- //############################################################
- //
- //
- //
- // Kari Pulli
- // Fri Dec 11 11:40:42 CET 1998
- //
- // Class for transforming raw Cyberware data (the Digital
- // Michelangelo scanner) into 3D, as well as projecting
- // 3D points into scans
- //
- //############################################################
- #include "CyberXform.h"
- #include "CyberCalib.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <iostream.h>
- #include <fstream.h>
- #ifdef WIN32
- # include "defines.h"
- #endif
- #define SHOW(X) cout << #X " = " << X << endl
- static CyberCalib cc; // calibration data
- // and some other calibration
- // data that hasn't been integrated
- // into CyberCalib
- // these numbers come from the CyTemplate-WAG8007.iv file
- // and describe the range of the raw data for y and z
- static int CorrRowOffset = 4;
- static int CorrNumRows = 236;
- static int CorrZOffset = 60;
- static int CorrZSize = 2880;
- static int otableSize = 9;
- // The calibration values and derived calibration constants used
- // by these macros are defined in CyberCalib.h
- // a <- dtssp
- // b <- dtsep
- // c <- offt
- // minscrew <- -6
- // function ang = screw_to_angle(screw, a, b, c, minscrew)
- // ang = angle(a, b, screw-minscrew+c) - angle(a, b, c);
- //
- // function res = angle(a,b,c)
- // % get the angle opposite to c in a triangle a,b,c
- // res = acos((a*a+b*b-c*c)/(2*a*b));
- #define TURN_SCREW_TO_ANGLE(scr)
- (acos((cc.t_h2-((scr)+cc.t_h1)*((scr)+cc.t_h1))*cc.t_h3) - cc.t_h4)
- #define NOD_SCREW_TO_ANGLE(scr)
- (acos((cc.n_h2-((scr)+cc.n_h1)*((scr)+cc.n_h1))*cc.n_h3) - cc.n_h4)
- #define SCREW_TO_ANGLE(scr)
- (acos((_h2-((scr)+_h1)*((scr)+_h1))*_h3) - _h4)
- #define ANGLE_TO_SCREW(ang)
- (sqrtf(_h2 - cos(ang+_h4)/_h3) - _h1)
- static float corners[4][2] = {
- { CorrRowOffset*2, CorrZOffset },
- { (CorrRowOffset+CorrNumRows)*2, CorrZOffset },
- { CorrRowOffset*2, CorrZOffset+CorrZSize },
- { (CorrRowOffset+CorrNumRows)*2, CorrZOffset+CorrZSize }
- };
- // the answer is laser_ctr_in_laser_coords() = [0 18.9049 -1215.23]
- Pnt3
- CyberXform::laser_ctr_in_laser_coords(void)
- {
- Pnt3 a(0, corners[0][0], corners[0][1]);
- Pnt3 b(0, corners[1][0], corners[1][1]);
- Pnt3 c(0, corners[2][0], corners[2][1]);
- Pnt3 d(0, corners[3][0], corners[3][1]);
- raw_to_laser(a);
- raw_to_laser(b);
- raw_to_laser(c);
- raw_to_laser(d);
- Pnt3 ans;
- bool ok = lines_intersect(a,c,b,d, ans);
- assert(ok);
- return ans;
- }
- void
- CyberXform::bounds_for_circle_on_laser_in_raw(float ly, float lz, float r,
- short ywin[2], short zwin[2])
- {
- Xform<double> laser_to_raw = raw_to_laser;
- laser_to_raw.invert();
- //SHOW("...");
- // need to convert from laser coordinates back to raw
- Pnt3 p(0, ly+r, lz);
- //SHOW(p);
- laser_to_raw(p);
- //SHOW(p);
- ywin[0] = ywin[1] = p[1];
- zwin[0] = zwin[1] = p[2];
- p.set(0, ly-r, lz);
- //SHOW(p);
