meshes]
- }
- }
- proc rebuildSelectedCorrespondenceString {} {
- set index [.reg.lines.list cursel]
- if {$index == ""} {
- return
- }
- set sel [.reg.lines.list get $index]
- set id [getCorrespondenceIndex $sel]
- set sel [GetCorrespondenceInfo .regLayout.togl $id]
- .reg.lines.list insert $index $sel
- .reg.lines.list delete [expr $index + 1]
- .reg.lines.list selection clear 0 end
- .reg.lines.list selection set $index
- }
- proc refreshCorrespRegWindows {mesh} {
- global correspRegWindows
- foreach window [array names correspRegWindows] {
- set thisMesh $correspRegWindows($window)
- if {$mesh == $thisMesh || $mesh == "*"} {
- $window.togl render
- }
- }
- if {$mesh == "*"} {
- .regLayout.togl render
- }
- }
- proc showCorrespRegWindows {bShow} {
- global correspRegWindows
- foreach window [concat .regLayout [array names correspRegWindows]] {
- if {[string compare $bShow 0] == 0} {
- wm withdraw $window
- } else {
- wm deiconify $window
- }
- }
- }
- proc destroyCorrespRegUI {} {
- # delete dependent windows
- global correspRegWindows
- foreach window [array names correspRegWindows] {
- destroy $window
- }
- unset correspRegWindows
- # then delete master windows
- wm protocol .reg WM_DELETE_WINDOW {}
- wm protocol .regLayout WM_DELETE_WINDOW {}
- destroy .reg
- destroy .regLayout
- # don't let user accidentally destroy alignment
- globalset theMover viewer
- }
- proc createAlignmentOverview {geometry} {
- toplevel .regLayout
- togl .regLayout.togl
- -rgba true -double true -depth true -accum true -overlay false
- -ident .regLayout.togl
- pack .regLayout.togl -fill both -expand 1
- wm title .regLayout "Interactive mesh registration -- layout"
- wm geometry .regLayout $geometry
- window_Register .regLayout
- bindToglToAlignmentOverview .regLayout.togl
- wm protocol .regLayout WM_DELETE_WINDOW destroyCorrespRegUI
- }
- proc createAlignmentView {viewName meshName geometry} {
- set view [toplevel .regMesh$viewName]
- togl $view.togl
- -rgba true -double true -depth true -accum true
- -ident $view.togl -time 30
- resetAlignmentView $viewName $meshName
- pack $view.togl -fill both -expand 1
- if {$geometry != ""} {
- wm geometry $view $geometry
- }
- bind $view.togl <Alt-ButtonPress-1>
- "RegUIMouse $view.togl 1 %x %y %t start"
- bind $view.togl <Alt-B1-Motion>
- "RegUIMouse $view.togl 0 %x %y %t"
- bind $view.togl <Alt-ButtonRelease-1>
- "RegUIMouse $view.togl 1 %x %y %t stop"
- bind $view.togl <Alt-ButtonPress-2>
- "RegUIMouse $view.togl 2 %x %y %t start"
- bind $view.togl <Alt-B2-Motion>
- "RegUIMouse $view.togl 0 %x %y %t"
- bind $view.togl <Alt-ButtonRelease-2>
- "RegUIMouse $view.togl 2 %x %y %t stop"
- global cursor
- $view config -cursor "diamond_cross$cursor(Fore)$cursor(Back)"
- bind $view <KeyPress-Alt_L>
- "%W.togl config -cursor "$cursor(CurvedHand)$cursor(Fore)""
- bind $view <KeyRelease-Alt_L>
- "%W.togl config -cursor "diamond_cross$cursor(Fore)$cursor(Back)""
- # enter bindings, in case you cross window boundary with Alt down
- bind $view <Enter>
- "%W config -cursor "diamond_cross$cursor(Fore)$cursor(Back)""
