- //############################################################
- // KDtritree.cc
- // Kari Pulli
- // 11/19/98
- //############################################################
- #include "KDtritree.h"
- #include "Bbox.h"
- #include "Median.h"
- static Median<float> med;
- static int
- mediansort(KDsphere *data, int n,
- int dim, float med)
- {
- // move values <= med to left, the rest to right
- int left = 0, right = n-1;
- while (1) {
- while (data[left].ctr[dim] <= med && right > left) left++;
- while (data[right].ctr[dim] > med && right > left) right--;
- KDsphere tmp = data[left]; // swap
- data[left] = data[right]; data[right] = tmp;
- if (left == right) {
- if (data[right].ctr[dim] <= med) right++;
- break;
- }
- left++;
- }
- return right;
- }
- void
- KDtritree::collapse_spheres(void)
- {
- float cdist = dist(child[0]->ctr, child[1]->ctr);
- if (cdist + child[0]->radius < child[1]->radius) {
- ctr = child[1]->ctr;
- radius = child[1]->radius;
- } else if (cdist + child[1]->radius < child[0]->radius) {
- ctr = child[0]->ctr;
- radius = child[0]->radius;
- } else {
- // OK, find the new bounding sphere
- radius = 0.5 * (cdist + child[0]->radius + child[1]->radius);
- float t = (radius - child[0]->radius) / cdist;
- ctr.lerp(t, child[0]->ctr, child[1]->ctr);
- }
- }
- KDtritree::KDtritree(const Pnt3 *pts, const int *triinds,
- KDsphere *spheres, int n, int first)
- {
- int i;
- if (n > 1) {
- // find the dimension of maximum range (of sphere centers)
- Bbox bbox;
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) bbox.add(spheres[i].ctr);
- Pnt3 diag = bbox.max(); diag -= bbox.min();
- if (diag[2] > diag[1] && diag[2] > diag[0]) ind = 2;
- else ind = diag[1] > diag[0];
- if (diag.norm2() == 0.0) {
- /*
- // all the spheres have same center?
- cerr << "KDtritree Warning: several triangles with the "
- << "same center?!?" << endl;
- SHOW(diag);
- SHOW(n);
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- SHOW(spheres[i].ctr);
- SHOW(spheres[i].radius);
- }
- */
- n = 1;
- }
- }
- if (n > 1) {
- #define DATA(i) spheres[i].ctr[ind]
- // find the median within that dimension
- med.clear();
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) med += DATA(i);
- split = med.find();
- int right = mediansort(spheres, n, ind, split);
- if (right == n) {
- // the median is also the largest, need new "median"
- // find the next largest item for that
- float nm = -9.e33;
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- if (DATA(i) != split && DATA(i) > nm) nm = DATA(i);
- }
- right = mediansort(spheres, n, ind, (split=nm));
- }
- assert(right != 0 && right != n);
- #undef DATA
- // recurse
- child[0] = new KDtritree(pts, triinds, spheres, right, 0);
- child[1] = new KDtritree(pts, triinds, &spheres[right], n-right, 0);
- collapse_spheres();
- } else {
- // leaf, store data here
- ind = spheres->ind;
- ctr = spheres->ctr;
- radius = spheres->radius;
- child[0] = child[1] = NULL;
- }
- if (first) med.zap(); // release memory after the tree's done
- }
- KDtritree::~KDtritree(void)
- {
- delete child[0];
- delete child[1];
- }
- void
- KDtritree::_search(const Pnt3 *pts, const int *inds,
- const Pnt3 &p, Pnt3 &cp, float &d2) const
- {
- if (child[0] == NULL) {
- // terminal node, check the triangle and return
- closer_on_tri(p, cp, pts[inds[ind]],
- pts[inds[ind+1]],
- pts[inds[ind+2]], d2);
- return;
- }
- assert(child[1]);
- if (p[ind] <= split) {
- // can the left subtree contain anything interesting?
- if (spheres_intersect(p, child[0]->ctr, d2, child[0]->radius))
- child[0]->_search(pts, inds, p, cp, d2);
- // can the right subtree contain anything interesting?
- if (spheres_intersect(p, child[1]->ctr, d2, child[1]->radius))
- child[1]->_search(pts, inds, p, cp, d2);
- } else {
- // can the right subtree contain anything interesting?
- if (spheres_intersect(p, child[1]->ctr, d2, child[1]->radius))
- child[1]->_search(pts, inds, p, cp, d2);
- // can the left subtree contain anything interesting?
- if (spheres_intersect(p, child[0]->ctr, d2, child[0]->radius))
- child[0]->_search(pts, inds, p, cp, d2);
- }
- }
- KDtritree *
- create_KDtritree(const Pnt3 *pts, const int *inds, int n)
- {
- assert(n%3==0);
- // first, create as many spheres as there are triangles
- int ns = n/3;
- KDsphere *spheres = new KDsphere[ns];
- for (int i=0; i<ns; i++) {
- int ti = i*3;
- spheres[i].radius =
- spheres[i].ctr.smallest_circle(pts[inds[ti]],
- pts[inds[ti+1]],
- pts[inds[ti+2]]);
- spheres[i].ind = ti;
- //SHOW(spheres[i].radius);
- //SHOW(spheres[i].ctr);
- }
- KDtritree *ret = new KDtritree(pts, inds, spheres, ns, 1);
- delete[] spheres;
- return ret;
- }