- laser_to_raw(p);
- //SHOW(p);
- if (ywin[0] > p[1]) ywin[0] = p[1];
- else if (ywin[1] < p[1]) ywin[1] = p[1];
- if (zwin[0] > p[2]) zwin[0] = p[2];
- else if (zwin[1] < p[2]) zwin[1] = p[2];
- p.set(0, ly, lz+r);
- //SHOW(p);
- laser_to_raw(p);
- //SHOW(p);
- if (ywin[0] > p[1]) ywin[0] = p[1];
- else if (ywin[1] < p[1]) ywin[1] = p[1];
- if (zwin[0] > p[2]) zwin[0] = p[2];
- else if (zwin[1] < p[2]) zwin[1] = p[2];
- p.set(0, ly, lz-r);
- //SHOW(p);
- laser_to_raw(p);
- //SHOW(p);
- if (ywin[0] > p[1]) ywin[0] = p[1];
- else if (ywin[1] < p[1]) ywin[1] = p[1];
- if (zwin[0] > p[2]) zwin[0] = p[2];
- else if (zwin[1] < p[2]) zwin[1] = p[2];
- //SHOW(ywin[0]);
- //SHOW(ywin[1]);
- //SHOW(zwin[0]);
- //SHOW(zwin[1]);
- }
- // with the current optical transform, the raw z grows toward
- // scanner, the laser z grows away from it
- // raw and laser y behave more nicely
- void
- CyberXform::setup(bool vscan, bool tup, int tconf, bool tright,
- float hor_trans, float screw, float vert_trans)
- {
- vertical_scan = vscan;
- // the transformation goes as follows:
- // first, apply the optical correction to the data
- // (the raw data comes in two shorts,
- // y [8,479] and z [60,2939])
- // then, apply the optical frame transform
- // then, apply the nod,
- // then, apply the turn,
- // finally, translate
- // only the nod is variable, all the rest can be
- // collapsed (optical correction and opt. frame xform,
- // turn and translate)
- // get the optical transformation first
- // map the raw data to range [1,otableSize]
- double scaley = float(otableSize-1) / (2*CorrNumRows-1);
- double scalez = float(otableSize-1) / (CorrZSize-1);
- raw_to_laser.identity();
- // remove offset
- raw_to_laser.translate(0.0,
- - (2*CorrRowOffset),
- - CorrZOffset);
- // scale to [0..scale]
- raw_to_laser.scale(1.0, scaley, scalez);
- // move up by one
- raw_to_laser.translate(0., 1., 1.);
- // do the optical table correction
- raw_to_laser *= Xform<double>(cc.A);
- // do the laser-to-nod frame transformation
- laser_to_scanaxis = Xform<double>(cc.opt_frm_v);
- scanaxis_to_horz.identity();
- if (vertical_scan) {
- _h1 = cc.n_h1; _h2 = cc.n_h2; _h3 = cc.n_h3; _h4 = cc.n_h4;
- axdir[0] = cc.axnod[0]; axdir[1] = cc.axnod[1]; axdir[2] = cc.axnod[2];
- ax0[0] = cc.axnod0[0]; ax0[1] = cc.axnod0[1]; ax0[2] = cc.axnod0[2];
- scanaxis_to_horz.rot(TURN_SCREW_TO_ANGLE(screw),
- cc.axturn[0], cc.axturn[1], cc.axturn[2],
- cc.axturn0[0], cc.axturn0[1], cc.axturn0[2]);
- } else {
- _h1 = cc.t_h1; _h2 = cc.t_h2; _h3 = cc.t_h3; _h4 = cc.t_h4;
- axdir[0] = cc.axturn[0];axdir[1] = cc.axturn[1];axdir[2] = cc.axturn[2];
- ax0[0] = cc.axturn0[0]; ax0[1] = cc.axturn0[1]; ax0[2] = cc.axturn0[2];
- laser_to_scanaxis *= Xform<double>(cc.opt_frm_h);
- laser_to_scanaxis.rot(NOD_SCREW_TO_ANGLE(screw),
- cc.axnod[0], cc.axnod[1], cc.axnod[2],
- cc.axnod0[0], cc.axnod0[1], cc.axnod0[2]);
- }