- bind $view <Alt-Enter>
- "%W config -cursor "$cursor(CurvedHand)$cursor(Fore)""
- bind $view.togl <ButtonPress-1>
- "clickCorrespondence $view.togl .regLayout.togl %x %y"
- bind $view.togl <ButtonPress-2>
- "completeCorrespondence .regLayout.togl"
- bind $view.togl <ButtonPress-3>
- "completeCorrespondence .regLayout.togl delete"
- bind $view <Destroy> {+alignmentViewWentAway %W}
- }
- proc alignmentViewWentAway {widget} {
- # ignore duplicates -- only the toplevel counts
- if {0 != [string last . $widget]} { return }
- global correspRegWindows
- unset correspRegWindows($widget)
- }
- proc resetAlignmentView {viewName meshName} {
- global correspRegWindows
- set view ".regMesh$viewName"
- bindToglToAlignmentView $view.togl $meshName
- set correspRegWindows($view) $meshName
- wm title $view "$meshName -- registration (Alt to trackball)"
- bind $view <KeyPress-period> "setMeshResolution $meshName higher"
- bind $view <KeyPress-comma> "setMeshResolution $meshName lower"
- }
- proc clickCorrespondence {togl toglOV x y} {
- set mesh [AddPartialRegCorrespondence $togl $toglOV $x $y]
- if {[string compare $mesh ""] == 0} {
- beep
- puts "clicked on nothing"
- return
- }
- .reg.halfDone config -state normal
- set meshPos [.reg.halfDone search $mesh 1.0]
- if {$meshPos == ""} {
- # otherwise, it's already in the list
- .reg.halfDone insert end "$mesh "
- .reg.halfDone xview moveto 1
- } else {
- set total [.reg.halfDone index "1.0 lineend"]
- set total [string range $total 2 end]
- set meshPos [string range $meshPos 2 end]
- .reg.halfDone xview moveto [expr $meshPos.0 / $total]
- }
- .reg.halfDone config -state disabled
- }
- proc getCorrespondenceIndex {corresp} {
- set index [lindex $corresp 0]
- set index [string range $index
- [expr [string first [ $index] + 1]
- [expr [string last ] $index] - 1]]
- return $index
- }
- proc completeCorrespondence {toglOV {delete ""}} {
- # deselect any selection
- deselectSelectedCorrespondence
- # update C++ data structures
- set corresp [ConfirmRegCorrespondence $toglOV $delete]
- set index [getCorrespondenceIndex $corresp]
- # if it wasn't cancelled
- if {$index != 0} {
- # and list it in listbox
- .reg.lines.list insert end $corresp
- }
- # update the views that are affected
- update
- refreshMeshesInCorrespondences
- [extractMeshesInCorrespondence "" $corresp]
- .reg.halfDone config -state normal
- .reg.halfDone delete 1.0 end
- .reg.halfDone config -state disabled
- }
- ######################################################################
- #
- # ICP Degistration UI
- #
- ######################################################################
- proc _reg_check2meshes { mfrom mto } {
- if {$mfrom == $mto} {
- tk_messageBox -type ok -icon error -parent .regICP
- -message "Please select two meshes"
- return 0
- }
- global meshVisible
- if {[lsearch [array names meshVisible] $mfrom] < 0 ||
- [lsearch [array names meshVisible] $mto] < 0 ||
- !$meshVisible($mfrom) || !$meshVisible($mto)} {
- set warn "Warning: attempting to register mesh that is not"
- set warn "$warn visible; sync first?"
