- //############################################################
- //
- // RigidScan.h
- //
- // Kari Pulli
- // Mon Jun 29 11:51:05 PDT 1998
- //
- // An abstract base class for holding all the scanner specific
- // information of a complete scan.
- //
- // This class is meant to form an abstraction between the raw
- // (or minimally processed) data from various scanners and
- // the algorithms that are used to (at least)
- // o display the data for view planning, registration, etc.,
- // possibly using a limited polygon budget;
- // o determine a volumetric approximate model of the target;
- // o fit an accurate surface description of the target using
- // the range data;
- // o associate possible input color with scanned geometry.
- //
- // The logical unit is a single rigidly registered scan.
- // This can mean different things for different scanners.
- // o Cyrax: probably just a single scan.
- // o Cyberware custom statue scanner: it may include
- // dozens of scan sweeps as long as the base of the
- // scanner was not moved.
- // o Modelmaker the data from a single Faro position.
- // o Generic scanner: Any other scanner from which we
- // don't know much more than range maps.
- //
- //############################################################
- #ifndef _RIGID_SCAN_H_
- #define _RIGID_SCAN_H_
- #include <vector.h>
- #include <rope.h>
- #include "ResolutionCtrl.h"
- #include "TbObj.h"
- #include "Xform.h"
- #include "Pnt3.h"
- class VertexFilter;
- class MeshTransport;
- typedef unsigned char uchar;
- typedef enum { // The queried entity is (in the precedence order)
- OUTSIDE, // in front of data
- BOUNDARY, // intersects data
- SILHOUETTE, // partially behind data, does not intersect
- INSIDE, // behind data
- NOT_IN_FRUSTUM, // not in the view frustum of scanner
- INDETERMINATE // nothing is known (maybe missing data)
- } OcclusionStatus, OccSt;
- class RigidScan : public ResolutionCtrl, public TbObj {
- private:
- // inherit from ResolutionCtrl:
- // vector<res_info> resolutions;
- // int curr_res;
- // crope name
- // crope basename
- // crope ending
- //
- // inherit from TbObj:
- // Xform<float> xf;
- // Pnt3 rot_ctr;
- // Bbox bbox;
- public:
- RigidScan();
- virtual ~RigidScan() {}
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Data access methods
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- enum ColorSource { colorNone, colorIntensity, colorTrue,
- colorConf, colorBoundary };
- // perVertex: colors and normals for every vertex (not every 3)
- // stripped: triangle strips instead of triangles
- // color: one of the above enum values
- // colorsize: # of bytes for color: 1 = intensity,
- // 2 = intensity+alpha, 3 = rgb, 4 = rgba
- virtual MeshTransport* mesh(bool perVertex = true,
- bool stripped = true,
- ColorSource color = colorNone,
- int colorSize = 3) = 0;
- // scans that don't want to return a MeshTransport can render themselves
- // any way they want.
- virtual bool render_self (ColorSource color = colorNone);
- virtual int num_vertices(void);
- virtual void subsample_points(float rate, vector<Pnt3> &p,
- vector<Pnt3> &n);
- virtual RigidScan* filtered_copy(const VertexFilter &filter);
- virtual bool filter_inplace(const VertexFilter &filter);
- virtual bool filter_vertices (const VertexFilter& filter, vector<Pnt3>& p);
- virtual crope getInfo(void);
- virtual void flipNormals (void);
- virtual void computeBBox (void);
- virtual unsigned long byteSize() { return 0; }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Volume methods (space carving)
- // performed in world coordinates
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- virtual OccSt carve_cube (const Pnt3 &ctr, float side);
- virtual OccSt carve_sphere(const Pnt3 &ctr, float radius);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Point methods (registration, signed-distance function, ...)
- // a float return value is always confidence/weight [0,1]
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // for ICP registration:
- // returns
- // TRUE: closest point with normal withig 45 deg is within dThr
- // FALSE: isn't or that point is on boundary when not allowed
- virtual bool
- closest_point(const Pnt3 &p, const Pnt3 &n,
- Pnt3 &cl_pnt, Pnt3 &cl_nrm,
- float thr = 1e33, bool bdry_ok = 0);
- #if 0 // unused, never overridden, causes compile warnings
- // for something else...
- virtual float
- closest_point(const Pnt3 &p, Pnt3 &cl_pnt);
- virtual float
- closest_point(const Pnt3 &p, Pnt3 &cl_pnt, Pnt3 &cl_nrm);
- #endif
- // for volumetric processing
- virtual float
- closest_point_on_mesh(const Pnt3 &p, Pnt3 &cl_pnt, OccSt &status_p);
- virtual float
- closest_along_line_of_sight(const Pnt3 &p, Pnt3 &cp,
- OccSt &status_p);
- virtual float
- closest_along_line(const Pnt3 &p, const Pnt3 &dir,
- Pnt3 &cp, OccSt &status_p);
- virtual float
- color_along_line_of_sight(const Pnt3 &p, float rgb[3]);
- virtual float
- color_along_line_of_sight(const Pnt3 &p, uchar rgb[3]);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // File I/O
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- virtual bool read(const crope &fname);
- // is data worth saving?
- virtual bool is_modified (void);
- // save to given name: if default, save to existing name if there is
- // one, or return false if there's not
- virtual bool write(const crope& fname = crope());
- // for saving individual meshes
- virtual bool write_resolution_mesh (int npolys,
- const crope& fname = crope(),
- Xform<float> xfBy = Xform<float>());
- // for saving anything else
- // if you cut-and-paste these function delcarations to the .h file
- // for a subclass, don't copy the enum MetaData declaration
- // or the virtual function override will fail!
- enum MetaData { md_xform };
- virtual bool write_metadata (MetaData data);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Aggregation
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- virtual bool get_children (vector<RigidScan*>& children) const;
- };
- #endif /* _RIGID_SCAN_H_ */