- // Add translation
- if (!tright) tup = !tup;
- if (tup) {
- if (tconf == 1) {
- scanaxis_to_horz.translate(hor_trans * cc.arm_up1[0],
- hor_trans * cc.arm_up1[1],
- hor_trans * cc.arm_up1[2] );
- } else if (tconf == 2) {
- scanaxis_to_horz.translate(hor_trans * cc.arm_up2[0],
- hor_trans * cc.arm_up2[1],
- hor_trans * cc.arm_up2[2] );
- } else if (tconf == 3) {
- scanaxis_to_horz.translate(hor_trans * cc.arm_up3[0],
- hor_trans * cc.arm_up3[1],
- hor_trans * cc.arm_up3[2] );
- } else {
- scanaxis_to_horz.translate(hor_trans * cc.arm_up4[0],
- hor_trans * cc.arm_up4[1],
- hor_trans * cc.arm_up4[2] );
- }
- } else {
- if (tconf == 1) {
- scanaxis_to_horz.translate(hor_trans * cc.arm_down1[0],
- hor_trans * cc.arm_down1[1],
- hor_trans * cc.arm_down1[2] );
- } else if (tconf == 2) {
- scanaxis_to_horz.translate(hor_trans * cc.arm_down2[0],
- hor_trans * cc.arm_down2[1],
- hor_trans * cc.arm_down2[2] );
- } else if (tconf == 3) {
- scanaxis_to_horz.translate(hor_trans * cc.arm_down3[0],
- hor_trans * cc.arm_down3[1],
- hor_trans * cc.arm_down3[2] );
- } else {
- scanaxis_to_horz.translate(hor_trans * cc.arm_down4[0],
- hor_trans * cc.arm_down4[1],
- hor_trans * cc.arm_down4[2] );
- }
- }
- scanaxis_to_horz.translate(0,0,vert_trans);
- // precalculations for backprojection
- laser_n = &((double *) laser_to_scanaxis)[0];
- laser_t = &((double *) laser_to_scanaxis)[12];
- n_dot_t = laser_n[0]*laser_t[0]+laser_n[1]*laser_t[1]
- +laser_n[2]*laser_t[2];
- // vector s gives the direction of the line that we
- // get when we drop a perpendicular from a 3D point
- // to the nod axis, and rotate it so it cuts the laser
- // plane
- // s = cross(n,nodaxis)
- s[0] = laser_n[1]*axdir[2] - laser_n[2]*axdir[1];
- s[1] = laser_n[2]*axdir[0] - laser_n[0]*axdir[2];
- s[2] = laser_n[0]*axdir[1] - laser_n[1]*axdir[0];
- double sinvlen = 1.0 / sqrt(s[0]*s[0]+s[1]*s[1]+s[2]*s[2]);
- s[0] *= sinvlen; s[1] *= sinvlen; s[2] *= sinvlen;
- q[0] = s[1]*axdir[2] - s[2]*axdir[1];
- q[1] = s[2]*axdir[0] - s[0]*axdir[2];
- q[2] = s[0]*axdir[1] - s[1]*axdir[0];
- n_dot_q = laser_n[0]*q[0]+laser_n[1]*q[1]+laser_n[2]*q[2];
- s_dot_q = s[0]*q[0] + s[1]*q[1] + s[2]*q[2];
- raw_to_scanaxis = laser_to_scanaxis * raw_to_laser;
- raw_to_scanaxis_inv = raw_to_scanaxis;
- raw_to_scanaxis_inv.invert();
- toYZ = (const double *) raw_to_scanaxis_inv;
- // figure out some limits for testing whether a point
- // can project to within the working volume
- axislimit_min = 1.e33; axislimit_max = -axislimit_min;
- axisdist_near = 1.e33; axisdist_far = -1.0;
- for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
- Pnt3 p(0, corners[i][0], corners[i][1]);
- raw_to_scanaxis(p);
- // change to vector from a0 to p
- p[0] -= ax0[0]; p[1] -= ax0[1]; p[2] -= ax0[2];
- float tmp = p[0]*axdir[0] + p[1]*axdir[1] + p[2]*axdir[2];
- if (tmp < axislimit_min) axislimit_min = tmp;
- if (tmp > axislimit_max) axislimit_max = tmp;