- set res [tk_messageBox -message $warn -parent .regICP
- -type yesnocancel -default yes -icon warning]
- if {$res == "cancel"} {
- return 0
- } elseif {$res == "yes"} {
- .regICP.which.sync invoke
- if {[lsearch [array names meshVisible] $mfrom] < 0 ||
- [lsearch [array names meshVisible] $mto] < 0 ||
- !$meshVisible($mfrom) || !$meshVisible($mto)} {
- return 0
- }
- }
- }
- return 1
- }
- proc doICP { samp normsamp n culling_percentage no_bdry opt_method
- mfrom mto thr_kind thr_val save_global gr_max_pairs qual} {
- if {![_reg_check2meshes $mfrom $mto]} {
- return
- }
- .regICP config -cursor watch
- cursor watch
- if {$thr_kind == "rel"} {
- set thr_val [expr $thr_val / 100.0]
- }
- set err [plv_icpregister $samp $normsamp $n $culling_percentage $no_bdry
- $opt_method $mfrom $mto $thr_kind $thr_val $save_global
- $gr_max_pairs $qual]
- redraw 1
- .regICP config -cursor ""
- config -text $err
- .regICP.gr_frm.qual config -state active
- cursor restore
- }
- proc updateFromAndToMeshNames {} {
- if {![window_Activate .regICP]} { return }
- # do nothing if the ICP window is closed
- set names [getMeshList]
- if {[llength $names] == 0} { return }
- # i.e. do nothing if all the meshes have been deleted
- syncRegMeshes 1 0
- # calls syncRegMeshes to refresh the menus so that the current
- # selections for the from and to mesh are valid choices
- }
- proc ICPdialog {} {
- global regICPFrom regICPTo
- set names [getMeshList]
- if {[expr [llength $names] < 2]} {
- puts "You need at least two meshes to register"
- return
- }
- if {[window_Activate .regICP]} { return }
- toplevel .regICP
- # Instruction message
- message .regICP.instruct -aspect 1000
- -text "Choose two meshes in the menus"
- -justify left
- pack .regICP.instruct -side top -anchor w
- # option menu for mesh names
- set which [frame .regICP.which]
- set meshFrom [eval tk_optionMenu $which.mFrom regICPFrom bogus]
- set meshTo [eval tk_optionMenu $which.mTo regICPTo bogus]
- syncRegMeshes $meshFrom $meshTo 1 0
- $meshFrom config -postcommand "refreshICPRegMeshes $meshFrom"
- $meshTo config -postcommand "refreshICPRegMeshes $meshTo"
- label $which.lFrom -text Align -padx 3
- button $which.swap -text "<->" -padx 3
- -command "swap regICPFrom regICPTo"
- button $which.sync -text "Sync"
- -command "refreshICPRegMeshes {$meshFrom $meshTo} sync"
- checkbutton $which.vis -text "Only visible"
- -variable icpRegListsVisOnly -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0
- pack $which.lFrom $which.mFrom $which.swap $which.mTo -side left
- pack $which.sync $which.vis -side right
- pack $which -side top -anchor w
- # scales
- set scl_frm [frame .regICP.scl_frm
- -borderwidth 4 -relief ridge]
- # scale for the sampling rate
- set lbl_wdth 13
- set samp [frame $scl_frm.samp]
- label $samp.scl_label -text "Sampling rate"
- -width $lbl_wdth -anchor w -padx 3
- scale $samp.scl
- -from .01 -to 1 -resolution .01
- -variable regSample
- -orient horizontal
- -length 150
- $samp.scl set .10
- pack $samp -side top -expand true -fill x
- pack $samp.scl_label -side left -anchor sw
- pack $samp.scl -side right -expand true -fill x
- # scale for the number of iterations
- set iter [frame $scl_frm.iter]
- label $iter.scl_label -text "Iterations"
- -width $lbl_wdth -anchor w -padx 3
- scale $iter.scl
- -from 0 -to 20
- -variable regIterations
- -orient horizontal
- $iter.scl set 3
- pack $iter -side top -expand true -fill x
- pack $iter.scl_label -side left -anchor sw
- pack $iter.scl -side right -expand true -fill x
- # scale for the max relative edge length
- set culling [frame $scl_frm.culling]
- label $culling.scl_label -text "Cull Percentage"
- -width $lbl_wdth -anchor w -padx 3
- scale $culling.scl
- -from 0 -to 99
- -variable cullingPercentage
- -orient horizontal
- $culling.scl set 3
- pack $culling -side top -expand true -fill x
- pack $culling.scl_label -side left -anchor sw
- pack $culling.scl -side right -expand true -fill x
- # make a frame for thresholds
- set thr_frm [frame .regICP.scl_frm.thr_frm]
- # radio buttons
- label $thr_frm.l -text "Threshold:"
- set thr_radiob [frame $thr_frm.thr_radiob]
- radiobutton $thr_radiob.abs -variable thresh_kind
- -value "abs"
- -text "Absolute (mm)"
- radiobutton $thr_radiob.rel -variable thresh_kind
- -value "rel"
- -text "Relative (% of bbox)"
- $thr_radiob.abs select
- packchildren $thr_radiob -side bottom -anchor w
- # entry field
- entry $thr_frm.entry
- -textvariable dist_threshold_val
- -relief sunken -width 6
- globalset dist_threshold_val 5.0
- packchildren $thr_frm -side left -expand true -fill x
- pack $thr_frm -side top -expand true -fill x
- pack $scl_frm -side top -expand true -fill x
- frame .regICP.opt
- # checkbutton for allowing mesh boundary targets
- checkbutton .regICP.opt.bdry -variable no_bndr_trgt
- -text "Avoid boundary"
- checkbutton .regICP.opt.normspace -variable norm_space_samp
- -text "Normal-space sampling"
- .regICP.opt.bdry select
- checkbutton .regICP.opt.lines -text "Show lines"
- -variable regicpShowLines -command {showIcpLines $regicpShowLines}
- #.regICP.opt.lines select
- showIcpLines 0
- packchildren .regICP.opt -side left
- pack .regICP.opt -side top -anchor w
- # radiobuttons for choosing optimization method
- set rad_frm [frame .regICP.rad_frm
- -borderwidth 4 -relief ridge]
- radiobutton $rad_frm.point -variable opt_method
- -value "point"
- -text "Move points to points"
- radiobutton $rad_frm.plane -variable opt_method
- -value "plane"
- -text "Move points to planes"
- $rad_frm.plane select
- pack $rad_frm.point $rad_frm.plane -side top -anchor w
- pack $rad_frm -side top -expand true -fill x
- # global registration stuff
- set gr_frm [frame .regICP.gr_frm
- -borderwidth 4 -relief ridge]
- checkbutton $gr_frm.l1
- -text "Save data for globalreg, but no more than "
- -variable saveICPForGlobal
- entry $gr_frm.entry
- -textvariable gr_max_pairs
- -relief sunken -width 7
- globalset gr_max_pairs 200
- label $gr_frm.l2 -text " pairs. "
- -width 5 -anchor w -padx 3
- label $gr_frm.l3 -text "Quality:"
- set qualMenu [tk_optionMenu $gr_frm.qual regIcpQuality
- "0 - Unspecified" "1 - Bad" "2 - Fair" "3 - Good"]
- bindCommandToAllMenuItems $qualMenu {
- plv_icpreg_markquality $regICPFrom $regICPTo $regIcpQuality
- }
- globalset regIcpQuality 0
- packchildren $gr_frm -side left
- pack $gr_frm -side top -expand true -fill x
- # button for doing registration
- frame
- button -text "Register meshes"
- -command {
- doICP $regSample $norm_space_samp $regIterations $cullingPercentage
- $no_bndr_trgt $opt_method $regICPFrom $regICPTo
- $thresh_kind $dist_threshold_val $saveICPForGlobal
- $gr_max_pairs $regIcpQuality
- }
- button -text "Register 1 round, 100%"
- -command {
- doICP 1 0 1 $cullingPercentage
- $no_bndr_trgt $opt_method $regICPFrom $regICPTo
- $thresh_kind $dist_threshold_val $saveICPForGlobal
- $gr_max_pairs $regIcpQuality
- }
- button -text "Show histogram"
- -command {
- plv_error_histogram
- $regSample $regIterations $cullingPercentage
- $no_bndr_trgt $opt_method $regICPFrom $regICPTo
- $thresh_kind $dist_threshold_val
- }
- label -text "Last err:"
- label -text "(none)"
- packchildren -side left
- pack -side top -anchor w
- wm title .regICP "ICP registration"
- bind .regICP <Destroy> "+destroyICPDialog %W"
- bind .regICP <KeyPress-space> { invoke}
- window_Register .regICP
- trace variable regICPFrom w regIcpChangeMesh
- trace variable regICPTo w regIcpChangeMesh
- regIcpChangeMesh ignore this arg
- }
- proc regIcpChangeMesh {var1 var2 op} {
- # NOTE: should we always set to 0(unknown) when they switch meshes, or
- # if those meshes are already aligned, should we set it to their old grade?