- // calculate also the squared distance to the axis
- tmp = dot(p, p) - tmp*tmp; // pythagorean rule
- assert(tmp > 0.0);
- if (tmp < axisdist_near) axisdist_near = tmp;
- if (tmp > axisdist_far ) axisdist_far = tmp;
- }
- axisdist_near = sqrtf(axisdist_near);
- axisdist_far = sqrtf(axisdist_far);
- /*
- SHOW(vertical_scan);
- Pnt3 lzr = laser_ctr_in_laser_coords();
- laser_to_scanaxis(lzr);
- Pnt3 t1 = lzr - Pnt3(ax0);
- float t = dot(t1, Pnt3(axdir));
- SHOW(sqrtf(t1.norm2() - t*t));
- assert(0);
- */
- }
- void
- CyberXform::set_screw(float even_scr, float odd_scr)
- {
- odd_xform = even_xform = raw_to_scanaxis;
- even_xform.rot(SCREW_TO_ANGLE(even_scr),
- axdir[0], axdir[1], axdir[2],
- ax0[0], ax0[1], ax0[2]);
- odd_xform.rot (SCREW_TO_ANGLE(odd_scr),
- axdir[0], axdir[1], axdir[2],
- ax0[0], ax0[1], ax0[2]);
- even_xform *= scanaxis_to_horz;
- odd_xform *= scanaxis_to_horz;
- even_xf = (const double *) even_xform;
- odd_xf = (const double *) odd_xform;
- Xform<double> blah = laser_to_scanaxis;
- blah.rot(SCREW_TO_ANGLE(even_scr),
- axdir[0], axdir[1], axdir[2],
- ax0[0], ax0[1], ax0[2]);
- blah *= scanaxis_to_horz;
- Pnt3 lzr(0, 18.9, -1215.2);
- blah(lzr);
- laser_ctr = lzr;
- }
- void
- CyberXform::set_screw(float even_scr)
- {
- even_xform = raw_to_scanaxis;
- even_xform.rot(SCREW_TO_ANGLE(even_scr),
- axdir[0], axdir[1], axdir[2],
- ax0[0], ax0[1], ax0[2]);
- even_xform *= scanaxis_to_horz;
- even_xf = (const double *) even_xform;
- }
- // use this only if you want to see how the scanhead
- // moves, e.g., for color camera stuff
- Xform<double>
- CyberXform::set_and_get_geometric_xform(float screw)
- {
- Xform<double> xf = laser_to_scanaxis;
- xf.rot(SCREW_TO_ANGLE(screw),
- axdir[0], axdir[1], axdir[2],
- ax0[0], ax0[1], ax0[2]);
- xf *= scanaxis_to_horz;
- return xf;
- }
- Pnt3
- CyberXform::apply_xform(short y, short z)
- {
- if (y%2) {
- double invw =
- 1.0 / (odd_xf[7]*y+odd_xf[11]*z+odd_xf[15]);
- return Pnt3((odd_xf[4]*y+odd_xf[8]*z+odd_xf[12])*invw,
- (odd_xf[5]*y+odd_xf[9]*z+odd_xf[13])*invw,
- (odd_xf[6]*y+odd_xf[10]*z+odd_xf[14])*invw);
- } else {
- double invw =
- 1.0 / (even_xf[7]*y+even_xf[11]*z+even_xf[15]);
- return Pnt3((even_xf[4]*y+even_xf[8]*z+even_xf[12])*invw,
- (even_xf[5]*y+even_xf[9]*z+even_xf[13])*invw,
- (even_xf[6]*y+even_xf[10]*z+even_xf[14])*invw);
- }
- }
- void
- CyberXform::apply_xform(short y, short z, Pnt3 &p)
- {
- if (y%2) {
- double invw =
- 1.0 / (odd_xf[7]*y+odd_xf[11]*z+odd_xf[15]);
- p.set((odd_xf[4]*y+odd_xf[8]*z+odd_xf[12])*invw,
- (odd_xf[5]*y+odd_xf[9]*z+odd_xf[13])*invw,
- (odd_xf[6]*y+odd_xf[10]*z+odd_xf[14])*invw);
- } else {
- double invw =
- 1.0 / (even_xf[7]*y+even_xf[11]*z+even_xf[15]);
- p.set((even_xf[4]*y+even_xf[8]*z+even_xf[12])*invw,
- (even_xf[5]*y+even_xf[9]*z+even_xf[13])*invw,
- (even_xf[6]*y+even_xf[10]*z+even_xf[14])*invw);
- }
- }
- // used by CyberTurn...