- globalset regIcpQuality 0
- config -text "(none)"
- set reg [plv_globalreg pairstatus [globalset regICPFrom]
- [globalset regICPTo]]
- if {$reg} {
- .regICP.gr_frm.qual config -state active
- } else {
- .regICP.gr_frm.qual config -state disabled
- }
- }
- proc refreshICPRegMeshes {meshLists {sync 0}} {
- set invis [globalset icpRegListsVisOnly]
- if {$sync != "0"} {
- if {[llength $meshLists] != 2} {
- tk_messageBox -message "internal error in arg count!"
- return
- }
- eval syncRegMeshes $meshLists [expr 1 + $invis]
- } else {
- listRegMeshes $meshLists $invis
- }
- }
- proc destroyICPDialog {widget} {
- if {$widget != ".regICP"} {
- return
- }
- global regICPFrom
- global regICPTo
- trace vdelete regICPFrom w regIcpChangeMesh
- trace vdelete regICPTo w regIcpChangeMesh
- showIcpLines 0
- }
- proc showIcpLines {show} {
- plv_showicplines $show
- redraw 1
- }
- proc globalRegDeleteDialog {} {
- set grd [toplevel .globalregdel]
- wm resizable $grd 0 0
- wm title $grd "Delete from globalreg"
- button $grd.all -text "Clear all registration pairs!"
- -command "plv_globalreg reset"
- button $grd.current -text "Clear all pairs involving current mesh"
- -command {plv_globalreg killpair [globalset theMesh] *}
- button $grd.these -text "Clear pair selected in ICP dialog"
- -command {plv_globalreg killpair
- [globalset regICPFrom] [globalset regICPTo]}
- set f [frame $grd.f1]
- set fb [frame $f.fb]
- button $fb.b1 -text "Clear all"
- -command { plv_globalreg deleteautopairs $auto_del_thrsh }
- button $fb.b2
- -text "Clear current mesh's"
- -command {
- plv_globalreg deleteautopairs $auto_del_thrsh $theMesh
- }
- packchildren $fb -side top -fill x -expand 1
- label $ -text "auto pairs greater than"
- entry $f.entry
- -textvariable auto_del_thrsh
- -relief sunken -width 6
- globalset auto_del_thrsh 1.0
- packchildren $f -side left -fill x -expand 1
- button $grd.cancel -text "Close" -command "destroy $grd"
- packchildren $grd -side top -fill x -expand 1
- }
- proc chooseICP {a b} {
- global regICPTo regICPFrom
- set regICPFrom $a
- set regICPTo $b
- ICPdialog
- showAllMeshes 0
- showMesh $a
- showMesh $b
- }
- proc badAlignDialog {str} {
- if {[winfo exists .badalign]} {
- destroy .badalign
- }
- set bad [toplevel .badalign]
- wm resizable $bad 0 0
- wm title $bad "Bad aligns"
- set l [split $str]
- for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $l]} {incr i 4} {
- if {[expr $i + 3] < [llength $l]} {
- button $bad.$i
- -text [join [lrange $l $i [expr $i + 3]]]
- -command "chooseICP [lindex $l [expr $i + 0]] [lindex $l [expr $i + 1]]"
- }
- }
- packchildren $bad -side top -fill x -expand 1
- }