- Pnt3
- CyberXform::apply_raw_to_laser(short y, short z)
- {
- Pnt3 p(0,y,z);
- raw_to_laser(p);
- return p;
- }
- // move a raw data point to the same coordinates as
- // the scan axis, project it to it, get a float
- // that expresses the point's position on axis
- float
- CyberXform::axis_project(short y, short z)
- {
- Pnt3 p(0,y,z);
- raw_to_scanaxis(p);
- return ((p[0]-ax0[0])*axdir[0] +
- (p[1]-ax0[1])*axdir[1] +
- (p[2]-ax0[2])*axdir[2]);
- }
- static double axis_proj_pos;
- static double scan_angle;
- // return the scr,y,z raw coordinates that would have
- // exactly scanned p_in
- // return false if the point is not within the viewing frustum
- // (can be in front or back of the actual working volume,
- // but not on the side)
- bool
- CyberXform::back_project(const Pnt3 &p_in, Pnt3 &p_out,
- bool check_frustum)
- {
- // the sequence of events:
- // * remove the transformation from horizontal translation
- // until the scan axis
- // * project the point p onto the scan axis (call that pa)
- // * can already check whether in working volume
- // (too far left or right, too far, too close,
- // although close one's can be used for carving)
- // * find the intersection of the laser plane with p
- // think about rotating not the plane but p
- // find where they intersect, from that get the
- // y,z coordinates, and also the rotation angle,
- // from which get the screw length
- // * calculate the rotation intersection by first
- // going from pa to laser plane,
- // then continue along the plane so far that
- // the distance from pa becomes the same as |p-pa|.
- float *p = &p_out[0];
- // * remove the horizontal translation, maybe also turn
- scanaxis_to_horz.apply_inv(p_in, p);
- // * project the point p onto the scan axis (call that pa)
- axis_proj_pos = ((p[0]-ax0[0])*axdir[0] +
- (p[1]-ax0[1])*axdir[1] +
- (p[2]-ax0[2])*axdir[2]);
- // within frustum?
- if (check_frustum &&
- (axis_proj_pos < axislimit_min ||
- axis_proj_pos > axislimit_max))
- return false;
- double pa[3],r[3];
- pa[0] = axis_proj_pos*axdir[0]+ax0[0];
- pa[1] = axis_proj_pos*axdir[1]+ax0[1];
- pa[2] = axis_proj_pos*axdir[2]+ax0[2];
- // r is pa to p
- r[0] = p[0]-pa[0];
- r[1] = p[1]-pa[1];
- r[2] = p[2]-pa[2];
- double r2 = r[0]*r[0]+r[1]*r[1]+r[2]*r[2];
- // find the intersection with laser plane
- // alpha = n.t - (is also distance of pa from laser plane)
- double alpha = (n_dot_t - (laser_n[0]*pa[0]+
- laser_n[1]*pa[1]+
- laser_n[2]*pa[2])) / n_dot_q;
- double alpha2 = alpha*alpha;
- if (r2 < alpha2) {
- cerr << "Really weird input to backproject!" << endl;
- cerr << "(too close to scan axis)" << endl;
- return false;
- }
- double beta;
- double tmp = sqrtf(alpha2*s_dot_q*s_dot_q - (alpha2-r2));
- if (vertical_scan) beta = -alpha*s_dot_q - tmp;
- else beta = -alpha*s_dot_q + tmp;
- // get the "rotated" point on the laser plane
- double rp[3];
- rp[0] = pa[0] + alpha*q[0] + beta*s[0];
- rp[1] = pa[1] + alpha*q[1] + beta*s[1];
- rp[2] = pa[2] + alpha*q[2] + beta*s[2];
- // get the y,z coords
- // don't need to calculate x because it should become 0
- tmp =
- 1.0/(toYZ[3]*rp[0]+toYZ[7]*rp[1]+toYZ[11]*rp[2]+toYZ[15]);
- p[1] =(toYZ[1]*rp[0]+toYZ[5]*rp[1]+toYZ[9]*rp[2]+toYZ[13])*tmp;
- p[2] =(toYZ[2]*rp[0]+toYZ[6]*rp[1]+toYZ[10]*rp[2]+toYZ[14])*tmp;
- // get the screw
- scan_angle = acos((alpha * (r[0]*q[0]+r[1]*q[1]+r[2]*q[2]) +
- beta * (r[0]*s[0]+r[1]*s[1]+r[2]*s[2]))/r2);
- // try to deal with slightly negative angles
- if (scan_angle > .75 * M_PI) scan_angle -= M_PI;
- p[0] = ANGLE_TO_SCREW(scan_angle);
- return true;
- }
- // return values
- // 0 not in frustum
- // 1 not fully in frustum
- // 2 possibly fully in frustum
- int
- CyberXform::sphere_status(const Pnt3 &ctr, float radius,
- float &screw,
- float ax_min, float ax_max,
- short ywin[2], short zwin[2],
- float swin[2])
- {
- // first, back project the center
- Pnt3 p;
- scanaxis_to_horz.apply_inv(ctr, p);
- axis_proj_pos = ((p[0]-ax0[0])*axdir[0] +
- (p[1]-ax0[1])*axdir[1] +
- (p[2]-ax0[2])*axdir[2]);
- // check whether in viewing frustum
- if (axis_proj_pos < ax_min - radius ||
- axis_proj_pos > ax_max + radius) {
- //cout << "wide " << radius << endl;
- return 0; // NOT_IN_FRUSTUM
- }
- double pa[3],r[3];
- pa[0] = axis_proj_pos*axdir[0]+ax0[0];
- pa[1] = axis_proj_pos*axdir[1]+ax0[1];
- pa[2] = axis_proj_pos*axdir[2]+ax0[2];
- // r is pa to p
- r[0] = p[0]-pa[0];
- r[1] = p[1]-pa[1];
- r[2] = p[2]-pa[2];
- double r2 = r[0]*r[0]+r[1]*r[1]+r[2]*r[2];
- double dist_axis = sqrt(r2);
- if (dist_axis > axisdist_far + radius) {
- //cout << "far " << radius << endl;
- return 0; // NOT_IN_FRUSTUM
- }
- // check whether can be fully in viewing frustum
- if (axis_proj_pos > ax_min + radius &&
- axis_proj_pos < ax_max - radius) {
- // can't be fully in frustum
- return 1;
- }
- if (dist_axis > axisdist_far - radius) {
- // can't be fully in frustum
- return 1;
- }
- Pnt3 bp;
- back_project(ctr, bp, false);
- // how much can we rotate laser plane and still hit sphere?
- // BUGBUG: not accurate at all...
- float alpha = asin(radius / dist_axis);
- swin[0] = scan_angle - alpha;
- swin[1] = scan_angle + alpha;
- if (swin[0] < 0 || swin[1] > M_PI * .75) return 1;
- // the corners of the working volume in laser coordinates
- // are
- // (-2.5, 142.4)
- // (143.2, 140.9
- // (-.3, 1)
- // (130.3, .4)
- // Bbox: [(-2.5, .4); (143.2, 142.4)]
- // convert the y,z to laser coordinates, in mm
- Pnt3 lzr(0,bp[1],bp[2]);
- raw_to_laser(lzr);
- // could the sphere be fully within the working volume?
- bounds_for_circle_on_laser_in_raw(lzr[1], lzr[2], radius,
- ywin, zwin);
- if (ywin[0] < CorrRowOffset*2 ||
- ywin[1] >= (CorrRowOffset+CorrNumRows)*2) {
- // can't be fully in frustum
- return 1;
- }
- if (zwin[0] < CorrZOffset) {
- //zwin[1] >= (CorrZOffset+CorrZSize)) {
- // can't be fully in frustum
- return 1;
- }
- swin[0] = ANGLE_TO_SCREW(swin[0]);
- swin[1] = ANGLE_TO_SCREW(swin[1]);
- // could be fully within frustum (for space carving purposes)
- screw = bp[0];
- return 2;
- }
- #if 0
- void
- main(void)
- {
- CyberXform xf;
- xf.setup(1, 1, 1, 1, 10, 10);
- xf.set_nod(10,20);
- SHOW(xf.even_xform);
- SHOW(xf.odd_xform);
- }
- #endif